?NIJRSDAY. APRIL lSth. 195? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVE?~TEEN Ckuss.lfied .1 Help Wanted slep IÇÎMerred. Phone MA 3-3391. 16-1 GIRL or wornan wanted for general housework, live in. Tele- phone MA 3-2263. 16-1 GIRI4 ore-' woman as clerk- boci eeptjý9rite Box 653, c/o CanÎdanStesman. 16-1* SHORÉ order cook and wait- resu. Full time employment. Apply Northway Restaurant. Phone Orono 107. 16-2* LADY clerk for store, part time 12 - 5, ail day Frida-y. Perman- ent position. Write Box 647, c/o Canadian Statesman. 16-1 HOUSEKEEPER, p e r m a rient, live in, to take complete charge of household with three Young boys in Hampton. Phone MA 3-2308. 16-1* LIVING accommodation is avail- able to woman or couple in re- turn for care of elderly gentle- man, not invalid, in Newcastle. Phone Newcastle 3556 or MA 3-2088. 16-1 YOU too cari make money, have secunity and enjoy life but it is essential to have in hand ail the necessary elements to success. Wc offer you this, presently we nced good representatives in: Bethany, Bowmanville, Burke- ton Station, Courtice, Hampton. and surroundings. To avoid dis- appointment, act now, we may soon flnd the right person. For details, 1600 Delorimier dept. 53. Station C. Montreal. 14-4 A Texas Oil Company Wanis Man Over 45 For Bowmanville Area WE NEED a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnlngs. W/e Irefer someone between 45 and 65..* who can make auto trips for about a week at a time . . . and eau eall on smaîl town industrial and rural property owners. Worth $12,000.00 Dur top men In other parts of country draw exceptional earn- Ings up to $12.000 In a year. This ,opening in the Bowmanville area is worth just as much to the rlght man. W/e take care cf aIl deliveries and collections. ]Psy earnlngs In advance. Write a confidential' letter to B. A. SWALLOW, President, Southwestern Petroleum Co. ]PA. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas 16-1 Akotion Sales FaOii sold-Auction sale of 50 ]Hereford and Shorthorn cattie; two sows and pigs, the property of James W. McGill, Lot 5, Con. 12, Manvers Township, just souffi of Janetville, on Saturday, Apf.n 27th. Sale at 2 p.mn. 16-2 - I have -,d instructions from the 1 i.~tor of the estate of thé late lX's. James Dickson to seil by public auction on Sat- urday, April 27th at her late residence, Main St., Orono, ber entire househôld effects. Sale commences 1:30 p.m. Terms ,,çash. Lawrence Harris, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 15-2 I bave been favoured witb in- structions fromn Mrs. Wiliis Whiteside, Lot 11, Con. 8, Mari- vers Twp. (Junction of 35 High- way and 7A) to sell by public auction on Saturday, Apnil 2(j, 1957, at 1:30 p.m. sharp, ber livestock, furniture, etc. Tenms cash. No reserve. R. J. Payne, auctioncer: Ted Spencely, clenk. 15-2 1 will seli by public auction on Saturday, May 4th the imple- ments and furnitune for S. E. Thompson, ý,2 mile north of Eldad Church, Lot 26, Con. 6, Darlington Township, q uantity of fuýniture and bis farm imple- ments. Farm sold. Watch for' Eist. No reserve. C. Pethick. auctioneer. Phone MA 3-2736i. 16-2 Ads For kient Wanted ta Buy FOUR-roomed flat, ahl inside GIRL'S bicycle, in good con- conveniences. East Beach. Tele- dition, middle size. Phone MA phone MA 3-2875. 15-2 3-34t38. 16-1 FIVE-roomed apartment, down- THE best car you can offer for stairs, bath, private entrance. $200. Phone after 6 p.m. MA Phone MA 3-2637. 16-1 3-5016. 16-1 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and FARM on a pavement. Any bath, suitable for business size. Write Box 654, c/o Canad- couple. No children. Telephone ian Statesman. 16-1 MA 3-5609. i1- - HIGHEST prices paid for live FOUR-ROOM apartment with poultrv, goose feathers, feather bath, on paved road, close to ticks, scrap mron, rags, metals town. Write Box 651, c/o and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Canadian Statesman., 16-1* Oshawa, collect. 48-tf Cars for Sale 48CHEV. coach. Phone MA 3-2904. 16-I USED cars and trucks-1954 Ford 2-door, 1954 Plymouth sedan, 1953 Plymouth station wagon, 1951 Oldsmobîle sedan with bvdramatic, radio and windshield washers; 1949 Ford coupe, deluxe, with new tires; 1952 G.M.C. 3Ui-ton dumnp with 9.00 x 20 tires, like nexv, at Cow- an Equipment Co., 134 King St. E.. Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-.5689. 16-1 PALMER MOTOR SALES 1954 1954 19 53I 1953 PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysler Fargo Trucks King St. E. MA Bowmanville Cars1 3-54871 Work Wanted DRESSMAKING, women's and childrcn's clothes. Phone MA 3-5348. 16-1* CARPENTRY-Alterations, re- pairs. kitchcn cupboards, etc. Phone MA 3-3575. 16-1* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing: free estimates. Harvey Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-22410. 12-tf BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- man Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cernent plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf GUARANTEED repairs to al makes of cars and trucks, ahl Jobs are guaranteed, competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Co., Meteor-Mercur-vr Deal- er~, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 1 4-tf A MARRIED, mîddle-aged war veteran needs light employment. Years of experience growing vegetables and bernies; private estate or summer camp prefer- red, or woffld consider any other light work. Write Box M, Kendal, Ont. 13-tf SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fasi, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (ini rear) 42-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEIW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf TIME FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry I bave reccived instructions BRICK. BLOCK or CONCRETE from Mn. W. L. Lycett, f irst REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL farm East of the Bnookdalc Estimates Free Nursery on North side of Hligh- T re way 401, te sdil by publice ue- L. T re thon on Saturda.v, April 20th. at Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 1 p.m. : McCormick - Deering tracton, full line of tractor rma- P. 0. Box 17 chinery, duei-wheel trailer with 13-tf milk box, modern and antique;pir furniture including a Gibbard Fiepa nine-piece solid wa]nut dining- room suite. Funther particular AL'S TV and Radio Service, also sec buils. Ternis cash. no ne- repair of auto radios. 77 Kingt serve. Lawrence Harris, clenk: St. W. Phone MA 3-5042. 15-3* Jack Reid, auctioneer. 15-2 ,.,à 'Tn-11 - ,,;_, Easfern Onlario Hereford Club Spring Sale PETERBOROUGII SATURDAY. APRIL 20 I 12:30 p.m. 45 Registered Hierefords 33 Females snd 12 BulI (Botb Horned and Polled) j AnimaIs Approved bv Dominion He t f Animais Branch and'- e oLivestock Branch. Up te $75.00 Grant on Bulîs, according ho Ontario Bull Premium i Sale Under Cover AL**-- l.tonPresident 1 W. MOOD.:rsecretary, Birdsal 15 - Mortgages Wanted $2,500 URGENTLY needed, ne- pay $100 monthly. balance et the end cf two years. Wlil pav -,ù, Interest or your ternis. Second ,nortgage anid ailier seccurîîv. 1 43 Write Box 652, c, o Canadiail Statesman. 16-Iil L'HAILandu television repeins. ,rompt service. Pick up end deiivery. Lonne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-57î13. 2-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refnig- erators, domestie and com- mercial: milking coolers. Hig- gon Electnic Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf lelevision Service Co. MA 3-3883 ALL kinds of live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at vour door for large or small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect to Bethanv 7 r 13. 28-tf Personal IF backacbes are slowing you up, take Rumacaps and help yourseif to relief from pains and aches. Ask your druggist. 16-1 rHYGENIC supplies - <Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Notices Change of Saturday office hours. Commencing Apnil 20 Dr. Keith Slemons Saturday office hours will be Il a.m. to 1 p.m. 16-1* Anýi person knowing the' wbereabouts of Gertrude Folley (nee Smith) please notify Boughton, Anderson & Co., Bar- risters & Solicitors, c/n 204-508 Hlornby Street, Vancouver 1, B.C. 15-2 Public Meeting Township of Clarke The electors and ratepayers and (or) ail persons affectedl in the present Township of Clarke Sehool Area are herewlth'being notlfled that the Municipal Council of the Township oif Clarke shall consider and deal with by-laws to wlthdraw form- er School Sections Numbers Onè, Eight and Nine from the Town- shi ofClake School Ares at an open meeting to be held In the TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO on APRIL 25th, 1957, at 8:30 p.m. E.S.T. H. E, Milîson, Clerk Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F ALEX- ANDER D. McMASTER, DE- CEASED. ALL pensons having claims against the estate of the saîd ALEXANDER D. McMASTER, late of the Township of Darling- ton, in the County of Durham, Fermer, deceased, who died on or about the 23nd day of Fcb- ruary, A.D. 1957 at the City of Toronto, in the County of Yýork are requined to file full par- ticulars in writing of such dlaims with the undersigned Executnix of the lest S*,ill and Testament of the said deceased on or before the 6tb day of May, A.D. 1957, aften which date the said Execu- tnix will proceed to distnibute the said estate, having regard1 only to dlaims of which she shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1957. NORMA 1. McMASTER, Executnix, Hampton, Ontario, By ber Solicitors bercin CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCIr 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. 15-31 Venture Inn (Continued from page one) Winters said Thunsday as he took a bneething speli fromn putting the finishing touches on maniy of the odd jobs stili te be com- pleted. "We'Il have 38 units including two suites and ail of these have wall-to-wall broedioom. The suites are a combination of tbre adjoining bedronis and will be suhýabie for a family or business associates who requine a sieting noom and desks." "Each unit bas individuel bath, shower and toilet facilities and the walls and fluor of the bath- roonis are covered with cenamic tile." Unique Dil Palntings Some of the roonis will be papercd wbile others wi]l be Pairited. A unique feature of the motel. Mr. Winters thought, will be the oil paintings donc by his xife and one will be piaced in ail the units. 2N-H1OIR EXPERT SERVICEI "There are six-inch cinder - C.1ARANTEED - blocks between each of the units BILL DYKSTRA, Proprietor which means the motel is as near 16-11ifireproof as we cari make it. jHe ating is all hot water conduc- tion through radiators a]ong the C lock BRepairs baebars Natural gas has be PICK-U1P AND DELIVERY ing." A.1 "Something of an innàvation . Brown j are the door knobs wý,hich have 92 Kng S. E NIA3-516 ýbeen placed five inches fromn the 2 Kig ~t E. .A 35136side of the door to avoid patrons BOIVMANVILLE - lrom scrapinl- or bruising theiri 11hand.' Wafch Repairing M ar r' s JE W ELL ER Y King t.I. MA BEII'>MN%*VIL ~-5463 Full Dining Facîlities Returning te the ultra modern restaurent Mn. Winters poirited eut that the restaurent bas facilities for aIl types of Passing trade froni the truck drivers who I iay want a quick bite tu Cat to the tourist Iooking for a ful course mea]. The restaurant will s(es? i1 peuple. Full course mecals wfl bel HO W BO UT THAT served in the dining-room' por-- tion which like the rest of the 'NAw Il/i motel is completely air con- e . 1 EE ditioned. It will seat 110 diners I An added toucb of beauty in th'e dinîng-roomn is the wainut pan-A* E Il U elling, drapery, and inidirect;lAtN EEEiEN lighting. On a quick tour of the kitch- At the negular morning ser- cri Mr. Winters pointed out the vice held in Trinity United strategically set-out facilities Church Stinday, the minister, which will provide fast, efficient Rev. T. A. Morgan, ordained service to dinens. three new Elders and welcomn- Banquet Hall ed 34 new members to the con- Downstairs Mr. Winters show- gregation. cd the separate staff and public In a solemin and beautiful wasbrooms and the banquet- ccnemony Messrs C. P. Barnetf, meeting hall whicb will hold 150 Clarence Bell. and W. A. Court- and will be ideal for parties, ney wene ordained as Churcn meetings and club functions. Eiders. The motel is rectangular and although no definite plans have 0f the 34 persons neceived by been made' Mr. Winters expects profession of faith into the con- that the centre of the motel will gregation, 20 were young people be used for either a swimming transferring fromn the Sunday pool, parking or more landscap- School. They included: John ing. Parking, incidentally, is Allun, Elaine Bennett, Terry around the outside of the Venture Black, Allan Brock, Bnian Cry- Inn which will allow eanîy risers dermni, David Goheen, Bren- to leave without disturb .ing the ton Hughes, Bnyan Hughes, remaining sleeping occupants. Stanley Cbomrak will manage the Venture Inn and Mr. Winters will be at the motel at regulanrFinalIDa nce intervais. During the summer montbs he expects to cmploy fon60 to 70 people. The At Badminton majority of the cmpioyees anc local residents. Many Contractors Bi u c s The general contracting for the Venture Inn is being handled by Moi7e than 40 couples attend- Aiderwood Construction, New cd the Badminton Club's Easter Toronto, and most of the smaîî- dance held at the Badminton er work has beeit let to local Club Satunday evenîng. contractons xvho Mn. Winters The hall was decorated in a pnaised as doing a veny com. traditional Easter theme for tho, mendable job. final dance of the season and The local contractons include everyone attending had an en- David Preston who is doing the joyable evening. complete -painting and decorat- Guests were weicomed by ing, and Higgon Electric Ltd. i club president, Mn. and Mrs. who are doing the wining and 1 Mel Burgess, and Mr. and Mrs. clectnical work. Hardware w-as Fred Cole. Mns. Cole was con- purchased from Lander's, Mc- vener for the event. Ted Tay- Gregor's and Sheppard & Gi. ior and bis Orchestra. Ajax, provided excellent dance music. New 0f f ceus (Continued fno'm page one) ies- in February the speaker was Mr. R. Gluns, Canadian dinector of the Red Cross, andi in March Miss Ruth Harding, Consumner Consultant witli th2 CBC, spoke oni ler work. Correct Addresses Mrs. F. Stevens, Correspond- ing Secretary, reportcd 25 let- ters wvitten, also tbat Miss Harding had turned over part of the cheque received as speak- er to the C.N.I.B. Mr,;. I. Munday, Assistant Corresponding Secretery, asked thet any members not neceîving their cards inform Postmaser George Vice, and to inform her if box numbers on the cards' werc flot correct. Treasuren Mrs. M. Roenigk reponted a balance on hand las' Septemnber of $192.43, neceipts; $263,07 duning the year, total receipts $455.50. Expenses a- mounted to $275.12, ieeving a balance as of Apnil l2th of $ 180.38. Conducte Election All reports werc- adoptcd. Mrs. Wight befone calling on Past President Mrs. O. W. Rolph to conduet election of officers, thanked ber executive and all others wbo bad assistcd during ber tenm of office. Mns. W. Teeple was eppointed! secretary of the meeting. Tlvý siete of officers brought in oy the nominating comnmitîce was read by Mns. Ross Pearce. Thec were no funther nominations. Membens veted by a show of hands and unanimously electedc the siate as read. New Officers Officers are: Past President,. Mrs. C. A. Wigbt, Presîdent, Mns. E. G. Withenspoon; lst Vice, Mrs. K. Werry; 2nd Vice.' Mrs. N. Mitchell; Recording Sccrezary, Mrs. W, Teeple; Cor. Sec., Mrs. L.orne Allia; Assist. Cor. Sec., Mns. I. Munday; 1Treasuner, Mrs. M. Roenîgk; Executive Members, Mrs. C. Ives, Mrs. H. Goddard, Mrs. W. Reynolds, Miss Mary JeweilI Mrs. A. G. Scott, Mrs. N. E.t Osborne; Pianist, Mrs. C. Hl. Dudley. M:s.Witherspoon took the I chair and thanked members fori placing thein confidence iin h'ýr by 'heir election. A vote of thanks was muoved te Mns. D. R. Morison, capable pianist !or the Past year. "If Canada is ho continue the upsurge in business she hasen.ri joyed of late, crie of ber primne needs is stili growtb in popuia- tion.'-Rov Helliday. president, Cinad'ian LLumbcn-mcn's ASý,-1 viatson. for the cvening. As is the custom with theJ Badminton Club dances, thej baiiroomn was anranged in a cabaret style witb small tables placed around the dance floor. Mns. Len Lucas and Miss Don- alda Creasser were in change of the refreshment booth for the ecvening. Although this was 'the Ciub's final dance of the season tbey plan tu resume dances next fail. It is planned 10 have Ted Taylor and bis Orchestra pro- vide the music for these dances as he is so popular with the1 members. Plan Officiai Opening New Counties BIdg. Reeve J. Brown, Clarke Towvnship, disclosed that the officiel oecning of the new counties' building, ini Cobourg, will takze place in June, 'probably on1 the 19tlî," at the second day session cf Counties' Council. Mr. Brown declared: lW/c are thinkiîxg of having sev- eral high ranking goverri- ment officiais here. W/e haven't the fecilities inside for a large crowd and we thought that the June date woiild be best, aithough it is net official." Garnet Riekard, Deputy- Reeve cf Darington, said: "The Reeve cf Cobourg and I have beeji thinking about the samne Lhing, maybe w~e shouldn't, but isn't the elcc- tien la June?I' Mr. Brown rcplied: "Ale 'hope the battie wilI bc all over by then and the smnoke cleared away." Joint Meeting Bq RAILPH TEE ers Received Church .Eileen Hughes, Pauleen Hughes, 1Karen McMurter, Gary Mac- ,Dougal, Paul Mutton, Carolyn 1Masoii, Alan Plummer, Blain2 Pickard, Bryan Rabb, Lynda Rundie, Beverly Smith and Ted Wa tson. The aduit members received included: Mrs. Shirley Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Farrow, Mr. Ronald Fowler, Miss Lillian Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson, Mrs. Glen Turney, Mrs. Dudley Waters and Mrs. W. E. Buttery. During the service the Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper was observed, the Chiurch EId- ers assisting the Rev. Morgan with the administration. prayer was given by Mrs. J. A. Cox. Mrs. Kenneth Werry gave a solo, "It Was For Me", ac- companist Mrs. Otto Bragg. Mrs. H. G. Shaw, president of the W.M.S., gave an inter- esting Easter story, "A Hand- ful of Clay", depicting in imag- ination the thoughts of ordînary dlay Iying near the river bed. It had lofty hopes that one day it would be made into some.- thing beautiful, and aiter much xvork and disappointn-ent it was transformed into a beau- tiful earthen vessel containin.- earth and seeds, and a- new hope was stirring. Eventually it was placed in a church where it was an object of great beauty and so the dream of a handful of dlay was realized. Mrs. Teeple thanked the W.M. S. for the interesting service and dismissed the meeting. Miss 1. Shaw Is Honored By Staff On Tuesdav evening, the entire staff of Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, also the medical staff and special nurses joined in honoring Miss Irene Shaw, R.N., Superintendent, who leaves her pos~ition here at the end of April. A social evening was enjoyed in the cafeteria and the prescrite- tion of a portable typewriteri was made on behaif of all prescrit by Miss Phyllis Craig, Operating Room Supervison. Miss Craig expnessed sincere regret at losing Miss Shaw. The best wishes of the staff go with Miss Shaw who leaves to become Director of Nurse.i at a new Ontario Hospital in North Bey.lJ Miss Shaw fittingly expressed bier appreciation of the gift and good wishes of the staff. New Familyi Is Welcomed To Bwavle Membens of the Business and Professional Women's Clubar cailing on newcomers to Bw manville in connection with the Welcome Wag"on Service. Mer- chandise cctificates donatcd by soi-e of the stores are given te new residents, as wclI as a map ot the town and other usetul information. Vi McFeeters. chairman, re- ports a cal] recently made on Mr. and Mrs. Eerl Broder, Apt 1, 48 Division St., who movc'd here Marcb 25 from Clinhon, Ont. Mn. Bruder is cmployed as a toreman of the ineinten- ance crew of the Rural Hydro. Thev have two ehilrlren.. %JI J3.'...Ie ~ av'ïci'age 18, employcd in Osh- ,a - ith Ornemental Railings; and Merjonie, 13, who is et- A t St. Paul"s tendingc public sebool in Gradeé 8. Marjonie bas donc consider- St. PaufIs W.,\.S. and W.A. able Festival work anid bas a hield a joint meeting lu the hec'- gold medal frem the Huron ture room Apnil 1M. Mrs. 'W. County 1953 Mlusic Festival for Teeple, presidcnt et the W.A., hem solo performance. She wvas in hier operîing remarks said sac - to have appered on Wingharn deenied it an honor and privi-. TV station in 1955 but had th2 cge ',o preside at the mect.ng u(-t niisfortune to break ber leg the the :wo societies. samne day. She is looking for- Mrs. Teeple paid a fittin.ý ward to resuming ber vocal tribute ho the memnory of Mms. studies ini Bowmanville. Mrs. C. Lunney and Mrs. Geo. Chase. Bruder is elso interested in members of botb W.A. and W. choir work. They are members MS. Their womk is in evidence of tb.c United Church et Can- everywhcre in St. Paîîl's and ada. we w.ho are following m u S t__________ take ,7p the torch. To this I commenci :uu. liankfjines ikthe tune o! Thc Scripture lcs.zon aîd 'anige ls.-S pen.ser. Ladies' Bowling League Presents Many Awards The Ladies' Major Bowling League held their annual banquet in the Legion Hall on Monday evening, when awards Iwere mnade for the season and a social time enjoyed. The evening opened with a minute's silence observcd for J Reina Adcock who passed away recently. Prize winners were, first schedule. Ist team-Berneice Budai, Captin; 2nd team-Hilda Brock, Capt.; 3rd team-Onie Etcher, Capt.; 4th team-Lyeia Bas, Capt.st schedule: lst team-Berneice Budai, Capt. - 2dteam-Hilda Brock, Capt. igh average, lst schedule: lst- Berneice Budai: 2nd - Hilda IBrock. High single: lst sehedule -va Whitehead. High triple, I st schedule-Eva Wieed Second schedule, lst team- M. Holroyd, Capt.: 2nd team- D. Joîl, Capt.; 3rd team--Vi Coole, Capt.: 4th team-K. Beauprie, Capt. Plav-offs, 2nd schedule, lst team-K. Beauprie, Capt.; 2nd team-Onie Etcher, ICapt. High Average, 2nd sched- ule: lst-D. JolI; 2nd-H. Brock. High single, 2nd schedule-H. Brock. High triple, 2nd schedule -K. ]3eaunie. The Carter Trophy going to the top team, was presented to Muriel Holroyd, Capt. unable to attend. Wm. Willton Wins Draw On Saturday Wiliiamn Willton, R.R. 4. Bow- mnilwas the lucky winner of $120 Satunday, when bis 501 per cent coupon a drawn in the Merchants' Appreciation Day Draw. This was the second 50 per cent coupon drawn in the past three wveeks and the jackpot bas dwindled to $160 for next week. Remnember you must be prescrit at the Town Hall at 3 p.m. Sat- urday to be eligibie to win. Chamber of Commerce Presi- dent R. P. Rickaby bas announc- ed this Saturday's dnaw will be the last draw for a cash jack- pot. Starting Saturday, Apnil 27th, the amount won by the coupon bolder will be paid in vouchers. The vouchers wiIl be redeem- able at any Appreciation Day Merchant's store in Bowman- ville. Names of the merchants are listed on the back of the vouchers. They wiil be avail- able in three denominations, $1, $5 and 10. Mn. Rickaby said the reason for the change fnom a cash pnize to the coupons is to enable the menchants who are backing the draw to denive some benefit from the money won. The change will keep the merchants' funds circuiating within the town. Lodge f rom Coiborne Are Masonic Guests Some 35 members of Coîborne While votlng for the new executive took place, a sing-song was led by Dot Brooks and Wilma Bates. Mary Wilcox is the newv president, and other members of the executive are Edie Marlowe. Kay Beauprie, Muriel Holroyd, Ada Richards, Vi Coole, Lola Wright, Helen Piper. Joan Engley, Hilda Brock. An enjoyable entertairiment was presented by members of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Solos were given by Mrs, Lawrie, Millie Bates, Mrs. New- 1man, and an army skit wîth most of the ladies taking part. Jean Firth did a ýtake-off of Elvis Presley, assisted by Barbara Welsh, E. Rundle, Mona Suan and Irene Wakeland. Dot Fair and Flo Knight entertained wlth a song, "Walter. Walter". Danc- ing wvas enjoyed to the music of the piano played by various members. During the evening a number of draws were made with luek)r winncrs being Mel McNulty, Lydia Bates, Barbara Button- shaw, Audrey Bickell, Wilma Bates, A. Osm ond, Onie Etcher, H. Giihoolv, G. Rahme and D. Virtute. Pnizes were kindly donated by a number of Bow- manville mendiants. A letter was read from Daisy Bell whio xas in hospital and the nany officers, Past Masters and niembers who were visiting the local lodgzc. They conferred the wonk of the evenifng. \Vor. DrQ, 0. D. Fniend, Osha- wa, gave an interesting address on Masonic Education. Bro. R. E. Hendry proposed the toast to the visiting bretbren. Wor. Bro. N. Gordon and Wor. Bro. B. Kernaghan neplicd to the toast. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal during the banquet hour that followed the meeting. Jump Rate Counties Pay Councillors After some discussion during the latter part of the Coun.ties' Council ses- sion, whicb met ini Cobourg this wcek, It was found that the councillors had the right to ralse their own salaries. The mlleage rate allow- able for members attend- ing regular Countiesl Coun- cil sessions bas been seven and a half cents per mile and the rate per day $10.00 for the session with $8.00 per day for those attcnding commlttee meetings. The amount they contended wvs net enough ln view of the longer distance covercd by some ef the members and the sacrifice they made by leaving their work for others te do and relmbursing them for doing it. A new rate has ,îow been st.ruck and councillors are assured of receiving ten cent% Per mile for trans- portation and $12.50 per day for ecd day or the sittlng. Those who attend committee meetings w'lhi receive $10.00 a day plus inileage. ioei. tuNJ.C, w CIC MMCOTsoiU Jerusalemn Lodge A.F . & A .M. No. 31, G.R.C., Bowmenville, atN their regular meeting in the New Mem bers lodge hall, Wednesday of last Wor. Bro. R. L. Evans, Wor-Ar ne t ie shipful Master of JenusalemSt Lodge welcomed the CoibonneA bretbren. Tbey were introdue- At S .P u cd to the members by Wor. Bro. C. L. Warren. \Vor. Bro. J. C. On Friday cvening menîberS Armstrong, Worsbipful Master of a communicant class and otb- of Coîborne Lodge, was amnong Jens îoining St. Paul's United The. Statesman SoId At Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bovmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berrv Jack's Smoke Sbop Rite's Smoke Sbop Goheeri's Handy Store Jury & Lovell Dilling's General Store 106 Duke St. Tbe Stetesmnan Office Church on profession of faith, were guesis of the Session merm- bers and their wivcs at a supper in the Sunday School room. Close to 50 were present, and names of the ncew meinbers were read out as they took their seats. The gathering formed a splendid opportunity for the Session to become acquainted with those beinp received into the church. The minister, Rcv. Harold Turn- er, presided, and following the supper conducted a devotional meditation on the ineaning of church mernbershilp. Almost 268,000 washing ma- chines wcre procluced in Cari- ada in 1955, an increase of 24 per cent over 1954, WANTED Dead, Old and Crlppled Farm Stock Picked Up Free of Charge 24 Ilour ervice Phone Colleet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 Nick Peconi iPETERBOROI(>uI - ONT. Used Cars DODGE COACH PONTIAC SEDAN .METEOR Custom Sedan CIIEVROLET SEDAN IMMSDAY, APRIL I@th, 1057 THE CAMADIAN STATESMAS. BOWMANVMLIC. ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTM