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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1957, p. 1

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~inûurn "Durham County's Great Family Journal" BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUIRSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1957 10e PER COPY NUMBER 18 I've Got aSecret - Guess What Little Donald Coombes bas just discovered that the white Easter bunny in the is a real live one and has turned to share bis secret with the photographer. <is companion, i ittie Mary Tomlinson, is taking ber duties as model more seriously. lZ~hse yaungsters were two of those m,ýýdeling in the Tiny Tots Fashion Show. eresený,tS, last Wednesday in -the Lions Centre by the Little Helpers of St. John's. -Photo by Rehder College of Pharmacy Hon ours Sidney Scott Followving bis graduation from te Ontario College o! Pharmacy over 50) years ago Sidney Scott, Il Argyle Street, Bowmanville, has enjoyed a long and varied career in bis chosen f ield. Last Wcdnsday h P and four other 50 year graduates of O.C.P. were presented with gold certificates at a semînar o! the O.C.P. held at Peterbor- ough in co-operation with thl-e Canadian Foundation for tne Advancement o! Pharmacy. His active career came toaa close in 1952 as he retired as a pharmaceutical salesman for the Frank W. Hforner Company CCF WiIl Pick Candidate!' Donald C. McDonald, Ontarir) C.C.F. Leader, will be guest speaker at the Durham C.C.F. Associations nomination mee+- ing ta bc held at the Town Hall, Orono, at 8.30 p.m. Fni- day, May 10. A candidate ,vill becithosen to contest te Durham riding- at the Federal Election, dune 10. A cordial invitationba been cxtended ta alI to at tend.ï Refreshments will be served. o! Montreal afler serving Ibis organization for 37 years. However hie is still in contact with pitarmacy as hie acts as a relief druggist for the Jury and Loveli Drug Store, Bowman- ville. Mr. Scott was born in Bow-. manville but received bis early education in Kirby and Orono Higit Sehoal. He served bis ap- prenticesbip with the Higgin- botham Drug Store where the Canadian Bank o! Commerce niow stands at te Four Corners and later gradualed from the Ontario College of Pharmacy. Hîs xifc is thte former Millie Masbon. I 1904 ie înoved to lte Un- ited States wbere be was the manager of, a drug store in Northt Dakota and afler that lie becarne a chemist for a brancit o! tite G. F. Harvey Company at Saratoga Springs, N.Y., and livc years later a salesman for the firm. He returned to Bowrnanville and in 1915 was appointcdl salesinan for Ilite Frank W. Horner Company and xvas with titis firm until bis retirement in 1952. In bis early days o! travelling Mr. Seott's territory extencled througb Eastern On- taria and parts of Quebec and it was ofîco necessary for butrt ta bc on te road three weeks at a lime. Sid Littie President Lakeshore Bail Assoc. Sid Little, Bov'nianvil]e,wa rec-lccted President of thce! Lakes'horc Basebail Association., nt their annual banquet in Port Hope Friday cvening. Other executives re-elected were, Roy Dodge, Cobourg , Vice-President; Albert M'al,-i~ er, Oshawa, Secretary-Tras- Rep' esentatives rm Bw pîanville Orono. Cobourg aniJ rtHope. x% ere present at the feetîngl acito! Ihese coin- U,!- I) have a tearn in ys ear. Plans for G asebaîl seasun were discussed and anotiter meeting was called for Tlitan-- day (tonigitt) to discuss sched- ules, umnpires and ac.cept en- tries for te season. Liirdsay Unceetain Lindsay, who had an lntcr- mnediate "A" entrv i lte bague in 1956, were not repres- erited at the meeting, and il is uncertain whether or not they plan to enter a team this#àea1- $me, Police Chief Seeks Help 0f Parents Police Chie! Erie Smith has asked parents' co-operation in keeping their children away from the C.N.R. railway station and property, following several complaints regarding children playing in the area. Chic! Smith pointed ouit th-it thîs is a dangerous practicc and could result in injuries. Any- one cntering C.N.R. property without due cause is lrespass- ing, and if necessary, actioni will be taken to curtail titis practice, he added. Town Crews Will Make Free Pick-up Now is the time to cast a wvary eye inilte (direction of the backyard and to make plans for the summer gardeit. To aid ini clearing the debris ivhich always 3eems to gather in the garden as iv'eII as other ivinter refuse the Bowv- manville W'orks Depart- ment mwill have extra pick ups Monday and Tuesday. Only conditions for this free of charge service are that the refuse must bc placed in containers and boxes and put on the bou- levard ini front of the ne- sid ciice. Those living on or south of King Street are asked to have their garbage out. Monday while the pick uop wiIl bc made north of King Street on Tuesday. Local ILady Wins Lions Door Prize i Mrs. K. Dodds. 4 Orcitard View~, won t; $100 door prize aI lite Lions Bingo beld at te Town Hall Saturday evening. The Jackpot whicit xas war ýh Sl'15 xvas flot won and \Vill be increased ta S150 for- le next bingo. In-addition lte jack- pot there wvilbebc le tsuial 51<10 door prize plus :.0 gamces witit cash prizes being offercd. Sidney Littit I Next bingo is ta be lield a' te town hall Saturdav. MaLy Paul Citant, Howard Covle, 25. Tickets for the bingo ar:ý Murray Tigbe, Ken Kelly and aavailable !rom Lions Club mcm- Ted Dadson representcd the bers and anyone purebasing a Bowmranville Harvester Base- ticket is eligible ta win the $100 bail Club a&. the meeting. i oor prize. Present Dr. V. H. Sforey With Legion 25-Year Pin One of Bowmanville's prom- mnent citizens and veterans In the person of Dr. V. H. Storry was presented with his 25- year pin at Bowmanville Branch, Canadian Legion, at regular meeting on Thursday evening, April 25th. Presenta- tion was made by President Jim Firth. Comrade R. Hall, Legion, Re- presentative to the Bowman- ville Boy Scouts Executîve, presented to Legion Eranch the Charter giving permision to sponsor Cub Pack and Scout Troop. He also gave a detailed report on the administration and sponsor responsibilities of these groups. Comrade Wilfred Ripley, Oshawa, and Comrade George, Jones who has recently return- ed from England, were wel- comed as reinstatements to the branch. District winning cribbage team of the branch journeyed to North Bay Saturday to coin- pete in the Provincial Cribbagre Tournament. The ten-man teami played under the capable captainship of Comrade Robt. Hayes and placed seventh in the. 28 teamn competition. The highlight of the meet as far as theï local branch is concerned two members of the teain, I. Eaton and J. Knigbt, received the' high honour o! being Prov- incial Doubles Champions. Theyý were presented with Ed- win Combînation Cigarette Lightcr and Measuring Tape. Three Teachers Resi9n From High School Staff The resignations of three teachers at the Bowmanville High Sehool were accepted with regret by the Durham County District High Sebool Board at their monthly meeting in Mill- Rev. R. Rickard St. PauI's S.S. Guest Speaker Thtis Sunday will mark the Sunday Sehool Anniversary aI St. Paul's United Church and as guest preacher they have se- cured the Rev. Roy Rickard. Mr. Rickard was born in Dar- lington and bis eanly education was obtained in Darlington 'and Bowmanville sehools. He is weil known în this district baving, served charges at Pickering and Coîborne and is at present the minister for the Columbus-Ke- dron charge in the Osbawa ý,Presbytery. His many local friends wîll wish to bear him preach this Sunday at St. Paul's. brook April 17. The three teachers are: Miss J. A. Mclnnes, commercial; Leonard Swatrîdge, history and geograpby, and Jack Ross, physical and health education. A special committee was set up to make plans and arrange- ments for the official opening o! the Bowmanville High Sehool next November. Those on the committee are Alex McGregor, chairman; Alan Strike, L. A. Parkei and L. W. Dippeli. A reply to a letter received from the Bowmanville Town Council in regards to the de- ficit o! the High Sebool cafe- teria has already been made. The letter f romn Council was received and filed by the Board and will be given more atten- tion at a later date. A concise in!'ormative report was given to the Board by High Sehol Inspector Dr. Turn- er- who praised all departments and teachers in the Durham Area. He also gave frank crit- icismn of some aspects o! the sehools and these will be fully considered by the Board. Next Board meeting is sehe- duled for Port Hope May 15. Margaret Goheen Chosen Queen. Teen ý,I, wn - Pio-m lery. The Queeni will also re. ceive an engraved trophy don- ated by John Regan. Princesses Karen Mutton, daughter of Mr. and" Mrs. Robert Muttoni; Betty Smith, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith, Patsy Marr, daughter o! Mr. anid Mrs. James Marr; and Joanne Mar- shall, daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. Stan Marshall, Etobicoke, were chosen as Princesses. Each o! the Princesses wcrc given a gift o! jewellery by the Club. The girls were chosen on the basis o! appearance, per- sonality, attitude and posture. Judges Judges for the event incliîd- cd: Dr. and Mrs. William Ru- dell; Mr'. and Mrs. Ralph Ames; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brougb; Don McGr'egor and Miss Phyliss Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Normn (Continued on nage seven) Cancer Blitz Big Success On Tuesday A fitting blow was struck agaînst Cancer Tuesday even- ing with over $4,000 being raised in a blitz campaign Tuesday evening by various public spirited groups in Bow- manville, Newcastle, Orono and district. In Bowmanville the Sunshine Group and the Canadian Order of Foresters raised $1902.22 for the Canadian Cancer Society. The total rural contribution to date amounts to $2,119-38. Those assisting in the drive are as follows; Newcastle, the Friendship group; Orono, vol- unteer canvassers; Tyrone, L2- dies' Orange Benevolent Assýý- ciation: Enniskillen Service Club; Hampton Ladies' Service Club; Pontypool Women's Ser. vice Group. Contributions arc still to 1-), received from industrial and commercial busincsscs in Bow- manville. Agr. Minister To Speak Here Friday Night Tomorroiv evenlng, the Right Hon. James G. Gar- diner, federal Minister of Agriculture, will speak in the Township Hall, Orono, startlng at 9 p.m. As this is his first ap- pearance here, in nxany years, farmers and others in the district are expected to be on hand to welcome hlm to this community and hear hlm outline the gov- ernment's farming policy. John M. James, the Lib- eral candidate fdr Durham will also addressthe gath- ering. Red Shield Drive Starts Next Week The Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal for funds will begin in Bowmanville on Mon- day, May 6th, ýaccording to Captain Bill Brown, in charge of local Salvation Army work. Chairman o! the Appeal will be Mr. D. R. Morrison, who acted as Chairman last year, and he will be assisted by George Hacking, Treasurer, and Bill James, Publicity Chairman. Objective o! the Appeal, ac- cording to Chairman Morrison, will be $4,150.00. He bas ask- ed the whole community ta show in a practical way, their appreciation o! the Army's var- ied and necessary ministry. Included in this year's ob-. jective is an amount to be used for certain building extensions to help meet the burden o! a growing work. Such plans can only be carried out with the help o! the citizens in tbis com- munity. Fred Cole Elected Lions Club President, Fete Blind Committee Fred Cole was elected as President of the Bowmanviliel Lions Club for the fortbcoming term at 'their regular metn held at the Lions Centreo Monday evening. He will take office on July lst. In addition to electing a new Fred Cole president the membcrs alsri chose their other executives and directors for the coming year. They include: Ralpli Melntyre, lst Vice-President; Glen Lander, 2nd Vice-Presi- dent, and Joe Cooper, 3rd Vice- President. The Board of Di.. rectors includes: Jack Cole, Art Consýable, Laurence Goddard, Howard Jeffery, Russell Oke, Walter Rundle and George White. Sccretary and Trea- surer will be appointed by the President. A large ovation greeted the incoming President, Fred Cole, when serutineers Wally Braden and Andy Tbompson announe- cd the, election results. Entertain Guests The club was host to mem- bers of the West Durham Advisory Committee o! the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Thcy had the pica- sure of having the C.N.I.B.s new Field Secretary for titis arca, Joseph Caruk, as guest speaker. Lion Don Williams, chairman o! the C.N.I.B.'s Fund Raising Campaign, introciuced the guesis to the members. They includ.- ed: Miss Dora Purdon, Mrs. M. J. Hutebinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Vice, Mrs. Aura Trewin, Miss Mary Jewell, Miss Lena Taylor, Mrs. Margaret Haw- thorne and Mrs. Ross Strike. Mr. Williams furtber intro- duced the other guests that ve- compaffied Mr. Caruk. Thcy were: Miss Christine Dawson, home teacher for the blind; and Miss Dawson's driver, Mrs. Shine. Mr. Williams was thcn presented wîth a check to aid (Continued on rnage seven) Legion Ladies' Program Enjoyed at Family Night Members of the Canadian<ý Legion, their wives and friendz were guests o! tbe Legion Ladies' Auxiiary on Monday nigbt at an excellent programn put on by Auxiliary members. Convenors wcre Com. Fair and Com. Knight. This programn was orig- inally prepared for the Auxiliary Rally held in Bowmanville some weeks ago, and bas now been given four times. The large audience was wel- comcd by Mrs. Ann Piper, Aux- iliary President, and Com. M. Bates acted as mistress o! cere- monies. Some hilarious numbers were very cleveily drne -and brougbt the bouse down witb laughter. This was certainly truc of the. skit, "Caîl to Arms" wbicb rcprcsented a scene in a recruit- ing station. Taking part were Coms. Fair, S. Graham, Knight, M. Lawric, H. Perfect, M. Per- ris, Rundie, Virtue, Wallis, Wright, English and J. Lawric. Fine vocal solos were given by Coms. J. Lawrie, M. Bates, M. Lawrie and Newman. with Com. A. Bate as accompanist. One of!1 the bits of the show was the chorus line. the Rock- ettes, in vcry smart costumes, wbo presented an excellent dance routine. The Rockettes were Coms. Corsan, Firth. Johnston, Perris, Swan and Welsb. The Bunny Hon. hby Coms. Cowan, Fair, Knight, Piper and Perris, in bunny costumes caus- cd a lot of merriment. A bighligbt o! the evening was an impersonation o! Elvis Presley complete with guitar and wiggle, by Com. Firth, with (Continued on page seven) Local Students Pass Exams At Kemptville Two students of Kemptville- Agricultural Sehool from this area have been awarded prizcls on the conclusion of the school year. Roy McH-olm, R. R. No. 1, Port . Hope, has .been awarded the Ottawa Journal prize of $25 in Animal Husbandrv books. This prize goes to a senior student for livestück judging. Roy received honour standing in his scnior examin- ations. His sister, Mary McHolim, was awarded the Kemptville Wornen's Institute prize for the senior student rqnking highest in general proficiency in thei Home Economies course. Roy and Mary are the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville McHolm. Marys averag* was 81.6 percent. In the advanced course Agri- cultural Mechanics, Larmier Rosevear, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Tyrone, receiv- ed hionour standing. In the Jun- ior year Agriculture course. Bob Carruthers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers, was granted bis year based on his year's work and previous examinations, ibeillig unable In try final examinations owing to illness. Margaret Goheen was chosen Queen of the Prom at trie Fourth Annual Teen Town Easter Prom held at the Lions Centre Friday evening. Miss Goheen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goheen, was presented with an array of attractive gifts donated by local merchants. She was pre- sented with a bouquet of roses and jewellery by the Teen Town Club. Rena Dilling, 1956 Promn Queen, who is President of the Teen Town Club, placed thp sparkling rhinestone crown on Miss Goheen. The crown was presented to the club several years ago by Hooper's Jewel- Barber Shop Quartet Guests For Concert Guest artists at tbe Bow-- mnanville Chioral Society's spning concert in te Town Hall on Friday and Saturday, May 10 and 11, will be te Toronto iRhythmairs, barbershop quar- tel, 1953-54 medalists o! the S.P.E.B.S.Q.A. Mr. Hugit Martin wilI lead the choir in selections fromn the popular Broadway show "My Fair Lady", Yugoslaviani fo]k sangs and an arrangement o! Ite "Blue Danube", ta mention a few numbers from the pro- gram. The choir will also sing the twý%o numbers which they sang aI the Toronto and Peter- borough Kiwanis Festivals, "As Torrents in Summer" and Everyone Sang". Liberals Hold. fine Dance at Sauna Hall A large cnowd o! enthusiastic. supporters cnjoyed the first ~ Johnny James" dance o!th.1 electon capaign ofnîathe4 night at Solina's Commiunity Music was supplied by Dou: 4 Rackham's orchestra and in- cluded round and square dane- During the eveniog, f ine en- tertainment was provided by Zena Chivers, tap and acroba * tic dancer and Sid Leonard o! TV fame who, wifh bis ve'i- tniloquist. dummy, amused the' audience. Joe Hanley supp]ied ,, te piano aceompaniment. Mr. ' James introduccd Mr. Leonard who also acted as master o! ccrernonieý. Couples !rorn imost parts o! Darlinglon township attended Margaret Goheen, centre, was chosen as Queen of Margaret Goheen, Queen; Betty Smith and Pat Marr. The lte affair wbich concluded well the Prom, while these lovely young ladies surrounding ber flowers beld by Miss Goheen were presented to her by a!ter midnight. hdtehnu fbigslce sPicse tteTe h hb nadto h eevdsvrlfn it.Ec Solina ladies pnovided lunch hdtehnu fbigslce sPicse tteTe h lb nadto h eevdsvrlfn it.Ec with the proceeds Roing to the Town Easter Prom, Friday evening. The Princesses are, of the Princesses was presented with jewellery from Teen Community lalIi und.. - from the lef t. Karen Mutton, Joanne Marshall, Etobicoke; Town. -Photo by IRehder e-vt 103 Queen and Her Court at Easter Prom 1 q NUMBER 18

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