t *-k A letter from a St. Cath- anine's businessmnan asking per- mission ta operate a "quick lunch service" in Bowmanville braught ta light the fact that Bowmanville has no licensing 'by-law for such transient trade and the question of why isn't there was asked. At the moment there are similiar quick lunch services operating in town from Oshawa and their only requirement is a five dollar pedlar's license. "It's high time they started paying," Coun .Wes Fice cam- rnented. "If we ever started we wouldn't knaw where ta stop," another councillor pointed out. It was suggcsted that bread trucks makîng home deliveries would certainly came under such a by-law and be subject ta a fee. Police Chief Eric Smith informed counicil that such a by-law would be legal as he has had experience with it. The matter was referrcd ta the police administration canui rnittee who xill bring in re- commendations. On recommendation of the Bowmanville Planning Board Town Council decided ta re- zone the Dadson propcrty at 151 Liberty Street from re- sidential ta commercial. Can- adian Petrofina Ltd. have an option on the land and are de- sirous of erecting a service station. On requcst of the Canadian Legion Branch, Bowmanville, the Legion Hall will be exempt fronu ail taxes except the sehool tax. B.H.S. Cadet Inspection Scheduled for To -Night, The annual Inspection of No. 544, Bowmanville High Schoal Cadet Corps, will be conducted by Col. L. T. McLaughlin, towni: Col. Wottcn, Commanding Of- ficer Ontario Tank Regiment, Oshawa, and Lt. Hunter pf East- crn Ontaria Cadet Headquarters, Kingston, at 1900 hours (7 p.m.) in the Memorial Arena, Thurs- day evening (to-night).. Arrivai o! the inspection party xill begin proceedings which xill commence with an inspec- tion, march vast and the advance in revue order. Present Precision Displays This part of the inspection Local Man .Wins Oscar For Acting Ted Colwell, Bowmanville, xvas awarded an Oscar as best actor for his role in "Heaven On Earth" presented by the Arnica Club of Trinity United Church at the Blackstock Drama Festival held recently. "Heaven On Earth" also won an Oscar as the best play pre- sented at the festival. The Arnica Club will present this play in the Eastern Ontario United Church Drarna Festival to be held in Campbellford. campleted, eight cadet displays will be presentcd in the follow- -ing order: B.H.S. Cadet Band, Girls' Gymn Class display, Signal Corps display, Drum Major- ettes, Grenadiers and First 4 display, Girls' Precision Squad, Boys' Gymn display and the Boys' Precision Squad. When the displays are com- pleted the group will form a hollow square and variaus priz- es will be awarded to the deserv- ing officers and men. The In- spection Party will then com- ment on the inspection. In con- clusion the cadets will march fromn the arena ta the High School. To Receive Award Bbwman,ville High Sehool Cadet Corps will be awarded the Eastern Ontario Inspection Trophy which theywon in 1956. Chie! Instructor of the B.H.S. Cadet Corps, Major E. A. With- erspoon, will accept the award. Cadet Instructors at B.H.S. in- clude: Lt. Jack Ross, Len Lucas, Bob Sheridan, Vince Mathew- son and D. C. Peters. Girls' Gymn Instructors are Miss M. Bennett and Mrs. Hochman. The annual Cadet Dance will be held at the High School on Friday evening. Bible Society Plans Canvass The local executîve of the Bible Society met at the home of its president, Mr. G. Elliott, recently. Plans were drawn up for the yearly canvass ta be made on June 3. Those arranging for canvas- sers are: Rev. H. Turner, Mrs. S. McAllister, St. Paul's; Rev. T. A. Morgan, Mr. Bert John stan, Trinity; Rev. A. C. Her- bert, Miss V. McFeeters, St. John's; Rev. A. G. Scott, Mr. R. Simpson, St. Andrewv's; Rev. W. Schaafsma, Mr. R. Dykstra, Christian Reformed; Capt, W. Brown, Mr. H. Bartlett, Salva- tion Army; Rev. G. E. Leno, Pentecostal. ~tatr~m~tn "Durham County's Great Family Journal" VOLUM -E 103 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1957 10e FER COPYNUBR9 d'ml- I u .- ,1~jmeMinister to Speak Here Right Hon. Louis S. St. Laurent Word was received this week by Liberal Candidate John M. James that the Prime Minister of Canada will rnake bis first major address in Durham on Friday, May l7th at Port Hope-~ In previaus campaigns, hie was here briefly on bis whistle-stop train tour, but this time, Mr. James was delighted ta bear that he will speak at a public meeting. Weatber permitting, the Prime Minister will speak from tbe band sheli at the public park in Port Hope at 1:15 p.m. He will arrive by train at noon, have luncheon and then join in a parade ta the band sheli Further details will be available for next week's issue., Memorial Arena Gi ves 'oun cil an Account ~f Yea's Operations "It's the best year we've ever had," Bob Watt, chairman of the ]Bowmanville Arena Manage- ment Committee, reported ta the STown Council, Manday evening. ',~ "I ami pleased ta report that w e a' bank balance o! $4,3~ with only a few out- standTrK accaunts rcmaining. This!is $1.,200 ta $1,800 better than the same pcriod of any other year." He went on ta înform Council that the committee expects ta spend more mancy this year on maintenance especiallv the re- J)ainting of the arena inside and but in a new attractive colour icheme. No Expansion "However we were unarilmous ln turning down any expansion lac the marnent especially in cannection with additional dress- ing ,ooms." He explained that the abnorm- ai business from Oshawa was p:acin - a ternporary strain on the arena but he expected that Oshawa wouid soon have their own arena w iîich %would make any expansion unneccssarv. nvotn withoiît this added revenue !rom Oshawa Mr. Watt was confident that Ihe Bow- manville Aena could still operate successfully. Better Dressing Rooms In regards ta better dressing roorns he neported that wark bas been stated on renovating the present roorns and instead of threc there xill be four. The ice-making machine has Ray Dudley Wins Praise By N.Y. Critics ftepors from New York give generous praise ta Ray Dudley, Bowmanville-bamn pianist, in his debut appearance at Car- negie Hall on Saturday night as soloist with the New York Philharmonic Symphony Or- chestra with Franco Auturi conducting. He received four çurtain caîls fmom a capacity, £Continued on Daou@ aeveni' been in first class condition dur- îng the past season an~d free of costly repairs. Mr. Watt was sorry to report that Cliff Samnis who has served the committee as secretary- treasurer was retiring from his .(Continued on page seven) Councillors Miss Meeting To Cost $4 The increased remuner- ation for the mayor of Bowmanville and Council- lors has becîi approved by the Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs but a Department s t i p u 1 a tion was added that $4 wvould be deducted for every meeting missed by a coun- cillor. According to the by-lawv w hich was given its third and final reading 'Mon- day the mayor will receive S500 and the councillors $200 each in recognition of the time,' effort and ser- vice they reneier ini the carrying out of municipal business. They formerly received $250 and $100 res- pectively. A PROCLAMATION Bowmanville is a town in which ail of its citizens may well take pride. Majestic trees arch- ing over aur streets, green lawns, clipped sbrubs and well-tended flower beds ail combine ta please the eye of citizen and visitar alike. Next year aur town will celebrate ifs Centennial, and xve hope ta bid welcome toaa a record number of former citizens and visîtors. A cantinuing round of social, cultural and sparts events will make heavy dcmnands on aur time and interest tbrough the late Spring and Summer. Therefare this is the vear ta put aur places of business and aur homes, lawns and gardens in order, s0 that aur town wtilIlolok its best and so that aur time will be free-ta entertain aur guests. And sa I caîl on each layai citizen ta paint-up and clean-up bis own property. And if you have a neighbour who, because of age or physical disabiity, cannot do the job bimself, offer him a hand. Nelson E. Osborne, Mayor of Bowmanville. Cub Pack Entertained By Their Legion Sponsors Members of Bowmanville Cub Pack No. 3, and their parents were the guests o! Bowmanville Branch 178, Canadian Legion, who sponsor the pack, at a turkey banquet held at the Legion Hall, Friday evening. Legion President Jim Firth opened the evening with a toast to the Qucen. O. J. Presson. President o! the Bowmanville Scout Association. said Grace. The members o! the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary served a de- licious turkey 'dinner. They donated the dinner for thue group on behaîf of the Ladies' Aux- iliary. Welcomes Guests President Jim Firth welcomed* the Cubs and their parents to the banquet. Luther Welsh, Cub Master of No. 3 Pack, introduced the head table gucsts. Thcy in- cluded: Honorary President o! i-eilicopter btops « Jtt at Venture Inn the Scout Association, Sydney, Venton and Mrs. Venton; Presi- dent of the Scout Association, O. J. Presson and Mrs. Presson; Ab Mavin, Chairman of the Legion Cub Pack Committeez Mrs. Emma Bragg and Mr. Jack Welsh, Assistant Cub Leaders;ý Secretary-Treasurer of the Pack,' Jack Bîshop and Mrs. Bishop,. and Legion President Jim Firth.p Give Demonstration After dinner the Pack present- cd a demonstration of one of their regular meetings for the'I guests. They sang two of their,~ camp sangs, "Old MacDonald" and "Chinese Song". They also' gave a fine display of the badge- tests they must pass. After the demonstrations AI' Fletcher showed the groupý mavies. Mrs. A. Bate, pianist, played The Qucen as the enioy- able evening came ta a close. After spending a restful night at Venture Inn, ride in the aircraft. They included: Stan Chomrak, motel Bowmanville's new motel, Vic Pieper, right. lef t early Fri- manager; Dave Winters, owner of Venture Inn; Gordon day morning ta continue his trip ta Seven Islands, Quebec. Sturrock, who refueled the helicopter and Elton Bnock of Mr. Pieper had bis E2 Bell helicopter refueled with No. 1 Glen Rae Dairy. Margaret Goheerq served Mr. Pieper bis automotive gasoline by A. H. Sturrock & Sons before leav- dinner after he landed. Before leaving in the morning he ing. To show bis appreciation for the hospitality shown was served breakfast by Mrs. Jean Lemon and Mns. him, Mr. Pieper took four Bowmanville residents for affMadeline Cleland. -Photo bv Rehder Police WiIl Have Two-Way Radio System Permission was granted ta the Police Administration corn- mittee to purchase and have installed a Pye twa-way radio- telephane system in the town police cruiser. -Coun. Jim Presson explained thiat tenders for the two-wray radia had been receîved from four firms and the tender of Pye, $1580, was the lowest. "Pye is already in satisfac- tory service in tô'wr," he add- cd, "and is A.M. rather than F.M. The nearest servicernan is in Oshawa." Coun. Presson also reparted that the two dozen Bowmai'- -ville Police Department pat- ches will cast $45 instead of the cstimated $25. Howcver $45 is welIl below the amaunt originally budgeted for thz badges. Many Attend Annual Police Dance Here Mare than 120 persans at- tended the Ontario Durharn- Northurbemland Police Assu- ciatian's annual dance held at the Lions Centre Friday even- ing. The dance, hcld ta raise funds for events sponsored by the Police Association, xvas quite succcss!ui, the associa- tion reparted. Police Associa- tion President, Bob O'Brien, Port Hope, was emcee for the occasion. Dancing was ta the music o! Lau Dewell's Orchestra. A delicious luncheon was served by the ladies of Group 8, Trin- ity United Church .A spoit dance prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. Art Randaîl, Newcas tle. George Brooks bought 1111L table auctioncd during the evening. Among the many police of ficers presenit weme; Chie! Erie Smith and *Mrs. Smith, Bow- manville; Const. Pat Cornell and Mms. Cornell, Bawmar.- ville; Mr. and Ivrs. Bill Wilson, Oshawa; Chie! Art Randal and Mrs. Randal Newcastle2. Of f icers from Cobourg and Port Hope also attended. Winners Are Declared Marathon Bridge Party Expect Opposition Police Comm îttee to Ask Parking Meters for Town Plan Banquet For Combines Thurs. May 23 Bowmanville-Orono Comn- bines, 1956-57 Lakeshore Intermediate "A" Cham- pions and O.U.A. serai- finalists, will be honoured at a banquet and dance to bc held in the Odd Fellows Hall at Orono, Thursday, May 23, at 7 p.m. The Lakeshore League Hockey Trophy will be presented to the teani. Winner of the Most Valu- able Player contest will also bc announced and prizes will be awarded to hlm. Tickets f1r the dInner are available from G. F. J a in i e son, Bownianville, and Hesper Dean or Bill Armstrong, Orono. Frice of the tickets is $2 a plate. Despite expected strong op- It wauld also tend ta pus!, te position there is a better than ather areas the long tirne park- average chance that Bawman- crs wha are not custamners the ville Town Cauncil will apprave stores dcpend on and this parking meters on the front would leave mare space for street business section. customers. At Monday's Cauncil meeting Chalking Unsatlsfactory Coun. Jim. Presson, Chairman Coun. Presson pointcd out of the Police Administration that the controlling of parking .Committee, had intentions Of wauld be much casier. Meters asking for Council's appraval can be set ta provide 15 minute that night but fromn the re- ta 2 hour parking. At present action decided nat ta press thue the only means o! checking matter until the next meeting. parking violations is hy chalk- Instead the comrnittee will ing and this is not feasible schedule a meeting with a re- (Continucd on page seven) presentative of a pçirking meter firn for the purpose of decid- ing where the meters should be placed and then bring iback Scouts Collect a repart at the next Council meigEffect of Meters O e 5 T n A chief cancern of Cotin Presson was haw the mèters would effect trade and how r p a e they would be accepted by down-tawn shoppers. j More than 25 tans of waste He felt that it would help paper was collected in the re- rather than hinder trade and ccnt Boy Scout Paper Drive went an ta explain that the and Scout OfficiaLs have term- average shapper spends from cd it anc of the most success- 15 minutes ta an hour shopping. fui ever held. Therefore anything that wauld The excellent ca-operation help hlm find a parking space of citizens made the drive such wauld encourage trade. a huge success and the Scout YOUR IDEA MAY BRING YOU s25 V ~ Can you draw? Can you corne up with an j' original idea? If s0 - you can be a big hclp ta the Bawmanville Centennial Committee. Tbey are offening a $25 pnize far the best humorous or- seniaus d'rawing, symbol or caricature, ta be used as the advertising theme for the Bowmanville Centennial next year. The accepted dnawing will be used on statianery, stickers and other tvpes <of iIvertisinçi îiepr1 v the i-'rnritte A gond erowd attended thelIRelider, Miss M. Borland, Mrs. L- UU V L JIIIiiLU Hospital Aux iliary Marathon IR. Kerr, Mms. S. James. Mms. W. The rules are very simple. Put your idea down on Bridge party in the Lions Corn-H. Birks, Mrs. A. Constable, an 811 il1 sheet of white paper in Black India Ink with muni\' Cntr on ondy even- Mrs. A. Merkley. Mrs. R.L ing, May 6, xvhcn winners fram Mitchell, Mrs. V. H. Storey, Mrs yu aeadadesa hebc n alt h r each graup plavcd off. ÎR. Sheridan, Mrs. J. Mc'Nulty Contest, Bowmanville Centenniai Committee, Post Office President of the Women's Hos- and Mrs. J. Darch. Box 1240, Bowmanville, Ontario. AIl entries must be pital Auxiliary. Mrs. L. W. Dip- r Th ynon usaMa 8h 97 pelI. WeloedeerTh.ad e prizesweme all attractive- ncie ynoTedy a 8h 97 xvhile the finalists weme being w ale n thandtisraeon'h Anyone may enter this contest. There is no age determined as they played OPu room. Candles and flov.ers limit and no residential restrictions. The drawîngs don't stage, others in attendance play- enhanced the pretty arrange- have ta be a work of art, but should cleariy convey an idea. cd in the body o! the auditorium. et Winners were: first. Mrs. Fredmet The drawîngs automatically became the property of the Knox and Mrs. L. W. Dippell; At the back of the auditorium Cnena omte n a eue naywyta second, Mrs. N. Osborne and were two attractive tea tables Cnena omte n a eue naywyta Mrs. R. Ames; third, Mrs. G. where refreshments were servcd they sec fit. No entnies wili be returned. Young and Mrs. T. W. Cawker; in buffet style. Mrs. C. W.1 rfaurth, Mrs. W. R. Strike and Slemon and Mrs. Harold Fer-, Some ideas already bave been suggested, worked Mrs. J. O'Neil. The prizes were guson Poured coffec. !anound the name Bowman; othens suggest a modern motif presented by Mrs. E. V. Hoar. The Party was arranged by aiand still others suggest samething in the aid time angle. Winnems o! the Mixed Marathon cammittee as follows: Mrs. J. There are a countiess number of possibilities. Let the cam- were Mr. and Mrs. C. Barmett, O'Neil. Mrs. B. Mutton, Mrs. L. mte aeyu da.Tetm ssots tr owr Jane Street.1 Avre, Mrs. M. Rocnigk, Mrs. G.,mteeheyoriesTetmeislrt0sattawr Lucky donr prizes went ta Young. Mrs. C. Trewin and Mrs. flow. Mis. J. Parkhill, Mis. C. '. Smith. i______________________ Association have extended their thanks to everyone. Spe- cial thanks were also extend- ed to Mike Osborne and Roy Neads who aided with their sound trucks. In addition the Scout Asso- ciation expressed their appre.- ciation to the persons who used their trucks ta aid. They ini- clude; H-arold Watson, Ai3 Sturrock, Glen Rae Dairy, Don Bac, Jack Brough, L. A. Parker and Son, Fred Griffin, Don Brooks. The Scouts also thank those who helpcd in col- lecting the paper and in other capacities. Heads L.O.D.A. Elmer Banting of Bowmanville, was unanimous- ly elected President of the Lake Ontario Development Associa- tion at the bi-monthly directors' meeting held in Peterborough, Tuesday evening. Mr. Banting b as served as ani L.O.D.A. Director for two years and held the office o! 2nd Vice- President in 1956. Vicc-Presidentýi elected for thîs term wcrc: Mayor Burnet of Cobourg and Reeve McKenzie .ot Omemnee. Co un cil Delves Into Licensing of Pediars