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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 6

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PAGE SmXTECNDA TTSA.EWAVLE NAX )AY. APRIL I4th, 195? ?I!URSfl Captain and Mrs. W. J. Hoc- kin and family, Kingston, were weekend visitors with Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Sr., Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Pearce and f amily. Mrs. M. Gartshore, Shannon- ville, Ont., has purchased the home of the late Miss Almeda Couch. Mrs. Gartshore is the :former Miss Marie Selby of Newcastle and her many friends will welcome her back to her native village. Mrs. Farrow and Miss Nor- ma Hallowell were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mrs. George Smith. Friends of Master Eric Ber- nard, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard will be sorry to ]earn that he was taken to Mem- oral Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday evening where he un- derwent an emergency appen- dectomy. Mrs. J. C. Hancock and Ruth NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR. Proprietor Phone 2671 entortaned about 20 relatives recently at a kitchen shower in honour cf Miss Catherine Tee- pie of Bowmanviile, a bride- elect cf Apnil l8th. Those pre- sent were fnom Mimico, Toron- to, Bowmanviiie, Orono and Newcastle. Aise attendmng wene Mrs. Wm. May and Mr. Neil May of Peterborough. Mrs. Chas. Finley who has been living in Scarboroughi whlle taking out-patient treat- ments aI Toronto Western Hos- pitl, spent the weekend at her home hene. The Rev. H. G. Crozier, Whit- by, wiil be the guest preacher at United Church on Sunday morning when the Rev. M. C. Fisher will be laking services on the Newtonviile change. Evening W.A. WiII Attend Easter Service Newcastle: The regular meet- ing of the Evening Branch of St. George's Church W.A. was held in the Parish Hall on Wed- nesday evening last with sev- enteen members in attendance. The meeting opened with pray- ers, led by th President. During the business portion of the meeting the minutes of the two previous meetings were read and the treasurer, Dorcas secretary and flower secretary gave ther reports. The Little Helpers' convenor announced there would be no meeting of this group thîs month due to the fact the regular meeting date falîs in Holy Week. A "thank you" card was received from Mrs. Eleanor Perrin. Final arrangements were mde for the Bake and Rum- mag Sale and a report was given on the School Board ban- quet to which the Branch cater- ed. As the next regular meeting falîs on the Wednesday of Holy Week, it was decided the mem- bers of the Branch would meet at the 8.00 o'clock church ser- vice and adjourn to the Pansl hall afterward for their bus- ness meeting. Following the business meet- ing, the members spent the ne- mainder of the evening in quilt. ing. Know thyseif, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil. -Mary Baker Eddy. C. CG. .OULDB 1{eafing and Eavesiroughing Authorlzed Chalco Dealer PHONE Newcastle 3686 See These BARGoA1IS DEMONSTRATÔRS and A-i USED CARS 1957 MONARCH LUCERNE (demonstrator) Autornatic, power steering, radio, white walls --.---------------- 600.00 discount 1957 FORD FAIRLANE HARD TOP (demonstrator) Aulomatic, radio, etc. ---__ 600.00 discount 1955 DODGE SEDAN Radio, a tremendous bargain at -- $1,295.00 1955 DODGE SEDAN Sharp, a reliable family car- 1,595.90 1954 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER, Hard Top VS Overdrive, radio, white walls 1,395.00 1953 CHEVROLET BELAIR SEDAN New motor, tint glass, a beauty, only 1,295.00 1953 FORD TUDOR New motor, excellent body and rubber 1,095.00 1953 FORD TUDOR A one owner car, two tone ___- 1,095.00 1953 FORD FORDOR Ai condition, cdean -- 1,095.00 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN TODAY'S SPECIAL AT ONLY - 625.00 1947 FORD Good motor, cheap transportation 195.00 1947 CHEVROLET WHY WALK? -___ __ 195.00 TRUCKS 19â2 MERCURY kmý-ton Pick up- 1951 CASE TRACTOR Hydraulic lift ploughs, 2 front ends, wide and hoe crop, power take-off - - - ------- --- SEE THEM AT 545.00 700.00 Carveth rMatarsI NEWCASTLE Open 9 tii! 10 PHONE 3251I "Your Local Ford-Monarch Dealer" Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Police Chie f Resigns Coun cil WiII Purch ose Auxiliary Fire Pumper Newcastle: It was with deep- est regret that members cf the Newcastle village council ac- cepted.the resignation cf Police Chief A. R. Randall aI ils Apnil meeting on Monday evening, 10 become effective June isI. Chief Randaîl explained that the ten- dering cf bis nesignation was made necessary for sevenai rea- sons cf a pensonal nature and regretted he cculd not neconsi- den when asked le do so by councillors. On motion cf coun- cillor Rickand, it was decided to secune the status cf the village, regarding police protection, from the Attorney General -be- fore advertising for a replace- ment. Il was decided Ibis sbouid be dealt with aI a special meet-j ing to be cailed later in the month le stnike the tax rate. Il was not possible for coun- cil to stnike the rate at this meeting because cf the fact the auditors had not completed the audit cf the village books and this is necessary before coun- cil can strike the rates as there is some question as 10 the pres- ent financiai standing cf the village. Councl decided after consid- erable discussion with the chairman of finance and sec- treas. cf the Schooi Board, to seli the remainng five school building debentures aI the besl bld obtainable t10 dean them Up. In discussion il was statcd, by Reeve Jose, that dffers for thcý purchase of these bonds had been made at a sligbl discount, but he had net been able te get a buyer otherwise. Auxiliary Pumper There was considerable dis- cussion on a proposai by Count. Hoar, chairmnan o! the Fine Commitlee, that council pur- chase an auxiliary pumper for the Fine Department. He ex- piained. this portable pumper, costing approximately $50 couid be used in many instanccs to get int places whene the fine truck couid net go. Il could be used in emergencies 10 pump waler from one tank 10 anothen keeping the main pumper supplied and could aise be used for fiihing the tanks and many other uses for which the present equipment is un- suitable. Councillor Couch said he would support the purchase cf the pumper if il would serve the south central part cf the vil- lage ncar tbe C.N.R. where the cneek is the, only water supply and it is almost impos- sible at limes, tp gel the truck nean enough to the cneek. He feIt if this pump would supply sufficient water from the creek to the truck on a higher level il would be cheaper than instal- ing a water tank in this anea of the village. The counicii xvas agreeable that the Fine Corn- miltee should purchase tis pump if il wouid fili these ne- q uirements. There was considerable dis- cussion on the malter of apply- ing for a supplernentary grant fnom the Department of Higb- ways for road construction and il was left with Roads Commit- tee chairman Dickinson 10 con- suit with the Chief Regionai Engineer, Mn. D. Gornie of Port Hope, and report back bo the special meeting cf council. W.M.S. Holds Easter Thon kofferii Newcastle: The Easter Thank- offerinb* Service of the Wom- ans Mlssionary Society was held in the Sunday School Hall of the United Church on Thursday afternoon last wilh an excellent attendance, including members of the neighbouring Auxiliaries of Kirby, Orono, Newtonvîlle and St. George's Anglican, and the Fniendship club of Newcas- tle, as -guests. After quiet music, played by the organist, Mrs. C. Cowan, the president, Mrs. W. F. Riekard, opened the meeting with an ap- propniate Easler message, fol- lowed by a hym.n and prayer. A very impressive Easter de- votional service ensued with scriplune reading by Mrs. W. F. Rickard, meditalion by Mrs. P. Hane and prayer by Mrs. C. Fothergili. A delightfully ren- dered vocal trio by Mrs. Drum- mond, Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Rickaby accompanied at the pi- ano by Mrs. M. Staples, ail of Orono, was much enjoyed. The president expressed words. of History of El Subject at L Newcastle: Mr. Stanley Gra- ham, memnber of the Newcastle Hydre Commission and a vice president cf the Ontario Muni- cipal Electric Association was the guest speaker at the regu- Jar dinner meeting o! the New- castle Lions Club beld in the Dining room cf the Queen's Ho- tel on Thunsday evening. Once again a near 100 per cent at- tendance being reacbed. Introduced by Lion IrwIn Colwill, the speaker said more bas been accompiished in the developmenl cf the world dur- ing tbe past ten years, than in any other period in history, due chiefly 10 tbe advancement cf tbe use cf electnicai power. He said tbene are now more than 200,000 Canadians employed in the elecînical industry which is impncving the efficiency o! other industry and easing the burdens cf workers ini the homes and farms of the coru- tny. There are now some sev- enty electnical appliances for household use compared to oniy 19 in the year 1930. Since the first incandescent lamp was invented by Thomas Edison some 77 years ago and tbe Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell and the alternat- ing current by Westinghouse, more than 1500 inventions have followed in the electnical indus- try, Mn. Graham said, and the cost cf elecînical power te the consumer has continued 10 go down. He said the cost cf light- ing a modern home at the early rates cf the industry, when cost was cemputed by the num- ber cf outiets, would be about $40.00 per month, excluding al electrical appliances. Mn. Graham stated that the electnical rates in Canada are the iowest o! any country in the world and Ihat Newcastle rates are among the lowest in the Province cf Ontario. He said the electnicai industry is conlinual]y working 10 find new ways and means for the fur- thering o! electnical energy and have advanced from .the orig- inal water power energy to coal fired steam plants and more reeentiy toataomic reactors. A vote cf thanks te the speak- er on behal! cf the membens, was voiced by Lion Jinu Ponter-, for his most interesting and edLcational add-e!:" rig Service welceme b ail the guesîs and Mrs. M. C. Fisher intnoduced the guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) A. C. Luffman cf Baltimnore. The speaker based bier ne- marks on the subject "The In- ner Light". She stressed the need of systematic Bible study, good lilerature and God's guid- ance, not only by teachings in His word, but by the Holy Spir- il and prayer to sustain and guide our thoughts, our pur- poses and our lives. "The lighl thal shines the brigbtest in the home, is the ligbt that reaches the farthesl". A hearty vote of thanks was extended 10 Mrs. Luffman by Mns. C. Allin for lier very in- spiring address and also 10 the Minor Hockey Players Honoured by Mothers Trophies Are Presented Newcastle: Members of the Newcastle Minor Hockey League teams, accompanied by Iheir fathers were ententalned at a banquet prepared for them by the mothers of the boys in the Lions Room cf the Newcastle Community hall recently. Some 100 persons, including guests, sat down to a very delîcious meal. Messrs. Sam Brereton and Douglas Wallon acted as chair- men for the evening and Mrs. John Scott presided aI the pi- ano. Grace was said by the Rev. M. C. Fisher. Head table guests introduced by Mr. Brereton included Reeve J. H. Jose, Rev. M. C. Fisher, Mr. Carruthers, Port Hope, vice President of the Lit- tle N.H.L. Association, Mn. Jack Eilbeck, guest speaker and Messrs. David McCuilough, Bill Brunt, Chas. Colins, Howard Quinney, Douglas Wallon, AiU Cochrane, C h a s. Bonathan, Brenton Rickard, Jimmy Bask- erville, George Rickard, Terny Wallon, Wendell Fisher, and Douglas Jose. A vote of thanks te the mo- thers for providing the delicious meal was expnessed, on behaif of the boys, by Douglas Jose. Mn. Carruthens of Port Hope, Committees Are Named By Lionettes Newvcastle: Mrs. Jean Rîck- ard, president, and the new di-. rectorale teck oven the March meeting o! the Newcastle Lion- elles Club for their first meet- ing, held recently in the dining room cf the Queen's Hotel. Following a delicious dinner, the ladies settled down 10 busi- ness with the president appoint- ing the foliowing standing com- mittees for the next twelve months; Welfane, Mrs. Dun- reath Wallon and Mrs. Marion Gilkes. Flower and Visiting, Mns. Dora Kelsey and Mrs. Irene Cunningham; Carnival, Mrs. Anesta Williams, Mrs. Grace Toms and Mrs. Jean Lewis; Publicity and Bulletin, Mrs. Kay Stephenson, Mrs. Verna Agnew; Property, Mrs. Gertrude Walker; New Mem- bers, Mrs. Pauline Storks and Mrs. Rene Roberts; Program, Mns. Marion Knox, Mrs. Shirley McKinley and Mrs. Jean Fnith; Salvation Army, Mrs. Helen Carveth; Ice Field Day, Mrs. Onena Megit; Ways and Means, Mns. Charlotte Rickard and Mrs. Elsie Koropatwa. There was considerabie dis- cussion negarding projects for the club 10 undertake, and it was genenally feit by the mem- bers that the club's projecîs would receive more public sup- port if the funds were designal- ed toward a parîculan goal. The aims cf the Newcastle Lionettes Club are comnunity betterment, and an auxiiiary 10 the Newcastle Lions Club tri fo thir in muica se- C,,OassisiiV *l f.ifo VVÂ*tflet triofor hei fin muicalsel called upon to assist with their ection. projects. Ail funds raised fnomn An Easler hymn and the public events go toward the benediction by Mrs. Fisher furthening of the aims. brought the meeting to a close afler which refreslîments were served and a social haif houn village It was announced that enjoyed. Mr. Joseph Caruk the new Dis- _____________________trict Field Secretary of the In- stitute would speak to the mèm- bers at the next regular meet- Iectrci'tyPlans xvere announced for the 101h Anniversar Charter Meet- Jons C lubing and Ladies' nite 10 be heid lions Clubal n Oon The business portion of the wvhere a fine evening is planned meeting was conducted by Lion încluding dinner and entertain- President, Brenton Rickard, who ment for the members and appointed the fîrsl three presi- their guesîs. Birthday gifts were dents of the club, Lions Percy presented te Lions Tom Len- Hare, Chas. Knox and Irwin nard, Tom Lewis and Bill Colwili as a nominating cora- Storks who also made their con- mittee to pick a slate of officers tributions 10 the fine box han- for the 1957-58 year commenc- dled by the acting tail twister, ing in Juiy. After some discus- Lion Milt. Walker. for tis oc- sion the members decided to casion. The members decided take on the canvass for the the $23.00 collected at the Field Canadian National Institute for 1 Day on Ice should be turncd the Blind, to take the form 0ofl over to the Memorial Arena a one night blitz of the entire1 Committee. Vacuum Bottles 790 Noxzema Speclals 980 - 1.25 100, A.S.A. Tabs, 190 Faste 3 tubes 660 Moth-proof Your Clothing Bayer Aspirîn with Dee Tee Moth Killer- 59e Free Children's Aspirin Larvex Spray- 1.09- 1.69 BT O 0 Larvex Bombs -. 1.98 Bayer Nose Spray - 980 Fly Tox Moth-proofer 1.39 1.00 Value instantine - 750 Enden986 size Shampoo Halo 1.69 790 __________Deep Heet Bufferin ¶% ~.w,980 Tahs. ,%L.D 3 s 39e - 79a,'M Mostecive o mo Capsules 1.23 dewhite Cof Seoon yet forvwloted. 19 One-A-Day Nyal Creophos 1.30 Multiple Vitamins uke'Mitr59-8o 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 - 7.95lys itre5e 5 Wamipole's VI Cal Fer Caps Vicks Cough Syrup - 59o 1.95 - 4.95 Nyal Croup Syrup --75c Clearasil for Skin Irritations ___- 69c - 1.19 COWLING'S PEIONE SO EWB FIT UA 3-5695 DRUG SORE TRUS8ES tended the Beenhoff-Hanna wedding at Oshawa on Satur- day. Sympathy is extended le Mr. L. Bradley and family in th.e passing of Mrs. Bradley on Wednesday. W.A. April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mrs. Cowling on Thursday (today) at 2.30. Pro- gramme in charge of Mrs. Cowling. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Church Service at 3 p.m. Rev. F. Jackson in charge. Sacra - ment will iDe administened. Sonry to hean Mrs. J. Poîts is a patient mn Memoniai Hospi- tal, having bad an operation. SALEM Social and Personal Greenapan'. WIENERS ALL BEEF Johnsona Hard Glost Reg do>m IL m -b the many lovely, and useful gifts, Retta expressed her thanks and invited everyone l'o visit them in their home in Oshawa in the mtture. A family party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ww Craig on Sundaýy in houro Mrs. Bruce Lehman's -4thday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Marchaint and Susan, Messrs. George and Donald Parsons visited their parents at Trenton. aba.- R.R. No. 2, Newcastle, Ont. Mr. Gordon Agnew, Editor, The Newcastle Independent. Dear Sir, Just a line in appreciation of the boost you gave the New- castle Cub Pack in last week's Statesman. Althoygh our paper drives have netted us a nice lttle sum in the past, we have feit that a bit of advertising would really put them over. Thanks for your hielp, Sincerely, A. G. Perrin, Cubmaster on behalf o! the Little N.H.L. Association presented to Fred Alidread, the trophy he won ln the Little N.H.L. Tounnament held recently in Port Hope. The trophy for the winniiig teamn in the league, won by the Canadiens, was presented by Mn. Brenton Rckard to Joe Smnith on behalf of his team- mates who included Steve Bar- chard, Ricky Pearce, George Rickard, Peler McCullough, John Brinkman and Eric Ber- nard. Newcastle Miner Hockey League Crests wene presented 10 each of the boys on the four teams in the league by Messrs. Wallon and Brereton. Reeve J. H. Jose spoke brie!- ly to the gathering commend- îng the fine job which had been done by Messrs. Wallon and Brereton in onganizing the league and teaching the boys to play hockey in the manner in which they have. Before calling on Mn. Carveth to show the pictures hie had broughl of the 1956 Stanley Cup Piayoffs, the guest speak- er, Mn. Jack Eilbeck, spoke to the boys briefly on the subi ect of hockey and urged the par- ents to take a keener intenest in their boys and try 10 gel out whenever Possible to see them play hockey and 10 encourage them. The showing o! the films followed 10 end a very fine and successful evening's enter- lainment. A vote cf thanks on behaif cf ail present to Messrs. Eilbeck and Carveth was ex- pnessed by Mn. Wallon. The committee in charge of the banquet are most grateful te the Crystal Dairy who clmn- ated the Chocolate Milk and to ail who helped in any way tc make the affair the outstanding success il w-as. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, were Sat- urday visitons aI Mn. and Mrs. A. SRead's. Anne White, Tyrone, spent the weekend with Lynde PolIs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond, Jennie and Tnacey, Bowman- ville, Mn. Roy Thompson, Les- kard, Mn. Roland Tbompson and Heather, Hampton, visited Mrs. W. Thompson. Mr. and Mns. Nelson Gage, Blle, Mary and Rickie, Thorn- hili, visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Bertrim and family. Misses Grace and Winnifred Tnewmn, Mr. Fred Castle, To. ronto, visited Mrs. Wm. 're- win, and Mr. and Mns. Walter Loveridge. Mr. Milton Sienvn is visiting Mn. Elmer Slemon, Toronto. Mrs. Chanlie Garnard attend- ed a shower for her niece, Miss Eleanor Gay, Oshawa, at Mrs. Eber Snowden's, Countice. Mr. and Mrs. Layng and family moved to Myrtle on Saturday. Little Bnian Layng was home from Memonial Hospital. Lily Tabb came home on Sat- unday from Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. C. Rankine, at- Lars STOR DELW PRICES ON DEPENDABLE QUALITY F0005 ARE.. SLIPER-RICIIT0QUALITffYMÀEA TS BOILING FOWL Wheatley Brand Haddock Fish Sticks 3 10-oz pkgs 79c Grade 'A' Ready te Cobk lb 39C 4to 3-lb average 1-lb celle pkg 3 9C g. Price $1.09-SAVE 10e (iLCU-Ç:CA T quart tin 99C Smith's Pure Reg. Prie 39e-BAVE 4c STRAWBERRY JAM 12-or jar 3 5C A&P Reg. Price 25c-8AVE e CHILI *SAUCE ii-oz bt 23 c A&P Choice Quality Reg. Prie 2 for 41o-SaVE 40 GREEN BEANS I20z tins 35e Jan* Parker Reg, Price 55c-SAV, £ lc CHERRY PIE *ach49- Jn* Parker Golden Reg. Prie. 27-BSAVE 4c LOAF CAKE each 23C Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 29o--SAVE 9c COKISMOLASSES I pkgs4% Mapie Leaf Liquid Reg. Price ic--BAVE 6r DETERGENT24-oz tin 75C Prices Effective Until Saturday, April 13th, 1957. Miss Margaret Shackleton who had ah~ openation for alp- pendicitis iast week is making satisfactony progress aI home. Mrs. McClure, Brampton, who was visiting ber son, Mn. and Mrs. H. McClure, had the mis- fortune to faîl and crack a bone in ber ankle. Il will be in a cast for several weeks. Mrs. Douglas Reynolds and Mrs. Bob Craig were hostesses lasI Thursday evening aI the latter's home for a shower for Miss Reta Cann. Afteropening Royal'Theatre BowmanvillE Now playing uni il Saturday, April 13 Matinee - Saturday - 2 p.m. ~GARY COOPER N' V/iltIAM VVYLER's oocTo *,,,,DOROTHY MCGUIRE itOd,,dng ANTHONY PERKINS Als c I.rngM ARJO0RI1E MAIN ANALLIED AATISTS P&CTUA ~ .* Two shows nightly- 7 and 9:30 p.m. NEXT MON. TO WED - APR. 15. 17 Last complete show 9:30 Coming Apr. 18 - 20 - "Love Me Tender'>" Matinees Friday and Saturday - 2 pa. Lean Meaty PORK SPARE RIBS 147C 1SPECIAL1! A&P INSTANT COFFEE LARGE 6-oz jar 1.29 TffE CANADIAlq STATESMAN, BOWMANMLZ. ONTAIUC)

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