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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1957, p. 14

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PAGE POURTEEN _____________________________________- -l________' UmTAWTA .M4UlAATJJ? U~ L~ ELL e BUY * TRADE s 141RE e S VI OWYNM s s rt: el av# a LOST a nd FOUND e SIEWm w v CE Àd RELP WAPJTED * EMPLOYM Births COX-,Gerald ahd Lois Cox (nee Dean), are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son,l Gary Steven, on Friday, April 26th, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A baby brotheri for Dean. 18-1 * 'VICE-.-Murray and Faye (nee Gilroy, R .N.), are happy to an- nounce the birth of a soh, Ron- ald Murray on Thursday, April 25th in Oshawa General Hos- jital. A brother for Kathy and Susan. 18-1l Engagements Mn. and Mrs. Peney Burhey, Kendal, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Joyce Marie, to Robent John Bird, son of Mn. and Mrs. E. Bird, Bowrnanville. The mar-1 niage will take place on Satur- day, May 25, at 3 p.m. in Kendal Unitoed Cburch. 1.l Mn. and Mrs. G. R. Powell,11 Peterborough, announce the en- gagement of their daughten Elizabeth E. (Betb), to Mn. Bruce Arthur Baker, son of Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Baker, Cobourg. The marniage to take placel quietly May l7tb at George Street United Church, Peter- borough. 18-1* ý Marriages XEYES - LAKE - Quietly in St. Bartholomews C h u r c h, 'Toronto, Muriel H. Lake, daugh- ter of the late Mrs. Fnank Qib- son and the late A. T. Lake, Newcastle, to William J1. Keyes, sonl of Mn. and Mns. William J. Reyes, Toronto.18* Deaths CROMBIE, Helen Paxton-In Memroial Hospital, Bowmanville on Sunday, Apnil 28tb, 1957, HMelen Paxton Crombie, beloved wifo of George Crombie anc dean mothen of Alex. Andrew, Christine andi Jim, in her 76th vear. Friends wene received at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Hiome, 53 Division St., Bowman- çville, where service was held Tuesday, Apnil ?tb at 2 p.rn Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. GRIFFIN, Richard Bonnet-In Burketon on Monday. Apnîl 29, 1957, Richard Bennet Giffin, be- loved husband of Irene Petens and dean fathen of Verna (Mrs. Fred Samis), Bunketon, Vera (Mrs. Leslie Wotten), Oshawa, Clama (Mrs. Vincent Reddings), Oshawa, Fred of Burketon; Ruby <Mrs. Neil Smith), Columbus; Ceelia <Mrs. Rae Cowling). Whit- by, in his 7lst year. Fiends will bo receiveci at Nortbcutt &Î Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Serv ice on Thursday, May 2nd at 2 p.rn. Interment Hampton Cornetery. 18-11 '1 2 i I In Memoriam HENNING-In loving memnory of our dean husband and father, Williamn A. Henning, who passed %way May th, 1956. Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dean Fond mernories linger every day, Remnembrance keeps himn near. -Lovingly remnernbered by wife and famnily. 18-1l JONES-In loving memory of my dean sister, Alice Maud Jones, who passed away, May 5, 1955. A silent thougbt, a secret tear Keeps that memnory even dean. -Olive and Reg. 18-1* SIM-In loving mnemory of rny friend Mns. Robent Sim who passed away May 5, 1955. Oh happy houns we once, enjoyed How sweet their memnony hold. -Fondly rernernbered by friend Grace. 18-if SIM-In loving memnory of rny dear wife Grace who passed away May 5, 1955. God knew that you wene suffening wr adt And the huis' eehr o' clirnb, So He closed your weany eyelids And whispered Peace bc thine.j -Even rernemnbened by husband Bob. 18-l1I Wanted to Rent Coming E' Bazaar and Tea to Hampton Public Sc] day, May 4 at 2:30 p. of Home and School -The. Ladies of St vents Articles for Sale Articles f or. Sale Cars for Sale Real Estate for Salef] obe held at HAY, approximatoly 800 bales TOP-soil, good quality. Phone 1950 FORD, $250 cash. Don Ad- STORE in Newcastle, modern ýhool, Satur- Phono MA 3-5104. 15-tÏ MA 3-3441. 18-l cock, Hampton. 18-1* front, centnally located. Water, .m. Auspices $2 M Sbc fe lr n od hn 41 Association. NATIONAL rangotte, $200. MNSbccle. Phono er, 1953 HENRY J Corsair in excel- bo n od hn 41.- 18-1 Phono MA 3-3213. 1 8-1 MA 3-2939. 18î-Ï lent condition, îow mileage, 83 white wall tires. One-owner car. LOT for sale, 90' frontage, 200' b t. Andrew's FORD bydrauhie tractor . culti- TWO white wooden lawn chairs. Fred Trewin, Blackstock. 18-.1* deep, on No. 2 Highway nt Mnrle i Church are having-àa Rumrn Sale on Tuesday, May 7th ginning at 2 o'clock in church basement. Home baking sale at Kits Locker, Friday, May 10, at p.m. Sponsored by Hay Church. Advance orders ta] Phone MA 3-2735. Corne again and have ap tîrne at Solina Cornrunity1 ,and dance to the Montgonr Orchestra, Saturday, May Ladies bring lunch. Admisi 50c per person. Bowmanville Choral Soc: presents their Spring Concerý the Town Hall, Friday and( urday, May 10 and 11. As: ing artists: Toronto Rhytl airs Barber Shop Quartet.1 Regular weekly- bingo h Thursdays except third weeP the rnonth which will be h on Tuesdays, in the Union H- 20 regular garnes and a jacki game. No game under $3 Admission 5Oc. Mamrnoth Durham Cou: Political Rally with all cari dates invîted to speak in Bla stock Recreational Centre May 23, Thursday. Sponsoi by County Executive of Ontario Farrners' Union. Eve one is welcorne. 1 The congregation of Elizabel ville United Church wish announce the Dedication Servi of the Centennial Memor. windows on Sunday. Mayà at 3 P.m. Rev. P. F. Gardin presiding minister, with Rev. F. Lane of Madoc, guest spea er. Everyone welcome. 18 The Easter Parade is over, come, enjoy yourselves in ye oldest clothes. A hardtirne dar at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, May Hallroyd's Orchestra. G o sports in poor clothes, 50c; po sports in good clothes. 75c. Pri for wo r st dressed coup Sponsored by Hall Board. 17 ,nagei Lbe- , the1 18-1 son's 2:00 tdoni iken. 18-1 good1 Hall i riery 4th. ;siond 17-23 iety1 't ins Sat-3 ýsist- hm- C 18-2 i held k inS hehd ir :pot .00.s 2-tfw - Iý ck- 1V on K )red - theS th- .to Y( ice w rial vi àth - ,ner H. .J. Pl ak- Pl 8-1 3- o FI our dlý nce en j4. 34 od T ,ize roi le. Or 7-2 Be sure to attend the Liboral meeting in Orono Township Hall on Friday, May 3md, ai 9 o'clock, when the Right Hon. James G. Gardiner, Canada's Minister of Agriculture will out- lino the government's policy on agriculture. John M. James, Liberal candidate, will also adi- dress the gathering. 17-2 Newtonville United Cburch Wornan's Association An n i- versary Service, Sunday oven- ing, May 26th at 7:30 p.rn. Mrs. E. Argue, guest speaker, assisted by Mn. Robent Gay. Special m rusic by Bowrnanville Ladies' jQuartette. Tuesday evoning, May 28th a church supper wil be serveci fnom 5 p.rn. until al are served. Everyone welcome. 18-1 Members of Florence Nigbtin- gale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F.*. Beebive Rebekah Lodge, and vîsîtîng members will attend Divine Service in Trinity United Cburch, Bowranvile on Sun- day, May 5tb at il a.m., D.S.T. Membens will meet at hodge noom, King St. E. at 10.30 a.rn. andi panade will be led by Bow- manville Legion Pipe Bandi. A cordial invitation is extendeci to visiting brethnen. 18-1 Lost IN Bowmanville, mnan's glasses and case, plastic frames. Phone MA 3-3660. 18-1* BLACK leather key case with car license tab attached. Please Pbone MA 3-3161. 18-1* WHITE andi tan male hound. Soutb-west district Pontypool. Phone MA 3-2565. 18-1* HOUND, large male, black, white bnown, spotted; nean Leskard. Answers to Freckles. Phone Oshawa RA 5-5992. 18-1 TWO $10 bills, Friday5 p.m., between Pvost Office and Higgon Electric. Reward for youn bonesty. Return to Statesman office, 18-1 V - -L - vator. 162 lak 8--2*I Phone MA 3-2843. BABY carniage in good con- dition, $25. Phone MA 3-3663. 18-1* HEAVY duty electric range, reasonable. Phone MA 3j5132. 18-1*' 7,000 FEET dressed, dry, pi1ne lumber. Phone MA 3-2620 even- ings. 18-1* ALSCO aluminum windows and doors. Lorne Allun. Phone MA 3-3871. 17-2* TWO cribs, natural finish with spring mattresses. Phone MA 3-5959. 18-1 GARDEN tractor, cultivator and disc, in good condition. Phone Blackstock 17 r 3. 18-1 SEVEN-foot Cockshutt power nower, cut 35 acres. Phone 83 r 1-3, Blackstock. 18-1 SPECIAL - Outside Plantation white paint, $1.25 qt. and $3.95 gallon. Lander Hardware. 16-3 F'LOOR polisher for rent at Vlason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bownanville. 13-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from null to you. Phillips Lurnber Co., Kinrnount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut autornatically, while 'ou wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowrnan- ville. 46-tf lARD andi sof t waten delivereci. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. Phone MAnket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf 'INDLAY combination gas andi ,a1 stove, good condition; kitcb-j m table andi chairs. Phone MAI -3313. 18-.1* WO almost new open sheds, ;5 ft. long; 9 ft. flat aiurninum oof. Fred Lycett. Telephonei rono 11716, 16-tf MECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt .rvice to electrical appliargjes, arge and small. Lander Hard- ïare. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf )0 your own floors-Rent a ander or a floor polisher from ,nder Hardware, 7 King St. E., ýwmanvi1le. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf l'SULATION, blowing method, ith rock wool. Workmanship uaranteed. F r e e estimates. 20.r L. Wade. Phone Clarke NE thousand square bales of od mixed hay. Fred Raby, e mile east of Newtonville on ghway No. 2. Phone Clarke 120. 18-1 la sD' sa Bq w: Hi 24 O1 go on Hi EXCHANGE 200 bus. choice oats grown fnom registereci stock for young catthe, beef breed. Morelanci Farm, Enfield. MA 3-2417. 18-1 HEARING aid service, testing service andi complote stock of batteries and cords at Higgoni Electric Limiteci, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf DISCONTINUJED lino of rnen's quality shoes. Regular $9.95 and $10.95, while they hast $6.95. Sizes 7 to 11. John Stutt Shoos andi Luggage, 15 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. 1- ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registens, choque writers, [filing cabinets, office furniture, nexv and used. Repains to al rnakes. Walter Frank, 177 Chunch St., Bowmanviile. MA 3-3986. 14-tf EQUIP your bouse with Nash alurninum combination doors and windows, ail colours. Our representative wiil give vou free estimates. Lander hardware, 7 King Si. E., Bowrnanville. Tele- phono MA 3-5774. 10-tf MORRIS Co. have been appoint- ed Singer Sewing Machine me- presentatives for the Bowman- rville district. Corne in andi 500 a Singer-the finest in sowing bacines. Various attachments 1 also in stock. Telephone MA 18-1l ahi con- 18-1 'iair~ tmp- 18-1 ,ver- ione 8-1* pire, one 18-1 mat, size 18-1 six- J. 1 8 -1 ina- ýood cof- en) one »iCe St. Ine 1fs. t ne ck- 11 in ees île lq 8-1 ,eh; er M ors 1* nd his w 20 ,rti -tf CEDAR trees for hedges, sizes. Phone MA 3-2298.1 BOAT, 8-ft. pram, goodc dition. Apply 60 Queen St. ONE large crib and high ch cheap. Apply MacNeil, Har ton.1 LLOYD' baby carniage, sul grey, good condition. Ph( MA 3-3224. 18 STRAWBERRY plants-Empj Dorset, Catskill, etc. Telephc MA 3-2552.1 LADY'S navy all-weather cc also beige spring coat, boths 14. Phone MA 3-2173. li SPRAY-EROOM, Hardy, s nozzle, used one year. H. Brooks. Phone MA 3-3961. USED Gurney stove, combir tion wood and electric, go condition. Apply 10 Ontario -ONE good used refrigerator, C( fee table, bed, table (kitche and 4 chairs, linoleum. Pho MA 3-5909. 18- PLANT perennials now. Choi selection, three for $1,00; a] shrubs. Mrs. C. E. Abrarns, 1 ý George St. 18 BOY'S Royal Blue gabardi suit witb two pairs of pan' Size 16 years, like new. Phci MArket 3-3126. 18- ONE set of two-section Co< shutt spring-tooth harrow good condition, also cedar trE suitable for hedges. Orvi' Hindman. MA: 3-5225. 1l OLIVER spreader, new, on steg a real bargain. Oliver spreac on rubber, used. New tracto and eciuiprnent. Virtue's Garai Tyrone. Phone MA 3-2882. 18- NOW is the time to protecta your plants against pests an disease. We can perform th service for you with our ne, Solo sprayer. Phone Fritz Mar Nursery, MA 3-5012. 18.1 SMOKE Sale-Chesterfields an chairs. This merchandise he been cleaned by Nu-Way Clear ers and is priced to seli. Trade in allowance. Used: dining-roor table, two steel beds, sprni and mattresses, complete; studi couch, rangettes and washer! Murphy Co., King W. Telephon MArket 3-3781. 18-1 Garden Tractors - Roto-Tiller and Power Mowers Appiy FERGUSONS B.A. SERVICE STATION 3 Miles East of Taunton Your local Waterloo Dealer Telephone MArket 3-2975 17- nd las In- ig rs n4 Decorating *For the Finest Paints *For the Latest Paperu *For the Beat Workmanshlp S. G. Preston & son MA 3-591Z2 hoe MA 3-3701 44-tf CIA is FIRST in Ontario to offer Exfended Medical Payments with your auto Insurance. Covers you and your faniily as pedestrians and as passengers in other people's automobiles. For details and rate, see: Howard Foley King St. W. Bowmanville Co-operators Insurance Ac. çqnriai ieu ONE or two furnisbed roorns ror rient 5ao.4-fIaatl immediately. Please neply giv- DRAPERIES and venetian blinds________ ing location, paticulars, etc. HEATED apantment, suitable for custom made or draperies sold Write Box 658 c/o Canadianadults. Phone MA 3-5784. 18-1* by the vard. Ourn T1YI7tie AW roomed apartment1i-nwiîî caîl at yorhome any time FIVE- romed aparmenti nwithl a complete range of saîlvles Stewart's Super Gi \Vantecl ta Buy Hampton. Phone MA 3-2778. and suggestions without obliga- Consists entirely _____________________18-1 tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. finest dwarf, pi HOUSE organ, must be in good iSMALL garden available at 109 BW Teleho 4Anet3309 evengreen grassesJ condition. Phone MA 3-2669.1 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3616. Bwnnil.4-f dense lawn. 18-1~ 18-1 SPECIAL-8.2 cubic foot Inter- IReg. $1.15 lb. USE 1, inegae nd vie OURROM iat al nsde national refrigerator, regular Stewart's Terracel awn g1te. Phoe Mean3-5116 conveniences fatBeach. Phne 33, now only $224; dehuxe lawn gat. Phone MA 3- 2875. 18-1csEatBech Po electnic range, 24-inch size, reg- A blend of quickg 18_-1 MA 3-2875. 18-________ ular $245 for $195; used Easy es that produce a ACCORDION, 120 bas,, on 48,1 TWO-noom apartment in new Spindry washer, onhy $69.50 at pact, lasting turf c good condition. Phone MAnket h orne, witb conveniences. Apply Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King Reg. 90c lb. 3-5141. 17-2I 101 Scugog St. 17-2 St. E.. Bowmanville. Phone Stewart', Special 1 ]RGHSTprce pidfo lvePSTREfo 2 hadofcatl.MA 3-5689. 18-1 An ceconorical bi. }IIGHET pnics pai for lve PATURE fre20nead ofcattl poultry, goose feathers, feather Phil Dost, Newvcastle R.R. 2 FREE-Rubber-tired wbeelban- fami enimm fcve a ticks, scrap mron, rags, metals Phone 2157. 18-i1i'ow wîtb the punchase of every mnmmo ae adrwfurs. Phone RA 3-204a Maxwell Swirlcut 18-inch power Stewart's Bat Osharaw olet.4-t APARTMVENT, 3 rooms and lawn mower, 2 cycle engine with or Cottage 1 Ohwclct48 bath, suitable for business recoil starter, complete, on ly $95.A strong, quick grc A.LL kinds of live poultry want- couple, no cbildren. Telephone Other Maxwell power mowers 1 to stand up under ed. Top Toronto prices paid at MA 3-5609. 18-1 only $59.50 at Cowan Equiprnent Gu aranteed free of your door for large or small - Co., 134 King St. È., Bowman-lIanci 'Kentucky3. auantities. We have our own IN Bowmanville, 4-roorned up- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 18-1il ' rnarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. stair apantment, separate bath- ----=1 lM. 45 1. Phone collect to Betban 1 noom a nd entrance, beated, May USED Farm Equipment-Mc- 10 lbs. 42!.e lb. Il r 13. 28-t . fI15;suitable for 3 adults. W rite Comick W-6 diesel tractor, com- rs Got 13. ~8-tf Box 657, c/o Canadian States- pletely ovenbauled. McCormickFrhGot Pesnlman. 18-2* W-4 tractor, Farmaîl Super A BULK GARDE: ____________________ tractor, Farmal H" tracton, CERTIFIED SEEIJ -LOWER apartment, The Octa- Massey-Harris "22" tractor, John XYG NIC sup lie - (Ru ber gon 4 Di isi n S . L vi g- eer 7-oo ta dem dis sInter- I LAW N and IG goods) mnailed postpaid in plain noom, hardwood floor and f ire- national 2-turrow plougb, Mas- FERTIELIZ »alsed envelope with price list. place. Two bedrooms. modern sey-Harris disc plough. Cowan à Six saznples 25c, 24 samples! kitchen, tiied bath, beateci. Utl- Equipment Co.. International " W R $1.00. Mail Orden Dept. T-98 'ity noorn in basement. Apply Harvester Farmn Equipment TE A T'S iNov.-Rubber Co., Box 91: Ram.. I Stewart James. Phone MAnket Dealen, 134 King St. E. Phone 33 Division St. tO2. Ont. 1-&2 3-56810 18-tl MiA 3-5089, -aAA'JA& 18-1 ;rowth Mixture of only the Perennial and for a beautiful -- 1 lb, 95e Brand Mixture growing grass- tsmooth, com- of fine quality. - ----1 b. 76e Lawn Mixture lnd. giving a ýd nequining a -----1 lb. 60e tk Yard Mixture owing mixture1 br ard usage. 'fTaîl Fescue' 25 lbs. 4@e lbi. Tested N SEEDS 1 POTATOES ARDEN ZERS SEEDS Bowmaaville 17-t f1946 G.M.C. tow truck, Power winch andi accossonios, $595;- beavy duty trailer, racks 7 x 10, $125; farm wagon, $75. Phone MA 3-2730. 18-1 1951 DoLUXE Pontiac sedan, extra good condition, twenty-sîx thousand miles, eight bundred fifty cash. Stanley Malcolm. Phone Bl-ackstock 66 r 4. 18-1 * '55 CHEV. V8, tudor, two-tone yellow and white, showroom condition, washers, signais, back- up lights, clock, how mileage; pniceci nigbt. MA 3-3410. 18-1' USED cars and trucks-1954 Plymnouth sedan, 1953 Plymnouth station wagon, 1953 Ford 2-door, 1951 Olcismobile Rocket "88" with autornatic transmission. Useci trucks 1952 G.M.C. 3-ton dump, 1952 G.M.C. '/ý-ton,..Cow- an Equiprnent Co., 134 King St. PALMER MOTOR SALES 1954 PONTIAC 4-door SEDAN New 2-tone Paint 1953 CHEVROLET Special 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 PLYMOUTH'Speclal 4-Dr. Sedan wlth Hydrive 1953 DODGE CLUB COUPE New 2-tone Paint Radio and Overdrive [953 METEOR CUSTOM 4-Dr.1 Sedan 2-tone Metallie Paint 1953 OLDSMOBILE "ý88" Sedan Radio and Automatle Transmission 1949 FORD 2-Dr. with Radio Used Trucks 1954, FARGO 1/2-ton Express Pl Bowmanvllle-- PALMER MOTOR SALES 'lYmouth - Chrysler Cars Fargo Trucks King St. E. MA 3-54871 Pets for Sale TWO maie Collie puppies. Harvey Malcolm. Phone 83 r 1-1 Blackstock. 18-1 Livestock for Sale GOOD stockons, 43 Black Angus steers, 700 lbs, Dorreli Bros., Blackstock. 18-1 TWO five-yean-old. Holstein cows due in a. week. Tehephono' Newcastle 2106. 18-1 PUREBRED Hereford bull, one year old. E. G. Power, Orono. Phono 9 n 10. 18-1 FRESH cows andi seme due to freshen soon, also sorno veal calves. Apply Z. J. Benscbop. Phone MA 3-2926. 18-3 Hielp Wanted WOMAN for one day a week, general cleaning. Phone MA 3-5913. 18-1 LADY for general bousework. Sleep in proferreci. Telephone MA 3-3391. 18-1 GIRL to assist in beauty salon 2 days a weelc. Phono MA 3-5972 after 3, Saturday afternoon. 18-.1* SINGLE man on boy for dairy farm. Good wages andi hours. M. H. Pedwell. Phono New- castle 3851. 18-11 GIRL for general office work. Please apply in writing te Van- stone Flour & Feeci Miii, Drawer KC, Bownanville. 8-1* EINDLY wôman, Monday to F'iday, to cane for two srnall boys wbile mother works. Ap- ply to 10 Ontario St. 18-1 PART-time oxperienceci typist, for Bowrnanville industny; short- hand an asset; fernale. Write1 3ox 659, c/o Canadian States- mlan. 18-1Il r 'j J I e F c TEACHER (Protestant) for S. S. No. 1, Manvers (Yeiverton Public School), on Higbway 7A. Duties to commence Sept. 3rd, 957. Please state qualifications, etc., in application. Gordon E. Robinson, Sec'y-Treas, S. S. 1, Manvers, R. R. 2. Janetviiie, Ont. lZ-2 WEare intenesteci to bear fnom al of you as we have the best proposition for arnbitious pens- ons, but especially if you're liv- ing, in Bowrnanville andi sur- roundings you would bave evenytbing to gain by getting in touch îvitb us at once. You may be the rigbt man for us. Op- portunities for everybody but the diligent one will get it! 1600 Delonimien, Dept. 63, Station C, Montreal. 18-41 WANTED Telephone Operators Orono Telephone Co. Phone Orono 300 for Interview Alter 5 p.m.* Phone Orono 180 Good Hours - Good Wages for the right girls 18-2 Grove. Beautiful location, high and dry, ready for building.1 'Priced to seli. Call Oshawa RA 8-8833. 18-tf BUNGALOW, six-roomed brick, four years old, lanidscaped corn- er lot; cernent floored garage; alurninum storm windows and screens, o11 and hot water heat- ing, rotor TV antenna and many other extras. Phone MArket 3-3198. 18-1 j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks forth of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf $15,500, WOODVILLE, Highway 46-100 acres dlay loarn, bank barn, stone foundation, concrete floor, hydro, water, implernent house, hen house, insul brick house, 7 roorns, basement; 13 rnilk cows, 8 young cattle, hens, tracton and implements, hay and straw. Shipping rnilk. Terms arranged. Immediate possession. Jas. Ryan, Broker, Cannington. Phone 99. 17-2 THREE bedroorn, attached gar- age, brick and stone ranch type bungalow, hardwood floors, til- ed, foun-piece bathroom, fore air heating with oil. Neaning icompletion, 33 Southway Drive. Three bedroom, double attached garage, brick and stone bunga- low with finished basement, fine- place and book cases in recrea- tion roorn, bot water with oul heating throughout, laundry and wash room in basement, seven years old. J. J. Flett, 27 Centre Street, Bowmanville. 18-1l McQuay Real Estie Brick bouses built- on Veterans Avenue, Maple Grove, frorn $9.750. Close to scbool, churcb andi higbway. 200 acre dairy fanm in Clarke tTownship. Beautiful stone bouse jwith ail convoniences. Barns 97 x 30 andi 70 x 36. Three good trout streams. Only $28.000 with terms. Many more farms, acreages, orchards, lots, etc., to choose Walt er Frank 177 Church Street, Bowmanville MArket 3-3986 Representing MeQUAY REAL ESTATE 18-1l Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $500 down for thîs 6-room brick home in Bowmanville, 13/ acres of land. Full pnice $7,000. $3;.500 full price for this 5- room cottage on View Lake, cornpletely furnushed. Good boat included. $2,500 down, easv terms on balance, new three-bedroorn brick home in Bowmanvuhle. New garage, 2,000' floor space, cornpletehy equipped, Ford car and tractor franchise. About $8,000 in stock inchuded. Othier buildings. Only $28,000 to close estate. 100 acres level land, 30,000 Scotch pine. Open for offer. Dairy farrn, beautiful build- ings, milk contract, lake front- age. Pnice and terrns arranged. Many more properties of ahi kinds. 52 King St. W. Bowmanviile MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna 18-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres on paved road, close to village, large pressed brick house, bank barn, implernent shed, 20 acres fahi wheat, 30 acres new seeding, 10 acres hard- wood bush. Owner has other business and is ready to sacrifice this fanm at $14.000. $3,000 down. 110 acres, 7 room frame house, bank barn 40' x 65', cernent fhoons, water, etc. 75 acres plow- ed ready for crop, close to1 school and church. For irnred- ate sale, $8.500 with $1,500 cash. Money to loan. H. C. PEDWELL, BrGker NJewcastle Phone 3853 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 280 acre farrn, frame house, new barn 40 x 80, 1 mile river frontage. Pnice $ 10,300.00 Down $3,000.00. 200 acre dairy farm, 7 room frame bouse, bath, funnace, barný 100 x 34, 6 can mihk quota. Price $18.000. Down payment arrang- ed. 100 acre 2-apartment house, well bui]t barn, never-failing creek. good location. Price $11,500. Only $2,500.00 to pay down. 20 acres, no building. neyer faiîing stream, facingz 401 clov- erleaf. Price $5,250.00. Easy terms. «I acre.s in Hampton, good garden land, excellent location. Price $2,000.00. Smahl fanm, 2-acre pond, ideal for summer resort, 10 roomi frame bouse, bank barn. Pnice olv $9,500.00 Terms. *7 roorn tramne bouse, part base- ment, bath. Pnicé $4,500. Only $750 to, par. down. Newcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 Salesman J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Phone MArket 3-2035 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER Beautiful four-roomed brick bungalow, alrnost new, with garage. Hampton, six room frarne, con- veniences, garage. Owner trans- ferred. Two acre property in town with seven room house, con- 'eniences. Srnall barn with chicken pen above. Attention 'eterans. Newtonville, six roomed house, go. 2 Highway, on 3 acres, water pressure, toilet, oul furnace. $6,500 with $1,000 cash down. Hampton area, four room Iame on large lot. Asking $5,900 with $800 cash down. Six room cottage at Pontypool. ý,sking $1.650 with $500 cash lown. We have some local farms for mur inspection. Loans arranged on nice proper- es. 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3230 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 4-roorn new frarne bungalow on 1 acre, town water, 4-piece rnodern bath, hardwood and tile floors, forced air heating, with oil furnace, modern kitchen, heavy wiring, insulated, double. garage,.rnany extras. Priced to sell. 6-room storey and haîf, insul bric, rnodern kitchen, built-in cupboards, 4-piece bath, partly finished, large heater with ther- mostat heats the whohe house, fuhly insulated, tile and inlaid floors, hot and cold water, heavy wiririg, attached garage, good lot, nicely decorated, -good loca- tion, close to school, church and stores. 4-roorn bungalow on No. 2 high- way, hydro, well, chicken house, $4,500. Terrns. Immediate pos- session. 2 acres approxirnatehy -good garden soil with 7-roorn stone house, heavy wiring, double garage, srnall fruit, good road, not too far from Bowrnanvihle. One rnonth possession. $2,000 down. Nice 6-roorn house on East Beach, priced to seil. Possession anranged. Lot on Brown Street with building, heavy wiring. 200 acre farrn, medium soul. good barn, 8-roorn house. 47QenSt. Bowmanville 47 QeenMA 3-5682 fi V CI cI N fi A d( Y. tig DAIRY FARM, 350 acres, 24 acres workable, 2 cneeks, 100': 38' andi 80' x 43' bank barns wit' steel stanchions, water bowli implernent shedis, hon bouses; 1 roorned frame bouse, convorte, for 2 families, with munning hc and colci water, heavy duty wir ied. Has a 10 cans milk quote Pnice $22.000. Terns arranged GENERAL FARM, 100 acre with 93 acres workable, somi good hardwood bush, good banl 1barn, implement shed, handwoo( floors; 9 roorned brick house iheavy wired, bandwood floors LPnice $14.000 with $2.500 down GENERAL FARM, 100 acres 90 acres workable, 10 acres oi mixeci bush, 90' x 30' bank banr with L-sbaped extension, 50' 1 20' implement shedi, hen bouse pig pens, silo; 10 moomeci cemenl block house with oul furnace, 4. piece bath, munning hot andi colh Iwaten, handwood floors. PnicE $17.500. Terms. GENERAL FARM, 150 acre with 110 acres workable, 2C ares with stee stanchio' nsi ares woodcteel, 90' 36' nsi plernent shed; 8 roomeci solic brick bouse witb furnace, heavy duty wined. Close to a bigh- way. Asking $14.000 with a low down payment. Open foi offer. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 140 acres wonkabhe, 50 acres in bush river, good fonces, 70' x 40' bank barn with water bowls, 70' x 18' implement shedi, hon bouse, pig pens, cernent silo; 10 roomed solici brick house with running water, heavy duty wired. Milk bouse witb tank cooler. Can be bought as a going concern. Price including stock and rnacbinery, $25.000. Terns. 6 noornec frame bouse (5 years olci), bouse with full basement, running water and 2 acres of land, garage, etc. Pnice $6.000. Terms. 5 roomed brick veneer, ranch style bungalows in Bowmanville, unden construction, on built to your specification with aillrmod- ern conveniences. Prices $10.500 and up. Low down payrnent. 5 moomed new bungalow witb attached garage, close to Osha- wa witb 4-piece bath, oul furnace, running bot and cold waten, bandwood and tule floors, kitchen cupboands. Nicely decorateci andi landscaped. 1 acre lot. Price $9.500 with $2.500 down. 5 roornec (3 bedrooms) ranch! style bungalow in Bowrnanville1 with bandwood and tile floors, 3-1 piece bath, running bot and cohd water, oul furnace, kitchen cup- boards, picture window. Ahi lanscaped. A sk i ng $9.500. Terms. 8 noorned sohid brick house in Bowrnanville with extra lot, 3- piece bath, fumnace, hardwood and tule floons. nunning bot and cold water, kitchen cupboards. >NiceIy lanciscapeci. G a r a g e. Open for offer. Besides above mentioned we' have approximately 100 more farmsandonest cos r anmsand oestcos rm John F. De With ReaItor and General Insurance N7ewcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen:j Donald Mou ntjoy, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm- Port Ilope TU 5.5042 Real Estate for~ Leask Real E ialer,è 4 room new bungalow, pîcture window, brick with stone trirn, large roorns, full basement, oul furnace, air conditioned, alum- inum storrns and scleens, owner leaving town. $10.500. Terms. 5 moom new bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, oul furnace, on a roonu) lot. $9.500. Terms. We have houses, bungalows, farms and lots. Two, storey sevon room house near post 'office on Temporance St. Oul furnace, good lot, terms or reasonable cash offer accept- ed. To chose an estate. Lot 50' x 150'. Excellent loca- tion on Scugog St. Sewen and waten. Phone Bihl Leask, MA 3-5919. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E, Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 7 roorns, brick veneer, north section of town, large lot, new furnace, etc. A real beautv! Full price only $10,500. $3,000 down. $5.000 down buys beautiful brick home on Church St. Ab- solutely modern in every way. Corne and see it! Don't be late! 41/2 acres of land and large 7 roomn frarne house in Bowman- ville. Beautiful location, sub- dividing possibilities. O nliy $10.500 with, haîf cash or V.L.A. Hornes are selling at their best at present. Please list with us for prornpt service. Two bedroorn frarne bunga- low, oil heating, four-piece bath, attached garage, extra lot, veryv desirable location. Only $9.500. Tenders Wanted Tenders are requested for painting Trinity United Church, Bowrnanville. All tenders to be in by May 25th, 1957. Lowest or any tender flot necessarihy ac- cepted. For specifications or other information contact «M. J. Elliott, MA 3-5795. 18-1 Roof to be repaired, approx-, irnately two pieces, 10 > -,. square each. The present slàte to be replaced by laminated surface. Contact J. F. Gibbs, Tyrone, or F. L. Byam, Tyronç, Tendeersswill be received by' the unesgned until Thursda« -ý 12 o'clock noon, May 9th, for. washing walhs and paqI4 '9 the interuor walls and extenl A ood- work at the Port Hope geJgstrv) Office. Lowest or an3' tender not necessarily accepted.. K. Syrnons, Clerk of the United Counties of Northumberland and *sITenders will be received up ta> te p.m., May 13th, for the paint- ýk ing of the extenior of the Bow- ýd manville High School. Funther e, particulars rnay be obtained at S. tbe schooi office. Lowest on any 1. tender not necessarily accepted. , Work to be completed before if August lSth. Tenders ta be sent Il to: Mn. L. A. Parker. Chairman' x Property Cornrittee, Bowman- , ville, Ont. . -18-2 Lt Tenders will be received by dthe undersigned until Thursday) 1 2 o'clock noon, May 9th, for the installation of an oul burnîng suni t in the present boiher at the 0Counties' Goal, Cobout'g. Tend- Ser to specify type and capacity -of unit and to include ail costs jof installation including draft, etc. Lowest on any tender not necessanily accepted. K. Symons, Clerk, United Counties of North- Eumbeland and Durham. 18-1 Room and Board TWO gentlemen te share room. reasonable; quiet home. Phone MA 3-5195. 18-1 Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked Up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fanm. Tyrone. 26-tf >. The Canadian Statesman 4 >~ CLASSIFIED :ADVERTISING de RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE d VFOR RElIT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE SLOST . FOUN» .ETC. , 4.CashBRat* - * * 4c r word 4, with a minimum ,fr,,c 4.Must be paid by date of insertion. . charged, an odditionai 25c 4 w iIi be odded. 4 4.A charge of 25c will h. made foi . c. il replies directed to this office. <* .NOTICES - COMINO EVENTS ,. AND CARDS OF THANKS 4 4.c4 a word with a minimum ci ' X $1 S.00J for 25 words or Jesn 4SIRTIIS ENGAGEMENTS 4 4. MARRIAGES - DEATRI ' $. 1.00 POr insertion IN 1<MEMORIAMS y 31.00 plus 10c a lino for ~. .P. Display C]assified at $1.50 1. inch with a minimum 010" à 9. Additiunal insertions ot the dIe4 * rate%,. XI Al Cassified Adi must b. i 4 2 thi.coffice not loter thon 4 * 12ock noon. Wdn.sday. 4 4.S.nd cash, stamps or money ordex 4 è> ond gove money. . Clip tht. out for hondy referenco e A. ,9 4. OFFICE ROURS 4. 4onday throuqh Friday 8. :30 o.m. to 5 P.m. 4. Saturdoy 8:30 o.m. to 12 Noon orDia] MArkst 3-3303 - -'s - ~- '- -~-' --.~-~--~-.'~ s' 't'-' a-- ~ -.rziuztb.uAy, mAy zna, 1957 -t 1 £NT DE immuRTUNITIES 1 De With Real Esfafe i - 1 i - 1 ---. 1 0 THE CANAIDLAN STATZ81WAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAwm Real Estate for Sale Used Cars

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