jI b- ~ ?HUTRSDAY, APRIL lSth, 19571 TH"E CANADIAN STATESMA Princip ais at Liberal Nomination Meeting -F --'Z Special guest speaker at the well attended Dur;ham1lft is John M. James, M.P. who was nominated to seek! Liberal Nomination meeting held in the Orono Townip his third term of office in the June Federal elections as Hall on Wednesday of last week was Hon. L. B. "Mike" Liberal standard bearer. Bob Kent, Bowmanville, Presi- Pearson, Secretary of State for External Affairs. On the dent of the Durham Liberal Association, is at the right. Speaking at Nomination Meeting gvrmn etta h nt _________________________________________ed Nations had a moral obliga- tion to stop the fighting and remove the cause or bridge the differences. Pearson Out fines Policies Mn etta Canada was stabin BitanFrance and Isrel n te bckbut the sound- ness of the Canadian policy was Follwed y G vern enfclearly shown in the statements Foll wed . * G vern entfroin the prime ministers If In Preservina World Peace through U.N. intervention. U.S. Satellite Presin ecnoricfinancial of State for External Affairs to Canada's amazing growth in o There bas been many charges and social problems face the stated, "The next few months the past decade. Since inflatio:is theCUnitd ae as.ateliseMrf Canadian government but tbey will be a testing time for dem- can n-ave dangerous if not dis- theaonnied t igorouhsr. are problems of development ocracy and if Canadian citizens astrous effects it is necessary Pasndne ioosy and progress and not decline meet tbat test by taking an ac- to keep it in check. "The United States by Its and stagnation. These were tive part in the election by ex- He assured the audience that power and resources stands as Hon. Lester Pearson's encour- ercising their franchises it will the glovernment does its best to the leader of the western coa!- aging words to an overflowing be a triumph for demnocracy" keep expenditures to a mini- ition and it is important to keep crowd of 700 at the Durham Third Orono Visit mum but this is difficuit witîî on the closest and friendliest. Liberal Nomination meeting in Ti a h hr over 2 billion dollars of the terms with the U.S. We also th Oon Tw HllonWe-ThisM.Pasohas rdocainfive billion dollar budget going share this continent with tbem. nesday of last week. the Orono Town Hall apoken - towards defence and another It is therefore imperative be- Disregarding party affilia-esgnfcceithfctha one and one-quarter billion to- cause of strategic, political and tions momentarily the SecretarY he md i is oiia wards social security economic factors to stay close mpehasde bis fis onrdn oue poition to the United States. But don't speeh otsie hs on rding Conuse Oposiion let anybody tell you we take or- - ~ at the 1949 nomination meeting Tbe Secretary of State point- ders from Washington." in Orono. ed out the paradoxical policy "Cnd'naialpica- Mr. Pearson believed that the of the opposition party who ad- plis nadrel ationalwit Wan- record of the Liberal govern- vocate lower taxes and also ton as it does with any oth.er ment in tbe past bas been ex- more benefits. "I don't knowv country. We can no longerb ceptionally good. However he how we can possibly cut taxes independent in foreign affairs odid feel that tbe Liberals should but still increase expenditurcsbumsteinr-pnen" "e fot stand on tbeir past record except if it's n a poîstical btms eitr eedn. but instead use t as a steppin'g speech." Unwarranted Interference stone ta move ahead with Mr. Pearson described the In regards to the U.S. Senate greater strides in the future, budget as bonest and economi- sub committee's accusations Rapd Epanioncally sound. "If the budget could levelled at tbe late Herbert RapidExpanionbave stood a decrease we would Normoan, Mr. Pearson said that No country in the western bave certainly done it." it was unwarranted accusatin worl ba prgresed orera-Important Issue based on false insinuations and pidlyr than Canada. "Ahl figures. unsucported statements. and'indices prove it," he.said. A anisuTntb om Credit for this development election will undoubtedly be The Canadian government he gave flot solely to the Liberal foreign affairs Mr. Pearson felt. can look after its own security admiistatio bu to he eo-This hie contributed to the Suez affairs. There is no justification DMES YOUR ple of Canada along with this crisis and Israel's attack on f 3o n country interfering in county's wealth and natural re- Egypt and the ensuing action a tragic way as did-the U.S. PIGGY-DANK RATTLE? sources. taken by the Canadian govero- senate sub commîttee." ]-'id you save as much as you Amazlng Growth ment. Whien similar informat!on "We try to keep foreign af- leaked out tbree or four years, anticipated during the past year? The current inflation is due £airs as mucb as possible from ago Mr. Pearson explained that Hlow mnuch have you saved inr party differences and encourage a tborough investigation was the lst tn yers?,open debate which often resuits made of Mr. Normgn's back- thelas te yersin strong differences of opin- ground. "But we found nothing Ifyu aig lnis boggin M EN ion" oenet a eee that weakened our loyalty in zethod-something along the A A LU P ly criticized by the, Conserva- HoPing to squash any further lines of an endowmnent policy W ATE tive opposition for breaking outburst of this kind Mr. Pear- of the Sun Life Assurance away fromn the United Kingdor son said, 'We have let Wasbing- Comnpany of Canada. Steady emplyoment - full and France in tbe Suez cris. s ton know if they can flot give time. with the Conservatives propos- us definite assurance that se- Start saving this sure way today. Some part time help ing that Canada "go doxvn th ý curity information would not within a few weeks. line with the United King- be referred to any legislative Banner assantApply in person dom." MrlOlgto body then we would have t R:àngàrPnenut 1 -,- _ ....stop tbe infobrmation from g- expanded more rapidly than the steel industry of anyJ have a representative on the Parks Board to attend theirj othe majr naion meetings. Tbe O.N.O. bave been iasked to cater to the CurIlig JClub Banquet on April 27 and also to the teachers' convention Betwen 946 nd he ed o 195, te Inreae Jsometime in June. Betwen 946and he nd f 156, he ncraseNorma Wolfe collected for In cpacty n Cnad wa 62per ent orabot 2140000the Cancer Fund - the club in cpacty n Cnad wa 62per ent orabot 2140000donating $25 and a general col- lection of S16.50, making a to- tons. Stelco is the largest Canadian producer, and tai of $41.50. After the business Jessie in te sme erid ivesed $95,00,00 n nw pantBowles was asked ta take lu he ame perod nve ted $19 ,00 ,00 in ne~ pl ntcharge of the W hite Elephant Sale and did so in ber usual and new raw material sources. bumorous style. The hostess and ber group a served a lovely lunch anîd an- other pleasant evening came ta a close. Next meeting will be at the home of Gladys Trewin THE androll calr wili eqrpr STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED MONTREAt GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 't' with y our favorite TV show. O.N.O. dance Friday night was' well attended and a 'good time bad bY ail. EMaine Bailey won a prize for the best costume. Harv.ey Graham and Joan Ho- kmn won the spot dance and a visitor fromn Osbawa won the lucky cup prize. StrIke at General 'Motors plan's n Canada whicb lastedi 1 43 (d%-, eu.st the striking worker.s 26,613,-î53 ini wages. M. BOWMANVULL. ONTAIO EVISCERATED - Whole or Haîf TU RKEYS 12 to 16-lb. average TABLE RITE RINDLESS SIDE BACON TABLE RITE SMALL LINK PURE PORE SAUSAGE With Free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape 12-oz. pkg. 19 PAGE TIVD lb. d49c Lb. Pkg. 79c Lb. 59C Whole or Shank Hall lb. Swift Premium, Boneless SMOKED HAMS Whole or Half lb. 79c Centre Cuts of Slices IL 89C __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I Food Values and "Bonus Booster" Features Effective April 16, 17, 18 Your IGA Store wilI be CLOS ID Good Friday, April l9th IGA FANCY - 20-oz. tin FRUIT COCKTAIL Snow White Heads, Outstanding Value CAU LUFLO WE R EACH For the Ideal Easter Combinallon of " Hams, Yams and Pineapple" A Perfect Garnish for Your Easter Ham - Good size 12's PINEAPPLES z.25c T'he Aristocrat of Sweet Potatoes YAMS______ 3 Lbi. 29c Crisp and Crunchy - Full Flavoured - Jumbo Size 36's CELERY STALKS 2 For 25C Solid, Crispy, Fresh Heads LETTUCE s age 24s For Lage 24s 2c Juicy, Fresh Flavoured Navels - Good size 110 SUNKIST ORANGES Doz. 49C With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster"l Tape VI-TONE 16-oz. tin & B FUDGE MIXp'~ 3oth for 55C Kraft Miniature - 10-oz. pkg. 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