TRURSDAY, MAT th, 1m5? TEE CAKAD!AN STATESMAN. EO'WMANVILLE. ONTAEXO WAG~ TRT~TEEZ9 Playgrounds to Operatel Extra Week This Summerl P .i~ounds will be open wa. It requested information ~o r- weeks thus summer, regarding the ules, by-laws instea of thc usual six weeks, and constitution o! the local Doug Rigg, Recreation Direc- club. Several letters fmomn tor, ennounced et thc Recrea- acrons the. nation have been tion Committee's meeting held received by the dcpartment mc- et the Lions Centre Thumsday questing similar information. of last wcek. gdate for the play- gi4pe wll beJuly 2. Train- U TC d1ï c,' playground supervisors will be present ta supervise the ac- The Official Board of Cour- tivities o! the children. Play- tice Circuit met at the Cour- grounds are located at the tice United chumch on Tuesday following pamks, Memorial, Franlin OntriaSt.,Vinentniglit ta receive and accept the Frankylinsentreo ent resignatian o! the pastar, Rev. Massy, ion Cenre nd estL. M. Somervile, who lias sc- Beach Park. cepted a caîl to be pastor at Community PIeni.. Tlorndale United dhurch in Plans for the fothcoming the London Conference. A pas- Community Picnic ta be held tarai relations conimittec was July 1 were discussed by thei appointed to meet with Rev. commîttee. A motion was car-J John Smith o! Whitby. ied that an additional prize I Mr. Carl Adams, Mr. Clar- be addcd ta thc daw held et ence Penfound fromn Courtice; tie picnic. The extra prize wil Mm. Elton Werry, Mr. Wilfrid be a bicycle and this will be Brown from Ebcnezcm end Mr. included with the radio and Harry Freeman froin Maple dal egularly given away. Grave,, members o! the Pastor- Coaches For Minor Basebali al Relations Committee, met The Recreation Department with Rev- John Smithi in the will sponsor a minor basebaîl vestry o! Whitby United church league this summer. The on Wednesday evening ta me- league xill include Atomns, view the list o! ministers who Pee-Wee and Bantam teams. mîglit le available. Boys from eight years o! age Ebenezer Auxillary Io 14 are eligible ta play. Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary Coaches will be required for met Wednesday, May lst at teams in aIl of the divisions. the home o! Mrs. E. Gearing The season begins in cal Jur.e with the President, Miss Anne and finishes in thc latter part Hoît in the chair. Mrs. Hemb o! Juîy. Osborne gave a very fine De-. Playgmound supervisors wîîî votional on "~The Resurrec- attend a training course at tion". Mms. Osborne was as- Camp Quin-Mo-Lac near Ma- sisted by Mrs. H. Nichais wlio doc stamting June 23. Mr. Rlgg read the Scipture passage and reported le lad attcnded the Jean Gay who led in prayer. Ontario Recreation Associa- Mrs. G. Chartran gave a tion Conference at St. Cath_ eading "The Crow Story". aines. While theme lie attend- Mrs. Harry Gay, the steward- ed the many courses and four.d slip sccretary, prepamed an in- them highly educational. temstng skit, "Our Influence On Other People". Mmi. Gay Teen Town Prominent was assisted by Mms. J. Gay, Another equest for infar- Mms. C. Elliott and Miss Jean mation concerning Bowman- Gay. Mrs. Walter Brown gave vlesTeen Towvn Club has e reading, "Spring in the Air". been received by the Recrea- The meeting closed with a tion Department. The letter lynin and prayer aff cm which wvas fom Lt.-Col P. R. Lay- a social time was enjoyed. simd, Ammy Headquartems, Otta- Members weme asked to bring fbre0nw look,"~ SYou can brigliten up any room in the house with WALLPAPER îNCorne in and see the over 300 patterns that we are * able to offer you. We also have a large variety of imported patterns. * DO-IT-YOURSELF WITHI ~ ~tR PRE-PASTED PAPERS Many styles from which to choosei ABERNETHY'S I PAINT & WALLPAPERI M King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 SALE Dras tic Reductions! SUITS -COATS SKIRTS -BLOUSES SPORTS WEAR No Down Payment COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW LINE 0F Bathing Suits 7,95 to 9.9,5 , vu REMEMBER... Kaye s SPORTS WEAR SHOPPE 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA "LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" -Open Friday. 'tili p.m. chre. This Order of Knighthood existed at the turne of the cru- sades and originated ini Pales- tine and is now centred ini Rome. The present, objectives of the Equestrian Order are de- fined as "reviving in modern form, the spirit and ideals of the Crusades." The investiture took place on Saturday in St. Michael'a Cathedral, Toronto, and was made by James Car- dinal McGuigan and a priest from Rome. James Laverty reported on the activîties of the Holy Naine ,iSociety for the past year. Ger- rard Wilson moved that $200 be given to Father Malane for the buling fn nd this a Thýe elected officers for the coming year were then an- nounced and are. President, Norman Hannan; vice-presi- dent, James Laverty; secretary, Mike Heenan; treasurer, Wil- fred McLean; Marshall, Martin Molloy. Joe Cooper introduced the speaker, l-arry McGuire, Grand Knight of the Oshawa Couneil of the Knights of Columbus, one tirne member of the Osh- awa Separate Sehool Board, and who had served in Mder Ma- jesty's Post Office for more than 30 years. Mr. MeGuire Ispoke very ably on the cooper- ation among the men of th.a parish. He also spoke strongly of the spirit of charity. "Mon- ey is flot necessary," he said, '"charity is flot only the giving- of alms. It is silence when your words.can hurt; deafness when scandai is spoken. Criticismn is uncharitable." In meetings re- 'garding the building o! the n'. FAST RELIEF FOR SéIRE INHROAT 4* ~ .. f aniy good used clothing to thelD# f1 l E next meeting which wilI be IN w O fc r lce held June 5th at the home o! 1 ew J T L 1 i c e Mrs. Wilfrid Brown. anC...T irsofhawA t Y.P.U. Meeting of in uni.form these days engaged h w r s y' r in a special project for the Finance Committee, fie sale sh of Smiles and Chuckies.wa P sb t y C.G.I.T. at Courtice under One hundred young people Alone". A group frorn Moint the leadership of Miss Elîz3- registered at Port Perry Unit- Zion played the 'K,!ntucky beth Wilson and Mras. Clar- ed Church on May 4 and 5 for Waltz", and Ken Hallett of Port ence Penfound are enthiusiastic the Spring Convention of the Perry sang "I Believe." salesman for the product, this Oshawa Presbytery Youiqg Peo- Sing songs throughout the week. The C.G.I.T. met on ple's Union. . weekend were led by Joyce Wednesday night at the church In his theme, "He Lives", Bullock of Toronto who is the under the leadership o! Miss Rev. Philip Romeril shared National Recreation and Cul- Elizabeth Wilson. A Devotion- t nany of the fascinating exper- ture Convenor for the Y.P.U '. al, The Church, was presented i ences hie has had in working A team fmom Salem Young Peo- by Louise Goddamd and MaryI for Christ in Jamaica, where ple's Union, Bea Craig and Carolyne Waburton. The pro-.he has lived for the past %ix Waneta Young, won the Bible ject of the evening was filling years. Mr. Romeril said, "I Quiz on Sunday afternoon. The out the second report. "Calhing know He is living in the world Mission's fiag was presented te Girls in Teens" was distribut- today. 1 have seen Him iat work. Courtice Y.P.U. and the Attend- ed to the girls. If we give Jesus a chance He ance Banner went to Prince Al- Mrs. Clarence Penfound a"- wiîî utterly change our lives. bert. tended the monthly meeting We tend to loQk upon the Re- New Officers of the Oshawa and District surrection as an appendix to The new officers for the com- C.G.! T. Board on Wednesday the Christian story, when ac- ing year were installed by the night at Knox Presbyterian tualy-this is the Word. Re- Conférence President, Harold Church, Oshawa. Plans are onl member Jesus Christ, risen Beatty. Thec past P'resident is the way for the 'Annual Camp fromn the dead. F'rancis Jose of Newcastle; Pre- Rally at Camp Pretoria. Mr. Romeril gave vivid illus- sident, Margaret Pellow of Sunday School Meeting trations o! Christ working in Oshawa; Vice President, Glenn A Sunday School meeting aur world today. The greatcst Larmer o! Blackstock; Re- was held on Thursday evening heali*ng is not physical, but the cording Secretr, Alice Rear- at the church to arrange Moth- trans!omming of our spirit. don o f Oshawa, Corresponding er's Day Service, also to com- -What's My Line" w as con- Secretamy, Joyce Gmaham of plete plans for the Annive-r- ducted in the Port Perry fasi- ,Brooklin; Treasurer, Richard sary Services on June 21id. ion under Margaret Pellow o! Van Camip of Blackstock; Faith Sunday School will meet at 2 Oshawa. The young people dis- and Evangelism Convenor, Val o'c]ock for a few weeks start- played a great deal o!. talent. ena Copping of Orono; Stew- ing next Sunda3-. . Three girls !rom Prince Alb2rt ardship and Training Convener, Congratulations te Courtice Union sang, -Jesus Keep Me Bruce Hurst of Oshawa-, Cîti- Circuit Y.P.U. who were pre- Near the Cross". The Arnica zenship and Community Sei- sented with the Mission's Flag. Club from Trinity, Bowrnan- vice Convenor, Marilyn Robin- Miss Helen Van Camp made ville, contributed a quartet son o! Oshawa: 'Missions and the presentation for the Osti- singing "April Sliowers" and World Outreacli Convenor, awa Presbytery Y.P.U. to Mr.' "Perfect Day". Those takingc Marion McDougaléi o! Oshawa; Allen Thompson at their Spri;ng part were Diann Rigg, Elleen Camping, Erla Chapman ot Convention in Port Perry. On Spicer, Ted Colwell and Ken Newcastle: Recreation and Cul- Sunday atternoon, Miss Gloria Kelly. Jim Coombes oir Tyrone ture, Molly Bennett o! Bow- Phiillips and Mr. Carlos Cmy.. sang -'l'11 Neyer Stop Loving manville and Johanne Bell o! derman led in the Commun- tYou". Danny Reesor o! Port Oshawa, Leadership Education, ion meditation. Many younlg Perry did a monologue on the Ralph Ballard o! Columbus: people from this communityî telephone. Salem contributed a Publications, David Pegg of availed themselves of the op- Irsl Yul ee akGenod portunity for fellowship with 1 11Io'l Nve akGenod more than a liundmed young people from the Pmesbytemy. N On Wednesday evening, Mis.No m n Hn n lce Clarence Pen!ound, took part rm n Hn n Eec d in the graduation ceremony for .M a m besr olis Maguire, a men- Presid ent of nouy Name berof issDora Purdon's C.G. at the Family party ofTint UiedCurhW.JSo ciety ut Breakfast Exc.ineme ntvile . or Etiemn riday momninheCause, Nearly 100 men o! the Holy chumch individuals should flot ineFdaamon and DieaseNi Name Society of St. Joseph*s mind if their suggestions were cLnasawer hio byandaeli Churcli, Bowmanville. sat down turned down, but should get truck as they crossed the te their annual Communion fully behind the suggestions highway. Botli girls were tak- breakfast in the Balmoral Hotel which were adopted biî the en by ambulance ta Oshawa on Sunday morning. The vice- meeting. Hospital where they are su!- president, George Chard, New- Norman Hannan thanked the fering from broken bones. Lin- castle, presided in the absence speaker and there was whole- de is the datyghter of Mms. o! Brian Galierty, president. I leated applause. Others wlio Fowler and Diane is the The guest speaker was Harmy spoke weme Father Garvey and daughter o! Mm. and Mrs. Ted McGuime, Grand Knight o! the Sir Albert Love. Nichols who are neighbours, Oshawa Council of the Kniglîts north-east o! Courtice. o! Columbus. Others at tne Our congratulations to Mr. head table were Father F. K.B TH Y Bob Archer who received the Malane, parisli priest o! St. Jos- E H N Queen Scout Badge at the Fa- epli s, Father R. J. Garvey, Pe- ther and Son Banquet o! the terborough, who assists Father' Band Concert l8th Oshawa Cub and Scout Malane each Sunday: Wilfred The Bethany Community gmoup. ws La Bine, secretary and James Band presented its fimst concert We ws a speedy recovery Laverty, treasurer. for this season in the Town for Mr. Albert Phillips wlio is Father Malane welcomed the Hall on Wednesday evening. a patient in the Oshawa Hos- men o! the parish to this tradi- Organized tbree years ago, this pital. tional breakfast and congratu- band is dimected by 'Mr. Ernes' -Congratulations te Mr. and lated thgm on the success o! the' Victors of Peterborough. Mrs. Harold Graham on the campaign to build the new The prograri ic&uderi a ~r arrivai o! a fine baby girl ini church and said that "we are - Oshawa Hospital. ahead of aIl pamishes in the We are pleased to report. diocese in this respect." As an that Little Miss Patty Hart, aside lie pointed out that at last daugliter o! Mm. and Mms. John year's breakfast $1,000 had Hart, town line, is home fmom been donated te the building the hospital but lias her arm fund and that, so far, $250 had in a cast. corne in this momnîng. Somry to hear that Mrs. Paul Antîl is a patient in Oshawa Father Malane then introduc- Hospital. ed Albert Love o! Oshawa wlio, Mrs. Clarence Penfound at- hie said, was yesterday only ' tended the funeral o! lier cou- Mr. Love, and was now Sir Ai- sin, Mr. George Osborne, on bert. The Holy Father, Pope ro 2 9/1110ON Tuesday last. Mm. ObmePlus XII, had made Albert passed away suddenly in Wark- Love a Knight o! the Eques- Worth. trian Order o! the Holy Sepul- mer cottage near Burnt River on Sunday. Mm. John James, M.P., Bow- manville, visited with fiends in the village last Wednesday. Miss Lily Thompson is i Keene for this week witli Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuthuîl. Rev. G. 1. Stevenson, Toron- ta, was the guest o! Rev. R. R. Bonsteel and Mms.: Bonsteel duming the weekend and on Sunday spoke in the different dhurches on the Manvers Cir- cuit in the interests o! the On- tario Temperance Federation. Mrs. Mable Price is visiting witb relatives in Peter'borough. iety o! selections including marches, overtures and papu- lar numbers. Ernest Victors, Ted Buehlcm and Jim Victors were excellent in their trumpet trio "Fantasy For Three". Ran- dy Griffin, who is 10 years old, beat out the time on the snare drum anid showed his versatil- ity by singing "My Bonnie Las- sic" and doing a tap dancing number. Mrs. Imene Quinland o! tPeterborough was the piano accompanist. Eàrl Weatherilt expressed the thanks o! thc band mem- bers to everyone for their en- operatian. Dr. J. J. Hamilton was -the holder o! the- lucky ticket on thc draw for an aluni- mnum roasting pan. At the conclusion o! Uic band program, Mr. Victors showed two films -Roaring Wheels" and "A Mexican' Bullfight"l. Althougli the attendance at the concert was smàll, advance tickets sold netted more than $100. The members are hoping ta purchase unifoms when su!- ficient funds are raised. st. Pauls W.A. The Woman's Auxiliary o! St. Paul's church met at the home o! Mrs. Janet Smith on Thursday aftténoon with Mrs. H. F. Rayson presiding. Mms. G. E. Meade led the devotional period. In the absencè o! the secrettary, Mrs. D. Smelt, the Iminutes and correspondence whicli included several "tliank you" notes froin members who lad received gi!ts and cards during illness, were mead by Mrs. Roy Jarvîs. The financial report was given by Mrs. Carl Smith. Mrs. G. E. Meade was ap- pointed delegate to the W.A. Convention being held in To-i ronto this week. A' number o! articles were received for the bale to be sent to the Arctic. Main item o! business was planning for the annual Garden Party, with the date set for May 31. Mms. Meade closed the meet- ing with prayer, after which a social hour xvas enjoyed wilh lunch ser -ved by the hostess as- sisted by Mrs. Clama Armstmong, Miss Wïnnifred Nesbitt, Mri. H. F. Rayson and Mrs. Emomy Smitli. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ahmen and daughter Sandra. Toronto, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon during the weekend. Mrs. Florence Jolinston and hem sister, Miss Mary McKen- zie, who have spent the wintem months in St. Petersbumg, Fla., have returned to their home heme. Mm. and Mms. Ivan St. John and family o! Toronto, were Sunday guests with Mm. and Mrs. Reg.Edmunds. Mrs. Gladys Kincaid, who has been in 111 healtli for some time, is now a patient in Port Pemry Hospital. Miss Lauma Hutdhinson, Tc- monta, is vîsiting with hiem sis- ter, Mrs. Hemb. Kennedy. Student teacher from the Pe- terbomoughi Teachers' College, Miss Donna Porter, was assist*s îng at thc Betliany schooiat week. Mm. and Mrs. Orloe Wmight Rnd family wel'e at ihleir sUn- Our Experience Is and ciaughter Debra, Raglan, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Carr. His many friends are wiýhing a speedy recovery to Mr. Hemb. Kennedy who 'is a patient ini Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser were in Barrie last week called there by the death of his sis. ter, MNrs. William Cowle. Mrs. Cowie died suddenly in the Royal Victoria Hospital, aftEr injuries received when she was struck by a car as she wai crossir.g Highway 90 near her home. 'The. funeral service waa Scarves Gowns - Gloves - Flowers - Slips Dresses Hais . Hosiery - Blouses - Handbags Your Protection Commencing June 3rd next . 0 ~ANSWN a /«e~v c~fq~ ~eu~èe ata Mwc~~&~. You puy only 10 cents for each cheque or withdrawal chae te ypur uccout.*. 00aýM . An additional service for everybody - especially -ç7 covenient for husband nd wife -a B of M Personal Chequing Account is the ideal way ta pay household anid personal expenses by cheque. With this streamlined account, the Banik is able ta reduce costly book-keeping, and ta, pasa the saving on to you. Here's wbyvyou shauld have a B of M Personal Chequing Account: *b You are chrged a Riat rate of onlv 10 cents for each cheque or counter witbdrawal pid through your account. Your service charges appear, in total, in your account every three months. 0 Your cancelled cheques are held, as an added con- veflience for i'ou, in safe-keeping by the B of M for 20 years. Should you require a canclled cheque as proof of payment, it will be available upon request. 0 You are provided with a quarterly statenient of your account, which simplifies your book-keeping .and W0RPK 1N G WI1T H C AN A D 1AN 3 1N helps you keep your records straight. You can sec your statemrent at the Bank when.ever you need ta do sa. % ý WHY NOT ENQUIRE at your neigh. bourhood branch about this ncw B of M service today? Our staff will be glad ta give you a folder on the subject and ta answer any questions your may bave on the opening of a B of M Personal Chequing Account. ~ 1h BANK OF MONTREAL e4«44ý4a V"~~s Bowmanvilc Branch: Oshawa Branch: GEORGE MOODY. Manager FRANK BEDFORD. Managea r-4 f a 1 1 aua Wideman's Ladies'Wear ý 48 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Partners in Health We work band in band with your doctor to safeguard your health by compoundiîg all his prescriptions wlth professional precision front frcsh stocks of top-quality pharmaceuticals. Jury & Loveil Phone MA 3-5778 Bowmanvllî One Rack BLOUSES Regular $2.98 cach To Clear_______ ___ 1 TEtTRSDAY, MAT M, 193Y TrM CANADIAIÇ STATESMAN. BOWMA"TIýl, . ONTAMO PAGE IR 'L EIM Mother's Day " -I Gift AY1 Suggestions le ed,àp e4W4 ... L' V E R Y W A L K OP L 1 F E S 1 N C il 1 à 1 'Y 1