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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 16

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- *...*-~t. PAGE sTxTEE!q ?HM CMA!An "STATESMA!q, OWMANV1LLC. ONTARIO T1HURSDAY, APEI,. ltli, 1957 19 a Births LEASK-Bill and Barbara Leask (nee Abrams) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, William Richard, April 6th, 1957, in Memorial Hospital. A brother for Susan. 15-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod, Newcastle, announce the engage- ment of their daughtem Mary Ruth Charlotte to Wallace Wil- fred Sterling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch, Newcastle. Tbe marriage to take place Ma l8th at St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle. 15-1 Mr. and Mrs. w. D. Hill of Eagle River, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Vera Alice to Donald Cbilds, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Childs. The marriage to take place Sat- umday, May 1l at 3 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville. 15-1* Mr. and Mrs. George Vetzal of Courtice announce the en- gagement of their only daughter Elsie ta Mr. Glenn Alexander Prout, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Alexander Prout of New- castle. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May il at .3 o'clock in Courtice United Church. 15-1* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ceeul Belîman announce the engage- ment of their daughter Janie Marianne, to John Allan Kess- 1er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eugene Kessier of Moreland, Sask. The marriage will take place on Satumday, May il, at 2:39 o'clock in Tinity United Church, Bowmanville. 15-1* Deaths ADCOCK, Reina-Suddenly at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Friday, April th, 1957, Reina Adcock, beloved wife of Donald Adcock and dear mother of Ray- mond, Stephen and Allan, in ber 37th year. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funcral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanviile, where service was held Monday, April Rth at 2 p.m. Interment Hamp- ton Cemetery. 15-1 NICKERSON-At Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Sunday, April 7, 1957, Florence Nickerson, be- ]oved wife of Jack Nickerson, 39 Centre St., Bowmanville. Serv- Ice was held at the Morris Fun- erai Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, April 10 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 15-1 In Memoriam FOWLER-In loving memory of Mrs. John Fowier who depart- ed this life April llth. 1954. Wben days are dark and friends are few, Dear mother how we think of you, 1'riends are !riends if they are truc; We lost our best friend when we iost you. -Ever remembered by ber aid- est daughter Virgie of Newcastle, also ber son-in-law Frcderick Evans of Newcastle. 15-lA' FOWLER-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Lottie Ann Fowier, wbo passed away April 11, 1954. To know ber was ta love ber, Because from day ta day She brougbt such happiness ta those She met along life's way. TEhe memories she left behind Will always linger too An inspiration and a joy To evcry anc she knew. -Lovingly remcmbemed by ber husband John and son Russell. 15-1 REYNOLDS-In loving memory of a dear brother, Wilfred John, wbo passed away April 16, 1951. -Lovingly remembered by sister ]Bess. 1- SMITH - TOM- "In Loveing Memory of a dear Brother & Uncle, who left us 50 suddcnly Apr. 15 - 55" l'Ahways, wc do remember, A Loveing Thought we give To anc no longer witb us But who in aur bcarts still lives." "Fondiy remembcrcd by Neices Mabel, Helen, Wilma & Jessie Brother Jack & Sister Mary." 15-1 SMITH, Thomas-In ioving mcm- amy of my dear husband Tom who passcd away sa suddenly April lSth, 1955. Hc bade no anc bis last farewell, He said goodbyc ta none, The hcavenly gates werc opened, A loving voice said corne. -Sadiy misscd by wife Mabel. 15-1 STAINTON-In ioving memory of aur mother Alma F. Stainton wbo passed away April 11, 1956, and aur father Wm. J. Stainton who passed away June 2, 1954. -Sadiy missed by the family. 15-1* Chickens for Sale 104 MIXED 3 weck old Wyan- dott X Barred Rocks, from pure- bred stock, $85. Phono Clarke 1622. 15-1* BRAY chicks. Ask agent for list. Chicks for ahi markets. Started chicks, pullets. Prompt shipment. Ask agent for April- May iist. W. S. Staples, Box 32.3. Phone MA 3-3928, Bow- manville. 15-1 CANADIAN Approved, pullor- um testeci, Day Old and Started Chicks. Book orders now for future delivery. White Leghorn, Barred Rock (fast feathering) and New Hamp. X Barred Rock. For price list write or Phono H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville. MA 23961. -50-fl Cards of TI hanks Articles for Sale I shaîl neyer forget the kind- ness shown ta me by so many people and in so many different ways during my illness. Sîncerely, Agnes Marlow. 15-1* I wish ta express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neigbbours for flowers, fruit, candy and cards, and many other acts of kindness while I was in hospital and since 1 camne home. Mrs. Howard Bradley. 15-1 I wish ta express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for lovely flowers and cards, aise to Dr. McKenzie, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital dur- ing my illness. Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson. 15-1 I wîsh ta thank Dr. Mustard, nurses and staff of Sick Child- rens Hospital. Toronto. during Lillian's stay for her heart opera- tion. Thanks to blood donors, visitors, transportation. cards, letters, gifts. Many thanks to ahl. May Tabb. 15.1* We would like ta say a sincere thank you to the Bowmanvi]ie Brancb Canadian Legion. the cmployees Dariington Township and our friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness ta us during Don's illness. Gladys and Don Cameron. 15-11 We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the many friends wbo rememnbered us on the occasion of our twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary with gifts, cards antd good wishes. Special thanks to Mrs. Thos. Spencer, Mrs. Aif. Garrod and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines. Tom and Betty Brown. 15-1 I wish to thank the many friends, relatives and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended during the recent bereavement of my wife. A special thanks to Rev. R. B. Reed, ta Dr. H. B. Rundle, the staff and nurses of Memorial H o spi t al, the Bowmanville Ladies' Bowling League, and the Swimming Class. Don Adcock. 15-1* In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a beloved wife and mother. We especially wish to thank Rev. R. B. Green and Rev. M. Sand- erson for their consolîng words. Ail the donors of many beautiful floral offerings, the Morris Fun- eral Home for their kind, efficient management of their service. Mr. Leonard Bradley and family. 15-1 Coming Events Dance in Tyrone Hall, April 13, Stainton's Orchestra. Sponsor- cd by Tyrone Hall Board. 14-2 Daffodil tea, bake sale and bazaar in St. Paul's S.S. Room. Sponsored by Evening W.A. April l3th. 2:30 p.m. Admission 35e. 15-1* Dance at the Bowmanville Badminton Club, this Satumday, April 13. Dancing 9 - 12. Ted Taylor's Orchestra. 2.50 per couple. 15-1 Women's Canadian Club. Open meeting, Monday, 'April 15 at 3:15 p.m., Pamish Hall. Speaker, Mr. Peter H. Bennett, on Strat- ford Festival. 15-l'* Solina Community present their play "Where's Grandma?" in the Hall, Thursday, April 18, 8:15. Good programme. Ad- mission 50c and 25c. 14-2 Bowmanvihle Choral Society presents their Spring Concert in the Town Hall, Friday and Sat- umday, May 10 and 11. Assist- ing artists: Toronto Rhythm- aires Barber Shop Quartet. 15-tf Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month whicb will be held on Tucsdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No game under $3.00, Admission 50c. 2-tf Oshawa Pmesbytcry Drama Festival, four onc-act plays pre- sentcd by Orono - Newcastle, Whitby, Bowmanvillc and Port Pemry groups in Blackstock Community Hall, Wedncsday, April 17, 8:15 p.m. Admission 35c and 25c. 15-1* A meeting of Durham Farmers' County Co-op, Orono, wili be heid in the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, on Tuesday, April l6th, 8 p.m., ta discuss plans and fin- ancing of your new Co-op build- ing. This is an important meet- ing. Please plan ta attend. 15-1 Orono Hall OLDE TYME AND MODERN Dance Friday, April 121h 9:30 to 12:30 Jim Fisher and Orchestra 14-2* Seed Cleaning SEED cleanîng plant at Ennis- killen now open. Phone MArket 3-5053 or Blackstock 102J. 14-2 SWAIN Seed Cleaners. Make appointments now. Telephone 1Blackstock 89 r- il. 15-Ui STRAW for sale. Phone MA 3-2150. 15-1 POTATOES for sale, delivered. Phone MA 3-2596. 15-2* HAY, approximately 800 bales. Phone MA 3-5104. 15-tf QUANTITY of hay, square bales. Phone MA 3-2380. 15-1* WASHING machine, General Electric. Phone MA 3-3125. 15-1* ALSCO aluminum windows and doors. Lorne Allun. Phone MA 3-3871. 15-1* CARROTS, $2.00 bushel, Solina Road north one mile, west side. Wilfred Aldworth. 14-2* STATIONARY wash tubs and taps, also 30-gallon bot water tank. Phone MA 3-2954. 15-1 FLOOR polîsher for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanviile. 13-tf PROJECTOR for 2 x 2 slides, also chemical toilet, new con- dition. Phone MA 3-3647. 15.1* KITCHEN range with Silent Glow oul burners, in first class condition. Phone MA 3-5711. 15-1* SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Pbillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r Il. l3tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard-1 ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SINGER Sewing Centre, newý a$d used sewing machines. Rentais or repairs. Phone MA HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf SUNBEAM tricycle, medium size, $5; Norge 6.6 cu. ft. refrig- erator, best offer. Phone MA 3-5957. 15-1 RED Clover seed with a light sprinkling of alfalfa, $25 per bushel. also Rodney oats. Tele- phone MA 3-5297. 14-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent ai sander or a floor polisher fromn Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf COMBINATION coal and elec- trie stove, like new. ideal for farmn kitchen. At Cowan Equip- ment Co. or Phone MA 3-2250. 15.1* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf EQUIP your house with Nash aluminumn combination doors and windows, ail colours. Our representative will give you free estimates. Lander hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5774. 10-tf MORRIS Co. have been appoint- ed Singer Sewing Machine re- presentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Corne in and see a Singer-the finest in sewing machines. Various attachments also in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf FREE-Rubber-tired wheelbar- ow with the purchase of every Maxwell Swirlcut 18-inch power lawn mower, 2 cycle engine witb recoil starter, complete, only $95 at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134' King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5689. 15-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Bowmanviile. 48-tf PUi * Decorating " For the Finest Paints " For the Latest lPapers " For the Best Workmanshlp S. G. Preston & son Phonos IA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf USED farm equipment-Farm- ail Super "A" tractor, Farmali "H" tractar; McCormick W-41 tractor, McÇormick W-6 diesel tractor, Massey-Harris "22" tract- or, Massey-Harris 102 tractor. Masscy-Harmis 13-marker seed and fertilizer drill with power lift, International 2 - furrow piough, John Deere 7-foot disc at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5689. 15-1 INTERNATONAL 8.2 cu. ft. me- frigerator, freezer across the top, $229; Kelvinator il cu. ft. re- frigerator, regular $379 for $295;1I Firestone cbest type freezer, 19 cu. ft., regular $525 for $399; Kelvinator wringer washer, Il- lb. capacity, thermo tub, electric timer and purnp, egular $229 for only $139 and your aid wash- cm: standard Kelvinator wringer washer, regular $179 for $129: Kelvinator automatic wasber $299.95; Kelvinator deluxe eiec- tric range, 30-inch size, regular $309 for only $249; Deluxe 22- inch range with push-button control, only $195 at Cowan Equipment Ca.. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5689. 1 15-1 GOOD nine-piece dining-room suite. Telephone MA 3-5414. 15-1* RUBBER wheel lawn mower, good condition. Phone MyArket 3-3755. 15-1* CORN ensilage, good quality. Newton Selby, Newcastle. Tele- phone 2354. 15-1 MAN'S bicycle, excellent con- dition. 116 Scugag St. or Phone MA 3-5190. 15-1 ONE kitchen ail stove, two drums and pipe, with some oil. Phone MA 3-5741. 15-1 SINGER sewing machine, drap- head, treadie, good condition. Phone Newcastle 2106. 15-1* ONE heavy duty two-wheeledi tractor trailer, 8.25 x 20 tires. Platform 2' x 10'. Also rangette in good condition. Phone New- castle 2346. 15-1 INSULATION, blowing metbod, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SCOTCH pine, transplants (1-1), $20 per thousand. Limited quantity, first came, first served. Apply Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ontario. 15.1* STOVEWOOD, 3 iengths ta cord, 200 spruce 18" high. 500 red barberry 18" high, 200 cedars at haîf price. Dahlia bulbs, al colours. Phone MA 3-2724. 15-1* ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office fumniture. new and used. Repairs ta al makes. Walter Frank, 177 Church St., Bowmanville., MA 3-3986. 14-tf SPECIALS - Chrome kitchen suites, space savers, continental beds, trade-in allowance. Used kitchen table and chairs, two re- built washers. Termis $3.15 per hundred per year. Murphy Ca., King St. W. MA 3-3781. 15-1* STUDYING how ta overcome adverse garden conditions last spring resulted in The Uncomn- mon Hoe 1956. Those sold in late summer were 50 well e-* ceîved I made a few for 1957 and without a pediam's licence, mechant's markup, or deliver- ing, I can still seli at Enniskiilen' duing this April at $1.75. Patent Pending. Jas. A. Werry, Ennis- killen. Phone MA 3-2525. 15.1* TURKEYS CHOICE MEATY BIRDS Grown for the Easter Market 10 - 18lIbs. DRESSED and DELIVERED PHIL FTNNEY Maple Grove MA 3-50581 15.21 Help Wanted GIRL wanted for general bouse- work, live in. Phone MA 3-2263. 15-1 * : EXPERIENCED pruners for apple orchard. Apply George Walton, Newcastle. Phone 3261. 15-1 WOMAN ta live in, ta help with genemal bouse work. Good wages for right persan. Phone Orono 1771. 15-2 LADY clerk for store, part time, 12 - 5, ail day Friday. Perm- anent position. APppy Box 647, c/o Canadian Statesman. 15.1* YOU toa can make money, have security and enjoy life but it is essential ta have in hand all the necessary elements ta success. We offer you this, presently we need good representatives in: Bethany, Bowmanville, Burke- ton Station, Courtice. Hampton, and surroundings. To avoid dis- appointment, act now, we may soon find the right persan. For1 details, 1600 Delorimier dept. 58, tation C, Montreal, 14-4 .> The Canadian- Statesm'an , CLASSIFIED %4Z *ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCIC FOR SALE . *FOR RER? - HELP WANTED < - CARS FOR SALE LOST . FOUR!) - ETC. * ..P. Cash Rat* - - - 4c per ward *. wlth a minimum of 60C * <.Must ho by date af insertion. < *.If charqed, an additional 25c * 'ill boc added. *>A charge af 25. will ho for < >al replie s directed to this office. -C. *.NOTICES COMING EVENTS : *. AND CARDS 0F TItANES 4c a word with a minimum aof~ ** $ 1.00 for 25 words or less. ' BI -HSENGAGEMENTS < .> MARRIAGES - DE4ýTHS $ 1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $: 1.00 plus 10e a lino for verse-l **Disploy Clossified at $1.50 pez <. nclwih a inimummai one inch. e.. Ad>tiunaIinsertions at the same rotes. *.Ail Classified Ads must ho in < é:. this office nat Iter thon . ** 12 o'clack noon, Wednesdoy. 1 *.Send cash, stomps or money arder : ond save rnaney. é <.Clip this out for hondy reference.*: OFFICE HOURS .. Mandoy through Frjdery ~ 8:30 arn. ta 5 p.m. Saturday .. 8:30 ar.. a 12 Noon i Diol MArket 3-3303 ** for Classified Ad Service Articles f or Sale 1TIRES and tubes, 6.00'x 16. Tele- phone Blackstock 72 r 11. BOY'S new bicycle, 26-inch tire, $35.00. Phone MA 3-3575. 15-1* 4 room bungalow on land, full basement, window. Garage, low $5,500. Terms. 1/ acre picture taxes. 7 room frame bouse, 4 bcd- raoms, mantel, heavy wiring, i acre of land, spring on property. $6,000. Terms. We bave lots, bouses, farms, bungalows. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-59191 Bownmanville 1 15-1 Real Estate for Sale EXCELLENT building lot 60' x 148' on Lambs Lane. Telephone MArket 3-3335. 15-1 * HAMBURGER stand, will sacri- fice for quick sale. Apply Jim Crombie. Phone MA 3-5775 or 3-3862. 15-1 SOLID brick home, I½,'-storey, seven rooms, three bedrooms, screen porch, tool shed, garage. Phone MA 3-3877. 15-1 LOT with frontage on Station and Princess Streets, Orono. Apply Mrs. Margaret Arnott. Phone Orono 15211. 15-1* 275 ACRE farm, Muskokà dist- rict, including partly furnished frame seven-roomed house, some implements and two horses. Tele- phone Mrs. H. Ruttan, MArket 3-2362 after 6 p.m. 15-2* SIX-roomed stucco bungalow, hardwood and tile floors, mod- ern bathroom, bot water heating with gas furnace, venetian blinds, large landscaped lot and garage. Phone MA 3-5895. 14-4 TWO bedroomn bungalow, brick veneer, on paved street in Bow- manville. One-car garage, oul heating, hardwood floors, tiled four-piece bathroom. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-3637. 15-1-1 COTTAGE at Caesarea, winter- ized, hydro, inside toilet, furn- ished, 15 miles north Bowman- ville, accessible, move right in, four thousand, fifteen hundred down. Cali Keevil, Claremont 81. 14-3 TWO-storey building and land 200' x 300' located in Newcastle. Property formerly known as Stewart Motor Sales. Offers now being accepted. For furth- er information contact Donald H. Howe, Reaitor, 26½/ King St. E., Oshawa. Phone RA 5-7732. 14-4 Leask Real Estale De With Real Estafe a DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, Parkview Heighis close ta highwvay with 140 acres O workable land, 40 acres wood, Oshawa large river, 70' x 40' bank barn with watem bowls, milk bouse CHECK THESE FEATURES with tank cooler, cement silo, drive-in shed, hen bouses; 12 1. $59.00 monthiy roomed solid brick bouse wîth 2. Solid Brick running water. Heavy wired. 3. 3 Bedrooms, Good rnilk quota. Price $18,000. 4. Ceramie Tile Bath Can be bought as going concern. Asking $25,000. Temms. 5. Aluminum Front Door GEN ERAL FARM, 150 acres, 6. F/A Oil Heat 110 acres womkable, 20 acres in 7. Electric Hot Water TankC bush, creck, 90' x 36' bank barn 8. Sewers and Water with steel stanchions, implement shed; 8 roomed solid brick bouse 9. Ultra Modern Kitcheu with furnace, heavy wiring, 10. 5 Plans. water in kitchen. Situated close to highway. Asking price $14,000. DIRECTONS Easy terrns. Open for offer. Take Highway 401 West to the 200 acre farm on a bighway Cromwell Ave. Claverleaf in witb 140 acres workablc, 30 acres Oshawa, South to Bloor St. wood, creek, 58' x 38' bank barn Fromn Bloar St. to Park Rd. S., with L-shaped extension, hen follow the arrows to field office. bouse, running water in barn; 8 roomed frame bouse witb RA 5-6544 furnace, running water and John A. J. Boiahood Ltd. bathroom. Asking price $16,000. 169 Simcoe Street South Open for offer. 15-1 100 acre farmn near Port Hope on paved road with 75 acres workable, 10 acres o hardwood FARMS, ACREAGES, LOTS bush, 2 springs, 75' x 36' bank 600 acre farm in Peterborough barn with water bowls, steel district, 450 acres womkable, stanchions, implement shed; 9- balance pasture and bush, 3 roomed frame bouse with oul barns with room for 200 cattie. fumnace, heavy wired. Asking 4 hbuses, hydro and water. Price price $18,000. Terms. includes ail modemn power 140 acre farmn on lake shore equipment, 4 tractors, 2 trucks, near Port Hope with 90 acres foçage harvester, combine, haler, womkable land, 7 acres wood, e- etc., etc. $100,000 with tcrmns. mainder pasture, 65' x 40' bank I 107 acre dairy farmn in Clarke barn, implement shed, hen Twp., i2 mile fromn highway. bouse; 9 roorned frame bouse iBarn 36 x 80 witb steel stan-1 with heavy duty wiring and run-' chions and water bowis, tics up ning watcr. Price $15,000. Terms. 30 cows. 10 room brick bouse 6 roomed cottage in Ponty- and 2 acres of orchard. A real pool with well, frigidaire, fumn- buy at $18,000 with temmns. iture, etc. Price $1,700. Down Attention $50m0 d Builders and Speculators 12 roe solid brick bouse 85 acre farm, partly in Tawni on main street in Newcastle with of Bowmanville, 25 acres in hydmo and good well. Couhd be young orchard. Brick bouse basi converted into incarne home. city canveniences. 2-car brick, Price and terms arranged. garage witb partly finisbed liv-' income home, 8 roomed double ing quarters. Scenic trout streamn.1 bouse in Newcastle witb 2 bath- $45,000, with terms. roams, 2 kitchens, bot and cold 10 acres of valuable building running water, partly hardwood land iust 40 ods from town limits floors, beavy duty wired. Pricei on No. 401, corner location nearl $8,400. Terms. Johnson & Johnson site, $7,0001 8 oomed storey and one-hall witb termns. white clapboard bouse in Bow- Lot 200' x 220' 1 mile out of manville with 3-piece bath, bard- town near strea m. Oniy $1.500, wood floors, kitchen cupboards, cash. running bot and cold water. i 10 acre lots on paved road Storms and screens. Double north of Bowmanville, $3,000. garae. Aking$8,30. ,ery Registered lot 100 x 166 just' e$8,300. Ver north of Camp Samac in Northi' 5 oomed (3 bedroom) brick Oshawa. This is situated amongst veneer, ranch style bungalows valuable ranch style homes. in Bowrnanville, ta be buiit ta Excavation completed. $1,600. your specifications,- with ail Rcgistered lot 80 x 250 on No. modern conveniences. Prices 2 Higbway just west of Bow- from $10,500 and up. Easy' manvilie, $1.400. terms. . bv 22 acres roliing land witb Besides rnoe entioned we stream, near Tyrone. Good for have approximateîy 100 more trout pond. $4.000 with 1/2 cash. farms and homes ta choose from Gravel business including A.C.1 in the Oshawa, Port Hope, front end loader, 2 tl'ucks, cQni- Trenton and Peterborough it veyors, sereener, etc. 35 actes ricts. of land with estimated 100,000 nttons gravel. Owner's books Contact show good net. Priced tb seli John F. De Wilh at only $26.500. N.B. - Listings necded for Realtor and General Insurance farmis, acreages, lots, etc. N:alstePon Walter Frank Donald Mountjoy, Bownianville 177 Church Street, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 MArket 3-3986 Daniel Boehm - Port Hope Representing TU 5-5042 D. W. McQuay Real Estate Ir 15-1 *. 15-11 Real Estate for Sale 1 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate f or Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffie signal Newcastle 5-tf IN BOWMANVILLE $2500 down-Attractive 2-year- oid 6 room ranch type bungalow, oil heated, hardwood and tule floors, tiied 4-piece bathmoom, 3 bedrooms. Lovely landscaped corner lot, bas garage, fruits. Close to school. Ask for Mrs. Patrick. $9,000 - 5-roomed bungalow, oul beated, hardwood, tile floors, four-piece bathroom, 3 bedrooms, double garage, close ta schaol. $4,000 down. Saleslady Jean Woolner MA 3-2175 Berneice H. Patrick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3"692 (colleet) 15-1 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 4-room new frame bungalow on 1 acre with town water, 4- piece modern bath, bardwood and tule floors, forced air heat- ing with oul fumnace, modern kitchen, heavy wiring, insulated, double garage, many extras. Priced to seil. 4-room stucco bungalow, bard- wood floors, 4-piece bath, clothes closets, modern kitchen, heavy wiing, venetian blinds, insulat- cd, landscaped. $8,200. Terms. Immediate possession. Lot on Brown St. witb build- ing, sewer and water in build- ing, heavy wiring. Wanted-Farms, 10 to 200 acres, waiting clients. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville MA 3-568Z 15-1* JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Liited - Realtor PRESENTS -Open House - THIS WEEKEND NEW -NEW -NEW jOrm Gerry REALTOR FARMS 75 acres very productive rall- ing land with 2 barns and 8 room frarne bouse on Concession road with mail and bread at door, hydro on road passing property. iMapie bush, buildings need some small repairs but look at price. To close estate offering at low $8,500 or nearest. 100 acres, part rolling, goad soil, with best traut stream in country. Small bush and barn on through concession road, $7,000. 139 acres on paved highway and overhooking large village; bas large painted steel-roofed L- barns with pressure water and beavy bydro, also other build- ings. Fine 7 roarn home with 3-piece bath and ail heat. Thisi property is offcred well below present day values. 100 acres best dlay loam in County of Durbam, ',' mile off pavement and close to every- thing, bas two barns with pres- sure water and heavy hydro, smail bush and creek; dandy 8- room well painted frarne home with heavy hydro and water. Owner in ill health, must seli. $15,000 witb terms. House flargain 7 raom 2 layer brick, new roof, thre& large bedroorns, ail roomns bright and cheery, new three- piece bath and new ail furnace:, lot size 136 x 180, beautiful lawns and shade trees, fine gard- on and small barn and garage, some hardwood floors, balance lino. Ail biinds, curtains and9 floor caverings included in price of only $10.500. Some terms. Orono Phono 1191 15-1 Teachers Wanted TEACHER wanted for Clarke Union S.S. 22. School equipped with modern conveniences. Ap- ply ta H. N. Scott, Orono R.R. 2. Phone Orono 1 r 18. 15-1* J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER King East, central, twa framel Beautiful, four-roomn brick bungalow, with garage, aimost new. Two-acre property Witb seven- raom hause. Conveniences. On Scugog St. Attention veterans.1 @Orono, modemn bungalow on large lot. Ahl conveniences. Vacant. Hampton, six-rooa frame on, nice lot. Conveniences. Garage. Owner transferred. *80 acre famm aon edge of Bow- manville. Nice bouse, conven- iences, barn, 5 acres of yaung Spys and Macs. Reasonably priced at $12,000. Terras. We have others.' Caîl in and taik it over. 118 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3230 15-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER General farm, 100 acres, 11- oamn frame hause, barn 100 x 34, never-failing stream. Pr i ce $11,500. Vemy low down pay- ment. Three Christmas tree farms in Pontypool district. 35 acres, no buildings, frontage an 401 Highway, plenty of water. Price $4,500. Easy terms. 10 roomn brick bouse in New- castle, ideal for two apartments. Price $8,000. Temms. 4 roomn cottage on No. 2 High- way, lot 100 x 165, hen bouse for 200 hens. Price $4,500. Terms. For quick sale-A snack bam wiht living quarter containing a kitchen, dining-room, bath, 2 bedrooms and full basement. Very good location. Price $4,500. Terms. 7 roomn frame house witb five acres of land, 3 miles frmm Orona. Price $3,200. Very easy tcrms. Newcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 Salesman J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Phone MArket 3-2035 15-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 120 acre daimy farmn on lake front, frame bouse with ail con- veniences, 2 miles from New- castle, creek, extra goad soil. $18,000. Terms. 100 acres, large brick bouse, new steel barn 40' x 100', other buildings, river runs through bush and pasture, just off paved road. This fammn can be bought with ail equipment including 40 head of cattle. Will give good terms. Close ta Newcastle. 100 acre farma with 7 room pressed brick bouse on a paved road, close to village; large bank barn. Immediate possession. $15,000. Haîf cash. 112 acres in the 'village of Janetville, good frame bouse. bank barn 40' x 65', 80 acres ploughed ready for crop. This ifarm was listed with us at $12,000 but as the owner bas other business we have been in- stmucted ta sel for $7,500 with $5,000 cash. Immediate passes- sion. Corner store and dwelling with extra building lot, situated on main corner in Newcastle. Good location for an y lne of' business. Consuit us f or pricel and terms. New 5 room house being buiît on No. 2 Highway East of New- castle, with ail conveniences. The asking price will be $5.000 with $1,000 down. Money to loan. H. C. PEDWELL, Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 15-1 Tenders Wanted ONTARIO PROPERTY SALE No. 1241 LAND 73 3/5 acres of land, located just east of the City of Oshawa limita and lying so.uth of Highway No. 401 and C.N.R. TENDERS CLOSE at 12 NOON E.S.T. on THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957ý Information and tender forma obtainabie from: The Tenders Secretary Room 1412, East Block Parliamnent Buildings, Taranto or Dep4rtmnent of Hlghways Port Hope * Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Department of Hlghways Ontario Wanted toRent' ONE or two furnished roai Write Box 646, c/o Canad ian Statesman. 15-1 SMALL bouse or apartment, be- ginning May lst. Young couple. Phone Newcastle 2217 after 5:30. 15-le* SMALL bouse or apartment for young couple, ta take possession immediately. Phone 10 a.rn. ta 5 p.M. MA 3-5761, after 5 MA 3-5085. 15-1 àlýL - ý' - ' - 'Ir' Peter Kowal" ', REAL ESTATE BROK'ý GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 HERE IS DISTINCTION Are you looking for a distinct. ive type of home? Look no further, we have it! This 4 bedroom 2-storey home is absolutely perfect in everhr detail. On the main floor you have a large living-room with hardwood floors. Dining-rooni and music room with hard- wood floors. The kitchen is of the latest design with modern cupboards and counter space. A General Electric dishwasher will save many hours of work for the bousewife (and the bus- band). Tule floors in the kitchen. 2-piece bath on first floor for convenience, 3-piece bath on second floor. There are plentv of closets of good size. Vonetian blinds included. Home is heated by bot water with oil. Garage is simply superb. The grounds are beautifullY land- scaped. I could go on for pages to describe this home! Better corne and see it. Only $5,000 down and moderate monthly payments. Immediate possession. 3,000 down-l0,000 full price. 3 bedroom bungalow, living. room, dining-room, kitchen, etc. Garage. 4,250 down - 9,500 full price. 2 bedroom bungalow with garage. Extra lot. Several other good buys for your inspection. 15-1 Notices The Village Grill, Nestieton ,(on 7A Highway) bas re-opened and we will be very happy ta serve you ail again. 15-1* Any person knowing the wbereabouts of Gertrude Folley (nee Smith) please notify Boughton, Anderson & Co., Bar- risters & Solicitors, c/o 204-508 Hornby Street, Vancouver 1. B.C. 15-2 Public Meeting Township of Clarke The electors and rate»a .ers and (or) ail persons aff in the present Township of CarJàe School Area are herewith bel notifled that the Munici;l Council of the Township of Clarke shall consider and deal with by-Iaws to withdraw form- er School Sections Numbers Oneo, Eight and Nine from the Town-' ship of Clarke School Area at an open meeting to b,ýeId in the TOWNSHIP HALL, Oè(>.JO on APRIL 25th, 1957, at 8:30 p.m. D.S.T. H. E. Milison, Clerk 15-2 Town of Bowmanville Notice Io Dog Owners Notice is hereby given as and from the 15th day of April to the 15th day of October everY owner of a dog or bitch wlthin the munlcipality shall keep such animal securely fastened or otherwise securely restricted to the premises of such owner at aIl times, save when on a leash and in the care of a responsible person. Failure to de so willl result In prosecution. ERIC L. SMITH, Chief of Police.

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