PAGZ T'EN ~!E CANADIAN STATSMÂ1~ ~OWMANVTLL'E. ONTARTO - I .LL1U1~~JJAX, LUftX ~tfl. 1107 mn,.w a.. ..... fl~ Tro Breed Miniatures Canada' s First At Kennel 15 Located Miniature Afghan Hounds, fire had destroyed theirh the first known of their species, and property there. Althi are successfully bemng raised at tefr etoe l hi the Televee Kenneis, tempor- tefr etoe i hi ariiy located at 23 Centre sessions, they were succe: Street, Bowmanville. in saving their seven prize Presently the kennels have digree afghans. two of these miniature afghans, At present Mr. and which stand 22 inches in height. Wilkinson are staying with Their objective is to breed a and Mrs. L. Buckler. species standing 20 inches in Buckler is a sister of Mrs. height. kinson. They have constru Mr. and Mrs. William Wilkin- temporary kennels behind son, owners and operators of Buckler residence. The ken the kennel, said they were house the seven afghans the Wilkinsons broughti highly pieased with the tw'o them from England andi miniature afghans they now puppies that have been1 have. Eventually theY plan ta since their arrivai. raise the species for show pur- 1 pose and expart. Such a breed Raised Many Breeds of afghan is in great demand 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinsonh throughout the World. operated the kennels since1 Normal afghan hounds stand1 when Mrs. Wilkinson first approximateiy 29 inches high. came interested in afghansa The dog being the larger seeing a photo of them. TI standing 27 to 29 inches, while first two were gifts and s the bitch stands between 24 that time they have beenr and 26 inches. The miniature1 ing them. In addition to the species being raised byr the ghans they have raised mi: kennel would stand 20 inches ture boxers, miniature paci and 18 inches respectively. and miniature schnauz From Durham England They wvere the first Eng Televee Kennels were for- kennzl to breed miniatureb rneriv Iocated in Durhamn Coun -i ers in England. ty, England . The Wilkinson"' Although an eng-ineeringc moved to Canada recentiy after1jsu1tant by profession, Mr. Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.M. Jackpot Value - This Week - $220 This week's winner Mrs. W. Bennett, R.R. 2, Newcastle 20% Coupon - $44.00 DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., MAY 11tIi at 3 p.m. - Town Hall PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Sepfic Tanks- -- Sidewalk Slabs - Coloured Patio Slabs- -Porches, Steps - - Curbing - Concrete Pvoducts PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Cails Accepted One easy operation-prepares-cultivates- weeds . . . When you let JRo»to»-Mo«»e do it! Specially hardened steel teeth, revolving let over 300 r.p.m., break up and serate your soil - cutting anud mulching weeds ta produce a perfect seed bed. Compact design per. touts becween-row cultivation. TRIM YOUR LAWN - cur high grass or weeds, with the Econ'omy 20" RotoCutter or the new 22" Self Propelled unit. The 2 HP. Roto-Hoe, favourite for smail gardens since 1936, has de- pendable 4 cycle (no gas snd ail ta . miùx) engane, tilla 1l" wide and up - ta 6' deep. - o emntainof , -, new, larger Model 30 Rta-. Ioe with 3.3 M.P. enin. TE ~ ttachments.- avallable. uN 4ýLCPricest are surprisingly low -~ see your dealer today or uritel ON QUPMETfOrMPe iéA tD!re. ~LCON forIfreeTlCOMPANY L., 299 Donforth Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. Phono. OXford 9-1121 ROTO-HOE DEALER W. H. BROWN 91 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5497 Thanks Rotary for HeIp Su gh o~To Cerebrail Palsy Victims Pa anSpecial thanks was extend- This transparting ot child- T ed ta the Bawmanville Rotary ren ta the clinic lhas now been 1 club at their negulan Friday taken over by the schooi boards Bi meeting thnough a letter sent of South Darlington, Bowman- an( home ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4 kisni kelontrsemI af ai heCereralon be. Mrs. Campbell pointed out hom kisonis eely nteestd I hlf f te CrebaiPalsy ta noteworthy help is given tea Lugh the kennels aperations. His School, expressed appreciation ta the care o! the cippied chil- M:t -pas- wife enthusiastically shames his of the work done by Ratarians. dren by Dr. R. A. Giil, Osh- aw essful interest and ably manages the She conxmended thé club awa, who examines each chiid b e pe- kenneis. Mrs. Wilkinson, like for its interest in seeing that thomgley tend al'sso ist- wre hiem husband, hias alwayr been thq, crippled children in this trpsethescit' pAith- . Mrs. fond of dags. She exhibits them amea are safely transported ta The next step for the local iMr. at shows and bias won numer- the Cerebrai Palsy Schaaî and society is the establishingofa! an Mrs. aus awards with them. Clinic in Oshawa. Rotarian Doný clinic where children may be an Wil-~ Excellent Temperament Marris and Bob Stevens arel fitted with necessary aids for ucted iene eneswr e charge o! this projeet. any handicap. H.r te nowned for the fine breed and 1 snels excellent temperament ai the i wtht afghans they exportcd through- G ood e rlilye sge wxth out the World fmom their loc.a- son attributes the outstandîng Receive L n Service Pin > ed h oathe fact hathey aveor bath Four employees a! the Boxv- year. He began bis career with Slu have d Enlih anGemhan Dten manville Goodyear Tire and Goodyear in March, 1927. His at 19o50,n hy a teke Ru'bber Company were pre-, wife is aira a Gaadyeanite hav- Hai ;be- nels in England they imported sented with long service pins ing neariy 26 years' service. Mr. aftcr several Dutch and German af- bFPa rheir ghans ta breed with their Eng- byPat Manager Charles Cat- Brooking hias womked in the ras incc lish afghans, because they are tran, recently. Calender Room since 1932. teas rais- o! exceptionaliy mild tempera- They include; Ernie Jones, Allan Moffat, Mili Roorn TV a f- ment, Mrs. Wilkinson raid. wha hias completed 35 ycars' Foreman, was born in Orono. cail inia- Strict Diet service; Narm Brooking, AI- He started womk with Good. Po: Ian Moffat, and Ems Craw- year in March, 1927, and lias late cfdier The afghans at Televee Ken- ford, ail wîth 30 years' ser- worked in many departments Îjr izers. nels are fed a strict diet af raw vice. since that time. He is an ac- T glish meat and biscuits. Pups are Emnie Jones, wbo jr slated tive member of the Masonsc Da3 box- given milk, cream and boney. ta retire this June, started Lodge and does considerable joa 'In addition herbs are added to working for Goodyear in worki this field. San their dict. Bv maintaining thi March, 1922. He lias workedi Enîs Crawford started Good- Lar Wil diet, Mrs. Wilkinson said. tle in several departments rince year in March, 1927, as head wc( - dogs build up a strong resist- then. Mn. Jones jr Publici'ty of the Engineering Department. uip, I ance against direases. Director for Local 189, United He is an enthusiastie curier in Viv' Rabies are unknown in Eng-- Rubber Workers. the winter time at the Ottawa led land, Mrs. Wilkinson raid. Norm Brooking is employed Curling Club. Mn. Crawford anc When they brought their afgh- in the Calender Room at Good- bias aira been active in maîîy grat ans into Canada, they were ad- other sports. An American by veas mitted without the need of in- birth, bielias spent 48 years ceiv noculation agairst rabies an.d Ji ~ dn in Canada. However hie still i other discease. This was pî-; r u i ig rmnsa Aeic itz. manily due tri the strict ruling rmisa.A rca ctie.assr * in Eîîgland governing ail ani- ing mais. If an anniai contac ts a Can vass 'vadres V(TWWor j flsezýse it is imniiiediatelv pl'ic - TYI beir cd ian isolation centre iintili 2 Dr sng (Itde folatwk) e- it lhas fully reeovered. 1 2 D e sn s Itddfola wl ta Win Awards M \r. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, k.ll S Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson Mms. Jack Dunn, Beech Ave., John and Lauraîne, wcre pt r aire the afghans for show was hosters ta 16 members of guests af Mr. and Mrr. H. Mc- Pat, purpases and their dogs have the Sunshine Group an Wedl Clure, Sunday, it being léwon many awards at dog shows nesday, April 24,- when they McClure's birthday. Congratu- Sf thougbout England. They are spent the entire evening mak- lations. ity members a! the English Ken-1 ing 102 dressings. Minutes were Bill Dôwn, Toronto, visited Lacý ~% nei Club and are planning ta read and treasumer'r report Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mv * join the Canadian and Ameri- given. Mrr. Alan Steele war! Miss Lillian McRoberts, To- Cari can Kennel Clubs. preýented with hiem Caduceus! nonto, visited at liem homc. witi I n. Wlknon revd spin. Mm. and Mrs. T. Fýindelay, U1.n- Bya, Mr.Wikinon sered as As the canvass kits were ahll onville, visited Mrr. Oto Vr-_ I at many of the dog disributed there was anîy a tue. and shows in England and ather brie! discussion cancerning the IMm. and Mrs. A. E . M atMrs. coutnes H vriednuemurdoor-to-door canvasan Tues. 1 Bowmanvilie, were Sunday Bay. countrier whiie in the service dy pi 0 uc a ev of the Merchant Navy and daA1l 0 uc wssm-cailers ai Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cz j wiiethre aw her bsted by the hostess and Alice Moore and Mrs. V. Millson. few hie virîted Russia and xvas given a tour of their kennelz. The Herd dogs which are fam- aur thnoughout Russia appear- ed well kept, hie commented. Fine Pet Would an afghan make a good house pet-? Mort certainly, raid Mrs. Wilkinson. They bave an excellent tempemamemît and are a wondemfui compan- ion for chiidren. Afghans are genenaily content ta stay i anc place in the bouse and do nat wandcr througbout the bouse. - Mrs. Wilkinson raid it xvould 1be necessary ta seli the pups they now have as their kcnncl sPace jr iimited. Selling the afghans will be quite easy as the Teievee Kennels are the GO *only known raisers a! afghans in Canada. The afghan jr in great demand in New York and GO they are becoming farbionable Sin many ather countries. I There are aira, many appas,- * unities ta sel them ta other kenneis, Mms. Wilkinson raid. AltouthclghSuper-wth New York market value, the Puprsbould bning araund $100 mUe r each, Mms. Wilkinson added.s rntnlguing Storyp S There jr a fascinating stomy Sattached ta anc of the afghans NV>O L wlned by the kennels. Kym or N W O L Egypt more than 6,000 years ag.Tbey ,vere originaliy brcd TR fo pni usetantrail game bi' E I AInT frnrl rpomt use a n eee byU flLLLEU T R A E YA H SR ground sent. SAFETY ATb sigbt and in pairs, and require- nospecial training for hunting.W a ulHr' ult hog n hog. Althougb they do not appear W e iby eesqaiytruhadtruh ta be a swift runner, they bave .Goodyear's exclusive 3-T Cord body fights off the been known ta outrun te three main tire killers -heat, shock and fatigue. I famnous Greyhound. They have, rtrang legs, dark raouts, wbicli And Goodyear's tough, durable tread design givetR are distinctive of their pedigree, yulne er atyipoe rcin an d pendulous earr. Today ut yulne er atyipoe rcin Iis impossible ta buy an afghan muen from Afghanistaln. Those that $~U ~ b are available have pedigrees SEE VAIUR GOODYEAR D EA ER Wi dating back centuries and their- owners -xviii notseii themn. To Enter Shows Mm. and Mrs. Wilkinson plan ta settle in this area and buiid appropriate kennels for the dogs. Canada is an exception- aily fine climnate for raising af- , ghans, Mr. W'lkinson raid, and we have liad no difficulty with Once thev have eýztablished a location fa' the kenneLs lie WVilkinsons plan. ta en:,er their afghans in dog shows across - 1OREPEOPN I.RI DE QMG OO EAR-TIRES Canada and the Unitd'States. nd daughters, Tt'-ronto, were ;nday. guests ç>f Mrs. F. ;ott. Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue, >ui and Grace Mr.oore, were înday callers of Mr,. and Mrs. 'eo Down, Lakepield. Mr. and Mrs. $. Goble and ýuce, visited her, parents, Mr. nd Mrs. F. Partner, Long Luit. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm were !a guests Saturday evening ai fr'. and Mrs. Bill King, Osh- wa. Mrs. Lloyd Beech and chîld- cn, Burketon, spent Sunday th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. G. Philp, Mor- instan; Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Bird id family, Codrington, were anday guests of Mr. and Mrm. Philp and Jean. Mvr. and Mrs. S. Gable, Les- eand Bruce, were Easter ests of Mr, and Mrs. H. Part- ýr. Mrs. Arthur Rahm accampan- d Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Siute of wmanville and attended the ute-Jebson wedding receptian the home of Mr. and Mrs. araid Jebson, Oshawa. F'our teachers are visiting Ty- le school this week from the achers' Coilege, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread Iled at the funerai parlour in )rt Perry Sunday ta see the te William Lamb. Sympathy extended ta the bereaved. Those attending Achievement ày of 4-H Club members were an, Kay and Joyce Davey, tdra Gibson, Jacqueline and craine Rosevear, Audrey ood, Cecile Park, Billie Phil- )Carol Yellowlees, Joy and vian Chamberlain accampan- iby leaders Mrs. N. Woodley Id Mm. A. Youngman. Con- atulations ta Jacqueline Rose- ar and Joan Davey an ne- iving their County honours. Sunday marning the choir isted in the service by sing- g "Tiil the Light af the orld Shines Through", thils iîig otir W.M.S. thankoffering 11'ice. We are very gratefuil Rev. R. B. Green of Ennis- en for his message on m;s- is. The Mission Band girls, tsy Gibbs and Shirley John- nreccived the offering.' Severai ladies of Tyrone 'Un- ,L.O.B.A. visited Janetville ,ge Manday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Willis," nningtan, spent the weeker.d th Mr. and Mrs. F. L. am. Ir. and Mm. Trewin Scotti d children visited Mr. and!i '.A. Marshall, Humberl ýarroil McRoberts spent a vdays with Beverly Bradley, vm a nville. - J Bob Sadier RGoetirf Feilow employees honoured Bob Sadier, employee of Good- Year Tire and ltubber, an the occasion of his retirement, on March 29. Mr. Sadier was presented with a gift of a wrist watch and a model push truck. Ray FrY gave a resume of Mr. Sad- ler's life history and wished rhim a long and happy retr. ment. Although he did not have sufficient service to warrant a pension, Mr. Sadler wau pre. sented with a severance award by the company. Mr. Sadler started Goodyear in (le& ber, 1944 and has worker.4 ut severai jobs such as curing heels, carpentry shop. striping hose, utility work and Porter service. Ralph Conner was th~m name of the Rev. Char1le Gordon, a Presbyterian mii. ter who was perhapa Canada'@ most popular writer of nôveli. i NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED, I MAIL sales office, 100 Qusen Strest, swans.a, Toront. 3,0ont. THS Please send me a free copy f PE Pipe nd Fittings beoet i OPNNAME ................................. C O U P O N C O M PA N Y ........................... .. . .é é . i TODAY ADDRESS ..................................*, CITY ......................PROV ........... 11.7 I 1W~ 'VEAR Cushion with your Clasa 'A" Tracle-In (Size 6.00 x 16) 00K BOTTOM PRICE LOWERED PRICES S OTHER SIZES TOO! $12@95 *Size 6.70 x 15 $14.95* Size7.10 xi15 th your Class "A" Trade-in A ITHAN-ON ANY-OTHER KIND It pays togointo a lubrication huddle"! Evçn some mighty experienced farm machine operators can get crasscd up an the fine points of lubricatiQn. Especially, it's oten hard to know what the manufacturer*s recommendations mean in terms of a brand of lubricants. And that's where I can hclp. My years of experience with machines and Imperial products can be/af reai value to you. Why not give me a cei? l'Il be azound promptiyl A. H. Sturrckl & Sons Sturrock St. Bow n ville NIA 3-5316 yO0U a IM P E RIA L EIS S 0 A 0EN PAGE TEX THE CANADIAN STATLmsmAN. BowMANVILLE, ONTARIO , 93,Toe?%Av %ffAqp A&U liman Co.