.-~ -- I 4 j '1 j -j-I - TI~E CANAD!AN STATESMAIr. ZOWMAIfVITLE. ONTAMfl PAGE Z!GT LI6 W W w Births1 HARNESS-Everett and Jean Harness <nee Ritchie) are happyl to announce the birth of their daughter, Diana Marie, on Fr1.. day, April 19th, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Bobbie and Philliv. 19-1* Engagements Mn. and Mrs. W. Chapman, Hampton, Ont., wish ta announce the engagement of their daught-I er Emily Gladys, ta Gardon Percy Shackleton, son of Mr. and Mns. R. Shackleton, Hamp- tan, Ont. The wedding will take place Saturday. June lst, at 2 o'clock at the home of the hride's parents. 19-1*1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Aber- niethy, Bowmanville, wish ta, Rnnounce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Patricia,1 ta George Francis Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smith, Fleet- wood. The marriage to take place on Saturdav, June lst. at 2:30 p.m., in Trinity United C'hizrh. Bowmanville. 19-1* Deaths THOMPSON, Robert Henry- At the Community Hospital, Port Perry, Ontario. on Sunday, May 5. 1957, Robert Henry Thompson of Blackstock, beiov- cd son of the late Robert and Mary Thompson, and dear broth- er of Ethel. Rested at the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, Ontario, until Tuesday ioon. Funeral service from St. St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, at 2 p.m. Interment St. John's Cemeter.v. 19-1l In Memoriam 1BROWN-In loving memory nf Mary Elizabeth (Granny) Brown who passedi away on May 8th, 1947. Too dearly loved ta ever be for- gllte n. ---Loviniy remembered by bux- band and familv. 19-1. HOBBS-In memorv of Amy Hobbs. "Remembrance is a golden chain, Death tries ta break but aIl in vain, To have, be love and then ta part, Is the greatesl aorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out inany things, But Ibis the.y wipe out neyer The memory of my dear friend Will live with me forever."~ ~--Her loving friend, Minnie. 19-1* JTONES-In loving memory of clear mother, AIlice Maud Jlones, who passed away May 5, 19q55. Upright and jusI in aIl ber ways. Faithful and truc ta the end of ber days, In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Till God caled hem home ta suffer.no more. - Ever remcembered by husband, Olive and familv. 19-1* MrI(KEE-In loving memnorY nt a dear son and brother. Orma Mc- Kee who passed away May 8th, 1,946. r'hose whamn we loveo out. of, sight, But neyer out of mind; 'They are chcrished in the hearts 0f those they ]rave behind. - Lnvinglv rememhered byj roother, brothers and sisters. ____ 19-11 MORRIS- An Ioving mcmory of a dean busband and grandfather, -Robert Morris, Who passed away May 5, 1955. ---Sadly misscd and Pver rp- nicmbered by wife Mary, Doreen and Cyril. 19-1 SIM-ln lonvinz memorv ,ofnitir 1 rlear sister, Grace Sim. who vassed awa 'v May 51th. 1955, also our father. David Byron Farrell, Who passed away one x'ear be- forp, JanuarvN 14, 19.54. Therc is a link death cannot sever, Love and rememrbrance Iastl forever.1 --I Evetrcmembered bv' Renal nnd Peter, Ruîth and Clarence,Î and ail mcmbcrs of the famil v*' Auction Sales 10 Peterborough boats, fuiiy îiccnsed, three dozen life-saven CuIshions, goad used lumber and oosîs, 9' rail down awiý'ng, ai x'ariety of other uiseful articles. No rescrvr. Terms cash. Sal- tirday, May 11. 2 p.m. D.S.T., w'%cstI end of Villace of Bewdley en High\wa.v -8. WIm. J. Challis. 18-2 Auctiori sale of furniture at Pethick's Auction Shed, Ennis- kilien, Saturday, May 1l, cansist-; ing of electric washing machine,1 (hest of drawers. three beds, cuphoards. Quebec heater, two electrie slaves, coal and wood range, power lawn mower, ciUantity of carpenter tools. vement mixer, Studio couch and manv other articles. Sale at 1:30. Terms cash. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 19-1 1 bave reccived instructionsi frami the executars of the estate of the late Ella Jane Beatty ta sell by public auction on Satur- day May 111h at ber late resi- dence. Elizabethville: Bedraom, living-room and kitchen furn- iture, Heintzman upright piano, Beatty electnie washer, cane bottom chairs, dishes. glassxvare, cw. Sale at 1:30 sharp. D.S.T.j Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer; Lawrence Harris, clerk. Piano Tuning THUR Collison. Phone MA 842104 19-ti Cards of Thanks Special tbanks ta Dr. Mc- Kenzie. nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, lst Newtoni- ville Girl Guides, Ncwýtonvilc W.A. and aIl those who sent cards and chocolates. Mrs. Eva Payne. 19-1* The family of the late Wm. R. Lamb wish ta express their thanks and appreciatian ta the many relatives, friends and neighbaurs for flawers, cardsi and many acîs of thoughtfulnessI during their recent bereavement. I wisb ta extend my sincere1 tbanks ta neighbors and fiendsi for their many kindnesscs sbown me while I was in hospital. I also wish btb ank Dr. Mikios and the nurses of Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. Bruce Whitney.191 feltthaks t Dr Autin. 19i-ds We wish ta express aur beart- ncigbbours and relatives for Iheir acts of kindness. messages ofsympathy and beautiful floral1 tnibules during aur recenti bereavement. Mrs. Richard Griffin and familv. 19-il We wish ta express aur sincere appreciation ta aur fricndan relatives for their thoughfl ncss and kindness in presenting- Ruth with thc beautiful chrome suite, occasional chair and dress- er lamps recently. Special thanks to the commitîce: Miss Connie Enwright, Mesdames Marjorie Paterson, Velma Park- cm; Audrey Gogerty, Vickie Gray, Bea Glanville. Jean Wagar, Barbara Hackin and Alecia Spencer, who worked bard ta make the evening such a suc- cess. Ruh ardan Wallace Couch. 19-1 Coming Events Home baking %a],- nt Kilson ' Locker, Friday. May 10, at 2:301 p.m. Sponsored by Haydon Church. 19-il Dance and Lucky Draw nt Devitt's Hall, Fniday, May lOth. Admission, gents 50c, ladiesý bring lunch. 19-1* Community Dance at Solina Hall, Saturday, May il. Sponsor- cd by Zion Y.P.U. Admission 75c. Everyone welcome. 19-1 Eldad Sunday School AnnI- versary, Sunday, May 261h. Supper and concert, May 27th. Funther particulars ncxt week. 19-i Shiloh W.A. is baving ai bazaar, FridaY evening, Mayi l7th aI Shiloh, starting at 8:301 p.m. Pictures will bc shawn by Mr. Gay and lunch wilI be served. 19-1* Kedron Association ladies in- vite you ta their bazaar and tea,I May 15, 7:30 p.m., in Kedroni United Church. Tea room 35c,' aOur gentlemen will serve.19* Club 15 will weicome aIl Senior Citizens la the Party being beld on Tuesday, May 14 at eîght o*ciock in the Lions Centre. If transportation is requircd please telephone MA .1-.3627. 19-1 Sale of Home Baking and A prons ta he heîd in Kitson'si Lockcm, Friday' aflernoon, May 1 7 starting at 1:30 p.m., sponsored by Long Sault Club 50 in aid of, chuch work.19-2 Bowmanville Choral Society Presents their Spring Concert in the Town Hall. Friday and Sal- tirday. May 10 and Il .Assist- ing artists: Toronto Rhythm- airs Barber Shop Quaritet.' 18-2 Regular weekly bingo beld Thursdays except third 'veek in the monlh wb'ich will he beldi on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot gAame. No game under $3.00. -Admission 50c. 2-tf 1By special request another hard time party la be held in Tyrone Comnmunity Hall, May 12'5. Good sports in poor cloîhes 50c, poor sparts in gaod clothes ô5c. Music by Holroyd*s orch- estra. Sponsored by Hall Board. Dance Cancelled Regularly held every Saturday Orono Town Hall CANCELLEI)! for onie week only, May 111h. ï Pease tell Your friends. Enniskillen Sunday School Anniversary Services will bel heid on May 19 aI 2:00 p.m. and1 i7:30 p.m. Guest speaker wilI1 lic Rev. Molfat f rom Oshawa. Solo-*- ist for cveniog %wiII he Mr. R. Henry and soloist for afternoon will he Mm. Keith Wood. On Mondas'. Mav '20<ja '~unner ili bc semvedi. Snorfs wilIl bc hcid and a concert by Greenwood Evening W.A.,, Sat Nighit in Cal Shack Hoiiaw". Further partic- ulars next week. 19-1 Livestock f or Sale- .7 PIGS, seven weeks oid. Walter Ferguson. Phone MA 3-2329.19-1 16 EIGHT-week.olcl pigs for~ s.ale; also 3 housc doorq. Plnc, MA 3-2328. 9I 15 FEEDER pigs, 16 pigs eigit weeks aid, calf for vealing. W. A. Tomlinson Oono. 19-1* FRESH cows and some due ta freshen soon. also some vrai' ralves. Applv Z. J. Beni*rhon. Phone MA 3-2926. .- Articles for Sale LADY'S bicycle. Phone New- castle 2101. 19-1* PIANO, extra good. Telephone -MA 3-5919. 19-1 HAY, approximately 800 bales. Phone MA 3-5104. 15-tf FORD hydraulic tractor, culti- vatar. 1602 Clarke. 18-2* NEARLY new, Quebec cook stave. Phone MA 3-3522. 19-1 'GENERAL Electrie washing machine. Phone MA 341l25. 19-1* 39-INCH spring mattress and al wool puff. Phone« MA 3-5044. 39-1w GIRL'S grey spring coat, size 12, $10, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5980. 19-1* SPACESAVER with chair ta match: in good condition. Tele- phone MA 3-2123. 19-1* 20 - 30 DOZ. waoden egg crates; one bot air furnace, cheap. Tele- phone MA 3-9023. 19-1 * FLOOR polisher for rent ati Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf SAVE an lumber, direct fromi miii ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phanc I 17 r Il. l3tf 1 KEYS cut automatically, while yau wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- wvare, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf TWO almost new open sheds, 65 if. long: 9 f. flat aluminum roof. Fred Lycett. Telephone Orono 11716. 16-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrîcal appliances,I large and small. Lander Hard- wvare. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor palisher -fromn Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing nethod, with rock wool. Workm,ýanship guarantced. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bawmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf NOW is the time ta protect all your plants against pests and disease. We can perform this service for you with aur ncwl Solo sprayer. Phone Fritz Marti Nursery, MA 3-5012. 18-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and -Lsed. Repairs ta al makes. Walter Frank, 177 Churcb St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 14-tf MORRIS Ca. have been appoint- ed Singer Scwing Machine re- Presentatives for the Bowman- ville district. Came in and sec a Singer-the finest in sewing machines. Variaus attachments1 also in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold by tbc yard. Our representative iwill caîl at your home any lime with a camplete range of samples andl suggestions wiîhout obliga- tion FarieTown, 59 King SI. W. Telephone MArkct 3-3609, Bowmanville. 48-tf Garden Tractorq - Roto-Tillers and Poiver Mowers ApplY FERGUSONS )B.A. SERVICE STATION .1 Miles East of Taunton Tour local Waterloo Deale Telephone MArket 3-2975 Decorating *For the Finest Paints i*For the Latest Papers *For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf LAWN SEED Stewart's Super Growth Mixture Consists entirely of only thei finest dwarf, perennial and evergreen grasses for a beautiful dense lawn. 9c Reg-. $1.15 lb. 'lbM.95 S tewart's Terrace Brand Mixture! -A blend of quick growing grass- es that produce a smaoth, coin- pact, Iasting turf of fine quaiitv. i Reg. 90e lb. ...- .....1 lb. 70c StLe4art's Speciai Lawn Mixture An economical biend. giving a fast green caver and reouinn minimum of cane. -A1l. 0 ,Stewart's Back Yard or Cottage Mixture A strong, quick grawing mixture to stand up under hard usage. Guaranteed free of 'TallFsu and *Kentuck.v 31',, Fsu' 1 lb. 450 10 lbs. 421',e lb. 25 lb.. 40e lb. Fresh 60%rt. Te,,ted B[LK GARDEN SEEI)S CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES LAWN and GARDEN FERTIIZERS STE WART'S SEEDS 33 Division St. Bowmanville '17-tU Articles for Sale RANGETTE. in fair condition. Telephone MA 3-3857. 19-i IPIANO. apartment size, walnut, good condition, $80. MA 3-5545. 19-1 ALSCO aluminum windows and doors. Lamne Allun. Phone MA 3-3871. 19-1* HORSE saddle; bed, springs and mattress, chcap. Phone MArket 3-2855. 19-1* RUBBER-wheeled lawn mawer, A-i condition. Phone MArket 3-3755. 19-1 WASHING machine, $15; baby carriage, $10. Apply 20 Jack- man Rd. 19-1 TWO 12' galvanized gates, hinges wîth one. $2.5 for pair. Phone MA 3-24ô9. 19-1 MOTOROLA car vadia (uni- versaI): Neptune outboard motar. Phone MA 3-3512. 19-1* PIANO-accordian. Iady's sîze, 120 bass. excellent condition. Phone MA 3-2591. 19-1 f GURNEY clectric stove, heavy duty, suitable for cottage. Tele- Phone MA 3-5473. 1- NEW Scale Williams -piano in goad condition, also strawberry plants. Phane Newcastle 2201. 19-1* C.C.M. BICYCLES from $38.95 up at McNulty's Sport, Cycle and Toys, 6 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 19-1 FINDLAY combination gas and coal slave, gaod condition; kitch- en table ai-d chairs. Telephone MA 3-3313. 19-1 FORD-Ferguson tractor, good rubber, lights. hydraulic lift, cultivator. Good condition, $425. 52 King West. 19-1 ANTIQUE couch and two chairs, Nordheimer piano (painted), small Westinghouse refrigerator. Phone MA 3-5746. 19-1 ASTRAL refrîgeratar. used only 3 months; anc '5 h.p. outboard motor. Bath in good condition. Phone MA 3-2343. 19-1 * 50 CEDAR pasts, 5" and over, 60e each. Corner posts, 75e ea., also 2-year-old Grade Hereford heifer, milking. quiet and bred, $135. Phone MA 3-2713. 19-i TWO used A.C. rata balers, new Case balers, power lawn mow- ers, washers, deep freeze units, refrigerators. W. H. Brown, King St. W. Phone MA 3-5497. 19- 1 * COVER your boat with Fiber- glass. No more leaks. No paint- ing, tougher, stronger. Do il younsclf. F u i1 information. Leavens Bros., 3220 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario. 19-2 CEMENT slab silo 12 x 35, 2 years aid; New Idea tomato transplanter, ncwcst model, 3- pain t hitch. S. S. Mortoni & Son, Farmn Equipment Sales and Serv- ice, Maple Grave, Bowmanville. 19-1 AFRICAN Violets for mother. many new varieties. Single and double. 85c. Choice selection of perennials, r o c k e r y plants, shrubs. Guaranteed. 3 for $1.00. Mrs. Abrams, 1 St. George St. 19-i MOTHER'S Day Special: Step and coffee tables, arbonile laps; lamps, clothes hampers, pictuires, mats, cheslerfields, spDace savers and odd chairs. Priced ta dlean.1 Trade-in aIlowance. Murphy Ca., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. SPECIAL-Firestone freezer, 19 cubie feel. hold 675 lbs., onl ' $395, 8.2 cubic foot International refnigerator, regular $339, now only $224: deluxe electnie rangce. 24-inch size, regular $245 for .$195; used Easy Spindry washer, only $69.50 at Cowan Equipmeni Co.. 134 King St, E.. Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 19-1 USED Farm Equipment--Mc- Cormick W-6 diesel tractor, comn- pletcly ovcrhauled; McCormick W-4 tractar, Farmail Super A tractor, Farmail "H" traclor. Massey-Harnis "~22" traclar. John Deere 7-foot tandem discs, Inter- national 2-furrow plough. Mas- scy-Harnis disc plough. Cowan Equipment Ca., International Harvester Farmn Equipment Dealer, 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-,5689. 19-1 BALER TWINE Ail C.O.D. order. filled by May 31st jSpecial Discount of 25c per bale j Delivered S. S. Morton & Son FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE Cars for Sale IReal Estate for SaleiRealÉEstate f or Salel '49 CHEV., reasonable price. Phone MA 3-5781. 19-1* '46 CHEV., gaod condition. Apply 91 Ontario St. or Phone MArket 3-3974. 19-1* 1940 CHEVROLET coach, in running condition, $40. Phone MA 3-3688. 19-1l 1953 AUSTIN A40. 19,000 miles, good condition. Ewart Leask,l Taunton. Phone Oshawa RA 5-4005. 19-1 1948 PLYMOUTH, radio. heater, motor and tires in good shape, will sel reasonable. Apply 63 King St. W.. Apt. 2. 19-1* '55 CHEV. V8, tudor, two-tone yellow and white. showroomn condition, washers, signais, back- up lights. dlock, low mileage, prîced right. MA 3-3410. 19-1 * 1951 PONTIAC, excellcnt con- dition. radio, directional signais, windshield washers and back-up light. Ron Brooks, MA 3-3961. 19-1* Wanted CARE of convalescent patient or room for gentleman. Abstainer, clean. Phone MA 3-3948. 19-111 DEAD and crippled farm stock,1 picked Up promptly. Phone MA' ,3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 26-tf Work Wanted CLERK-typist desires work. MA, 3-5687. 19.1* HOUSE work by the hour. Tele- phone MA 3-5394. 19-1* SMALL gardens rota - tilled.* CUTTING lawns, attending small gardens, etc. Phone MA 3-5781.1 . 1 9 1 * BRICK and carpentry work, mantels, etc. Phone MArket .-3352. 17-4* LAWNS mowed and trimmed. Reasonable rates. Phone MA 3-5485 after 6 p.m. 19-1* PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughîng; free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf BRICKLAYING, Plastering. Nor- man Pingle, 72 Elgin St., Bow. manville. Phone MA 3-5518. 12-15 BONNIE'S Window Cleaners- Offices, stores, homes. Ail work guaranteed. Phone RA 3-4329. YOUNG woman desires bouse work or general cleanirig. Wrii( Box 666, c/o Canadian States. mail. 1- NEW plastering and repairs Stucco and cement plaslering A. C. Woods. Phone ClarkE 23 r 04. 14-il RESPONSIBLE lady dcsire. baby sitting, any lime or minc young child while mother works Write P. O. Box 124. Bowm-ar. ville. 19-1 SPRAY-Painting: Commercial barns, cottages, stables, celiar, furniture, intenior decoratiai For free estimates Phone MA 3-5387. 19-1 GUARANTEED repairs toa]a mnakes of cars and trucks, ai jobs are guaranteed, campeter workmanship, at Cowan Equip mnent Ca., Meteor-Mercury Dca] cm, 134 King St. E., ]Bowmnan ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-t. WELDED STEEL FABRICATION BOILER REPAIRS Portable Wclding Equipment Ross W. Hawke courtire Phone RA 5-290, 17-4ý SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-ti Plasfering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Bulldozing and Excavating Wayne Ellioit ,.ewtonville Phone Clarke 512! TIME FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry Maple Grove Bowmnanville BRZICK. BLOCK or CONCRETE -- - 1)-lREPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Repairs Fsimates Free RADO-ad1 L. Turner .RADI andtelevision repairs. Prompt service. Pick Up and Phone MA 3-3072 or 3-3,.31 delivcry. Lamne Dareen, 85 King P. O. Box 177 E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf ____________1 3-tf REP'AIRS to aHh makes of'refrig- Plu mbinig - Heating gon _____________ 2 Kng t. Eavestroughing 1 -.- ---- T1,t (lasç IWork Guaranteed Watch Repairing For immediate servire rail AT Marr's JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. MA BOWMAINVILLE 3-546.31 bu-u' A. BAARS 66 King St. W. Bowmanville Plhone MA 3-5172 .FREE ESTIMATES e- rs. 1. LOT for sale, 90' frontage, 200' deep, on No. 2 Highway at Maple Grove. Beautiful location, high and dry, ready for building. Priced ta seli. Cail Oshawa RA 8-8833. 18-tf BUNGALOW. six-roomed brick, foaur years old, landscaped corn- er lot; cernent floored garage: aluminum storm windows and screens, oil and hot water heat- ing, rotor TV antenna and many' other extras. Phone MArikeét 3-3198. 19-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison eal Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.' 1Two blocks north of t raffic signal Newcastle 5-tf IMMEDIATE possession, $7,700, lovely 3 bedroom home, cup- b oardls and sink in kitchen, m odern bathroomn, heavy duty wiring, insulated. storms and s creens. Highway frontage suit- able for garden or building lots. School bus passes door to Pub- lic and High Schools; ½/ mile te village. Approximately 20 miles, to Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa, RA 3-3862. 19-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $500 down-full prîce $3,500 f or this 4 roomn unfinishcd bouse north of Newcastle. 3 acres of î land. $3,700 clown-full price $10,500, ~3 bedroam rug brick. AIl con- veniences, ncew, exceptionally attIra ctive. $ 13,500 full pnice. A home ta suit the discrirninating buyer. Hot water heating by ail, bard- wood and tile floors, 4-piece bath, extra large lot. Conces- sion Street. 21' returnono~ your invesi- ment berc! Moder .nized apant- ments, main street of Bowman- ville. Total incame aven $5,000 per year. $14,000 will bandle. Cal] aI office for further par- ticulars. Garage, 2,000' floor space, Ford car and tractan franchise. completely cquipped, bydraulic hoist, 4 bays, fluorescent light- ing. etc. $28,000 ta setlte estate. Rest home, beautiful brick of 15 raoms, 8 acres of land, ex- cellent business. Highway prap. cnty. Priccd ta seil. Cottages on Rice Lake, View Lake, Scugog and Cedar Cresti Beach at prices and terms ta suit your budget.1 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna i ~19-1l De With Real Estate1 THREE bedroom, attached gar- age, brick and stone ranch type bungalow, hardwood floors, til- cd, four-piece bathroom, forced air heating wîth oil. Nearing completion, 33 Southway Drive. Three bedroom, double attached Sgarage, brick and stone bunga- low with finishcd basement, f ire- place and book cases in recrea- tion room, hot watcr with ail heating throughout, laundry and ýwash room in basement, seven years aid. J. J. Flet, 27 Centre Street, Bowmanville. 19-1* 4raom bungalow, modern canveniences, furnace, garage: beautiful landscaped lot. Ful price $7,200.00. Terms. 4raom cottage at West Beach, new, bath, pressure system. hot water heater. Completely furn- iEhed. Boat and wharf. 7 room fu11 2-storey brick house in ideal location on large lot, 4 bcdrooms, 2-piece bath main floar, 3-piece an 2nd floor. new ail furnace. ln excellent condition. Terms. We have farms, bungalows, houses, lots. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 Bowma nville H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 110 acres, 7-room. frame house, large barn, cement floars, water, etc., 10 acres bush. balance ahl workable, plowing ail done ready for crap, corner farm. on two paved roads. Close ta school and church. For quick sale. $8,500, $1.500 dawn. This Is the mast outstanding bargain we have ever offered. Farms Farms Farms Wc bave so many farms for sale it is impassible ta advertise them aIl. We have a farm, ta suit buyers wanting any par- ticular linc. We are building new 4 roomn bouses East of Newcastle. You can cail and sec the plan. These houses will be sold with $1,000 down ta good buyens. Money ta boan. H. C. PEDWELL, BrGker Newcastle Phone 3956 19-1 McQuay Real Estate Looking for a good farm? Dan't miss this ane. 210 ACRE STOCK & CASH CROP FARM, 160 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. Good 8 room, bouse with canveniences. Barns 110 x 40 and 50 x 30 with room for 80 cattle. This is anc of the best praducing farms in Clarke Township. Close ta school and church. 2 tractors, fulli une of -tt ,GENERAL FARM, 88 acres on £iuUieUIin thlC1w price. OlJny - lae sore beteenBowan-$22.400. lak shrebeteenBowan 10 ACRES SUBDIVISION 'sville and Oshawa, with beauti- LAND. Valuable corner on No. dfui views aven Lake Ontario,.J401 across from Johnson & s Exccllent spot for summer me -1 Johnon site. $7,000, with terms. nsort, etc. Good buildings. Price We bave several building lots 1 arranged. i at attractive pnuces, close ta jGENERAL FARM, 140 acres,! Bowmanviîle. Homes built to near Port Hope iîh 90 acreslorder on approved lots wilh low ýn warkable ]and, 7 acres wood, down payments. :Agood fences; 65' x 40' bank harno, Simpiement shed, ben house: 91 1 i Walter Frank i roomed frame house with run- ll ning water, heavy wired. Price 177 Church Street, Bowmanville il] $ 15,000. Ternis. MArket 3-3986 nt GENERAL FARM, 100 acresd Representing p- on paved raad with 80 acres, MeQUAY REAL ESTATE ý-workabie, large U-shapcd bankI 19-1 n- harn, implement, shed. heni tf bouse, pig pens; 7 roomed solid - brick bouse with runniog water,1 Pe r dem heavy duty wired. Asking price' $13.000. Terms. 1 REAL4 ESTATE BROKER GENERAL FARI. '200 acres 150 acres facing 401 Highway, ton highway with 140 acres work- 11i room brick bousie, bath, furn- lnble land,.130 acres in bush, lace, large harn. Priced ta sell. crck, large L-shaped haok harol 42 acres of orchard, average )2 large hen bouse; 8 roomed1 crop 8-12,000 bushels per year, j* frame bouse with fumnace, bath- 9 raom brick bouse, bath, furn- -roam and running water. Ask- ace, excellent location. Price iog price $16.000. Easy terms. and down paymeot arranged. DAIRY FARM, 160 acres, 145 3.3 acres, 3 apartment home, acres workahlc, 8 acres wood, fumnace. bath, hank haro 30 x 60, 85' x 60' bank barn with water- i3 -car garage, 11,000 Christmas bawls, silo, pig pens, ben bouse, Irees planted, neyer failing drive-in shed: 7 roomed insulat- , strcam, gravel pit. Priced ta cd frame -bouse with 4-piece!sel 1. bath. running bot and cald ivat-j 4 acres or orchard, 8 moami -f cm. Can be boughit with full line, brick bouse, bath, furnace. of new machinery a nd gaodî beautiful surmoundings. Rentedi herd of Holstein caIlle. Price aI $80 per month. Priced ta selI. $33,000. Termis. 6 acres inciuding 4 acres of 6 raamed home (5 yeans ol'4) beaver pond. Price a n I y wilh garage and 2 acres of land., $3,000.00.1 Full basement and running wat-1 5 room insul brick home, bath, cm. Price $6.000. Tcrms arrang- : 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining- ed. raam, ocam Oshawa. Price 8 raamcd frame insul brick $8,500.00. Dawn $2.500,00. b~ouse on bigbway aI Newton-j Newcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 vle with full basement,' extra Slsa îlot,gaae yr.Akn$500 J. J1. Hartwig, Hampton To bc sold ta close estate. P'hone MArket 3-2035 6 roomed cottage aI Pontypool, 19-U with furoilure and Frigidaire.; ~ -______ Price $1,700. Down $400. à5 roomcd (3 bedrooms) neanlv e K -new ranch style bungalow in Peter owal lBowmarlville with bath, oil REAL ESTATE BROKER fumnace, hardwood and tile GE RA IN RNC floors, running hot and coldi EEA NUAC watcr, k ilt c h e n cuphoards. 19 King St. F. Bowmanvllle storms, sidcwaiks, etc. Pnice Telephone MA 3-5868 S9.500. Terris. 4 hedroomr brick in nice loca- i;10 roomcd doublr bouse li1fion. living-room, dlining- room, iNcwcastie vith 2 kitchens. 2 kijtchcn and bath. New fumnace. bathroont.. runoung hat and cold 1Lar-c lot. Aýking only $10,500. water. full hasenient. creek an 53,00 dowo, verv easy term. !nt Asking $8.400. Termis. i 55,000 dawn buys a beautiful, 5 roomed cottage on Bowman-' executive type brick home on ville Beach with heavy duty nice street. 8 rooms, 2 bath- Iwining. AIl insuîated. Price rooms, garage, lovely landscap- fi$2.000 with $500 down. ing. Loaded wiîh extras. Caîl IBesides above mentioned wc office for appointment. ha'.e approximateiy 100 mare 2 bedroom t rame bungalow, faims and homes ta choose from. living-room, niee kitchen, bath. Member of the Oshawa Photo- Hardwaod and tule floors. A Co-op Real Estate Board. real buy at anly $10,500. Re- Contactquires substantial cash. 2 bedroom bungýalow. ail he- John . De ith d, garaâge, extra lot. Very nicc John . DeWilh location, central. Only $9,500 Realtor and General Insurance Iwiîh termis. Newcastle Phone 33411.4i11/ acres wvith large frame Salesmen: hme in town. Only $10,500. Donald Mountjoy. BownianvlllejV.L .A. or baîf cash. MA 3-3950 List with this office for best Daniel 'Boehm Port hlopeiresulîs. Homes of ail descrip- TU 5-5014 1lions rcquired. Real Estate for Sale Hamburg St f FOR SALE OR Iiite,, Excellent Reputation -- Good Location Opposite Parlk SACRIFICE - QUICK SALIE PHONE MArket 3-3862 19-1 IN BOWMANVILLE An excellent building lot in North Ward, 73' x 60', on First Street. $9,000 - 7-roomed solid brick. 1½ý-storey home; ail heated. hardwood and tile floors; 3-piece bath, 3 bedroofns, and garage. Close to school. Terms. Open for listings. Saleslady Jean Woolner MA 3-2175 Berneice H. Pairick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3692 (colleet) James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 7-room stone bouse near high. way with appraximatcly 2 acres, smail fruit, flot too far from Bawmanville, possession arrang- cd. $2,000 down. 7-roomn frame dweiling with same hardwood, garage, some floor cavering, storms and screens, hot water heater, not far from school. $7,000. Terms. 4-room brick bungalow bard. wood floors, 3 -piece baih, ail furnace, heavy wining, laundry tubs, a n t e n n a, landscaped, garage. TbiW is a heautiful home. 4-roomn bungalow Qn No. 2 Highway; hydro, welI. chîcken house. $4,000. Tcrms. Im- mediate possession. 4-roomn new frame bungalow on i acre, town water, 4-piece modern bath. hardwood and tule floors, forced air heating with ail, modern kitchen, beavy wir.. ing, insulated, double garage, many extras. Prîced ta seli. 200 acre farm in Darlmngton Township. Barn, stables, impIe- ment shed: 8-room frame house. water in bouse and barn, beavy' wiring, modemn kitchen, 7 acres bush. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville MA 3-5682 in-le Insurance g DeWith & Moun4«Qy Insurance Agency Cail us for ypur Generf Insuranc Bomneeds Phone MA 3-3950 19-t! Room and Board AVAILABLE for two eldenl.1 gentlemen. Phone MA 3-5394. 19-1*b Chickens for Sale CANADIAN Approved, pullor- umn tcsteci, Day Old and Started Chicks. Book orders now for future dclivery. White Legho-n, Barred Rock (fast fcatbering) and New Hamp. X Barred Rock. For price list write or Phonts H. J. Brooks, Bowmanvllc, MA 3-3961. 50-tf Wanted to Rent WANT la rent pasture suitable for eight catlle. Phone MArket PIECE of garden for use or la keep dlean. Wish ta plant pola- tocs. Phone MA 3-2794. 19.1* ONE or two funnished moins, fairly central. Write Box 665. c/o Canadian Statesman. 19.1* ..The Canadian Statesman 4 :: CLASSIFIED : :ADVERTISING 4 RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE "FOR RENT - HELP WANTED . t' CARS FOR SALE ~'LOST * FOUND - ETC. e ..Cash Rate 4c par word 4* m* with a minimum of 60c .0 Must bo paid by date of insertion. 4 .If charqed. an additional 25c 4 chrewiIl be added. 4 Alhreof 25c wiI ha made foi 4 ,ail replies directed te this office. .- NOTICES - COMING EVENTS . ,, AND CARDS OF THANKS 4 4.4c a word wîih a minimum el t 4, .OG for 25 ivords or les. B: IRTHS ENGAGEZETt%! 4. MAJIRIAGE3 - DEATHS $1.00 pet insertion IN MEMORIAMS $. 1.00 plus 10c a line for verse t -P. Display Classified al $1.50 pet 4 .> inch with a minimum aif one inch @me 4.Additiu.nal insiertions ^it &à-*jeme 4 4. rates. < Ail Clos.-,ifild Ad- 16.,ý t his office flot lrtpr thn~4 é12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. 4 ,.Send cash, stamps or money order 4.. aIph nd Sive money. aC i p l i o u t fo i h a i d y r e fe o i n c e . OFFICE MOURS 4- Monday throuqh Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. SaturdayI 8 10fl i. b to12 Noon e Diii MArkei 3 313 ;. for Clin.ied Ad Service. ee ille il * 1.4. . Î.4->.fir. à. eop>4 ..- TM CANAD" ISTATESMAN. BC)WUANVff.ýLZ ONTAMO - TRUM8AY, MAT mt, 1951