?NtT~SflAY, APRIL 25th, 105? TITE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN. EO A~<VTT..U flWPÂ~Tn PAftW I'WW~ Fine Easter . Program Us Given by Little FoIkc Enniskillen: The annual Eas- presided over by Rev. R. B. teor jV ram put on by the Mis- Green who conducted the OP- tV io~Vand and Explorers on ening worship. Thursday evening was tho- Those giving recitations were roughly enjoyed by those who Beverly Samis, Donna Samis, attended. T7he program was Carol aravey, Betty Wright, Tommy Leadbeater, Patsy Me- Laughlin, Heather Griffin, Glen Ashton, Muriel Griffin, June ;Penny Pickering. Those with1 ~piano solos were Laura Bow- L, ~t~ ~~àe~ man, Charles Ashton, Doreen, ~Vl< ~IUII( Trewîn, Betty Jane Werry, ~g. Wayne Beckett, Susan Wearn and Kathryn Siemon. The Easter story was told by Mary Yeo, and Patsy Ellis read the Scripture. Two very pretty \i ~\ acrostics were also put on by * the Mission Band and they also A>id avings too.. sang the chorus "Litte Bree- zes." The Explorers sang twoj can\be yours choruses, "Easter Day" and 4\1 \ 1"Ail The Happy Children" Cheryl Ashton sang er sweetly in a short E as t er songI and the offertory prayer a ~WATE \\~~ ~taken by Wayne Beckett. %WATER\ 14 i The story of the resurrectioni Sé'Fmmw.aER\ was dramatized in the playl "At the Feet of Jesus" with Da- f phne Green and Pat Turnbull taking the part of the two Marys and Laura Griffin, that of Salome. Richard Pickering, a George Leadbeater and Gor- don Boyd took the part of Pe- JACIK 3RO G er, James and John, while Neil Yeo played the part of the PLUMBING and HEATING centurion. MIA 3-5615 BOWMANVU6LE The church wvas beautiful]y Division Street South decorated with delicate apple b]ossoms made by the Explor-, ers. Thank You 0 0 0 CANADIAN STATESMAN READERS If was nice in have you visît us 1 even when we were flot fully equipped a su Venture Inn Located in the Bownianvjlle Interchange on Highway 401 Building a New Home? Members of the Richard Hujhes Family This old Urne photograph of Mr . and Mrs. Richard parents and deceased brothers Russell and George. In Hughes and their family will recali mernories to rnany the picture, taken by S. Hays, Bowrnanville, are, back. Bowmanville residents. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes lived in the row: Russell (deceased), George (deceased), Millie (Mrs.l white frarne bouse at 43 Queen Street, now occupied by H. G. Shaw), Bowmanville; Elton, Toronto. Front row: Mr' and Mrs. Clarence Hockin. Their eldest daughtecr Mr. Hughes who is holding Vera (Mrs. F. E. Baines), Millie (Mrs. H. G. Shaw) recently presented a stained glass Sarnia; Leslie, Brockville; Irwin, Toronto, and Mrs. Hughes. window to St. Paul's United Church in memory of hei' Osh~~ C iinI M~ri1 visited bis sons on Friday. Columbus on Saturday after- Oshaw CouAe M rriedMr..-andMrs.- A. F. Akberne-1 noon. ,%WNe A P m ...........ma 8-- . Mr. and Mrs. William Rasmussen are pictured fol- lowing their wedding in the chapel of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, on April 6. The bride is the formner Erwina E. Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Murray Wilson of Morrish, and the late Mr. Wilson, and is assistant librariayx of the Children's ;Department of McLaughlin Public Library. The groom who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rasmussen of Regina, Sask., became well known in this area as a newscaster over radio station CKLB, Oshawa. -Phioto by Ireland Studio, Oshawa SOLINA The Easter church service on Sunday afternoon was well at- tended. Easter Mies lent their beauty 'and fragrance to this inspirîng service. Mrs, E. Cry- derman at the piano and G'adys Yellowlees at the organ pro- vided the musical accompani- ment. The anthem "In Joseph's Lovely Garden' was -uîng 'by the choir and Don Taylor sang «'The Holy City." Mr. Wmn. Fritze. minister, delivered a splendid Easter message. During the Sunday School period an Easter pr'ograrn in- cluded a story reaid by Eunice Leask; "The Meaning of Eas- ter" presented in recitation forma by members of the prim- ary class and a song hy four girls of the junior class: Dia'î- ne Tink, Marie Flett, Evelyn Hockaday and Anne Werry. Mrs. Eva Sanderson, Mrs. Mabel Westley and Miss Ida Reynolds xverc Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Yel- lowlees and Gladys. Mr. and Mtrs. A. Muir and children, Courtice, visited Wez. Werry's. Mrs. J. Yellowlees is visiting ber sister, Miss Ida Reynolds, in Toronto. Donald Wrerry, Oshawa, is holidaying at the Wexrys, Rose- landvale Farrn. Mn. and Mrs. J. Baker, Miss Helen Baker and Ronnie Ba- ker, were Saturday guests of Mrs. Ethel Couch, Bowman- ville. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezer, were at Messrs. J. and Tom IBaker's. Gail Baker xvas guest of ber cousin, Kai en OrmîiSton, Ebe n- ezer*. .Mr. Gordrn Pascoe, K.~ ston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Me- Roberts, Victoria Square, visit- ed Mr. Cecil Pascoe's. Helen and Pat Knox holiday- ed with their grandparents at Brougham. Mr. Wm. Knox, Brougham, Our welcome mat is always out to policyholders who neeci help You .rnay not need help cften, but when you do .- You'Il want it fas t. That's where we shine. Day or night. Fair weather or foui. STUAIT B. JAMES INSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 ing Street E. REAL ESTATE Residence MA à-593ý Bownianville I. thy, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Aber- nethy and Ellen, Oakwood: Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, Misses El- sie and Corsina Samis, Enfield, were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor's. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- lin, was a weekend guest at Bruce Tink's. Mrs. Addîe Tink visited Mr. Perey Dewell's, Hampton, on Sunday. 1Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- maid, Sally and Tommy, visit- ed at Mr. Roy 14cGill's, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Mrs. Glen Glaspeil and sons, Taunton, Mrs. J. Dyer and Eli- zabeth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beevor and David; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Peever, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc- Pherson, Oshawa, were recent visitors at Mr. Rae Pascoe's. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Vice and Mr. Everett Vire were guests at the reception following the wedding of Ei- leen Jebson and Lloyd Slute at Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and childrcn visited on Good Fni- day at Mn. John Flett's, Fra- zerville. Marie rcmained untUl Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery visited at Mn. Cecil Neals, Peterborough. Mrs. M. Gréenwood, Bridge- port, Conn., Mr. L. Bradley, En- niskillen: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Waltcr and Lawrence, visited at Bruce Montgomery's. Mr. and Mis. J. Leger, Su- san and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and Randy, Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. George Bittner, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman, Ellen and Larry, wene Sunday tea guests at Mr. Everett Cryderman's. Mrs. S. Rundle and Miss Jean Rundie, Bowmanville, were Good Friday visitors at Ross Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox attended the wedding necep- lion of her sister Lorraine Far- row and David Lapham et the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow a'. Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLeod PERFORUANOt Check These SpecialI Used Car Values 1954 METEOR COACH, Prdat --$1395 1953 PONTIAC Laurentian Sedan Fully equipped - Special - $1.#l 9 5 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN m 0 $825 1951 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 FORD COACH 775 a 595 In top condition $575 1954 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan Fulyeqiped- Only - $1,49 5 1953 FORD COACH with automatie transmission, eustom radio $1,1 50 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PREFECT SEDAN 1950 METEOR COACH 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN - w $750 * w 125 * .- 595~ m 595 Robson Pontiac '166 King and children, Barrie; M.r. and Mrs. R. Atnthes and farnily, Dundas, were visitors at Stan Mlllson's. Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat, Miss Gladys Yellowlees, Mrs. John Knox, Helen and Pat at- tended the Easter church ser- vice in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville on Good Friday whe the High School Ge Club pesented the St. Luke OPENING 26 Ont ario Si. N. MAX WELL POWER featuring Motors - Buick - Vauxhal St. E. Bowmanville Cars Passion by J. S. Bach, under the direction of Mr. D. C. Pe- ters. Twelve-Foot Davis, legend. ary Pioneer of the northwest, gained his name when he stak- ed a twelve-foot wide strip be- tween earlier claims along the Cariboo Creek and toolc out a small fortune in gold. 0 a C) m Bowmanville MOWERS Limiated G GMC Trucks MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. Jackpot Value - This Week - $200 This week's winner Mrs. Margaret Adams, 36 Liberty St. N., Bowm anville 10% coupon - $16.0 DONT FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., APRIL 27 at 3 p.m. - Town Hall FRIDAY, APRIL I6th (THE AIR COOLED ENGINE SHOP), EARLE COX, Proprietor Repaira to afl makes of LAWN MOWERS - GARDEN TRACTORS INDUSTRIAL ENGINES Sales and Service Maxwell Swirlcut in 21" and 18" Rotary Mowers MAX WELL CENTENARY 18" Rotary Mowers 7 at Special Opening Price -s7 9 0 Plus a full line of Maxwell Rotary, Reel Type and Hand Mowers and Garden Wheelbarrows. Consuit us at Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. about our .. * "HBOME PLANNING SER VICE"I *Complete selection of PLANS available *ESTIMATE of Cost *EXPERT advice for you about the selection of materials. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS for: Your ONE-STOP HEADQUARTERS for al your LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES for your NEW home or Remodelling requirenlents. Distributors for: CANADJAN CEMENT also ... Coruhili 4" dlay WEEPING TILE and FLUE LININGS. Oshawa Wood -Products Ltd. Yard and Main Office at Courtice Phone MA 3-2130 or RA 3-4661 Many cheaper cars in excellent running condition on display on our used car lot GOOD VARIETY 0F PICK-UP TRUCK'S You have a wide choice of quality trucks in anything up to one ton size. from $300 If you are in- the market for a good truck be sure to look these ove?. "~g) irops tWMMAT, APRM 25th, 1037 IMM CANADIAN STATIMM. 'WVfIWANVf=. RMARTO PAGZ m %.0, ýo m v %-4 y y %ýa