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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1957, p. 3

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~~.-a-- - ~-t a.-.. s. t 'VRUDAY, M&T 2nd. 1957 THE CA!NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILE. ONTARIO PAGE flm P riz e Winning Choir in Easter Presentation The Bowmanville High School Glee Club directed by Mr. D. C. ville, a B. H. S. graduate, and Mr. T. W. Shepherd of Oshawa, with Miss Peters is pictured following their presentation of the St. Luke Passion in Margaret Goheen of B. H. S. at the piano. The choir won high honors and Trinity United Church on Good Friday. They were assisted by the1 praise from the adjudicators at the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival Oshawa String Quartet and soloists, Mr. Bob Henry of R.R. 2, Bowman- this year. -Photo by Rehder Rev. Harold Turner perform- ed the ceremony against a back- V e n S. ~C uc ground formed by Easter liles W d i t a ls C uc and ferns, and lighted tapers --- ---- -- - --- 0 in candelabra. Mrs. Phyllis Barrett pla.yed W eddigs 4Qthe wedding music which was Handel's "Water Music" pre- ceding the ceremony, Brahmi St. Anthony Chorale as the bride iýpproached the altar, and * during the signing of the ne- gister, Brahms' "Lo How a i Rose E'er Blooming". the signing of the register, Handel's "Water Music." WOODLEY - HODGKINSON Tninity Anglican Chunch, Aurona, was the scene of the rnarniage on Saturday after- noon, Apnil 20, o! Jane Claire Hodgkmnson, daughten of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hodgkinson of Aurora, and James Arthur Woodley, son of Mn. C. W. Woodley and the late Mrs. Woodley of Tynone. Miss Hodgs- kinson bas been a member o ! the teaching staff of Vincent Massey Public Sehool in Bow-. inanvil le. Rev. E. H. McLellan perfonm- ed the ceremony against a background of Easter flowers. Miss Majorie Andrews played the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- riage by ber father and wore a grey tweed suit with blue accessonies. She canried a Pray- er Book on which rested a cor- dage of ned roses. Miss Patricia Appleyand 'was her attendant, wearing a brown suit with beige accessonies, and coaâ& of yellow 'mums. ÙY~Hanoid Murphy was best man, and ushens were the bride's brother, Mn. John Hodg- kinson, and the groom's ibro- ther-in-law, Mn. Ray Patter- son. A reception followed at the bride's home, 61 Wellington Street, Aurona, the bride's mother wearing a brown silk dness with white accessonies and corsage o! yellow carna- tions. She was assisted by the groom's aunt, Mrs. Gordon Yeo, who wone blue lace with navy accessories and a pink carnation corsage. Guests were present from Toronto, Newmarket, Bow-man- ville, Tyrone, Enniskillen, Ham- ilton and King. Following a wedding trip to Rochester, N.Y., the couple wil reside at R. R. 1, Tynone. MAY - TEEPLE In a candle light ceremony in St. Paul's United Chunch on Thursday evening April 18, Catherine Elizlibeth Teeple, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Wil- bent Teeple, Bowmanville, be- came the -bride of Mn. Neil May, son o! Mn. William May of Peterborough and the late Mrs. Isa May. il; w NOTICE Garden Refuse and Extra Garbage will be picked up FRIE0F CHARGE on the following days- that portion of the town lying south of and including King St. on Monday, May 6th Ail that portion North of King St. on Tuesday, May 7th Extra, garbage nxust be placed in containers or boxes on the boulevard in front of the residence. BOWMANVILLE WORKS DEPARTMENT -__--__--__--__--__--__- - - - Given in marniage by hen father, the bride wore a streeýt length dress of white silk organza with lace oven taffeta. Her shoulder length veil of nylon tulle was caught to a circlet o! matching lace em- broîdened with seed pearîs and she carried a cluster bouquet of white Shasta 'mums. Mrs. Jack Naish, Peterbor- ough, was matron of honour. Her dress of pale green organ- za over taffeta with matching cummerbund was fashioncd similarly to the bride's. A small cap matchir>g her gown was tnimmed with white Shasta 'mums and she carnied a bou- quet of the same flowens. Mn. Andrew May, Toronto, brother of the groom, was best man, and ushers were Mn. Alec McLeod and Mn. Jack Naish, Peterborough. A reception followed in the Sunday School noom, the bnide's mother wearing rose chiffon taffeta with pale pink hat anîd gloves, black accessories and corsage o! light pink carnations. Mrs. William May who assisted her in neceiving, wore navy nylon with matching accessonies and a corsage of deep pink carnations. For travelling, the bride wore a blue sheath dress of corded cotton with blue and white tweed coat, white hat and ac- cessonies of black and white. She wone a single pink rose corsage. The couple will ne- side in Peterborough. Prion to ber marniage, the bride was guest o! honour at several showers. Mrs. A. J. Frank entertained for ber when the bride-to-be was presented with a spun aluminumn canister set and plastic clothes hamper of grocenies. Mrs. J. C. Hancock and Miss R u t h Hancock, Newcastle, grandmotber and aunt o! the bride, entertained at a kitchen shower. Mrs. Bill Dadson and Mrs. Jack Naish, Peterborough, were hostesses at the former's homne when the bride was pre- sented with a white clothes hamper and articles of kitchen equipment. On Monday evening, Apnil 8, Mrs. Teeple entertained at a tea in her daughter's honoun. HAMPTON (Intended for last week> Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mu day and family, Maple Gro' and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ho: Oshawa, visited at Loren Trull's. Mn. and Mrs. J. F. Clarl Toronto, visited W. W. Horr Mrs. Lewis Truil and Mi Clifford Terrili are attendii the Home and School Conve tion in Toronto as delegat fnom the Hampton Associatic Mrs. M. Mountjoy spent Ea ter in Toronto. Miss Margaret Shackletc Salem, is spending a few da with ber grandparents, Mr. at Mrs. R. Shackleton. YOU SAVE- FIVE WAY~S W.hen Yon Shop ai Kaye's 1. NO DOWN PAYMENT 2. ALTERATIONS FREE 3. HIGHEST QUALITY 4. LO WEST IN PRIME 5. MANY MONTHS TO PAY mn, izo ke, n. nrs. ingc Mr. and Mrs. Neil May are pictured as the bride signs the register following their marriage in St. Paul's United Church on Thursday evening, April 18. The bride is the former Catherine Elizabeth Teeple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. William May of Peterborough and the late Mrs. Isa May. The couple will reside in Peterborough. -Photo by Rehder Orono Evening Auxiliary Study Book on Burma Orono: The regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary wvas held on Thursday, April 18 in the Sunday School Auditorium of Orono United Church. The president, Olive Milison, opened the meeting with an appropriate Easter message. Roll cali, minutes of last meeting and Treasurer's report were given. 23 Friendship calls were reported. Recipe book forms were passed out to the membens to be filled in and neturned at the May meeting. Rena Tamblyn, leader of the Community Friendship gnoup, Presentation of Trophies Made At Banquet n- Blackstock: The Cartwright tes Curling Club held its annual Onl. banquet in the Recreation Cen- as- tre Saturday night with soine 40 persons partaking of the de- on, licious turkey dinner served by Ys the O.N.O. Club. Between ýnd courses musical numbers by Miss M. Bowman, W. Pascoe and -Jack Smith were much enjoy- e' d. ilRev. P. Romeril presented the SuggiLt rink consisting of Mer- lin Suggitt, Harold Martyn, D. Wilson and R. Werry with sil- ver cream and sugar sets for Iwinning the first schedule. Roy McLaughlin presented the se- Icond place rink with candy dishes. This rink consisted of Ken Minshall, Carl McLaugh- lin, Bob Prosser and Howard SBlack. After reading the min- ~utes an.d financial report, the ~secretary, Neil Bailey, nead a ~very interesting letter from a Sformer member of the club,1 IRev. C. W. Hutton. Carl Mc-1 Laughlin gave the auditors' re- port and Wallace Marlow intro- iduced the guest speaker, Rev. P. Romeril who gave a humor- ous yet eclucational address on *Somne Unforgetable Characterz 'I Have Met"~. Merlin Suggittr thankcd the speaker. SAfter considerable discussion re trophy and bonspiels for Snext winter, Roy Turner con.- ducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Pre- siden', Merlin Suggitt; Vice Pres., Brian Hamilton; Secre- ntary Treasurcr, Neil Bail:. Execuitive committee. Rov Mu. 1Laughlbn, Dave Wilson andl SHoward Malcolrn Auditors * Wallace Marlow and Richard Bowles: Schedule manager. Roy Turner. T7wo films, "There is magie in Curling"' and "The Dr a Sof Curling" were much enjoy- à d by a1U. then took charge o! the meet- ing. The scripture xvas read by Margaret Graliam and the meditation was taken 'by Fae Cornish on the Easter Message. Ruth Allin led in prayer. A neading "What is a Boy", given by Venna Hooey, was much enjoyed; also a delightful piano solo by Judy Tamblyn. Mary Rutherford, wit.h the aid o! a map, presented a chap- tee of the study book on "New Roads for Burma". This proved inost interesting. Mary stated that the Burmese people were a very lovable race and the majonîty o! them were weil educated. She also stated that around one per cent are Chris- tian and 99 per cent are Bud- hist. The missions have taken over more than just the spirit- ual needs o! the people. They. have taken over the agricul- tural needs, medical needs, are giving free x-ray and medi- cines for leprosy. There is bet- ter medical standards for all. Gladys Brown favoured with a medley of Easter music on the piano. Daisy McKenzie showed mov- ing pictures of familian scenes and faces around Orono. The pictures were supplied by Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Lunch was served and a so- cial half houe enjoyed, bninging the meeting to a close. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of April 22-28: Admissions---- ----------7 Births, 4 maIe, 1 female 5 Discharges --------7110 Major ope rations 6 Mînor operations ---- 40 Emergency treatments 16 hours 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. ai.d 7.00 to 8.30 p.m. KEDRON Flowers from the garden of Mrs. F. Snowden graced the altar for the regular afternocin service. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Godfrey and their Cub Pack attended the service in a group. Cub James Pettitt nead the ne- sponsîve lesson, and Miss Mar- jony Drew read scripture. Rev. R. H. Rickard spoke on "The River of Life." The anthem was by the regular choir with Mrs. Douglas Love soloist. A brie! congregational meet- ing was held following the ser- vice in which it was passed on motion that the visitation plan be approved for Kedron, and that morning services begin on May 19 at 9:45 a.m. for the sum- mer months. Next Sunday, May 5, Rev. Harold Turner, B.A., St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, will conduct the service while Rev. R. H. Rickand- preaches at the Sunday School Anniver- sary of St. Paul's Chunch.__ A feature of the Sunday School hour was the missionary film narrated by Miss Gail Hitchen. Young People of Kedron United Links Class and teachen attended a showing of the film, "The Ten Commandments" in Toronto, on Tuesday evening with 14 present for the outing. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Mount- joy and Ron Werny were Ked- non attendants at the semi- formal Easter At Home for Ontario County Jr. Farmers in Uxbnidge on Fniday evening. Douglas Scott has aËain join- ed the Brougham Beef Caîf Club and attended the first meeting last week. Howard Farndale reports a busy week at the National Stud Farm with baby colts anniving frequently. Living twin colts wene a special feature. Baby lambs are pnoclaiming spning on Kedron farms where sheep are naised. Miss Beatnice Craig, Tynone, Bnian and David Hare, Oshawa, were Wednesday visitons with Jeanine Werry. Miss Eleanor Mountjoy spent holidays with hen sister, Mrs. Everson Norton and family, Mankham. Misses Bettilynn Osborne and Karen Edgar, Oshawa, were Easter week guests of Mrs. Ross Lee. Mrs. Lorne Tregunna and Donald were weekendý visitons with the formen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tippett, Oshawa. Don- ald had a tonsilectomy in the Ket SUPEL Oshawa Hospital last week but has recovered nicely. Sorry to hear of chicken'pox in the Grant Glover,'and measles in other families. A speedy recovery to the ill. Congratulations and kindest wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Rayl Grant on the birth of a son. Recent dinner guests at the Ross Lee home included Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott, God- erich; Frank C. Lee, Miss Lyle Stainton, Oshawa; the -Allan Werny family of Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. T. Sobil, Zion, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stain- ton. Mr. aend Mrs. Staînton have been enjoying family vis- itinig following their winter in Florida. Misses Elizabeth and Lynda Rowan, Yelverton, were holi- day guests at Wm. Werry's. Mns. T. Cooper, Belleville, bas been a visitor with ber sister, Mrs. R. Down. Miss Marilyn Love, Kingston, was a holiday visitor with ber gnandpannts, Mr. and Mrs. E. Love, here, and Mr. and Mns. L. Knapp, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wrerry were among Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mere- dith Moffatt, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Luke and John, Toronto, visited Kedron relatives on Sunday and were tea guests of Mrs. W. L. Mount- JOY. Several Kedron ladies at- tended Columbus W.A. bazaar tea on Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately a busy holiday week made for a small local attendance at Presbytery W.A. on Thursday at Newcastle. Mrs. Ray Scott was present froni this area. Miss Kathleen Beath was a Thursday guest of Miss June Davis. Mrs. Fletcher Werry enjoyed a motor trip with relatives to Schomberg. Rapid growth has sprouted garden seeds and necessitated lawn rnowing at some Kedron homes. However, the frequent showers interrupted farn seed- ing somewhat during the past week. Turu ONd Furnif are inio Cash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 CC F Nomination Meeting TOWN HALL, ORONO Frm day, May 10fh ai 8:30 p.m. sharp to select a candidate for Durham Riding at the Federal Election, June 1Oth Donald SPEAKER C. MacDonald Ontario CCF Leader Everybody Welcome Refreshments Auspices Durham CCF Riding Association MEALTIME MANAGERS: A&Ps FINE QUALITY FOODS WILL.. pYi ~ùHappym FR.RIGHT QUALITfY MEA TS hotLAMB SALE Chr ut Shank Pulleu LEGS16 51C FRONTS ibIlc Whole, Flank On Rib Loin LOINSb3 5c CHOPSIB49c BAKIRYSPECIALS Super Riglit, Smokced Rindless SIDE BACON Grade "A", 4 to 5-lb Average DUCKS ovEN REA Y '/z-Ib pkg 39< b49c Simoniz Non-Scuff Reg. Price 69c-SAVE 10* LIQUID WAX in tn5 9 Soft Rite Reg. Pris. 27e-SAVE 2o PASTEL TISSUE 2rolpkg 5C Chois. Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 31c-SAVE 2e A&P PLUMS 220-oz tins29c A&P Chois. Quelity Reg. Prie. 2 tins 4le-SAVE Sc GREEN BEANS 20-oz tins 3 3C STORE HOURS MON. - TUES. - THURS. SATURDAY 8:30 an-i. to 6 p.m WEDNESDAYS 8:30 arn. to 12:30 noon FRIDAYS 8:30. a.m. to 9 p.m. JANE PARKER BU ueberry Pie Reg. Prise 650 SAVE 6. oach 5 9c JANE PARKER CHOCOLATE FUOGE DELIGHT Layer Cake Reg. Prise 55o SAVE 6. mach 49c PRODUCE SPECIALS New Crop Floridit, White Table Stock, No. 1 Grade Potatoes 10-lb bag 49C Green, No. 1 Grade FRESH CABBAGE Sweet, Largo Full Pods, No. 1 Grade GREEN PEAS YeIIow, Fresh, Large Cabs, Fancy Grade SWEET CORN 16 6c 2lb.s29c 5 for 39c Parics Effective Umtil Saturday, May 4th, 1957. J"e$fflq- Cf1qmTfu//1etÀ PmEASURSLETRIP70-GO I..-. - V Kaye's Sportswear 68 Simcoe Street N. OSHAWA x'~ N We specialize ini Coats, Suits, Dresses and Sportswear Friday - Open f iii 9 o'cloclc Telephone Oshawa RA 5-5451 cr- à

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