THE ANAlIA STTISAN. OWMNVILE.ONTRIOTHURSDAY. MAY "-nd. 1937? Many Notables Speak At Conservative RaIly Held in Newcastfie More than 500 residents af Durham attended the Progres- cive-Cansenvative Rally beld lu the Newcastle Cammunity Hall Friday eveuiug. Progressive-C o n s e r v s tive Party Leader, John Diefeubak- er, was guest speaker. They also heard addresses by Du,-i ham's P.C. candidate, Dr. Perey Vivian; Hon. John Foate, V.C., Minster af Reform Institutions; and Michael Starr, M.P., Oshi- awa. Alec Carruthers, President af the Durham Progressive- ConEervative Association, was chairnian sud introduced the platforai guests. Thev includ- ed;, Mr. sud Mns. Diefenbaker; Michael Starr, M.P., auçi Mcs. Starn, Oshawa: Gorddn K. Frazer, M.P. sud Mrs. Fraser, Pcterborough; Mrs. Alec Car- ruthers; David Higgon, Presi- dent Bowmanville Progressive- Conservative Association, snd Mrn. Higgou; Roland Jex, Pre- sideut Port Hope Progressiv'e- Couservative Association, snd Mrs. Jex; Tom Wallace, Presi- dent Newcastle Progressive- Conservative Association, sud Mns. Wallace, Reeve Harrx- Jose, of Newcastle, sud Mr,. Jase-, Hon. John Foot e, V.C., Minister of Reforr nls titution-; for Ontario; sud Mr. sud Mrs. Norman Green. The audience were entertain- ed prior ta the meeting by the delightful music of the Bow- manville Legion Pipe Baud. When Mn. Diefenbaker sud hi, party arrived they were pipod t' the platform by the band. Mr. and Mrs. Diefenbaker, and Dr. sud Mrs. Vivian were off i- cially welcomed to Newcastle by Reeve Hsrry Jase. Mrs. Die- feubaker and Mrs. Vivian were preseuted with beautiful cor- sages by Misses Jacqueline Gar-, rod and Candy Stork. Unfair Action "Haif ai the taxation re- venue ai Canada cames from Ontaricl," Hon. John Foote, told the audiencc. He then termed the federal gox'ern- ment's ectualization paymen's ta other provinces as "1unfair"l ta Ontanio. "This unfair action of the Libenal party," Mr. Foote ai- leged, "bas creatéd difficultie' for provincial sud municip'il governments. Ontario needs taxation revenue for ousr health. welfare sud educational prograrns, sud aLso for aur rc- form institutions. If we cannot bave this mouey returned frnm Oîtaxva we wiJl have to get it from you as these pragranis must te carried out. And wei are gin _ct carry them out,"' he emphasized. "We want a governnîent in Ottawa that xiii do somiething for the peo- pie, one with s sense of reul- isni, who will face the facts, he added. Michael Starr, M.P., s pokeý Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY i DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.M.1 Jackpot Vaiue - This Week - $220 This week's wiuner1 MNrs. J. Cbilds, 214 Higli St., Bowmanvilc 20% coupon- $40.00 DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., MAY 4th at 3 p.rn. Town Hall Vacuum Botties -__ 79e TOOTH FASTE SPECIALS Pint Thermos -- 1.89, 1.98 Coîgates .._____ 66c, 89e Quart Thermos- 2.95, 3.95 Pepsodent -___ 2 for 49e Lunc h Kits - 1.29 Arnident_____ 2 for 89e liale u shampoo e ' IIGlasses 79e Special I 9c-59e-896 Enden ShampooBa for Dandruff Deodorant 1.69 1.2 NoxzeMa for White ColfSmer, yst f:rmuloted. 65~-9e-1.5 j wk. u@ianfid. Bufferin 39c-79e-1.89 Math Killer ____ 59e 1.59 size Satin Set -- 1.29 Moth Bomb___ 1.39 Hazel Blshop Spray 1.25, 1.95 Larvex Spray - 1.09, 1.69 Spray Net - -___ 79c, 1.69 Larvex Bomb --__ 1.98 Tanie Rinse -.-____ 69e Cutex Vans Vitalis Tinge Lipstick for Halr for Hair Shampoo 39c - 75o 490 190 690 - 99e 1.50 Geritol Tabs. or Liquid 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 COWLING'S PHONE Nl~SOE WE FIT MA 3-5695 JIRUG T R TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanvilkE THURS. - SAT. - MAY 2 - 4 Mainees- Saturday - 2 p.m. also "Don't Knock the Rock" Starring Bill Haley and His Cornets Last complete show 8:30 REXT MON. . WED. -MAY 6- 8 ~.i ELA K 7 w.ARNeR UiROS. KARL MALUEN - ARROLL BAKER - EL WALLACH Aduits Oniy! Restricted to 18 yoars and over Last coniplete show 9:15 highly of Dr. Vivian and corn- gratulated the people of Dur- ham on havîug him as thein candidate. "Dr. Vivian is a man ai vim, vigon and vitaiity. He nepresented Durham ably in the Provincial Cabinet aud bas an outstanding record," Mn. Stant said. Tight Money Pollcy Mn. Starn criticized wbat he ternid "the tight money pal- icy ai the federal goverument". ."Munîcipalities who are faced with the problem of necessary expenditures ta build schools, hospitals aud other aeeded pro- jects, have had ta tutu ta the United States for funds. They have ta seil debentures ta the U.S. in order ta buiid these necessary projects, because the U.S. rate an debeutures is lower than the Canadian gov- eruments," Mr. Starn ssid. Most important Eleetion «*This is the most important the reciprocity election of 1911", Dr. Vîvian aunounced ta the audience. "This election is vital- ]y important for much the same tesson that anc was," he cou- tiuued. 'These reasons are the strengthiening af the Comsmon- weslth tics; the upholding af relations with the United States; the development af Can- ada for Canadians. This lsae testiug time for the people of Canada. Great issues are at stake. The present federal gav- ernmeut lias fsiled the country in two ways. The most seclous failure is that it has net pro. tected, or guarded, aur consti- tution or the iuherited ights of paliament," Dr. Vivian said. Dr. Vivisu declared that overtaxation lias a fiec te d everyone. He said, I'farmers are placed in a diiemma by be&ng. caught between the prices they are able ta obtain for thoir products sud the ising cost of machiuery, autos sud living ex- *penses." Dr. Viviau said that bis pst. ty considered the present aid age pension inadequate for those who are tatally depen- dent on It. He chscged that too litti e had been dloue in Ot- tawa to secure overseas mac- kets for the farmers of Cana- da. Before concluding Dr. Viviau paid tribute ta Mr. Diefenbak. er's qualities ai leadership. He said he was proud ta stand Ls candidate sud if elected Fe could thiuk ai nothing better ta do than remain in Ottawa as the peopie's nepreseutative as long as thcy wanted hîm. 5feen Jfo wn n ews (By Connle Osmondi) On Fnîday, Apnil 26, Teen Tawn's Easter Prom was heid. As lu recent years the judges picked aur quecu, Miss Mat- I ganet Goheen. She was con ed by aur former qucen, Miss Rena Dilliug. lier four prin- cesses xvere, Miss Karen Mut- ton, Miss Pst Marc, Miss Bey- erly Smith sud Miss Joanne Marshall. There wece mauy nice donations tram all af aur local stores, sud the members of the Teen Town Executix e wauid like ta thauk everyoue who donated sud helped us with aur iacgest event of the yean. Evenything was greatly appceciated. We would also likçe to wish Margaret the happiest year ever, sud xvc sincenely hope that she xviii get much pleasuce- out of hec yesc of being qucen, sud that uext year she will crown us another beautiful queen. Irhere is ta be a dress up dance on May 17, bcginniug at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. It xvould be appreciated if the girls did not wear slacks or jean s, Noxv that badminton season has encied Teen Towxn bis no mid-weeSc attractions but next ynînton hope ta, have a bad- mitnseason again. Your Tecn Town Crests art, still an sale sud we hope thit you have noV forgotten. Thece will only be about two or thre more dauces, s0 if yau intcnd getting a crest you'd better hurry, or you won't be able ýo. 1 Nesilelon Sftion Recent visitons with Mrs. Jamnes Samelîs sud Norman were: Al ced Samelîs, Bow~- mianville, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gardon sud Fced Rogers, 0 h- Mr. and Mcs. Wm. Willis sud Miss Docothy Harris, Toronto, xvere xeekend guestq with Mcr. sud Mns. James Harris. Mn. sud Mrs. Glen Gibson visited Mn. sud Mcs. Arnold Williams sud lamilv. Miss Ruth Pcoutt spent a fexv days in Port Perry visiting Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Hunter sud famîly. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sam-, cils sud Sharon, Peterborough. visitecl hec parents, Mr. sud ir.z. L. Hyland. Mrs C. Emerton sud Mrs' G. ICollins xisited their sister Ms M. Noon iu hospitat in Torýon-,o suad friends will be glad *ta kuow. they found hec irnproved iu health. Mn. sud Mcs. Grant, Camp- bell were pleased ta, have hec father, u-ithec sud sister of To- ronto,,xisit them aovec the Eas- ter holiday. -Mr. E. Stewart 'bas been lu Malton Rebabilitation Centre for ;orne months following a seîrious leg injucx' suffered while at xvork. and %ý:as mOýt liappy tg be alowed a week- du miowm For al ihe Mothers you know /Ilo tA ers OÔay Ca ris tDOUTTS HALL31ARK and RUSTCRAFT and for a lZotAer's ùay E5/'t Bone China Cups and Saucers with "'Mother" ln gold ai $1.25 boxed English Brass Plaques with "Bless This House" $1.69 Pottery - Pictures. Lovely Linens A dainty Handkerchief a Books are just s few suggestions from the large display of suitable gifts you ivill find at Insurance General Insurauce J. A. BARTON Fine, Automobile, Liabil ity, etc.1 43 Carlisle Ave. MA 3-3098 L e g a1 STRIKE andi STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Stnike, Q.C. A. A. H. Stike. B.A . 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCIE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister. Salicitor Notary Publie King St. W. - Bowmanville, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 NUS8 APHA L. 110DGINS Barnisten. Salicitor Notary Public Teniperauce St.- Bowmaîvillie LOVEKIN AND THOMPSON Barristers sud Solicitors E. Richard Lovekin U.E., B.A., LL.B. sud Aadrew R. Thompson LL.B., LL.M. Box 9 Newcastle, Ont. Telephones: Newcastle . 2115 Toronta HI 4-4398 Consultation by appointment oniy Mo rig'age s LEROY HAMJfLTON - ORONO Phone 1 n 16 First Martuaxe lundi Residences - Fanais Business Praraerties REIT1I A. BMLLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowinanvfle Office Hauts: By appointmnent Telephone MAnket 3-3252 Mondav ta Saturdav 9 a.rn ta5 p.m. Wednesdavs: 9 ta Ut Thursday everungs The Orono News' Telephone 127I Mr. an~d Mrs. Chas. T. Miller c n and family, Ottawa, visitedç have returned home after Mrs. Clarence Duncan.t spending the past month in the Miss Bertha Cain spent her8 Southern States. Easter holidays visiting Mr. and% Mrs. Chas. Bebee is stayinfl:, Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa.t with Mr. and Mrsé Wm. Glan- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stud- ville. hlefdfmlSabruh Mr. ober Halyard andvisited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gil-% Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Bur- bert, Saturday. lington, called on Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miller on Sunday. Mr. Robert Sherwin visited Mrs. C. S. McLaren, Mr. in Cobourg last week. Arthur McLareni and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mirs. Gea. Mortont Ewing, Toronto, attended the visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mar- wedding of Mr. and Mrs. DonI- tin, Port Credit, and Mr. and aid McLaren ln Kenora, April Mrs. H. Barrowclough, Wesley- 20th. ville. Mrs. A. Saunders spent iast Mrs. McHolm has returied week visiting Mr. and Mrs. ta Orono fromn Memorial Hospi-8 R oy Barrabail, Brooklin . tal and is staying with Mr. andÉ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey Mrs. -Cecil Janes.à and family in Kirkfield on Miss Viola Noden, Toronto, Sunday. spent the weekend ini Orono. c Mr. and Mrs. Daan West Miss Constance Wagar andi and daughter have moved into Miss Mary Wagar, guest speakç- Mro. John Morris' house, and ers at W.M.S. Family Igupper Mrs. Morris xiii be living in an Monday evening, showed the house south of the Bake slides af Trinidad, where they Shop when she returns fromn have spent. a number of years. the West. They were overnight guests af Miss Elizabeth Porter, R.N., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Pentanguishene; Mrs. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Davey, Webb, Schomberg, and Mlr., Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Or. I. Gorley, Beeton, spent Mon. oaa; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat day with Mrs. J. E. Richards. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, Toron- Congratulations to Mr. and ta, were dinner g uests of Mi. Mrs. Donald McLaren (the for- and Mrs. C. C. C averly, Whit- mer Miss Barbara Jean Allan by, Saturday evenîng. The oc- of Kenora) on their marriage casion was Mr. Davey's birth- April 20th, 1957 in the chapel day. of Knox United Church, Ken. Mr. and Mrs. A. Russell and ara. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaren family rnoved this week tu are visitîng his mothe,r Mrs. C. Sault Ste. Marie. S. McLaren, Orono, this Satur- Mrs. H-. Barlow visited in day. Oshawa on Monday. Mrs. J. Noden left last xveek Mrs. R. A. Delve who lias to visit her brother, Dr. Rw~s spent several months wlth her Lang, Chicago, Ill. sister, Mrs. Harvey Curtis, lias Mr' and Mrs. Chas. Wood. returned to her home in Ham.- Mrs. *Bob Gilîmer, Miss Joani ilton this week'. Alldread and Neil Barrabali, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bar- Madison and Allan, Toronto, rabail, Sunday. spent the weel<end with Mr.« Mrs. A. J. Jakeman visited and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Couvier, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ruther- Montreai. ford, Heather and Janice, vis- Congratulations to Mr. and îted in Gait last week. Mrs. John Bail (the former Miss Clark Squadron No. 595, Ai- .Shirley Joyce Porter) on their Cadets, also the Annual Church marriage Friday, April 26th, parade of Orono Lodge 1.0.0. ;1957, in Orono United Church. F. No. 436 and Heather Rebe- Rev. John Kitchen officiated. kah Lodge, No. 334, attended Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee the morning service at Orano and David, Spýragg, visited Mr. United Church on Sunday. and Mrs. G. E. McGee. Rex'. Dr. Bruce Gray of Kew 1 Miss Joyce Jones visited Mrs. 1 Beach U. Church, Toronto will Wni. Uglow, Newtonville, Sat- be the guest preacher, May 19, urday. at Sunday School Anniversary Mr. and Mns. Donald Dun- at Orono United Church. en ev ntecountry. Mrs. JS LN Campbell provided transporta- S LN tian for the trip. Salins play, "Where's Grand- Visitors with Mrs. George mas?" wss weîî received at Farder were Mrs. 0. Wright, Westmount on Tuesday even- .Blackstock, and ber cousin El- ig mer Thompson af Mesard. The C.G.I.T. graup met on Mr. Elmer ana Mr. and Mrs. Saturdsy afternoan. Helen Marvin Nesbitt arrived homne Pridrldl h os Sunday evening from a win- Psericndld the girlsie ter in Florida. Neighbours wel- tevcenld tgiatrls f tue cor. nedMrb&c. GatTo study book. The rol cali was Mr. sud Mris.Grathomp-' answered with the rnodelling son ookbismoterMt$' of a personally designed Bas- James Thompson ta Beavertonte ne. on Saturday eve;ning after tr bn.rc Matmryre spending the winter with her pa reTMoerncoer prra family iu Nestleton and Toron- for Sd ay ehoOl. velyrn udy Shô.Eey « Ail wish improved health ta Hocksday and Aune Wetry Heny Tomponwho is i sang a duet, "I Would Be True" Cammunity Memorial Hospital, acah oywsredb er iPort Perny. Lah . Sympathy is extended ta Mc& The Wamen's Institute will ;Lamb, Mrs. Cecil Wilson and meet on Friday evening, May .family aud frieuds. Mr. Wil- 10. Ladies kindly note change .liam R ab hîss y o ofdate. ; Frda amb asoedin awae0 Mrs. Clara Leask and Mrs. F sreaday homnerdin Cae- Lois Yellowlees, leaders of the . area brand wsliterr e nethe4-H Club project aud membets 1 Fallsionburia lt tFeeofaithe Club were in Orono on Fîls o Mda. Hrl o-Friday for Achievenient Day. rieds, of Mrs. Heareol ar- Congratulations ta Helen sud . dteos o wanveille are plea.Pat ?Knox wha received County ; e torilr seipital ovIng 111 Honours at that time. Mheml olosiabl snd hoe Sauna Home and School sheIs oo abe t b hoe. Club will meet on Fridsy evon-« ing, May 3, when there will bc Personal incarne taxes repre- a speaker tramn Simcoe Hall, 1sent about 15 per cent of the Oshawa, ta talk on Boys' Work. 1 total of ail taxes paid by Canad- Karen and Breuda Yellow- iaus annually. lees spent several days withj MA 3.3134 their grandparents, Mr. ad' Mr&. E. M. Larmer, Blaclcstock.j Sharon Larnier, Blackstocc was a weekend visitor with her cousins K<aren and Breada Yellowiees. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees apent several days with hen daugh- ter, Mrs. Ernest Hockaday and fkmlly, previaus ta leaving on Sunday morning an a trip to the West with her son Donald aad family. Donald is a super- visor ai mnea"tdepartment xvith the I.G.A. stores, bas been traasferred ta Edmonton whene' he and bis wife and children will take up residence. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe had a birthday party for their twa year aid dsughter Beverley on April 25th. Those present on this occasion were Mrs. J. Dyer, Mrs. A. Beevor and David, Oshawa, and Mrs. Glen Glaspell and sons, Taunton. Many happy returus, Beverley! Dr. aud Mrs. S. George Werry sud famiiy, Oshawa, were Sun- day tea guests at the Werry'a at Roaelandvale. Mn. and Mrs. D. Flett and cbildren visited Sunday even- ing at Mr. Jim Waod's, Zion. Mn. aud Mrs. Harry Knox and sons visited at Mr. Wm. Knox's, Brougham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and children visited at Mr. Frank BurrowE', Oshawa. Mr. aud Mca. C. Pascoe wene Suuday dinuer guests at Mr. liIarvey Crossmau's, Taunton. Helen Knox holidayed at Mr. T. Anderson's, Zephyr, sud re- Business Direclory1 Âccouriiancy_ RAT J. D[LLING Certified Public Accouatant 93 Churcb Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. B. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanvllle (Abovo Gartan's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONTEITR - MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. Cbartered Accountants t35 Sinicae St. N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Manteith, M.P., F.C.A. X. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G, E. Trethewey. C.A. R. P. Lightfaot. C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER & CO. Accouatants and Auditons 64 King st. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Fniedlander. FI. Comm., C.PA J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir op r a ciiîc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Harsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appaintment D e nial1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jublîce Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowrnanvle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday sud Suaday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office lu bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvlfle Office Haurs: 9 asm. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 naon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.DS. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday sud Suuday Telph n 44Office A Q3.,&459 One easy oparationi-propares-cultîva tes- weeds ---When YOU lot Roto -Moe » do it! SPecially hardened steel eeeth, revatvins at over 300 r.p.m.. break up and acrate veut soit - cutting and mutching weeds to produce a Perfect seed' bed. Compact design pet- mits between-row cultivaio; TRIM YOUR ILAWN - cutfigh grass or weeds, with the Economy 20" RotoCutter or the new 22" Self Prwpclted unit. The. 2 HP. Roto-Hoe, favourite for smali gardens since 1936, has de- pendable 4 :zycte (no Sas and ail w t/ mix) engine, tilis 11"' wide and up ta 6' deep. Ask for 0 demonstration of the new. larger ModeI 300 Roto- Ho@ic witf, 3.3 HP. engin#. The 26" cttef le onto f MIx Slnd>. \ attfthm.ltsovhiliabfe. .5 f i ~ ' Pricés or# surrisinil, low -~ S0.4 yosir dtder todoy or write, FALCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD., 299 Danforth Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. Ptpsnst OXfori 9-1121 RO1TO-HOE DEALER IW* H. BROWN, 01 King St. W. Bownianville Phone MA 3-549fV TuRnE AN@ AUTO SUPPLY LINITED ASSOCATU STORE CANADA'S BEST TIRE VALUES Highest Quality Tires miade exclusively for Western by one of the world's Ieading Manufacturers - FuIIy Guaranteed in Writing Commander Admirai Lifetime Road Blazard Warranty 12 Month Road Hazard Warranty _____ADMIRAL f COMMANDER Tire Sites 600 x 16 670 x 15 710 x 15 650 x 16 760 x 15 Tire Price. $ 12.45 13.45 14.95 16.70 17.95 Conventional Btack Wall $14.95 15.95 16.95 17.50 19.95 White Watt $19.75 20.95 22.95 24.95 Tubeless Black White WVal Wall 21.3f, 24.30 2.1.50 26.50 25.60 28.6j F. A. BOYD, l'roi). Installation Sltghtly Extrâ SIMILAR SAVINGS ON TUBES $82.00 Allowance on Class A Trade-4ri' Truck and Tractor Tires Price on application WresteLrn M TIRE ASSOCIATION STORE 85 KING ST. W. turued borne on Sunday with themn. Janet sud Brenda Au- derson ane spendiag severali dans at the Kuox's. Kýeitb Cryderman and Bob Dart, ZMon, eajoyed a motar trip through Western Ontario ta Windsor, returnlng via Nia- gara Falls. 1%1r. sud Mng. Ken McMin sud Lynda, Oshawa, wene Sun- day visitons at Mn. E. Cryder- man's. Mts. Edith Marlowe and Mr. SidMithel, Bowmanvi.lle, vis- itc atMn.Frank Westiake's, Jr. Mn. sud Mns. Harold Moore, Heather sud George, Bowman- ville: Mn. sud Mrs. Tom lake sud family receutly visit- ed at Mr. Frank Westlake'e, Sr. Mrs. M. McCarnell, Marilyn McCarrell sud Doris Guthrie, Omemee, wlth Mn. sud Mrs. Wcs. His and family. Wayne Ormiston. Harrnony, holidayed with his cousin, Ban- nie Baker. Jean Baker et Walter Ormis- toa's, Harmany. Bannie Baker enjoyed holi- days with his cousin, David Smales, Hampton. Mn. sud Mr&. Ross Cryden- man, Ellen aud Larny wtce visitons o! Mr. sud Mns. Harold St. John sud family, Toronto. Mrs. Florence Peance, Lans. ing; Mr. sud Mrs. Helmer Freitag sud Baudy, Mn. snd Mrs. J. Legen sud children, !Oshawa, visited at Mn. sud Mns. 'H arold Pascoe's. Mn. sud Mn..O. Cruick- shanks, Joan sud ftiend, Peter- boraugh, xvene Friday eveuing visitons at Bruce Tink's. Lamne Tink attended the Christian Young ,Counseilors Convention at Piton aven the weekend. Ex'elyu Taylor who last week enjoyed a vacation at Wash- ing+an, D.C., spent several dayýs at her home before reýurn-faii9 ta resume nursing duties ;.t Peterborough. Other visitors at E. R. Taylor's were Mr. ani Mrs. Don Taylor, Mr. and Mi F. Bruce Taylor and sans and 2%Ls Lena Taylor, Boxvma týb4&e. Mn. and Mrs. Ra >ý Pasrxye, Beverley sud Bnian 'weire ý- cent tea guests àt G len Gia Ir pell's, Taunton. Mr. J. Dyer. Oshawa, visited at Mr. Rae Pascoe's Mrs. J. Baker is ug hr sister, Mrs. Ethel âgv mauville. Mr. and Mrs. an SmL!th, Debbie and Paul, Mrs. Ian Carr, Toronto; Mr. Wm. Carr and Miss Doreen Lyectt, Osh- awa, guests af Mr. and Mrs. Stan Millson and sans. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and sons were visitars at Har- vey Yellawiees'. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth, Hamilton were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Lloyd Broome atid sons. Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Iphono whltby MO0hawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALKTY MONUMENTS AND IA RK E RS Precise workmansh'. and careful attention ta detail are vour assurance wheu vau choose from the wide seleetion af imported and domestie Granites and Marbies in stock. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO SE six 1