PAa 'rwcj THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. T3OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. MAV 2nd. 1957' Social and Personal Sunday visitors with Mr. andi Mrs. Perey Tamblyn were Nir. and Mrs. Ken Wither.3 and tamily of Peterborough; 1&. and Mrs. J. Goheen of Bom- rnanville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shiqr of Cambray and Mr. and Mns. Leo Gray of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley of Fo.- boro spont the weekend wizin Mr. and Mrs. George Wallon. The Dudley's arc enroute home from Florida. Her many friends ,vill bc glad to know that Mrs. P. Tam- blyn hias recovereci enougi from ber illnes 1 return to hier home, and will join in wvishing for hier a spr;cdy and compiete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Thomasj Terry nt Oshawa wecre SundaN. gucst:r with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Den- nmf, Frienids cr AMrs. C!hUs. Fn.: \vill bc pleaEcd 10 know that ýýhe lias been rcsponding fa- voxrably to trcatrnent in To- ronta and is spendiiig s' tinie at home restingbtcn series of treatmenits. Mrs. RLussellI Mullins of Ren- frexv spent the wekcneld with htr sister and bi-othier-in-]aw., Air. and Mvrs. Gordon Agnew. His mnnv fricnds will be pleassed to ]carni that Mr. B,' -,ce Whitncy returned hionne frorrn Menorial Hospital un Tucsday. Mr. Whitnev lhas been, in io- LAGIF<L HASFVLO0K INTELLIGENT TO GE T A jo0e0, . AND DUMSTO GET A"I4US&AND'ý~ NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK <bOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 pitl following an accident suf- fereti at his work, with the lo- cal hydra. Mrs. Birdie Shier of Cam- bray spenî a few days withu lier sister, Mrs. P. Tanîblyn. Durham Rural Lge. Organizes For Season New~castle: Afler cousîderablel liesu ialuoui on lus part, Arnold Wade of Newtonvllle.was flnally pensuaded ta carry on for anoth- er year as President of the Southî Durhîam Rural Basebaîl League aI an organization meeting helti in the St. Lawrence Hotel, Pont Hope, on Thursday evening last. Othen officers elected %vûre: Vice-Pres. Milt W«Iker, New- castle. andi Secretarv.Treasurer Alan Holdaway, R.R. No. 3, Port Hope. Coiborne ivas accepted i mb thue eacue for this season anti teaîîxs wha have indicatedti heir intcntion of exterlng include: Welcomne, Newtonville, Graýtoui anti Colbornîe. .,Newcastle ànd Kendai .vere not too sure they coulti fieldi teanîs and final eni- tries were le! t over ta May Srti \vien a seluedule wilI be draw.n under the direction of thue Ex- cutive. OBITUARY BENJAMIN F. OLAN A %vcll-known resident of Ca- van Townshîip, Mr. Benjaiunhui Franklin Oiaîi, passeti away aI his home R. R. 2, Millbroolk,, on Fieiday, Apnil 12, 1957. in !lis 96th year. H-e wxas a son of tl-wý latte Benjamin Olan and bis wivfe, Mary Davis and was bau-n in Pensylvania, U.S.A. anti w~as braught ta Kendal in Dur- ham County by his parents1 when au infant. He had liveti1 in the Millbrook district for more than 45 ycars where lieu wvas a successful farmer, guîd tiresher. He leaves ta mourn his pas.-- inhis wife the former Mary Enilizabeth Langstaf! and six sons anti three daughters. Law- rence anti Stanley, bath o! Mfillbrook; Alvin o! Pontyponi; Delberl, Luther anti Richaurd o! R. R. 2, Millbrook; Mu-s. Robert Guibnie (Ekina), and Mrs. Mervin Kennedy (Stella) af Millbrook; anti Mrs. Robert Caru- (Vera) of R.R. 9, Ida. One son, Clarence, predeceased1 hil in 1943. Thirty grandchildreux anti eighteen great grandehilti- ren also survive. Mr. antiMu-s. Qian would have celebrateti their sixtielh wedding anniversary on J'uly 12th, hati he liveti. The funeral took place on Mouîday fuom the J. W. Ha'îv Funeral Home, Millbrook, with the Rev. F. P. Chishoinu of Si. Andrew's Church conducting the service. The pallbeareu-s Were six grantisons, Lloyd aiîd Jack Gulbnie, Alan Albert and Ban-, jamin Olan a! Millbrook and Gai-ny Caru- of Ormeîe. Interment 'was in Gardinerýï Cemetcry, Cavan. Friendship Club Plans Thieves Apprehended A £1.- -- I .m C ý fikr rVT eIK Newcastle: Three wards 0 the Ontario Training Sehool fai Boys, Bownianville, who decd eti ta have themselves a camp. ing expedution ai the expense o: Newcastle residents, fouxît thein ittle holiday short -livec wherx they were apprehendetc on Monday nighi by O.P.P. of. ficers aI Temagamni. Retunning ta their home latî Saturdlay night, Mr. and Mu-s Ben 1-oogkamp found every- thing in dis-array anti realizs ing someone hiat ransackedti tt house, imnuedlately phioned Chief Art Randali who, upai, arrivai, imr-nediately haunched a thorough investi-atioui. It was found the cuiprit3 wxho bati gaineti entraîîce by breaking a window. had strewru burned matches, useti for light, aIl ovcr the floors o! bhc home~ and it wvas discovereti a laige an'ouiut ni foocstuffs. cook.uî" utceisils, dishes, betiting and blanliets as wveÎl as a valuabit! Gnue'î watcii aundd cock hu beeni takeru from the liaine. Afler oui thie case :iI] dîay Sunday. Cliief Rauudall %vas still aI a deati end wlieuut"12 thif of a eau- from lis gar-:c was reporteti by Mrl. Jack Ne.;- bitt on Mouday at noon. Tie automobile lad been nemoved from the Nesbitt garage çomo- linie dcuring Sunday ni-ht. Th".' theft '.x's mmediatcly natiiocd to ah]. Police Departments andi O.A.C. Giveg .Spring Ccure Spring ii now. sufficiently advanced for home owners xit:l establirhedt lawns to start giv- ing lawns their proper cuire, adlvi-ses J. C. Taylor, Depart- Ment of lortiulLure, Ontario Agricultural College. Rolling benefits rnxutlav, Ibut the right time is important. If rolling is done toa arly in the spring, when the soil is- wet, the soil wifl becomne packed. On the oth3r hand, if the sou dries up before ih h rolled, the rolling is too late to do much good. A lawn shou-,d be rolled whc-n the soil is be- ginning to dry Up. Mvost law.ns should be rolled only once, w4rns the O.A.C. authority. Rolling helps to le- vel soil that has heaved during the winter owing ta the action of the frost, but ils Most imi- partant action is ta press the grasses back int the soul and firrn the soul around the roots so that the grasses won't dry out. Rolling also makes mow- ing of the lawn at a later date easier, since it avoids the "scalping" of raised areas. A heavy roller should flot be er anounced the bale whieh k being prepared for Korea. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Parker, assisted by Mrs. Rena Megit andi Mrs. Kayý Powell. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games fol. lowed by the serving of a tasty salad plate by members of Mxxi. Parker's Group. Mie President. Mrs. Brown, expressed appreciation ta Mem- the most enjoyable evening spent tagether. AA rc T qnx"t4Âa ni- ~3326 N~i~ Bake Sale VI. M« New castle: Tht Apnîl meetinig Again Heads SD of the FYendship Club wvas heiiL oc l \AdI C. . GiOUL un the Suntiay Sehooil hall of the Loc l Y.C... Uniedi Church wiih 23 members in attendance and Mu-s. Velma 4Newcastle: The Apnil meet- Heating anid Parker's Graup in charge. ing o! thet Newcasile Wonan's The Presîdent, Mu-s. Betty Christian Temperance Union Eavetroghig Bown pend te metig wiihj was' helti in the Board Roorn Eheavesiroofughhoting ghtof the United Clurch ihtn Autoriediîug of the hymn "Beneah thc presidlng. Tht meeting openeti1 C halco Dealer Cross of Jesus" followed. by with the hymuî, 'Wlien I Sur-1 prayer by the Presuient. vey the Wondrous Cross", fol-1 PHONEDuring the business perioti loveti by the Lord's Prayer and 1 PHONE there w'as cousidenable discus-1 Pledge repeatet inlu uison. Ision of a Rummage Sale anti Mrs. M. C. Fisher was choseîî Newcaste 3686 Bake Sale being sponsoreti by a delegate frorm the locah UUi- the group lu May antiMu-s. Fisii- ion 10 attend the Provincil W .C.T.U. Convention beltig ~oeuUUUUUUUUMUMUuUUMUUUMUMUUUUUUIUUUUU t in' Oshawa June 11l 12-13J1 *IThe election o! officiers for LIB ER A Lthe 193'd-38 ieu-m resulteti as foUlo--s; Presidenl, Mu-s. T. ~Sowden; lst Vice President, w Miss L. Trcnwith; Recin ORGAN ZATIONSecretary, Mu-s. C. Carveth, Cor- a,~ Clemence; Treasurer, M1\1,s. ft: Awtie; Listening Post, Miss T METIGFergusouî; Medai Supent- w* w ~dent, Mre. P. Hlort; anuiPi- AIr AI "A C Ir151 s . E. Rinchi. * he "Clip Sheet' was entitl- for.NEW AST E Med '-Reasons for Hopefulness' and was contiucted by Mu-s. G. ____________________ *Allun with severai o! tht mein- Mbers asslsLng. It revealed thal thîe 40,000 nuembar Womens à InstItutes of Ontario hati sent * *: péteting thue o lqurat- Monday, May 6th poestin t tht s flqo d vert!ing andi the sale o! iquor 8:30 in grocery stores, thus shiowi*ng a te public unteresI. whuch cas * M beén arouseti. LIONS ROOMe ladies %vere also taiti that LIO S R OM t a executive meeting o h P5P%ÀÂAIkIIT./ *Dominion Council of Women's C M U ITY HAL*i.isociatibns of! Hue United * _____________________al Ch urch o! Canada, an account poI thie Convention o! the Can- * adi an andi Ontario Temp erance MFédération was given ln detail. * ~ JA v~ES :Atonle convention the Rev. *J HIN ,M. J M a;rdon Porter, Canadian Feti- a eration Presideni, saiti le lai].- perance wark. * The meeting closçet wiîh the Newcastle Liberal Association aligirî ofo a hyr-muî and thue M*E- a 1 l à eflediction xerpeatcd ln 1 f f El i :l I i i 'i 'efu apVV later un the day O.P.P. Consta- i bies fnoni Peterborough, inves- tigating a break.-in near Fov, - ler's Corners on Highway NO. 7, founti tools used in the breah- in bore the name of Jack Nes- ibi't, Newcastle, anti on dloser iuîvestugatiouî articles tgken 1 from tht Hoogkamp home 1Wcre' aiso discovered thus tying in ail tbree robberies and, as three boys hati been reported missiuig from. B.T.S. it was decidedti t r~adio a description of the car andtihîe boys toalal Poliee De- partmenls luinlie Province vl the resul thai word wvas v e. ceiveti on Tucsday rnorning by j Chie! Rauîdali that thue thîrce I boys had bcuî picked up iii1 the' i Nesbitl car by the O.P.P. at Tameagami, some fiftyý miLus nntI îveét a! Narth Bay, Ou- I ta nia.1 It is belicycdtihe tlinee voutils Who e.3caPed froni Itie school Fric:ay night, sýpeuit Saturda.' ini thue nciglibourluaod, gatier ij tip fond dishies ï.uîd bcdding a t thîe Icog.kanîp homeý on Sat-_I chaY C VeIISung spending tîle uîi-f; t and Sun ay in the surruîtiiuug farnng area and retlurniuig on Sunday nigliltat pick rip tho~ Nesbitt c-nr ndit start out oui tlîeir trip ta the nuou-tl. We hope ta be able bo give a nmore canu- plete report of the, lass-es in- ý,çolved ncxt xvcek ailthe clar Conservative Leader Welcomed at Newcastle John Diefenbaker, Federal Leader of the Progressive which will take himi across Canada. The group f rom the Conservative Party, and IVrs. Diefenbaker, were welcomed left are: Mrs. Vivian,' Dr. Vivian, John Diefenbaker and to New'castle, Friday evening, by Progressive Conservative Mrs. Diefenbaker. The smiling Progressive Conservative candidate for Durham, Dr. and Mrs. Percy Vivian. Mvr. leader shook hiands and minglcd with the audience after Diefanbaker addressed a large audience at the Community the rally Hall in Newcastle, before continuing his campaign tour, -Photo by Rehder of Ar- Mr. Arthur Gerry, Toronto, at va. Mrs. F. B. Glaspell's. John iVaster Davy Stainton visit- ltor.s ed his grandparents, Mr. andi Mrs. Leonard Shaw, Oshawa. " Gardiner g to Orono May 3 rd ToNwnship Hall Canada's MîIuster of Agri- culture, Rt. Hon. J. G Gardiner, wll make his tirst address in many ycars in Durham when bewl uline thjtGov- ernnuent"s A gr i cl,. ½ral Policy. irdiner iM. James ,andidate for Durhain address the meeting. YONE WELCOIME Liberal Association qnas -been rcmrna ta the village 1and the boys ta the Training Mrs. Arthur Walker. Piort Mr. and 1Mrs. Edgar Prescott ton attcnded the funeralo 1 School Hope. auesL of Mr. and M>.ss. Misses Marion and Janice Pres- thur D. Langmaid, Oshaw Del Whitney. cott, Enfield; Misses Lynda and Sorry ta report Mrs. f aster Dpvid Geroxv is visit- Marlene Harris, Whitby; Mr. J. Nemis is under the do s dv ceing his cousins in Wellington. S. Eddyvean, Orono, at A. W. care. s A dMr. aforM1sM Edwin Ruth' Prescott's. v en visited Mr. and Mrs. Char- Friends were pleased ta see aw nslie Warren, H-ampton, aur pastor, Mr. Reed, in the of La ns 1congregation at the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Men - mPigcuc evcti eilysetFriday wiîî îîh rmoxxg hthhevceehs e 1used because it will rnake the ele pn ing the first time since his recexîti isurface hard and. intertere with prntMr. and Mrs. C. Men- iîlness. Mr. Fritze wili ocuyJI M 1er. ~ ~ ~ Llly Ttheprsson wih WS M.K Cgain erly wS n r the penetration of air and wa- Mî's.. Irwin a visiti tepupt ginnx ter Th deresion -%,-Iicha lcrdaughltcr 'and faniilyý,NI.-- MsK.Cvryw iPot light roller won't smaath out n ' Norman Eanl, Ida. iI-oe n uda vein 'il are betteîr filIed up with top IMr. and Mrs. N. Gcroxv a.- the Bowrnanville Choral Societyý dressing or by raising a sod tended thie vddiiic of Mr. Ross who wcne a visiting choir at thc, and fuhling in some soul beneath - Stra Port Hope United Church. J nneraI.Cobourg, Strd1Frd y Nenn. A community miscellaneous, rd y 1 Fertilizer may be, appiied Mrs. E. Ruthven wvas Ra gucst showver wvas hèld in the Sunday, -0o or three timéîs before t:hz at the tea given by Mrs. W . Te- Sehool room on Friday cvening hat, ciry summer weather ar- pie (Bowîr.anville) inhoou for Audrey Macnab, bride-to-be. Crives. The flrst fertilizer appli- of lier daughiter, Catherine. She wvas grected by a large group -cation should be given now, Mr. aiid M\rs. Don Mordr)n of ladies on hier arrivai and wvas1 and the second tan be madeI and f&mily, Mrs. R. DuninduJescorted ta a speciai chair where 1during late May. Applicationi Mrs. Russell, gucs4ts of Mr. antj'sh!" rcceived hier many lovely should be mnade before a rai. Mrs. N. Gerow. gifts. The room was suitably or prior to watering by the Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Mackay, decorated with pink and white lawn owner. Fertilizer shouid Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. L. streamers, and tiny pink umbrel- nal be applied ta damp grass, Ruthven. la.tec un rmalr because il viil stick ta thc 2,1r. and Mrs. Rov' Addison belateciin. ase nîoist leaves and turn them nd ariyTooto wt N'us and other flowers lent their ~ brown if il is not washied off anîd Mrs. Del Whîitney. Th2 eauty aedlsoit er Aurey adn iuta the ground. niildren remained for a kwevvdpnres hmen appreiation,î There are several fertijUjzens ,days' visit. xitlî thoir granidpa: d and a refnslint socire hour- which can be used successfullylJents. wdaiîno,d apesu sca iu on lawns, but special turf fer- Mn. and Mrs. Meincilley and senoyd tilizens will give best nesults. Miss H. Raby attcnded tlii These may be obtained front .Easten parade at the Oshawa ZO yoursor ferlilizer dealer. Shopping Centre, Sunday a[- ZO Depending on the constitu- ternoon. en' ofth fetiize, i cn b,ý Church services wcre hl r. omCrr entsie ofIh fratiesvr, iln br Eastel Sunday, Apnil 2lst. loy. Tl.1n Ms Tm Cu 1e appiedat ats vryigl Miss Marie Killen, Hamiltotî;. 8ta 15 lbs. per 1,600 square Hardinîg conducîed the Wi XVIFrnxks, Orillia, at Robert. 3feet of lawn. It is better tai services. Tw'enty-two were prc- i Kiliciî's. apply small amounts o! fertilh:- sent for tlie Holy Sacrarnent. 1Mr. 'and Mrs. R. C. Staintun1 Rt. lion. J. G. Ga] er frequently Ilhan ta, applya Flowens were placed in the1 and Laurel at H. F. Stephen's. lot at one time. : Iîurcli b the met-non, nf the1 Oshîawa.i Persons wisliing to have a laie Mr8. Cea. Raby, wlîo pasý- M\r. andI Mrs. Frank Inni.-, oh permanent refcrence deal-.i,"g i ed away Easter Sunday, April r DackwMaLer. aI Fred Camecoi11.J h 1with ail aspects of lawns andi16, 1947, by lier famnily. Congratulations to r. nd Liberal Ca their cane may obtain Ontario Siixnday Sehool %vas Nvcll al - Mrs. Gjus Wcich on the arrivai]xviII alsoa Depanîmeut of Agriculture Bul- tended. Ail officers and tearli- of a baby girl. leti 448, "*Lawns", from the cers present. Church secrvicc- Mys. Morris Sleep and Lyn, EVERY office of the county agricultunal will be heid again May 5th at da, Coldwatcn, spent a wcek at representative or frorn tlîe 10 ani. (Dayliglit Saving Tinte). Frank Pascoe's. Horticulture Department, On- W.A. Meeting IMu-. and Mns. Henry Dart Dra tania Agricultural Coilege, Zion Wans Association and Kennetli at William Dart*s Guelph. met Thunsday afternoon at Mrs. Jr., S carbonaugh. Del Wlîitney's home. Ther-e Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawiev Swec' 13 niemnbers, four visitons and Catherine, Peterboraugh, ZION (Hope Townshîp) ndx ch~cildredpreseuit. lt was at JTomn o, M- Pc- ALLIS"'CHALM has een he odetaway for ne\v blaukets. Ant%- ter Ehemnent and Cregory, Osîx- w ~ o u » Quilting ha ee heade nc wishing ta do so, shauid awa, at Fred Dart's. of the day for hie Zion ladies. coiîact Mu-s. E. Ruthvcn, plîon2 M. and Mrs. Victor Kres - the nib A gnoup met Wedîiesday and Welcome 2111. Mrs. M. Irwin hucher, Switzerland, aI. Hauîs 1 Thîursday of last wcek andi and Mns. Ray Best were cliasen Ccissbcrger's. again Manday evening at Mr_ý. as program committee for thoe Fred Waanad sons, Toýt i W.J.Mculouh' hmet Stna-wberry Festival, date ta b2 Lino north, at Wes Cai-neron'!M comlee te woquilts on set later. Mu-s. E. Ruthiveni and wiîile Mrs. 'Nard was iinO hand. Mrs. F. Tufford wil lake care awa Geuîerai Hospital. 4 U K Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley o!fItie chun-eh for May. Thc Laurel Stainton spent the I K jattended the meeting Friday rol cal a donation to be used weekend withi ler aunt, Mr evening of the Durham Cour~ta t purchase tea towels, was and Mns. Jim Hambhy, Osh- ty Progressive-Conservative Ai. vell respouidedti t, the sum of' awa. sociation helti in Newcastle $lO).c0 has beeui reoeived. A, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomasm Comnmuniîy hall. the close of business a spiu- Scarborough, at Russell Stai-i Mn. andi Mrs. Alex Barrie did Easter Devoîlonal peniod, ton's.1j ant il were guests of Mr. peae by Mrs. Morton ind M William Fice Mrs. Pe- and Mrs. Charles Raby, Satux- Mu-s. Elliot, was given. TI-bl niEeent and Gregory, Osh- day'. was followed by a pleasant sj- 1 awa, aI Nelson Fiee s. Master David Raby with 1-1-3 cial lime. Lunch was served by jMr. and Mns. Arthur Stain. brother George aI Mrs. Fred Mrs. Del Whitney and Mr. .Itonl, Pcterborough, are visituhg i Raby's. Kennetli Whitney. Tbe MaN* thein daughter, Mr. and Mn ý. . Mn. and Mu-s. Nornian Earl Roent wjll bc lîeld aI Mes. Touîî Sobîl aller retunning front visitcd wiîh thîir parents, M. Romeetng o'shm.Luil Foi andMrs M.Irin n Sridy.conimittee is Mrs. M. Irwin and 1Mrs Arclle etOhva The gnandsons wha had been I'rus. C. îrwin. Prognam coni- Miss -Ada Pascoe, Port Credi,, spendlng a few daYs with thcir milIce is Mns. R. Best and MNs. fErie Atkins, Harmany, at Frank grantiparents, returned home 11. Gerow. Pascoe's. with thenu. Master Robent Powell, Col- Mu-. anti Mns. Norman Ger- umbus, spent a few days at uaw ow, David, and Mrs. R. Gerow, HA PT N cny Claspelî's. for WD M Sunord ty Wellington, Sunday. H M T N1Mr~. and Mns. Russell Stain- Ms. F.y Sehool was lielti ITh lni11dSholAoca on at Herbent Camer<-j.îi y"- *Cso -u o arn. The atîcutiauce xvas smail h lm n Sho soi- MsF.Tufford taugnt the pri- f on " l lînld their bazaar and i M andMus. illji: foro v mary class inthie abrence of; tea thisî Satuu da.y ahlerî naoiîai l:io and Allati, Cooksviul]-' i 's Iris Caswell, Mus eei- 2 no*nock; at Hampton Sehiool. tî'o non. 2. Easy on - easy oli ley the juniors Mnthie absen:e F LReg Kcrsy, Mu-IVs. Kcrs-c- Mr.Robeuit Kilietîi;s inih- Of Mu-. Casm-cil. Otlier teaeh- anld ýons,_Rexdale: Miss Cirdane! pitlI aI Toronto. hr lir had ens anti offîcens \wene present.Kesv Oshawa, at S. t Yhic cataract rcniovcdLur ..l... 3 Ruggedly built for Syunpathy is extendeti the Sundav. relative's of the late Mr. Mil- jMr. andi Mrs. Donîald flced, tonG. elh wo assd way'ad dugherCanlyi ea-hao: Mu-s. Alex McMaster, Jop.n Reasonabli ced to . ec woPssdaayadI Mtr aoyn crs. Redand Ross, Joe MeMasten, aI 'A kyA~ Saturday, April 27 aI. PortiRev. Newton Reed, r.Re James McMaste-'s, Millbnook. Hope Hospital, foliowing a anti daughter Susan, Sunden- short Illness. Funeral was heid land, visited Rev. and Mrs. F. Mn. and Mns. S. Mayhuu-y aund LUt us show you.i Tuesday at George's Funenal Reeti aI the weekend. L0nrSabruh tFe Panions Intennent Port Hope Mrs Grace Bartindale. Oak, Darîs-. Union Cemetery. 1h11l Lake, v!sited at T. M.' Ai. and Mu-s. R. C. Staintrtr. JohnMenillvM-ih frienc1ý Chat's 1 t Jin iHanihly's, Ozha\va. John Menei.lL.wi.hCfnienv, Than0111 Coli fraulations ta Mn. andhAL I attended an evening banque! u.L.S avnv onoto, and entertainment sponzou-ed spent a few ciavs xvi1h Mr. and MN.I ued Ward on the aur-.,aI A by the "Goodyear" hast of c M-.K.cvr:' ia baby giîrI. Mu-s. Vau-d aitI nesday evening aIt the RoR Mr G . Ad ocu-: a ,idi 1l'au-ny Jflbv irtiruîcd homie iraîn ho H-aven Motel, Peteu-borougjh. Isrîcnt Sunda.%-vý-ih neain' ~,pî¶i ýl-,0hec parclnts' homni Thursciay evening thue samýe Toronito utaP group attendeti a surilar en- I Mrs. Otîs ýPrltuhard andi ho, IN. rau-rnd . RuiîýsLl stain. tetinetat Markham pli-1Man0ticlk; Mu-. and 'iIus. lanies. :on aiitAlbert Ba3ions, Salina. soedb the Jackson Su1l Spicer, Toronto; MS, iL. C. j 1Mîjs Marie Killen has been ~~ored by .itSnowdern. al Gae istdttrans-feru-ed fu-om Ha-lmilton toiI %ERS ANNOUNCES * CHANGE tfarmleader 445 aund CA Tractors the tractor's hydraulic system. 0 ... ten minutes orlp- )r ail farm jobs. on your farm today. ;CHALMERS(~? ilmer Dr Sales îrs Sales and Service P>hone MA 3-2191 Gordon Àgnew, Ediior Phone 3621 PA(xt rma THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1957' e