TRTIRSDAY APRIL lSh, 195? 'R1 'AI.ALTVAWAI 3%WMAsww.. TAR vea4ca4 Social and Personal 4r.ér;rjrs. Kennethý Pearce weekend with Mr. and Mrs. a*~'arni ofBrigton, called bert Pearce and family and M n Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. H. R. Pearce. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. and Miss Isobel Pearce, daughi lamily on SaturdaY evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pear Mrs. J. Dawson and son Wil- was a patient in Memorial H. liamn of Toronto were Sunday pital last week, where she u. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lan- derwent an appendectomy. son Milison. Miss Doreen Milison atter Mrs. Charles E. ýClarke and ed the convention for RegistE the Misses Aldyth and Kath-- ed Nurses held in the Roy arine motored fromn Toronto onl York Hotel last week. Tuesday and had luncheon with Miss B. McIntosh. Miss Kath- Following, is the hours t] armne Clarke remained for a general delivery wicket will few days' visit with Miss Mc- open at the local Post Offi Iritosh. during the Easter Holidi Miss Cora Butler spent Tues- weekend. Good Friday, 10. Clay visiting in Toronto. arn. ta 12.30 noon. There w Miss Peggy Pearce and Mr. be no rural carrier deliver: E d Haney of Toronto, spent the made on Friday. Easter Mo _______________________ day the general delivery wic. j et wlll be open from 11.00 aa * I o i .m.and rural deliveri I C~ Iwill be made as usual. The * . IU LU Iwill be no Money resa * I made on either Friday or Mo: I Heafing and day. E ave s r ou ghing Authorized Chalco Dealer PýHONE Newcastle 3686 UNCLEIWSf A GIRÇL MAS T 5OÇ~ INTELLIG6EnT TO5 GET, -A.qJOB'" AND[UMBTiO GE?' NEWCASTLE GARAGE FR4xK HOAR, Proprieter . ,,Phone 2671 After noon W.A Delegates Go To Dioscesan Newcastle: The Aft. Branc of St. George's Woman's Auj iliary, met on Tuesday aftei noon, April 9th at the hon- of Miss Cora Butler. In the absence of the Pres dent, Miss Mclntosh, Mr Dewdney presided and conduci ed the opening prayers, an reports fromn the officers. $,i was voted toward the first in stalment of pledges to ibe sen to the Diocesan Treasurer. De legates were appointed to th~ annual meeting of the Toron, Diocesan Board, to be held i: Toronto on May 6th ta 8th in clusive. Mrs. John Ferguson gave very interesting and informa tive paper on the~ work heinj carried on -by the church ii parts of South East Asia. Following the business ses sion, the hostesses served teý and members enjoyed a pleas ant social haif hour. Total number of medical certified ilinesses reported b2 federal civil servants in 1954, 55 was 63,096. This resulted ii 945,179 days o! illness or approx imately eight days per year pei employee. ,$5PECIAL APRIL COLD WAV -~only $600 VE Good from Apnil 23 to May 4 nt Crago's Newcastle Her:Beau! y Shop Monday Closed ail da.y Tuesday and Thursday - 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Wed., Fr1. and Sat. - - 9 a.m. te 5, Phone Newcastle 3801 "COMPARE" OUR PRICES 1955 DODGE Radio, sharp 1954 STUDEBAKER Commander Hardtop - Radio, overdrive, V8, etc. 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-dr. Automatic, radio, tint glass, rear seat speaker, washers 1953 CIIEV. BELAIR SEDAN New motor, tint glass--- 1,395.00 1,395.00 1,395.00 1953 FORD 2-dr. New nhotor, a beauty --_,095.00 1953 FORD 4-dr. Reliable fainily car - ---11095.00 1951 CHEV. 4-dr. "Special" -- - -_625.00 1947 FORD - __- ------- -- - 195.00 Demonsiralors ai Big Discounts MONARCU LUCERNE 4-door, automatie, radio FAIRLANE FORD HARDTOP, autoniatic, radio TRUCKS 1955 FORD 1,-ton, overdrive, dlean 1952 MERCURY %--ton______ __ .tý 'ASE ,Aý1ACTOR --_ _ SEE THEM AT 545.0GO 695.00 CARVETH MOTORS. Newcastle Open 9 tili 10 Phone 3251 "YOUR LOCAL FORD-MONARCH DEALER"e 4jR«don Agnew, Edilor, C'hristIsh Risen". Mernory CULTI-WEEDER- - 3 forged prongs wlth %*~* any room, the tonal reproduction o! a Symphony é onestwashel, Ms. ackon Sarpblae fr weedngHall High-Fideliiy phonagraph ia acousticaliy correct. antes wasyd h edmns kon wharp blaet fr e __$209MisHAMPTON SILENT CHANGE CYCLE - An ingeniaus arrangement o! ning. Lunch was served. ho2i09,Metc Grace Kensey, Oshawa, spindle and record support lowers each record gentiy SWEEP RAKE - Flat tempered steel teeth. speni the weekend ai borne. and siiently mbt place. tMn. W. Fitze, Toronto, was a SweepsW big_18"_____ Sunday HIGH AUDIO OUTPUT - The amplifiera deveiop more Qualty uilt- Ms. Red.thon enough power for the longesi raam - this MWE-1 teho hg abo te.Mn. and Mrs. Bill Harrison, resenve power prevenis "spill-oven" on loud passages. flVAT -M 14 14ewide f. Scrbnste. otnsonJaneiir.eand Mns. anti COMPENSATED VOLUME CONTROL - Automatically 14" wvooihad woo ae _____________ nson aevle n r n - sdwoo e$1.9 M. Tom Peters, Oshawa, were amplifies bass and trebie wheri the volume is turned ggXP£Rr t visitons ai G. Adcock's, Sunday. iow. You enjay the "highs" and "lows" always. ha57ffla WHEELBARROIVS Mn. Mel Davy, Mn. and Mns. ~JfQ ~Chanlie Wise and daugbter SEPARATE TONE CONTROLS - Continuously-Visibie ),f~ (> FomMihie nd rs Ed$10ay95o Bass and Trehie contrais assure positive amplifica- $1 Dallas, Texas, were guests o! tion or suppression o! iow and high regisiens. LAWN _Mr._an$865 & Chas.5WFrrda, ROLLERS $8.65_4.45 FMn andMr Chs Wren FULL-RANGE PICKUP CARTRIDGE - Ronette tunn-oven tMiss Erylne Barron attended crysial cartridge permits use o! aii-speeds Micro- SEED OR FERTILIZER SPREADERS - a bînthday party for ber friend, groave Stylus wiihout changing the cantnidge. is Gail Mulholiand, Bowman- $6.50 illeaturday. o maeny 6" Mns. S. Kensey speni the trumareproucio 22Pweeh:end with Rev. and uereroucio 22" ____________________ $7~~75 Ted Kensey and farnily, Scarbono.1 ra itea _______J~.' e e~ Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Osha-i L:aw34Seed Values on AIl Types vsted their ster, Mrs. Joe M a w~~ra nd Mrs. . E Tikolîn, CiRL 3326- NEWCRSTLEJ few davs with Mrs. T. Westlake,l Lake Shor, Clarke Mr. W. Fritze, in charge of the Mrs. Charlie Warren ?Perry. LreeWrako Aavey Misses LreeWrakO Lak ShreClake hRurcv Gseérrgiee.oyl ofToronto renjoyable la y tnp f avtngr onmitond Jne thinney o! _________________________Mn. and Mrs. *Robin Alldred Rv.GergTByorooHmitoaJnent thneyweken and amiy ad Mr Le. Alinwill speak at the annlversary friends at Dallas in the State of with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. War- apn fauyandiMTnts.Alinh services on May 26. Texsad a1 NewOrlen in rack. spn udyi oot ih Mrs. Addie Tink visited her Lusanasdoewr paesof rsLly ee, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhams. sister, Mrs. Margaret Chapman irsana, nd oter pltaceorMnto n e. and Mrs. ly edy Don't forget the Home and ait Hampton. inteest. Tg he ere latunat e Tronoanv and M crs. , T 25 isJyeMartin will be and sons, Columbus. weýe1 ontere vis the time. S. Kersey's. showing pcue ae uig tr i a Pascoe'san Mrs. G. Adcock and Harry, Misses Marjory and June WiI- hrtrip toga ndadErp.Lnmi.1M r. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Mrs. bur and Mrs. Geo. Duncan. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe Harold Ashton and Rev. Ted Toronto, were Sunday dinner Ulnited C hurch W .A . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hoy, Cour- visited at Mr. Clifford Naylor's, Kersey were among those who guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wi1- tc, Spetunday evening witi Columbus. attended the funeral of their bur and Mrs. J. Hewson. fo U rtu Bdw.Mn ad r. raIcWstakcousin, Mrs. John Purdon, Bow- The Everett Elliotts, Oshawa, AI-s D eor aM.adMs.AlnCak Sr., spent the weekend at Mr. manville, on Monday. Other visited at Mrs. J..Camns and Jimmy, Newtonville, were 'Nelson Fice's, Zion. finsfon Hmtn as udy ter Newcastle: The monthly meet- pointed to visit for this month. Sunday evening 'visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake attended. ree ing of the W.A. of the Newcas- It was suggested that tea be Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Jr. and family visited at Mn. F. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy tieUnied hurh ws hld n srve th chir fte th God Gad a har atMrs GodonR. Cook's, Bowmanville. wene recent visitors at the homes 0os. l ntdCuc a edo evdtecoratrteGc ldt erta r.Gro Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, o! Mn. and Mrs. E, Strong, Bow- in Thursday, April llth in the S. Friday music. Mrs. M. C. Fish- Martin, who broke a bonie in BaktcvstdSna vn avle r n Mrs. F. Toms, S. oom Tent-treeattnd eran Mr. Wllce oles reher ankle, is feeling better. Mrs ing at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. ,d ed. ta be in charge. Martin is staying with Mr. n r n r.WlaeMna .Aey uktn Mrs. H. Jose and Mrs. Car- On Thursday, April 25th the Mrs. Alec MranMs. alce udyH.vrBret. ,inanchargenMalethoe, be r-veth i hreo! te devotions, Oshawa Presbyterial is ta r n r.Brc btean hlrn apeoe ee Sincere sympathy is extended yal opned th meetig. TheEas- a the Nwcastl Unitd Churh Mr.Sundays viscetorsneatSuMr. vLloyds taMrMn.oyJ.tPurdon.Pu andnand ugbtersr ~alopeed he eetng.TheEas atthcNewcastlentdChrh ecate, were Satura v roes Dora and Margaret in the sudden ter wthmeda furthendevlop-ad e exeut ive and roua ening visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. D. Flett and passîng o! Mrs. Purdon. They he ed wthsmedit sation sowing leadters o arngeAtihe!omna W. A. Adams. With Mr. and family visited at Mn. Thos. were former residents o! Hamp- be hatths ws asesonofcom comntte t arang te mnuMrs. Adamns on Sunday were Flett's, Columbus. ton and Mrs. Purdon was higbly [ce fort ta women. Because o! the for the noon dinner, with the Mn. A. Souch and Mn. and Mns. iMn. Hilton TinIc, Ebenezer: epce eeadwsatv n~ IaY Resurrection o! our Lord His flowen committee ta deconate H-S had aiyrblo. M.adMr.HryKoxadWns Missioe ndarsociein .0life can he renewed in aur the tables. H oc n aiy hlh r n r.HryKo n onnsMsinr oit n ;lives even as we see new life It was suggested that the Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lake, sons visited on Sunday at Mn. H.1 Women's Institute. She was Ic in nature about us. Christ not members and fniends during Nancy and Peter, spent Satur Jehson's, Columbus. always ready ta lend a belping )- only xvas the central figure at this spring season should save day with Mn. and Mrs. Mark John Hancock, Bnadley's, was band, and will he enembered k- the Resurrection, but the same out al dean usable clotbing to Mathews, Toronto. an overnight guest o! Ken Knox for her friendly hospitality. ,. Christ after t the Christ wbom be used in a bale for Kr , Mn. and Ms Bev.yn hdnbs h irtday A nil10. tes ~~~~~~~~ ~ o thhdscpls tKoe, rshJyns n.E pri, 1eezr, (Intended fan last week) 'stedsilsand the women at and that those wbo wished, tea Sunday evening wit Mr. iE t. O iToE Baers.Mate Ry dcckspn ne the tomb knew and loved. could contibute money for new and Mns. Milligan, Newtonville. Mn. and Mrs. I. Hardy and couple of days witb bis aunt, es Prayer by Mrs. Canveth and clotbing to be bought, or for Malyvstd tM.SdC rn-M. and Mrs W. Harrison, Port * Iv Di )n- the hymn "Jesus Christ is Ri. the expense incurred in mail- St',a mp iston. r SdCr- iv i sen Today" closed the devo- ing (10e. pen pound). Mi'ss, eatn.Cyemn n tions. Mrs. Geo. Allin, Mns. M. C. SOLTTNA Ms enCye nn r . ýW Our president, Mns. George Fisher and Mrs. Jose wiîî su- GeogeBittnerM and Mrsn s. . a-r--At Ima ndet- Walton, was in the chair after pervise this endeavoun. Mrs. E. Hockaday arranged ~tM.ECd'controldanme. an absence o! some months. She Our missionanies have asked the missionany programn for ee eieisgv expressed ber thanks to those for old Christmas carda or any Sunday Sebool and read a story spnt da tahewek ithherin wbo had substituted for ber used cards. Tbey suggest, if "An Easter Thankoffering"' during tbis time. possible, that carda with only Dianne Tink and Evelyn sisten Mrs. W. P ar indeSndr.erie Reports were read by the one name written, could have day sang very nicely, Hodea- Mn. ElaTayorandSadr secretary treasurer and the var- this erased hy bleach, as they Little JewelS". adutScanhoro, at Mn. Stan Millson'S. -PHlONE ious committees. It was deeid- are re-sold by the cbildren at Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Sunday. MA ched by tbe meeting ta reuphol- the missionary Lazaans. How- Patsy, Mn. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees KL E A s, ntecesechdad hisee most personal messages were Sunday evening guests ai -551 '-y at the parsonage. should be cut off ta save post- Mn. Ed. Davis', Oshawa, and ENNIS s. 516 ýr- The visiting reported wvas age. These cards could ha attended the performance of the Lgf ne about tweniy ealls. Mrs. Turner bnought to aur next meeting. Bach cantata, "St. Luke Passion" Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison,. ...... and Mrs. G. Walton were ap- Tea was served. presented hy the Bowmanviîîei Toronto, spent the weekend a. 3--Higb Scbool Glee Club in Albenti with Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. '. 1 t- and Helen Knox were members' lin, Grant and Neil, MlcLaugh- - W%, H e -,s. ln W .uruff cers ofthnedchuoir. tDaisi M. ndMr. ar Ld ~.oe iu l. o th chir.were visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. n- ~~was guesi speaker at Bradley's Mn. and Mrs Ralph Vanstone,St rc nt e-E ect d u M e tinCommunity Club meeting on Wbiîby, were necent visitonsa 9 Satunday evening. His illustrai- Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil's. f bdgnwAN S S e The regular meeting o! the after the cemetery flower bed. ed, talk witb beautiful coloured Mn. and Mrs. Stan Thompson ADSN O Solina W.I. was beld in thp Mrs. H. Pascoe and Mrs. H.I pictures o! hulb planting andi and Lorne, Sîau!fville, were - IM1PERIAL ESSIO DEALER in church basement Tbursday, Knox were thanked for lookinrg landscape gardening was thor- Sunday visitons o! Mn. and Mns. Surc t omnil April 11. Mrs. E. R. Taylor, afier the flowen bed the past oughly enjoyed by al present. JE. McNain's. Surc t omnil president, presided. year. Mns. D . Taylor and Mrs. E. Cryd- Mn. and Mrs. Leonand Stain- ]Phonle DIA 3-3303J Just West of Scugog o! bsinss ns.C. angaidandMns D.erman favored with piano dueis ton and family with Mn. and a Sevenal items o uies Ms .Lnmi n r.D and Mrs. B. Hooey gave a hum- Mrs. E. Carlson, Toronto, and_____ - were dealt with, including a Taylor were appointed new ornus reading. For the pienre in visited thein baby daughte- ig new eommittee o! Mrs. B. Hoo- leaders of the Girls' 4-H Club June the executive wil arrangei Doris at Sick Chi1dren's Hos- In ey and Mrs. John Knox ta look wonk. Aehievement Day for this the date and details. . pitaî. year's work is ta, be held at A special Basien program is Mns. Bertha Yeo, Bowman- f S-Hl DO The roll caîl: a rural sound Sunday, s0 parents corne and don Yeo on Sunday. F R E E fo E.,ir ihat appeals ta me, was well wanship witb your families. Mn. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, 1 Mn. and Mns. Fred Asbton, responded ta. The choir will provîde Easien Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Clan- L' ' Toronto, were Sunday visiiors Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees, Dis- music, witb aur student minisien ence Avery apd girls, Bunketon, W th heo tis\ stn - [yai Mn. Henry Ashton's. ticit Direetor, presided for the were wiih Mn. and Mrs. A. Oke. W t h purcîiase o hsW sig )y Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fon- eleetion of officers. All offices were given by tbe assistant Mn. and Mns. Wallace Gniffin,HiF.v jWi ce - tain and Neil, Toronto, spent are the same for the coming convenons as !ollows: Home Heaiben and Dale, witb Mn. and house H-i o will i.a soutl ýn Sunday ai Mrs. A. MeNeil's. yean. President, Mrs. E. R. Tay- Economics and Health, Mns. C. Mrs. N. Collacuti, Bowman- - Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Tbompson Ion; Isi Viee-Presidenî, Mrs. T. Pascoe; Historical Research ville.FR F o rchie f and family, Bowmanyille, vis- Baker: 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. and Ctirrent Evenis, Mrs. E. Mn. E. Walken, Gand Bend; FR Ey u hoc f$ .50fot n ied Mrs. W. Tbompson. R. Davis; Secreiary-Tneasurer, Vance; Community Aeiivities Mrs. E. Walken, Mn. and Mns. B. - Mrs. Genald Shackleton and Mrs. B. Hooey; Assistant Trea- and Publie Relations, Mrs. S. Lynch, Tillsonburg, were Sat- o iFd lt Records. SSalem, wr usdyvstosDrctr r.W. Y ont- ,,cation, Ms.H. Paseoe; Agricu]-r.. R. Wodey ns i.m ho y Halaiii-Ieii M.Jh Tab MnFrdgomeny, Mrs. W. Werny, Mrs. E. Mrs. M. His. Harold Murphy, Mns. Hanry Sy p o y fali gh Fd it Tabh, Bunketon; Miss Dawn Spires, Mrs. G. Heal, Audiiors, The mota, "He who wonks Collaeuii, Mns. Sam Sellick *Bell, Bowmanville, were Sun- Mns. W. Parrinder, Mns. H. wiih nature works with God",, and Mrs. Gordon Yeo, attended *day callens ai Mr. George Knox; Pianisis, Mrs. C. Lang. was commenîed on by Mrs. W. a trousseau tea in bonon o! a y W sig o e Tabb's. maid, Mrs. W. Yellowlees. Hilîs. bide-tobe, Miss Jane Hodg- Mn. and Mns. R. Ormiston, The convenons are Mesdames A talk "How Chocolate is kinson, ai Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ivan Sharp, En- G. Leask, R. Langmaid, E. Cry- Made", was given by Mrs. W. Mrs. Clifford Heiz, Fairview, .. ýniskillen, ai Mn. and Mns. Lloyd derman, R. Davis, J. Yellowlees, Yellowlees. It was interestin:g Penn.; Mn. Ken Lamb, Port l SAshton's. Assistant Convenons, Mesdames ta learn the history o! choeo- Credit, wiih Mn. and Mns. Lorne Mn. and Mrs. M. Seers. were C. Pascoe, E. Vance, S. Milîson, laie and baw it is manufactun- Lamb, alsa with ibeir faibee, Saiurday evening visitons ai H. Paseoe, W. Hilîs. A special ed. At the beginning it is in thc Mn. W. Lamb, Caesanea, who Mrs. T h ernon Mounijoy, ta the leaders for thein work cocoa beans. Several drying Mn. and Mns. John Oke and. . Hampton, speni Friday with the pasi year. processes are neeessary before family wiih Mn. and Mns. Wal- Mn. and Mrs. D. Cameno)n. Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Leader o! il is weighed and paekaged ta ter Oke. * . Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bell Gnoup 5, pnesided for the pro- appear on aur gracery shelves. Miss Heaiben Bissonnette, i and Dawn, Bowmanville, cLled u gram. Musical seleetions on iba A deliciaus lunch o! sand- Bowmanville, with Miss Phyl- zI« on M. an Mr. Ro~ Asionaecordion were played by Mrs. wiches, chocolate cake and co- lis Howells. . . ongrfati ulains a . an E. Leask, Interesing reports coa was enjoyed by al. Mn. Melville Griffin, Black-. stock, with Mn. and Mns. J. E.à Mr.Anhur Thompson on the Gniff in. bith o! a son, Donald Gardon. .. Mns. C. Rankine speni the Miss Jackie Veale, was a Sun- weekend ai Toronto. day dinner guesi o! Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton Mrs. A. Werry and Sandra. and Ronald, were supper guests Mn. and Mns. Herb Stainton, o! Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp an ~Hmtn ibnMrs y Tuesday. none, with Mn, and Mrs. R. Mc- Mrs. Olesen visited Mn, and TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED Nei. ad Mrs.Lly Ashton Mns. Olesen ai Fleshenton. M.a ly ib mi-- ý-l - MURMAT, Ar-Rm leth, iger TEM CANADIAlq IRTATESMAN. myffljLi»Tr% 9