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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1957, p. 12

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PAGE TWELfE Winners Receive Trophies i' Goodyear Hockey Night More than 40 members of the Goodyear Mercantile Hockey League attended the League's annual Banquet held at the Elmhurst Hotel in Newcastie Saturday evening. Those attending enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner and an enjoyable social evening that foliowed. Election of officers was held and an entireiy new group of men were appoinred to head the league next season, with the exception of Larry Chant, who was re-elected to o NT r aRn ài 1ake and river paradise for families ONTAR 0 TRAVEL 736 Parliament Btdgs. Toronto Send FElt ertre ta RIame Addr Post Offica Ontario Deportment of Travel & Pubfldcty Hom. Bryan L. Coflcart, Minister the post of Secretary-Treasur- er by acclamation. Head table guests lncluded, Jack McNulty; Norman Allison: Ivan Hobbs, President of Lo- cal 189; Larry Chant, League Secret ary-Treasu rer and Pre- sident of Local 397; O. J. Prtu- son, Personnel Manager oE Goodyear; Trigger Coiwell, "c- presentîng the Gcodyenr Re- creation Club: Jack Baker. chairman, who w~as ac'ting for League President Don Krnp. Commends Trani Jack Baker siid. thteau was pnoudi of the oit stdî' hockey plaved bv lt, G ootI year All-Star teint,.,vlio scorted a decisive victory v î'* tt'v oppontents froir New Ttrno ta capture the It'rPa Champî onship. lie saidt ti league had a suce oul at:r and thaiked 0. J. 1rs iîand Larny Chant for ilheir fine ef- fort ti aiding the lra.gue ta acquire its ne\\,wctc's Larrv Chant spoke titi helaîf of the league andi thankvd thei donors of the varioius trophies they have contribuled. League Champions Jack Baker, chairmian. pre- sented the Local 189 Chani- pionship Trophy ta Danny Gi- rardi. captain of the là56-57 League Champion teanm, th2 Fan Beits. O. J. Presson pie- sented the individual traphies ta each of the players of the team. They included; Danxîy Girard;, Jiggs Cowling, Clint Ferguson, Bob Marjerrisùin, Johnny Mason, Mort Richards, Georgze Sellers, Ken Gimblett, Jim Levitt, Bill Ellis, Jim Bell, Vince Vanstone and Bob Guth- rie. Jack Baker cammented an the excellent work done by the referees used by the league during the season. lie commend- ed Tim Cox and Russell Hall- man for their fine refereeing. Most Sportsmanlike Player Larry Chant presented Jerry Mari errison with the Most Sportsrnanlike Player Award, which was donated by Local 397. Terry Masters was present- ed with the Most, Valuable Player Award by Norman Alli- son. This trophy was donated by Local 189. Don Childs was presented with the High Scoren Trophy by "Triggen" Cowle. The tro- phy was recently donated ta the league by the Goodyear Re- creation Club. New Officers Ivan Hobbs contucted the ý D pp 0 l ' 73 Ontario St. Port Hope NEED Phone TU 5-5216 A THE CAKAD!AN1 STATESMAK. ZOWMANvILL._ONTAIO ATLANTIC INFERNO - Scenes such as this will be recalled by many naval and fvrmer naval personnel on Battie of the Atlantic Sunday, May 5. An inferno of burning oil speils the aftermath of strikes by enemy submarines against a convoy in tie Northi Atlantic. This photo of a torpedoed tanker was taken from the Canadian frigate Lanark. There were few survivors. -National Defence Photo Couches Are Needed for Minor Basebali Leagues Coaches are urgently requir- Pee-Wee team, he said. ed if Bownianville's Minor Base- Juveniles Require Coach bail League is to function thîs I ead oteJvnl season, officiais of the Lakeshore tIn re ar s t th uen Minor Basebail Association said tea,thyaesii ihotn recently. offer of a sponsor and coaches Bothth Pee-Wee and Juv- are required. Bill Smith, pro- enlie teams from Bowmanville prietor of Smith Beverages, are without coaches. The Pee- gneatly assisted the team by Wee team have a sponsor, but donating their required entry are in need of someone who is f ee. keeniy interested in minor base- The Juveniles show good bail, ta coach the team. prospects, which is an indication The job of coaching the Pee- that they will do well in their Wee team would require about division. The Juveniles require two nights a week. This team a. sponsor or the support of did exceptionaîîy well last season private individuals. Equipment in their division. The Lakeshore for the team will cost a consid- Minai- Basebail Association Vice- erable amount and this can only President, Murray McKnight, be raised by donations. lias expressed deep concern over Anyone wishing ta aid these the team's future this season. teams either financialiy or in Unless someone volunteers to the capacity of a coach please coach them, there may not be a contact Murray McKnight. 6kecreaîon t('R eviaews i By Douglas R igg Minor Hockey Trophy Night IWedInesdIay Minon Hockey Trophy Night will be held next Wednesday, May 8th, at the Lions Com- munity Centre, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Last Tuesday night a meet- ing was held by the Minor Hockey Coaches and Managers te make final arrangements for the big night. Mr. Ed. Rundie will âct as Master of Cere- election proceedings. The Pre- sident elected for the coming season was George Sellers. Jim Coyle was eiected to the office af Vice-President. Larry Chant was ne-elected as Secnetary- Treasuner, by acclamation. Board members elected in- clude; Barney Woodward, Jer- ry Marjerrison, Vince Vanstone and Fred Cowie. GARAGER 10W Yon Can H ave a Home for That New Car of Yours ! FOR AS LOW AS ONLY MONTHLY! NO DOWN PAYNENT! AVAILABLE NGWl Erectlng this pre-cut garage ln as easy as pie . . . anyone can put up this package unit wlthout any previous experience... just follow the plans that corne wlth every unit .. or if you prefer we'Il erect it on your property at a sllght extra charge. Sizes Available: 12' x 22' - 14' x 22' - 16' ; 22' Ereci Il Yourself and Save! LOOK AT THESE FEATURES! *Stnddlng at 16" centres, cut te length. *Option of cove idlng, plywood iding, clapboard or Canadian Johns-Manville Asbestos sldlng. *Berry ALL-STEEL Overhead Doors wlth aprlng hardware and lock set. *Doors wlth glass windows as optional extra. *Option of gable or cottage roofs. *Sîde entrance door and wlndow extra. *NOTE - The standard 12' x 22' Model *may he purchased for as low as $17.00, or If erected by un, enly $22.00 Monthly. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED YARD AND MAIN OFFICE COURTICE PHONES: RA 3-4661 or MA .1-2fln manies for the evening. Presentation of the vaniaus crests and trophies will bc made ta- the winning teams along with some films, and a hight lunch will finish off the evening. .Crests will be awarded ta the league winners and ta the league champions in all minor hockey classifications. Trophies will also be presented ta the Champianship teams in each league. It is hoped that all the donors will be on hand ta make the official presentations. Ail players are reminded that whether your teamn won or lost you are eligible ta attend Tro- phy Night. There are still some hockey sweaters missing fromn the vaniaus leagues. Any boy who bas not returned bis sweater will you please bring it with you when You came ta the Lions Centre next Wednesday evening for Minor Hockey Tro- phy Night. Noted Quartet Will Be Choral, Society Guests The Bowmanville Choral Sa- ciety wil have The Rhyth- mains, a Barbenshop Quartet, as their guests artists for their Annual Spring Concert. The Concert will be held on Friday and Saturday, May lOth and llth in the Bowmanville Town Hall. Curtain time will be 8:15 p.m. MORRISH The sympathy of this corn- munity is extended ta the re- latives and fniends of the late Mn. M. Welsh who passed away at Port Hope Hospital on Sat- unday evening, Apnil 27 after a bnief illness. Mn. Welsh had lived in this neighbaurhood al bis, long life. He was ibornnan the fanm o n top of Roseberry Hill wher-e h is parents fanmed for many years. When bis father retined Mn. Welsh took aven the farn warking it until about eigbt yeans aga when be sold out and moved ta the large brick bouse owned by Mn. Dawson Beebe at Morrish whene he l ived wîth bis housekeepen, Mrs. Pearson until a few days ago. In a recent conversation with Mn. Welsh we wene given ta undenstand that on Decemben 2lst this year he wauld have reached the great age of four score years and ten. The late Mn. Welsh was a friendly man and good neigh- bour. His cheerful gneeting and kindly smile wiil be vory much missed by bis many friends. Regitlar Church service was iheld April 28. The junior choir Iwas smallen in numben than i usual. Eastcr hoiidays prevent- ed choir practice so thene was n special selection. The ser- vice was conducted by the Rev. A. W. Harding. Sunday School was heid at lla.m., conductd by the as- I sîstant supenintendent, Mrs. Wrm. McHoIni. Sic kness in the h orne rrevented Mrs. F. Mcj iConnel! frorn ta'King avec. Next jS undav hbeing the 7first in tho rnontll of May ail assistantj arej asked ta be present if at all possible. Mrs. D. Haines returned ta Toronto on Sunday, Apnil 21; for a checkup. X-rays and fur- ther treatment which we trust will mean greater improve- ment. Mn. Neil Anderson returned ta Brantford on Sunday aften spending Easten vacation with his mother, Mrs. Frank Ander- son. On Thursday Mrs. Fnank Anderson and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Holm motoned with Neil ta Beaverton ta visit a niece of Mrs. Andenson's stopping on the way home at Sunderland ta visit othen friends. Miss Vivian Mitchell, Port Hope, spent Sunday with hen cousins, Joan and Ruth ezir- vin. Master Raymond Mitchell was the young guest of bis grandiparents, Mr. and Mns. William Manvin duning Easter holidays. Mn. and Mns. W. McKay Ras- mussen spent last week with Mns. Murray Wilson. On Fni. day they visited Mrs. F. Cor- nish, Pont Hope, and Mrs. Wm. McHolmi on Saturday evening. Sunday they stanted on a busi- ness trip i trailer thnough Nia- gara Peninsula and athen points. We wish tbemn every' successon their new venture. Kedron Couples Club at Toronto Give Program If Kedran folk appeaned to bei a tnifle heavy-eyed during Sun- day services it may have been due to an hour's sleep borrowedj until it is retunned when Day- light Saving Time is concluded in the fail, or, for the 30 who enjoyed the outing by bus to Toronto to be guests of Queens- way United Chunch Couples Club. it might also have been due to the somewhat prolonged trip home, after a full Saturday evening. In any case a warma welcome was extended to the local group in the fine new Queensway Church. Mr. and Mns. Ray Scott with Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Rickard led in worship, on the theme "Fellowship". Mrs. Percy Mountjoy sang a vocal solo "My Task'. Community singing led by Frank Hancock. followed de- votions. A fashion show of Easter hats with Mns. Frank Hancock as commentator, vocal solos by Mrs. Douglas Love "Pantis Angelicus" and "Gettîng to Know You" and pictures shown by Mrs. Rickard of views she had taken in aur church and community, were a part of the program. A skit "Aunt Betsy" was enacted in comic pantomime by Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Werny, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snowden and! Alvin Spencer played harmonicaI solos. This portion of the pro- gram was concluded with a skit "Down on the Farm" àn which a Holstein cow walked on the stage and after due preliminaries was milked by Walter Davis - flot without trouble but with eventual success. Bill Snowden and Lorne Tregunna gave a fine under-cover performance as thel front and back of the cow. Mrs. H. Werry was pianist for the evening. Movies taken by Robert Han- j cock when the Queensway Club I were visitors at Kedron, were shown. A bountiful lunch, and square dancing were enjoyed be- fore the bus began its eventful homeward trip; for which any further details desired, may be had fromn members of the C.K. Couples Club. The Couples Club Familv party is planned for May il, Saturday ArRalor Steamnship T1CK E T S TO EVERI'WHEREI URY & LOVELL J15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 BowvnanvilleI Robson Pontiac 166 King St. E. Motoirs Cars Bowmanville TrruRSDAY, MAT zna, 193Y evening at Kedron, commencing. with a pot luck supper at 6:45j vhen all couples and their children are invited. TINKER . .. TAILOR ... Soldier . . . Sailor? What wifl your son becomie? Succes or failure? Career or job? It's often just a question of education and training. 1'iake sure your boy gets a good start tawards success. Invest in a Juvenile Assuranoe policy of the Sun Lif e Assurance Com- pany of Canada today. Call Banner Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St Bowmanville« a chuld's touch becomes a with a j ýDPENDABLIE n în 1956 FORD Customlije Coach 1954 METEOR SEDANI A-1 condition - -- $p7 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN $825 1951 BUICK Roadmaster 2-door hardtop, power windows, custom radio, new whitewall tires, dynafloiv transmission just overhauled $995 1950 METEOR COACH $575 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN In A-1i condition__________ $650 1949 PONTIAC COACH $495 1949 CHEVIROLET COACH $525 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN FuIly Att equipped----------49I aI 5 1953 FORD COACH Radio, heater, directionai signais, automatie transmission, new tires, $ 15 a real buy------------ 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN $750 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN $775 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 DODGE SEDAN New tires, customn radio 1949 MONARCH COACH $595 $575 $495 1949 PLYMOUTH COACH $450 In addition we USED TRUCKS 1953 CHEVROLET 1-ton Pick-up This truck is fully overbauei new paint job, new tires, " good plywood body 8 a5 O 1952 CHEVROLET 1/2-on Pick-up 1950 G.M.C. Panel m le $695 ----$475 1953 G.M.C. 1/2-ton Pick-up 1951 CHEVROLET '/-ton Pick-up 1950 FORD %/-ton Pick-up Mu $795. --$5951 m $450 Limited - GMC MA 3-3321 Trucks &3-3322 C.C.M. Dealer O ason & Dale HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Bowmanvllle C.C.M. Dealer NcNiuliy's SPORTS, CYCLE .and TOYS 6 King St. E. Bowmanviile The finest materials and the district's largest display awaits you at Rutter Granite Ca. These are only a few of the many late model used cars tha t we have on our T.sed Car Lot. have many cheaper models. Corne in and look theni over These are only a few of the truck bargains that we are featuring this week - Buick - Vauxhai E,. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m mmmmm . »T'S POWER

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