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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 16

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T!SMN. OWMA~Vf1Z. N'rmo ~m7a?%A A??ese IB~fltl.'ft~ tIA1.LD z5.J u.31ou - Births HATELY-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatelv are happy to announce the birth of their son John Alan on Saturday, April 13th, a littie brother for Lynda and Larry._ 17-11 PARKER-Bi1I and Reva Park- er (nee Bates) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Debra Lynn, April 21, 1957, at Memoriai Hospital, Bow- rnanville. A sister for Wend 'y and Michael. 17-1 WILLIAMS - Arn and Jean Williams, Nestieton. are happy to announce the birth of a littlei boy, April 2th. 8 Ibs., 1 oz. A brother for Janice.171 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire wish ta annaunce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter. Helen Josephine. ta James Water Scott, son of Mn. and Mrs. James Scott, Oshawa. The marniage wihl take place on Sat- urday, May 25, at 2:30 p.m. in Tinitv United Church. 17-1* Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Macnab of Hampton wish ta announce the engagement of their eldest dlaughter, Audrey Jean ta Mr. Raymond Boyd Sellers, son of Mr. and Mns. T. Sellers, Bow- rnanviiie. The marniage will take place on Saturda-y, Mav 25th at 2:30 p.m. in Hampton Uie Chu rch. j-l* Mr. and Mrs. Wellington T. Brunt. Newcastle, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter. Donna June, toj Mr. Vernon H. Jones, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, Bowmanvilie. The marriage %will take place Ma.v 17th at '7:00 p.m. ini Newcastle Unitedi Church. 17-1* Deaths1 'rHOMPSON-At Memonial Hos- Ipital, Bowmanviile, on Friday, Apnil 19, 1957, Amelia Blcwett Bradley Thompson, aged 87 years, wife of the late John Thompson and dean mother of Alma (Mrs. Ephriam White), V'anda (Mrs. Alex Walker) and, ICeith Bradley. Mns. Thompson rested at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bawrnanville. Service was held in Orono United Church on Monday, Apnil 22nd at 2 o'clock. Interment Me- Creas Cemetery. 17-1 Coming Events Daffodil Tea and home baking sale at the Salvation Army Hall, Division Street, Friday, April 26, 2:30 ta 5 o'clock. 17-1 St. John's Evening Branch W.A. attennoon tea, bazaar, home baking, rummage table, Saturday, April 27, 2:30 ta 5. 17.1* Teen Town Easter Prom, Fni- day, April 26th, 9 p.m. to 1:30 &.m. Tickets, per couple, $3.00 members, $4.00 non-members. Corsages supPlied. 16-2 Hockey Mothers' Home Bake Sale, Friday, May 17 at 1:30 in Hydro Shop. Anyone wishing ta donate please contact Mrs. H. Hughes or Mrs. M. Wisemnan. 17-1 Ail citizens of Darlington are invited ta a Johnny James Dance et Solina Community Hall, Fri- day, Apnil 26th. Good music and entertainment. No admis- sion change. 16-2 Camne again and have a good time at Solina Community Halll and dance ta the Montgomery, Orchestra, Saturday, May 4th. Ladies bring lunch. Admission 50c per persan. 17-2 Bowmanville Choral Society presents their Spring Concert in the Town Hall, Friday and Sat- urday, Mav 10 and Il. Assist- ing artists: Toronto Rhythm- aires Barber Shop Quartet. 15-tf Came ta the Durham County Junior Farmers' Annual At- Home-Dance in Solina Hall on Fnidav. May 3rd. Music by Pot- ten's Orchestra. Lunch s emved. Dness optional. Admission 32.50 per couple. 17-1* Regular weekly bingo hcld Tbursdayq except third week in the month whicb xiii be held on Tuesdays. in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a' jackpot game. No game under 33.00. Admission 50c. 2-tf Blitz Campaign of Orono for tunds for the Canadian National! Institute for the Blind will take place Friday evening, Apnil 26 under the auLspices of Newcastle Lions Club. Please be generaus when the canvasser cahîs. 1 7-1 jCards of Thanks The familv of the late David Lynn Dudley wish to thank their friends for the cards, flowers and other expressions of sym- pthy in their recent bereave- ment. 17-1 * I would like to thank the nurses of Memorial Hospital. Dr. McKenzie and those who sent cards and flowers during my stay in hospital. Isabel Pearce. 17-1* 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, f]owers and fruit and dainties. A special thank vou to nurses and to Dr. Ferguson during my illness. Mrs. William Found. 17-1* I would lîke to thank Dr. Hub- bard, Dr. Gill, ail the wonderfui nurses of Memoriai Hospital and Memorial Park for flowers. Manv thanks to friends and relatives for the iovelv cards and letters received during my rpcent illness. Mrs. Frank Thompson.__1' 17-1 I would like ta thank ail my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards. tlawers. and messages sent ta me while in hospital,' and at homne. while "shut-in" due ta m "v accident. A special tak ta Drs. McKenzie and Sylvetr and the nurses and staff of Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Theresa Martin. I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends, neighbours and Coffee Club for flowers, cards and gifts, also the many other acts of kindness duning mn'v recent illness. A special thanks to Drs. Rundle, McKenzie and Austin. and nurs- es of Memorial Hospital. Betty Westlake. 17-1 The family of the late John Brown wish to thank relatives and friends for beautiful floral offerings and sympathy received duning their recent bereavement, especially thanking Rev. John Kitchen and Northcutt & Smith Funerai Home for their kindness to us. Zella, Reta and Thelma. 17-1 * I would like ta express my ap- preciation ta the friends and neighbours who were sa kind ta rny tamihy duning my stay in the hospital. Also many thanks for the cards, letters, fiowens and fruit sent me. A special thanks ta the bload donors of the Canadian Legion of Bowman- ville. Daisy Bell. 17-1* 1riedsuad lneghours fkor her fIed anud nlie ta thaork aur thoughttulness and ta those who sent flowers, cards, and gitts and tbe Canadian Legion for biood donors. A special thanks ta doctars Hubbamd, Sylvester, and Siemon and ta the nurses and staff for their kindness shown me during my stay in the Memorial Hospital'. Bowman- ville. Mns. Gladys Potts. 17-1 In Memoriam KING-.In loving memnory of oui- dean mother, Mi-s. Emma King who departed this lite Apnil 2th. 1949. also aur father, Chai-les King. wbo passed away May 6th, 19,54; oui- brother, Frank, 2nd Battahian No. 745409, killed at Vimy Ridge, April l2th, 1917. îWe travel down a winding raad, A road without an end, And they who seem s0 tan away Are only around the bcnd. The 'v face a brighter sunshine, Sotter breezes, skies moi-c blue And sametimes in their bap- piness Thcy'li meet again with you. Sa, let not your heant be toubled, Its truc, that in the end Happiness wili follaw sorow When we meet them around the bend. -Lovingiy remernbered by their familx'. 17-1*' LARGE-In loving mernary of Edwand S. Large. who passcd awa 'v Apnil 24, 1950. -Foreven remcmbered by bis daughtens. Elcen, Elsie. Fern, Joyce, Lois, Helen and Shirley. 17-11 OTT-In loving memarv of mvI Dad. Elmer Louis, wbo passed, awax' on Apnil 25th, 1953, in Bowmanville, Ontario. That I ]aved Dad truc and tender". -Sal' 111SNOWDEN-4n lovinx eg r Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo 1 oa Mn. Samuel Snowden who ln Town Hall on Saturdav. April passed ta bis heavenly neward, 27th at 8 p.m. $100 jaekpot April 21st. 1955. $100 doar prize, 20 games for e10 Tbase whorn we lave go out af and anc gzame ton $25, three s ight. special games. Admission $1. But neyer out of mmid: Tickets tram members of Lionsf They arne cherished in the heants Club or at the door. 16-2 0f thase they leave bchind. Loving and kind in al bis wavs, The Easter Parade is aver, se Beautiful memraies he lefi came, eniao' yourselves in v'aur behind. oldcst clothes. A hardtirne dance -Ex'en remembened by wife, nt Tyrane Hall. Satunday, Maiv 4.* childi-en. grandchildren. 17.1* Hallroyd's Orchestra. G o o d sports in pon lothes, 50c; poar R cpin sparts in good clothcs. 75e. Pnize R cpin for w o r s t dressed couple. Mr. and Mns. G. F. Purdy, 64 Sponsored bv Hall Board. 17-2 Church St., will be at home ta their relatives. friends and Be sure ta attend the Libenal neighbors on Max' 4, 3 ta 5 and meeting in Orono Township 7:30 ta 9:30, on the occasion of Hall on Fridav, Mav 3rd, at their Fîftieth Wedding Anni- 9 o'clock. when the Right Hon. versary. h17-2* Jamnes G. Gardiner, Canada'siLs Minister of Agriculture will out- Ls Ene the government's polie,- on f &gnîiculture. John M. 'lamnes, WH!TE and tan maie hound. Liberal candidate. wilI also ad- South--est district Pont7,poail Articles for Sae POWER sheep shears. Phone MArket 3-2623. 17-1* HAY, approximately 800 bales. Phone MA 3-5104. 15-tf RANGETTE. good condition, $18. E. Green, Leskard. 36 r 4. 17-if LARGE kitchen chrome set, new condition. MA 3-5001. 17-1 * ONE tomato planter for sale. Phone Oshawa RA 3-3764. 17-1 ALSCO aluminum windows and doors. Lorne Allun. Phone MA 3-3871, 17-2* TWENTY bags of Pontiac (red) potatoes. R. Rowan. Telephone MArket 3-2745. 17-1*, LARGE, insulated doz house, in 1 good condition. Cali at 101 Ontario St. S. 1-1b SPECIAL - Outside Plantation white paint, $1.25 qt. and $3.95 gallon. Lander Hardware. 16-3 POTATOES, Cobbler. Katahdin, Sebago. large and smali. Phone 9 r 10. E. G. Power, Orono. 16,2 FLOOR polisher for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf 200 BUSHELS Larain oats grown from certified seed. $1 per bushel. Phone Clarke 2834. 17-1 M-H. 2-furrow plowr, tractor- cultivator, '52 G.M.C. pick-up1 truck. Apply 43 Carlisle Ave. 17-1* McCLAR'Y propane gas stove; Sunshine rangette. Phone 1 r 10 Orono. Fred Berry, Orono. 16-2* SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phiilips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- xvare, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and soft water delivered.' Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf TWO almost new open sheds, 65 ft. long; 9 ft. fiat aluminum roof. Fred Lycett. Telephone Orono 11716. 16-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and sinail. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher fromi La--n-er H -ard-ware, 7 King St'. Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing xnethod,I with rock wool. Workmanship guananteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf EXTRA large mixed gladiolus bulbs for sale, 40c a dozen, 50 for $1.25, $225 per hundred.1 1,000 for $20.00. Drop in or eaul C. de Mooy, 18 r 8 Orono. 16-2* HEARING aid service, testingi service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telepihone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and used. Repairs to al makes. Walter Frank, 177 Church St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 14-tf EQUIP your house with Nash aiuminum combination doors and windows, ahl colours. Our nepresentative wilI give you free estimates. Lander hardware. 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- Phone MA 3-5774. 10-tf STRAWBERRY plants-Harvest King, Premier, Senator Dunlop, two cents each. Raspberry bush- es-Newburg, Madawaska, Lath- arn, Viking. tive cents each. Good quality. Ivan Farrow. Orono. Phone 34 r 2. 16-2* MORRIS Co. have been appoint- ed Singer Scwing Machine re- presentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Came in and sec a Singer-the finest in sewingf machines. Variaqp attachmentsi also in stock, Telephone MA I 3-5480. 46-tf fDRAPERIES and venetian blinds cuîstom made or draperies sold bx' the yard. Our representative will caîl at your borne any time with a complete range of samffles and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MAnket 3-3609.1 Bowmanville. 48-tf Decorating *For the Flnest Paints *For1 *For the Latest Papers the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son MA 3-5912 Phones MA 3-37011 INTERNATONAL 8.2 cu. f t. ne- frigerator, freezer across the tbp, , $229: Kelvinator Il1 cu. ft. ne- frigerator, regular $379 for $295: Firestone chest type freezer, 19 cu. ft.. regular $525 for $399: Kelvinator winger washer, Il- lb. capacity, thermno tub. electniei timer and pump, regular $229 t for onl.v SI 39 and vour old wash-' er; standard Kelvinator wningen wý.asher, regular $179 fan $129: Kelvinator autornatie washer $299.95: Kelvinator deluxe elec- trie range. 30-inch size, regulan $309 for only $249; Deluxe 22- inch range xith push-b:îtfon cntrnl. nix- »1,;I5 tCo%-an, Eauiprnent Ca.. 1.34 Kin-g St. E., IBowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5689Î1 Articles f or Sale MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5454. 17-1 MAN'S bicycle, in good con- dition, $10. Phone MA 3-3417, 17-1 QUANTITY of Ajax oats, 90e a bushel. Phone Orono 12 r 10. 17-1 600 BALES straw, oat and wheat tightly baled. Howard Pearce. Newcastle. 17-1* STOVE, four-burner, C.G.E., standard size, gaod condition. Phone MA 3-3456. 17-1 A LARGE quantity of good bal- ed ha.y. S. S. Morton and Son, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 17-1 COCKSHUTT plough. 2-furrow; cultivator, set of harrows. Dan Kube, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 17-1* 500 RED Barberry, 18" high, 15c each. Dahlia bulbs, ail colours. 5i0c each. Pompoms. Phone MA 3-2724.- 17-1* THREE, five hundred capacity, Hudson Kero gas brooders. practically new. Phone Black-1 stock 94 r 13. 17-1* "SEABREEZE" 3-speed auto- matic record changing phono- graph in perfect working order. COLUMBIA raspberry canes, eight-piece oak dining-room suite, woman's wool suit, size 6'.41 Liberty St. N. 17-1 FIRE-damaged roofing materials at fraction of the cost. damage is slight in most cases. Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bow- manvilie. 17-1 APPROXIMATELY 1,000 new No. 9 rug brick; % h.p. gasoline engine, completely overhauied; 1950 Villers motorcycle. Appiy 101 Scugog St. 17-1 ONE Simplicity garden tractor with cultivator and weeder: one three-burner coal oul stove: one Motorola car radio, push button control. Phone MA 3-5727. 17-1 RASPBERRY canes. Viking, large red bernies, heavy produc- ers, $5.50 Per hundred. Wilfrid Aldworth, Solina Road. North, one mile from No. 2 Highway. FREE-Rubber-tired wheeibar- row with the purchase of every Maxwell Swiricut 18-inch power lawn mower, 2 cycle engine with recoil starter. complete. oniy $95. Other Maxwell power mowers oniy $59,50 at Cowan Equipmnent Co., 134 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 17-1 Garden Tractors - Roto-Tillers and Power Mowers Apply FERGUSONS B.A. SERVICE STATION 3 Miles East of Taunton 'Four local Waterloo Dealer Telephone MArket 3-2975 17-4 USED tai-mmachines--Massev- :Harnis 44 diesel tractor, 56 model, live power and hydrauhie: John Deere tractai-, Massey-Har- ris cultivator with inside wýheels, on rubber, Massey-Harris 15-i-un seed drill, power lift and tractai- hitch; Massey-Harnis tandem dise, Cockshutt tandem dise; 2 Dunham packers, International manure spreader, Cockshutt spreader, Otaco spreadem; good choice of side rakes. S. S. Mai-t- an & Son, Massey- Harris- Fer- gusan Dealer. Mapie Grave - Bowmanville. 17-1 8-POINT HOME PROTECTION includes:. -Fire and other Peril Coverage for your home and its contents (non-ta-m homes only). -Monthly Incorne ta belp with your home cx- penses in case injury or il]- ncss prevents you tram womk- inR. -Medical Payments Protection famihy liability insurance. See your CIA Representativo for details and rates Howard R. Foley KING WEST - BOWMANVILLE Co-operators Insurance Association LAWN SEED Stewart's Super Growth Mixture Consists entirely of only the finest dwarf, perennial and evergneen grasses for a beautiful dense lawn. Reg. $1.15 lb. 1 lb. 95e Stewart's Terrace Brand Mixture ;Ablend of quîck grawing grass- es that produce a smooth. com- pact, iasting turf af fine cluality. !Reg. 90c lb. 1 ___ . lb. 70e Stewart's Sperlal Lawn Mixture Articles for Sale NEW machines-We carry a fui: line of new machines in Massey- Harris-Ferguson, New Hollanc aréd New Idea farm equipmenl and parts. S.'S. Morton & Son, Farm Equipment Sales and Serv- ice. Maple Grove - Bowman- ville. 17-1 SMOKE Sale-Chesterfields and chairs. This merchandise has been cleaned by Nu-Way Clean- ers, and is priced to seli. Trade- in aliowance. Used beds and springs, two used xvashers. Terms $3.15 per hundred per year. Murphy Co., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. 17-1* Livestock for Sale ELEVEN good pigs, 8 weeks old. L. J. Wood. MArket 3-2001, 17-1 * Cars for Sale 1948 MONARCH, club coupe. in good condition. Apply 101 Scugog St. 17-1 1951 FORD Victoria hardtop. radio. whitewalls, directionai signais and overdrive. Good con- dition. Phone MA 3-3î76. 17-1* PALMER MOTOR SALES Used Cars 1954 PONTIAC 4-door SEDAN 1953 METEOR CUSTOM 4-door SEDAN 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. SEDAN 1953 CHEVROLET 4-dr. SEDAN, PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysler Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. MA 3-,54871 Bowmanville BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE 'STEW" A TR7 NEW OR USED 1I WON'T BE UNDERSOLD 1,500 cars sold in this area since 1950 Cash - Trade - Easy Terni '57 RAMBLER SEDAN, new, Weather Eye. overdrive, bed seats, back-up Iigzhts Up ta 35 MPG. Regular $2,795. Special.. $2,39. '57 RAMBLER SEDAN, Demonstrator, custom equipment, new guaran- tee. Reg. prire $2,995, Speclal ------- ----- --- $2,49! Up to, 30 months to pay -on above cars 146 FORD COUPE ------ 29.51 '47 OLDS "6" SEDAN . 49.51 '48 MERC17RY SEDAN 49.51 '50 STUDEBAKER 169.51 '50 METEOR CUSTOM 349.51 '51 PONTIAC DELUXE 349.59 STEW'S SPECIALS 30-day Written Guaranteo '51 HILLMAN SEDAN best this year - ------ 34.1 '51 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan clean and sound ------$49! '52 CHEV. Sedan Dellvery ready to work ------- _$49.9 '51 CHEV. Deluxe Coach Customu radio --------- $59Z '51 CHEV. SEDAN, reconditioned and refinished -------------- Sf9l '52 CHEV. Deluxo Sedan, best in town...------ -_$895 like new in every respect . - -.----- $1595 And Many More at WELLMÀN'S HILLMAN - RAMIBLER METROPOLITAN Nonquon Rd. RA 3-4431 O SH A WA Open until 9 p.m. 17-1* Seed for Sale GARRY seed oats, cieaned, $1.25 bushel. M. Mantel, Bunketon. Phone Blackstock 82 r 12. 17-If PRIZE-WINNING Registered No. 1 Ganry and Rodnev oats. James T. Brown. Newcastle. 17-1 * REGISTERED No. 1 Garry oats, also Commercial Fort barle.. Glenn Larmer, Nestieton No. 2. ELNAR (gnow-caated) brand Alfalfa, also centified Ranger and Bennal, Climax and Common Timothy, LaSalle Red Claver, Yeliow and White Biossam Sweet Claver and other grass seeds. Registened and com-ý mercial Rodnev and Garry Oats, Rex high yielding 2-row Barlev. Phone Swain Seed Cleanens, B]ackstork 89 r 11. 16-tf Seed Grain - 1An ecanomical blend. giving a Garrv, Rodney, Beaver Oats fast green caver and requiring a Galore, Barboff. Brant Barley minimum of cae....--- 1 lb. 60e Registered and Commercial Stewarts Bark Yard grades. or Cottage Mixture Spring IVheat, Spring Rys A strong, quick gi-owing mixture Field Peas to stand up under bard usage. A W * 'MM V ,Guaanted ree f 'allFescue'A W.'EN E and Kentucky 31'. 'N E W CAS9T LE 1 lb. 45e Phone Mill 2771 - Residence 3876 10 lbs. 421,12 lb. 25 Ibs. 40e lb. 17-1 Fresh Govt. Tosted hce sfrS l BULK GARDEN SEEDS C icesfrS l CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES CANADIAN Appraved, pullor- urm testeai, Day Old and Started LAWN and GARDEN Chicks. Book ordens now for FERTELIZERS future deiivery. White Leghorn, Barned Rock (fast fcathering> S TEWART'S SEEDS adNwHm.XandRc 33 Division St. BowmaIvUiBej H.J. Brooks, Bowmanville, MAI - 17-t 3401. O-tg Clovers1 R 1 THUiEE bedroom, attached gar- most usanigbargain a we S.W Phone MA 3-5042. 15-3* age, brick and stone ranch type have ever offered.1 Ybungalow, hardwood floors, til- Farms Farmns Farms RADIO and television repains. ed, four-piece bathroom. forced We have so many faims for Prompt service. Pick up and air heating with oul. Nearing sale it is impossible to advertise1 deliverv. Lorne Doreen, 85 King completion, 33 Southway Drive. them ail. We have a farm to E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf Three bedroomn, double attached suit buvers wantipg any. pan-RPIStal ae e garage, brick and stone bunga- ticular line. REAE0o1i ae o er~ 's low with finished basement, fire- We are building new 4 noom erators, domestie and e place and book cases in recrea- bouses East of Newcastle. You mercial, milking coolers. W îg- tion room, hot water with oul can caîl and see the plan. These gon Electric Limited. 42 King St. fheating throughout. laundry and houses will be sold with $î,0oo E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-lt'? lwash room in basement, seven down to good buyers. )5 ears oid. J. J. Flett, 27 Centre Money to boan. Street. Bowmanviile. 17.1* H. C. PEDWELL, Broker ac Re irn Newcastle Phone 3856 AT De Wiîh Real Esiate Ptr .17-1 Ma r r j 15 DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with Pe r Feddema E LER .' 140 acres workable; 100' x 40' REAL ESTATE BROKER 43 Kint Si. W. MA71~-5463 ibank barn with two rows of 280 acres, trame bouse, barn BOWMANVILLE isteel stanchions, 75' x 30' L- 40 x 80, 1 mile river frontage. ___________________ in shaped extension, steel boxes Price $10,300.00 Down payment ate ;0for young cattie, impiement $3.000.00. W ne in sheds, pig pens, 2cement silos: 112 acres, trame bouse, barrn On new rne, etidbc Has 10can 30 x 50. Price $9,500. Down DEAD and crippled farm stock, milk nc eecas1 a payment $4.000. picked up promptly. Phone MA milkquoa. an e bugh as 100 acres, brick house, barn 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farmn fa going concern bith ul lne3( x 60; bath, funnace. Pnice Tyrone. 26-ti of machinery and R.O.P. herd. $8,000. Down $3.000. S5 Price and terms annanged.ace 100~ acres, trame bouse, ba.rnf Notice to Creditors GENERAL FARM. 100ace 100- 34; good creek. Pnîce AND OTHERS 15 with 65 acres workable, 2 ponds. $11»50. Down $2,500.I 59 acres wood, 90' x 40' bank 8' acres, no house, barn 100 x 5 barn with straw shed, lien 34 facing No. 2 Highway. Pnicel IN THE ESTATE 0F ALEX- house, miik house: il noomed '200 ANDER D. McMASTER, DE- 5 brick house with heavy wining. Sa$3 brit2lvig.uatesCEASED. Pnice $8.000. Tenms. conaikning ithn living uroom,f ALL pensons having dlaims GENERAL FARM, 100 acres, 2 bnooms. baktche. livibaseomnt. ast the estate of the said 5!90l acres workable, 10 acres Pnice $4,500.00 Terms. ALEXANDER D. McMASTER, wood, spring creek, 90' x 32' lt fteTwsi fDrig bank barn, implement shed, lien Newcastle B.R. 2 Phone 2204 tofi the Townshi of Duramng 5house; 8 roomed solid brick Salesmnan Farmer, deceased, who died on house with heavy duty wiring, J. J. Hartwlg, Hamipton on about the 23nd day of Feb- hardwood floons. Price $14,000 Phone MArket 3-2035 ray A.D. 1957 at the City of 5 wi h $2 500 o w n.17 -1 To onto, in the C ounty of Y ork GENERAL FARM, 100 acres, are required to file full pan- near Port Hope, with 80 acres of etýlr nwiigo uhcam workable land, 10 acres in bard- cuy R a Es t with the undersigned Executrix wood bush, spning creek, 75' x 240 acre tobacco and miarket1 of the last Will and Testament of 36' bank barn with steel garden faim, 165 acres workable, 1 the said deceased on or before stanchions, water bowls, imple- balance bush. Good insul brick the 6th day ofMaAD197 1ment shed: 9 roomed insulated house with ung water. Barn after wbich date Mh aAD. 1957, frame house with oul furnace. 36 x 70. Good gravel pit. 3,000 tnix will pruceed to distnibute Asking pnice $18,000. Terms. Scotch Pine, planted in 1950 and the said estate, having regard GENERAL FARM, 200 acres, ready to eut this year. Reduced only to dlaims of which she shalI situated on highway. with 140 ta only $21.000 with $7.000 down thent have notice. acres workable, 30 acres wood, las ownrer must seli due to sick- DATED at Oshawa, Ontaria, creek, 58' x 38' and 36' x 34' L- ness. this 2nd day of Apnil, A.D. 1957, shaped banik barn with water 10 acre lots on paved road, NORMA 1. McMASTER, on tap. large lien hause; 8 raom- north of Bowmanville, $3.000. Executnix, ed frame bouse with furnace, Reg'd building lot 80 x 250 on Hampton, Ontario. nunning water and bathraom. No. 2 Highway, Just west of By her Solicitors herein Pnice $14.000. Terms. Bowmanville, $1.400. CREIGHTON, FRASER, 4 roomed trame bungalow in Reg'd building lot 100 x 166, DRYNAN & MURDOCH Bowmanville witb garage, full across the road from Camp 5 Simcoe Street North, basement, tawn water. Asking Samac. North Oshawa. Excava- Oshawa, Ontario. 1ý5-3 pnice $5.500. Low down pay- tion completed, $1.600. ment. Many other good building .5 roomed (3 bedrooms) ranch sites, acreages, farms, etc. The Canadian Statemman 41 style bungalow in Bowmanville MQAY R LESAE ô j with hadwood and tile floors,* c al REALrestatE Y .3-piece bath, running bot and le ?l aekitchen cupboards, W le rn ADVERTISING :e picture window. Landscaped. WatrF nk4 Pnice $9,500. Terms arranged. 177 Church Street, Bowmanville . RATES X 6 roomed trame cottage in MArket 3-3986 Pontypool witb hydro and good 17-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE well. including l furniture, LIVESTOCK FR SALE 41 ailFOR RENT - HELP WANTED*: frigidaire, etc. Pnice $1.700.,ee ow lLS CARS'FOR SALE Down $5,000. Pee o a OT-FUD -EC roomed storey and one-haîf REAL ESTATE BROKER Cash Rate 4cFOUND .WETC white -capboard house in Bow- GENERAL INSURANCE Z( wlth a minimum e 0 c * manvhleon god ize ot ith 9 Kng S. E Bowanvlle Must h. paid by date of insertion. 4 man ill on goo sie lt wth 9 R ng t. . B wni nvile if chargedi, an additîonal &Sc 4 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, Telephone MA 3-5868 wiîb. added. 4 kitchen cupboards. D o u b]1 e 4 bedroomns and 3-piece bath on dee oii garage. Asking pnice $8.300. second floar. Living-room, din- . NOTICES - COMING EVENTS j Small down payment. Veny, ing-roam, music room, 2-piece i N AD 0 IAK easy terms. bath, modern kitchen on first <.4e a Word with a 4. 1.00 for 25 words or les%. 4 8 naomed double bouse on. floor. Oil-fined hot water heat- P.. - 4 highwa 'v at Newtonville with ing. Only $5.000 down. ...BI . ENGAGEMENTS> exta lt ad grae. as o b Vaan! 2bedoor frme. MARRIAGES - DEATRS 4 so]d ta close estate. Open for bungalow, 4-piece bath, modern*m 100-pr'_in-seto offer. kitchen. Oil furnace. Only IN MEMORIAMS j ha id bve mentioned wel$8.500.00. Terns. é.$10 plus 10c a lino for Ves haeapproximately 100 morei 2 bedroom frame in a choice ..Dsplay Classufied i 1.50p faims and homes ta choose from 'location. Oil heated. grag),c ît iiu f on. in in the Oshawa, Bowmanville, extra lot. Immediate possesso. rAdtu at etosa h ae. Port Hope, Trenton and Peter- Only $9.500. Terrns. . borough districts. 2 bedroam trame - $10.500 -*>AI] Clantifi:d Ads must bÎ,in thi ofic no laerthn 1.Contact Terms. eiatc,$.0. 12 oclock noon. Wednesday. . 6 rooms, sm-tahe,$,0. Sond cash, stomps or money rez JohnLL F. De VIiIh $2.500 down. andsoga monoy. odzç Realtor and General Inurance 12 acres-7-room, bath, barn, Cp this oui for handy refrece Newcastle Phone 3341 2-car garage. $10,500 cash. OFFICE HOURD Salanin: .H.A. homes for sale. En- * Monday ihrouqh Fridary Slse:quire at office. 4' 8:30 a. r 105Sp.. Donald Moluntjo.y, Bowmanvllle, Wanted Satu day MA3-3950 IWe urgent!" trecluire homes:.' Daniel Boehm Port Hope and fanms of ail descriptions and I~ Dial MArket 3-3103 TU 5-56i2 prices. Cail us bef ore you de- fe .1tfe d evc Joli 1 gEiqvlrg: a Àd E E À4 'Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale' 1SIX-roomed stucco bunglw LOT, 50' x 150', excellent loca- b andwood and tile floars, mod- tidn an Scugog St. Sewer and I ern bathroom, bot water heating water. Telephone Bill Leask.1 twith gas furnace, venctian MA 3-5522. 17-11, blinds, large landscaped lot and garage. Phone MA 3-5895. 1- es elEtt BUNGALOW, six-roamed brick, Six-naomed bouse on Centre*] fUour vears aid, landscaped corn- S. one-piece bath, main floor, ler lot: cement flooned garage, new three-piece on second floar, alurninum stonm window and bnoad loam in living and dining screens, ail and hat water heat- roams, ail furnace, large lot. ing, rotor TV antenna. Phoanc Tcnm:. MA 3-3198.171 5 room, new. bark brick bun- galow, 4-piece bath, ail furnace, *TWO-staney building and land a aeS.Lwmnhypy r200' X 300' iocated in Newcastle. ments. Low intenest rate. Im- Property fanmerly knawn as e i a t e Possession. $10.000. Stewart Mtor Sae. afes Terms. naw being accepted. For funth- We have tarms, lots, bouses er information contact Donald and bungalows. IHHow.Ratr 6, igS List witb Leask. E., Oshawa. Phone RA 5-7732. 6 nai t A351 14-4 Bowmanvllle REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE 1- Properties Sold, Rented Managd and Appraised $9000 -5-roomed bungalow., L.M il heated, arwodtileaamos:j Real Esta e Br kerdouble garage, close ta shool. . Ph eal566 - ecaste, Ont$4.00 dawn.1 Phone2566 NewastleOnt n excellent building lot in' Two blocks north of traffie signal North Wand, 73' x 60%, on Firnt« Newcastle 5-tf Street.i $ 9,000 - 7-roomed solid brick,1 NEW bungalow, 3 Miles west Of j1i2-storey home, ail beated, c Bawmanville, No. 2 Highwav. hardwood and tule floors; 3-piece1 Stucco with natunai stone front,f bath, 3 -bedrooms, and garage.i tile bath and kitchen, bardwood Close ta sebool. throughoiît. Farced air heating. aeld Ja ole 4 acre, landseaped. ReasonableMA327 terms. Owner going into bus~-MA317 iness, must be sold. Apply Ep- BenieH Par k worth Real Estate, Phone Orillia eni H Parc FAirview 5-5433 on Bowman- REAL ESTATE BROKER t ville MA 3-5121. 16-2 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa $1550, WODILE, igw- RA 5-3692 (collect) 17-11 46-100 acres dlay loam, bank barn, stone faundatian, cancrete H. C. Pedwell 1 floor, hydro. water, im plement bouse, ben bouse, insul brick REAL ESTATE BROKER bouse. 7 roanîs, basement; 13 110 acres. 7-room trame house, milk caws. 8 Young cattie, bens. large barn. cernent floors, water. tractor and implements, hay and etc., 10 acres bush, balance all straw. Shipping milk. Terms womkable, plawing ahi donc ready arran«ed. Immediate Possession. for cnap, corner farm on twro Jas. Rvan, Broker, Cannington. paved raads. Close ta sehoo Phone 99. 17-2 and church. For quick sa1l. Tzfflux. IROWMAmvff.ým ONTAM -]-Nil PnAv- APPTT. 91tfft 18.1m Real Estate * e J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER Ring East, central, twvo frame dwellings with conveniences. Beautiful, four-room brick bungalow, with garage, almost new. Two-acre property with seven- room house. Conx-eniences. On Scugog St. Attention veterans. . Hampton, six-room framne on nice lot. Conveniences. Garage. Owner transferred. 80 acre farm on edge of Bow- manville. Nice house, conven- iences, barn, 5 acres of young Spys and Macs. Reasonably priced at $12,000. Terms. We have others. Cali in and taik it over. 118 King St. E. Rowmanville MA 3-3230 17-1 Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM A. JONES. DECEASED: AIl persons havinz cdaimis against the Estate of William A. Jones, late of the Village of Hampton, in the County of Durham. Gentleman. who died on or about the 4th dav of March. A.D. 1957, are hereby, notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 27th day of May. 1957, full particulars of their dlaims. Immediateiy aftcr the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to dlaims of which. they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Per-y, Ontario, this l2th day of April, A.D. 1957. GREER and KELLY, Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate. 16-3 Repairs

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