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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1957, p. 9

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- - -~ '-4-. ~ ~ ~ ~ .JYT VLZIN V I~i~~i.~../LN ~I.t.LJPAG N'I~1 1~W 'AMA5TAM *9A9rV5IA5. r* ONTARIO v Many Familles Aided Through Local Help eOf Salvation Army The Salvation Army in Bow- mTanville continues ta carry out its slogan ai seivîng with hand to mend and serving with orUjtaý God. There are many éIa ied ways in which tb:s *L oa'dne. Qiten the local Corps Officer, Captain Bill Brown, receives letters ai inquiry and pleas for Saves Barn Biggest Tulip Bed assistance from other Salvation Army Centres, gavernment of- ficiais, and citizens ta assist and investigate families that are in need. For example a certain officiai ai another tawn had received application for assistance from a Mrs B. who was having a difficuit time providing for her family. Her husband was in tbe hospital and she wes receiving no f i- nancial assistance. Upon re- ceiving this. information tne local Salvation Army réiacie certain inquiries, visited the family in question and was the means ai bringing about much needed belp. Captain Brown visits the Boys' Training School frorn time ta time, at the request ai anxiaus parents. This is an important task and one way in wbich the Salvation Army can beip with the rebabilitation ai boys who bave made a wrong start in life. The Salvation Army is no respectar af persans. It's pol- icy is ta belp everyane, regard- less ai religiaus denomination. Many families in tbis vicinity bave been beiped tby givi-ng them clothing. grocery arders and financial assistance in other ways. One family in a nearb'.' village were down ta their lait few pieces ai bread as a re- suIt ai a misfartune that they could not belp. Over a periad ai time the, Bowrnanville Saivation Army pravided thém By Driving Blazing Tractor Instant action by Charlie Os- borne, Ebenezer, saved bis barn from catching fire, when he drove a burning tractor from the structure, early Thursday of last week. Mr. Osborne was warking in the barrn when the tractor caught fire. He quickly drove the burning vehicle outside to the barnyard. Bowmanvjlle Volunteer Fire Department were called to the scene and tbey extinguished the blaze with a hand extinguisher. The oniy damage to the trac- tor was two badiy burned tires on the ieft side. Luckily the tractor was insured. By coin,-,.* dence it is insured with his brother, Nelson Osborne, May- or of Bawmanville. [T am rly steps out smart!y.. Every member of the family looks fresh and smart when we clean their clathes! We give everything from Dad's suits ta littie sister's dainty dresses that "like new" sparkie . . . and ail at modest prices! You can always count on us for free, prompt, pick-ups and deliveries! Phone MA 3-5520 Bowman ville Cleaners &Dyers Lt d. 84 Ki-g- St. W. Less than one month from now a million tuiips wili be in bloom in Ottawa. Massed in this one spectacular bed, anly part of which is seen here, will be 70,000 tulips, the largest single dispiay af the fia wers in Canada's Capital City. The tulips will be at their best during the Annual Canadian Tulip Festival from May 13 ta 30. with gracery parcels untîlJ they were able ta get on their D r i g o feet again. ia l Another family were in sim-ng n ilar circumstances-only muchi warse. Conditions in which iv V ie tbey lived were almast unbe- F v ie lievable. Tbe parents, three Reeve Roy Nicbols ai Dar- chiidren and a baby were hud- îington Council a n n a u n c e d dîel in ane small dingy shack! Tbursday tbat a 20 foot liat The place was unsanitary and mixed asphaît road stretchingý an ideai fire trap. Food and five miles from Mitcbell's Cor- clothing were provided for the ners ta Eniield wili be con- youngsters and the Salvatian stru.cted as soon as Departmen- Army made arrangements with tai approvai is obtained. the Children's Aid Society ta Reeve Nichais expected that bave tbem remaved. the work wauld be completed Thus the Bawmanvilie Saiva- this year but if tbis was not the tion Army carnies on its wark case it would deiinitely be fin- ai mercy: praviding food, coal ishÏed next year. and clotbing for needy fam- lVrecking Yards ilies; visîting the sick and The ticklish problem ai those in trouble; working with wrecking yards is giving Dar- Service -Clubs and Societies, îington council some arixiaus and village or town Councils; moments. caunselling those wba hhave At last Tbursday's session F. difficuit and very intimate M. Sison, Oroîîo, who intends probiems; sending uniortunate tao perate a wrecking yard on cbildren ta summer camps; the Veênoff property in the warking thraugh spiritual and sauth ai the township told social motives ta belp build a cauncil ai bis plans. better cammunity. He icît that a wrecking yard The Army ai "the under- which was praperly managed standing beart and the human would be a credit ta any com- touch" can only carry on its munity and should be welcom- work with tbe whoie-hearted ed as a new industry. ca-aperatian and practicai as- Mr. Sisson pointed out that sistance ai the citizens ai this he wisbed ta operate according grawing community. toalal regulations and be would not move into the new location ~UNM until it xvas ta everyane's satis- faction. M uv i E In answer ta criticism oi bis REVIEW BUS STOP wtih Marilyn Monroe, Don Murray, Betty Field <CinemaScope -DeLuxe Color) Royal Theatre. Thurs.-Sat. May 9-11 Bus Stop is a delightful comi- edy drama that frolics along a iight-hearted trail, with acca- sianal, faint hints ai deeper meaning. As just about every- body knaws, the screen adapta- tion ai William lnge's bit play features Marilyn Monroe in the lead, and she flutters about, ber sculptured form sheathed in Fire Brigade Answers Two Alarms Sat. Bawmanvilie Volunteer Fire- men battled a raging grass and brush fire near the home af Ronald Wilton, Maple Grave, for alifio-st an baur Saturday marning before bringing the blaze under contrai. Firemen received the cail at 11.40 arn., after a grass fire swept out ai control and began burning in a swamp area be- hind the bouse. The firemen were bandicaped by the loca- tion ai the fire and bad ta use reserve bases ta reach the flames. Once the lire was under con- trai the firemen moved into the swamp area and extinguish- ed several smoldering tree stumps with the aid ai port- able extinguishers. Eariier in the morning fire- men had been raused framn their beds at, 5:30 arni., when an automobile transport caught f ire ricar the I{ighway 401 cia- verleaf. The cab of the eastbound Mc- Callum auto transport was burning when firemen arrived at the scene. They promptly extinguished the blaze with a hand extinguisher. Oniy slight damage accurred ta the cab ai the vehicle as a result af the fire. anatomny-bugging garments. Playing opposite the much- publicized Mrs. Arthur Miller, is a brash newcomer af leaping- vitality, Don Murray. It is a strong combination, and they are sturdily supparted by Ar- thur O'Connell, Betty Field and Eileen Heckart. This Buddy Adler production bas been given the polished, large-scale production treat- ment it merits, and that, amang otber things includes Cinerna- Scope and De Luxe Color. It goes without saying that as merchandise, Bus Stop rates very, very bigh. Joshua Logan is a master ai tbe directorial art and he is aided with noteworthy camera- work by Milton Krasner, and music conducting by Alfred Newman. O'Connell plays the eider cowboy and mentor to, Murray, wbile Miss Field consummateiy boids down the raie ai diner praprietress and Robert Bray is effective as tbe bus driver. Incident flows iapan amusing incident. and scenes are put ta- gether w ý-th unconinün Fk:l], exactir.g the ±ull nmeabure of çornedcy. ta Pave of Road present, yard in Orono Mr. Sis- son expiained that it was only a temporary site due ta tbe lack af space and bence no imprave- ments were made. People be thougbt sbould be educated ta tbe grawing e ai wrecking yards tabhanide the increaising number ai d- terîorating cars wbich aire now being produced. 'They bave ta go same place." But evidentiyr that place is not in Darlington. At previaus meetings during the year eoi:n- la 'Il CHECK TOUR CAR -CHECK ACCIDENTJ Chevrolef COURTICE plaints have beeen received from many residents aver the proposed establishments ai jwrecking yards in the town- ship. Hawever Council can't turn dawn an application for a wrecking yard until one is made but in the past Council bas assured delegations that na encouragement would be given ta wrcckingr yard appli- cants. And so the matter rests -.-,niamentarily. Darlington Council gave a boost ta tbe Durham Central Agriculture Society by in- creasing the annual grant ta 1$100. TYRONE (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Diane visited Mrs. V. Hotrier, Wbitby, Sunday. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford; Miss Evelyn Pascoe, Enfield, were Easter Sunday dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs*. K. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Arcbie Grabam and cbildren, Barrie, were Sun- day visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar. Katby Hoar returned borneo Sunday aiter boiidaving witb Jean White and sisters, Baw- manville. Jimmy Park, Peterborough. spent a week with Douglas Park. Bannie McQuinri felI down- stairs last week and injured ber back. We hope it wili sioon De. feelingc better Bannie. Mr. and Mrs. George Caw- ker and chiidren, Bawmanville, calied on Mr. and Mrs. C. H. MeQuirin. Mr. John Wismer, Miss Alice Rouke, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. B. Simpson, Bruce and Brian, Part Perry. visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Coibartv. Mr. Oliver teckett and Ar- villa called at the funerai borne in Part Perry on Sunday and paid tbeir respects ta the late William Lamb, then calied on Mr. Leonard Bradley, Ennis- killen, and were tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Enniskilien. Dr. A. E. Cresswell and Glen- is, Paisley, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, also called an Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar. Linda Smith spent a few days witb Sandra Johnison, Hampton. Sandra returned for tbe weekend with Linda. Jimnmy Widdecombe, Hamp- ton, visited Mervin Smnith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake, New- castle, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner. Mrs. F. Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowman- vile. 01e 1 0 e 6C08 Re Orono Musons Entertain Their Wives at Banquet Orono: Aiter a lapse of sev- eral years. the Orono Masonic Lodge resumed its observance ai Ladies' Nigbt Saturday April 27th at a Banquet beld in the Odd Fellows' Hall and attended by about seventy-five couples. Worshipful Brother Herb Duvaîl, Master of Orono Lodge, was chairman ai the pro- gramme and in bis remarks made flattering reference ta the vital part played by tbe ladies in encouraging and as- sisting their husbands in their Masonic duties. Right Worshipiul Brother James Jackson, District Depu- ty Grand Master, extended the greetings ai Grand Lodge ta the members present. Fallow- ing the toast ta "The Ladies", Brawn. Mrs. Herb Duvaîl, wife of thiq Master, responded by express- ing the appreciation ai the la- dies for the efforts expended on their bebali. She wvas pre- sented with a colourful bouquet of rases ta mark the occasion. The banquet conciuded, the guests retired ta the ather sec- tion ai the bail ta witness a display ai psychometry and bypnotism by entertainer Da- vid Stewart. Several more or iess willing subjects underwent bypriasis and their antics while bypnotised p ro v id ed much amusement ta the spectators. The evening was concluded by a short periad af dancing and a sing sang ta the piano accompaniment ai Mrs. Everètt Bowman ville Choral Society Spring Concert in ithe Tow n Hall Friday and Saturday May lOth and llth Time - 8:15 p.m. Assisting Artists Torolto Rhythmairs Barber Sho*p Quartlet Hu gh Martin, Director. Mary Cole, ADMISSION - e Aduilts 75c .,Students 50c Bring on the hbis! An easy, easy pressure of the toc. and Up you go . .. the grade just doesn't exist that can make a '57 Chevrolet falter. Came on in and sample the lift, the incredible liveliness, the big reserve of safety power that Chevy's super- efficient V8's and 6 deliver! It's a wonderful feeling! But, then. nobody in the low-priced field builds such tireless and resaurce- fui engines. Try this When that light flashes green, open that Chevy up a little. There's astanishing zip ta the get-away ai this most spirited af ail Chevrolets! See how many higher-powered cars * * get that familiar view af Chevrolet gliding sassily away f rom VW them! You'l love it - the quiet, velvety eagerness ai the '57 Chevroiet. Virn. vgour ... famous easy handing . .. and the lustrous beauty and gaod taste af a genuine Body hy Fisher masterpiece! That's Chevrolet for '57, the big best-seller! See your nearest Chevrolet dealer. Uoenth after month sInce the '57 Chevrofet was 1 nt roduced, Canadians have bought moto Chevrolets than any other car. W. NICHOLS aOldsmobile Cars -Chevrolet. Trucks BO WNAN VILLE GOVERNMENTS ARE YOU WHEN governments spend money, it is your money tliat is being spent. For governments themselves produce nothing. Governnients can only spend what they take froni the production of the people, whose creatures and servants they are. If you want Iower taxes, you must curb the spending of your governments.-- There is no other way by which taxes can be reduced. IrHE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LUMITED MONTREAL GANANOGUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO tlf MSJAJFýETY M'IN'Hi TffZ LqAeAnTAM qTATZSMA"- rwrraoTp% a

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