PAGE arTmpm 9'~ A¶APA '~',v.aAyuPwbmAMP - . - f~. vJ.l JLdr. ONTARIO'HUDAY, MAT 2ld, 1831t Berniard Ingham Top Speller in Ontario Finals The Young Millbrook spelling wiiard, Bernard lngham, who swept the boards in the speli- ing bee held in Dr. Hawkins Sehool, Port Hope, in February by out-spelling 18 select 'coin- petitors in the Durham No. 2 Inspectorate to qualify for the Zone finals, has become On- tario's elementary school champ- ion. Bernard is the son of Mr. Bruce Ingham, a former well known and highly respect&ci teacher nt Bowmanville High Before you drive it home... E-ven the mnoçt carefut driver can bc innocently involved in a crash that damnages property... wrecks his own car or somneone else's . .. injures passengers or pedestrians. Our automobile collision, comprehensive and liabil- ity insurance offers de- pendable protection »gainst ail these risks - -nd others besides.Ask uas for deta ils. STUART R. JAMES, TWO PARIS TRIPS FOR 2 ON PLUS 6 TORO MOWERS ALL YOU DO IS REGISTER IN THE 'TAG -A-TORO"7 PRIZE DR,&WINGf AT Lander Hardware Î 7~ King St. E. MA 3-5774 ENNISKILLEN Mrs. F. Toms. Mrs M. Hobbs, Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs.C Yeo, Enniskillen; Mrs. Kaý Cowling, Haydon, attended 'V A. Presbytery at Newcastle la: Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prockno%, Toronto, were Saturday vj.i ors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruc Reid and familv. AIl attende the Loucks and Pickett wec ding in Ajîax. Mr. and Mrsq. Earl Trewir Doreenl and Donald with M and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshaw; Doreeîf and Donald remaine for a couple of days. Miss Nancy Wood and Mr! S. R. Plethick returned by plan after a week's holidays wit Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Switzei Gates Milîs, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke an famihy, Oshawa, with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter OkiE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorlani visited in Toronto on Thurs day. Miss Joyce Grahamn, Purpi Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. E Toms recently. Mrs. Doug Cale, Helen an( Jeannie, Bowmanville, wer, Tuesday callers at Mr. an( Mrs. A. Werry's. FIS and Mrs. S. R. Kerseý and boys, Toronto, with Mr and Mrs. H. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cawling Blackstock, were Sunday visit ors at Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc Neil's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacut and Joanne, Mrs. Geo. McMul lin, Bowmanville; Mr. Clarenct Woodley, Tyrone, were recen visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G Yeo. Sunday visitors with Mr. anc Mrs. Bruce Reid and famil) were Miss Jean Reid and And) Varny, Toronto; 1bir. and Mrs Bernie Reid, Mrs. Bert Murph3 and Gary, Bowmanville; Mr Leslie Louchs, Oshawa. Mr. And Mrs. E. Trewin Doreen and Donald were Sun- day callers. with A. W. Wrîght',s and YF. Trewin's, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. H-. Ashton, Clare and Douglas and Mr. Aluin Stainton were Wednesday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood. Deepest sympathy is extend- ed ta the family of the late Wm. Lamb, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beck- ett and family, Oshawa; Mm. 0. Beckett and Arvihla, Tyrone; Mr. Elmer Thompson, Meaford, with F. .Beckett's. Mr. and Mrs. K. Lamb, Port Credit: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jun- kmn and Jimmy, Clarkson; Misses Janice Faith and Chr*s; Uine Hetz. Fairview, Penn.; Miss Doreeri Holroyd, Hamnp t on, wcre Sunday visitors of L. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt with Mr. andi Mrs. O. Jeffery, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elli and Beverly, Buffalo, with Mr, and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright is holidaying with Miss Mar- guerite Wright, St. Catharince:. Mrs. Frank Spry, Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. E. Wright's. Miss Doris Wriglit returned home. Mrs. Spry and Harold accoin- panied Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrigat and family who visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Coluin- bus.. Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adais and Wayne, and Ken Herring- ton, Oshawa, with Mr. and MILADY 71 Ring Si. E. Crown Teen Town Queen Margaret Goheen, left, is off icially being crowned Queen of the Prom, by Rer Dilling, 1956 Queen and President of the Teen Town Club, after she was chose: Queen by a panel of judges at the Teen Town Easter Prom held at the Lions CentrE Friday evening. Miss Goheen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goheen, Libert St. N., was presented with an array of elegant gifts which accompany the titie. TL rhinestone crown was donated b Ithe club by Hooper's Jewellery. -Photo by Rehde Local Folks- Held Birthdlay Party in Florida The last of the citizens fromn this district, who spent the winter vacation ir Florida, t10 return home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nesbitt and Mi., Elmer Nesbitt of Nestieton. During their sojourn in the Sunshine State many social gatherings and picnics were held ini which goodl fellowship featured these get together occasions. The above photo shows one of thcsc happy gatherings at Lawry Park, Tampa, on April 7th, in which a surprise birthday party wvas given in honour of Mrs. Mervin Nesbitt. From t4ie left they are: Cordon McKee, Port Perry; Arthur Bailey, Blackstock;, Mrs. Tom Demo, Caesarea; Mrs. Arthur Bailev and Mrs. Fred Bailey, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nesbitt, Nestieton; Mrs. Carman Gudath, Tampa; Mrs. Edgar Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Oshawa; Elmcr Nesbitt, Nestieton; Geo. W. James, Bowmanville; Tom Demo, Caesarea. Those flot shown in the photo who attended the party wcre Mr. and Mrs. LowelI Fallis, Cadmus; Mrs. Gordon McKee, Edgar Horn, Stanley Malcolm and Mrs. Geo. W. James who took the photo. Mis. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Roa'v Wemry and Debbie, Ottawa, spent a feur da 'vs wý%ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. SiîndaY gîtesis with Mm. and Mis. Allan Werryv ere Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong, Michaelj Janet and Bruce, Toronto, Miss irene Fer.-uson1. Osh- awa, with hem parents, Mm. and SHOPPE Bown BRIDE SNAID S'DRE Coniplete with Matching Headdress DRESSES and ACCESSORIE for the woewedding party Mother's Da A good selection Sunday, May 1211 fom which to choose GiUts Wrapped Free ______________________________if purchased the preiousi ranville ~ SSES iyy week. WrIs. C. Ferguson. Miss Winnifred Cole, R.N., Miss Edna Gilbert, Mr. Ward Gilbert, Toronto, visited wiIih Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. tSunday evening callers at A. IWery's were Miss Winnifrt',d Cole, Miss Edna Gilbert, MVr. Ward Gilbert, Torontto. Mrs. F. SprY, Rochester, re- mained for a visit with Mrs. E. Wright and relatives. Miss Kathryn Siemon wih Miss Betty Jane Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, 1Tyrone, were Sat urday evening visitors at Mr. C. Pethick'"s. Mrs. E. Strutt spent a few diays wîth Mr. and Mms.H Strutt and Mr. and Mis. Dic Lott, Oshawa. Sorry to report -Mr. R. Bluett, who had a vemy bad heart at- tack, is in the hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Lamna and Susan were with Mm. and Mrs. Harold Western, Guelph. Mrs. J. Henrv and Miss Dorbi Griffin, Blackstock. accompan-t ied Mr. and Mrs. John E.' Grif-' fin and family ta visit Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls. Sympathy is extended ta hî family of the late Richard Griffin, Union, who passed a wax' Monday night. Mms. 0. C. Ashton and Ch-,r - les spent the Easter ho)lida vs, xvith Mrs. Ash tan's êrothe. rs and farnihirs at Ottawa and East Teînpleton. Que. They aLs,) sittended thc SOth wedding an- niversary of Mrs, Ashton' si aunt; and 'uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell, when Mrs. Ash-1 ton with other nieces assistedi in the dining-room pouming teaj for iome 200 gucsls UNDL'UAL " Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Paeden and -Jean, and Mr. and Mm_ Beirt Thom-pson were guests o!N C N SL Mr.hand Mrcale n sseliaOE CE T S L M.aMrs.KnSpr. and Mrs. George Page, Therteil, Sunday. O m otd Se w r Last week Mr. and Mr-S. Mili-On Ipre tnw e et' an.- family, visited the urm- ium mines near Bancroft. *M N C A T R "MONý 1Mm. and Mms. Lloyd, Toron- > MONACO PATTERN___________ SEM ta, visited their niece, Mr. STEM George Mercer, on Monday af- Kenny Martineil, Rosencath, Hadctb uopa rfse sPent Ille holiday week xith his grandmother. Mrs. Hat tic 1Mýartinel]. Mr:and Mrs. Gardon Liquer 49c ea. 2 Liguer -- lKcnny rcturncd xith he. l- \ine ---------- 49c ea. 2 Wine --- ---- 'lo some of the childmen Eaýý- ter vacation was not too pleas- l uice------------ 49c ea. 2 Juice--------- Bruc eidandDAgne FMercerad aBt.cei and Annge Foscehandi Cocktail ------- 49c ea. 2 Cocktail-------- their tonsils emoved in thc Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Sherbet 49c ea. 2 Sherbet _---- ---- ville, and spent the rcst of thr' holiday rc'ctipemating. Sherbet Plate - 49c ea. 2 Sherbet Plate -- Mm. and Mrs. Alvin ov., Joan and Gardon, visited Sun- 1 Goblet----- 49c ea. 2 Goblet --- dav w îth Mr. and Mms. Ro. - ' Patton and called on Mr. and; ise' "o ----cea ilsener--------- Mrs, Eddie Couroux. er-1-z---4 c e.2Plnr Eddie Couroux underwen t on, operat'on for appendicitis in the AT Memomial Hlospital, Bowmatî- ville on Tuesdax' and hias me- turiecd home but wilt have ta lake Hle esv foir a while. Ra- ' illerli h*in ,, lo" do wh n h 1, Wds O hLý;Ygelting his ncw _O ' houýc r-cadv fo imove into. Mr. and' Mr--. Jaek Neal vis- ited an Sunday wtth Mm. and Jewellery and Gift Shop Mvrs. Artel Langstaff. Junior girls of 12-15 years C 28 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE anca Senior girls of 16-26 yeaï's, -who ùtc intcrested in nice N çý1QLhcýa.c ie iiiitcd tu attend a .,sÈ 'A e...ý ý.ý.' 1 Mrs. Kenneth Rundie and daughters, Salem; Mr. and Mrîs. Shelter and Frankie, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard at. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts'. Mr. and Mrs. MacAlpine and Aileen, Toronto; Mr. and Mr,,. Kenneth Walker and boys, Bowmanville, visited Mr. J. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKenzic and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fontain at Mrs. A. McNeil's and at- tended the Malley - McNeii wedding on Friday at New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett, Dan and Lanny, Bowmanville, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Ginni.y Osmond, Bowmanville, a n d ID awn Thompson, Hampton, also spent a few days with their grandinother. .a Mr. John Verbeek. Bownian- ville; Mr. Jerry Verbeek, Hol- ýn land, visited their sister, Mr. e, and Mrs. Van Heuvelen. Ly Ray Ashton, Toronto, spitnt te the Easter holidays with his m parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Garnet Hoy, Campbell- ford; Mrs. Clayton Read, Bow- manville: Mrs. J. Potts were luncheon guests on Tuesday at Mrs. A. Read's. Mr. and Mms. Wm. Riddelh, Orono; Mrs. Elias Ashton, Maple Grave, visited Mrs. Wm. Tre- Win. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas' White, Hampton, Thursday ev- ening., Mr. George Torrance spent the Easter holidays at Toronto, Rockwood and Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Hovested and daughters, Kinsale, visited Mr'. and - Mrs. Van Heuvelen. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and Mms. K. Cowling at Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford', Port Perry. Mrs. A. MeNeil with hem daughter at Toronto havîng heýr eyes looked after. May W.A. meeting will be held at the home o! Mrs. Arthur Read's on Tuesday af- temnoon, May 7, at 2:30. Please note the change in the day. National Film Board pictures will bc. shown in the chumch on Wednesday evening, May 8, at 7:30. Chîîrch baking sale May 10 at the Locker Plant, Bowman- ville, for particulars see Com- ing Events. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms', *Enniskillen. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read and Lynne and Mr. Henry Ash- *ton weme dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read's on Saturday night. Mrs. K. Cowling attended the W.A. Convention at Newcastle on Thursday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Archie McNeil (Wanda Malley) who were mamried on Fiday. School, anxd Mrs. Ingham who was Doris McConnell, a niece of the late Mrs. B. M. Warnica of Bowmanville. Mrs. Ingham is a B.H.S. graduate. Their 12-year-old son, a grade eight pupil spelled down 15 other finalista in Iess than an hour after he had been disqual- ified at the Eaton Auditorium on Thursday night. He brought victory out of defeat wheri he was ruled out in the spel.ling of "filagree,' but was given a second chance when the judges found that he had used 2n alternate spelling of the word. He won> in the eleventh round when his competitor Eileen McMillan ot Onapin-, near Sudbury failed to speil iridescence. Bernard will receive an en- cyclopedia set, $300 in cash and ; a ten day trip ta Calgary Starn- pede and a trip through the Rockies. The judges were J. F. Kinlin, past president of the Ontario School Inspectors As- sociation, Sister Mary Lenore, president of the Teachers Fed- eration; D. F. Hassard and F. K. Stewart of the Canadian Education Association. meeting at the home of Mrs. Norma.n Kennedy, Sixth Line an Tuesday, May 7th at 7.30. The project for the 4-H Clubs this time is "Sleeping gar- ments" and appears to be very interesting. We hope the girls will avail themselves of this opportunity. Mrs. Luxon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, en- joyed the very pleasant week- end at Mrs. Luxon's summer cottage near Ox Narrows. W.A. Meeting Kendal Woman's Association was held last Wednesday evening in the Sunday School. The ladies were very pleased with the amount of money re- ceived for advertîsing in the cQok book they are getting out and wish ahl the ladies to get their recipes handed in. Plans were also made for catering to the Lions banquet in Orono Tuesday evening. Unfortunate- ly a bad thunder storm came up and disrupted the power. leaving us sitting in the dark so Mrs. Elliott's topic and the lunch had to be dispensed with. Mr. and Mrs. Holland and daughter, Toronto, were at their summer home for the weekend. iDavid Roughley spent the Easter holidays wi th Mrs. Swar- brick and Mrs. Thorne. He re- turned home with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley and Donnie and Freddie Anderson whien they were down. HÀYDON Why Pay More for Good Q ualif y, ALL COLOU] Galon Only $3.25 Paint , RS À' Only Special This Week! Men's or Boys' RUNNING SHOES MEN'S- Sizes f6 to Il BOYS' - Sizes 1 to 5 $149 Pr. $125 Pr. Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 King St. E. Bownanville MA 3-3211 I Uic' (ARE ..ï 50C 50C 50C 50C 50C 50C 5c 1 c Screec/t (9wI By Evelyn Brown LESTER PEARSON Before the holidays began Mr. Lester Pearson spoke ta the students of B.H.S. in as- sembly on the world situation and the part the young people will play in the country's future. DEBATES As part of a programme on the last day of school, the semi- final debate was held. Monîca Schlingensiepen and Marg Van- stone 9F, defeated Karen Me- Arthur and David Milne 9E, on Radio and TV versus News- paper as a news medium. The winner 9F, will campete in the Junior Finals against Howard Rundle and Dan Cat- tran IOD, on which hias the greater influence on the char- acter of young people, the home or the school. This debate wilh be held shortly after the cadet inspection and the Senior Fln- àls. Doug Cattran and Wayne Hooey 13, will debate against Don Welsh and Peter Reynolds 11B, on Capital Punishment. The choral reading group also appeared as part o! the pro- gramme. Representatives fromn General Motors and Peterborough Tea- chers' College were at the schocl before Easter speaking to the students and answering any questioins. GRADE 13 PAR'. Grade 13 had theirfor Party at the bowlin~g alley an'd returned ta the school for lunch and dancing. Prizes were given to the high and low scorers. Mr. Witherspoon and Tom Park attained the high boys' scorers whihe Velda Fisher and Evelyn Brown won the girls' prize'i. Ed. Blake and Chris Lamb bowled the howest. CADET INSPECTION The cadet inspection will be held on Thursday, May 9, in the arena. It will start at 7:00 and will include boys' and girls' precision squads, gym displays, majorette drills and others. The drum majorettes are: Chris Lamb, Donna Akey, Gayle Thomas. Heather Bissonette, Myrna Peterson, Grace Black- burn, Sheila Coverly, Kareni Clarke, Aileen DeWith, Pat McQueen. 'lit. Miss Jeanette Tozer, Port Hope, spent the Easter holidays with Miss Dorella Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe and family, Port Hope, with nis paren~ts, Mr. and Mrs.>tanley Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. ErffesýOTurner have purchasd the Jîm Bc%- ghen property and moved M on Saturday. Diane and Lor3"'.u rleyr, daughters of Mr 4~~rs. Lloyd Burley, spent7 , li.. days with Mr. and Mrs. Clîiton Burley, Waubaushene. Miss Gwen Saunders, Qood- wood, with Caroline and Doris Clysdale over the holiday. Mrs. Cecil Burley had the misfortune ta fal Monday evening, breaking her left wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle (nee Jean Campbell) will assist Mr. Robert Gay in the service of song next Sunday, May 5 at 10 a.m. As Mr. and Mrs. Bickle are leaving shortly for Ger- many, this will be aur hast chance to hear these talented singers for some timo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tazer and family, Port Hope, wvith Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anderson and family of Courtiçe have moved into the east half of Mrs. Bessie Walkey's house. Labour income in Canada in 1956 exceeded $14 billion. coin- pared to $9.6 billion in 1951 and $2.5 billion in 1939. I cusomMÀOE 1 i TIM CAWAD" INIPA".*vÀv- evqçà*,ro% Bownianville MA 3-3211 1 NEWTONVILLE IrYT'1%Tl'% 1 Ir