TKT3RSDAY, APEIL lSth. 195? TEE CANADIA2~ STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTA~1O PAGE T~RTEEI -I The Orono News Telephone 127 Mrs. John Morris is visiling lni Sask., motoring wcst wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gilleland and sonr.wJio apent lhe winl.r in -.QrabhA anbrs. Gea. C. Fuester, ,fTowcl, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barra- bail with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barraball visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabahl, Braoklin, an Sunday. Mrs. Myra McCuloch returns homne Eastcr Monday afler spcnding' the winter in Brad- enton, Flonida. Tic Clarke Township Wom- en's Teachers' Federation iad their banquet on Wcdnesday evening aI lie Northway Rest- aurant. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and son, Windsor, are spcnding tie long Easter weekcnd with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor wba bave moved into the F. Cowan houqe Ilu- Windows are to cet in by Burgiars, for reasons best known to themselves, oflen prefer windows ta get ini by. So il could happen that your furs, jewelry end other precious belongings migit disappear by. the same route.- "right out the window." 1 Don't isk such a loss. Let us make sure you're ade- quately protected NOM. STUART R. JAMES [NS URANCE Office MA 3-5681 Ring Street 9. REAL'ESTATE Residence MA 3-5493 Dowmanvtlle &Il they recently purchased. Mrs. Cliff Cooper had a leg operation at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Cowan, Toronto, were visiting here on Sunday. Wilis and Neil Barrabaîl are staying with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilmer at Trickey Corners until the end of th2 school term. Miss Madeline Cowan, Tor- onto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, on Sun- day. Mrs. J. E. Richards is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren and famfly, Niagara Falls, N.Y., today. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers. Scarborough, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ceci Powers. Mrs. Harry Mercer spent Tuesday with Mrs. Chas. Shaw and sons, Oshawa. Mr. John E. Armstrong pass- ed away in Toronto General Hospital last Thursday evening. Funeral was fromn Orono United Church on Sunday. Interment i Orono Cemetery. Rev. John Kitchrn officiated. Mrs. Jack Bryson and daugh- ters, Colborne, are spending a month with ber mother, Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence while Mr. J. Bryson with Mr. M. Lunn are in Toronto taking a special course. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen visited in Niagara Falls, On- tario, last week. Miss Alma Cutteli will spend the Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Junker and family, Preston. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, spent WOOLi SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Reiable Grading Direct Settiement Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Alfred Gray NEWCASTLE John Thompson Ir KENDAL or by writîng ta CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada the weekend with Mr. and Horace Best and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Th( son, Cobourg, visited Mr. Mrs. R. R. Waddell. Miss Viola Noden, Toi visited ber mother, Mrs Noden. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn vL Mr. and Mrs. Russell VanH< Whitby, on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Hicks, Foxl visited Mr. and Mrs. Mad Hall last week. Miss Gwen Chatterton,1 Toronto, visited Mr. and M. Chatterton and Mr. and Orville Chatterton and Cari Mr. Robert Sherwin iss ing at Lintonhurst Manor Home, Orono. R.-R. 1, Newtonville, April 15, 1957. Dean Sir: [Mrs. Lcmp- * and ionto, s. J. isited [orne, 'boro, ýdison R.. Mrs. Moh. stay- ResI Ont. In different parts of Clarke Township a few cf the parents have realized at hast how an. tiquated and inadequate lhe littie red school bouses are and have starled lborough investi- gations int ways apd means cf improving matters for their owni cbildren. Some see bow, fin- anciahhy, t hey can modernize eneugh to attract teachers to werk for them. under condi- tions the teachers can find ini mest other parts cf Ontario. Others-and there are so very many who still think this way -are adamant that their cbihd. ren be taugbt just as tbey were. Certainly the buildings are sthll as cold, as dusty, as crowded, as isohaLted as they've ever been in the fifty bo one hundred years since they were built. The teachers must beach eight grad- es. It's simple arilhmelic that each grade has only one-eightiî of the teacher's lime. The Dept. of Education bas two sets of standards. One for graded schoohs, the lower ene fer rural one-roem schools. lf tiere hs a couci, radio, record player, good picture or twe, enougb sports equipment, the children have bought themn with proceeds cf concerts. The taxpayer dîd net supphy them. We aIl pay an equalized tax on Our property wherever we hive ln Charke Township. But some are hucky enough ta hive wiere new homes, garages, stores, motels, restaurants raise Ibeir scbaol section's assessment a great deal. The rest cf us, individuaily paying as murch, cannet afferd any more for our school and as far as we cari see no business or industry is gcing ta move in ta improve matters. But ahi together - there is enough InOney raised right new to Put two ta four-roomed de- cent scbools in sîrategic centres througheut the Township wbere ne chihd bas more than a fifleen minute ride to schooi. Facts and figures are available for any group wbo wanbs la discuss Ibis. The most important, in fact the only thing whîch matters,- we could give our children tie best education we can afferd and tbey deserve. I cannol urge you strongly enough ta forget your differ- ences, work ouI a way that all these fine young citizens al over the Township can have the equal cpportunity we, as Can-_ adians, behieve is their right- NOW!. You see, 1 knew most cf them. persenahly, and, behieve me, tbey are worth your great- est efforts. Whohe-heartedly Ibeirs, Mrs. E. Westheuser, Parent, Taxpayer, Music Superviser. Ancient railroad: Work on lie St. Lawrence Seaway bas uncovered remans cf a cen.. tury-ohd raihroad. JusI across lie St. Lawrence from Mon- treal bulldozers laid bare aid timbers Ibat were part cf the Champlain and SI. Lawrence Railway, Canada's first. TEEN TO WN FOURTH ANNUAL EASTER featuring PAUL MINICOLA'S ORCHESTRA Lions Comm unit y Centre ,,Friday, April 26 th, 195 7 9 ueen o/ t/heÇ/3aI to be chosen EVERVONE WELCOME ADMISSION - Members $3.00 (including corsages) Dancing 9 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Non-Members $4.00 Corsages created by Jackman & Son Mrs. Seymour Presented With Life Membership Orono: Tie mantbly meeting of the Woman's Association was held on Thursday p.m., April 11, in the S.S. rcom. MNi. J. Kitchen, Pres., presiding. Tie meeting opened with the W.A. theme, mollo and tieme sang. The Secretary read the min- utes and the Treasurer reported l$64.73 made aI our Tea and Home Cooking Sale in Febru- ary. The Cor. Sec. reported sending out 10 cards to sick and bereaved. Twenty-five dollars was given ta the local Red Cross and $5.00 toward mem- bership in tie United Nations. iMrs. Kitchen and Mrs. Billlngs werc appointed delegates ta the annual meeting cf the W. A. Presbytery ta be heid, in Newcastle Church on April 25. iWe are honoured in aur W.A. inOrono te have as one cf aur mosl active members, lie Pres- ident cf the Oshawa Presbytery W.A. for the past lwo years, Mr.M. J. Tamblyn, she wil be pesiingaI Newcastle and il is hoped liaI the ladies of our ciurch will attend in large numbers and give ber lie sup- port she deserves. Mrs.' C. Wood bad the e votionai, the theme being "Seelf Sacrifice." Sic based ber ne1-1 marks on, "If any man will ceme after me let bim take up bis cross and folow me." Sic said His sacrifice on lie Cross shouhd govern the attitude we take toward every cross we are called on te bear and liaI the good we could do in aur wom- Toront o Mc Meefs With Mo vie Maki Tbirty members cf the T.M. C. accepted the invitation cf the Oshawa and District Movie Club and attended the local club's regular meeting in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville on Thursday night. Forrest Dilling, president, welcomed the guests and intro- duced the members cf the To- ronto Club by having them stand. Meredith Moffat, Competi- tien Director, announced the winners in the Oshawa Ciub's cempetition and presented the winners with Iheir prizes, after which Mr. Moffat screened thc Grand Championship film Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warbur- ton and famihy were Sunday afternoon callers aI his siste.r's Mrs. Angus Loucks, Leskard. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reynolds and famihy will be glad to know tbey arrived aI the home «of the forme's daughter, Mrs. AI. Win'blad, New Mexico, in spite of bad storms bordering on their course. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Down at- tended the Haley-Phelps wed- ding in Detroit on Friday,1 April l2th. Tbey spent a plea- sant weekend visiting relatives in Detroit and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams received word of the death cf Mr. William Harding, Austin, Man., last night in bis B7th year: This friendly old gentleman en- deared himself to many people in Ihis community as he re- newed acquaintances here for several summers. We are sorry ta bear that Mrs. Dingman, mother cf Mrs. Carl Adams, is serieusly 111 in Oshawa Hospital and we hope for her a speedy recovery. The l8th Osbawa Scout Mo- thers' Auxiiiary held its regu- lar monthly meeting at Cour- lice school. The president, Mrs. Allen Stephens, presided. The minutes cf the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. The business per- iod consisted of further plans being made for the Father and Son banquet coming up on Apr. 27, aise a rummage sale in the Orange Temple April 25. We Ihank ail those who helped in any way on our last one held March 28. Refreshments were served. The Woman's Association wili meet on April 25, Thursday evenir.g at 8 o'clock, in charge of the Citizenship group. Mr. J. E. Karuk, District Field Se- cretary in Ibis area for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind will illustrate bis message with a film. Everyone is welcome le attend. The Father and Son banquet of Oshawa l8th Cub and Scout group will be beld on Satur- day, April 27 at 6.30. Mrs. Marge Stephenson, City cf Oshawa District Commissioner cf Cubbing wili be the guest speaker. Sunday School was wehl aI- tended Ibis week when a film "The Risen Christ" held the rapt attention of ail. Sunday evening at Church, Rev. L. M. Somerville, preacb- ed on "The Lord's Supper" and based his remarks on "The First Lord's Supper" in the Upper Room. The failures cf some of those present-betrayal, denial and sehfishness, among the in- timate followers of Jesus were changed when they gazed at Jesus on the Cross. A fuil choir sang the anthem, "The Faimns", under the direction cf organist and choir leader, Mr. Frank Walters. The Junior choir will assIsî the regular choir next SundaY evening at the service. This will be their first appearance in the new surpîlces. The Darlinglon Volunteer Fire Brigade held a dance at Varcoe's Hall on Friday, April 12. A good time was reported and the treasury enriched by about $100. Mr. James Casîle, Darlinglon Boulevard South, is president cf the organization whicki sponsored the evening. M en's organizations couid ual be estlmated if every member practised self sacrifice. Easter slides were siown by Mrs. Irnlchen anid Mrs. Carson sang an appropriate solo ta ac- Company tie pictures. Mrs. M. J. Tambiyn, the Secretary for Friendship and Christian Stewardsîip, h ad charge cf the program which wasspecially arranged for lie shut-in members cf our congre- gatian. She wclcomed lie lad- ies present and gave a cordial invitation la ceme cach month if passible. She invited Mrs. Scymour la the front and after expressing ta ber the tianks and appreciation of lie mem- bers for ber many ycars cf willing service presented ber wiîh a Life Membersiip Certif- icate and Mrs. Logan prescntedj a Life Membership pin. Mrs. Seymour tianked lie ladies and expresscd tic pheasure it had been for ber te work for tie W.A. under the different presi- dents. A film, "Evangelism Tbrough Friendsbip" was sbown and was an inspiration le ahl present ta be moýre -f-riendly wit-h--their 'Emergoeryatrnents- 20 neighbours and to be a witness Visiting hours 2.30-4.30 p.m whenever possible for our Mas- and 7-8.30 p.m. ter. Mrs. Everett Brown ren -___________ dered a solo. There were about 45 ladics KE NDÂL present and 27 caîls reported. Refreshments were served by Mr.Ca.Topnan Mrs. Tamblyn and her group r.Ca.Topnad and a social time enjoyed. Arthur and Mrs. Garland Cath- cart visited in Cobourg Sunday C lUb afternoon with Mr. and Miss McBride. >vie C lubMr. Gay and Mr. Jim Barnes )vie had dinner Sunday with Mrs. Thompson and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen, L o alher parents, Mr. and Mrs. m Lînda, BihndaTy wr wt Although il was cool and fre- quently snowy last wveek the ers H eremen from here who work at produced by Wm. Wonnacott, the Orono Forestry started last "The Glidden Tour." .week, with the women starting The program was then pass- on Monday. ed over to Bill Wonnacott, pr.- Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Mrs. gram director, who presented George Mercer spent Thursday one of the local Club's project lin Toronto., films "Mother's Day Out,". This1 Sunday guests with Mr. and film, produced by a group of; Mrs. Carl Langstaff and Mr. local hobbyists, was made with' and Mrs. Jack Neal were Miss the idea of aiding as many ne-I Dia ne Irwin and Gordon Lang- vice mevie-makers as possible staff and Mr. and Mrs. Ariel in themes, lighting, lenses, Langstaff. framing, titling, etc., and Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Langstaff, though the pîcture had a few Delbert, Carl and Gordoli Lang- technical errors, was remark. staff and Mrs. Jack Neal a' - ably well conceived and exe- tended the funeral of their cuted. Richard Britton was uncle, Mr. Ben Olan, at Mill- called upon to form a panel for brook, Monday. a question and answer period.i A number fromn Kendal en- The panel, composed of Bill Sz- joyed the annual Faîher and mons and Eric Booth of Osh- Son Cub and Scout banquet gwa, Bruce Mac Clean and Bert held in Orono Tuesday evening OIson of Toronto, gave lucid of last week when a very de- answers to the problems of the licious turkey supper was ser- audience. For the 16 mm por- ved by the mothers and the tion of the pregram, Jack cubs and scouts demonstrated Judge screened bis excellent various things they had learn- film, "The Oshawa Secondary ed to do. Schools" and folowed this by Mrs. Perey Burley and Mrs. presenting Harrison Murphy's Earl Burley attended a shower vacation picture "Rocky Moun- Friday evening held by Mrs. tain Holiday." As it Is the w"i- Howard Cordon and Mrs. Ted ftê%"opirîion that Mr. Judge Bird at the home of Mrs. Bird, ahd Mr. Murphy are gentlemen Bowmanvihle, for Miss Joyce enthused with their hobby, it Burhey in honour of ber ap- is needhess to say thal their proaching wedding in May te films are exceptionally welh John Bird. Joyce was th.c done. recipient of many lovehy gifts. Lilhian Dilling, coffee hostess, Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil, and ber K.P. detail served a Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. very tasty buffet lunch froîn Wm. Frederick of Peterborough a table wbich featured a cake I ere Sunday guests wilh Mr. in the form of an Easter bunny and Mrs. Percy Burley andà and a lamb, and which carried Joyce. along the Easter tieme in tie remainder cf its decor. Draws for prizes were hehd, the main prize doiiated by Elhas Gift Shcp, Bowmanviiie, going ta Mrs. Voisey cf the Toronto Club. In closing the 3oint meeting the presîdent cf lie Toronta, Mavie Club, Bruce Mac Clean, made mention cf lhe wonder- fui facihities the local club iad Ibrougi the ceurtesy of lhe Bowmanviile Lions Club and expressed bis opinion that the Bowmanviile Lions Ihrough Iheir Community Centre, cer- taînly made an invahuable don- ation ta lhe community life cf flot only the lown cf Bawman- ville but 10 ahi cf tbe surround- ing district. Mr. Mac Clean aise added liaI he was amazed aI the enîhusiasm displayed oy the local movie fans and tie growlb cf the club over tie past few years and thanked the local executive for a most enjoyable and educational visil. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week cf April 8-14* Admissions ~55 Birtis, 4 male, 3 female - 7 Discharges -----60 Major operations Il There was a choir cf 17 voîces for church service and ticir anliem was "Open tbe Gates cf tie Temple." Mrs. Carrol Nichais sang "Il Was for Me," with Mr. Harding's geod Lenten sermon Palm Sunday was welh kept. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin WESLEY VILLE On Wednesday aflernoon, April 10, lie regular meeting cf the Woman's Association was held in tie church 'basement with tie Easter programme in charge of Mesdames A. Thorn- dyke, A. Austin, A. Ford, H. Barrowchough and E. Barrow- clougi. The business was con- ducled by the president and ararngements made for attend- ing the annuai meeting cf Ca- bourg Presbytery Association at Garden Hill aI the end cf the menti. A Red Cross quill was in the frames and finisied dur- ing the aflernoon. Members were pleased te weicome Mrs. Marsha Grenfeuld and littl1e son Nicky. The group served tea and refreshments ta tie 14 ladies present and discussion of W.A. activities conlinued tbraugh the social heur as usual. We are sorry la report the il- ness cf Murray Payne wha is suffering from iblood poisoning. Ris place as superintendent was taken on Sunday morning at Sunday Schooi by Clarence Niciols. The scripture was read by Joan Asbby. Newcomers were welcomed ta the Sunday School also when Gardon, Wil- liam and Margaret Matiyek came for the first time. Ab- sence of several reguhar meni- bers brougbt lie roll down te 2-3PLW INTERNATIONAL B-250 Lowest Priced Diesel in Canadai You can't came anywhere near the all-new 13-250 for Get ail the facîs on 1H Diesel fuel-and-maintenance downight dollar-value in a 2 - 3-plow Utility tracter. economy. Compare the B-250 poinî-by-point with That's aur claim. But any other Otility tracter in or near ils power range. You ho The J U D G E Then compare the price which makes the B-250 Take the wheel and take ta the field. Prave the B3-250 Canadas8 lowest priced diesel. You'll agree it's an for power - for performance - for farm-easy features. unbeatable buy. Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 INTERNATIONAL MARV ESTER PROM ý 1 1 -.1 - 1.. .1- 1 11, - -1 1 lýl -1 COURTICE and family spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. R. Vannatto of Toronto visited with the Oughtred's, during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ford and fam- ily spent Sunday with cou4in Lorne Noble and family in Tor- onto on Sunday. Mr. Carroll Nichois who is Returning Officer for Durbani is a busy man since the election date wvas announced for Jimne. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers and family, Oshawa, were guesta at Mr. Shutka's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jin Stark via- ited at Castieton. Choir practice was held at Mrs. Llew Hallowell's Saturday evening in preparation for thob Easter service. Mrs. 1. Plurn, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Arthur McKay's. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell attended the funeral servie for Mr. Arthur Hallowell in Ororio Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Far- row, Welcome, and Mrs. Spel- chen, Toronto, visited. recenty at Mr. Victor Farrow's. Rev. Fisher, Newcastle, hacl charge of the service at Shiloli Sunday at which time commun- ion service wvas observed. Mr. Guy will give the Easter mes- sage with special music by the choir. IAir. Rail or Steamahlp TI1CKRE TS TO EVERYIVEERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 JBowmanville 1 McCORMICK PLANTERS Unequalled for Accurate Seed Spaclng, Uniform Planting und Dependcability 2, 4 or 6 row trailing modela - 2 or 4 row Fast-Hitch modeh.' With a McCormick planter you'll take full advantage of good spring days - work fast with money-saving, crop-boostizig accuracy. Regardiesa cf your planting practice - checkrow, hill-drop or drill - regardiesa cf your soul type or size cf farm there's a rugged, dependable, high-speed McCormick plant« built to get your crop in faster and better. Prove this with a demonstration in your own fields -. YOU BE THE JUDGE, COWAN Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bownianville Phone MA 3.5699 IITUPMAT, APAIL leth, 195? TEE CANADL4» 8TATESMAN. BOWtANVnýLZ ONTARIO PAGE TERTEEN