- 'r TRUE8DAy, APRM Leith, 195? Co un ies Costs Wl! 9ncFease This Year Strike Il Miii Rate United Counties council clos- penditures in 1956 were $65.5.- ed its April session Thursday 853. by announcu.ng that the mill !General government and ad- rate for Northumberland and ministraýtion costs are estima',-. Durhamn le to be Il« milîs, an ed at $72,600, in comparison ta 3ncrea , o! hal! a miii over an actual expenditure in 1956 o! $72,241. Law enforcemnent is 4the~ê levy wil raiee $686,. set at $63,800, up from the ac- 619 on, la total assessment of tuai cost o! $53,878 in 1956. $62,419,900. Public works, including roads The increased mil rate is due and bridges, is set at $3 12,099. primarily to increased casts of Last year, this work cost $256,- road maintenance and con- 553. struction,' as well as to the cas! Public welfare rose from o! legal administration in the $164,185 in the 1956 actuai ex- United Caunties. penditure ta an estimate o! The department o! Justice at $172,200. The registry office Queen s Park bas washed its wili cast $5,000. The aid quar- banda o! administration casts, ters cast oniy $1,831 in 1956. but are ailowing municipalities This department is now located $i per capita on the uncandi- in the new counties building. tianal grants for supporting Reforestation costs are esti- county courts. mated at $1,800. Scholarships Expenditures $692,918 wili cost $2,600, and the esti- Total estimated expenditures mated expenditure for wolf and of $692,918 were reduced by fax caunties is set at $1,200. miscellaneous revenue (licen- The Cobourg hospital building ces, etc.) and revenue from grant i s $13,500. A contingency county rates under section 51 !und je set at $4,306. of the Assessment Act, for Debenture debt charges on buildings campieted since the the new municipal building are asseesment was finished. The $32,293.75. The 1956 cost was net figure is $686,619. Net ex- $32,375. Bowma nvi île BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVI starting ai 6 p.m. Fidoiy Aprl 26th Citizens are requested to have their old papers an magazines tied in bundies and placed on the boulevards i front of their homes. Your to-operation la appreeiated. nd Ch..» your footwear for Spring and Easter for the whehoIm~iY from among thes. nationally famous 00 brandi tocked la our store. M * *SAVAGE CHILDREN'S SHOES *SISMAN SCAMPERS * * LOGROLLERS * EiAG HT OR BEIGE BUCKS I SCOTT-MeHALE SHOESa DACK SHOES I SISMAN WORK BOOTS FeeIfrs.te.me lamd lok aound IlI FARMERSI We can now offer you DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZER CHESTS made only by designed for farm homes. From 300 up to 800 lb. capacity. A beautiful high quality freezer Priced from $289.95 -' 3 Sec them on display now at Bowman ville Frigid Locker System 73 KING ST. W. PHONE MIA 3-5578 M r' M M a M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I M M M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ________THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWM4AwNvILE. NTARIOPAELEZ Tow n Workmen Repair Winter Damage I s m i were preserit from Enniskilen, Bowmanville, Hampton and Long Sault. The April meeting of the Homne and School Club wvas held Friday evening with an- other full school bouse. Presi.. dent Mrs. Ethel Goble opened the meeting and conducted the short business then turned *lie meeting over to Mr. Wni. John- son when we enjoyed the fol- lowing program: readînge, Mrs. Jean Youngznan and Mra. E. Goble: music by Mr. G. Baker and the Enniskillen Girls' Quar- tette sang unaccompanied "True Love" and I'Aprîl Showers'. Mr. McLaggan showed three fine films. Meeting closed and a social time followed. May committee are the Norman and Clarence Woodleys, W. Van- eyk and A. Youngman familles. Club 50 ladies met at tic home of Mrs. W. Vaneyk April 9. President Mrs. MeLaggan opened the meeting and conduc- ted the business. Much of the time was taken up by discuss- ing the bak sale to he held at the KitsotA Locker May 17. A motion was passed to give $50 to the Board of Stewards. De- votional and Scripture was tak- en by Mrs. McLaggan. We en- joyed a few games of bin.co. May convenors are Mrs. Peggy Milîson and Mrs. Ethel Goble and ail members are invited to the home of Mre. Wm. Johnson May 14. Saturday evening April 13 about 50 friends and neigh.- bours met at the home of MIr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker to honor aur latest newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Harper. When ail had assembled Mà'vr. Baker asked Wilma and Bill to be seated on the two decor- ated chairs and the basket o! lovely gifts was brought for- ward. The couple made fitting replies. A social time was spent in dancing to music supplied by Mr. Denby, Bowmanville, and Mr. Baker, with Mr. Wm. Johnson doing the calling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville; Pat Taylor, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, John and Lau- raine; Miss Jane McClure, Mr. Douglas Thompson and Mr. James McClure were Sunday guests with the Smiths cele- brating Mrs. Smith's 8lst birth- day. Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton, spent the weekend with the Bakers. Mr. Valentine Toth left Mon- day night for Montréal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexan- der and Donna, Bowmnanville, were Sunday guesta of Mr. Rob- ert Sim. -.<-.M ,. w The Honev Bridge south of the C.N. R. tracks has been taking a stiff beating from weather and high waters during the past Winter and the buttresses have been so weakened that the bridge partially collapsed under the weight of the town grader. Roads and Streets employees, John Gebo ers, Harland Truil and Percy Porter are shown above reinforcîng the bridge. Vo rks Foreman Lloyd Quinton hopes to add concrete buttresses next year to further solidify the bridge. MA of( wi] boy 4 .4. 1' I AY SCENE '- Budding leaves, green lawns and stately tulips show the beauty Canada's Capital City in late May. The flowers are part of the million tulips which .1 be in bloom during the Canadian Tu lip Festival from May 13 to 30. The small y is looking at a picturesque artificial pond, part of the Rideau Canal system. an cer Society Plans anvass of District, Although we hear a great Friendship Group, in Orono, by deai about the motor accident a group of volunteer canvassers, toîl, cancer kilîs almost seven in Tyrone, by the Ladies' rtimes as many people each year Orange Benevoient Association, as are killed in automobile ac- in Enniekilien, by the Ennis- cidents. kilien Service Club, in Hamp- Much can be done to relieve ton by the Hampton Ladies Ser- -this situation, early diagnosis vice Club, and in Pontypool, by is the key factor. Funds arc the Wom-en's Service Group. needed to keep the top Cana- A complete iist of canvassers dian medical men at work ta for Bowmanville will appear in find a cure for this dread di- the Statesmnan next week. sease. We hope the citizens of Please set your contribution Bowmanviile and district wi]1. aside ior this wortby cause so in our figbt to bring Cancer defeated in its purpose. under control by figbting with __________ a check-up and a cheque. The volunteer canvassers in ** Bowmanville will he calling on Visi ting Aux. April 3tb, between the houir of 7 and 8 p.m. Tbey wiIl be equipped with portfolios as Ente rtained by their official identification, w:t 'Canadian Cancer Societv Campaign Kit" plainly printe e in L d s on the front. They will be p) egin ade pared to issue receipts, distri- *s'A iiayBac 18 bute small red caduceus p: ns Ladies'AxlayBac 7 and educational leaflets 011 can- Canadian Legion held their so- cer. cial evening in the Legion hall on Monday, April 15 and en- Campaigns will be conducted tertahned the Osbawa and by the followina: in Bowman* Dawes Road, Toronto, Auxil- 1 ville, by the àunsbine GrouP iaries witb a large number in and the Canadian Order of For- attendance. esters. in Newcastle, bv the frashtbuiese- sion and comrnittee reports presidnt Piper called on eni- D'aasons Are tranetcmite oi rades F. Knigbt and Dot Fair to take over. The entertainment Ho o e y Ladie'Auxiliary which everiy- one put on bv scalroup of o t 'Their Family Presley, by Cmae J3 tOn Sundav evening, Mr. alld *A draw took place and the tMrs. larr ' Dadson. 151 Liber- winners were Comrade Trethe- ty Street South, were guests of wayv. Toronto; Comrades D. j ieir famnily at dinner at thej Head, Wells and Bockley, Osh- jVenture Inn, on the occasion of awa; Comrades V. Fletcher, their 35th wedding anniversary. Jean Linton, Rogers and Bath-e Those present were Mr. and gEe omavle Mrs. William Dadson, Peter- A d1eliciaus lunch was served,b borough, Ted and Ada, and Mr. Comnrade V. Fletcher conven-b and Mrs. Jack Wiggans. Pres- îng. which brought the evening 'A tenvahe. Following ciinner, Mr. to a close. t and Mrs. George Dadson and t family. 86 Base Line, entertain- ed at their home, wvhen George The average carrving caPacitY!k iaa me prseition or -i ofI:cignt cars on Canadian Ie( beautýful oil painting to his railvayý bas been increas ed oi parents on behalf of ail pres-j from 35.14 tons to 45.96 tons ja eut. J smce 1920. t West Durham Teachers HoId Dinner Meeting The Women Teachers' Feder- ation o! the Durham West in- spectarate held their dinner meeting at Maple Grove Church April 11. In the absence o! the president, Miss M. Coucb, Miss Myra. Cooper, vice-president, was ln charge o! the meeting. After dinner, served by the ladies o! Mapie Grove Church, Miss Lynda Martin and Miss Lynda Scott entcrtained with delightful vocal duets, "He", "Jesus Tender Shepherd' and! "Have Faith, Hope and Char- ity". They were accompanied by Mrs. Laird. After a brie! business meet.. ing Miss, E. McHolm introduc- Sd t j get speaker, Mr. Per- cv Roxe, of Janetvill. M'. Rowe originally of Welcomec, attended school in Bowman- ville béfore moving to Alber- ta. While in the West Mr. Rowe represented the Social Credit Party as a member of Parîha- ment. It xvas of his years in Alberta which Mr. Rov.e spoke mainl,, telling stories and anecdotes on wbicbhe b as based bis book of poctry "Meditations and M\errirnent" wbich is to be puob- lished in the Faîl. Mr. Rowe spoke also o! the need for more story telling and poetry for cbildren, of the good relationship it can establish and of the benefits to the children. Miss A. Arnold thanked tYie guest speaker for bis most en- tertaining talk. LONG SAULT About 25 ladies met at C. woodlev's home Thursday evening in the !orm o! a mis. cellaneous «hawer for Miss Janej Hodgkinsori, a popular bride-to-j be o! th's manth. Wben the bide-to-be arrived a corsageh was pinned on by a siste rof the groom and then escorted to a chair decorated by Mrs. Gwen Murphy. After the bas- ket i! lovely gifts were open-~ _d by Jane she thanked everv- ne. AUl enjoyed a sing-song and a ovely lunc(h was served by Ue joint biostes,ýeS. Friendsj Prevent Fires ut Home FoIIow These Precautions. Each ear, more than 40,000 ulated. Canadian homes are dama.ged bv 3. Use non-inflammable fluidn fire. PropertN, loss is estimated!foF cleaning floors and clothin.g; at $20,000,000 according to the'do not use gasoline or simiilar Ail Canada Insurance Federa- volatile fluids. tion which represents 200 com- 14. Oily rags, or rage soaked in peting fire, automobile and turpentine or other fluide, should casualty insurance companies inl be destroyed or kept in uealed Canadaý , metal containers. 0f the 400 Canadians who die 5. Wnter heating materials - in residential fires each vear. oil eoue tc hudb about haif are children. Home kerose mnu eet.-sl drb fires can be prevented and the kumeptatminimm evl rn Federation offers these precau- sme ots tions, especially applicable at' 6. Chimneys a nd furnaces this time of year. should be cleaned thoroughly. 1. Rernoe matches and ot er 7. Check fans, air conditioners inflammables from the pockets and similar summer appliances of winter garments before stor- for frayed cords or loose con- jlg. nections. 2. Clean out attics, basements, 8. Remove accumulated leaves sheds, garages and other areas from eaves and around base of where rubbish may have accum- homes. Greetings and Best Wishes Canada's composite idustrial production 'eraged 265.9 or 8.7 per cent >ove 1954. in( av ab index of in 1955 on- the opening of their motel and dining lounge. NOWAK'S CHICKEN FARM Producer of Table Eggs R.R. 1 Bowmanville Smith Beverages Limited PHONE MA 3-5530 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR PERMANENT - BowmanviIe ATTRACTIVE THAT'S.. Frire cie f SAFETY CHIMNEY NOW AVAILABLE AT.- FIREPROOP INSULATED LOW COST Oshawa Wood Products Limited FIRECHIEF FOR: *Greater HEA'flNG EFFICIENCY *SAFETY and PERMANENCE at a LOWER COST *Suitable for homes of EVERY TYPE *Simple to install by you or your owvn contractor *Approved by Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. "Glascor" The New Roofig Maferia- Ask about this new material now available at Oshawa Wood Products, it's terrifie, the ideal roofing with a IO-year guarantee. Excellent for built-up flat roofs. Cuts roofing cost in haif. H 1FEOs *Paints *Hardware *Trirn Sash and Building Malerials *Cernent *Fencing )SHRAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED lA 3-2130 Courlice HA 3.4661 rr>r - 1.... __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____17 "i 1 !PHONE MA 3-5530 VENTURE INN 3-2130 Courtice RA 3-4661