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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 17

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TEUflSDAY, APEIL SSth, 2H? TEE CANADIAN STAT~SMÂN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN - r ACcmted to Buy ACdR-DON, 120 bass or 48,] good condition. Phono MArket 3-5141. 17-2 EIGHEST prices paid for liv e pu4 4o0se feathers, feather k~~Wapiron, rags, metalâ OId&5 fi1urs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-ts ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Tot) Toronto prices paid at your door for large or small quantities. We have our own mnarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect ta Bethany '7 r 13. 28-tf For Rent PASTURE for rent. L. Clem- ence, MA 3-2436. 17-1 APARTMENT for rent. Apply Wm. Lycett. Phone MA 3-2382. 17-1 FOUR-ROOM flat, ail Inside conveniences, East Beach. Phone MA 3-2875. 17-1 TWO-roorn apartment ln new home, with conveniences. Applv 101 Scugogz St. 17-2 HEATED apartment in Bowman- ville, four rooms and bath, heavy wiring. Phone MA 3-3057. 17-1* SIX-ROOM bouse, heavy dut. wiring, Orono vicinity. Reason- able rent. Available immediate- ]y. Phone Clarke 16 à 1. 17-1* ATTRACTIVE 3-rooni heated apartment, separate entrance and bath. Immediate possession. Centrally located. Phone MA 3-2436. .17-1 COMBINED living and dining- room, bedroom. kitchen and bathroom; beated, self-contained. Central location. Write Box 656 c/o The Canadian Statesman. 17-1 Work Wanted GARDENS to roto-till. Phone MArket 3-5718. 17-2* WORK up your garden, $3 Up. ]Phone MA 3-2724. 17-1* ANYONE wîshing garden work clone please cali MA 3-3677. ]BRICK and carpentry work, mnantels, etc. Phone MArket 3-3352. 17-4* ]DRESSMAKING. women's and cbjîdrens clothes. Telephone MArket 3-5348. 17-1* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey matner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. y 12-tf ]BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- agnan Pingle, 72 Elgin St.. Bow- inanvile. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 ISjCHOOL teacher deires cler- Iclposition for summer months. PhoqW larke 1030, Miss Gloria 17-1* liEe ~plastering and repairs. ILtucco and cernent plastering. S-C. Woods. Phone Clarke r 04. 14-tf LICENSED electrician for home and farm wiring, also repairs to ail small appliances. For prompt attention to all calls* telephone MArket 3-2891. -17-2* ]RELIABLE couple want ight work plus transportation, fiv days weekly, together or sin4ly. Write Box 655, c/o Canadiani Statesman. 17-1* GUARANTEED repairs toa al znakes of cars and trucks, al Jobs are guaranteed, competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Co., Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf WELDED STEEL FABRICATION BOILER REPAIRS Portable Welilng Equipment Ross W. Hawke Courtice Phone RA 5-2902 17-4* SAVE MONET AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompi Service 35 rEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf Plasfering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 49 King St. E. MA 9-5030 6-tf TIME FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry BRICK, BLOCK or CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Estimates Free L. Turner Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 P. O. Box 177 13-tf "L. Schapeihouman" 4 Public Accounfiant SPECIALIZNG IN Accouniing and Bookkeeping Income Tax AND COMPLETE Financial Reports FOR FARMERS AND SMALL BUSINESS PEOPLE. REASONABLE RATES 17 Jones Ave., Oshawa Phone RA 5-9953 Auction Saleà Farm sold-Auction sale of 50 Hereford and Shorthorn cattie; two sows and pigs, the property of James W. MeGilI, Lot 5, Con. 12, Manvers Township, jusi south of Janetville, on Saturday, April 27th. Sale at 2 p.m. 16-2 I have received Instructions from the Executor of the estate of the late Mrs. James Dicksor to seil by public auction on Sat- urday, April 27th at her late residence, Main St., Orono, ber entire household effects. Sale commences 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk:1 Jack Reid, auctioneer. 17-1* I wiil selI by public auction on Saturday, May 4th the impie- ments and furniture for S. E. Thompson, % mile north of Eldad Church, Lot 26, Con. 6, Darlington Township. quantity of furniture and bis farm impie- ments. Farm sold. Watch for list. No reserve. C. Pethick, auctioneer. Phone MA 3-2736. 16-2 I have been favoured with in- structions from Mc. Harvey Gil- bank, Village of Pontypool, to sell by Public Auction on Sat- urdav, Aprîl 27, 1.30 p.m., bis bousebolci furniture inciuding practically new Kelvinator fnxg, Renfrew -caok stove, Hot Paint electric stove, and maay other articles. Terms cash. R. J. Payne. auctioneer; Ted Speace- ly, dclk. 17-1 Having sold hec property, I have been instcucted by Miss Verne Milgan ta sell by public auction on Saturday. May 4th, Main Street, Newcastle, sale ta commence at 10 a.m. and wili continue until everything bas been sold. Chest of drawers, sleigb-beds, 6-piece Eacly Amer- ican pine bedroom suite, hec en- tire stock of antique china, Franklin stoves, Gone-with-the- Wiad lamps, dozens of other items. Anyone interested in an- tiques cannot afford ta miss this sale. Terms cash. Na reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrence Harris, clerk. P.S.-The above items will be availahie for your inspection on Friday evening, May 3rd fromn 7 ta 9 p.m. 17-2 Old Orchard Reduction Sale, P et e rb oro ug h Exhibition Grounds, May 4, 1957. Tbirty head af Registered Herefords, vaccinateci. 7 bulls, 23 females, includiag Old Ocebard Symbol 1H-1471790. Champion at five shows in 1956. A number of sons and daughters of this gooci bull. A promisiag Young bull imported in-dam sired by WHR Cavalier 4lst and one by WHR Avalon Flash. Ahl females wil carry the service of WHR Lard V e c n, 8th top-selling b u il ($15.000) ini WHR's annual Sale 1955, the outstanding son of Vern Diamond, imported from Englanci at $50,000. This is your opportunity ta introduce English blooci inta your berd. You will be as impressed by WHR Lord Vern 8th as ail the other prom- mnent cattle men. D, C. Johns- ton, owner; Milton Cornish,- herdsman. 17-2 AUCTION SALE 40 Head SHORTHORN CATTLE ,4 PIGS TRAÙTOR MACHINERY, ETC. The property of Mr. Oscar Dunsford to b. sold without reserve at the Durham County Sale Arena Orono on Monday, April 29th Commencing at 7 p.m. D.S.T. The sale wi]i include 13 choice Shorthorn mjlk caws, some fresh with calves at foot, some due ta freshen soon; 20 Durham steers and beifers from 400 ta 800 lbs. apiece, one registered Hereford bull; a John Deere 8-ft. tractor dise, new; Oliver tractor spread- er, nearly new; a McCormjck- Deering 3-furrow tractor plow, rubber-tired wagon, rnany other items. Please note-This sale wil start promptly at 7 p.m. and everything wiii be sold before we commence aur regular sale. Corne early and avoid disap- pointment. Terni - Cash. Jack Reid, Lawrence Harris, Auctioneer. Clerk. 17-1 Personal PAIN of rheumnatisrn, sciatica, lumbago, can be helped by tak- ing Rumacaps. Recomnmended by thousands of thankful users. Ask your druggist. 17-1 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed pastpaid in plaini sealed envelope with price list., Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Pets for Sale' ONE registered beagle, eleven months aId. Robert Youngmn. Pontypool. 16-2* SMOOTIf-haired Terrier pups, reasonable, also Muscovy duck eggs for batching. R. Perrott. Solina Rd. South. 17-1w Seed Cleariing SWAIN Seed Cleaners. Make appointments now. Telephone Blackstock 89 r il. 15-tf SEED cleaning plant at Ennis- killen now open. Phone MArket 3-5053 or Blackstock 102J. 16-2 Wanted to Rent TEN acres gzood soul. Telephone MArket 3.,s757. 17-1 Ckussified Ail parents who wish ta havg their children attend thesi classes are required to fi ou a registration formi for each an( return it to the school on or be fore May 3rd. Registration forms rnay b1 obtained at each school. Proof of age is rcquired foi ail beginners. Since local birtl records are made available t( school officiais, only those bor: outside Bowmanville are requir ed ta accompanv regîstratîo: form with birth certificate (Birtb certificates for childrer born in the province, may b( obtained from the Regaistrar General of Ontario, 70 Lombari St., Tororito.) Cbildren who reach their sixti birthday during 1957, who havt not attended Kindergarten ir Bowmanville and who wish tc begin Grade 1 classes in Septem. ber are also required ta be reg. istered as outlined above. School attendance is compul. sory between the ages of six and sixteen years. Return the completed regis. tration form ta the schooi whicl your child wîli attend on o. before May 3rd. A. M. THOMPSON, Supervising Principal, Bowmanville Public Schools 17-2 In 1906, about 400 years after the first European explorer had sougbt the passage, thc Norwegian explorer Roalc Amundsen was first to sail tbrough the Nortbwest Pass- age fromn Atlantic ta Pacific. WANTED Dead, Old and Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Free of Charge 24 Hour Servýice Phone Coilect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough Ri 2-2080 Nick Peconi PETERBOROUGH - ONT. MNNE Y AVAILABLE FOR RA 5-3525 MENS wa hn Lw e s BAppisand Spe trs 65 roodae St.KS.gshwa Monuyemment -Wfukl APhoyn Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanshxp and careful attention ta detai] are your assurance when vou choose frorn the wide selection of irnported and domnestic Granites and Marbles in stock Ads 1Jack Ross Appointed Help Wanted Hfigh Pcol rinciplal ML lrfor food storfl At Car leton Place ýtime. Write P.O. Box 539, Bow-; e manville. 17-1* i Jack Ross, Athletic Directar iMc. Ross is a Past President of at Bowmanvilie High Schoai, bas the Central Ontario Secondary SHORT order cook and wait- 1 accepted a position from the'School Athletic Association. He ress. Full tîme emplayment. East Lanark Scbooi Board and bas seredi on the Boxvman- Apply Nrha etuat will assume the duties of Prin-lle Rereation Commitîce and Phone Orono 107. 16-~2* cipai at Carleton Place High is Secretary-Treasurer of thel sLICENSED mecbanic, G.M. ex- Scbool, begining in September.1 Junior Police Gam-es. e pecience preferred, flat rate Mr. Ross began bis teacbing i sbop. Apply Jack Whiteman, career at B.H.S. in 1948 as -Robson Mators Limiteci, 166 Kingi Physicai Educatian Teacher, Lamke Shore, ClarkeT, eSt. E.. Bowmanville. Phone MA f tec graduating from the On- UC r3-3321. 17-1 tario College of Education in Toronto. He wvas born in Wind- Don't forget the Home and GIRL or woman ta belp with sor but attended bath public and School club meeting Thursday, bausework and children on'secondary schools in Toronto. April 25. modern farm, four miles frarniAfter graduatin% froni high Mr. and Mrs. Bol) Shupak and Port Hope. Gooci wages. I ive schooi he entereci Victoria Col- Gary, Toronto, w itti Mr. anil ia. Telephone collect, Welcome1Ilege and after graduating to Mrs. W. Holmes. 12336 or write R. T. Currelly. R. the College af Education Course. Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono, and R. 3, Port Hope. 17-1, lHe is an active member of the Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Dean andi IIBowmanville Lions Club, whcre. famnily. Oshlawa, wvixh Mr. mld TEACHER <Protestant) for S'~he is on the Commuaity Better- Mrs. Ken Dean. S. N. 1 Maver (Ylvetonment andi Inter-Club and Rural Mrs. A. R. McAlpine, Carbc'n Public School), on Higbhway 7A. Committees. His excellent sinjg- Alberti, and Mr. and MrsA-I Duti eas tt ommen ctio3r,t ing voice won bis acclaim in the bcrt McAlpine and family, 195. leae tat qaliictiosclub and be was chosea as sani Hamillbon, cat]cd on Mc. andi etc., in application. Gordon E. leader., During bis mernbershipMr.Ca.Aded nd rs Robaso, ec'-Teas, S S 1,in the club he bas taken an Paul Hotson on Monday. Manvers, R. R. 2, Janetville, active part in their minstrel MrJi ane an Ms Ont, 12,Shows.rValen oi, an winhM nc YOU too can make money, have, Mr. and Mrs. Ross are mcem- McVAlecoMain on t rdaand security and enjov life but it is -becs of the Jack and Jill Club jr.Ae atno aud.i essential ta have in hand aIl the lof Trinity United Church. Jack's Mr. andi Mrs. Alec Mac: iii necessary elements ta success. directing ahilitv also camne ta and famity withMc and Mrs. 1We offer you this, presently we I ight in the club andi be direcfed Cordon M\artin, B3ow-rianville,, need good representatives in:1thcee of their Cornz-A-Poppin' and \vith Mr. and Mrs. New'otî Bethany, Bowmanvillc, Burke-: productions. He aIra has taken Setby, Newcast le. ton Station, Courtice, Hampton,1 an active part ia the presenta- Mc. and i-S. Georgle Skcld* and surroundings. To avoid dis- tians and bis sease of humour ing, ir_, and family, Bownmail- appointmeat, act now. we may and fine singing voice have ville, with Mc. and Mrs. Georgei soon find the rigbt persan. For alwavs been an asset to the Skelding.c details, 1600 Delorimier dept. 58, plays. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Finnev and Station C, Montreal. 14-4 An active sportsman since lus Mu rray, Peter boroughi, and Mcs. -early youth, Jack participated in Noices everv~spart 'durng bis college days. Hie was active in basebal REGISTRATION OF lacrosse, basketball, rugby, soc- BEGINNERS cec and others. Since coming to0 14 0 BEGINERSBowmanville he bas taken a keen Children who reacb their fiftb interest in local sports. He playv birtbday during 1957 and who cd in the Town Softball Leagu.e live within the tawn limits are land was a mnember af the Bow- eligible for Kindergarten Classes , manville Badminton Club and ovening in epntember r,1raxp hnkItf1,11 1np11, Shower HeId For Bride 0Of Saturday Miss Diann Hogaboani whoFe marriage to Mr. Douglas Rigg took place in Brockville on Sat- urday, April 20, wvas given a surprise shower by Mrs. Samn Black on Tuesdax' eveniîîg, April 16. when she received mnany kitchen and pantry arti- cles. Several -contests and garncs were conducted by Miss ýRibv Morrow and Miss Audr'ey Youin,,, with Mrs. E. Maiiin xvinning the prize for top score. A del« ious lunch xvas served by Miss R. Morrow, Miss A. Young, Mrs. K. Surnersford and Mrs. T. Depew. ;e officer of the B.H.S. Cadet Coros. tHe is also a Lieutenant in the7 ýd Cadet Services of Canada. Jacke7 is also one of the directors ofW operettas at the school.' An )examiner for the Red Cross r1cltswi meswmming programn he is an ex- Presently he is serving on the ýh Education Committee of District ,School Teachers' Association.R C I inic e creamr 1, SALEM r AI 7eSalern W.A. held their April eelMei6OF 5 V 1 I meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Craig. President Mrs. E. Twist Rich in flavour. . rlch In quality h openedt the meeting and con- .- ,e ducteci the business. It was de- .. rich in food value . .. ireat . n cided ta spent $5 for sorne dish- your Iamnily Io RICHMELLO Ice ~( Ses and utensils for use at sup- Cream tis week! t l's easy and < -pers at the church. Mrs. S. But- il's economical. Serve as à de. -tery and ber group were in lightful dessert, or as a reireshn charge of program. Mrs. But- atternoari or TV snack. hn -tery gave the Bible reading and Pick up a brick of RICHMELLO devotional. Mrs. J. Hall and c Mrs. Hi. Barrie gave Easter read- IeCream every lime you go ". -ings. Mrs. Luther Goodman, shopping. There are seven deli- .h Bowmanville, gave an interesting cious flavours . .. youlIl want ib rpaper on the "History of Darl- try themn ail. RICHMELIO Ice ingtan Township." Mrs. E. Creamn is available only a%~ Twist favoured with a vocal solo. DOMINJION 1 Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed after the meeting.- Tremendous Value SPECIAL 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Jimmy and Nancy, Cha tharn, Hi Value Brand - 28-oz. tin were weekend visitors with Mr. rand Mrs. J. Hall. Jimmy andSie e c e o 10 r Nancy remained for a week'sS1ce ehoiday with their grandparents.e c e 3 fr$ 0 J M.adMsE.TitadSreChilled! SPECIAL J Murray were Sunday visitors McKenzie Brand - Choice - 20-oz. tin with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun, Newcastle. Miss Kathy Twist is A Karen and Linda Bell, town. App e Juice 3 for 2.9C There are quite a number in the camrnunity sick with the Economical - Quick meal item SPECIAL rnumps. Clark's - Deliciotîs - 15-oz. tin fMr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Osha- wa, were Sunday visitars with fMr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Miss Waneta Youngis spýen& irish Stew 28C ing Easter holidays at her home in Napanee. Adds zest to salads 16-oz. 7, Mr an Ms AnldCrise1 Richmello - Creaniy Jar37 weekend visitors with ber sister, C .gp.4 2-oz Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deianey. Slad D es i gJar-6 Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and family were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Serve Often - With the Flavour Bud! Wilbur Blackburn, Haydon. Assorted JeIly Powders - 3¾/-oz. pkg. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Goddard and Louise were Friday visitars Sr rifsL u h s3 o with Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. nrif L s u3 fo 2 9 Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and family were Friday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, Whit- I Mitchell's Fancy- 20-oz. tin Mr. and Mrs. Norman MairsiA p e a c byan family, Port Ferry, were 22Cc Sunday visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers. Misses Linda and Donna Sayers, Scar- Freshly Ground 48 borough. were Sunday visitars k. 98 with their cousins, Gail and f ff1h Judy Sellers. Mrs. Nettie Cale, Miss Stella Kîchmello C.offee P k g 9 5c >Blackburn, town, were Sunday fvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. G.- Ail Purpose Shackleton and Mrs. M. Black- Miss Margaret Shackleton is v5rNa" i'iI bolldaying with Mr. and Mrs. Five oses lourbag 4 1c R. Shackleton, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton~ Pan try Sheif - Light nicat flakes - ý s tin fand famiiy were Sunday visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs., MW. AliKirby. W.CtrT I id; Mrs. Mr. ack una Fish 2 for 33 c Cator,' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Cut Bread Costs! Sliced White - 24-oz. Loaf 'David Pring and Marlene. Mont- o reai, were Sunday visitors with Mr n rs .C tesn:1chmell~oBread 7 Brighton, were *weekend visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collacott.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig beld a w family Party on Friday evening Guarantced to Bloom This Year! inhoor fMr. and Mrs. Bob * 4OE4 arce eaindgain lyMaTorotalive:1 aitche a nfaily Toyoto whoR SE B U S.H E in California. Miss Mildred * Philips, Toronto. also attended Select No. 1 - Specially Priced the party. The members of the Yaung . People's Union are planning a Sure Io Gro - ROSE BUSH La 89C pot. luck supper' followed by a variety concert in the church. : High Quality Select - Super Rooted IMr. and Mrs. Matthew March- i With Special Soul Conditioner ant and Susan were Sunday vis- <* itrswihMr adMr. r Parsons, Zion. A:rcadianROEB S a$19 1Mr. Douglas Thompson, Miss S"elect No. etfe ult Jane McClure spent the week- .iCetfe Quiy M.Poois.Ir ~ GIANT ROSE BUSH E.$11,39 : Mr. nd rs.H. McClure wexe weekend vîsitars with Mr . and<* .4'. Mrs. Ted McBride. Inglewood. COURTICE Earl Gilbank, Ann and Lois, Pontypool, witb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Miss Dora Taylor and fvx Don Taylor, Courtice. with MI and Mrs. Acthur Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Ruther- ford, Orono. with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Neil and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown and family, Orono: Mr.1 and Mrs. Jack Neil, Miss Bey- erly Barton and Mr. Jacki Skelding were guests for din- nec and the evening on Satur- day witb Mr. and Mcs. Bill Lake. The Lake Shore Ladies' K. S. and C. Club met at the homre of Mrs . C . Avery, Aprit 17. The next meeting will be at thc home of Mrs. Bihl Jaynes May 1sf. fMiss Aldytb Morrisoni teach er of Grade V. is spendingth Easter holidays at bier home in Maple Lake, Ontario. Mr. andi Mrs. Gardon Os- borne. Hamilton, have been spending Easter with their par- ents, Mr. and Mcs. Herbert Osborne and Ifrcs. Albert Wil- kins. Mrs. Wilkins accampan- fied -.hein .o Hamiltan for a MisLinda Osborne visite-d lier cousin, Carol Robertson. avec Easter veekend. Mc. and Mrs. Wallace Muin- day. IDonald and Janice, Maple Grove, called at Mcs. Albert Wilkîiis*, Thursday ' Mrs. Barry' Johanson, Malk and Guy are spending a fcw days withi lier parents in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William Ma't- hews, Long Brandi, 'Toronto, spent Faster %weekend \vith tier' brother at the hante of Mr. and Mrs. George Johunson. Miss Sandra MacLean is spenctîng Easter holidays witiî hiec aunt and uncta in Trentor. Mc. andt Mrs. James Mat thews ceJebýated their 34th wvcdding annivcrsary this wèckend at their home. Mrs. Matthews' sister, Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Rocierick. bier brothec. Mr. andi Mrs. Albert La Chapelle, ail froin Gananoque. a]so lier b--o- ther, Mr. Leonard LaCtiapelle, Toronto, w;cre out -of town guests. Mcr. and Mrs. Albert LaChap- elle, Gananoquer, spent the wveekenctivwitt i is brother, Mr. andi MVrs. IHarold LaCtiapelle. The teachers of tCourtice S. S. No. 8, helci Open House for the parents and friends of1 their pupils on Tuesday eveni- ing pasi. The following teach- à National Baby Week APRIL 25th to MAY* 4th Heinz - Assorted Infant Foods 1 Heinz - Assorted Junior Foods Cerber's - Assorted Infant Foods 1 Gerber's - Assorted Junior Foods Swift's - Assorted Infant Meats Gerber's - Assorted Infant Cereals Heinz - Assorted Infant Cereals Pabluin - Assorted Infant Cereals Ch ristie's Arrowroot Biscuits 4 5-39 Tin*39c Ti. 39c 3107". 2 Ti.i 45 c 219c ýNEW PGTATOES 53c Sweet and Juicy No. 1 Florida Valencia ORANGES mn.45c McINTOSH APPLE S Pund39 Washington Asparagus Ih.29c DOMINION STORES LIMITED Vaues effective in Bowmanville until Sat., Apri. 27 Ct Food Costs ut ers took part ln this projecr.- Mrs. Campbell, Gracl'e III: MIS. Cousens, Grade IV; Miss Mor- rison, Grade V; Miss Huitchon- son, Grade VI! Miss Collacu:t, Grade VII: Mrs. Aldous, Gracie VIII. Open House was iarg&lv attended and gave the parets a wonderful chance ta discu>s any problems with the teachers, The rooms were nicely decor- ated and the students' %vork wvas' on display. The Hoin-! and School meeting for Apil wvas cancelled in favour of Open House. A delicious luncli was servedi by rome miermbers of the Home and Suhool. 0f al commodities and ser- vices inciuded in Canada's offi- ciai cost-of-living index, the price of clothing lias increased the least. WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Regi,,tcred Warehouse No. 1 IVeston, Ontario Reliable Grading Direct Settiernent Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Alfred Gray NEWCASTLE John Thompson K ENDA L or bv writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada lxvmnAy. Amm 25th, ils-r TEE CANADIAN STAMMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEM

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