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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1957, p. 11

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TEtIRSDAT, MA.? th. IlS? ~UW PAVAPIAM m~A'pI!.qMAM UWZ#lAsa,.--- r.- - -V VLL O N AJUJ A Home and School Financial Statement Fancial Statenient cf Bowmanville Home and School A' Asuýý1 for year 1956-1957: Recetjts Bank Balance, May, 1956 Cash on hand Collections MeniJbership Fees Ffrom Dinnen «1 Rfnd - Overpayment of 3ank Intenest Special Collection Sale of Christmnas Cards $227.41 11.79 136.27 42.70 53.75 3.00 2.00 30.00 50.50 lManuals Total Receipts Expenditures Per Capita Fees _____ Federation Registration and Convention _______ Delegates to Regional Conference____________ Expenses cf Meetings Teachens' Yearly Prizes ____________ Mome & School Manuals and Magazine Donation - Recreation Department Garton's Coach Lines--_ _________ GiIts for Teachens___________________ Gifts for Janitors Minute Bock --- _______________ Christmnas Cards __________________ ]Rickaby's - Miscellanéous ___ Salvation Army - -------_ S. J. Jackman & Sons ___ Bank Charges $557.42 $24.35 12.15 5.40 12.03 15.00 7.00 10.00 90.00 6.50 15.00 2.25 29.40 2.11 30.001 5.00 .90 Total Expenditures $257.09 Total Receipts ------------- - $557.42 Total Expendîtures 257.09 t 1flfl 71 $300.33 il $300.33 TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED ASSOcIAUStots Special This Month GREASE JOB $1000 Spark Plugs cleaned, spaced, fested, lOC a Brakes AdjusIed.i Tires and Tubes Installed Fiat Tires Repaired ,&TIRE ASSOCIATION STORE 871UNG ST. W. F. A. BOYD, MA 3-3134 Prop. r- mil BLACKSTOCK A tearn from Toronto and Peterborough led by Don Beatty, Toronto Diocesan and President of A.Y.P.A., came to Blackstock Anglican Church last Monday night te Instruct the local A.Y.P.A. in prepaning for and conducting their meet- ings. The team gave instruc- tions on devotional exercises, games, sing-songs and othen activities. At the close cf the mecting the local A.Y.P.A. entertaîned ith lunch and social time. Six of the Anglican A.Y.P.A. are planning to attend the an- nual A.Y.P.A. Festival in Orillia this weekend. The congregational social evý- ening cf St. John's Anglican Church wbich was planned for Thursday has been cliarged te Friday evening, May 1(). Quite a number cf young people £rom the United Cburch attended the banquet Saturday evening and services Sunday in Port Perry United Church of the Y.P.U. Spring Conven- tion. Rev. P. Romeril was the guest speaker for the three services. Five 1 membens cf the Girls' Auxiliary of St. John's Church were taken to Toronto Satur- day by Church Warden Frank Stanjland and wife, and attend- ed the Annual G.A. Festival at St. Ciement's Cburch, North Toronto. The five girls: Elean- Air. Rail or Steamhlp T àC 9E T TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVIELL 15 Ring St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanvile Menareh Reg. Prie., 1-lb pkg Slo-SAVE 7o MARGARINE 21îb pkgs #5 5 C HinE Cream of Reg. Price 2 tins 25e--SAVE 2o TOMATO SOUP 2.îoz n23C Nectar Reg. Prie. 85e-SAVE 6o TEA BAGS- pkg of 979C Eoonomy Reg. Prie. pkg 27eý-SAVE 5o WAX PAPER Jan* Parker CHERRY PIE Jans Parker Spanish BAR CAKE Libby's BEETS SLICED Choie*, Ungraded As #*Tc Sixt A&P PEAS 2pkgs 49c Reg. Price 55e-SAVE Blo each49c Reg. Price 43c-SAVE 4o eci3 9c Reg. Price 2 tins 29e-SAVE 5o 4 20-oz ins5 3 c Reg. Price 2 tins 29c-SAVE go 4 15-oz tins 4 9 0 For Mother's Day Mary Lou Assorted CHOCOLATES 1-l6 box 69c t'a Ail Pure Coffe. NEW LOW PRICE 1 A&P INSTANT (OFFEE 6-ozjrl.19 SUPER-RICHT QUALITY MEATS 2 te 3-lb Average, For Frying, Roasting Or Broiling - Giblets Removed C HICKENS Grade 'A' Oven-Ready 4 Lean Meaty PRK SPARE RIBS 'ΧRKHOÇKS b47c 1623c Prie". iffeotive Until Saturday, May 1lth, 1%67. Balance Bank Balance- Cash on Hand- Institute' Plan 'Brampton Trip Blackstock: The Women's In- stitute met at the home cf Mrs. Dalton Dorrell on Wednesday nigbt. Atter the custemary opening exercises Mrs. Arthur Bailey gave a splendid devo- tiona1 paper or?, 'Religion and Roll caîl was answered by the 33 ladies present with "A vegetable we use to-day." Motta for the day wvas "Most people spend more time going around preblems than solving them." Next meeting is to take the fonm of a bus trip te Brampton with ether caîls en route. -Decided te send a donation te Port Penny Hos- pital Penny Draw. Nancy Dornell favored with a piano solo; Mrs. Gea. Wolfe gave the current events; Mrs. Richard Bewles gave a veny interesting talk on the ýCanad- ian Association cf Consumers. A fruit and vegetable contest brougbt the meeting to a close atter whicb lunch was senved by the group in charge. ENNISKILLEIN Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cheeseman and Linda, Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. . M. and -Mrs. John Bonrow- dlale, Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Oshawa, were recent visitors with Mr..and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Dale visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ellis, Coîborne. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Orono, were witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc-. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and family were Saturday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. C. Milîs, Port Perny. See Coming Events for An- 1 1 or Shemilt, Edna Shemilt, Audrey Van Ryswick, F'rancis Staniland and Ruth Presser, ail obtained finst class honours in examinations on Mission Study Book and were granted speclal badges. Mn.. Ernie Roth, Woodville, conducted a fine Temperance service ln the United Chunch Sunday a.m. Next Sunday special Family Day services arranged by the Ontario Council of Christian Education will be held in the United Churcb at 10 a.m. and in the Anglican Cburch at 1l a.rn. Also special open session in the United Sunday School ai 11:15 a .m. Mesdames Gilbert Marlow, Velva Bailey, John Rahm and Thos. Smith attended the Dis- trict Executive meeting ef Women's Institutes at Maple Grove Tuesday. Last week ahl students of Teachers' College were teach- ing in rural schools. Miss Joan Venning was ln the Orillia district and Mrs. Arnold Taylor at Yelventon. Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis spent a couple of days with friends in Hamil- ton. Dr. and Mrs. McArthur and Ardis went te London for the weekend and brought Miss Betty McArthur, who finished writing her final exams at Western College, home for some holidays. Mr. Gerald Hill, Nonth Bay, spent the weekend with lus brother Cecil and Mns. Hill. Mn. and Mrs. St-an Hall and family, Tyrone, visited Mr. a& Mrs. Stan âabin Sunday. Oshawa, visited Mrs. Ed. Darcy Sunday. Dinnen guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, Kathryn and Carolyn, Port Credit. Mr. 'and Mrs. Thos. Stewart, Mari orie and Dale, Bowman- ville, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mns. Mervyn Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright visîted Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edgar, also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, Sun- day. Mrs. Ida Taylor and Mns. Velma Balley spent Sunday afternoon with Mmi. M. Em- merson, Nestleton. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Lynda, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoidge and boys and bMrs. Ira Argue neturned home with tbem. Sympathy is extended Miss Ethel Tbompson on the passing of ber brother, Mr. Henry rhompson, in Port Perry Hos- pital Friday night. Congratulations te Mr. and Mvrs. Sam Snowden on the birth of a son. Mr. and Mns. John Argue, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with bis sister, Mn. John MecKee. Mrs. Thos. .Smith, Mr. Jack Smith and Mr. Jas. Avery vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, Solina, Sunday. Misses Nora Venning and )orothy Imrie, Lindsay, spent the weekend witb the Chas. Venning's. Misses Joyce Venning, Al- berta Freelin, Inene Emmenson and Aleta Steele enjoyed a trip to Buffalo aven the week- end. Mmi. John Hamilton and Mrs. Telva Bailey are attending the Annual Anglican W.A. Conven- ion in Toronto. Congratulations and welcome toMn. John Atchison, formerly )f Lucknow, but who bas been employed with Mr. John Carn- ghan this spring, and Miss Mary Snowden, Darlington, xho wene xnarried April 27 and i week have moved into an âpartinent in the Fonder bouse 'here Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snow- en reside. W.A. Meeting W.A. of the United Churcb net in the Sunday School 70om Tuesday verning w:tn, lage had the pleasune of sou- ing two beautiful deer go run- ning around their barn and acrous the field on Mondmy. Mrs. A. Tombs and Mn. J. McMillan cf Toronto, weme ne- cent visitons at Mn. and Mns. H. Gmubb's. Mn. R. Blewett has returned home from, hospital feeling some betten. Mn. and Mns. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles accompanied by Miss Judy Green and Mas- ter Clare Ashton attended the Art Exhibit at Uxbridge by' the Uxbridge Art Clan direct- ed by Mr. Arnold Hodigkizn., Leaskdale. Mr. W. C. Stainton and Mr. J. A. Stainton, Toronto, worm recent visitors at the home of their siater, Mr,.and Mrs. IL Stevens. Mns. Theo Siemon and Mra. H. Stevens visited Mrs. J. Moorey. niversary news. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp wlth Mr. and Mns. Garth Tra- vell, Taunton. Mns. John E. Grilfin, Mrs. Russell Griffin, Misses Mary and Heather Griffin called on Mrs. T. Williams, Bradford, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Abernethy, Tottenham, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra were Saturday dinner guests of Miss Winni- fred Cole, Toronto. Mr. aiâd Mrs. K. MeGiUl and Dale were tea guests of Miss Verna Brock and Wm. BrocIc, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil, Haydon, were recent caliers at Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil's. Mr. and Mns. Leonard Stain- ton visited their daughter Doris at the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, who is im- proving nicely. Rev. and Mrn. R. M. Sey- mour with Mr. and Mra. A. l. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell, Toronto. Mr. Allen Stainton was a Sun- day tea guest w1th Mn. and Mrs. Allan Wenry. Garry Beckett visited with Chester and Bruce Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and boys, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Misses 'Brenda and Patsy Ellis were with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gettins, Whitby. Mr. Glen Spry, Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa. Mrs. Hub- bard has returned home froin an operation in the Oshawa Hospital. Mr. Gilbert Grawbarger, Restoule, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit; Miss Doreen Hol- royd, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Betty and Lawrence were vls- iters with Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright return- ed home with themn from holi- days. Mr..-ad Mrs. Reg Weaving and Rickey, Tbornbill, spent the weekend with Mr. an~d Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke and family, Oshawa, were Sun. day dinner guesis wlth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olce. Albert and Wallace Stainton were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright and family, Toronto, were Sun.* day callers at E. Wright's. Mrs. W. Howells wbo lives about a mile north of the vil- Stafford Brou. Monumental Works IPhono Whltby. MOhawi 8 -3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITI MONUMENTS AND) MARKERS Precise wonkmanshlp and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose frein the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. Inspit-ed by Nature' s most beautiful wild flower * MEADOW ROSE The New Popular Priced Pattern in WALLACE STERLING so lovely ta, use easy to buyl FEATURE OFFER 24-pc. SERVICE FOR 6 In full size solid mahogany chest $134.95j 4-pc. Place Setting $19.95 6-pc. Place Setting $29.95 Fricot ar* for deset sixe dinner mx.. alu@help bisgé.. '771//z MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville wiII be available June PRODUCE SPECIALS Mexican Salmon Flash, Jumnbo Size, No. 1 Grade Cantaloupes ech 29C AN ADDITIONAL BANKING SERVICE For your convenience a new type of account-Personal Chequing Account- 3Simplified service-designed for your convenience. Details may be obtained from any of our branches, 750 branches across Canada ready to serve you witfi. A complete banking service PERSONAL LOANS SAFEKEEPING BILLS OF EXCHANGE MONEY ORDERS TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS N.H.A. MORTGAGE LOANS THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Bocwmnanvî'lle £ranch - H. G. l-ackIng, Manager WVdIcflenlarged lQ shoQw daim 12 styledl modiels ta $89.50 BU LOVA PRRCISION ADJUSTnn IFETIME UNDREAKAOUE MAINSPRIMO -:ý,Z 9 Uà MAr eth. ilsir 1 "M CJLNADUM ATATUMAN. ^%PPAUT^ SAVINOS ACCOUNTS COMMERCIAL LOANS LETTERS 0F CREDIT FOREIGN REMITTANCES COLLECTIONS CURRENT ACCOUNTS m 1

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