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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 10

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T~ CANADIA!I STATESMAK. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTABIO THURSDAY. APRiT.. 25th. 1D~Y Mrs. E. Couroux Elected President of Kendal W.. *Kendal: The annual meeting of Kendal W.I. was held Wed- nesdaý evening April 10 at the home Of Mrs. H. Foster. The raillcdal, "How to get mem- bers ta take office" did nat bring forth any brilliant ideas. It was decided a printed pro- gram for the coming year is a 'must' and is ta be made ot as soon as conveners can get their topics tagether. The home where meeting is ta be held is alst ta be included. A 'thank yau' letter was read from Mrs. C. Tebble. "Sleeping garments" is the pro- ject o! the Hame-making clubs this spring. We were pleased Mns. Kennedy was willing ta take the leadership and attend the Leader Training Schaol be- ing held in Bowmanville. Mrs. Cathcart reported on sending cards and flowers ta the sick and a penny collection was taken up. The current event discussion proved quite interesting as each took part. The election o! officers for the comning year was conduct- ed and resulted as fallows: President, Mrs. Eddie Cour- oux; 1st vice-presîdent, Mrs. Mvartin Manders; 2nd vice-pre- sident, Mrs. Re,-. Elliott; secre- tary-treasurcr, Mrs. Wm. Mer- cci': assistant, Mrs. H. Foster; distrIct director, Mrs. G .Cath- cart; branch directors, Mrs. H. Foster, Mrs. McMackin; cheer commnittee, Mrs. Cathcart, Mrs. Law, Mrs. Luxon; auditors Mrs. Luxon, Mrs. Stoker. Canveners - Agriculture an< Canadian Industries, Mrs. Jaci Stapleton and Mrs. Low; Cii zcnship and Education. Mrs. L Greenwood and Mrs. H. Foster Historical Research and Curreni Events, Miss Catherine Stew- art and Mrs. Danchuk; Honi, Economics and Healtb, Mrs. N ,Kennedy; Community Activi. tics and Public Relations, Mrs McMackin, Mrs. Manders. Mrs. G. Cathcart read ar amusing paem, entitled "ThE Village Sewing Society" in her usual pleasing manner. Each lady brought an article for the travelling basket but there were not many left ta put ir as they were purchased by the ladies present. A jumbled worc contest conducted by Mrs. Cou- roux occasioned considerable tbinking and enjoymnent. Ail sat down ta a tasty lunch and enioyed the usual social baîf-hour. A vote o! thanks was extended by Mrs. Couroux ta Mrs. Foster and ber daugh- ters for their hospitality. ]KEDRON Junior members o! large Easter congregations at e-_ dron, called forth many ad- miring, glances, as warm, sun- ny weather permitted the wcaring o! new spring-time at- Best Wishes to COWAN'S INTERNATIONAL HARVESTERS who y'ear will be bringing another of fine Intermediate Base- bail in Bowmanville. Good Luck from Hooper's Jewellery & Cifi Shop Thank You! 4 We sincerely ihank Tom Cowan of Cowan Equipment Co. for thîs year sponsoring Bowmanville's Iniermediate "B" Basebail Club the BOWMAA A DMm HARVESTERS BOWMANVILLE BASEBALL CLUB e 'A. H. Osborne, Pres. Howard Co-,%le, Sec'y Congratulations fo Tom Cowan i ~A very wvorthy successor. May your relationship with the Bowmanville Basebali Club be ab happy as ours. Norman J. Scott Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries Lirnited tireý. Easter liles and other ) spring flawers beautified the altar. One particularly lavely 6 dJolung floral arrangement was in lov'- ing memory of the late Arthur 1 Langmaîd. When 1 was in Toronto, in S, Rev. R. H. Rickard preached. 1913, 1 met a pretty sweil girl, Easter music included anthems but neyer tried ta date her bc- d by the choir, "Open the Gates cause I figured she wouldnt be k of the Temple" as arranged by interested in a jerk like me. -Mrs. Joseph Knapp; "Sang of She went on holidays, and Easter" by Ruth Kennerly, in sent me a picture post caid which Mrs. Douglas Love sang frorn Hagersville, a Place I'd kt solo parts, and an Easter num- neyer heard of. The captian on 1-ber by the male quartette, Mrs. the card was "None sa blind e R. E. Lee, organist. Members as they who won't see". I took i.!o the Junior congregation the hint and ber and I became -were presented with an Easter quite chummy. remembrance by Rev. R. H. With the passing o! tic Riekard. years, the incident was forgot- n Dedication of. the new wine ten, until Bob and I were pass- e and gold chair gawns was a ing through Hagersville for tbe r feature o! the service. These first time, last Wednesday, ýwere the gift of the You111 when I suddenly thaught ot ePeople's Class who started the the girl who sent me a carc eproject, of the Woman's Asso- from there, forty-four years nciation, and of a friend of Ke- ago, which so astutely tald me edron cangregatian. Mrs. Wrn. ta wake up ramanticaily. IWerry, W.A. President, ai-d Bob and I were on aur way Brian Lee, President of Young ta St. Williams' Nursery for a People's Class, made the pres- truck load o! trees. It was m'y entations. President o! the first visit ta the nursery on choir, William Werry, received Lake Erie. Ithe gift on behaîf of the con- s gregation. Mr. Rickard offered' We were very impressec <the prayer o! dedication. with the smaothly run organi- Walter Davis acted as Sun- zation under Superintendent day Scbool superintendent, as Bill Bunting, whom we hadii'* illness prevented the attend- seen since he left these parts ance of Bill Snowdexi. Jeanine about four years ago, when he Werry was the Easter pianist. acted as assistant ta the Super- A splendid film, "Wben th-le intendent o! the Orono Nur- Red Lily Turned White" par- trayed the Easter story, in ad- Mrs. Vm. Mauntjay. Other dition to the class presentation. Sunday guests were Mr. and Next Sunday, April 28, services Mr.Evro Nron0n wvill be on Daylight Saving Craig, Markham: Miss Beatrice cTime at 1.30 and 2.30. p.m. Mountjoy, Oshawa; Mr. anc The Woman's Association Mrs. B. Starr and Brian. will meet at the home of Vice- Foster Snowden was an Eas- President, Mrs. Harold Werry, ter guest of Mr. and Mrs. on Wednesday evening, May 1,ae eglyTmis r at pm. Illadeso! heCOIi.Snowdcn returned home with munity are cordially invited. ber husband following a visit Kedron folk united in wor- with helA daughter and family ship on Good Friday evenng" at Timmins. with the Columbus cangreg- tion. Mrs. R. H. Rickard was Farmers in the area have narrator for the Crucifixion enjoyed getting together at the film. Rev. R. H. Riekard con- sprîng auction sales, and sev- ducted the service assisted by eral are now seeding or pre- session members. Ray Scott parlflg the land for seed. and Everett Mountjoy led in Jr. Farmers and friends in Fprayer. Scripture xvas read by the area were interested in the Walter Beath, Oliver McCui- Farm Broadcast over radio lou&h, Arthur Smith, Roy Rat- station CBL, Toronto, an Sat- (lif fe, Clarence Werry and urday last whcn Ron Werry Ross Lee. Music bY Columbus was interviewed on Ontario choir, directed by Mrs. Wallace County projects. Scott, a number by the ma!e Members of the county choir quartette, and a vocal duet by enjoyed hearing recordings of 1Mrs. F. Smith and Stanley "Talent Showcase" from which Webber, contributed ta the ser- they have had made long play- vice. Rev. R. H. Rickard sang îng records. verses o! the hymn "'Alane" Golden daffodils are in fu Most effectiveiy. Vocalists for bloom in sheltered spots o! the the quartette number were arden. Alan Scott, Stanley Webber, __________ Gardon Pereman and Donald Wylie. Tali white lilies were placed at the altar. YR N Mr. and Mrs. E. Lave, and T R N Mrs. H. Werry were Thursday Congratulations to Mr. and dinn er guests 0f Mrs. Alice Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Bowman- Pboenix and Jean, Greenbank. ville, on their 25th wedding Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott, anniversary. eerto a Godrihwere Easter we,,k beld Saturday evening. Those visitors with Mr. Frank Lee. attending were Mr. and Mrs. Good Friday guests at the R. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H. home o! Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Skinner,' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mountjoy included Mr. and Phare and Mr. Lance Phare. Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Mr. and Don't farget the W.M.S. IMrs. Allan Gibson, Susan and Thankoffering service Sunday Wayne, Miss Olive Luke, ail morning wben Rev. R. B. o! Toronto, and Mrs. George Green, Enniskillen, will be Carlton of Halifax, N.S. gessparatiam.Ery An Easter family dinner par- ones seaoer.ti ..Eey tY was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byarn Guests were Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl By- Mrs. Wallace Scott, Mr. and amn, Oshawa. Mrs. Allan Scott, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, boys, Humber Bay, visited Mr. Bowmanviîîe; Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. T. Scott. Grant Pascoe, Oshawa-, Mrs. A welcome ta Mrs. Edith Thos. Scott, and Sidney Tre- Murphy ta the village. She has vail. Master John Morrow, moved into ber dainty flew Oshawa, is spending the holi- home. day week at the Pascoe borne. Stephen HasJ<ell, St. Thomas, Miss Beryl Mountjoy, Lon- is visitîng John and Allan Vi- don, spent the weekend at Vian. home with parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barbpr, Èà Congrafulafions f o .. Cowan Equipment Our Best Wishes bIo he Harves fers Basebail Team and our congratulations te Cowan Equipment Co. for sponsoring thc Interînerliate tcain tilis year. man 's Co/umn. Id Ie ¶l )t sery. A lot of Durhamn County folks will also remnember bis ability ta handie a "magic" lan- tern, wbile giving a. splendid lecture on Conservation. Promotion ta such a highly responsible position has not spoiled him; he is the sanie democratic, friendly guy we al liked around these -parts, a-id proved it in front of his 150 man staff, with a very warm welcomc. There is none of the swell headed, stuffed shirt au- tocrat about Bill. At St. Williams, visitors wil see an exceptionally fine pack- ing shed, wherc even the spa«- num moss and shingle waste mixture is placed in the silo by a forage blower, and is damped, ready for use by play- ing a water hase on -the blow- er blades while the mixture is being blown through. In time savcd in manpower, this idea could save the7price of the ma- chine in one year. Visitors can see a "stand" o! Scots pine, whose stems are sixty feet high, and straight as an arrow; the seea for this '.stand" did not came from cen- tral Europe, but from Scot- land. Visitors ta the area will note ances. Toronto, with Mrs. F. Scott. Mrs. Ross McRoberts and Jean returned home- after spending a week with relatives at Ottawa. Guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian were, Mr. and Mrs. E. Masan and Carl, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. N. Greentree, Mrs. W. Ormiston and children and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, Oshawa. Patsy Ellis, Enniskillen, hall- dayed with Shelagh Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne W. An- nis, Mr. A. H. Brent attended the Annis-D'Arcy weddîng at Kingston Rd. United Church, Toronto, on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Philp with ber mother, Mms. Hopkins, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Engr- lish, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, John r nd Lauraine, Mr. and Mms. H. McClure, attended a get-together for their sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pogue at the home o! Mm. and Mrs. Ted McBride, Brampton, befome leaving for their home in Ban!! after spending twa months in Florida. Mrs. H. Pbilp visitcd ber sis- ter, Mrs. L. Hauber, Philadel- phia. Gucsts o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvey on Sunday were Mrs. Annie Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and family, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Fitzgerald and family, Lakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Shepherd and family, Mill- brook. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian were Saturday cvening visitons o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Ormiston, Oshawa. Quite a number attended th2 Eâster message Sunclay morn- ing by Rev. F. J. Jackson. The choir rcndered a suitable num- ber which mneant much ta the service. ýr d d d h it y e e n e 0 r ýf ri S Mother - love occasionally takes an an irregular aspect as witnessed this week wben aur collie inomma temporarily for- sook ber own two clamoming offspming ta cuddle ta ber beant a little abandoned wai!-a day aid kitten. Unfortunately as concerned the -diminutive fe- line, it had bit off mare than she could cbew. Wbicb opens a line o! conjecture as ta the missing frontal dentures o! aur rotund Reeve - did be really bite off more than he cauld cbew-(hitcnally, of course) or did someone slip a steel wash- er into bis nicotine slab. Shauld ve editor consider such per- sonal remarks unwarranted, we boldly state tbcy are only just retribution for, bis calling us ouf on road inspection after ]aying plans for aur first day of! from the daily grmnd since Chmistmas. Bobbie Burns once spoke a moutbful witb bis "best laid schemes, etc." And s0 we est aur case. Easter visif ors in Yelverton included, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wermy and Dcbbie, o! Hull, Que., callers at Malconia. Mrs. Harvey Malcolm, Mitze anxd Marti, accampanied them ta Cooksvillc ta visit the Hank Boons. Mr. Roy Wright, Toronto, with tlhc Rae Malcolms o! Jan- ctville. called at the Ralph and Harvey Malcolms. Mrs. Margaret McKay o! To- ronto, wifb ber parents, the William MeCabes. Easter Sunday service at Ycl- verton tvas somewhat "'special" with a jinior chair providing The Statesman SoId 'z At Following Stores 4Reg. Edrrunds s 1tore, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store. Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S . Bmown, Newtonville Portcr's Gen. Store, Newtonviile C. Petbxck, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon. Ennîskillen 4 F. L, Byarn, Tyrone G' . A. Barron, Hamnpton 4 'rtîlls Store, Courtice Of A. E. Ribev. Burkcton iBlv-th', Gen. Store. Blackstock . Keith Bradlev. Pontv pool C. B. T vrrell. Orono de W'm.'TuranskY. Kendlai Z, lirnder-on 1 ;Rook Store, .zhw lO Hotuse That .Jack Built 4 R.R. 4, Oshawa e, - Bowvmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" 4 W. J. Berry Jack's Smokc Sbop Rite's Smokc Shop '. Goheen's Handy Store Juy& Lovcll flYj'; ;n, ral Store j*L The Statesaman Oftice - a great abundance of tobacco farms, which brings, up an in- teresting point. At the morning rall cali there was only anc European name ta 149 Anglo sounding names. Wby? Well, I guess the Anglo-Canadians thought it was a smart move ta unload the sandy farms on th2 poor, ignorant, European im- migrants. But those immigrants knew what they were doing, and proved it when thcy stop- ped general !arming, and start- ed ta specialize-such as tabac- ca etc. *Today, the poar immigrant o! yesteryear bas a stake in Canada that includes an ex- pensive car, well equipped home, productive farm, mod- ern machinery. He is industri- ous, intelligent, and consîdered a sohid member ofthe commun- ity. It naturaily follows that the Angla-Canadians are des- cendants of the people wbo so]d the farms, and are damn glad ta work at the nursery for an hourly wage. Well, tbat's if e for you! Which also proves it is better ta work with, than against nature. Bill Bunting asked me ta convey bis best wishes toaail bis Durham Caunty acquaint- the special music. Last Sunday the service was taken by a Mr. Seymour of Peterborough who in bis working day clothes is a Hog Grading Inspector in that city. He completely contradicts that fallacy fed by rumour fur the consumptian of the gullible that better grading reports are received when shipping hogs direct to plant rather than to Open Market. Messrs. Howard Malcolm, Jack Wilson and Floyd Stinson motored ta Pe- terborough on Wednesday af- ternoon ta see this gentleman in action. On Monday nite several were present at the Open Market campaign held in South Mon- aghan.- Speakers were Jimn Boynton and Charles McGîn- nis. Charlie wvas reported to be in particularly fine fornn. Much of the credit of the;c campaigns can be marked Up. ta these aggressive leaders whio devote sa much time and energy ta the cause - fot for the re- muneration- whieh is insig- nificant in camparison to that paid ather executives af their calibre, but rather ta a vision in which farmers can hold up their heads in any society and deciders of their own destiny and masters of their own fate. A further meeting of this nature will be held in Welcome Sunday School Raom in May. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson spent cansiderable of this week with the Walter Wrights a.-d their 4 granddaughters while W. H. displayed bis architect- ural prowess in assisting Walter in revamping their domîcile's interior. With a succession of days af lovely 'spring weather several farmers in locaj.ity have al- ready made a start at seeding. AUl we have done is think about it. On Wednesday evening two carloads o! clothes-consciaus femnales attended the Fashion Show held in Lindsay. Reac- tions ta same as follows - How was it? - Very good! MIRACLE.... AUt@àrMATIC ýSAFETY hkmloses Presser@aend Wl.. Y@ FUR k&i etOTMI WRINOft . DOIS soin Or just puait the wringer to stop rofia and r#-ý beas. A Wringer swings with a finger tip touch. I Automcatic Water Director-Wask wofer nover lots in*t the rinae.. Amazing S ec u r ity und Speed SEE IT NOW ON THE NEW COPPERSTYLE WIASHER Newest miracle in wash-day safety and ease, is the new Beatty Copper. style Washer. Automatic features * nclude timer, of course. Has pump, too. Double walled tub has an inner tub of stainless steel. Has thme latest long life "Econa-miser" bail bearing . A mechanism - guaranteed SIX years' The Beatty Copperstyle Washer is the newest tking in design and beauty. Other models give you a choice of col ours. $63-- OTrade-In Easy Terms en Balance MASON &DALE MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. E Pqi4 course nat (accompanied by a look of reproachful scora cal- culated ta make anc wither for ever suggcsting such a traiter- ous thing). Mr. and Mrs. Clx! f Snydc-, Toronto, with the Huy M1Gil1s this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright on Sunday at the W. H. St.n- Congratulations fo Cowan Equipme-nt Co. for sponsoring the Bowmanville Harvesiers Iniermediafe "B"» Basebali Team this year. Best Wishes to the Harvesters Basebail Team this year sponsored by Cowan Equipment Co. fromn McNU LTY'S Sports, Cycle and Toys L Xing St. E. Bowmanville Phone IMA 3-3531 SC.CeM. Dealer Nason & Dale HARDWAR E 3f; King St. V:. C.C.M. Dealer NcNiuliy's PORTS, CYCLE and TO VS A Ei n i s t. iE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tm C"ADI" STATESMAS. BOWIL4NVrt= ONTAitio PAGE TER THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1957 YELVERTON -ýj lýè

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