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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 15

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?N~R8DAT, APRIL !ith, 105? TEE CANADYAN STAT!SMAPT. EOWMA2q'v!LLE. ON'rAmo PAGE T!1TNE1~ Present Annual Trophies At Town League Banquet kMoZe than 50 members of 'ýowntppgue hockey teams at- tender'e annual Town League Hockey Banquet and Trophy Presentation Night held at the Balmoral Hotel, Saturday. Everyone enjoyed a delicious dInner after which the trophies were awarded.. The league ex- br-%'ecommittee were re-elect- %y' i.'j/ffice for the coming seas- 0.'In addition each team elect- eda representative to the com- mnittee. Fred Cole was unanimously chosen as Chairman, Roy Secord as Secretary-Treasurer. Howard Quinney will represent New- castle on the committee, Jack Baker, Miller's Taxi, Bill Nemis, Courtice, and Bob Williams, Front Street. i Receives Trophy Jack MeNulty, donor of the 'Town League Hockey Trophy, Presented Buck Cowle, captain cf the championship team, with a Fan Beits Win Local 189 Hockey Trophy Fan Belts regstered a 6-4 up- set over the Office in a suddc'n- death encaunter at Memorial Arena Sunday afternoon, ta capture the Goodyear Mercan- tile Hockey League titie and Win the Local "189" Trophy. Mort Richards sparked the Win for the Fan Belts by scor- ing three of their goals, while Clint Ferguson starred with a pair. Jim Levitt tallied the win- nng mnarker for them in the final periad. Archie Crossey, Don Masters, ]Bob Fairey and Reg Willetts netted singles for the Office team. The league will bç holding, their annual banquet at the Elmhurst Hotel in Newcastjle, Baturday, April 27. f substitute trophy. The regular -trophy has been damaged and is epresently being repaired, Mr. iMcNulty said. LI Members of the Champion- ship team include; Don Childs, sBuck'Cowle, Lloyd Hamilton, sDon Masters, Irv Brooks, Dan- *ny Gîrardi, Larry Chant, Tim - Cox, Jack Baker, Bud Perfect, Mervin Brooks, George Heath, -Bob Guthrie, Ted Rogers. Buck Cowle was also present- ed wîth the High Scoring Trophy. The presentation was made by Roy Secord. Larry Chant also presented ta Buck Cowle the puck with which he scored the *200th goal. *Fred Cole* presented each of the members of the championship team with an engraved tropby. *Jack Miller presented Don Childs of Miller's Taxi with a special award. The award was for Don's fine record with the teamn. He has neyer mîssed a game in the five years with the club, and bas been a member of three cham- pianship teams and two finalist teams. He was also the leading scorer for two seasons. Harold Quinney, Newcastle,I presented a silver cocktail serv- ing set ta Fred Cale on behaif of the league. Bill Nemis, Court- ice, presented the Courtice High Scoring Trophy ta Sam Thomp- son. Jack Miller, coach and manag- er of Miller's Taxi, was present- ed with a traphy by Buck Cowle on behalf of the players. The trophy was in appreciation of Mr. Miller's fine caaching and managing during the season. Bob Williams accepted the Second Place Trophy on behaif' of-the Front St. team. Fred Cale made the presentation. Fred Cale also cammended Tim Cox for the excellent work he hast done in keeping the scorjng records and schedules for the league. MJVr. Cox agreed to con- tinue these duties next season, After -the presentations -were made a delightful social evening was enjoyed by all. -If I w Clean Vï6 NINOR TUNE-UP Fuel Bowl, Air Cleaner, Clean and Adjust Points and Plugs, Adjust Brakes fa J i Complet. 2.50 8 cyl. Complete 3.00 Combines Take Third Garne in Tillsonburg jBowmanville - Orono Com- bines handed the Tillsonburg IPan-Drieds a surprise 7-4 upset at Tillsonburg Arena Friday evening, to move back into the running in their best-of-seven Intermediate "A" Ontario Semi- final Playoffs. After lasing the first two games of the series to Tiîlson- burg, the Combines regained the form that won them the Eastern Ontario Championship as they autpaced their hasts, ta regîster the win. Tillsonburg stili hold a one game edge in the series. Raye West led the West bra- thers as (bey shane by scaring four of the Combines' goals. Dean blasted the opener of the IR É% rlie1 4ge gaine and Keith tallied their only goal of the second trame. Raye counted a pair in the fi- nal period ta ensure the win.: Junior ably assisted Dean and;, Raye in scoring their goals. 1 Maxie Yourth scored the winning goal in the third stan-, za after the Pan-Drieda had tied it 4-aIl. Wally Samanski and, Gerry Robinson were the other - marksmen.i Doug Parson, Wilf Garman, : Daît Shine, and Jack Drew re- 1 gistered singles far the Tilîson- burg squad during the middle trame. Goalie Ross Hawe starred for the Combines with a brilliant performance, as he shut out the Pan-Drieds in'the first and third periods. 1 1.% .%e Iuâ.1 A'n " - After Close Battie Here Tillsanburg Pan-Drieds won a close 4-3 decision from the Bowmanville - Orano Combines at Memorial Arena Wednesday of last week, ta take a 2-0 lead in their best-of-seven Interme- diate "A" Ontario Semi-final Playoffs. Jerry Goodwin, Bihl Simpel and Doug Parsons sparked the Tillsonburgers as they scored a goal each in the middle frame, ta bring them fromn behind. They were successful in holding a one goal margin for the re- mainder of the game. Bath teams played brilliant hockey, as did goalies Ross Hawe and Jim Fullerton. The Combines rallied late in the final stanza and came within inches of tieing the score as their sbats sailed past the cage. Combines First With Dean West blasting the opening goal of the game at 7.39 of the first period, it look- ed like the Combines might tie Up the series. But they missed several scoring opportunities during the first stanza as they trid t inrease their lead. Jerry Goodwin tallied the equalizer at 5.41 after grabbing a relay from Rod Belisie at the blue line. Playing coach BilI Simpell put Tillsonburg aheadij at the midway mark. His shat deflected into the corner of the skate of a player beside the' nets. Movie Scores Daug Parsons made it 3-1 with a 20 foot screen shot that sailed betweeen defenceman, Lowell Dykstra's legs. Maxie Yourth found the mark at 16.34 with a shot from the right face- off circle. Bath goahie, Jim Fullerton and a Pan-Dried de- fenceman attempted ta make the save, but the puck rolled past themn into the cage. Wilf Goman scored the win- ning goal before a minute had elapsed in the final periad.- Ne stick-handled past the defence- men and drew Hawe partiallyl out of the nets, as be sank the rubber behind the goalie Raye West clîcked with; a 15 foot slap shot from directly in line with the Tillsonburg goal, after the Combines had missed numerous scaring oppartunities near the nets. Raye grabbed a pass from bis brothers and wheeled and fired. Before Fui- lerton could realize what had happened the light was on._ -[Becreation t£kjevtews By Douglas Rigg ýV Ho Id Ontario Recreation Conference The Twelfth Annual Ontario Recreation Conference will be beld in St. Catharines on April 26th' 27th and 28th. It is haped that Bowmanville will have at least four represent- atives at this conference. The O.R.A. brings together at its annual Provincial Conference various graups of people inter- ested in simnilar recreatian activ- ities so that ideas may be ex- changed and new ideas discussed. Min or Hockey Trophy Night Wed. May 8th Arrangements are under way for Minor Hockey Trophy Night ta be held at the Lions Com- munity Centre on Wednesday, May th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Ail trophies and crests won on Minor Hockey Night wil be pre- sented at that time. Ail players are reminded that whether youTr team won or lost you are eligible ta attend Trophy Night. There are stili a few sweaters missîng from the various hockey teams. Any boy who bas nat returned bis sweater will he please return it ta the Recrea- tion Office or bring it with you when you came ta Trophy Night on May 8th. StilI Require Su pervisors For Summer Application forms are stihi available for anyone interested in obtaining a summer job as a playground supervisar. The clos- ing date for applicants is this Friday, April l2th. The wage scale will run from $15.00 ta $30.00 per week, ac- cording to qualifications and ex- perience, and the hours wil be from 9:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m., five days a week. Employment wil be from six ta seven weeks, start- ing July 8th. Application forms are avail- able at the Recreation Office in the Lions Community Centre. AUI applications must be return- ed ta the Recreation Office no later than April l2th. Art Disptay at Peterborough This Week The third annual East Central Ontario Travelling Art Display opened la Peterborough Public Library on Monday, April 8th. This Display is a collection of 56 pictures submitted by 14 par- ticipatingmunicipalities. The planning of the display is in the hands of a management corniittee which i a st up au. nually to plan and administer the arrangements and is compas- ed of members usually fram the district in which the display will open. MViss Dora Purdon is the Bowmanville contact person for the management committee. The idea of the Travelling Art Display developed from. a grow- ing interest in art throughout East Central Ontario and a de- cision was reached ta organize on -an area basis and permit those interested, to have an op- portunity of viewing what was being accomplished by other clubs and Individuals through- out this part of Ontario. From this modest idea many commun- ities were encouraged ta arrange local displays, quotas were set for the number of pictures from each communîty and those se- lected would compose the Trav- elling Display. The first Display was apened In Belleville in 1955 and lastj year Port Hope's Trinity College School was the setting for the second opening. The primary objectives of thisi venture, which goes under thej somewhat unwieldy heading of the East Central Ontario Travel- ling Art Display, are ta stimulate the interest in painting and drawing, ta encourage and assist those who have taken up these forms of art as leisure hobby, ta develop in each community anJ appreciation of art in ahl its forms and ta strive for higher standards of craftsmanship in, choseve. medium the atithas Municipalities participating this year are: Belleville, Bow- manville, Haliburton, Madoc, Tweed, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Kingston, Peterborough, Lindsay, Port Hope, Trenton, Coîborne and Brighton. AVAILABLE FOR iEa!ph S. Jones a Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simeoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANG ES Effective Sundoy April 28th, 1951 Full information from agents Just how really LOW $ 0.'95 Mt A $ 0. 82 GrA the EVERY-DAY prie-. G es are at IGA will be $256 revealed to you when e - you compare your cash THANK YOU register total with what the amount would have 1beennO had you shopped elsewhere. URNEDI You save two ways ... with LOW FOOD PRICES . .. and in FREE BONUS GIFTS for IGA Cash Receipts "Bonu Booter" Food "Bonu' Boo ter" Features With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape .. , Chicken SteW Cark's 15-oz. tin 35Sc With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape M azola Q i! 1-1b. tin 41C: With. Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape ... Velvet Flour Pastry 5-lb. bag 47c Self-Polishing Wax Chan Speedcoat Quart 55 IWith Free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape .. . jRoyal Beige - 15 Denier, 60 gauge - Sizes 8% to il IGA Nylons Ungraded - Choice IGA PEAS Hfunt's CATSUP 20-oz. tins 2 TIns 33C li-oz. bottles 2 For 35C Kellogg's Cereal 6½/-oz. pkg. SPECIAL i"K"vi Good Luck - Regular MARGARINE 25C1 2 Lb. Ph-go. 69C "Farm Fresh" Fruits & Vegetables pair 98c *1 Food Values and "Booster" Items Effective April 11, 12 and 13 Aylmer Fancy 20-oz. tins TONATO JUICE 2 Tins 29C Ingersoil 5c off 8-oz. jar CHEESE SPREAD Paramount Sockeye SALMON 32c 1/'s tin 45c IGA Fancy 15-oz. tin APPLESAUCE 2 Tins29C Table Rite Quality - MEATS - SPRING MILK FED VEAL Log, Rump or Ib 5 Sirloin Roasis lb LOIN VEAL, CHOPS IIfey Kids! 8. Colouirful AIleys Free with TABLERITE WIENERS Table Rite Sliced SID E BACON Table Rite Suiced COOKED HAN With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Every Bite a Delight! Sweet and Juicy - Good size 45's Cantaloupes 2 for 3 45C Ileavy with Juice! From Nature's Fountain of Health FLORIDA ORANGES 1o6dsiz »*43c Crisp - Fresh - Firm and Hefty LETTUCE Mild Flavoured CABBAGE Good size E. . heads 15ci Nutrltious and Economical Lb. 8C Crearny White Heads - Low in Calories CAULIFLOWER E.29c lb. 69c Lb. 39c Lb. 79c 6-oz. pkg. 51C CHASE & SANBORN Instant Coffee lOc Off 25c Offl 2-oz. jar 2C 6-oz. jarI.,43 SFROZEN FOODS Pictsweet 15-oz. pkg. STRAWBERRIES 39c SOLEFILLETS Lb. 39c ~~ ~TRIS IS ALL TOU NEED TO DO Mw ~ 'h~M Be sure you pick up an officiai savingu foer InstO»j at your IGA Food Market. Then, each Urne : cRded ah .e 4re *you shop at your IGA Store slip your cash un 8g . S W g>1 cati lj,,,t register receipt lnitilfor safe ke.plng. lust sho> J0u' &Peii Ct 0W A un ai Gtt 1W ee etr. so»etee k<ep sai IGA cah receîpts auni youbav'e MIOi.. ,,r4l >IV u *enough to equal the valueidieated for amyA87,aturcs,11andJe Item ln the IGA prem um catalogue. A ila b 'i . ' joB t itis Y*jt > Oe d S0 e 1 o 8fl ,OOiiIaree Pa and ,xa Ci1 "nothlng extra to pay! IMPORTANT: AUia Pr'etrï' 9 tirs>J1048 huOc> d-b.te *requests for FREE BONUS GIFTS must Dow Y,011aJg ~ r et h~*~ b. based ouly on the value@ lsted iyour dfooe wayg PesJceî1 *NEW CATALOGUE (4). Maldfe<> W3 vith al Shop for these values at your local IGA Store 'four Bowmanville Canvass 7 to 8 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 301h TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLy LIMITED ASSOCIATi STE Try Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT SA VE 1'A On Installation! Shocks, Front and Rear, most cars ____- 1.50 ea. Bonded Brake Shoes ________8.00 full set Tail Pipe ---______________ 1.50 Tail Pipe and Muffler - --_________ 3.00 Complete Single Assembly - 4.50 Plugs Cleaned and Re-gapped 10e ea. Tubes lnstalled _____________ 50e ea. Flat Tires Repaired - 1.00 jInstalling Fuel Pumps, Signal Lights, etc. Prices on application! Western ire 85 King St. W. Bowmanvile MA 3-3134 A. L. Boyd, Prop. immu Qý9aý 1 1 . i 1 qmu tEMAT. APRM lith, les? TIM CANADIAN STATESM«. ÉOWMANVMM OrTAIVO PACM rnmrm 6: rirl

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