I ?RRSDY, AT 2d, 957PAGE SEVEN THZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO &c Directed )CI ai & Phone tA& -Mr. and Mrs. M. Vetzal, Susan and Tim, Odell St., motored to Wasbington, D.C~, Easter week. Mr. Anglrs. Donald Robb re- turned- week from spending th 1 1i~9l Bradenton, Floçida. Jis'oan Luxton was with ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Second Sunday Aller Easler 9 and 11 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7 p.m. - EVEMING PRAYER éoeronai The Primary Class by: Mrs. O. R. Bragg, Mrs. V. Jeffery, Mrs. D. H. Williams, Mrs. S. Froats W. D.CARRUTHERS Superintendent K. E. BRAGG Secretary-Treasurer ¶Erie during Easter holidays. 1 Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto; Mrs. R. F. Innes and daugbter I Roberta. King City. visited Mrrs. 'i Crrlnn As~h and familv .New- I Trinity United Church j Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. iA..Rebekahs and Odd Fellowsj will worship with us. 7 P.M. - Evening Service Organist-Mr., Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 32nd Anniversary St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Su»nday, May 5th, 11:00 A.M. - "The Church Preshyterian" 7:00 P.M. - "The Eider Prodigal" Speaker: The Rev. Professor Allan L. Farris, M.A., M.Th., Knox College, Toronto rhe Rev. A. G. Scott, Minister. Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T., Organist. ALL WELCOME ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL 0ANNIVERSARY This Sunday - il a.m. tended Grand Chapter (Convoca- tion of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons in Toronto lest week, when a former Bowman- ville boy, Ex. Camp. Rev. H. W. Pointen, B.A., B.D.. D.D., was instelhed as Grand Chaplain. Nelson Wilkins wes appointed a Steward of the Grand Chapter. Messrs. Sidney Scott, Alex McGrexor and Herman Litchen- burg, ail of Bowmanvilhe, were among the 59 pbarmacists from as fer awey as Ajax andI Trent- on who attended a district sem- mear of the Ontario College of Pharmacy beltI in Peterborough, Wednesday. Being a graduete of the O.C.P. with over 50 years' standing, Mr. Scott, a veteran pharmaceuticel salesman, was presented with a gohd certif- icate. Dr. Charlotte Horner, M.O.H. Northumberland-Durham Heelth Unit andI Mrs. M. E. Pewtress, Executive Secretary of the Northumberland - Durhamn TB Association, have been appoint- ed members of a sub-committee set up under tbe Medical Ad- visory Committee of the Ontario TB Association andI bave recent- ly ettended three meetings in Toronto. The committee is under the cbairmahsbip of Dr. H. 1. McClintock of the Gage Insti- tute andI bas been set up ta con- sider the place of mass x-ray surveys in the case finding pro- gramme of the Department of eeth and Tuberculosis Associa- tion. Mrs. T. Bonne Milar (nec IClara L. Neads), Las Angeles, Cehif., andI sister Mrs. Margaret Young antI daugbter, Toronto, Swere in tawn iest week calling an Mr. antI Mrs. F. C. Vntn and other aid friends. The editor Jof The Stafesman was greatiy ndisappointed nat ta see these iladies eltbough they honored bim with a ceil but h e could not be located. Older cifizeswh recaîl thaf the Needs sisters were waste GR. expAress agent in dauthte Trs exAnres Nens wh town before the turn of the century. His office wes in part ~ of the building naw occupied bv Ithe Carter Bekery. If is fa be hoped they will corne back ta their native town next year fori the Centennial Cehebration. Teen Town' Queen I'(Continued tramn page one) O'Rourke; Mr. and Mrs. Welsh. STbey elso performed the duties of chaperoning. Hartiey Lewis, the Queen's escort, was also presented with many fine gifts. Spot dances were won by Jerni Ross andI Mervin Walker, Ruth Gobeen andI Russell Capelend, and Carol Cale and Gary Pickard. Spot dance prizes were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames. Enjoyable Evenlng JDance music was provided by Paul Minicoaas Orchestra. An enjoyeble luncheon was prepared and served by the lad- ies of Trinity United Church. Corsages of roses and carna- tions were given ta each of the young ladies eftending. The bell was decorated I n an Easter theme, with a nef o f belloons hanging tram fth el ceiling. Everyone enjoyed ai delightful evening andI dancing1 lested until 1 ar. Lions 1President 1(Continued frorm page one) the C.N.I.B. Campaign, by ILawrence Van Driel, an behalf of the Lions Club. Lion Don aiso mentioned the other members of the C.N.I.B. Committee wbo were unable ta attend the meeting. Tbey in- cluded: Rance Dilling. Miss Isabel Devis, Helen Cryder- man, Joe O'Neill and Howard Gibson. Mr. Caruk was introduced by ,L~awrence Van Driel, chairman of the Sigbt Conservation and Blind Commnittee. Mr. Van Driel gave a brief resumne of Mr. Caruk's work witb the C.N. L.B. Mr. Ceruk gave an inspiring address regerding the excellent work being cerried on iby the C.N.I.B. lie out"ind their e Masons Attend Service At St. John's Church Icastie, on Sunday. They also A 3-3303 i Icalled to see Alfred Adair who is ill in Memorial Hospital, Bow- r I lmanville. bher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mairs and man Luxton for Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger spent Scout Mothers' Auxiliary %ill the weeked in Woodstock, be held in the Lions Centre on guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wednsday May8 at 1:30 p.m. Badger. Master David Badger WedesayMa returned home after spending sharp.Easter week with his grand- Col. L. T. McLaughlin has parents. been elected a dîrector of the Royal Military Institute in Mrs. Ross Adams and children Toronto. Ileft on Saturday to visit her Mrs. Macy Blyth, Lansing, mother in Slough, near London, Mich., was a visitor with her England. Mr. Ross Adams with broter, r. nd Ms. C E.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams ac- broterMr. nd rs. . . 1companied them to Montreal and Rehder last week. boarded the liner S.S. Ivernia Bowmanville Choral Society for tea prior to their departure. provided special music at Port Hope United Church anniversary Congratulations are in order service last Sunday evening. to Miss Vivian Sadier on win- Rev.T. . Mrga ofTrinity ning the gold medal and the Uniev. T.rA. Mog a 0f a Thomas Graves Trophy for sing- Unitd Curc too a undv iing in the Oratario class for School anniversary service at contraltos at the Davenport Fest- Woodgreen United Cch ival of Sacred Fraise in Toronto Toronto, last Sunday murig on Monday evening. Miss Sadler Miss Janet McGregor, Queen's1 is a member of Trinity United University, is at home with ber Church Choir, Bowman ville. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- Four nurses have joined the Gregor, after completing final temporarv staff of the United second year examinations hast Counties Heath Unit after com- week. pleting a one-year course in Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. public health nursing at Uni- Lake, Elgin St., hast week, were: versitv of Toronto. Miss Heheno Mr. A. Blue, Miss Mary Blue McCaul, Toronto, bas been as- and Mrs. Warren Turner, Toron- signed f0 the Bowmanville of- to, Miss Goldie Perrin, Kings- fice: Miss Sheila Samson, Toron- ton. and Wade Summers, See- to, to Port Hope; Miss Isobel hey's Bay. Sidney. Toronto, to Campbell- ford. and Miss Dorothy Pinsent Mr. Mel McCoy, Burketon, of Newfoundland to Cobourg. Scout Master of tbe 1st Bow- manville Troop, and Troop Rt. Ex. Comp. H. J. Freeman, Leader Lowell Highfield, enjoy- I V. Ex. Comp. Nelson Wihkins, ed a motor trip in the United, Ex. Camp. A. Blanchard, Ex. States along the shores of Lake ICrp A. W. G. Northcutt, at- Success Plan For Sr. Citizens A very successful Stay-at- Home-Party was heltI on Thurs- day, April 25, when nearhy $100 wes realized by Club 15 fa carry on their service work. In every section of Bowman- ville hostesses opened their doors to welcome guests and add their support ta this war- thy praject. The boxes were prepared and dispatcbed framn the home of Mrs. E. Banting, Frederick St. Ten orders were delivered in the effernoon by Club members Mrs. P. Chant and Mrs. G. Vinish antI in the evening four cars left the Bant- ing home et nine o'clock with their deiveries. By 9.45 ail fif- teen members were present for a business meeting conducted by president Mrs. R. Mclntyre. Plans were prepared for the May Senior Cifizens' Party, fa be beltI on Tuesday, May 14, and as this will be the final meeting until the Faîl, Club 15 la looking forward ta welcom- ing a good turn-out. Mrs. E. Banting will be misfress of ceremonies and Mrs. P. Chahnf will convene lunch for this par- ty. At each Club 15 meeting members take up a collection ta pay for their annuel spring trip ta Toronta. Tanight, May 2, members bave dinner ar- rangements et the Park Plaza Hotel andI will be ettending th2 1957 Spring Tbaw review. Ladies Entertcuin (Continued fram page one) Coms. RuntIhe, Swan, Wakelin and Wehsh. Another nurtiberI wbicb found great favour withi the audience was Com. Bates'i presentatian of a Gracie FieldIs' sang, "Little Bottom Drawerý.J This wves foilowed by a sof t shoe dance by Coms. S. Graham, J. Lawrie, B. Richards andI B.! Welsh. A comedy number, a duef by' Coms. Fair andI Knight, "Walter; LeatI Me To Tbe Altar" caused a lot of iaugbs, andI one thet wesn't scheduled wben Welferi Park came running from the audience and joined the pair on stage.1 Com. A. Bate phayed a fine, piano solo, '*Clayton's Grandi Mercb," andI winding up this ex- cellent entertainment were sev- erel aid army sangs by an orchestra camposed of Coma. I Engiish playing fhe Hawaiien guitar. S. Graham on the piano, M. Perris, traps, andI Ede Rundie piaying the banjo. Legion President J. Firth ex- tended a vote of thanks ta thel Auxiliiry on behaif of the Brancb andI guests. Tee and dougbnufs were served, conclud- ing a fine social evening. TYRONE On Sunday morning the Jer- usalem Lodge of the Mesonic Order visited and worshipped witb the congregation of St. John's Anglican Church for their annual service. The preacher for this servIce was the Rev. J. deP. Wright, L.Th., L.S.T., rector of St., Cuthbert's 'Cburcb, Leaside. The Rev. Wright wbile rectar of St. Jobn's Church some years ago, ibecame a member of the Jerusaiem Lodge. In bis eddress, using the story of' the Feeding of the Multitude by Christ, Mr. Wright emphia- sized the point of boxv Christ depended on the co-aperation and help of bis disciples in feeding the crowds. Sa %Iso, Freemasonry must keep befare it the essentiel principle of not onhy baving faith in God but habilitation programmes and toltI the group about their many benefits offered to blind per- sons. He commended the Lions Club for their fine work in aiding the blind. The Lions Ciub's Sight Conservation and Blind Committee bas done an excellent job in this area, Mr. Caruk said. Lion Ernie Bradley thanked Mr. Caruk on behaîf of the club for bis inspiring and in- formative address. Mr. Brad- hey also thanked the members of the BlindI Committee for attending the meeting, and ex- pressed bis hope that thoir campaign would be a huge success. Birthdays Lions Russell Oke, Herbert L. "Deac" Goddard, O. K. Os- borne and Laurence Goddard celebrated their birthdeys. Lion Bill Yeo infroduced Amôs Ban- ner, who drove Mr. Caruk ta the meeting. A draw was held for light bulbs and the winners included: Harry Cryderman, Chaude Kil- mer, George White, Bob Wil- liams, ,im Marr, Dave Presson, Bob Mutton, Norm Allun, Hi Ormîston and Joe Flett. To Parade A motion was passed that al members purchase purple bow fies and orange and purphe bats ta wear in the district parade to be beld in Peterborough on June 2. On May 13, the club will entertain the members of ifs Midget Hockey Team at their regujar meeting. Club 1.5 Party 1 in exercising that faith in our acts of kindness and generosity as we move and work among mankind. The preacher pointed out that tbousands of people are lonely and confused in their struggle for assurance and security. God alone can meet that need through His Church; but church people must listen ta what Christ said to bis dis- ciples: "they need not go away, you, give them something to eat." The service was taken by the present rector of St. John's, Rev. A. C. Herbert, and the choir sang a special Easter carol "The Behîs are Gaily Ringing." under the direction of Mr. C. J. G. Evans, organist and choir leader. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Chester McGratb were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bright, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney, Marion, Sandra, Linda and Harold, Jr,, were recent visit- ors witb Mrs. Blanche Cooney, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibson and daughters visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saucb, Stark- ville, Sunday. Mrs. Ken Hopkins bas re- turned home after a week'- holidays with ber daughter and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hartley and Ricky, Englehart. Miss Votary, teacher at the Base Line School, spent last weekend at her home, Perth Road. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bailey and boys.1 Mrs. D. Flintoff, Oshawa, spent Sunday with ber son, Percy and family. Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mc- SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK <tFor Baby's Com fort" BABY POWDER V~Z2~39C Large ~ 65C tioo'9-MEL&ObDEDFOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! BIG BOX -3-PLY.. .3 5c With Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFI GREY PACKAGE 12's 43c *REG D TRDE MAR%( It's BABY WEEK at ail I.D.A. Drug Stores AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS 39c, 59c BAYSWATER DIAPERASH OINTMENT 95c, 1.89 CASTORIA--------------45c, 94c CHUX DUAPER LINERS ____39c, 1.29 CHUX DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Large - 98c, 2.19 SmaIl -- 2.191 HANKSCRAFT BOTTLE WARMER 3.45 With Vaporizer Cap 4.25 Vaporiier _-_-__-_9.95 Heinz Strained Baby Foods 3 for 29o Johnson's- Baby Cream 69c, 98e Baby 011 69e, 98c Baby Shampoo 69c, 98C Gitt Boxes 1.50, 2.50, 3.75 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum 1.35, 3.50, 5.50 Poly-Vi-sol 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 Nivea Creme 35c, 63e, 1.10, $3 Q-Tips 39c, 59c, 980 Swit's Baby Meats 2 for 45e The above are just a few of many fine selections of 1 Baby Needs available at your I.DA. Druggist Save on these Specials! ANDREWS LIVER SALTS Twe 4-oz, tins 90e value ______ 89 I.D.A. Hydrogen Peroxide 1 4-oz. Reg. 19e 8-oz.1 Reg. 29e 16-oz. Reg. 45e BAYER ASPIRIN Buy 100 Aspinin and get ai sample of eighf flavouredi Chihdren's Aspirin Free. Both for 79c I.D.A. Heavy Grade MINERAL OIL An odourless, taste- less ail, especieliy refined for infernal administration i n treatmenf of chron- ic constipation. 16-oz. 150 23o 39o Colgate Dental Cream 59e tube 2 for 89c 33e tube 3 for 66o PRESCRIPTIONS 40-oz. Save 30e onî IDASAL (1. D. A. Brand A. S. A. Tablets) Relleves Head-; aches, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Tooth-: a c b e, Earache and vain ln gen- eral. M",' Reg. 89ec---59c A SPECIALTY RUS ON TIME-TISTED SVIA PKS 53c 98c ONLY KIEEINEX* HNLAS THE SERV- A-TISSUE Box 20c 2 foi' 39c JUMBO sizu 35c 2 for Drug*s Phone MA 3-5792 Save 9c on Johnson's BABY POWDER 4-oz. tin, reg. 19c 2 for 69c Johnson's BABY SOAP Special! Regular 2 for 29e 3 for 39C duest Preacher: The REV. ROY RICKARD B.A., M.R.E., MC. Music by: The Junior Choir Directed by: Miss Ruth Bragg p Miss Bertha Colville THE REV. H. A. TURNER, B.A., B.D. Minister EVENING SERVICE - 7 p.m. Reg. 55e Reg. 1.101 87C Cet Cash To-dayi for Old Appliaucos A lex. McG regor, through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MNA 3-3303 ____ 1 TRMSDAY. MAY 2nd, io57 0 Grath at a going-away party for Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mc- Keen, former residents of Meple Grove, who are return- ing f0 Nova Scotia, were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allin, Mr. Wil- liem Mitchell, Aspen, N.S.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mc- Keen and Freddy, Miss Eva Herchfield, Mr. Arthur Malloy and Mr. Bob Malloy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Scott McKeen, Bleckstock; Mr. and Mrs. John MacLeen, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley visited ber niece, Mrs. John Stephens and family, Hunts- ville, et Mrs. Foley's sister, Mrs. S. Bartlett, Brooklin, re- cently. Recent visitors with Mr. andI Mrs. Howard Foley were Mrs. Clara Miller, Celifornia; Mrs. J. R. Young and Mrs. Stan Douglas, Toronto. Mrs. Laurence Staples and boys, Lifford, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clarke, Port Hope, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Trimble. Mrs. E. Ashton visiting witli her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Travell. Mr. and Mrs. William Cool- idge, Guli Lake, Sask., spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beecb, Janice and Bonnie and Mrs. Stella Beech visited with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beech and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bohem, Port Hope, formerly of Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milis and family with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milis and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Shunk Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Parker on the errival of a new baby daugbter. Billy Whalen entertained severel small friends et bis birthday party hast Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fohey and Mrs. Howard Cryderman accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collecutt f0 Port Hope United Church Anniversary ser~- vice Sunday evening. The Bow- menvihle Choral Society of 46 voices led in service of song. Sorry f0 heer Mrs. Robt. Pres- ton bas been in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile. Best wish- es for a speedy recovery. Easter week visitars at Ho- ward Cryderman's were Mr. Frank Cryderman, Mrs. E. Bell E. Twist and family, Salem; andI family, Bowmanvilie; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, Peul, Rosemery, Misses EMeine and Loreen Perry, Toronto. David Cryderman spent a few days with bis aunt, Mrs. E. Twist, Salem. Raymond Twist visited wifh the Howard Cryderman family during Easfer holidays. Phillips) who were married in Tyrone Uniteet Church on Sat- urday. Reception was held in Community Hall and a dance followed in the evening. Mrs. Mary Findhay, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Findlay and Curtis. Unionville; Mrs. Nelhie West- lake, BowmanviUle; Mr. Jack Richards, Oshawa, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bige- low and Mrs. A. Hawkey. Cheryl Rowan holidayed with Carol, Donna and Marilyn Yel- howlees. I!LÇIIIuU:II The easl.st startlnik simplest operatini power mower you can buyl COMPETITIVE PRICE S PLUS PERSONAL SER VICE leDoile DIIU(; STOIRES mommad »»J Guests of Mr. and Mrs M Dubyk on Easter Sun day wvere Mr. K. Frank, Wbitby; Mr. and Mrs. S. Dees and Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitruk and femily,' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dubyk and chihdren, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kowalski and sons, Maphe Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood- cock and Ricky, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davey and chihd- ren, Bieckstock, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Hampton, cailed on his sister, Mrs. R. Burgess. Key Davey was overnight guest of Eunice Randahi, Hamp- ton. Diane Shobodian bas returned home affer spending a week with ber aunt and family, Mr. Mrs. J. Mitruk, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. bon Real re- turned home to Markham on Monday after staying over a month with ber grandmother Mrs. R. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collacutt, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ailyn Taylor, Bowmanvilhe, were Sat- urday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Eerl Stephens, Sutton; Mr. and Mrs. Ewert Bragg and family, Bowmenvihle, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park, Sr. Mrs. H. Smitbson, Cahedon; Mrs. H. Rundie, Hampton; Mrs. Mary Cann, Bowmanville, vîsited Mrs. Aima Yellowhees. Carol, Donna and Marilyn Yelowlees visited Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa. Mr. Ernest Gardiner, Engle- hart; Mrs. Don Lindsay and Debbie, Selkirk, visited Mr. and Mrs' T. Phillip. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Byam (Carole The Activated Pilot WheeI and other ex- clusive Lawn-Boy Deluxe features assure the smoothest cut *verI Famnous instant startlng 2 H.P. model Iron-Horse engine. 21' DELUXE LAWN-BOY -TERMS Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. E. MA 3-5481