THURSDAY. MAT 2nd. lIS? T1~E CA1~ÀD!A~ STAI'ESMAN. EOWMMqv1LT~. 0~TARIO Cards of ThcmIçs My ~ere thanks -for cards. flpwers \ýandal the kindness I tteived while ini hospital. E. Hallowell. 1 .i~' like to thank the nuxW oN,,-Memorial Hospital, Shiloh W.A., the Ist Newton- ville Girl Guides and ail those who sent cards and flowers dur- ing mny stay in hospiati. Mr. H. L. Trim. 18-1* My sincere thanks ta Drs. Hubbard, Gill and MeLean and the staff of the Oshawa Hos- ipital and to those who sent carda and gifts after my recent operation. Violet Colwell. 18-1* I wouid like to thank al MY relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and messages sent to me while in Hospital and at home. A special thanks ta Dr. Miklos and special nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowrnan vil le. Mrs. Aima Tamblyn. We wish to extend special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and the staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for the tender- ness shown ta aur beloved littie son during his illness and death, also ta our many friends for cards, sympathy and floral tributes. Bill and Joyce Semhlitch. 18-1 Niekerson, Mrs. Florence - Mere words are inadequate ta express our gratitude. To each and everyone wvho has helped us through these days of sorrow. %ith beautiful flowers, words of sympathy, and deeds of infinite kindness, we can only say *Thank you sa much". Mr. J. F. Nickerson and Family. 18-1 Special thanks to Dr. Mc- Kerizie, Rev. Kitchen, nurses and staff ai Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for their kindness. I will always remember Heath- er Rebekah Lodge and friends who kindly remernbered me with cards and visits during my stayin hospital. Sincere thanks. Mrs, Neil Smith, Orono. 18-1 1 would like ta express my e hnk ta Drs. Austin, icenzie and Rundie. Special nurses Mrs. Davey and Mrs. Je ifs, nurses and staff ai the Memorial Hospital for their kindness shown me during my rec - illness. Many thanks ta ail '* ~ relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, cards and gifts and the many acts of thauightfulness shown me and iny Pm1y&l whi]e in the hospita] an(d IShice my return home. Mrs. Clarence Yeo. 18-1 In the.5ýpst of aur sorraw we wish eexpress aur heart- felt thanlcs înd appreciation ta aur many relatives, friends and neighbours, for their kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a beloved mother Amelia Blewett Bradley Thampson. We especially wvsh ta thank Rev. J. Kitchen for his consoling words, aIl the donars of the manv beautiful floral offerings, -als o Dr. A. F. McKenzie, special nurses, Mrs. K. Squair, Mrs. Ray Dilling, Mrs. E. Graham, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, patients af Ward 38, Anne and Garf Barrett for ail their kind- ness. the F. F. Morris Fumeral Home for their kind, efficient management of the services. The Famiiv. Aima, Vanda and Keith. 18-1 For Sale- by Tender ' Tenders w~ill be received bv the undemsigned Solicitor up to Satujday, the 18th day of May 1957 for the purchase af the COTTAGE PROPERTY of the late Mr. F. J. Hall on Lake Chandos, near Apsley, in Lot 6, Concession 7. Townhi of Chandos. This propemty consists of a 4- roomed frame cottage and a 3- raamed frame cottage aver boat- bouse, bath furnished, and a garage and ice bouse combined, with about 170O feet frontage on Lake Chandos. Ternis: I10% of price mwith tender, balance ta be paid in cash on ciosing; closing date ta be arangcd. Highest or ans' tender not necessaril 'v accepted. For inspcct ion appl.v ta Hlarrxy Tanner, ApsIcey, Ontario. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Orono, Ont. Solicitor for the Vendors. 18-2 Receptions Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy. 641I Church St., xii be at horne tn their relatives. friends and neighbors on Mav 4, 3 ta 5 and 7:30 ta 9:30. on the occasion of their Fifticth Wedding Anni- versary. 17-24 Mrs. Herbert E. Tinti il ho at home ta hier fionds and relatives on Saturdav, May i1, 1957, fram 3 ta 5 p.m. and 7 ta ý%n nthe occasion oailier birthday at the home ai lier à1~Jhter Mrs. Percy Deweli, Hampton. 18-1 ieyeninq Dlackathe w ctt"s csudbjy la" y d Action. M'hen ki&.eys jet out cf order, atu tsad i tiadurmauamin wthe systemu Then backathe, dis*tabed ruti or tattied-out &M ld heahadod feeing suy 800 folI@w. Tbaethe d" Ite 1 k. Dedda Klàey Pilla. Dodd'à s6timit lb. Mdnas 10 nonnai action. Thon you feel bett.r-sleep better-work butter. Get Dedds Kduel Pdinov. ~ Auction Sales 10 Peterborough boats, f uily licensed. three dozen life-saver cushions, gaod used lumber and posts, 9' roli down awning. a variety of other useful articles. No reserve. Terms cash. Sat- urday, May 11. 2 p.m. D.S.T., west end of Village of Bewdley on Highway 28. Wm. J. Challis. 18-2 Having sold bis fan I1 whli soul by public auctian for Mr. S. Hussel on Highway No. 2, one mile east ai Newtonville on Sat- urday, May 4th at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T., al bis housebold furn- iture inciuding 1 nexv Frigidaire, 1 new electric stove; asa, there are 2 young coxvs, 200 boens, 200 baies hay, new separator and many articles tao numerous ta mention. Ternis cash. Lloyd Clysdalo, auctioneer. 18-l* 1 have recehved instructions tram the executors of the estate af the late Ella Jane Beatty ta soul by public auction an Satur- day Mfay llth at lier late resi- dence, Elizabethville: Beilraom. living-room and kitchen furn- iture, Heintzman upriglit piano, Beatty electric xasher. cane bottom chairs, dishes, glassware, etc. Sale at 1:30 sharp, D.S.T. Ternis cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer; Lawrence Harris, clerk. 18-2 Having sold ber property. 1 have been instructed by Miss Verne Milligan ta seli by public auctian on Satumday, May 4th. Main Street, Newcastle, sale ta commence at 10 a.m. and vil continue until eveything bas been sold. Chost ai drawers, sleigh-beds, 6-piece Early Amer- ican pine bedroom suite, lier en- tire stock ai antique china, Franklin stoves, Gone-xitb-the- Wind lamps, dozens af other items. Anyone interested in an- tiques cannat afiord ta miss this sale. Ternis cash. No reserve. Jackç Reid, auctioneer; Lawrence Harris, clerk. P.S.-The above items will be available for your inspection on Friday evening, May 3rd from 7 ta 9 17-2 The undersigned auctianeer xiii sou by public auctian, fanm impienients and sanie hausehold furniture for S. E. Thonipsan, Lot 26, Concesion 6 af Darling- tan Township, I-_' mile north af Eldad Churchi on Saturday, May 4th. Case tractor, four sections ofi harraws, two-furrow tractor plow, disc, twa, spring-taoth bar- row, Massey-Harris mowem, 6-it.: farm wagon, single plaw, Mc- Conmick binder, spray pump, cultivator and grass seeder, dise plow, 36 bee boxes and extractar, 500 chick brooder, oCher chieken feeders, "Woods" deep freeze, 16 cu. ft.: piano, 3-piece chester- field, tolephone table and chair, needie machine, Findlay cook stove, Queboc heater, floor cov- eings an-d many other sinali articles. Farmn sold. Ternis cash. Sale 1.30. Clifford Petb- ick, auctianeer. 18-1j Old Orchard Reduction Sale, Peterboraugh . Exhibition Grounds, May 4, 1957. Thirty head ai Registered Herefords, vaccinated. 7 bulîs. 23 femalos, including Old Orchard Symbol 1H-147 1790. Champion at fivo shows in 1956. A number ai sons and daughters of this good bull. A pomising young bull imported in-dam sired by WHR Cavalier 41st and anc bv WHR Avalan Flash. Ail fernales xxill carry the service ai WHR Lord V e r n, 8th top-selling b u il ($15,000) in WHR's annual Sale 1955, the autstanding son ai Vomn Diamond, inîported froni England at $50,000. This is your opportunity ta introduce English blood into your bord. You will be as impressed by WHR Lard Verin 8th as aIl the other prom- inent cattle men. D. C. Johns- ton, oxvncr; Milton Comnish, herdamian. 17-2 Repairs RADIO and televisioii repaira. Prompt serv'ice. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal makes af refrig,- oratars, domestie and corn.- raercial: mlking coolers. Hig. gon Eloctric Limited. 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Clock Repairs PICK-UP AND'DELIVERY G. A. Brown 192 King St. F. MA 3-5136 BOIVMAN VILLE 18-1 Watch Repairing m a r r's 1 JE WELLERY 43 King 'St. W. MA BOWMA NVILLE 3-54631 50-tf1 1Notice to Creditors 1 IN TH-E MAlTER 0F TH-E ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. JONES, DECEASED; Ail persans having dlaimns against the Estate ai William A. Joncs, late af the Village of Hampton, in the County ai Durhami, Gentleman, xvha died on or about the 4th day ai Marcb, A.D. 1937, are bereby notiiied ta send ta the under- si.gned an or before the 2 ïth day of Ma ', 1957, full particulars of thcir cdamsn. lmmediately afteni the said datte thr, assets of the said dereased wili ho distributed amiong the parties entitled thene- ta, having regard onlv ta cla.ns af which tbey shall thon have notice. DATED at Port Permy, Ontario, this 12th daY af April. A.D. 1957. GREER and KELLY, Box 131. Port Penn.-, Ontario. Solicitors for the above citais. 1. Ads Notices 1. Joseph Frederick Fowier will flot bo responsible for any future debta made in mny wife'si name, Mrs. Fred (Myrtie) Fowl- er. 1- Any persan missed during the door-ta-door Cancer Blitz on Tuesday, April 30, 1957, who wishes ta donate please Phone Mrs. Bert Syer, MA 3-3177 or Mr. Maurice Stephens MA 3-3794 and xve will be pleased ta have a canvasser caîl. 18-1J Gar den Refuse EXtra Garbage iil be picked up Free of Charge on the foilowing days- That portion of the teivn lyigý South ai and including King St. Monrlv. Mnav 11h Ckussimfied St,. PaOul's- Men's Club' Prepcure Dinner for Ladies Work Wantecl RESPONSIBLE young married man, matriculant, wjth chauf- feurs licence desires part-time work 1 ta 5:30 p.m. dally. Gen- erai office and retail experienco.1 What have you? Write Box 60 c/o Canadian Statesmian, Bow- manville. 1- WELDED STEEL FABRICATION BOILER REPAIES Portable Weldlng Equipment IRoss W. Hawke Courtie. Phono RA 5-.2902 17-40 SAVE MONET AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (la rear) 42-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND XEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf BUlldozing and Excavating Wayne Ellioti Newtonville Phono -Clarke 511i TIME FR SPRI 18WOR Thrilling Story of Author "Roughing Ut in the Bush" ------- - - j * 4*** * J* m 4 V.- ** We hav'e received an inquîrv AUl that portion North of King GeerlMasonnru from eole ai aur readers for Street on &AMU AMAA information about Mrs. su- BRCBLOCK or GONCRETE sanna Moodie, authar- af thut Tuesua a y 7th REAIS"o"SRUCUR L ascinating story ai pianeer 1.Ze TEAR rcei n t TeFReCTRAL in Canada contained in r Extra garbage must bepaeinEtsFre book ontitlod "Rougbing tI containers or boxes on the L. Turner the Bush". Mms. Elsie Carmu. boulevard In front of the thers Lunney bas already an- residence.j Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3Z31 swered thé inquiry, direct, but P. O. Box 177 we boIt nîany ai aour readers BOWMANVILLE, 13-tf would bo xnterested in the IVORKS DEPARTMENT story sa wo pass it on ta aur 18-I readers as follows: SALEM IMrs Ss aMoodie ilth REGISTRATION. 0F Dntfrettoptiuksp n ber lufe in Canada, "Rough- per sponsored by theYon Children who each their lufth People's Uini h hrho uan a h oneto birthday during 1957 and who, Friday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. The the six faniaus Strickland ais. live within the town limits are supper xiii ho followed by a tors. Eliza and Agns uhr eligible for Kindex-garten Classes 1 vaiety concert. ai "The Lives ai thne Quaensoai openhng in Septemnber. n idyenng ises Boa1 England", remained in their All parents xvho wish ta have and Gerda Craie xvere IxostessesnaieEgnd sddtw their children attend these at tixeir homne for a shower in others. Catherine <Mrs. Cath- classes, are required ta fil ut hanour of Miss Jane McClure, orine Parr Traill) and Susanua a registration form for each and bridetabe. The room xvas wxha rnarried Lieutenant Joh.a etumn it ta the sclîool on or ho- decorated with pink and white Wedderbumn Dunbar Moodie, fore May 3rd. streamiers and an umnbrella held Registration forns nay be the gifts. Aiter opening Jane obtainod at. each schooi. thanked everyane for their use- Irl" Proof oi age is required for fui and pretty gits. Contestalo a r u' ail beginners. Since local birth %vere en.ioyed aiter whicha records are mado available ta dainty lunch wvas served. aT a e P r scbool officiaIs, oniy those boni Miss Doreen Richards isa o T k Par outside Boxvmanville are requir- patient in Memoriai Hospital. ed ta accompany registration Hope sho xill soon feel botter. In C n e to form with birth certificate. Miss Karen Bell, towp, andIn C ve to (Birth certificates for childron, David Cryderman, Maple Grave, Rev. Philip Romeril ai Black- born ini the province. mas' ho visited xith their cousins, Katby stock whll bo the theme speak~ obtained from the Registrar- and John Twist iast xveek. or at the spring convention ai General ah Ontario, 70 Lombard Mr. F. Blackburn and Glen,' Oshawa Prosbytery Y.P.U. ho- St., Toronto.) iMr L. Welsh, Ronald and Don- ing held in Part Permy United Children who reach their sixth ald and Ray Twist attended the Church this weekend, May 4 brtbday during 1957. who haveOjWhitby - Spokane hockey game and 5. not attended Kindergarten inli1 Toronto last Friday. 'hea h ovnini Bowmanville and wha wish ta hll fte ovnini begin Grade 1 classes in Septem- Ray Twist spent Easter bhl- "Ho Livos". Mr. Romeril will ber are also required ta ho reg- da 'Ys at Mr. mand Mrs. Howard address the gathering an Sat- istered as outlined above. Crydemman's, Maple Grave. urday evening foilowing tbe Scbool attendance is campul- Eric Shackleton spent Easter banquet, on "The Essence a! sory between the ages ai six and holidays with his grandpaments, Our Faith". His subjoct at sixteon years. cmltdMm. and Mrs. Bail, Providence. mamning church service will ho Retumn th'e oped regis- Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Mr. "Our Need: His Respanse" and tratian famm ta the school which and Mrs. E. Twist, Mr. and Mrs. in the evening "Modern Mira- your child xii attend on or L. Welsh attended the Men's clos ai Power." before May 3rd. Canadian Club Ladies' Nigbt at A quartet from the Amica A. M. THOMPSON, 1the Lions Contre on Tuosday Club ai Tinity United Churcli Supervising Principal, evening., will talce part in the proram, Bowmanviile Public Schoois Miss Barbera Grahamn, tawn, adatanfaitesm r 17-2 visited iast week with miss adation will tke patinot- - Grare Blackburn. ationwlltkeprti ti __________________ whhch wiil be con- Chicensfor aleducted on Sunday aiternoon by Rev. M. C. 'Fisher ai Newcastle. CANAIAN Stamted 14lr- rt Instructor Misa Joyce Bullock, Toranto, uîn tested, Day Old andStd National Y. P. Recreat.lan and Chicks. Book orders now frli iI v II' Clure Canvenar, wiU bleed in future deliverv. White Leghornro s I fI I sing-sangs, and athera taking Barred Rock <hast featbering) part in the excellent pragrani and Newv Hamp. X Barred Roc k 11 .1xhich bas been plannedar For ~ ~ ~ "OA Arcelst'it-r hno/f .xbridge Miss Margaret Pellaw, Oshawa. H. J. Brooks. BowmanvielMAc Miss Connie Sis, Belleville, 3-396. 5t.. (nfpreVt-à% Vandu Cfl* va SCon Seed for Sale ELNAR (grow-coated) braind alfalfa. alsa certified Vernal, Climax and Common Timothy, LaSalle and red claver, yellow blossom sweet claver -and orch- ard grass. Registered and comn- mercial Garry oats, Rex high yielding 2-row barley. Phone Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstack 89 r Il. 18-tf Work Wanted GARDENS ta roto-till. Phonel MArket 3-5718. 17-'*1 BRICK and carpentrv ,vork, A number hrmn'here plan ta attend an exhibit aifxvork by the Uxbridge Art Group in the Music Hall, Uxbridge, being held hrorn Fmhday evoning un- tii Sunday aftemnoon, May 3, 4 and 5. Mm. Arnold Hodgkins, A.D.C.A., instructs bath the Boxvmanville Aduit Art Class and the Uxbridge graup. An added attraction at the exhibit will bo a graup ai Cari- adian paintings from the To- ron ta Art Gallery. Everyane inte'rested in art will onjoy see- ing these exhibits. Aitemnoon hours are fain 2 to, 5 and evenings froni 7 ta 10. venar; Glen Larmer, Black- sýtock; Salem Y.P.U. and Cour- tice Y.P.U. Harold Beatty, Lindsay, Conference Y.P.U. President, will. instail the new oificers. Francis Jase is the present president o! the Pros- bytery Y.P.U. A largo attend- ance is haped for. Registration takes place on Saturday at 5.30. Many Win Door Prizes at Demonstration miantels, etc. Phone MArIzet I l1 .Jj I A deinanstration of Elizabeth 3-332. 1 -4- ýýlr. A.Bcechi, Maple Grave] Arden casmetics, sponsored by LARGE lawns bcautifull,,. eut! Mrs. D. Car. Carolyn and Ivan, Durhami Chapter, Omcler oi the %with 24" poN'er moiver. Phono Bo\vrnanville, wemc visiting with Eastern Star, drew a largo MIA 3-3660. 18-1 jMr. and Mrs. H. Omm-iston. Mr. T. Bawmen, Blackstock; crowd ai ladies at the Lionb LAWNS mawed and trimmed, Mrs. H. Weir, London, Mr. R. Community Contre at Wed- reasonable rates. Phono MA Bowman and Richard, Barrie, edyoeig pi 4 3-544 ater6 pn. 84*were at W. Bowman's. Mrs. T. PLUMBING, heating, eaves- Bowvran, Blackstock, is staying Mr. Sadye Bruce, Elizabeth i tougin: feeestmats.Hareywith the W. Bowman's while Arden personal representative, Ptgng: fTroc estiMAte3.22a4veunder lbhe doctor's came, laid fthe audience much oainii- 12t'Mr. and Airs. H. Onmiston terest regarding skin came and _________________________ xisited %vith Mr. and Mns. I. mak.c-up. Miss Mary Jewel BRICKLAYING, vlastering. Nor-, Puckrinl, Whitbyv. acted as a model. inan Pingle. 72 Elgin St.. Bow j Laura Bown ayed afev s.AnStpeo.Nxv nianville. Phone MA 3-55-18. days wîth Barbara Grass at. casente Soteh eonNw- Miss5Gene an arrketr.comed thos@- attcnding and in- Mis Jan anerPeer troduced Mrs. Bruce. Mrs, DRESSMAKING, wamen's and borough. spent the weekeî d Bruce made the big draw of children's clothes, also drapes with Miss Evelyn Pascoe at hem h vnng frabse made. Telephone MA 3-5348. home. te vnng fra bst 18-1 Linda and Marlene Harris vis- fil 1 od with Elizabeth Ar- ited with their grendperents in don bath prepanations, don- BONNIE'S Vindow Cleaners-. the Easter holideys. atod by Jury & Loveli. This Offices, stores, homos. Ail wonk Miss Louise Hartman spent was won by Mrs. Ray Munday. guaranteed. Phono RA 3-4329- Baster at ber home in Enter- Variaus Chapter mrnbers ______________18________1 prise. made the draxvs for doar prizes NEW plaqtering and repairs.! Recent visitons with the which were won by Mrs. Ei- iDoniald and Edgar Prescotts enOdn atHp;Ms Stucca and cernent pastening. lenOdn orioe r A.C. Woods. Phonie Clarkeiwemc: Mr. and Mns. Murray Ruth Mitchell, Mr!s. Marier .23 ~. 4-t Peseott and Susan. Toronto; Mr. Maos. Baxvmanv'ile; Mrm. Fie:- _____r ___04.___________ and NMr.. Allyn Taylor, Bowrnan-, ence Ferguson. Newcastle; Mîý;. LICENSED elecfriciaii for horne Ville: 7\m. and Airs. HosIkin Narman Aluin, Mms. Gmeîai and tarin wii'ing, als-o repains tai Smith, 1-laniDton: Mr. and Mrs. Braw#.n and Mmm. Flornetc Tii- ail mrail applianccs. For prompt i Jiirn H-ami, Linide and Mlarlene, 1 qton, al ai Bow-ranville. attention toalal calIi telephoeneAimoiids. r.%hTeltand MArket 3-2891. 17-2* Mr. and Mrs. G. Bray, Raglan:, Mrs. Be forTer epthkd Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormistan and monruce or bondhladvi e- GUARANTEED repaira toa mli!Mrs. Densern, Bawmanville, vis- onstratlonch ad adve. A mnakes af cars and trucks, ai ted Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. loely luncth, h es sre jobs are guaranteed, campetenti We wish ta extend sympathymebsaiheCptr workmanship, at Coxvan Equip- 1ta the familles ai Mr. R. Griff In, Mmi. Bruce was obtained ment Ca.. Meteor-Memcury Deal-! Union. and MIrs. J. Stpebenson, through the courtesy ai Jury cm. 134 King St. E.. Bowman- Whitbv, who passed axvay e- 1 and Loveil Drug Store, Bow- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-t! cently. ananvillc, came ta Canada in May 1832 Within two weeks of each other, Catherine and hér hus- band landing first. The TraHlis wvont on and settled near their brother, Samuel Strickland on the Otonabeo River abave Pe- terborough near where Lake- field carne ta be. Bath Mrs. Trai and Sam- uel wrote boaka 'an life in Can- ada ton-Samuel, "Twenty-Se- von Years In Canada West", and Mx.s. Traili, "The Back- Woods af Canada", bath ai which are conaidered by auth. arities to gie a f airer picture of backwooods lite. Mrs. Moodie hatod ta beave England, and dlsliked the trialz of ber lie in Canada, though hors were easier in some ways thàn hem aister's. Howvevert "Roughing It In the Bush" bas alway& beeln the more famoUs book. Mrs. Moodie andi her husband baught a farm north of Ci,- bourg, where they had landed. Location of the farm 'vas Lot 28, Concea.7îoon 4, Township ai Hamilton. It was near the boundamy lino between our counties ai Northumberland and Durham. They bad cleared land gll roady for them bore, and an apple orebard, but couldn't get the occupant of the bouse out until the next May. They maved into a shack near- by for the winter, which vas a bard ane. They stayed on this farm from Sept. 1832 ta Feb- ruary, 1834, then nioved ta the Otonabee ta be near Mrs. Moo- die's sister and brother, aiso the Stewaris and othera more of their own class and education. Tbey made the mave in Feb- ruary, 45 miles, In two sleighs. What a jaurnoy! Thore weme -iýý Apariment Io Rent Apartment. ground floor, Eaut aide, Klngsw&y Apart- monts, Chureh St. stove and Refrigerator suppllod. Hard- wood floors. heited. lm- E dt po s so . Ap arty Dead, h andCrippe a lel. Stock Picmad Ip@Fe n har - men. H ur Sri e Phown Clle PETRBROGH - NT Se e the N EW 1957 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS New on di3pil a a 1Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. E. MA 3-34871 The annual Ladies' Night of St. Paul's Men's Club waa an enjoyable afiair held ini thé Sunday Schoal Roomn on Sat-1 utdaY evemng, April 27. Close ta one hundred sat down ta a doliciaus turkty dinner wvhhch wau propared and served by the mon. Rev. Harold and Mrs. Turner wvore at tho head table with Presi. dent Wilbert Teeple and Mr& Tee, .H. Abernethy praposed the toast ta the ladies, in wvhichi ho paid tribute ta the very ini- partant part played by the women in the vark af the cburch. Once a year the nmen take pîtasure in shôwing their appreciatian by preparing and serving a dinner for tbemn, and aisa in the oppartunIty of hav- ing their canpany at a social gatheâ*lng. Mms. Teeple rnide a most graciaus reply an behalf of the ladies. Fallowing dinner, Mm. Wil- frid Carruthers led a sin-song wxhich xvas enjoyed by ail. Mr. Manseli Stacey intro- duced the speaker, Mr. Mel McCoy, sehoal teachor at Burc etan. Mr. McCoy cames froni 26 ONTARIO ST. N. Grand Caynian Island in the West Indies. He was a miss- lonary there jor the Presby- terlan, Baptist, Church af God and Pentecoetal churchea. Mr. McCay la a scout leader in Bowmanville. In his interesting talk, he toid samethlng ai the people and the Islands af the West Indlos which vere discavered by Chriatophor Columbus. Mr. MeCay related much afi nterest cancernhng the periad af Span- ish ride. The people ai the islands are very sincere in thoir religion, the speaker said, and observe Its festivals wîth revemence. On the Saturday evening proceding Communion, which ha observed quartemly as homre, no enter- talning is donc in the homnes. On Sunday the xvomen dress in white fmom head ta tae for the service. Mliss Catherine Lynch played soverai violin selections accam- panhed at the plana by ber mather, Mrs. Stanley Paync. Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers express. ed the tbanks of ail prosont ta Mr. MeCoy, Miss Lynch and two children, girls, the second anl.y 8 nianths old. They took up land in Douro Township, a littie past where Lakelield is now on a widening ai the Otan- abet River known as Lake Kat- chewanooka. They stayed here in. the "bsh, and it was bush thon, for six yoars, thon gave Up the struggle. Moodie had ini- vested money in somne steam- boat stock which nover paid anytbing, and they had a vory hard time, especialiy for peu. pIe who were used ta livinc fairiy we]l and with servants in England. It ivas the hope af making maoney whieh brought Moodie ta Canada, however. They moved ta Belleville in January 1840 %vhere Moodie got an ap pointment as shorifi. Mrs. Moodie wvas a chiof contributor ta the main Canadian maga- zine of the day, "The Literary Garland", and as well, she ani her huýband started a new Canadian monthly Magazine, "The Victoria Magazine" which they managed ta koep going for a y'oar. She wrote a great deal af verse and han had one vol. urne of poems publishod before her marriage in England. She wrate enaugh verse in Canada ta have rnade another twa or three volumes. She wrate sev- eral novels as Nvell. 1 do not have the nanies of theso. A largo number ai the chapt.ers ai "Roughing It In The Bush" appeared as articles in The Lit- erary Garland first. The bokl xvas first published in 1852 and been reprinted many tumes since. Anyone interested will find further information on the Moodios, Stricklands and Stew- arts in G. H. Needler's exce~l- lent book, "Otonabee Pioneers". MA 3-3 New CHOREMASThR Model ... 1%. o 3 HI.P.. . . malce ight work 0 arening and dean-up eaaýc perffctiýpuited for y01W noeda, TlIÎarugged multi.proeChoremiaster case feu efr cultivat- ing, woed and gru eut- ting, haufing, apraying. M$owpiowang andi dozens. of Mrthe"~ MASON & DALE HARDWARE VIsone 408 36 King st. IL. Bowmanvill BOWMANVILLE Town Men Erect 'New Traffic Signs Traffie stop signa are being repiaced at street corners ini Twn at a great expense to taxpayers and anyone damag- ing these ne'v signs will be prosecuted, Police Chiot Erie Smith said recently. The new signs are part af a five-3year program- by tihe Town af Bowmanville ta re- place ail the traffic signs with- in the municipality. This ni>ve is ta camply with a plan 5,,, the Ontario Department of Highways to have uniforni traffic signs throughout the Province for motorista' benefits. New signs being installed are expensive and the taxpay,- er is paying for thcmn, Chiet Smith pointed out. Chief Sinitii bas asked for citizens' ca-op- oration in reporting anyone who is seen damaging the new signs. 91». ON WM GOm luAc1 -4 I THE AIR COOLED ENGINE SHOP EARLE COX, Proprietor Repairs to ail makes of LAWN MOWER - GARDEN TRACTOR and INDUSTRIAL ENGINES POWER NGWER RENTAL MAXWELL CENTENARY 19" Rotary Mowers $ 4 et Special Opening Price 7, with FREE WHEELBARROW Plus a fulli une of Maxwell Rotary, Reel Type and Hand Mowers and Gardon Wheelbarrows. j FARMERS ATTENTION A Demonstration of our new 136 Transplanter will be held ai the farm of Harve y Farrow on Couniy Road 3 miles North of Nswtonville FRIDAY, MAY lOth ai 2 p.m. D.S.T. Corne andi see how simple it às to plant your ti'bacco andi tornatoes wlth 'this automnatic planter. Held under the. direction of your Friendly Cockshutt Dealer LLOYD CLYSDALE NE WTON VILLE I i. A1 t. 's "Il, - Il 'I - - - w 3 lu, J> -, 'e, wtlt rk THURSDAY, MAIt 2nd, 1957 TffE CANAMAN STAT"MAN. BOWW.NVMtr. oTAiuo PAGZ rnpT=n