~'AGZ SIXTEEN TItE CANADIAN STATES~(AIf, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSUAT, MAX Dtft, !9.~T 'ack Lander New President Men 'sMajor League Bowlers Win Over $ 1,000 Prize Moneyl The annual banquet of the Men's Major League bowlers was held at the Balmoral hotel on Saturday night with a ful turn out of ail the members. President Morley Vanstone welcomed the bowlers and in- troduced the guests, Sid Ni- choIs, Jack Cole and John M. James. The main event of the even- Ing was the presentation of trie John M. James trophy to Ted Bagnell for winning the team championship. Captain Ted Bagnell accepted the trophy from John M. James on be- haîf of his team namely, Bill1 Bates, Ab Piper, Doug Taylor, Ted Miller, Karl Beckel and Phil Cancilla. President Van- stone presented cach member with a silver plate Vice Président Jack Lander presented the Mickey Roach Memorial Trophy to Bill Bates for the highest single game o! the year 386. Past President Dr. Keith Siemon presented Dr. Howard Rundie with the high triple trophy. Dr. H. B. Rundle had a 934 triple President Morley Vanstone gave Bill Hearle a prize for high aggregate in the men's major league tournament. Ted Bagnell, winner of last ycar's tournament for most head pins turncd over a bowling pin to this year's champion Elton Brock. This pin that was don- ated by George Elliott will be handed do n to the new cham- pion each ear. Secretary AI Osborne anil Treasurer Fred Cole handled the cash awards and gave outl approximately $1,000 in prizes. The election of offîcers for next year are as follows: Past President, Morley Vanstone; President, Jack Lander; Vice- President, Bill Bates; Treasur- er, Fred Cole; Secretary, AI Osborne. After the dinner the bowl- ers moved to the Badminton Club for a social evening of cards. Secrctary AI Osborne is re- questing that anyone wishing- to join the league must send their name in early and that any bowlcr not intcnding to bowl next ycar advisc the secretary as soon as possible. The exe- cutive is planning to tighten up on the rules and it is anti- cipated that only shift bowlers will be able to bowl in ad- vance of the regular bowling night. Bantams Hold First Practice Bowmanville'u L e g i o n- flaires Bantam Basebali team will hold its initial practicc of 1957 seasen at Memorial Park Frlday ev- ening at 6 p.m. George Piper, c6ach, has cxtended a cordial invita- tion to everyofle iterest- cd in joining the team to attend this practice. Boys who were not 15 ycars of age prior to May 1, are cli- 5 iUIC t4o play AVt r ZnC vn. Elect Officers For Darlington Football Group Darlington Football League will officially open its season iMonday, May 20, with the first game to bc played in Hampton, it was anounced at the league's annual meeting held in Dar- lington Township Hall at Hampton Monday evening. Senior and Junior teams fr om seven communities will be playing this season. TheY include: Enniskillen, Hampton, Tyrone, Zion, Courtice, Solina a nd Maple Grove. The league schedule will appear in The Statesman next week. Officers elected for the 1957 season include: Harvey Part- ner, Tyrone, President; George Killen, Zion, Vice-Presîdent; Harold BaIson, Hampton, Sec- retary-Treasurer. PHONE MA 3-5778 SPECIAL_ Ail Sizemi MISMATCHED Continental Deds Beds off excellent quality Not damagcd ln any way Regular value 69.95. WILSON'S SALE PRICE $42.00 COME EARLY FOR SAVINGS 0F A LIFETIME AMAZING VALUE !! 3-pce. "Bar Bcd" BEDROOM SUITE Bar bcd ... Mr. and Mrs. Dresser . .. chest ..ail three pieces in luxurious silver mist finish. Your bedroom will be a picture room with this super modern suite. A new, extra-thlck plank top design with distinct- ive panelling on the fronts of the dresser and chest . . .hand rubbcd to a high "sea mlst" finish . .. drawers have brass pulls and legs are tipped wlth brasa ferrules. Regular $259.O Ed lVilson's $18o7 Gigantie Savings -__ 3-PIECE Lovely Blonde BEDROOM SUITE Large dresser and sparkllng mirror, full panel double size bcd aud huge matchlng chest o! drawers. Reg. $179. Ed Wilson's $13 Liquidation Price ____ HOSTESS CHAIRS Upholstered with washable vinyl plastie, spring filUed seats .. 10 only. Reg. 24.95 LIQUIDATION $1 0,95 SPECIAL 20ft Chorch Street BOWMANVILLE SPECIAL SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! 50 Only Spring-filled Mattresses Absolutely the most out- standing bedding value on the market today! 180- cil construction! There will be a rush for thcse at this Give-Away Low Priee. Reg. $29.95. WMHE THEY LAST $15000 FREE!e Your Choice of Either FREE DELIVERY SPECIAL SPRING-FILLED Space Savers Hundrcds off coil springs -durable covers-opens into a cholce double bcd. By day it's a smart living room plece of furniture. Reg. 69.95. OUTSTANDING VALUE I$39.95 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Oshawa Yvonne Anonichuk, Bowmanville, is shown above being presented with the Victor Trophy by Oshawa Alder- man Gordon Attersley, after winning the Junior Champion- ship of the Oshawa Skating Club, recently. -Photo by Rehder Couple Beauties Pee Wee Bal Team Requires Some 20 young boys between the ages of 10 and 13 are going to be badly disappointed be- v cause they may not have the chance to play bail this sum- mer. Bill Roenigk, well - knoWvn Oshawa sportsman and native of Bowmanvilîc, is not going to for- get the opening day o! the 1957 trout season. He is shown above holding the two "prize" members o! his day's catch, at Cavan, where he and brother Lou had excellent luck. Both* trout are of the German brown variety. One was 21 inches long and weighed four pounds, one ounce, I while the larger (at right) was 231/z inches long and had a girth of 13 inches. This beauty weigh- e d six pounds, two ounces. To vouch for the accuracy of the above statisties, Mark Roenigk, Bowmanville, made a special trip to Oshawa to visit his brothers and sec the prize catch with his own eyes. By Evelyn Brown Gice Club On Wednesday, May 15, the B.H.S. Gîce Club under the di- rection o! Mr. «D. C. Peters, is presenting its May Festival in the auditorium. Tickets can be purchased from any member of the club. Eleanor Pickard won a prize for the largcst sale of ,tickets this week. Cadet Inspection To-night (Thursday) at sev- en o'clock the annual Cade Inspection will be held at the Arena. In commnand of the' 1957 inspection are Cadet Lieu- tenant-Colonel Paul Herbent and Cadet Major Danla Marie Palmer. The officers o! 'A' Company are as follows: Comn- mander, Brian Jackson; * et'- geant Major, Jim Mastersýon:, jRegimental Sergeant Major. Roger Cook: Adjutant, John Mason; Lieutenants, Norm Jamn- es, Ed Kowal, Hartley Lewi-, Fred Vanstone, Ken William- son; Sergeants, Brian Timble, Ted Goddard, Dave Kellet, Dave McCullough and Bert IWerry. The officens of "BI' Company arc: Company Coin- Imander. Joan Allun; Sergeant 1 Mai o r, Catharina Witvoet; Lieutenants, Barbara Bathgate, Beverly Wilson, Carol Cale, Marion Buttery, Jerri Ross; Sergeants, Alice Oldejans, Mar- lene Laking, Carolyn Poster, Mary Pluister and Carol Ma- guire. Lieutenant o! the Bejd is John Dippell, and Lynda Mii- ler is Licuteant o! the flag party, consisting o! Suzanne Thompson, Margaret Goheen, Betty Foran and Camille smithl..À B asebail Season Wi!! Start Here May 201h, Bowmanville Harvesters will officially open the 1957 base. bail season Monday, May 20, when they play host to the Orono Orphans at Vincent Massey Park at 10:30 a.m. Anyone wishing a sneak pre- view of the Harvesters can sec them in action at Port Hope May 18, when they will play an afternoon game with the Port Hope Club. In addition they will be holding practices at Vincent Massey every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur- day until the season begins. There is a strong indication that the Flarvesters will go into an "A'" grouping this year to enable them to bring imn- ports from the surrounding area. It may be necessary to bring in a catcher and if this is done additional players will be imported. Although many of the 1956 Roses will be- taking the field with the Harvesters, it is. expected there will be a few new faces in the lineup. Orono Declared Champions Orono Orphans were offic- ially named 1956 League Cham- pions at a recent meeting of the Lakeshore Basebaîl Assoc- iation. It was decided that since Orono had been leading the 1956 playoff series with Port Hope, they should be a- wardcd the Crown. The league will be coni- prised of four teams this sca- son, they include: Bowman- ville, Orono, Cobourg and Port Hope. Schedules have ibeen: drawn up and will appear in! The Statesman in the near future. Ab Walker, Secretary-Trea- surer of the league appointed the umpires for this season. They include veteran umpires: Dude HiUls, Port Hope: Mickey Divine, Bus . Cane, Cobourg; Ab Barnes, Jimý Galbraith, Jack Hobbs, Oshawa, and Garry 'Vennîng, Bowmanville. Young Local Skater Wins Oshawa Championship The Oshawa Skating Club concluded a very successful season with club championships on Sunday, April 7th. The in- terest in this event was shown by the large number of entries in eachi event. The trophies to be presented were displayed on a table on the ice and after the President of the Club-George Jackson- announced the winners. Osh- awa Alderman Gordon Atters- ley made the presentations. Junior Champion and winner of the Victor Trophy. was Yvonne Anonichuk, Bowman- ville, who skated a well round- ed solo. Her music interpr5ta- tion for ofle so young is a plèa- sure to watch. Other members of the Bow- manville Skating Club to bring honours to our Club are Miss Carol Klapow who took third place in the Senior Champion- ship, Miss Doreen Yeo, winner of the Intermediate Champion- ship and the McLaughlin Tro- phy, and Miss Gloria Belida winner of the Novice Cham- pionship and the Tonkin Tro- phy. Judges o! the event were Mr. and Mrs. Dick McLaughi- lin and Art Petrie. Tennis Club Makes Plans For Season Spring is here and things are humming at the Lions Centre. The tennis courts have been raked and, as soon as wc can procure a roller, the tapes will be laid out and the grounds made ready for you. Last year new nets were pur- chased, and further improve-1 ments are planned. At the opening meeting of the Bowmanville Tennis Club executîve the following officers were instalîed: Alan Strike, president; Dave Peters, vice- president; Lou Rundle, treas- urer: Nora Allun, secretary; E\I Dunn and Helene Rundie, so- cial; Art Morgan, grounds; Bud Moses and Don Rundie, tour- nament. Ex-members please get your season tickets fromn any of the above mentioned. Courts should be reae'to play by the middle - the month. An opening night with games, lunch and films'is plan- ned for Thursday, May 23rc1. To attract new members the club has declared the courtIS open to the public, frge of charge, until the end of-IM"- l' Sec you at the Lions Centit, is aa 0 ir K a when ONTAR 0 TRAEL 737 Parilamnent Bldgs. Toronto Send eLJli literature ta Nam. AdA.'.. Post Office m .......... CCC C C Ontario Deparinient of Trayel & PublIcity Hon. Bryon L Cethcart, MInJte& frdkp'>Ot!iaef at JURY & LOVELL Don't Miss t! $ 50,000 STOCK LIQUIDATION. at Ed. Wilsdn Furniture - 20 Church St., Oshawa 5-pce. CHROME SUITE OR BOX SPRING With Matching Spring-filled Mattress OR 3-pce. LIVING ROOM OCCASIONAL TABLE SET with purchase of Living Room Suite or Bedroom Suite LUXURY AT LOW COST! 3-pce. Curved SECTIONAL SUITE Note the grareful sweeping curve o! this new hit fashion . .. and note the hard-to- believe low price! 100% spring fllledl throughout for lasting comfort. Covered in rich textured fabrie. . . Sec it tonight! 4$199 Reg. $289. Save $70 _ MODERN 2-PCE. '*Kenmar" CHESTERFIELD SUITE In deluxe "Airfoam" an original fashion by famous Kenmar, designed for modern living rooms! Luxurious Airfoam cushions! Choice new decorator fabries! Ail new colors! Reir 2 2 $289. Liquidation Specia AIRFOAN !PILLGWS Sorry ... One pair per customner $19 9 each ED. WILSON FURNITURE THE CANADIAN STATESY". BOWMAýZ ONTAMO PAGE BrKTEM TffURSDAT, MAY Vtri, 1937