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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 13

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~; .J~--;i URM!7SAY, APmR!l tth, 1m5 ?~E CA!IAD!AN SATZSMAN, BOWMÀIqVYLIz. ONTARIO W A P±P qwre 'VWV?'i 1 1 Irangea tours tnrougn the new Fooýte at previous elections, in- were vecy much impressed by the powems that be, that if this the architecture and beauty none highway isn't radically improv- haeexpressed a desime ta ne- ed he can look elsewhere forTh Lo main as permanent guests. bis support at next electon. Bet We are sorry ta iearn that that scares hlm!?? Mrs. Thompaon, mother of Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Eric Fallis af Keith Bradley, is not maki ng Miilbmook district were Sunday This is the hottest tracto: rapid progress in hospitai. cailers at the Ralph Malcolm's. International Utility IS I RI Sevenal canloada of men at- FAS RE IPE F0 tended the auction sale af Roy matched 3-point mouni FASTRELEF OR Jackson, Mrs. Art Rawan's B-250 is the tractor wn brother, of Little Britain-a sort af reprieve from baby sit- Powered with"economnicý ting snce it coincided with W. engine to cut your cos, Double Leather Sole Leather Heel o hrdyeeiga ienhtht aetenwI ronor Black Sizes 7 to il11U C E Malcoims witb a good attend- htht aetenw1 M Eance. Pat Wright was in charge the 3-point mounted too' * ct2orzof devotional. Business consist- C'nly ý U SLEed almost exclusively af ana- in weight transfer systei ~'"i 'PI J.7Jther discussion re the orgaîi, £ - with members divided into * three groups, those favoucing McPNan organ. a $1.000 organ, and * DAGGAGEthose who don't care either B^GGJ hn Stutt Rio0F vMriorvahy.~ 15KngS. .SH O ES i r. ad rs Vie Reed and boys BowmavilieMA 3539 Ithe Walter Wrights ard girls of j Blackstock. MANVERS STATION1 calendar, at home or at work,L Fed. Zone Director ~ partie:, weddings, holidays, u~ r o rd cr Fed. Zone Directorie ~sports, etc. and plan that youlb ra o rd cr wilhv something to wear for ail these occasions. 5 To. Meef in Durlham Desig el s edo.a mt Eect New (Jtficers Plans bIt the coming Zone in attendance from Durham sible to add much taste to little An executive meeting of colin, Donald Lowes, Eric Fallis, Directors' meeting of the Fed- were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Staples. money and achieve perfect cos-1 Durham County Hog Producers Leonard McNeil, Donald Sta- eration of Agriculture were Mrs. Bob Moffatt, ail of Orono, tuming. wvas held in Agricultural Ite- pies, lent moral support to made at the monthly directors and Mrs. Muriel Allun, Newcas- Always remember that bar- presentative E. A. Summers' neighbouring Peterborough Co- meeting of the Durham Federa- tle. mony, balance and pieasing office, in Bowmanvilie on April unty meeting held in Agricul- tion last Thursday in Black- The directors decided to in- proportions are necessary to 1, with more than 20 townshiP tural Representative FErank Pat- stock. vite the director of the Durham achieve attractive effects and directors in attendance. Rou- tersons office re Open Marke.t i -~ definite dates were set Farm Union to attend the next optical illusions which are flat- tine business was deait with. Campaign being waged there. 4~j??~gexpected that the meet- directors meeting of the Dur- tering can be produced by ciev- In fuue xectie etg 0fereste t aHo ro-th 1ý be held neathen ham Federation of Agriculture er use of lne, color, pattern will be held quarterly wtidcr ntecut r h m nh n Duh m C u -in the capacity as director. and texture. n x etn c e ue o olw n facts: 45-6 percent of e mth pisntDram Coun-r Due to a heavy agenda of It is always wise to choose around June 1. of Durham hogs are now going tyram Nith rthues andes- business the directors were kept the best you can afford in buy- It was decided to holdr two to open market. Durham Coun- terborough, Victoria, Hastings, busy until after midnight and ing garments that will have meetings in the east side of the ty stands 4-5th in this respect Prnc Ewad Lnnx d decided to hoid the re- hard wear and save on formais, County where there are the with high honosgi t dingon.ports from the commodýty etc., which are so apt to be out fewest ho s going to open mar- torla County for highest per- grops verto he extmee- o stle efoe tey re ornket, the irst at South Mona- centage. Overail percentage of 0f special interest ta the ing. out. ghan on Monday, April 15 at hogs on open market has jump- meeting was a report of the Concluding the evening was MissBuirke demonstrated her 8.30 p.m. with Chas. McGinnis ed from 8-9 percent to 23-24 happening at the special three- lunch served by the host and Ici and Jim Boynton as guest percent. day ntalo olk*Schol eldhosessfor he eetng lMeteso with pictures and pat- speakers; a meetng to be ar- If thîs percentage were rais- lat onhinUxrig. hoeand Mrs. Daiton Dorreli.rgh and le wrra isuonsyles ranged for later at Canton. ed to 60 percent we feel safe ]as moth n Ubrige.Thoe nd ed nfomaidisussonson Officers elected for 1957 are: In suggesting that the packing some of the personal problemns Past President, Leslie Taylor, industry wouid neyer have Te speke r as trd Burketon; President, Don Sta- been able to have forced the Som thi g o W arand thanked by the president of 1 Fafls,. Millbrook; 2nd Vice, more per cwt. in two weeks. -eloa Women's Institute Floyd Stinson, Yelverton; Sec- Highest number of hogs mar- ~u i ct l ou sebranch, Mrs. Thomas Jennings. retary, Howard Malcolm, Yel- keted through Lindsay Assem- 5sS b e t W .. C u s Lunch was served and a so.. verton: Treasurer, Bruce Tay- biy point per any week approx- flethany: The Extension Ser- planning arnd budgeting, said ciai hour enjoyed. lor, Enniskillen. imately 795, with Durham vices for the Homemaker ar- Miss Burke. A carefuliy plan-- On Thursday evening Messrs. County having contributed 100 Floyd Stinson, Howard Mai-, hogs. ranged by the Women's Insti- ned and well co-ordinated ward- tute branch and Home Econ- robe wili provide something to O RS omics service of the Ontario wear for every occasion. Department of Agriculture, a A smait woman wiîî plan a Sunday School was heid atM .H t p e p o n e Wear was conducted in Beth- utlirwyolfe Consider were 46 present. The Super- D el g t o F lc S h o suit hecwayof 1f..intendent, Mrs. Fred McConnell,, any April 1 what you do and where you go; conducted the session. Mary e egS h o Miss Dorothy Burke of To- where you live, what is your Beckett assisted Mrs. Helen Mc- A Folk School for Ontario day ta give leadership in topecs ronto was the guest speaker type: vhat size should you Hoîm with the music. and Durham Counties wvas heldsc's"h oe ol wardrobe planning, have; what clothes you wil O auraApi13th an. recently east of Uxbridge in and You" and "Relleving An inadequate wardrobe is need to b uy. . . now and later. Easter Tea with musical pro- the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Stress." the resuit of the iack of careful Th en consider what is on your grami wiil be heid at 3 p.m. in Laurence Doble. The thirteen This was once a ieading beef- - the Sunday Schooi. The pro- participants, who were frolTi producing area while now, ow- ceeds are for the Mission Band widely separated communities in ing to industrial expansion, rershsAuxiliary. the two Counties, report an en- whoîe milk is the primary agri- refrshesA trousseau tea was held on joyable and worthwhile S chool cultural product,1" stated Mr. H. Wednesday afternoon, April 3md, under the leadership of M- .L Fair when introducing the at the home of Mrs. E. Wilson Victor Morrow, provincial field- topic "fammi Economy in the Invigorates in honour of her daughter, Er- mani, and Miss Beatrice McLean County.'" Latest available s'a- \vina. A number of friends from of the County Committee. tistics show that 85 percent ýof 7 Oshawa, Port Hope and Morrish A variety of topics, in keep- the farms a e ownec occupied ~ ,khfl-,;hAnjgif were present. After a dainty À (f W "JJ.tJ4C VWU.J. tea served by Miss Wilson's ing with the general theme i and that the average farm (2,- p associates from Oshawa, the 'Getting To Know Ourselves", 100 of the 3,300) is 140 acres. guets er taen psair whrewere discussed. In the openlng The Federation of Agricul- gtshee akloen usftas were s ession Thursday evening, op- ture in North and South On- display. Other friends unable inions were exchanged as ta the tai and in Durham County ta be present earlier came dur- seven basic emotions. They suppomted the Folk School fi1- ingtheeveing an moe gftswere listed as being, fear, dis- nancially. and co ennguatindwmoe sogufstwneagr eeto Delegates named ta the pro- rè an~erd congrtthbido- e. ea- elati ondnd afeion. tonvincial Folk School Council are ere onthebrie-o-b. Ta_ latonandaffctin.Mrs. C. Ashenhurst of Ux- cup reading rounded out a very Mr. J. D. Parks, Executive Di- bridge, Miss B. McLean of merry get-together. rector of the Ontario Division Greenwood, and Mr. M. H. Sta- Mrs. George Harness spent of the Mental Health Associa- pies of Orono. last week in Memorial Hospital, tion, came from Toronto Fn ____________ Bowmanvilie, where she under- went a minor operation. Mrs. In 1939 tax payments per Harness is now at home and YELVLIiIUi' family in Canada averaged out after a few days rest wiil, we ta less than $300 a year; current trust, be up and around as On Friday evening despite in- figure is about $2,000. usual. clement weather and road cor- Under the Canadian constitu- TRY THE GOODNESS OF The social evening was held ditions a fair crdwd turned oýt tion the provincial and fedemali at the home of the Marvins. 0w- for the Famiiy Clubs last cr0- legislatures must meet a t ieast1 ing ta the inclement weather kinoie party of the season. P~ar- once a year. the attendance wvas smailer than ticularly welcome was Mr. Les weeplayed. The usuai prizes who was rewarded for braving wer given for bigh and low the elements by the refeshments were served at the ing Master Dale Stinson with M ilk end ofa very pleasant evening. whomn he was tîed. Marjori .4, Phon MA3-544 or elieryGuests, from Morrish attend- Stinson took top honours for ___________________________________________Wilson and Mr. William McKay Lamna Wilson and Ed Lawson y Rasmussen at Oshawa on Satur- Approximately $8.00 was real - ~ . . day, April 6th, were Mrs. Wm. ized for the club. A toucb cf McHolm, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd levity was introduced with the Marvin, daughter Joan, Miss serenading of Miss Emi Henders M. Beckett and Mrs. F. Cornish, on hem birthday. Port Hope. Joan was soloist Yelverton was represented duning the wedding ceremony at the monthly meeting of the a &uand Mrs. Wm. McHolmn elocution- Durham Federation of Agricul- ist during the reception. ture held Thursday evening at Morrish W.A. catered for the the Dalton Darreli's of Black. turkey dinner. About 30 guests stock. One commendable mo- wece present from Oshawa, tion of the evening culminat- Toronto, Barrie and Peter- ing from previaus meetings was Give borough. We offer .hearty con- the extending to the Farmers' . Give gratulations ta the happy couple Union Diectar of Durham and wish them evemy biessing County as representative of that ~1 ** ~through the coming years. -body an invitation ta attend Di- i~fiiu w ri~rector meetings as full-fleciged dîrector on the Federation-an PONTYPOOL initial step we hope in bringing these two groups together as a from Several from here attended team ta co-operate for the best8M PHONEMA 35778BtheAVIL Sam aEd o thr ofAetdrte- Jîmmy f KermerLts bas een ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ knWnb hece, hin bee ar car-An spe aey co le se n eo tta a r "-- lie. edy was eyla r tnd LstNormnyWilsoit oib ss - .,, clreaoes o weate h eb ai Emma Hendrs were Mm Clnan JU R Y wre a bt. Anoher of 1ene ra nd in sEa P rr ogh ouarsoldeat i ife- ngedetbaBlcsck Nesilelon Station Mms. L. Langfeld attended the Convention af the Canadian Restaurant Association in the Automotive Building at the Mo- ton Show, Tononto, on Monday iast. Hec summer assatant, Mrs. Walter Bail, accompanied hem and was the lucky winner of the $100 luggage pnize. Congra- tulations! Mrs. Mildned Colley and Mca. Marguerite Caapo, bath ai Tù- monta Teachers' Coilege, stayed last week with Mr. and Mms. T. Langfeld wbile teaching at Bethany. Mr. and Mra. Fritz Rykant and family moved iast week ta Carrying Place wbeme they bave purchased a farm. John Mappin la home follow- ing a tonsiliectomy in Port Per- ry Hospital last week. Frienda trust this will mean much bet- ter heaith for John. Mc. andi Mrs. David Johns had the four Mappin children at their home whiie John was in hoapital and Hilda workng in Lindsay. Mr. and Mra. Robert Rhodes were Wednesday guests and [Mr. and Mca. Henry Trick ai ILindsay, Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. George Boweca. Misses Gwen and Eunice Wil- son were home avec the week- end and spent part of the time wvith Miss Ruby Morrow, Bow- manvilie. Mms. Herman Samelîs neturned ta Toronto with the Wilson girls for the week. Mr. Wm. Lamb spent a few days with bis daughter, Mrs. Cecil Wilson. We trust the bright warm days wiil bring stmength ta him and other shut-in fnienda of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son wece guests ai Mn. and Mns. John Slemon and enjoye:d the W.M.S. Service with in- teresting talk and slides on Newfoundiand at the evening chunch service. Several local men are laying hardwood flooring in the front bedrooms of the Pnesbyterian Manse. Mn. Jas. Harris procur- ed matcnials foc the membema of the Ladies Aid who bear the expenses. Mn. and Mns. Findlay Pollard of Unionville were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. James Harris. Salvage Drive To Aid Scouts Bethany: The Ladies' Guild af St. Paul's Cburch were enter- tained at the home of Mrs. Ru- pert Wood on Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Morgan Bigelow pre- siding and Mrs. G. E. Meade leading the devotions. The group are co-operating in a salvage drive in aid of the Part Hope Boy Scouts, April 27. Citizens are asked ta bave their newspapers. cardboard contain- ers, coat hangers and pop bottles neady and they will be cailed for. Plans were outlined ta cater for a wedding in June. Following the closing prayers, a social balf boum was enjoyed with lunch aemved by the hostess, assisted by Mca. H. F. Rayson, Mca. Emory Smith and Mrs. Hector Morton. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 tNATIONAL 2-3-PLOW 250 UTI LIlY west-Priced D*iesel in Canada et r news in '57. The 2 - 3-plow ;HERE-with a fulll une of ied tools. The sensational ited by fanmers everywhere. -a direct-starting DIESEL sts all-ways on every job. .-easy features as 3-point, H1 matched implements (or Is, you already own)-built- nim which matches traction tothe load-hydraulic control-differential locks disc brakes-low silhouette tor look-ahead farming -and many more practical aids. YOU BE THE JLDDGE!1 See the B-250. Put a B-250 ta work in your own fieldaI aur expense. Prove 8-250 power, performance, features and value. Don't wait, but give us a cail today for a prove- ta-yourself demonstration of the alI-new International B-250 Utilty-todaoy's tractor for dallar-wise farmersa Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 International Harvester. Company ofi Canada Limited The caoing stops with the honeymoon but the biliing goes on foreven. Mr. Allan Johnston, Windsor, spent the weekend witb his par- ents, Mr. and Mns. Alfred Mma. Eanl Argue was elocu- tianist at the Cavan choir con- cert held in Cavan United Church on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hanmy Rogers,' just retumned from a holiday in Flanida. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor, Bren- da and Larny, ail of Lindsay, and Miss Lila Davis, Bethany, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson. Mrs. Frank Derusha and Mur- ray, visited friends in Toronto durin the week. 'M.and Mms. Win. McGiil and chiidcen, Barrie, spent iast week %vith Mrs. W. Bradley. Mn. and Mns. W. N. Porter and Vemna, attended the "Hol- iday On Ice" show in the Mem- anial Centre, Peterborough, on Friday nigbt. It was a splendid performance, similan ta the Ice Capades but on a smallen scale. A littie'3-year-old girl, daugh- ter of one ai the skaters, cap- tured the heants of evenyone in ber Bunny Rabbit number. Mrs. Sid Powers visited ber daughten, Mms. Wm. Shepherd, in Peterborough on Satumday, wbile hem sister-in-law, Mms. Laura Homnen stayed with hec mother, Mis. Jas Powers, wha Is confined ta bed with a bcok- en bip.1 - demand accurate planting McCORMICK 'PLANTERS For HiII-Drop, Check -und Drill Planting With a new McCormick you'll speed up your job and b. positive you are planting full stands, with topnotcb accuracy, for top yields. 2, 4 or 6 row trailing mnodels - 2 or 4 row Fast-Hitch models. A size with equipment for every need, for every soul condition, every planting practice! Rugged and precision-built ta stand up under the strain of modern high-speed aperation. Prove the dependability af a McCor- mick planter with a demonstration on your own farm - YOU BE THE JUDGE. lCOWAN Equipment Co. TIM CAMADUN sTATESMAN. Bom4A"ffLE. ONTARIO 19YAnr- TMI T-%lFm

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