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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 14

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PAG.E FOURTEn At Town Meeting idealistie concepts when they A are divergent fromn the self ish I a v r u s i n nations of the LLN. Canadam ine s Q es i n Dr. ercy Vivan L iticzes this regard has thrown over herinc rease in H. S. Rate D r. ercy Vivi n Crtici es wealth ta no one's apparent The regular monthly meeting accounted for the jump from benefit, except Mr. Nasser's. of Manvers Municipal Council. $13,771.46 in 1956. Flood Produce Market lwas held on Aprîl 2nd, with alj Moved by Malcolm, seconded If the present goverriment is members. present and Reeve1 by Brown, that the Township of The coming federal election was the suicide death of the "Is about time we had a! of the Canadian people why are 1 Moved by Jakeman, seconded allotted to the Township of willnot e a opuarit conest anaian mbasadorta gypt few straghtorwad anwers aby thatiss theedinownshaipy ofl ManversTowshiyothenvCounttheyoofy o iVi- Wil t e adid art on atyest erCa Nadin rmans s toE gypat, few t ih tfoar an sw xers difficult position with farm Manvers purchase from Charles, toria in the matter of the Vi- prieseen tcad ate and prt - He rib t es inman rthost a th ff h eai r tmt o E te-produce from the States being Preston two-thirds of an acre of toria County High School Area pro ise b u a att r o pr n- e c ntr b ut s i p a t t th ' n l A fai s."a llo w e d ta flo o d th e a lre ad y ]a n d , a t a p ric e o f $ 15 0 .0 0 * th e ! fo r th e 195 7 le v ie s. ciple, Dr. Percy Vivian, Pro- Department of External Affairs. fWhv did Britain withdraw crowded Cnd akt onhpo avr aýt1I a informto ed ading te gressive Conservative candidate Why should a United Stares from the Suez without first i- rCuuanaianmr t . Towgh nship of a nce r ntaeec i nfaoremto ed adiabhe t for Durham, told the Bowman- sub committee be allowed ta sa forming Canada and why is the giulua prsalhuhand maita Tisfence ar onhe seurent o h aiu vilePrgrssv Cnsrvtiedistress the late Mr. Norman 1 US. Senate aalwed ta tke flot ietyacnr oth as the site for municipal shed1 municipalities in the High School Association at the Balmoral Ho- with accusations of havfrîg corn- cracks at aur ambassadors? i Department of External Affairs a pca etn ed1Ae nodrt eoemr tel Thursday. munist tendencies that ultimate- In answver ta bis own *ques- pointed out.eiul. familiar with the probiem. "The principie being,' he ly resulted in bis death, he ask- tion he replied, "The situation Driindsged wt The following communications, On motion of Malcolm and said, "that we have a govern- ed. hasDso deteriorated that it i mentwhih hs ben n pwerBes Ineretsa eteofa ost ca Bitain the government's taxation and were received and read: Victoria McGill, the Clerk was instructed mentwhih hs ben i poer Bst nteest? soewht o a lst aus Br t î tgbt money policy as an anti- County re debenture levy of ta place an ad. in the Daily Com- too long and bas become dicta- The Department of External could not possib]y tell us hée- $981677for195; ighScholmerialNes, alngtener torial that unless a re-adjust- Afar.ssposdt ersn cause we are becoming a chore- infainr esr. "o Area Board, re ievy oZ $10,034.98; 1 for the crusbing and delivering men mae. e re hrogh he intre ssd t e boyfor am."cant control inflation by mon-. meti ae eaetruhtebest ineet f teÇa- bo fo Uncle Sam. H.E.P.C.. re five transfers of of 5,000 cu. yds. of gravel any- with parliament as we know ada pepeifoinafirBlnc Wee etary means alone," he pointed rrlhvdro service: Ont. Hos- where within the Township on a it.,, adia people i foreign ffairs Baance Whej out, "but it must also be hand- fltraeiiralndrth upr he pointed out and added, 'II Whereas Canada wvas once a, led fiscaîîy." pîtal, Cobourg, re Hospital Week,fitrebasudrheup- Dr. Vivian feit that the Lib- wonder if we have such a balan(e ,hcel between Bitain He charged that high corpor- Apr 28 mta heay 3d; mthiy nisintofthe gRovlad Suerin- erals witb their overwhelming Department after seeing a Car.- and theUie ttsD.V-reotfo hc.Dra enet h rvlt e rnajrit hav taenr' lieralandhie it Staes r. i- ation taxes are throttling indus- Health Unit; Dept. of Municipal crush and work ta be completed maortyhvetaenalieriadian citizen being bumiliated vian pointed out that the spokcs trial growth and the.excessive Affairs, re the method of appîy- by July 15, 1957. dictatorial stand which wîll ta such a degree." of this wheel have bent. "Can- incarne taxes are stifling per- ing the unconditional graiît Moved by Jakeman, seconded hae evsttig eslt i a- Another humiliating position ada as enjoyed a positin Of sonal initiative ta earn more whereby it will require two dif- by Malcolm, that Mr. Sam Kill- lowed ta continue, for Canada in external affairs seniority and prominence in th- money. ferent miii rates for the generai an be apponted Spray Operator The Department of External occurred when Canada was British Commonwealth but this Misused Surplus levy; Dept. of Agriculture, re the1 for the Warble Fly Program for Affairs, excessive taxation and asked ta police the Middle East position is being jeopardized os- Sho o abeFyIsetr 97a 5 e edfrec the government's failure ta act during the Suez crisis. A nobe peciallv in Canadia's uec uliar Wt hefdeaisr lus Ptcoo o ghWarb LeF indspay. 97 t1cprhedfrec Jn the best interests of the Can- idea he commented but Canada affiliation with the United Na- aounting ta at least 500 nii- atPeterboough anaLindsa. spray adian people were ail probed by could not muster sufficient tions." 1 lion dollars Dr. Vivian asked Accounts were received from byMved y Jak teap second Dr. Vivian. troaps for the means of trails- "The U.N. is a wonderful idea, wby it isn't put ta some bene- the foliowing: United CountiesbyMcilhateRev an 0f deep concern ta the doctor porting them.bti ae iet eeo iiluescasnraedl f-DRR. Edmunds, EatTes be autborized. ta sign age pensions and family allow- Huycke and three sehool us cheques for the foiiowing ac- aneeuaino h ee-1iti .requi-counts: ance, eucaton r th deel- itons Treas. Road Voucher No. 4, opmnent of naturai resources. The By-Law, appainting Mr., $863.28;- Ewart Huycke, Assist- "We have a tight money pal- Ralph Malcolm, Assessor for the i ing Assessor, $75.00, United icy for everything except Ottta- Township of Manvers, was given1 Counties of N. & D., Hospitaliza- wa spending. We have thou- the three necessary readings. Itin$7.3R..Ed nsil sand of ollrs t gie tathe The matter of the Maintenance $11 .50; S.S. No. 7, Treas., sebool United States for a pipeline but and Debenture (High School j money, $500.00: S.S. No. 5, nothing towards deveientrlrsucs oping9 Area) levies for 1957, amounting 1 Treas., schooi money, $200.00; thMartr es. urcsof the ta a combined sumn of $19,851.75; S.S. No. 14, Treas., school money, Mariimes" Icame in for considerabie discus-' $600.00; R. Davidson, on sal. acc., Tfine for a Change sion. Due ta increased aperating $150.00. Dr. Vivian feit that the expense, an extension ta the Moved by Jakernan, seconded people of Canada are dissatis- present schoois and an increase by Malcolm, that the meeting *fied and are looking for a'i h mutofassmn oadjourn until May 7th, 1957, at change. The Conservatives, he ho borne by Manvers Township! 1 p.m. D.S.T. believed, are presented with the best opportunity ta do for the whole of Canada what they W .O fc r lce have accomplished in Ontario, W . O f l c e Nova Scôtia and New Bruns- .. . ... . .... . .... . ...Reewick. ta the 1911 feder-l A t N estieton M eeting elcinwben the Liberal un- der Laurier supported by a Nestieton Women's Institute the election of officers and Mrs. soiid Quebec block iost the eiec- met in the basement of the Un..A Maieedth fooin Ne PneOdurtion, Dr. Vivian stated, IIt sted Church on Wednesday fAoffcie rs tfo 195-1958 41-oz. pk,& ~~~ysiate of fiesfr15-98 III tbink we are going ta ing with President Mrs. Mal- President, Mrs. R. Davison; lst C win but only by continuance colin Emerson in the chair and Vice President, Mrs. W. G. Sp ic & S an 7 4 iof tbe work af each group in splendid attendance. Bowles;, 2nd Vice President Sirnoiz - Non-euffThe electing of a Progressive were read and bills presented. Miss R. Proutt; Assistant Sec.- Simni -... onScffPint tin Conservative governiment Dr.j Mrs. Bruce Heasip sent a gen- Treas., Mrs. C. Wilson: Pianist, i/ ax* -Vivian stated could bring about erous $10 donation ta the funds Mrs. L. Malcolm; District Direc- <Oma restoration of Canada ta irs and $15 receiveal tram the re- tor, Mrs. H. Vine; Directors, Liquid W a place of dignity and ta its place centiy tinisbed Dresden Plate Mrs. J. Farder, Mrs. J. Hoyc-r, in the Commonwealth and the ouilt. We were reminded of the Mrs. W. Steel; Auditors, Mi,. - best interests of the Canadian Officers' Conference in May, B. Heaslip, Ms-s. G. Thompson.' ia e l a bcitizen would be considered. alsa the Provincial Convention Standing Committee Can- ________________ in6ttawain Ocober.Arran e yners r.vtzni in Otawa i 6ctooz. Ajugge - pn - - ~~3£ IL EF3r4* DN V I'.WMAN VEL.LE. ONT AIO Ti~~A ~T 1ê~ Ceau Sweep - Sturdy - 4-String Brooms each 79c Johnson's - Super Quart tin Hard Gloss Glo-Coat M M 99C Hawes' Pas! e Wax *- Mi-1b. tin 49C -iTsDle Lenf Select Quality BANANAS Lu scious, Vine-ripened CANTALOUPE Tre esweet Orange Juice Florida - 48-oz. tin 35c1 Paramount Fancy Cohoe Salmn ý,"s tin 36c ]Red & White Coffees -New Low Price ARLY RISER, lb.- 89c ULNT MARY'S, lb. 97c tED & WHITE, lb. 1.05 reakfast PRUNES, 2-lb. cello ibby's COOKED SPAGHETTI 20-oz. tin 2 for raf t CHEEZ WHIZ, 8-oz. jar 'eston's SALTINES, Individual 20-oz. pack irds Eye Frozen Fc ,RANGE JICE, 6-oz. tin- 2 for 37c 5c off 12-oz. tin Bulldog - Mediumn - Coarse* Fine lStwelàn WooI n* 2 pkgs. 23c Garden Fresh Produce Texas - New Spring'- 20-oz. pkg. Lb. 13c CARROTS 2ror 23c Mild, Sweet, Genuine - Junmbo size SPANJSH ONIONS Ea. lOc Flavorful, Mild - Extra LargeSjer ~*2cHohoseCCU BERS Ea. 21c Qualuty Meats Swift's Premjum - Grade A - Tender Grown O'ven Ready - 2 to 3 lb. average Chickens l.43c Fresh Pork Roasts Tenderloin Portion 3'/2-1b. avg. r"- 57c Centre Culs - - » - Lb. 69C Swift's Dutch Lunch SALAICHUBSL. 9 -ISwift's Premium 1-lb. pkg.79 37c1 BREAKFAST BACONY 39C OLD DUTCH CL EANSER 2 tins 27e 9CLongdon's DISH CLOTHS, pkg. of 2 -- 25e 3cSPRING CLOTHES PINS, 36 pins -- 25e General Electrie COLORAMÎC BULBS, 29c Pink. Blue, Gold, Green, each -.33c 'ods GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 6-oz. tin 2 for 33e SPINACH, l2-oz. pkg. - -23c Bethany W.I1. Tours. Prison Members of the Wamen's In- stitute enjoyed a conductee tour tbrough the new Retorm- atory at Milibrook on Wednes- day. Others from the village joined with them in making up Ia party of oves- 50 in the after- noon. and another group in the fevening. The architect, Mr. Ed. fBarnett was present and ex- piained the details of construc- tion and said this was the oniy Jmaximum security prison ini Canada. "It is designed for psycbopa- fthic patients and there wilI be elaborate hospital fclte whee teycan be fal test fed. Those in charge will be' closely affiliated with the me- dical faculty of the Universityi of Toronto. Consultng physi-1 c ans wiil be called in from1 time ta time. Ail the latest re-1 medies will be used and it is hoped that many of them will ibe e ured." fWednesday was the last day visitars were allowed ta se tb rough this institution, ai- tbougts Construction Superin- tendent McGee said he could flot Igive any definIte date an which the Reformatory would BETHANY Mr. Enos H. Raymer is at iM arkbam visiting with his fdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lin- Mr. Edgar Stapies, who has spent the winter montbs in Pe- terborough has now returned ta bis home in the village. His many friendts are wishingi a speedy recovery ta Mr. Cephas Staples, wbo is a patient in Ci- vic Hospital, Peterborough. Miss Gayle Bristow, Peter- borough, spent the weekend i witb ber mother, Ms-s. Hlliard 1 Bristow. Mr. Jack Neais, who under- 1went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, last jwe eic, is reported as making good progress.9 jDr. J. j. Hamilton and Clay- ton Brown appeared on CHLX television program Tuesday night, speaking in the interests of the Lancer bociely and their current drive for funds. Mr. and Mrs. H. lVlMahon and Mss C. Cooper, Peterbor- ough, were guests with Mrs. Ina Palmer on Friday. Miss Hazel Maicolmson, who bas been a patient if Civic Hospital, Peterborough, is now convalescing at ber homne. The Lades' Good Luck Lodge held a successfui progressive euchre party if the Orange Hall on iriday nigbt with fine tables of players. Prizes for hîgh score went ta Mrs. H. McMahon qf Peterborough, and Harold IÇîncaide. Consola- tion prizes ta Mrs. Williamn Joi- dan and George Sco,.t. Thej lucky door prize was won by Addison Scott. The ladies plan a similar event for April 18-,1. which will wind up the season. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slater, Who have been visîting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan for sex oral weeks, left for their home in Finnie, Sask., on Moaà M T H C H A T E R E B A N S S E V I N G Y O U R C O M MN IT mont wee mde t atendEducation-Mrs. Cecil Wilson; the District Executive meeting Home Economics and Heaith - in Mapie Grave on April 30. A Mrs. H. McLaugbiin; Agrricul- drive for the Cancer Fund was ture* and Canadian Industries-- made with ail members con- Mrs. H. Vine; Community Acti- tsibuting. vites and Public Relations - The District Annual Is ta be Ms-s. W. Jackson: Historical Re- beld in Nestleton Presbytes-an search and Current Events - Churcb. Ms-s. Cecil Wilson and Mrs. M. Emes-son; Sunshine Miss Ruth Proutt will register Committee-Mrs. G. Johns, Mss the delegates and Mrs. M. Emer- E. Sues, Mrs. G. Thompson;: son weicame the visitîngy Insti- Group Leaders - Mesdames G. tutes, menu planning ta be de- Johns, E. Sues, G. Bowes-s, M. cîded at the May meeting. The Fisher, J, Hayes- and A. M. financial report showed a good Beacock. balance as sead by the Secrc- The setiring president thank- tas-y, Miss Ruth Ps-outt, and Mrs. ed ail offices-s for theis- help in G. Thompson submitted the au- the coming yeas- and invited the ditor's report. incomîng President, Mrs. R. Da- Twenty members and two vison, ta take the chair. Ms-s. visitors answes-ed the rail cali, Davison thanked the retis-îng 'The subject I liked best and officers who had carried on sa the on e I liked least at school". well, welcomed the new and Ail wes-e asked ta comment on boped for a pleasant and wos-th- the day's motta: "To make aur while yeas- ahead. lives wth others blend, we first The mattes- of a delegate ta of ail must be a fsiend." Guelph Offices-s' Confes-ence was Splendid reports sevewing the tabied and the Extension ser- year's accamplishments were vie a e decided at the May pres-ented by the Standing Com- meeting. Mrs. Vine was ap- mittee Conveners. Mrs. K. Sain- pointed ta canvene the Salada euls and Mrs. A. Mackie wece Tea Layette project for the Dis- the Nom!ýating Committee anîd trict Annual. seceived a heas-ty ciap for theis-Ms-s. W. G. Bowles offes-ed good wos-k. ber home for the May meeting 38 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5438 Mrs. K. Sameils presided for with Mrs. M. Emes-son as co- ELIZABETH VILLE WlT. Meeting On Wednesday the Women's Instîtute met at Mrs. Russell White's home. About 15 ttendcý ed. The meeting was Qnït by President Mrs. H. Qlnrill. Mrs. McAllister acted as secre- tary as our regular secretary, Mrs. Wheeler, wis unable ta attend. Mrs. James Robinson gave a report on the executive meeting which was held ta plan the district annual, ta o i14 hostess. There will be the us- ual sale of plants and bulbs and the rail caîl will be "What I find most interesting in In- stitute wark". The' day's motta is "'Tis the sang you sing and the smiie yau wear that the sunshine everywhere"l. Mrs. W. Jackson, convenor af Cam- munity Activities will ho in charge of the pragram and Mrs. G. John's group comprîsing., Mesdames L. Malcolm, W. Jck- son, J. Watson, G. Johns and Mrs. Emerson invited the an electrie iron to our recent members ta ber home an the fire victims, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- evnn f April i5th ta plan diner. Mrs. Gardiner is our teprograms, saîd programs ta scbool teacher. It was also de- be approved at the May meet- cided ta have next meeting at ing and ready for printng di- tbe basement, TQLrs. H. Mul- rectiy the new District officers drew's group ta be in charge of are elected at the District An- the lunch. Mrs. Howard White nual. After the payment of dues gave a reading on facts about Mrs. Emerson expressed h2r aur flac. Mrs. MeAlîster gave a personal thanks ta the Vice reading on the Vanstone Miil Presdents for their help through at Bowmanville. Lunch was the year and made a plea for served by Mrs. Thickson's group. ail members ta encourage aur Mrs, Maggie Oland has been new President. real poorly lateiy. Mrs. Adelbert Beaèock's group Miss Eva Trew bas returned served a dainty lunch with home atter spending a week in everyane of one accord that it Milibrook Rest Home. was a most successful after- Mr. and Mrs. MWheeler were noon. An apron for attaching in Peterborough visiting Mr. maney patches started the Gea. Hamilton who is in th--ý rounds of the members, begin- hospital. Mrs. Cirra Sheppard ning the new Institute year. accompanied thern and visited Mrs. Hayes- extended the tbanks Mrs. Beche. of the meeting ta the bostesses Mr. and Ms-s. H. Quantril an d ail who provided the pleas- were in Peterborough Thurs- ant social bous-, day. rgýHIGGON ELECTRIC> .I Roundup BIGOiGBIG at HIGGONS ... WE ALLOW YOU; s60-00 ON YOUR OLD WASHER <Regardless of condition) On This Brandi New EASY cS$mra la t o r Spiralator Washing Action prefes-red by W ASHERoAer three milli9ii (Wlth Automatlc Pump> womeii! WASHER A S r oi* Full Skirt Styllng ILLUSTRATEJI 209 .50 LESS TR.ADE-IN 60.00 Pump.Auoti You Pa OnIy Super Safety ay9@ Wringer. 154 50 Easy-Rail Castors Limited j v I bank accounf -and a purpose for saving They work as a team, yet eaçh has his own reason for saving, bis own dollar objective, his own pace in achieving it. A bank account takes care of ever type of saving need. You can start with any amount you wish, add to it at any timne you choose, kcep on as long as you like. Last year almost 500,000 new deposit accaunts were opened with the chartered banks, making a total of nearly 10,500,000. The owners of these accounts know that a bank accaunt offers the simplest, safest, most convenient nicans of safeguarding and accumnulafing funds. I c TI - 'j r I Liquid De! ergent Hg omnvilectricMA3-43 1Hib hPortion E, AI Ri Bi Li Ki w' Bi .TH CH RTEED AN SaEVe tabnk mllons do.MMNl THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVIUL MAPLE GROVE ORONO E Yeo's 'Marketeria, -Maple Grove Groceteria - Cornisi-,Marketeria a 1 a 1 t TRE CAMADYAN l.qTA"-ItUAM y 38 King St. E. Old Washer 1 ,3ý'2'-Ib. average Lh. 47c y-t'. 69C Both have a

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