IHURSDAY, AP~!L 28fli, 1051 f~ CMiADTAN STA~MA2q. EOWMAIqvfft~, Ol~TARYO PAf7~ R!!v1?e * Mr~andMrs. Lorne Doreen Montreliy spent Easter in Mn. and Mrs. Douglas NichaIs, Iingston, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. L. B. Nichais. Mren. .# Mrs. Stanley Corden Ufln,ý er eekend at their ~ag~» enelon alis. (r. and Mrs. Vincent Lynch spent Easter weekend with ber mnother, Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Mr. and Mrs. Art Code, Pal- ermo, spent Easten weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Len Dodds. Mrs. Rose Buckley, Toronto, *visited ber daughter. Mn. and Mrs. Jackc Ross on Easter week- end. * Mn. and Mns. F. S. Harnden, Grafton, spent the holiday weekend witb Mr. and Mns. C. H. Papineau. Mn. and Mns. Keith Smith, Gait, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wil- frid Carruthers. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson, Toronto, were with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield for the weekend. ;a Mr. nd rs. harie HarWith Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Shaw 1Barbara and Tommy, Toronto' >r Easter weekend were their were with bis parents, Mr. and5 bn Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw Mrs. E. V. Hoar. i-d family, and daughter Mr. Miss Shirley Pollock, Bow- d Mrso. Jms Whas mnanville, and Miss Ruth Ogden,'Ese ito whMr.F Oshawa, spent Easter weekend at ereviitrswathMrs. F. atorNwer Mr.randMrs..Wm In Ne YorkCity.ator, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen Cole, Peterborough )avid Pring and daughter, Mont- Teachers' College, is spending eal; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cator, Easter vacation with ber mother, 7oronto. Mrs. Douglas Cole. Mrs. F. A. Fitchett and grand- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berry aughter Susan Fitchett, also have as Easter week guests, ber iss Sheila Fitchett of Mont- riiece Mrs. Ross Barham andVteal were Easter visitors witb daugbter Candy, Delhi. Misses Elizabeth and Carnie Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell andPainton. daughter Andrea, London, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Samis and spent Easter weekend with berREicky, Lakefield, spent Easter mothen, Mrs. Hanry Rice. weekend with their families, Mr. Mrs. C. A. Wight is spendingand Mrs. J. C. Samnis and Mr: a few days in Hamilton with and Mrs. George Elliott, Bow- her daughter, Mr. and IMrs.manvîlle. Ralph Pannish and family. Miss Audrey Venton, Toronto, Mr. John Kent, Ottawa, spentspent the weekend with ber tbe weekend with his father,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Mr. Carl B. Kent, and brotber,Venton, before leaving for two Mn. and Mrs. Robert Kent. weeks' vacation to visit friends Mr. and Mrs. Laurence God-in Mexico. dard visited thein daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiv- Tanya at Queen's University er and Peter, Dashwood, visited _ingston, on Good Friday. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,M. and Mrs. F. W. Boweý Williams, and Lorne's sister, Mr. were Easter weekend guest4 and Mrs. Norman Scott, on wîth their daughter, Dr. an Baster weekend. Mns. J. C. Bryce, Brantford. With Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hey- ISt. Paul's Uited Church Minister - Rev. HA. Turner, B.A., B.D. rOrganist - Mrs. Reta >udley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAYSCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - ENING AUXILIÀRY THANKOFFERING Speaker M4s. J. B. McLauriD 7 :00 p.m. -PIIBIC WORSHIP Ail wilccrne at both services. Sf. John's Church (Anglican) Firsi Sinday Aller Easier 8:00 a.ni. - HOW COMMUNION 10:00 and 11:00 a.xr. - CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - MORMING PRAYER Annual Service ofJerusalem Lodge Masonic Order Preacher - Rei J. deP. Wright, L.Th., L.S.T. 7:00 p.m. - EVNING PRAYER Trir mi i 4 Il il A.M, 9Speakel Rev. 7 P.M. Organis, uity United Church inister - hv. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 1. The Annal Service ai the Womn'iMissionary Socielies W. J. Qllagher, M.A., B.D., D.D. Gin.rai Secretary of the Can;dian Council of Churches lev. T. A. Morgan 1'ollowing Jesus Today" st-M Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S..M. fSocIi&l£PersonaI 90 Years Old Mary Ann Heavysege, daught- vice for Good Friday. 1er of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Heavy- A collection was neceived at >sege, will receive her Gold Cord tbe door as the congregation Certificate in Convocation Hall, left, to assist the professional University of Toronto, on Friday, musicians taking part, and mn fApril 26. She is one of 277 Girl aid of the Transient Fund. Guides who bave received their Gold Cords during the year and will be pnesented with theirMam m certfficates by Mrs. LouisBreith- - Uàw - aupt, wife of tbe Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario. Major Bil Brown and Mrs. Wgindow Brown, Ottawa, with their four children, Penny and Valerie (Continued fromn page one) and nine-month-old twins, John Vera (Mrs. F. E. Baffles) Ili and Wendy, spent the weekend Sarnia. visiting their parents, Mrs. J. Mr. Hughes is well remem- J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. E. bered as a competent machinist S. Harnden. Major Brown ex- in tbe Dominion Ongan and pects to be posted to Fort Knox Piano Company where be work- in Kentucky for thnee years il ed with James Johnston, Sid July. His wif e and family wîll Jackman and Nathan Horn a- accompany him there. mong othens. He also played Mn. Glenholme Hughes, chair- the banitone horn, and some- man of the Public Relations times the slide trombone, in Committee of the Memorial the famous D. O. & P. Bandi. Hospial Board was the board's Others will recail him as a delegate at a two-day conference member of the old South Ward. of the Public Relations Insti-i re Brigade, and aften its dis- Two Drivers Char ged for Scaring Horses Any automobile driver scan- ing a hanse on othen animal, will be cbarged under the Higbway Traffic Act, said Po- lice Chief Eric Smith, in coin- menting on complaints receiv- ed by the department during the past week. Chief Smith made the state- ment following a number of complaints from pensons whose hanses were fightened by cars, while they wene iding on Lib- erty St. North recently. Police have cbarged two pensons in cannection with a similan oc- currence. In bis statement Chief Smith referned ta Section 46, Suh Section 1, of the Righway Tnaffic Act. Unden this section the police may charge anyone committing an offence of this nature. The minimum penalty for this offence is $10, that is for the first offence, Chief Smith pointed out. For a second offence of this nature the minimum penalty is a fine of flot less than $20 and suspension of driver's licence. If a persan is cberged a third time be is liable ta imprisan- ment and licence suspension. The Highway Traffic Act states, every persan driving on a highway, when epproaching a horse or othen animal, being ridden, led, or pulling a vehi- cle, must control their auto i such manner as ta exercise every reasonable precaution ta prevent frigbtening the animal, and ta insune the safety and protection of the persan iding, leading or driving the animai, or any persan in the vehice being drawn by the animal._ Many Volunteers Help In Local Blind Canvass The annual campaign for Plummer, Mrs. j. Stout, Mrs. P. funds of the Bawmanville-West Passmore. Mrs. Alldread. Durham Branch of the Canad- Mr3. Cliliord Trewin, Capt., ian National Institute for the Mrs. Ken Nieboils, Mrs. Bob Blind began April 24 and will Evans, Mns. Alex Cameron,i continue to May 4. The ob- Mrs. F. Lake, Mrs. Lloyd Han- jective this year is $4,000. cock, Mrs. Fred Smitb. Your canvasser is a volun- Miss Helen Cryderman, Capt., tary worker and bas willingly Mrs. Colin Taylor, Miss Greta agreed to work ini this cam- Oke, Mrs. James Marr, Mrs. S. paign. Your gracious recep- R. James, Mis. W. R. Reynolds, tion of hier will help to show Mrs. P. E. Greenfield, Mrs. WV. your appreciation of ber ef- A. Edger, Miss Florence Gar- forts., dîner, MIrs. A. DewelI, Mrs. A iiof, team captains and Gordon Elliott, Ms Ken Cox. can%,assers follows; l Niss Dora Purdon. Cap., NNrs. .1. O*Neill, Capt.. M;. rs. Edsall Oliver, MrF * JIni Som-en4ord. MNrs. Pqul Chan:. 1 Crombie, Mrs. C. A. McDon Ici, MNrs. A. Wtherspoon. MIrs C?. Mrs. Ross'Grant. Mrs. V. Hail- Barrett. Mrs. Bruno Miller~. Mrs- rock. Mrs. R. Hawthorne, Mrý ' Geo. A. Brown, Mrs. Lerý,y L. Eldridge, Mrs. K. Lewins, Short, Mrs. Clarence Oke. Mrs. Jas. A. Grant, Mrs. Allan Mrs. Geo. Vice, Capt., Mrs. Sylvester. Arnold Lobb, Mrs. E. Winacott, Miss Mary Jewell, Capt., Mrs. Mrs. George Brown. Anna Watson, Mrs. Glen Lan- Miss Isabel Davis, Capt., Mrs. der, Mrs. Don Williams, Mrs. Smale, Miss Shirley Abernethy, Nelson Osborne, Mrs. Ralph MisNimigon, Mrs. Jack Cole. Ames, Miss Leta Jackson, Mrs. . MJ. Hu:ý hisoi. Cap~, Leslie Tcon \r C. H. .rs, S. G.i. McMurtci-, MrQ. Q. MasnMm. C. Papineau. Mrs. W. H. Densem, teacher t the Ontario Training School orBoys, attended the O.E.A. *onvention beld in Toronto this 6reek. Mrs. R. N. Rae (Florence Mor- s), Portage La Prairie, is visiting ter aunt, Miss C. A. Martyn,I Vellington St. and other ne- attives. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon n-d Mn. and Mns. Arthur Stainton eturned home this week after :ending three months at Day- mna Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock pent the weekend in Brock- ille and attended the Rigg- [ogaboam wedding in Wall treet United Cburch. With Mn. and Mrs. John Need- i am for Easten weekend were ieir son Mn. Cedric Needham, n-d two of their grand sons: iruce and John, Syracuse, N.Y.1 Mn. and Mrs. Ralph McIntyre I n-d Jane spent Easter weekendi isiting thein parents, Mn. andi frs. W. Deane, Pont Credit, and Ir. and Mrs. D. Mclntyre, Mim-j ONE 1 DAY MULTIPLE VITAMITNS FAMILY SIZE in a speciai bottie for your table --- -_ : $7.95 SWe Deliver land for the weekend wene tbei.r daughter, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. 1Moir and Christine, Ottawa; son Douglas, also of Ottawa, and Miss Ruth Moir, Toronto. Miss Ida H. Peebles, Coîborne; IMn. and Mrs. A,. W. Balson and family, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. IH. R. Smale and farnily, City View, were Easter weekend guests of Mrs. C. J. Smale. With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, for Easter weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Muir- head and Peter, Brockville. Mn. and Mrs. Carlton Paynme, Port Hope: Mrs. A. Wemyss, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Scott Densem and Baby Scott, Willow- dale, were Easten guests witb Mrs. W. H. Densem and Mrs. H. Humpbnies. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mns. M. L. Roenigk were Dr. and Mns. J. P. Maybenny and son John, Moorestown, New Jersey; Mn. and Mrs. Walter Kenny, Toronto; Mrs. Penny- fathen and Mrs. Emeno, Winni- peg. Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Hall re- turned ta Chatbam on Sunday after spending the Easten holi- day with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. James Hall. Nancy and Jimmy are staying to spend their bolidays with their grand- parents. Rer many friends wi]l be glad ta know that Mrs. Carnie Curtis who bas been in Oshawa General Hospital for many weeks aften breaking ber bip, is neturning to Bowmanville and will be at the Strathaven Rest Home, With Mn. and Mrs. C. P. Ban- nett, Jane St., for Easten week- end was ber sisten Miss Ruby Harper, Ottawa. The previous week anothen sister, Mr. and Mrs. Perley Williamson and family. Woodstock, N.B., were with the Banretts for a week's visit. Visitons with Mr. and Mns. Evenett Winacott over the Easter weekend were Mn. Eric Graham, Miss Anne Rose, Peterborough; Mns. Lulu Graham, Bobcaygeon; Master David Anthurs, Oakville: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winacott and Sandra, Ottawa; Murray Wina- cott, Peterborough. Attending sessions on Tuesday of the convention of Home and Scbool Associations held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, were Mrs. D. Park, President of Bow- manville Home and School, Mrs. C. Welsh, Mrs. George Graham and Mns. I. Munday. Mrs. Graham was official delegate. The Canadian Association of Consumers, Oshawa branch, is holding its annual meeting on Thursday, Apnil 25th. at St. George's Parish Hall, Oshawa, at 8 p.m. Coffee will be served at 7:45 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mns. W. R. Walton, Jr., Toronto, a Past President of the Canadian Association of Con- sumers, Frederick James Luxton was 90 years old on Apnil 15. He makd birthday at the Edmondson, 116 Duke St., Bow- manville. During the day sev- eral members of the family caîl- ed including Ethel Luxton, Mrs. rCecil Mutton, Percy and Sid Luxton. Mn. Luxton was born in Bawmanville on Apnil 15, 1867, the year of Confederation. tute sponsored by the« Ontario Rospitals Association Services Commission at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, recently. Mrs. George Young represented the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Miss Elizabeth Pnowen, St. Micbael's College, Toronto. spent a couple of days at home with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Prower, lest week before return- ing ta write examinations. East-ý er weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. Prower were ber brothens, Dr. Geo. Murphy and Dn. Nich- olas Murphy, Sudbury, and Mns. Margaret Anderson, Detroit, Mich., called during the week- end. G!ebe Club (Continued tram page one) herd, were kind enough ta give thein services in the perform- ance at Trinity, and also at Albert Street United Cburch, Oshawa, the previaus Sunday evening. The piano was per- baps a littie distant fnom th, soloists to lend them sufficient support in the sustained rct ative passages. The choir was well ibalanced and gave ample evidence of fine training throughout, with choruses such as "He Stirretà Up the People," "Crucify Him" and "O Sacred Head" the lat- ter uneccompanied, being par- ticulanly fine; also "In Thy Love Rememben Me," and "It Is Finished," the concluding chorus. The accompaniment of the Oshawa String Quartet added ta the beauty of the cantata. The presentation pnavided an inspîning and apprapniate ser- SHOF AT YOUR DRUG STORE the dependable place to buy ail your medicines and health and beauty needs. solution, of the brigade for the town. Tbe Hughes family was a- mong the first ta take up ne- sidence at the West Beach for the summer. Their cottage. called "Leaside," is still in thc family and is situated at the lower end toward the piers. The cottage was made out of Mrs. Shaw's grandmotben Rus - sell's bouse, in wbich she was born. Among othens wbo bad cot- tages at the lake in thase days were Dr. L. Reid, George May- nard, Tom Bottrell and H. E. Tait. Rchard Hughes' fathen camne ta Canada from Belfast, Ire- land.. Mns. Shaw before lier marniage was a dressmaken with Mrs. Harry Allun, then Bird Dilling, in premises on the Four Corners aven what is nov; the Canadien Bank of Comi- merce. Mrs. Shawv bas lived all ber mennied life in Toronto, except for a few years in Agincount prior ta maving back ta bier home tawn of Bowmanv4lle five years ega. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw reside et 63 Scugag St. Present at the service when the memanial window was dedicated was thein son Lloyd wbo unveiled the window, bis wife and three children, Ar- leen, Gardon and Larry; and their daughter Verna (Mrs. James Williams) and lier hbs- band, The minister's sermon was on the Easter theme and t ne service was enniched by Easten music by organist, Mrs. C. Elf. Dudley, the Senior Choir un- INichols Celebrates -(Continued framn page one) been sperked by this public spirited citizen during and fol- lowing the war. In many cases bis autright monetary donations bave been of inestimable value in ensuring the success of the vaniaus drives. Mr. Nichols also takes a keen and active interest in chunch and scbool affairs and is noted as an avid sports fan especielly of the Danlington Football League and Softball League, of which be is a key figure. Mn. Nichols wes raised on the femily farm nean Courtice. With the fine qualities impented by bis parents, the late Mn. and Mrs. Frederick Nichals, coupled witb his pensonal initiative, be bas been able ta take a footbold in the business world anq elevate himself ta the esteemed position he now bolds. Like aIl sucessful business men, Mn. Nichols, bas bed a belpmate of the highest order in bis wife, the former Muriel Chantran. Mrs. Nichols in hen graciaus wey bas been a belp and asset in every wey ta ber husband in bis careen. Newcomers Welcomed by B.&P. Members and Dale age 2. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Ramn- say, 49 Hunt St., moved fromi Bunketon ta Bowmanville. Mn. Ramsay is employed at Gene7al Motors. They have tbree child- ren: Kathleen ag-e 5, Wallace age 3 and Darlene 18 montbs. Vi. McFeeters, chairman of the Civic Committee called on ber new neighbours et .94 Churcb Street, on Mondav evening. They are Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cbonirak and daughten Margaret Maria age one ycar. Mn.Chomrak is the former ho- tel manager of the "Regency Towens" Hotel in Toronto. He is the manager of the new "Venture Inn" at 143 Dukze Street in Bowmanville. MrF. Cbomrak was formerly of Scot- land and bas been in Northb I.DA. MOTII KILLER Effective, lasting, safe pro- tection for ail fabrics. 1 potaRd tin ___ 59e Ç1Oeautifu IE/(air Brings Compliments New Bobbi with Casual Pin-Curlers 2.00 Halo Shampoo - -- 39e, 65c, 98e * net Compared ta the smali size you save $6.05 Other sizes S1.40, S2.50, Sâ.95 "Ea si- G bss" *RG rtn MARII FLOOR WAX NEW! Gives youn floons a JUMBO Man's Size beautiful b r i g h t finish tatcen be KLEENEX * Tissues ufdrpaely 201 TISSUES IN THE NEW RED BOXE 1 -b ti 35c 2 for69cr5e~ 9 White Rain Shampoo 45c, 75c, 1.25 Tip Toni ____ 1.25 Tout ________2.00 Prom ______ 2.00 Quick ______-2.00 New Egg Creme Shampoo 75e, 1.25, 2.00 Suave--0e 1.00, 2.25 Nestie Color Creme Rinse - -______75e Colortint -_____39c Spraze - 69c, 98e, 1.39 Helen Curtis Special. Spray Net, Reg. 1.50, 1.95 - -___ 1.29, 1.69 Seborin -___ 1.00, 1.60 Vam -- 49c, 79c Vitalis - 39e, 69e, 99e ----------------e e Breck Shampoo Reg. 1.95 1.49 Drene Shampoo 65e size 550o Lustre Creme 98e size Revlon Satin Set 41 .ý,-oz. Reg. 1.59 Bryicreem Special Offer! Buy a 69e size tube and get a Comb free. e- - -- - - ISPECIÀLS OnI -D. ade:] STOMACII POWDERt Relieves stornach tdistress quickly, effectively. .4-0z. 16-oz. reg. 75c reg.1.95 PRESCRIPTIONS PAPER NAPKINS 70 white, beautiful- ly embossed gn erous size napkins - packed in dispenser type box. Reg, 17c, I2 for 33e 1.3 2 for 29c NEW, MODERN WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PLEX THE "EVERY DAY" WAY TO REsT 1IRED NERVES HECTIC PACE GETTING YOIJ DOWNa ITS 50 EASY TO RELAX JUST TAICE PHOSPHO-PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED AUL THE TIME" FEELING. ENJOY LIFE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDAY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a miodern nerve food and tonic, rich in B compound Vitamins and other important restorotive ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in either easy-to-toke tables or conven- ient liqud form. A FULL THREE WEEK TREATMENT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2.50 2.50 ASPECIALTY Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 "For Baby's Com fort" BABY POWDER i /.~ .~ I SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Alex. McGregor, Your Local I.D.A Drug Store are quite happy in Bowman- ville and find the people very fniend3ly. They are members of the United Cbunch. Miss Mary Jewell called on newcomers on ber street, %Ir. and Mrs. R. Murray at 33 Con- cession St. East. The Murrays moved here from Hamilton mn Apnil. Their daugbter Kqy hias- been in Bowmanville for sanie time, wrorking at the Powell Chemical Company, and livin'g at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Rex Walters. Titre are tbroe other growvn-up cbildren. Mr. Murray wes a builder but i3 now retired and looking for- ward ta wonking in bis garder. He is a Mason, and bath be and Mrs. Murray belong ta the Or- der of the Eastern Star. Tbey belong ta the Presbyteriani uier ner uirection, and thie Jun-. Miss Ada Dadson and Mrs. ion Chair under the direction of Ian McNaughton, members of Miss Ruth Bragg and Miss Ber.. the Business and Profession3l tha Colville. Women's Club called on behaif of the Chamber of Commerce In 956thevale o godson Apnil 18 on the following impanted into Canada totalci ewcMranrs.aon.u apn $1 billion more than in 195-, M.adMs nu apn 1ter, 185 Duke St. wbo have while exponts incneased by only maved to Bowmanville fram $500 million. Trade deficit for Sauina. Mr. Carpenter is em- the year was $850 million. ployed at the General Matons Canadian trappens take more of Canada in 'Oshawa Tbey than two million squirrel pelis have four children, Bobby age a yeaî-. 6, Linda age 4, Barry age 3. Amenica only four years. Tbey churcb. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE 'STO]R]E;ýSl. --------------------------------- ==U 1 VEU&MAT. Amm "th, le." -"M CMAMW BTATESUM. BoWmAlqvt=. OlqTpM PAGE SEVEN 1