PAGE SIX TNE CANAD!AIÇ BATISMAN. DOWMA1<Vfl~LE, OW'TA~?O ?Ht7RSflAY. APML 950h. tO~ . Mr. and Mss. E. Pickering and Karen of Zcphy?: Mr. and Mss. R. D. Keith-Parkinson, Montreai, wese holiday gucats with Ms. and Mss. Marshall Pickering and family at Glen- bervie Farm. Mr. and Mss. Kennctb Stew- art and Messrs. Garnet Rich- ardson and Murray Parkes of Fredericton, N.B. are visiting with Ms. and Mss. Donald Parkes and tamily. Congratulations are in order ta Mr. and Mss. Jesse A. Al- len, who celebreted at theis home bere, the 38th an- nivcssary af theis marriage on St. George's Day, Tttcsday, AprIl 23sd. Mss. Clarence J. Ailin bas been attending the session of the Ontario Educationai Asso- ciation Convention in Toronto this week scpsesenting the Dur- ham Trustees and Ratepayers' Association. Tanight ls the night, watch for the Newcastle Lion who Sunday, April will b. looking for a contribu- tion ta hélp those who arc not s0 fortunate as yourselt. "Thase who cannaI sead" as yau are doing now. Turn on yous posch light and greet hlm with a smile and a generous contribu- tion. Ms. and Mss. Wcstan McGill of Woodstock and Miss Helen Allin of Hamilton were holiday guests with Ms. and Mss. George Allin. Eas!er weekend guests with Ms. and Mss. D. M. Bdrnard and Esic wbere, Mss. Adam Cassie and daughter Ruth of Brampton, Mr. and Mss. Ivan Matthews and family af Tren- ton, Ms. George Stephens and Misg' Lynda Wright ai Horne- payne and Ms. and Mss. Donald Bernard and Terry. Ms. and Mss. Ray Barbes, Judy and Lynda of Ottawa-, Mss. Frank Kilpatrick and son James of Carleton Place; Mss. Max MacDougail, Dianne and Duncan and Mss. Portes of 28 at 2 a.m. By authority of a resalution passcd by the Ceuncil of the Village of Newcastle, I request al citizens of the village te observe Daylight Saving rime frem 2 April 28th until further notice. Please set your dlocks and watches one heur ahead it this time. J. H. JOSE, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BLIND BLITZ TONIGHT Members of the Newcastle Lions Club are staging a. one-night blitz of the village tonlght to raise funds for the C.N.I.B. PLEASE BE GENEROUS WHEN -VOUR CANVASSER CALLS.' 4 4 NEWCASTLE "YOUR LOI 1951 CHEVROLET A steal at only--- 1947 CHRYSLER SEDAN Radio, fluid drive - Only' 1947 FORD Excellent'mater - Only "TRUCKSf' 1952 MERCURY %-Ton Only-_ _ _ _ 1951 CASE TRACTOR Two front ends, wide, ho. crop, hydraulie lift ploughs, power take-off - Only SEE THEM-AT MOTORS c Open 9 tlll 9 PHONE 3251 ýCAL FORD-MONARCH DEALER" 625.00 245.00 195.001 545.00 695.00 Newcastle Tax Rate Set at 5 5 Milis Newcastle- Council upped the Newcastle mil rate ta 55 mills for residential propesties and 59'h milla for commercial and industrial properties ta saise an estimated $60,011.18 budget ta caves the village's expendi- tuses during tbe coming ycar. The anc mili increasei the county rate as well as added educational coats are the sca- sons for the risc tram last ycar's 53 milis, Reeve Harry Jase poînted out at the spedial council session Monday even- Westport were holiday weekend visitors wit.h Mr. a uLd Mss. J. C. Porter and Joan M ilil st reet. Holiday weekend visitors with Ms. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew were Mr. and Mss. F. L. Agnew, Peterborough; Mrs. Jack Ellenton, Georgetown; Mr. and Mss. Don Williams, Bow- manville; Ms. and Mrs. Hecken- damn, Marilyn and Bruce of Burford and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew and son Rager of Port Colborne. Ho-Hum . .. just thinkin' of Sunday morning when we will be losing that hour's sleep we're ail going to suffer through tili on in the faîl. No one knows yet when we %vil get that im- portant hour back as the vil- lage fathers couldn't make up their corporate minds on Mon- Iday. However, don't forget to se&, those dlocks and watches ahead one hour before retiring o sure. Ms. Charles Cornaldi of Wes- ton called on Mss. Geo. Smith Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Smith spent the weekend with Mr. and Mss. Ceci Glass and Mr. and Mss. Milton Robinson, Kendal. Mr. Ralph Mursay spent -Eas- ter with his parents at Foxbor- ough. C. G. GOULD Heafing and Eavesfroughing Authorlzed Chaico Dealer PHONE Newcasfle 3686 Couch Cartage ROAD AND CEMENT GRAVEL SAND AND FIL CELLAR EXCAVATIONS AND BACK-FILLING GARDENS PLOUGHED Saturday Garbage Pick-up New Customers Welcome HAROLD & WM. COUCH, Phone 2346 rOHRISK A L FES r~ SUPERsTrR UFTURE IUPON A PAYS rs9OUNDATION. J NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 Newcaàtle: The seven mcm- ber cast ai the Young People's Union presented their one-act play aI Kisby lest Monday cv- ening ta a gaod sized audience. On Wcdncsday evcning another presentatian of the play was made at the Presbytery Dsama Festival aI Blackstock and il is expected the play will b. pre- senbed in Newcastle on May 8. Members of the cast are Mes- vin Ailison, Ronald Dickinson and Mariene Bakerville of Newcastle, Doreen Alldread, Orono and Mariene Quantril, Iva Taylor and Milton Rainey of Kisby. The members of the Sigma C boys' group entesteined their parents et their reguies meet- ing lest wcek. The parents witnessed a typical meeting ie wbich they leasncd the purpose of the orgenizalion and partici- pated in games with the. boys. About thirty boys and parents wesc In attendanee, ail enje 1 - ing lunch served by the boe~ On Good Fsiday evening the United Church Choir gave an excellent medilation of the Cantata, "Olivet to Calvary"' by J. H. Maunder. A large numbes was in attendance and toliowing the service, members of tb. chais and their fsiends wese sesved sefreshments by members ai the Women's As- sociation. Easter Sunday services were well attended bY many local people as weil as by niany visitors. TYRONE Mr. Lloyd Robinson and Gloria, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mss. F. L. Bypm. Ms. and Mss. H. Spsagg, Biu lie and Chesyl, Hamilton, Miss Ethel Hall and Keith Robinson, Bowmanville, wilh Mr. anc Mss. H. Hall.1 Mr. and Mss. K. Rahm and boys were Sunday evening call- ers of Ms. and Mss. George Raiim, Saintfield. Miss Verna McRoberts, Osh- awa, wilh ber parents, Ms. and Mss. T. McRoberts. Ms. and Mss. E. A. Virlue and John, wese gucîts on Sun- day of Ms. and Mss. H. Wonna- cott, Toronto. Ms. O. Beckett is visiting bis son John and Mss. Beckett, Scugog Island. Misses Helen and Joyce Mur- ray, Toronto, wilh the Pres- cotts and Hardys. Mss. W. J. Milles, Miss Beth Milles, Oshawa, wcre Satusday tea guests qf Ms. and Mss. R. Wright and Marion. Mr. and Mss. H. Trivett, Wes- ton, wilb ber parents, Ms. snd Mss. H. Cameron. Miss J. M. Oliver, Miss Mas- janie Oliver, Bobcaygeon, visit- ed Mr. and Mss. S. E. White. The Women's Institut. met lasI week et tb. home ef Mss. F. Scott. Miss Jacqueline Huis, Toron- ta, -Mr. Tom Dawson, Sarnia, Ms. and Mss. S. Daw, Wendy and Sandra, Port Csedit, with Ms. and Mss. J. Huis. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mss. James Woadlcy (Jane Hodgkinson ai Ausosa) who wese married an Saturday. Miss Ada Pasco., Port Cre- dit, with Mr. and Mss. John Broome. Ms. and Mss. H. Trivett, Weston, Ms. and Mss. H. Camn- cran, wese dinner guesla ai Ms. and Mss. A. Woods. Ms. and Mss. R. Wright and Marion,. were Sunday tee guests of Mss. Shcrwood Run- dIa, Bowmanville. Ms. and Mss. V. Devenpost and children, Richmond Hill, visited Mr. and Mss. H. Stain- tan. Lynne retusned home with lhemi for a holiday. Sunday visitars ai Ms. and Mss. Lamne Phare wcsc Ms.j and Mss. J. Phillips, Robin and Sjusan, Mss. Percy Pbillips. Es- sex, Mss. G. Phase and Lance. Oshawand Ms. Ed . Ed.n sw. and Ms. . Donan Strong. 5a]em, with Ms. and Mr&. K.. Colbary. lions Plan Blitz Canvass for Blind, To - Night (Thursday) Ed4 Phono3821 end will continue until ail nornes have been canvasseci. "Let's Help the Lions, te Help the Blind," by bavlng aur gen- erous contributions seady when they eall. 1957-58 Directerate The follawing report pre- sentcd by the Nomlnatlng Corn- mittce of suggested members af the 1957-58 Directarate was accepted by the club and the new officers wvill be chosen fsom this list et a lates date. Directorate: Lions Rod Car- veth, Roy Forrester, Chas. Gil- kes, Lamne Johnson, Harsy Jose, Harpes Kelsey, Archie McLaren, Andy McGill, Chas. Megit, Jack Nesbitt, Murray Patesson, John Rickard end John Koropatwa. A motion was passed author- Izlng the payment of $23.50.for cresta that have been present- cd te the members of the New- castle Minas Hockey League teama. The fifty-fifty club draw was won by Lion Frank Rick- Historic Summer Home Us Sold to Prof essor lng ln the Comniunity Hall. The public ichool budgtho went on ta explain, bas juImIp.d tram $11,000 ta $13,500 end the Durham County District High School Board have issued a levy et $9,313 es compared with $7,828 1esI ycsr. The reeve expccted that more wark will be dons on the roads in the village and for thts es- son the road budget buas been increased ta $8,000, The caunty rate has been set at $9,400.10. The main expendituroo otheir than those listcd above will bu administration, $2.200:- publie maintenance. $2.800, end polila. -administration, $3,200. An estimated revenuent $6,810 wll be brought ln through severai sourves Inrlud- Ing a provincial road grant of $1,000; dog taxes, $125, and pedlar licenses, $150. The revised assassinent for tIhe village la $8~92.977. F'irât instailment of the taxes nra due June 30 and lhe second October 30. Daylililt Savisig Tii%* Only other itenm of btimltitd on Monday's coutiril ajngcn was the proclaiming of daylilit. saving time ta start tri N"w- castie April 28 nt 2 a.zn. Ail residents are adviscd ta set their dlocks aliead one hous before retiring. United Church .News triet last summer, when they were the guests of Prof. and Mrs. Sisson of Orono. On sec- ing Harris Lodge st fail, they were greatly impressed by its unique charm, atmosphese, pri- vacy and spaciousness. Dr. Love, is a native of Uppinghamn, Rutland, England, and was educated at Cambridge Univer- sity, where he received bis M.A. On coming to this coun- try, lie first taught at Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, Que. During the Second Wosld War he sesved ovesseas with the Canadian Navy. Following the end of hostil- ities, Dr. Love came ta the University of Toronto whese he obtained his Ph.D. He is at present Associate Professor of English and Senior Tutos at Victoria Coilege. The Loves have two childrcn, Jonathon, age 8, and Mary Elizabeth, age 6. They intend to spend at least four months each summes at Harris Lodge, which name they are keeping due to i ts long association with the pro- perty. The Orono NewsI Telephone 127 Mr. J.ack Wilson, Paris, wih Ms. and Mss. C. V. Wilson. Miss Carolyn Joncs, Miss Joye Joncs, Mr. Rass Jones, wiîh their aunt, Msrs. Isebel St. Louis in Detroit, Mich. Ms. and Mss. Ernest McGib- bon and Gertb, Toronto, Mr. and Mss. Kennedy Gray and David, Cedmus, with Ms. and Mss. Reg. Sultan. Miss Mary Ami Armstrong, McMastes Univrsity, Hamil- tan, wiîh Mr. and Msrs. Wm. Armstrong. Ms. and Mss. Wm. Milles with Ms. and Mss. Howard Milles, Kingsville. Mr. Clarence Duncan, Otta- wa, with Mss. Clarence Dun- can. Mr. an& Mss. A. L. Haoey, Cathsyn and Neil, with Mss. B. A. Green, Barrie. M. and Ms. Jim Linlon and Casai, Tosonto, ase spending this wcek with Mr. and Mss. G. M. Linton. Visitors wlIh Ms. and Mss. Wm. Mitchell were Mss. T. Buipitt, Toronto, Ms. and Mss. Burns Kittmer and sons, Guelph. NE WTON VILLE Easter Visitora Miss Jean Wade, Toronto, with Mr. and Mss. Harry Wadc. Joan and Ruth Nichais, Port Britain, with their cousin Dos- ella Lancaster. Ms. and Mns. Raymond Gil- mer, Stewart and Kathy, Ta- ronto, with Ms. and Mrs. Frankl Gilmes. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNicol, with Ms. and Mrs. Wm. Stapletan. Miss Alice Nesb!tt, Toronto, and Miss Anne Nesbitt, Osh- awa, et their home here. Don and Jerry Adams, To- ronto, with their grandparentq, Ms. and Mrs. Andrew Reich. rath. Mr. and Mss. Wm. Thompson, Chicago, with his aunt, Miss Bertha Thompson. Together they spent the weekend with the Misses Thompoan of To- ronto. Mr. and Mss. Earl McEwen and family, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Busley. Miss Barbera Ovens wlth ber sister, Mss. Bryan Noble, Tarante. Ms. and Mss. S. M. Joncs, Mount Royal, Que., with Ms. and Mss. Willis Joncs. Mr. E. H. Jones and Mis. Thelmna Bruce, Toronto, and Mss. Dudley Joncs, Burlington, with Mss. G. W. Jones. Mr. and Mss. Raymond Bruce with fsiends at Bancroft. Mrs. Cleland Lane and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Hamilton, are spexnding a week with theis sister, Mss. Etzweiller, Mil- waukee. Our student niinister, Mr. Robert Gay, Is maoving into thse passanage for a few wceks. Mr. and Mss. IMcGregor Joncs and family, Alan and Debbie, Burlin gon, arnd Mrs. Harriet Medcalf, Port Hope, .With Mr. and Mss. C. M. Joese. Mss. Chas. Awde wlth her son, M. and Ms. Harold Awde and family, Toronto. M. Richard Morton, Agin- court, with M. and Ms. A. E. Morton. Ms. Henry Smith and sans, Gravenhurt, with her mother, Ms. D. N. Myles. Mss. J. E. Richards retusned home on Monday after spend- ing a week visiting in the St. Catharines district and assist- cd at the golden wedding anni- versary of ber aunt and uncle, Ms. and Mss. E. S. Hicks who have often visited in Orono. Mss. R. McKay, Bronte, vis- Ited Ms. and Mss. L. H. Ai- dread and family. Brenda Mitchell is upending this week with Ms. and Mss. Turner, at Keene. Colonel and Mss. P. J. Bige- low and son, Port Hope, vislted Mss. John Bigelow. Mss. Wallace Scott, Colum- bus, and Mss. T. Scott, Brook- lin, visited their aunt, Mss. My- na McCulloch who, returncd home Monday by plane attes spending the winter in Florida. Several from Orono attended the Easter service in Kishy United Churcb. Mr. James Rickaby was the guest speaker on Sunday evening. Ms. and Mss. Jack Leishman, Buslington, visited, Ms. and Mss. M. J. Tamblyn. Mrs. Frank Ardron and son. Allan, Toronto, visited Ms. and Mss. Madison Hall lest Thurs- day and Allan is spending this week with bis grandparents. Miss Mary Bowen, Niagnaa Falls, visited hes mothes, Mrs. Fred Bowen. Mr. and Mss. B. W. Schauf- fier Is visiting in the States. Mrs. Neil Smith has return- ed ta Orono ffam Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and is staying et Linton Hurat Manor Rest Home. Received into the Fellowship of Orono Ur41ted Church on Sunday by trànsfer were: Mrs. Carman Cornio4¶, Mrs. Neil Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Welsh MacDonald. By Profes- sion of Falth were: Vickle Cot- ter, Jill Chapman, Glenda Cowan, Jane Grccnwaod, Patsy Jones, Susan Major, Marilyn Major, Sandra Mercer, Jean Tamblyn, Judy Tamblyn, Paul Tamblyn, Casol Vagg. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mss. Chas. Wood were: Ut. and Mss. Neil Wood ÈM 4M ily, Lakelieid, Mr. andMrmt-. Chas. Johns, Bowmanv~ille, Uir. and Mss. Fred Brooks and Chris, Miss Dianne Phasey 1hd Mr. Fred Parish, Oshaw, Mss. Amelia BlewJ*tEraÈ ley Thompson, wid6k f4 late John Thompson, pased away in Mernorial Ho.p. 1is- eral was fram Orono tYnIt. Church an Mond&y1 ater on. Interment in Me a'a Cêuy. etery. Mr. Ed. Milsob iiï*x in Ottawa. Miss Viola Noden, Toroit% visited Mrs. J. Noden for xga. ter. 1 Mss. Fred Bowen il vihitl1gg hi Tosonto this week. IidUUUUUUUUUUUUUUmUMUUMMMUUUUUMMIMUUUMUUUUUUfli~ Tont Home Permanent 2.00 New Creamy Prom - 2.00 Tonette foriChlldren - 1.75 New Bobbi -____ 2.00 New Quick - 1.25 - 2.00 - Special Valles 1.18 Value- Calgate's Pastoe Oh 3 tubes Colgates .Poste Us 98o Lustre Cremne - 19e NeweastIe: One of the main items ef business et the regular meeting et the Newcastle Lions Club held on Thurâday evenlng lent, was the prepanation for the big BLITZ te b. stagcd tonipht (Thursday) in New- caotie and In Orono an Frldaty evenin g, te salne funds for the' Canadian National Inatitute for the Blind. Intsoduced by Lion Don Wil- liams af Bowmanville, the Fid Secretaryoe the Institute for this area, Ms. Joeý Caruk, opoke ta the members on the wosk carried an ta àaint blind peepe by the Instit t n emphasized the need for raislng the full quota In this district. The village was divlded Into four sections for the canvas with one captain being appoint- ed for each section as foilaws: North West, Lion Floyd McKîn- ley; South West, Lion Douglas CunnIngha ; South East, Lion Diek ivieo; North East, Lion Jac Netbitt. Canvasers wili be an the job this evening et 7.'30 p.m. Hill Those Nolhs Math Proofer Bomb - 1.39 Larvex Spray 1.09, 1.69, 3.69 Larvex Bomb -___ 1.98 Math Balis or Flakes 23e lb. Dec Tee Math Killer - 59e Dichioricide - - -75e Fly Tox Spray 35c, 59e, 98e Mot eeoe 6m Sprayers 49e toi"I *mm& Reducing Âids Hazel Bishop Swedish Mllk Diet- 1.98 Products Melozets_______ 1.50 Ultra Matie Lipstiek - 1.75 _______1.9__ Liquid Makeup -___ 1.29 Tuma____________ .98Makeup Pat- 1.00 - 1.30 Ayds________ _ 3.25 Nail Polish _____ 590 Geritol - The Vitamin Iron Tonic - 3.29 - 5.49 COWLI NG'S PHONE STOE Im M 3-5695 DRUG SO E TRUBBEB Royal Theatre Bowmanvillc FRIDAY - SATURDAY - APRIL 2 Natinee - Saturday - 2 p.m. Plus Selected Shorts and Color Cartoon Last complet. show 9:10 ATTENTION PRESLEY FANS! Bowmanville's own "Elvis Presley" will perform on our stage this Saturday, April 27 at 2 p.m. MON. - WED. - APR. 29 m MAYT1 The British Royal Performance Film IHEY KEPT COMING AT ME... 1 COULDN'T BELIEVE lTl QAPTAIN MAN$ LANOUDORP...PSpI The BATTUE of the ]RIVER PLATIE' A RANK OROAN;ZATION PRESiN-rATION STARRING.~ JOHN GREGSON *PETR FINCH - ANTONY QUAYLE WITi- mm$ JAX -MM$ eýXETECI--- MNZS ACHILLES Last complet. show 9:20 47I Vacuum Thermos Lunch Chfld's Bottles Dotties Kita Lunch Rite 790 1.89 -1.98 1.29 2.99 Social, and Per.sonal PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Time STARTS COMPARE our Pr ices & Service W. offer for sale the following A-i used cars. They have been fully reconditioned in our own shop, and are backed by our reputation. Every car is honestly priced and in satisfactory condition. 1955 DODGE SEDAN Radio, new slips - Only 1,395.00 1953 CHEVROLET 2-Door Clean, one owner- Only 19195.00 1953CHEVROLET BELAIR 1350 New motor - Only 1350 1953 FORD 4-Door A reliable famlly car - Only 19095.00 1953 FORD 2-Door Two-tone, one owner - Only 1,0O95.00 "IWEEKEND SPECIAL" 1954 Studebaker Commander Hardiop V8, overdrive, radio, tint glass, white walls OnIy 1,295.00 1955 FORD %-Ton Overdrive, dlean, 1 owner - Only -1,345.00 CARVETH Kaye's Sportswear 68 Simcoe Street N. OSHAWA YOU SAVE FIVE WAYS When You Shop ai Kaye's 1. NO DOWN PAYMENT 2. ALTERATIONS FREE 3. HIGHEST QUALITY 4. LOWEST IN PRICE 5. MANY MONTHS TO PAY W. specialize in Coats, Suits, Dresses and Sportswear Friday - Open li 9 o'clock Telephone Oshawa RA 5-5451 PAGI Mx Newcastle: Harris Ladgc, Riimmer home of the Walton- Ball tamily since 1919 bas been qold to Prof. C. C. Love, af Victoria College, Toronto. Ovr a 100 years aid, previaus to 1919 il was occupled for many yvars by Myndert Harris whten he retîred tram farming. On his death, tbe properby passed ta bis nepbew, the lete th. W. H. Wallon-Bal. During te1920's, many additions and improvements were made ta the bouse, mail notable ai wbicb was the East Raom, with its windows, doors and fise- place taken fsom Beskley Huse, King Street East, Tas- onto, whcn il wes demolished. This spaciaus living-room, bas been the scene ai many family reunions and graciaus enter- taining. Occupied by the family dur- Ing the summes inonths for the pasî 38 years, Hassis Lodgc, bas had oi tweo ther tenants for brie!0 pero,Ms and Mss. Rex Winn andMs and Mss. Mastin Sisson. The new owners, first be- came acquainted with the dis- TM CMAMM STATUUM. BOWMANVMU. MARtO TMMDAT. AP= Uth, t» v