TIM CA!iADL&N STATESM«I. BOWMANVfLL. ONTARMX .[î Con vert Waste Lands To Profitable Forests Mr. M. D. Kirk, Reforestation Supervisor, Lindsay, advises that most landowners in this ]District have sorne waste or un- productive land that could be producing a crop of trees. Trees, especially conifers, will grow en sail unsuitable for the pro- ductlgn of other crops or that la tou -sterile for good pastur'ý,. Idle land means a net annual loss to the landowner, for he is paying taxes on this land with- out returns. Trees would beau- tify the property and give hirni the satisfaction of watching aomething grow -which he planted himself. For relatively qulck cash returns he could plant Scotch Pine for Christ- mas trees, if the soil were san- dy and well drained. For pro- ducts in the future growing trees for timber is a worth while effort. Timber trees take nt least 30 years to mature, but a farm with a woodlot or plan- tation on it has greater sale value than one which is com- pletely bare, even if the trees are young. Planting Trees Many people who have or- dered trees through the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests have been disappointed. There are not enough trees to go arouad, due ta the very heavy demnand by both private applicants and the government itself, which is converting great tracts of wasle into forest cover. Yeu are thus advised to submnit your applica- tion for trees one year in ad- vance, to be assured the best chance of getting the quantities and speties desired Submit your application now for trees to ar- rive in 1958. Advice in the form of pan- Èhlets are available at your i strict Office in Lindsay, or through the office in Peterbor- ough. Foresters are available to advise you on the right species and quantities, and tree plant- ing techniques. Applications should be mailed direct to Par- liament Buildings, Toronto. Trees cost $10.00 per thousand, except in the case of Scotch Pine, which cost $14.00 per thousand. MORRISH W.M.S. Meeting The members of the Womn- en's.. Missionary Society of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Jackson. The meeting opened with ahl repeating the Watchword. The President, Mrs. Otto Spencer took charge of the worship ser- vice assisted by Miss Maude Rodwell and Mrs. Walter Row- land each readîng portions of Scripture on the Easter mes- sage and leading in prayers. Mrs. Edgar Beer, Mrs. G. M. Longfield and Mrs. M. Porteous took charge of the Easter pro- gram, which was followed by a discussion period. Mrs. T. Jackson spoke briefly on the Stewardship of Witnessing. Mrs. Mansel Wright gave a talk on citizenship, stressing the ne- cessity of friendliness in our re- lations to immigrants. The Eas- L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Payments Monthly For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses The Difference with Bellvue ls'tho Service BELLVUE FINANCE CORP. G. H. WILSON, mgr. 29% Slmeoe S. RA 5-1121 OSHAWA ter thank-offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Henry Jakeman read "The Easter Message" stating the symbol of the Cross is the very centre of our Christian religion. Foflowing the closing. the host- ess served refreshments. On Saturday, April 13, an Easter Tea with musical pro- gram was held in the Sunday School at 3 p.rn. under the aus- pices of the Mission Band. The weatherman was not very kind, however, a larger number than w as expected came to enjoy the plasant afternoon arranged by Mrs. H. Beckett, leader of M-- sion Band, and Mrs. E. Wilson, teacher. Spring flowezs decor- ated the many tea tables, guests were waited upon iby grades 6 and 7. A delicious tea was serv- ed from 3.30 p.m. tili à p.m. The pmogram was as follows: Vocal selections, "Good Af- ternoon", "A Happy Child" and "It Must Be Spring" by Ruth Marvin Dianne McConnell, Mary FPenton; piano solo, Betty Rimie; choral selections, "Tam- antella", "Hannibal Crased the Alps", Mission Band Boys; vo- cal solo, "In the Garden of Love", Bonnie Fenton. "The Klng's Breakfast"-_ Queen, Elaine Anderson; King, Chaude Harness; Dairy Maid, Mary Bevan; Serving Maid, Mamie Lewis. Two part song, Senior pu1l -"The Little Spark," "By the Light O' the Moon". The regular monthly meet- ing of the Mission Band was held on Wednesday, April 10, at 3 p.m. Thirty-eight, members were present. Joan Marvin, prc- sident, conducted, prayers were said by Joan Marvin and Rob- ert Imeland, Scripture Marie Lewis. Mission Band hymns were sung and a chapter of the Story Book read by Leader Mrs. H. Beckett. The collection amounted to $1.65. Sunday, April l4th was a memomable.time for five young people of Morrish when at the; regular momning service they were received into the Felhow- ship as members of the United Church of Canada and made their first Communion. They are Mary Beckett, Joan Mar- vin, Irene Lee, Rodger HarnesF and Allen Lee. These young members weme welcomed after their Decision for Christ by the Rev. A. W. Harding, Mr. Allen j ders, and members of the con- gregation which was larger ,than usual. There were 31 com- municants. *The selection sung by the I choir was "God is Love". Joan Marvin's solo, «'Open the Gates of the Temple" accompanied on the piano by Mms. Norbert McHolm, was much appreciat- ed. The Rev. A. W. Harding con- tinued the series of Lenten sermons "'Christ's Passion" tak- ing for his text, "The Son of Mani came to give His hife a ransom for many". Two bas- kets of lovely spring flowers were placed at the front of the church by Mrs. Harry Bec- kett and Mrs. Harold Osborne. Sunday School was held at Il a.m. with 46 present. The superintendent, Mrs. Fred Mc- I Conneil, conducted the session. Sunday School as usual on Ens- ter Day. The deepest sympathy ia of. fered to, the family of the late Mrs. Clarence Mitchell who Passed away on Friday, April 12. Mrs. Mitchell was well known, in this neighbourhood. At one time the late Mr. and Mns. Mitchell farmed at Rose- berry Hill. It is with somrow we record her passing. DE WITH AND MOUNTJOY General Insurance Agents *Car *Ffre *Sickness and Accident *Multi-poril 58 Simpson Avenue Bawmanville Phone MA 3-3950 Newcastle - Phone 3341 The finest materials and tho district's langest display L awails yu Rutter aGrai 73 Ontario St. Port Hope at n ife eCo. Phone TU 5-5216 lInitiate New Member lInto Rotary Club BURKETON Mmi. E. Vigan. Norwich, spent a week wlth hem daugh- ter, Mm. and Mmi. Merle Hub- bard. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen, Mamkham, with Mm. and Mrs. Roy Bane. Mm. Hank Kashmire and Mr. Lloyd Slingeriand, Niagara-on- the-Lake, weme guesti ai the Hoskins brothers for the week- end. Mm. and Mmi. Russell Dean, wlth Mr. and Mmi. Russell Spinks, Oshawa. Mmi. J. Carter with friendi and relatives ini Toronto. Mr. Allan Larmer, Toronto, witb bis parents, Mr. and Mme. Harold Larmer. Mm. and Mmi. Dave Gatchell and family, Oshawa, with Mn. Ana --I ivr. t11 - ep1non Mr. and Mrs. J. Trick, Osh- awa, with Mrs. Grant Camao- Plastie Spray Satin Liquld chan. Band-Aids Net Set Suave Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bail, Bea- 25c-45c-65c 79o 1.50 1.29 600 - 1.00 Verton, with Mr. Edgar Strutt. ____________________________________________ Mrs. William McLaughlin at her home, improved in health. Moth Balia-_____23e Math Crystaha _-_59e N W o v MAN VERSST IO Larvex Spray 1.09, 1.69ST IO ILarvex Bomb - 1.98 C .C R He who always complains o Fly ox Mth Poofe 1.3 ConCURE the clouds receives little o Fly Mth 1.9 I ife's sunshine and deserves less. Woods Biockettea 15c-25c AS ITS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd Feel Stroner Fait s * .. ! ih M.dMr7. aSItrl e i tn Feel trongr Fas in Hamilton on Sunday. TAKE GRITOL IX4 T Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stiner and TAKE ERITO * IJanice, Mr. and Mrs. Percy 1.35- 3.9 -3.49U lm Adams and Susan. Toronto, 1.35 3.2 * 549 were weekend visitors with Mlr. and Mmi. Frank Derusha. Sunday guests with Mr. and Alka Absorbine Dadd's Brome Mrs. Wilmot Horner were: Miss 4eltzer Junior PIl Quinine Helen Sutherland and Mr. Gor- don Horner, Peterborough; Mr. 340 - 68c 1.19 -2.39 590 49e - 79o Stan McCabe, Lotus; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rupert and Peter, 11owmanville, and Mr. and Mmi. Toul Home Permanent 2.00 Ban Deadorant -____1.25 Jack Horner and family. 1.5 umMuT-____ 75 Mrs. Gwen Ough, Port Hope. -i To25 Mum___t__ __75 spent several days last week New Qulck - 1.25 - 2.00 Odo-ro-no Spray 49e- 75o with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- ma n. Chllds Ton] ___-_ 1.25 Odo-ro-no Stick _ 1.00 Mr. Benjamin Olan. age i3 passed away at the home of New Bobbl _____ 2.00 Arrid Cream - 53e - 75o his son, Mr. Richard Olan, southi of Millbrook. Mrs. Harvey Gil- bank passed away on Saturday Colgate Tooth Paste Special 66c - 89e at hier home mn Pontypool. The sympathy of the community is extended to both these families. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter, ~dG SSarndra and Donna.Netn %,le, celebrated their wedding anniversary on Sunday at the CO W LINGShome of Mm. and Mns. W. N. P130NE ' T R EFT Porter. MIA 3-5695 DIUG SORETR ÙSS E S Mrs. W. Bradley spent several IDUUUUUUUUIMUUUIUEIUUUUUMIUUUUUUUUUdaas i:h friends ini Oshawal 1 n orno Highlight of the Friday luncheon meeting of the Bow- manville Rotary club was the installation of Rae Rundie, 4 Edsal Ave., as a member of the Bowmanville club. The new Rotaran is the manager of the A. & P. store. In an impressive ceremony four of the club's past presi- dents and president Bill Rudeil informed Rae of his responsi- bilities and duties as a Rotarian. Dave Higgon explained the Objects of Rotary, George Moo- dy presented Rae with the book,' "Service is my Business", Mor- ley Vanstone gave the dinner badge and Art Morgan pre. sented the current COpy of the Rotarian. Following the ceremony the club rose and extended a standing applause to the new member. A belated new member pin was presented to Ross Gilbarti by President Rudeli.1 No birthdays were celebrated this week but the club dîd have four visitons namely Ralph Ames, Bowmanville, and three Oshawa Rotarians, Ed Rose, Merve Crydemman and Stan1 Lovell. George James, sporting a a healthy sun tan, was given a hearty welcome on bis return ta the Bowmanville club Friday which waî the finît meeting he was able to attend since *i ilînesi in the fail. He aasured the members that be was stant- ing on his second 22 years ai perfect attendance. Mr. James picked up some special souvenirs irom bis stay in Flarida includng two cigans fron the Tampa Rotary club which he presented ta Dave Higgon and George Igoody and an unused T.C.A. emergency paper bag used expressly for air sickness. This bag he thaugbt could be used by Frank Jamieson. An outburst of laugh- ter greeted each presentation. Sh owers for Duaine Peacock' Prior to, her marriage in St. Clement's Anglican Church, Toronto, on Tuesday, April 2, Miss Duaine Arlene Peacock was honored at several pre-nup- tial events. Mrs. W. P. Whit- tington, Mary Street, and lier daughter, Mrs. George Wall, were co-hostesses at a miscel- laneous shower. Mrs. C. S. Lar- Imer and the neighbors met at the bride's home and surprised lier with a pantry sheif and kit- chen shower. The girls of the IPhi Beta Phi Fraternity of To- ronto, of which Miss Peacock is a me3mber, honored her at a miscellaneous shower. Dr. Eli- zabeth Chant.-Robertson, Toron- to, and hier daughter, Miss Mary Chant-Robertson and Miss Ad- rianne Hunter entertained at a miscellaneous shower when 'lie guests were the bride's class- mates in the graduating class of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto. Follow- îrjg the rehearsal last Monday evenîng the bridal party was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. Victor Peacock in their suite at the Park Plaza Hotel, Toron- ta. YELVERTON Yelvertonians, as elsewhere, are currently enjoying the love- ly November weather these first two weeks of April. on Wednesday night a car- load motored to Orono to hear the Hon. Lester Pearson ad- dress the Liberal Nomination meeting. The federal government is to be congratulated on providing the necessary marketing legis- lation last week to make pre- sent provincial marketing lég- islation effective. We are pleas- ed to hear that Durham County has jumped into third position in the marketing of hogs on the Open Market. Corne on Dur- ham farmers let's top Ontario -let's, show them that for pro- gressive farmers Durham heads them ail. Now there's a chal- lenge. On Friday night, April 12th, Yelverton's Famihy Club met in the church hall. Following the business session Rev. P. R1. and Mrs. Bonsteel convened the devotional, a real thought pro- voker. Those present auto- graphed a get-well card to beR presented to our Secretary - of the Club currently incarcerated in a Peterborough Hospital. We hope Isabel will be out this week. The Ralph Malcoinis were hosts to the gathering as well as providing the recrea- very recently, also Mr. B. R. Knight la poorly. Miss May Noon was taken ta WelIesley Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday evening by ambu- lance after having suiffered a stroke whlch paralyzed hon left side. Friends hope ta be hear- Ing much botter reports aofail the sick in aur midast. Mrs. John Dickey returned ta her home in the village on Saturday after having apent the wlnter in Toronto. The Hogal family are alsa at thoir home in Nestletan, purchased fromn the Norman Lansing estate. Mr. and Mns. Reginald Sut- ton, Orono, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrn. George Bowers. Ladies' Aid met Tuesday evenlng at the home of Mns. Grant Thompson. Plans were made ta arrange for cleaning the manse for the new minuster and his bride arriving May 7th and homes for entertaining the Campbells arranged. A so- cial evenlng was postponed un- tii after the manse is occupied. A lavely new finlshed quilt, top donated by Mns. K. Gilbank, was displayed, a pnrice set for it and a lily ta be purchased for the church for Easter. The De- Votional was conducted by Mmi. Thompeon, Easter music and readings given by Mns. Gist, Miss R. Pnoutt, Mrs. Wolfe and Mme. Thon pson and co-host- esses Mrs. L. Beacock an( rs Gist provided sandwiches,co- ies and tea for the social haîf hour. The nice weather in welcomne to those engaged in home im- provemients in the village. Charles Vine's are having theii house insulated, the hamdwood floors are laid in the Presby- terian manse, plasterers are busy at the new house acras fron the church and the Ellis and Woods' bouses are being greatiy iniproved. Johnny .Ars- cott is getting his lunch coun- ter in readiness for business soon. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip took a load of ladies ta the Women Teachens' Fedemation Banquet in Maple Grave on Fiday even- ing. Congratulations ta Miss An- na Samelha who has finished hem business coumse and is now a qualified cherk typist. James Emerton is in town convahescing fron a tonsil op- eration in a Toronto Hospital a week ago Monday. BROWN'S tion. Lunch concluded as par usual. We note aur Yul Bryner oi Yelverton, T. E. Spenceley of course, adorning his wee smal corner of The Statesman once more, already yet! Lait Sunday a male quartet fromn Yehverton (flot the sing- ing varîety) made their debut into the field of TV on Country Calendar lait Sunday when tbey weme viewed examining the prize winning hog carcasi dis- played at Peterboro Seed Fair. Report has it-wasn't taa duf- ficult ta tell the park fran, the people-(the pigs were standing on their beads). Uowever, wjih the co-operation af Uxbridge H.E.P.C. this vicinity was spar- ed the spectacle as the hydmo boys amassed some tinie and haîf with Power turned off Sunday p.xn. Those starring in the hog demonstmation weme%:- Howard Malcolm, Floyd Stin- son, Jack Wilson and youms truly. Nestieton Station Calhing on Miss May Noon weme Mr. and Mmi. Jack Bailoy, Toront9, and Mr. and Mmi. Jaii. Emerton, Blackstock. Mm. and Mmi. B. R. Knight were pleased ta have two af Mrs. Knight's sisters visit hem this paît week. Mmi. Alber-t Bar- tan, Munroe, Michigan, and Mmi. Albert Hamilton of De- troit. Mm. and Mme. R. Campbell weme Sunday dinner guests ai Miss Ruth Pnoutt. Mm. and Mmi. A. W. Brown, Oshawa, visited the Grant Thompsons. Mm. and Mmi. Chai. Gist spent a day this past week in To- ronta. Mm. and Mmi. Clarke Wil- liamis, Port Hope, visited Mn. and Mmi. Arnold Williams. Mmi. Wilfrid Vine and Hem- hie and Mms. Arnold Williams and Janice, left by train for. North Bay ta visit their sisten Domothy, Mrs. Lonnie Chapman. They wilh motor home wîth Mm. and Mms. Chapman, Paul and Jimmie, when they camne ta spend Easter with ber par- eftts, Mm. and Mmi. George Bow- ers. Sympatby i extended to the family af the late Mmi. Harvey Gilbank who passed away at hem home and was intermed in Ballyduff cemetery on Monday afternoon.1 Mns. Cifford Hetz, Fairview, Penn., i visiting at the hame af hem father, Mm. William Lamb who i not sa well and assisting hem sister Mme. Cecil Wilson and Mmi. Lamb in car- ing for bum. Mr. Thamas Gettins ai Ce- sarea, bas suffered a strake Ail mjO$ ?191 Exclusive POWER DIRECTOR 8 speeds ah.ad Quick-shlft t. hlgh or Iow range Constant spe.d live PTO Contlnuous oporeting hydmoulle pomi POWER-CRATER Engin. -'iluff 3-PIow P.w*rý Range Seloctor for TRACTION ROOSTER systom Conter-ride sec, RolI-shlft front ex., ail-nle" hydroulic system, Low-Iine for sftp-ob.oed coeui., once, Hlgh clearance te Iay by cropa. The original Power-Slf rear WI...Is SHAP-COUPUER ht<h Cholce of front-end stylet, Power Os..dng if Yeui wont ih. Nvx,.Ca.m. TaM:?,.,, Dei $841 SUAP.CoWLXU am Allie-Cbd.mer BtIadOu*rl*. ALLIS.CNAJLMRS SALES & SERVICE V Palmer Motor Sales MA 3-5487 20 King St. E. and Mrs. Ernest anohdm Puiuï ruui tumned fmom a vacation in Cen- tral Florida. While theme NMr. We regret ta report the sud- Cavano purchased a propert? den passing of Mrs. Harvey in Kissimmer, Florida that pro- Gillbank. Deceased was strick- duces grapefruit of such mag. en with a severe heart attack nitude, flavour and size un.J on Fmday and was taken to known ini these parts. I 'w a4taNa hospîtal by ambulance and of Ernie's friends wb,'14 was~" died early Saturday marning. the recipient of some of thesa Funeral services will be held grapefruit and thoroughly en- from the home of hem son Clif- joyed saine. Several other me- fbrd on Monday with interment cipients can verify my state- at Ballyduff Cemetery. ments. Another af Cavan's oldest We weme glad ta 1 that resident has also passed away aur rural mail earr? W*14 In the persan of Mm. Benny ta have their payi aijý Olan who resided with bis son This vas long overdue. The Dick south af Millbrook. De- contract by tender is a systeni ceased is father of Mm. Alvin that should also be abolished. Olan. Our County Councillors af- We extend our beartiest con- tended sessions in Cobourg last gratulations ta Mmi. Hildon week. It was their first meeting Johnston who was elected as in the newv Counties' Build. Grand Mistresi of the L.O.B.A. ing. Whihe enroute ta Grand for Ontario East at their Grand Lodge Sessions in Brockvihle Lodge Session beld in Bmock.. I was fortunate enough ta b. ville hast week. This i the first present at the opening. During time that Manvers bas had a the three-day session generous menmber elected ta this bigh pay boosts were passed for position. A caload of Mrs. Counties Engîneer, Assessor and Jahnston'a friendi matared ta Counties' Councillors. No doubt Brockville fromn Janetvîhle to we will have lower County make a special presentation to Taxes? her on the lait day ai the ses- Mms. Aihan Ough of Welcorne sion. is rectipemating after an oper- Mr. and Mmi. Archie Whit- ation in Peterborough Hospital. mee af Oshawa, visited friends She bas been spendîng a fexv here Saturday. days with hem sister, Mmi. Ah. In a previaus issue, in this vin Ohan and hem niece, Mrs. colurnn we neported that Mr. Fred Youngman. Brown's Homne and Schoal Club beld their regular month- ly meeting 'rues. evening. Trea- surem's report sbowed $107.51 with cash on hand ai $8.27. Af- ton the meeting cards weme on- joyed by ahi, high score, Miss McMillan, Mr. Harvey Sinclair, low score, Mmi. Hilda Call and Mn. Bowen. We are glad ta hear that Tom- mie Simpson is feeling qulte well after baving had his ton- sils out on Fiday. Mr. and Mmi. C. Starns and family of Toronto with Mr. and Mmi. Bob Simpson's on Sunday. March meeting ai Bmown 's Busy Bees was beld Thursday evening March 21, at the home of Mmi. W. Farrow with seven membens present. Mn,. Harvey Sinclair toak charge of the meeting. Minutes of the hast meetihg wene read and adoptedl. A discussion taok place regard- ing buying samething for the new school. Chairs weme sug- gested and Mmi. W. Farrow ao'- femed to inquime the price of stacking chairs. Aiter the busi- ness period we bad a vemy en- jayable game of ouchre iollow- ed with a delicious lunch. Next meeting Thursday, April 18, at Mme. Bob Simpson's. Mme. Wil- fred Cox , ai Newtonvilhe wMl show coloured pictures of thein recent trip ta Cahifamnia. Mmi. Bob Simpson extendi a welcame ta any ai the ladies in the sec- tion who would ike ta came and see the pictumes. Mm. and Mmi. Jack Hatwick and family with Mm. and Mrs. J. Curson on Sunday. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rauni, Toronto, spent a iew days with Mm. and Mme. Andmew Reich- ath. Mmi. Leland Payne 15 a pat- ient in Memomial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. The sympathy ai the coin- munity is extended ta Mri. Eugene Majewski and Mmi. Fred Hryniulta on the passing af their mother, Mmi. John Szaïa- wiga. Mme. Wm. McHolm of Mamish spent a few days with Mmi. Win. Uglow. Following a lengthv ilines Mmi. Clarence Mitchell passed away at the Sidbroak Pnivate Hospital, Cobourg, on Friday, April l2th. The funemal service was held at the George FuneralI Chapel an Sunday with Rev. A. J. T. Hendenson, M.A., B.D. af Part Hope in charge. Intemment wîlh be in Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. Quite a number from beme attended the service on Sunday. The W.M.S. held their Tbank- Offering Services in the Sunday School hall on Wednesday ai- ternoan, April 3rd. The Pnesi- dent welcomed the ladies of the other points on the charge andI fmn Newcastle. Mmi. Geo. Mec- ICullough canducted the woship service. Mmi. (Rev.) M. C Fisher of Newcastle addressed the ladies giving the activities of Jesus the lait week ai Hîs lufe. This address was apprec. lated by aIl those present as was also the solo by Mmi. C. M. Jones which folhawed. A social boum aven a cup af tea bmought the meeting ta a close. The bouquet ai spring flawers on the table was divided between IMmi. G. W. Jones and Mri. Bert Samis, aur sick menibers. Sunday mamrning Rev. M. C. Fisher af Newcastle was in charge af the service. Follow- ing ha a list of the childmeni presented for haptism: David Bryan and Douglas Rois, sansI of Mn. and Mrs. Truman Hen-I denson; Carol Ana, daughter aif Mr. and Mmi. Fred Henderson, and Pcnelope Ann, daughter ai Mr. and Mmi. Ernest Webster. SAFE STORAGE It's always lbeit to play safe with your preciaus furs . .. and the best way ta seo theni safely through the summer is ta store thern with us! We pamper theni in aur modern vaults where they're fully protected (and insured) against nioths, heat, moisture, fine and theft. We retumn thein lustrous and lovely! Phone MA 3-5520 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Bowmanville v Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. IRoyal Theaitre Bowmanvi 1k THURS. - SAT. APRIL 18 Natinee Fri.& Sal. -24p.m. 20th Cen 'tury-Fox presents DEBRA PAGET and introduclng ELVIS PRESLEY m-20 Last coniplete show 9 p.nî. SUN. NID-NITE- APRIL 21, ai 12:15 "The Corne On" Aduit - Superscope also "For Crimin' Out Loud" (3 Stooges) MON. and TUES. - APRIL 22 - 23 Last conipjete show 9:10 Special Mal. Easter Monday- 2 p.. 'Mask of the A venger(oil (Color> Adventure, starring John Derek also Shorts and Cartoon WED. - THURS.- APRIL 24 69 2&i- Ets On The W.y I Try T'he Pace Setter MME MM5Y7 0-41 TMMSDAY, APRTL I@th. 193Ï -PAGE Sm 1