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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1957, p. 1

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'Durbam County's Great Fami!y Journal" lO WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO., THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1957 10e PER COPY NUMBER 1'?~ Local RCAF Off icer Honoured by French Air Force1 Squadron Leader -A. L. Ashton of Bowmanvilie, stationed at R.C.A.F. Station, London, received an Honourary French Air Force Pilot's Badge from Captain Andre Buffet, French Air Force Liaison, Officer, in a recent ceremony at this station. The award was cited as being for meritorious service in the training of French Air Force student pilots and navigators at 1 Officers' (NATO Language) School of which S/L Ashton is the Officer Commanding._____________ Seven Coun fies Meef At Solina fo Pass On Four Resolu fions Annual zone meeting of the policy towards the; Farm Union FPederation of Agriculture was and pointed out the need and lid in the Solina Commuinity value of having one unified farm ~Tuesday marning and after- voice to represent the farmer. nâ as representatives from Ways of increasing Federation seven caunties gathered ta dis- finances in, the various counties 4,~uss the prablems faced by the was also discussed but fia def- iederation. inite action was decîded. Chairman for the session was -New Chairman Clarence Milligan. Napanee. and Election of officers for the W~he counties represented were coming year was held and Mrs. JDurham. Northumberland, Pet-TefrtfPtroruhCut 1<rborou Vîctozia. at 1swas chosen as zone chairman. ýin~ vr n Lno-d Harold Lewis, also of Peter- ýr Ire tuti borough County was reappointed r~ur esoluionssecretary. It was decided that Four resalutions were adopted the next zone meeting would be àt the meeting and these will be held in the faîl at Napanee. iassed on ta the Ontario Federa- Dinner was served to the lion. The resolutions cail for a gathering by the Sauina ladies. Constîtutional change in the Representing Durham were Canadian Federation. ways and County President Clarence Allun, mneans of easing the cost of edu- Newcastle: Vice-President Bruce cation on the rural taxpayer, and Taylor, Enniskillen; Secretary increasing the services of the Mrs. Richard Bowles. Nestleton, Federation. and Directors, Mrs. Dalton Dor- A fourth resolution asked for rell and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, bath ak doser study of the 0.F.A.'s of Nestieton. B.H.S. Glee Club Gives Fine Performance Fridlay A fine rendition of Bach's St. Luke Passion by the Glee Club of Bowmanville High School mnade a most imnpres- ive Good Friday service at & inity United Church. The choir af 60 voices under the direction of Mr. D. C. Peters recently won high hon- ours at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Peterborough. They Boy Scout Paper Drive Friday Night Bownian ville Roy Scout,; are holdinig a paper drive sitarting at 6 p.m. Friday (tomorrow) evening.. Citizens are requested to give this fine organization their support and coopera- tion. The Scouts have ask- rd tlîat ail oid papers and :magazines be left neatlIv wrapped in a bundie and plaeed on the boulevard of gour home. This wiIl give many thp epportunity to dispose of old papers, whlch may con- atitute a lire hazard, aund at the same time they wili be heiping this worthwhile organization. Bpwmnnville Police have e- ~ed a series af conplaiit YMlocal residents coneemnîng lfff*'Ihe-ft af maney Ii'oîn îiik- bottles. Chief Eric Siih lba,- issurd thr follawitng statemen t roic- ing the inîcidenît- StaItî held by.'t1itis fepai t ment ~ that -pasmondically' thon' aiecî2 serîes of thefis at cash freni inilk bottles whîilst left on thz, doorsteps of local residents. 1 would strongly advise bouseholders ta obtain their rmilk by tickets, which 1 arn sure theîr dealrrs %vili ofi\' 5c bS plcased te aupply. & biâ performed the St. Luke Passion last year at the Goad Friday service for the first time. Mr. Bob Henry af R.R. 2, Bowmanville, a B.H.S. grad- uate, afîd Mr. T. W. Shepherd af Oshawa, bath solaists at Simcoe Street United Churcb in Oshawa, were chief soloists ln the cantata. Laurie Stapleton and Frank Westheuser, B.H.S. chair mem- bers, taok solo parts as the twa maie factors crucîfied with Jesus, giving campetent per- formances. The Oshawa String Quartet composed af Messrs. Don Parks, Michael Kupnieki, Kîrmi Han'boucg and Charles Eder accompanied the chorus portions, and Miss Margaret Goheen at the piano was ac- companist for the soioists. MiL-s Goheen aiso presided at the organ play ing several sel ections priar ta the service. Rev. T. A. Morgan called an Rev. A. G. Scott, chairmari af the Ministerial Association sponsoring the service, ta open with prayer. The entire ser- vice was then given over Io the performance'of the ('antata which told the siory of the trial hefore Pilate and the Crucifix- ion. This presentation is a selected rendition of the com- plete work. As the solo recita- tives require mature voices, Mir. Henry who ass]sted. la this way last yeat, and Mr. Shep- (Continued on page seven) method housebolders and deal- ers will be safeguarded and will not be inconvenienced by this petty. but mean type af offence which if not checked becomes a habit. I also ask for the on-opccationn nf esident.s in rvporitîitt thr Police any in- cicirents wnhmay arote suC pîe'onimidtn~g the night aî:dL eaî'ly hours oI the niornuîig be- fore milk îs dcliveî'cd. Such duties are incumbent an all citizens and the success af the Police, as la maay other matters, is contingent on pub- lic approvai. respect and ca-op- era ti a. Ma ny Prizes For Lions Club Bingo on Sat. Bowmaaville Lions Club will hold their regular monthly bingo at the town hall Satur- day evening at 8 p.m. Some lucky persan will be eligible for the $100 door prize ta be given away. In addition there is the $125 jackpot and 20 games. Admission is only $1 and this gives you an oppor- tunity ta win the doar prize. Proceeds from these bingrces are used for variaus Lions Club Community projects ir.- cluding the operating expenses af their popular centre on Beech Ave. Local Carrier Wins Contest In Toronto Rod Traylor, age il, of 89 Duke St., won first prize in the Toronto Daily Star Car- riers' Talent Contest held at the Eaton Auditorium in To.- ronto Tuiesday morning. He was prcsentcd with the Carrier Talent Trophy and a check for $25, whcn bis yen- triloquism act was chosen from the numerous entries fruon across the Province. Rod left for Toronto Monday afternoon and. was the guest af the Toronto Star at the'Sunnv- side Motor Court Monday eve'n- ing. He is the son afI Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor. To Speak Herel Derive Little I ncorne Arena Committee Turns Down Addition',fa Present Space A unanimous "n expansion" vote was registered by the Bowmanville Memorial Arena Management Comniittee, 11,e- gardiag a proposed plan to ini- crease the dressing-room aed canteen facilities at the rink, at their, annual meeting beld at the arena Monday night.. In cammenting on the volke the committee said, they cauld nat recammend such a lare capital expenditure, when that expenditure would have no i7e- turn. They pointed out that presently the arena is running under abnormal conditions due ta the business fromn the Osh- awa area. Expenditure There is a possibility that Oshawa mnay build an arena in' the near future and a consid-1 erable amaunt of the rental fees from that source will. be lost when they do. The cost of such an expansion has been estimated at $35,000 and ia vîew of the fact the arena is operating under these abnor- mal conditions and that the arena would derive no return from, the huge expenditure, the cammittee would nat recom- mead the expenditure. Although the present dress- ing-romr facilities will be in- adequate when the Little N.H. L. Ontario Championships arc held here in 1958, the commit- tee plan ta provide temporary dressing-room space, possibiy at the west entrance. Tenders To Be Issued Four Candidates Likely, To Contest Federal Seat A hotly contested June 10 great sucess in the West and federal election is expected. in hasahopes of becoming equally Durham County with a possible popular in the East. four candidates entering the Following a Social Credit fray. meeting in Millbrook last week Two definite starters zrie 'William N. Chant, Public John Mi. James, Liberal, whio Works Minister of British Coi- bas held the Durham seat in umbia said that a Socred can- the House of Commons for the didate would likely be selected past two terms and the Progres- for Durham County. sive Conservative standard In the 1953 federal election bearer Dr. Perey Vivian who John James retained the Dur- was the Durham representative hamn representation with 158 to the Provincial Legislature majority over P.C. candidate from 1943 to 1948. C. E. Stephenson. M. Roy Arm- No C.C.F. candidate has been strong, C.C.F., stood third. named but this will be done at Returnlng Offleer the coming party convention. Chief Returning Officer. in Lucas Nichols, C.C.F. Caunty Durham for the election is Car- representative, stated, "We wi1 roil J. Nichais, R. R. 3, Port certainly have a candidate ini Hope. Hîs headquarters will the June election." be set up at his home in Hope Possible Socred Try Twsp. Ail nominations must be Strong interést is bemng stir- hended in at the Port Hope red ttp in the Social Credit Town Hall between noon and movement which bas met with-,ý2 p.m. May 27. Enumerators Are Busy Compiling Voters Lists Outside af the actual political 'Battrell, Mr. Harry Saunders, candidates, the busiest m-anw' Mrs. Frank Hooper, Mrs. C. connected with the forthcoming Lewis McFeeters, Mr. Fred Federal election ia Durham Cowle, Mrs. Lawrence Gaddard, County is the Returning 0f- Mr. H. C. Osborne, Mrs. W. J. ficer. For this election Carroll Malley, Mrs. Russell Halîman, J. Nichols, R.R. 3, Port Hope, Mr. James Nixon, Mrs. Jean has been appointed to handie Sumersford, Mrs. E. Bird, Mrs. this mountain of work pertain- Dorcas Mutton, Mrs. Charlotte ng ta the actual runng of the Clark, Mrs. Bertha Williams, election. Mrs. L. W. Luffman, Mrs. Doris Mr. NichaIs bas set up office Yourth, Miss Hilda Simnick. in bis home and is operating Cartwright - Cecil Gibson, from there. This week the J. A. Johnston, Ivan Mountjoy, enumerators started on Monday Fred Johns, Eddie Williams. compiling the names for the Manvers - Thomas White, Voters'- Lists throughaut the Kenneth Sinclair, Mrs. Howard county. The names of resid- Malcolm, Herbert Allin, Mrs. ents entitled ta vote must be Ross Carr, Robert Wright, Or- lisled, the lists printed and ville Grandy. ready for distribution by May Clarke - Truman Henderson, l5th. Following the issuing af Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Robert Han- the lists a Court of Revision cock, Bill Mercer, Bruce Ten- will be held on May 23rd in nant, Vance Allen, Mrs. Wm. order that anyone misseci may Wannan, Jack Ogden, John D. be put an the lists. Maffatt. Those la this district wha Darlington - W. R. Pickell, have been enumerating are as Mrs. Fred Owen, Ted Foley, follows: Mrs. Ron Brooks, Elmer Cox, Newcastle - Alfred Gray, Frank Pascoe, Sid Kersey, Wal- Mrs. Lillian Aiken. lace Pascoe, Mrs. Gardon Yeo, Bowmanville - Mrs. Gardon Percy Werry. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Ro. Hope - Mrs. Len Bray, Mr.s. bert T. Hayes, Mrs. Gladys Et- H. Foster, Mont Bickle, Allan1 cher, Mrs. Helen Gilhoolev, Peters, Fred Campbell, Angus Mrs. Fred Bower, Miss May .McMillan, Mrs. Betty Mercer. Fire Brigade Kept Busy Answering Six - Alarms Tenders will be issued for the job of painting the interior and exteriar of the arena. The seats will be painted and the committee plan ta use the most economical means possible ta paint them. A suction fan will be installed ln the snack bar area. Other necessary general re- pairs will be made ta the boards, seat asnd other faiit- les. The 1956 operations were re- ported ta be the best since the arena was opened. Ah corm- mittee members were present at the meeting. They include: Bob Watt, Cliff Samis, Frank Hooper, Walt DeGeer, Jack Lander, Dave Higgon and Jack Brough. More Plans For Centennial Are An nounced Plans for the forthcoming centennial were discussed by Bowmanville's Centennial Com- mittee at their regular meeting at the town hall Tuesday even- ing. One idea being considered by the cammittee is ta place plaques on the front af stores giving the history of the store and its owners. It appears thadt the annual Orange Walk wil Ïbe held here on July 12th. Ken Morris is seeking the aid of aayone who served on the cammittee for the Durhain Old Boys Reunion held in Bow- manville from August 28 ta 30 i 1937. Anyane who served on that cammittee is requested to contact Mr. Marris at the Chamber af Commerce. Change CIocks This $aturday The extra hour of sleep 70u niay have gained east l'ail will be taken back this Saturday evening as Day- iight Saving Time makes its annual debut. The leng- thening days aidcd by the extra hour of evening day- Iight is the signal for the basebail equipment te be dug out and other summer activities to start. To compiy with the ma- jority of the muniipali- ties across Canada, Day- iight Saving Time will be extended one month in the fali with the shift to Stan- dard Time being October '17. Se sometime Satiarday evening before going ta bed move that dlock aiîead one hour or You'Ii find yourseif an hour late for church Sunday morning. King Taxi Will Supply Hockey Scores Anyone wishinig ta know th'e score af the Bowmanville Ban- tam AIl-Stars games at the Little N.H.L. Ontario Cham.. pionship Tournament in Col- lingwaod avec the weekend, may find out by calling King Bowmanville Fire Brigade had1 before the Bowmanville brigade T1he aîaspa hi is a busy time avec the Easterlfinally gained contrai of the game at 6.15 p.m. Friday and weekend, answering no less than1 fire after a tiring three-hour scores wil[ ýbe available at 8 six alarms on Thursdav and, battie. pru. If the tcami continues into Fridav. Fortunateiv n o ex- A the(ia curigIo h finals on Saturday, scores tensive damage occurred. Hampton the siren blared again will be available at 4 p.m. andi Their first eall came about and this time their destination Il p.m. Should they enter the 2 p.m. Thursday as a blaze of was the East Beach where an consolation series, scores will unknown origin scuttled a small averheated ail humner threatened be available at 7.30 p.m. Sat- ut]lity shed at the back of the home af Toby Thompson. urday. iGeorge Lewins' home, 50 Jack- man Road. Itwa frs fardthat Mr. Durham's Oldest Garage Lewins' l-year-old son mignht _______________ have heen trapped by the lire since it waý he who had given the alarmn and he was missing when the brigade arrîved. How- Ro W . Nîchols Ci ever the boy showed up later, Rt. Hon. James G. Gardiner much ta the relief of his parents. Agrculuritsla urhm wîîOnly loss other than the shed AgiuluissinDrhmwilwas a smaîî garden tractar. 3t e r i be interested ta leara that for' Two bours later the brigade H s 3t e r i the first time in many years, was summoned ta extinguish a this caunty wiIl soon have an grass lire wbich had started Thirty-five years' association ized Chevrolet and Oldsmobile opportunity of hearing Canada's around a hedge owned by J. H. with General Motors is being dealer. In addition he allers a Minister af Agriculture. the Ahernethv, 94 Concession Street. maî'ked this week by Roy W. wide selection of uscd cars at, bis Right Hon. 4amnes G. Gardiner. The spruce hedge was sevecely Nichais af Courtice and Bow- Mr. Gardiner wilI speak in buc'ned inthis incident. manville. whase successful auto- i he Township Hall in Orona, on The volunteer f iremen were mobile marketing and service is Friday, May 3rd, when he will out af bed early Friday morning parallelrd only by' bis enviable discuss the federal gavern- as a lire brake out la a shed record af community service. ment's agricuitural policies. He back of the A & P store on King It was 40 years ago that Mr. will also speak in support of Street about 5 a.m. Twa autos Nichols at the age of 18 set him- John M. James, the Liberal were safely removed fram the self up in business la bis native candidate in Durham, who has area and wýith two hydrant lines Courtice. since that timne bis been very active in Ottawa ini the blaze xvas subdued before guiding princîple of "fair deal- stressing the need for addition- nmucb seriaus damage resulted ing and honest service" bas beld ai federal assistance ta farm- from the flames and smnoke.ihim la high esteem by bis ever ers. Mr. James is also a nmcm- These buildings were used forij rawing ist of custamers and - ber of the Agriculture Comn- sinrage hv local nierchants. the enmmunity at large. mite. \notlier frs irr brokr nut! <)Idest G.M. Dealership Knon hco aou (~i ~rl ~ at itScuznz Si cnet. ltr home E1'tritrn aIn 11prrnlntiou 'zhp. çmr, ni thîs couLtn*rv"ý ablrt iiol ot B ob Davîrs. hetween P)1 and cinninz Rov W . Nichois ha.-, z iticai speakerý. IMc. Garrlîrîrr il a.rn. The onlv danmage there cone a farnliar tcadc mai k in has been a controversiai figure was ta a liedge. bath Durhamn and Ontario in agricultural circles foc many Biggest lire of the day occur- Counties. He now allers a fully years. Ail farmers in the coun- red at 12:30 naan at the farm af staffed service station ia bath ty are urged ta make a special Otto Jost, north af Hampton and Courtice and Bowmanville ta effort ta be present. The ineet- the 6th Concession. A grass give camplete automobile repairs ing is beinc held in Gronou-i---ire lurched out af contrai and and service. Besides this be bas the most central bpot in lb?, cauieiht no a rail fence and held the lonzest G.M. riealeî-s¾îni ikieweç ý&bnaLlted in a s véi.up axea & ha Qouamtyîanid a Lthe ai& hus- LoiW* Nichol. On Easter Sunday morning, the presentation to St. Paul's United Church of a stained glass window was made by Mrs. H. G. Shaw. The window -is in memory of the Richard Hughes f;ýmily, Mrs. Shaw being the former Millie Hughes of Bowmanville. Her son Lloydof Toronto unveil. ed the window which portrays the "Light of the World". Mrs. Shaw made the presentation and the gift was accepteci and dedicated on -behaîf of th e hurch by the minister, Rev. Harold Turner. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanvijle Unveil and Dedicafe New Memorial' Window Af Sf. PauI's Church At the morning service on Easter Sunday la St. Paut's United Church, a staiaed glass memorial windaow, the glît af Mrs. H. G. Shaw, was unveiled and dedicated. Mrs. Shaw made the pre- seatatian af the beautiful wîn- dow which partrays "The Light of the World." Hec son, Mr. Lloyd Shaw or Toronto, un- veiled the window which was then acaepted and dedicated by the miaister, Rev. Harold Turner. The windaw bears a plaque with the inscription: "In lovirng1 Ilebr ates Business lots ini Courtice and Bowman- ville. Asidep frorni his dcrnandîng business career Mr. Nichols bas becomne a tnrominînt t nrsonage memory of the Richard Hughes family." The gift by Mrs. Shaw, who is the former Millie Hughes, is in remembrance of ber father and mother, Richard Hughes and Amelia Russell, and two deceased brothers, Russell and George. A number a£ Bowmanvillo residents wili recaîl this fam- ily who lived for many years in the white frame bouse at 43 Quecn Street, now accupied by MNr. and Mrs. Clarence Hockin. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Hughes were bora in Bowmaa- ville and throughout their lives took a praminent part in the affairs of the town. Othcer children in the family tvho sur- vive, besides Mrs. Shaw, are Elton, in Toronto, Leslie, of Brockville; Irwin, Toronto, an~d (Cantinued an page seven) Smelt Fishing Reaches Peak During Week in social and cammuntv afýîfars Huiîdîed. of -nnili, hîr' which la îtself is a true measure gathered at Nçwcastle Beacti af good citizenship. Mc. Nichais and Bawmanvîlle Beach over prefers te be the mari bebind the weekend as the smelt rua the scenes and ta promote athers reached its peak for this sea- ta publie office rather than son. bimscif. Large catches were reparted Municipal Leader at bath beaches aver the week- Ia local municipal g-overnment end and the smelt appeared ta he bas made outstanding cantri- have reached their peak durin% butions, havine servci DarliniZ. the t'irst af Ibis week. They ton as Couincillor for' foui' vcars,' shO'ld con'tinue lr) con unt il Den)ul\x-Recr, 'far t w oand i, t h'- wr'rkcnrJ, bu t.th4-, ol naow :tartîng hIi>,-. cv(-Itll terni aý; will riot likeliv bo aàý plentifil. o f the Touwîvhin, iatcv'yn'reporied Hoc is a charter n-ierrîhnr aoflice catchirîg at least a busiiel and Bownmanville Lions Club and a some caught several bushel.. member af the Oshawa Kim-anis. Telretgop a ihr He ~ ~ ~ ý osasoam fbra Lebanon mea were at Newcastle Beach~ Lodge, A.F. & A.M., and. the on Thursday and Friday af last Royal Arch Masons, Oshawa. week. Every7thing fromi the old Mari',, comnàu.nity drives bave' Iashioned bucket ta seine-neta g, x lZbt Çbief Reports MiIk ~ottIe Money Stolen anabian iv2axèjlâiF, 103 NUMBER 17j 1

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