THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 195? TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NDiETEU~ CkmssiÎfied For Rent 50 ARES or rnt.Telephone Newcastle 2205. 19-1 ,TIIREE-room heated apartment, centrally located. Phone MA 3-3447. 19-1* *~OOM flat, ail inside ,reniences, East Beach. Phone 4 3-2875. 19-2 THREE roams, kitchenette and bathroom, $60.00. Apartment 7, 63 King West. 19-1* STORE ln Newcastle, modern front, centrally located, water, bot and cold. Phone 2451. 19-3 * APARTMENT, suitable fIo r teacher or business person. 18 Concession St. W. Phone MA 3-5684. 19-tf HEATED bachelor apartment, June lst; rent $50. Mrs. V. Pea- cock, telephone Oshawa RA 3-3972. 19-tf FOUR-roorn apartment, upstairs, on main street, $35 month. Avail- able after May l5th. Telephone MA 3-2635. 19-1* FURNISHED -3-roomed apart- ment, private bath ançàentrance. A p ply Huyck's Hairstyling Studio, 67 King W. 19-1* SIX rooms and bath,' centrally located, possession June lst. Aduit family. Write P.O. Box 760, Bowmanville. 19-1 PASTURE, shade, spring water for forty cattie. Good clover and grasses. Write Box 661, c/o Canadian Statesman. 19-1 COTTAGE to ent, new, furn- ished, near highways, lake and Bowmanville. Write Box 664, c/o Canadian Statesman. 19-1 *SEVEN-room apartment. central location, private entrance. Pos-, session immediately. Write Boxi 662, c/o Canadian Statesman. 19-1* THREE-roomed heated apart- ment. Private entrance and bath. TV antenna. Immediate Dssession. Centrally located in ~owmanville. Phone MA 3-2436.1 PONTYPOOL, three or four un-I furnished rooms, reasonable rent, elderly couple preferred. Inquiries invited. Private ground floor entrance, not suitable for children. Mrs. Chambers, Ponty- pool. 19- 1* LOWER apartment, The Octa- gon, 48 Division St. Living- room, hardwood floor and f ire- place. Two bedrooms, modern WÉ en, tiled bath, heated. Util- itùmoom in basement. Apply SteVart James. Phone MArket -Lk8l. 18-tf 5jHelp Wanted A RELIABLE baby sitter want- ed. Phone MA 3-3460. 19-1 (~SHAMP0 girl. Apply Huyck's V HairstY4igj Studio, 67 King W. 19-1 * GIRL 4r )Vom-an for housewomk. Cali Mrs. Manetta, Pontypool, 20 r 111W. 19-2 WANTED:- Reliable woman ta care for year-old chlld and do light housework one day per week and occasional weekends. Apply Box 663. c/o Canadian Statesman. 19-1 $75.00 C L E A N. dependable woman, 40-65 for modemn coun- try home. Boy 15, girl 17, par- ents weekends. Happy cheerful home for ight persan, perman- ent. Mrs. McCaskill, RR No. 2, Belhany. Telephone 6-r-4.ý 19-1' WE are interested ta hear frai- ail o! you as we have the best proposition for ambitiaus pers- ans, but especially if you're liv- Ing in Bowmanvilie and sur- roundings you would have evemything ta gain by getting in touch with us at once. You may be the right man fo' us. Op- portunities for everybody but the diligent one will get it! 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 63. Station C. Montreal. 18-4 WANTED, Telephone Operators for the Orono Telephone Co. Phone Orono 300 for interview After 5 p.m. Phone Orono 180 Good Hours - GodWae * for the right girls Help Wanted Maie or Female for Spray Room for nighf work Apply Orono Wood Producisi ,PHONE 150 ODRONO 19-1 < Wanted to Buy PLAYPEN ini good condition. Phone MA 3-3836. 19-11 HAND lavyn mower on rubber, like, IgMPhone MA 3-11577. poultry, goose feathers, feather -ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw fuma. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, calleet. 48-t! ALL kinds o! live pouitry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or smaii quantities. We have aur own mnarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. IPhonecollect tW Bethanv I I. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up ta 6 p.m., May' l3th, for the paint- ing of the exterior of the Bow- manville High School. Further particulars may be obtained at the school office. Lowest or any tender flot necessarlly accepted. Work ta be completed bef are August 15th. Tenders ta be sent to: Mr. L. A. Parker, Chairman Property Committee, Bowman- ville, Ont. 18-2 Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supply- ing and installation of new toilet bowls and changing some of the existing plumbing in the men's celi block of the jail. In order to understand the work ta be done and to receive speci- fications for same, it is suggested that anyone interested in the job make an appointment with the Clerk for either Thursday or Friday afternoons, May l6th and lith, ta meet the Countiesý Plumbing Inspector at the build- ing. Tenders will be received until Thursday, May 23rd. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. K. SYMONS, Counties Clerk, Cobourg, Ontario. 19-1l For Sale by Tender Tenders will be ree 'î bv the undersigned Solici 'to Saturday, the l8th day 'ý,ay 1957 for the purchase of the COTTAGE PROPERTY of the late Mr. F. J. Hall on Lake Chandos. near Apsley, in Lot 6. Concession 7. Township of Chandos. This property consists of a 4- roomed frame cottage and a 3- roomed frame cottage over boat- house, bath furnished, and a garage and ice bouse combined, with about 170 feet frontage on Lake Chandos. Terms: 10% of price with tender; balance ta bc paid in cash on closing; closing date to be arranged. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For inspection apply to Harmy Tanner. Apsley. Ontario. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Orono, Ont. Solicitor for the Vendors.1 18-21 Seed for Sale 1 ELNAR (grow-caated) brand' alfalfa, also certified Vernal, Climax -and Common Timothyr, LaSalle and red clover, yellow blossom sweet clover and orch- ard grass. Registered and com- mercial Garry oats, Rex high Iding 2-raw barley. Phone S~ain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 89 r 11. 18-tf IDeKalb Seed Corn now ln stock MORE FARMERS Plant DeKalh THAN ANY OTHER VARIETY It will pay you to grow this excellent carn. A. W. GLENNEY N E WC AS TLE Phones: Mill 2771- Res. 3876 19-1 Notices L. C. Mason, Law Office clos- ed until May 27, 1957. 19-3* Wanda's Beauty Shop will be, open ail day on Saturdays. 19-1 The office of Dr. V. H. Storey will be closed May lSth ta May 29th inclusive. 19-2* Memorial Arena Financial Statement Following is the 1956 linancial statement for the Bowxnan- ville Community Mernorial Arena which was presented ta Town Council Monday evening by Secretary-Treasurer -Clif! Samis; FinancliStatement 1956 FbI lYear January 14, 1957 Bank Balance on Hand, Janùary 1, 1956 ___ $ 2,284.49 Cash on Hand, January 1, 1956 ---________ 100.00 Revenue: Skating - $4,899.15 Rentai '1 7,648.35 Concession -_______ 8,713.65 Skating Club _________- 2,040.20 Hockey - - 5,360.72 Juke Box________ 90.50 Pay Phone 14.24 Hospitais Tax ---------- 121.73 Sale of Ammonia- 26.75 Camnival --------- -------- ------- 402.80 $29,318.09 $29,318-091 Disbursements: Amena Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Printing and Adventising Concession Expense Labour- Telephone Bank Charges----------------- Unemployment Insurance Stamps Power, Light and Waier----- Camp. Town of Bowmanville Hockey Expense ~ Hospitals Tax Insurance Fuel--------------- - - Tavel Expense -----------------. Office Expense ---------------- $ 992.99 1,398.48 494.48 6,771.64 6,929.8,5 146-45 21.15 63.48 3,054.27 1,000.00 2,709.34 118.69 2,612,73 608.18 129.00 479.04 $27,529.77 Balanîce Cash on Hand TOTAL ---------------- ---- $ 4,272.81 Four New Members ýInitiated by Kinsmen Four new niembers of the hold the fine reputation and 1Boxvmanvilie Kinsmen Club principles of Kinsmen. Iwere formaily lnitiaied by visit- Kin AI Pollard concluded the Iing Oshawa Kinsmen at their ceremaonies by presenting each regular meeting in the Balmoral of the new members with their Hotel, Tuesday evening. Kni membership pin. The other Initiation ceremonies were members then stood and we]-, Iconducted by' Kin Al Pollard, comed their fellow Kin ta the! Past District Secretary, and Past club by shaking hands with President; and Kin Jack Menzies, them Kin Art Hooper thankedi President-elect, .bath af the the Oshawa guests and com-1 Oshawa Kinsmen Club. mended them for the excellent Candidates for initiation weme initiation ceremanies they con-ý each introduced by their sponsor, ducted. He then presented eachi who gave a brief resume of the with a gif i on behaif of the new members' past. Those in-. Bowmanville Club. iliated were: Gord Siumrock, Informai Ceremonles sponsor, Art Hooper; Arnold Slecp, sponsor. Gord Wilcox, Af ter the formai initiation the Glen Fry, sponsor, Dan Slutt; Initiation Committee of the local and Boy McMullen, sponsor, club conducted some hilarious John Stuti. poceedings as they informaliy Formai Invitation initiated the new members. Iniiationt Chairman, Ai Pal- Chairman Garry Venning was lard, gave the new members a aided by committee members dc inition of Kinsmanship and John Stutt, Art Hooper and Jack the fine principles Kin repre- Lander. sents. He pointed out that com- In addition ta the four new munity work is a major abject- members the commiiee also ive of Kinsmen Clubs across initiated two members who had Canada. not taken part in the informai Jack Menzies then informed cercmony, but had been farm- the candidates of the aims and ally initiated peviously. They objectives of Kin He gave a were Kin Ken Hackin and Kim Kinsmledeptin of what the Larry Deweli. Kin Jake Browni KinmenCrest represents and celebmated his birthday at the1 encouraged the members ta up- meeting. S5t. Andrew's Church Lot --Anniversarv ServieÉ 1 n LostLarge congregations attended T ~ anniversary. services of St. An- J-iUJ drew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 5. Rev. Ailan L. êBell Telerihone Co. Tool Farmis, M.A., M.Th., a professor ri at Knox College, Toronto, was on Liberty St. N., AprIl, 1957.' the speaker bath morning and Description: Semni-circie Iran evening and deiivered cloquent tframne iith moler on each end. messages.' j Approximate weight, 10 ibs. The minister, Rev. A. G. FInder contact Scott, conducted the services mii and Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T., Bellieipnon Oficepresided at the organ. Special BellTelehoneOf ficemusic rendered by the choir CHURCII ST., BOIVMANVILLE added greaily ta the inspira- 19-i tion of the day. In the mamn- ing the choir sang "Holy Art N rig Home JTh-ou" by Handel, and a fine _______________________duet "God Is Working Oui His MARNWOOD approved r es~tiPurpose" was rendered by Mr. home for ladies who reciuiret Leonard Swatridge and Rev. nursing came including those I Leonard Wilson. Mm. Wilson confined ta bed. Fully equipped, who was educated in Bowmari- well siaffed and under the ville schools, is with the De- ,direction of resident registered partment of Reforn Institu- nurse. Established 4 years at lions. 26 Elgin Street (corner of Elgini In the evening the choir.san.g ,and Horseyl Marnwood offers "Watchmnan What of the Night" comipeteni came for the chron- « and Mrs. Marj aie Fergusan îcally vill. For fumiher informa- sang as a solo, "I Will Exto] lion visit Mamnwood or tele- Thee."j phone Mms. W. J. Cobban Reg. N. Professor Famis' theme at ai MAmket 3-5731. 19-4 m. orning service was "The Churchi Presbyterian." He ex- Personalplained ihat the word Presby- terian cames from a Greek HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber 1wiord meaning eiders and refers goods) mailed postpaid in plain 1ta the form of church gavemfi- sealed envelope with price list. ment by eiders. He eniarged Six sanîples 25c, 24 samples on the fomm o! gavernment, b)' $ 1.00. Mail Order Depi, T-28,J Presbyiery, Synod and General Nv.-Rubber Ca., Box 91. Ham- Eeby ilton Ont.1-52 'We arc ail responsible ta I "OLD ai 40, 50, 60?" Man! onc another in holy lhings andf You're cmazy! Thousands pep in ho]y discipline." he said. The1 fat 70. Ostrex Tonic Tableis pep church o! the Reformalion tank, up bodies lacking iran. For run- the teachings of the Bible ser- down feeling many men, women! iously and the Presbyterian c cali "oki". New "get-acquaint- Chumch teaches that we az ed" size only 60c. Ail druggists. Christians should take the Bibler 19-1 in the sanie way.1 The Westminster Confirma- t4ion o! Faith is the expression of the faith of our forefather-s,t rcfiecting these truths. hec stated, ànd asked, "Are we bc-t - ~ing faithful sons of aur fore-a MA -333an ?an neyer by his gaad h f or works alone develop his salva-r WAMT.ABtion. He must depend on God. a Wft(IUMWWe believe in the seriousness b S SE ICZ f human sin," the speaker c SERVICEtaed "In thinking o! a voca- n tion. the fundamenial questicn p should ha. whal apportunity s 1 coes it give mic ta serve ni; fGod." ha said. -MWe must cou)i-r I ss with our xuhole lives our b beli.! iChrist." ti 4wv V - w% -q»w In the evening Professai' Farris spoke on "The Eider Prodigal." In the parable of the prodigal son, he said, theme are two sinners, the eider and the younger brother. The eider prodigai had the wmong atti- tude in resenting bis faihei's concemn for the wayward and losi son. Such people are found in the church to-day, lie said. Christ sought the xvaywa:-d, he said. If we aliow things Ia sepamate us from other Christ- îans wc are like the eider bro- ther. The eider prodigal put the re]ationship with bis faiher on1 a legal and commercial basi., just as we complain someti meýs o! Gad's unfaimness. This 15 flot the relationship o! love that shouid exisi between the Heav- enly Faiher and bis people. We ait owe a perfect life ta God, but ihis we cannai give. "Lai us accepi bis fomgiveness and love," Professor Farmis sai-J in conclusion,. Mrs. L.% Kirkton Is Honoured î Prior tb Sailing Mrs. Lawson Kirkton, 69: Ontario Street, who is sailîng- for England on June 14 ta visit hem parents, Mm. and Mms. F. Slaler ai Keighley, Yorkshirc. %vas guest of honor ai a party on Satumday evening, May 4 Ammanged by Mrs. Bruce Lun- ney, 15 friends gathemed ai Mrs.1 Kirkton's home where a social time xvas speni and Mrs. Kirk.» ton xvas prasented wiih the gif t Of a sum of money. Pourin g1 cea wera Miss Ruiby Colvifle and Mrs. Jack Lunney. Mrs. Kinkion bas not; seen, her parents for 21 years. H2m parents livcd in Canada for about 12 years, but were cailed mack ta England by the illness of a relative, and have re- mained there. Mrs. Kirkton Plans ta make a three manti stay and will visit other - atives. She sails from Mon:l- real on the New Sylvania,10 being the maiden voyage af' this ship.1 P. KENDÂL. Young Men M.and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Orono, witb. Mm. and Mrs. Mlt Robison.Part in- Ste .Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall called on Mm. and Mrs. Blake Alexander.An v rsr Congratulations ta Mr. and n i e s r Mrs. George MacDonald on the birth Of their daughter at Rev. Roy Rjckard of Colum- îMemomial Hospital. bus took as his themne at St. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer Paul's Sunday School Anniver- visited in Uxbridge with her sary on Sun«ay morning, Jesus, brother, Mr. Arthur Grant and the light of the world. The MNrs. Grant, who has been ill service was conducted by Mr. since hem return from the Wilfrid D. Carruthers, Superin- south.tendent of the Sunday School. Sunday visitors wîth Mms. The church was filled ta cap- Mý,ary Luxon were Mr. and Mrs. 8citY. Freddy Mancini (fommemly Ag- Ail classes of the school at- lies White) and sans, Johnny tended, and the Junior Chair fand Frankie of Toronto; Mr. under the direction of Miss and Mrs. Orval Zealand and Ruth Bragg and Miss Bertha Johnny. Campbellcroft, and Mr. Colville occupied the choir loft and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and famn- and sang the anthem, "Corne ily of Peterborough. Mr. and Unto Me Ye Weary" by Handel. Mrs. Mancini and family are Miss Louise Osborne was at the leaving Wednesday to make argan. their home at Long Beach, ANs is customamy, the large California. Primary Department con1i- Mrs. Larrv Waters is visiting buted ta the service by singing with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- thmee numbers, "This I. God's ý:on and farnily. House" which is used every The W.A. of Kendal United Sunday by the children, "Every Church catered for the Lions Morning Seems ta Say" and banquet Tuésday evening in IlWe Love the Wonderful Star- the Odd Fellows Hall in Orono. les,' accompanied at the organ Wrn.Mercr sufere anoiie Mrs. Otto Bragg. Mrs. Bragg, attack Fray night anion- rMrs. V. Jeffery and Mrs. tD. fînecki a ed forandew daon- Williams are the leaders of this fine to ed fr a ew dys. ever-growinýg department of the Wm. Turansky has taken Sunday School, assisted by over H. Reynolds' store a nd is Mms. S. Froats. giving it a complete over iaul- MrCrutespoefth îna. The coats of shining white Mr.edeantesio fte oSun- pint have already made quite daySehooxpanihnaofitheonaa- Li chDnge in its appearance. It aScolwihditnla- ~vil bein~re~ig t se iscommodation having ta bc \new b sh el arragmetseh made for classes. There is also Mr. hlfarsabentsCoon a fine attendance of pupils at Mogr and fri.lenrtHColon, church, and at the last Con)- Rioierd Mrs.HiedM aritnlimunion, 20 Sunday Sehool vsund Mrs. Hti Martinel pupils were received into church unedywîth them t send a -membership. The Superinten- cupled fweeks hi aito pn. adent paid tribute ta the fine Aopl bordeetsinHaof tn.vwork of the minister, 1R,2v. Ato aridl meircit g oas he New- Harold Turner, in conclucting Kendl circhModayhev i tea large class of communicants. wendl xvas ci oda evng of which the 20 mentioned were'. ahe cit asBeWi text B aob artand also to Mms. Turner a cll e ourWhiiter Bo infother vork with young people cavgeon ob u iitrfrnth C.G.I.T. Mr. Turner alsa ihe ext erm.conduets if Tyro boys' class. Mm. Carruthers welcomed Mr. Rickard ta, St. Paul's. Mr. M u rray Bale Rdckard was bonad dct 11 served charges ini Pickcering and W ill Coach Coîbomne. He has beenaled ervi Sunay Shoolandcoun P ee Wvee Tea m Mr.Rickar expmessed piea-, Murray Bateelias kindly of- relatives here. "M. Otto Bragg fered ta coach the Bowman- ii an aid friend and nelghbour. ville Pee-Wee basebaîl club We were boys together ai for the 1957 season, and bas Shaws," he sald. He was called a practice for Thumsday pleased ta see M. and Mrs. (tonigaht> at Memrial Park at Bragg and their famiiy taking 6 p.m. a leading part in the wark of Any boy who, was under 13 the church. years of age before May 1, is In speaking ta the children eligible for the team. Mr. Bate on Jesus' words, "I-arn the ight has requested anyone coming of the world," Mm. Rickard toid ta the practice ta, please bring thern that the chumch carrnes their equipment. this light forward through suc- Bowmanville's Pee - Wee ceeding generatians. "Parents tcamn won the Lakeshore Minor and Sunday School teacliors League crown in their division have received il and are asking in 1956. They are sponsared by you ta receive it and pass it Bill Mutton's Service Station. on." Mr. Bates' offer ta coach the Bringing the message home teamn came after the article ap- in a way the children wili not pe aring on page 16 was writ- forget, Mr. Rickamd used six ten. Therefore the stomy re- candles on the pulpil. He asked questing a coach may be disme- Mr. Carruthers ta light the tali garded. candie representing the Light "71E MIGHTYMDr THZWAMAD WU8 Dethe 5*su os Surveys show thal aimas! al Sialesman readers check the classified ads every week! Put tiiese littie giants ta work for you - buying, selling,-hiring, rent- ig- carrying your message to our thousands of readers weekly, ia' your best adveriising buy! THE FAST WAY TO CET SURE-FIRE RESULTS - PLACE A WANT AD Ili: Nv nte çiBmbu ftatelirn nbers Take PauI's -S. S. oe Service ofthe Womld. Then he asked three boys and two girls ta came frorn the congregatian. Mr. Carruthers handed ta each a lighted candle. Mr. Rickard then 'laid the chiidren that their candles stood for Love, Industry, Gratitude, Help &nd Truth. Each child repeated his word, and the cangregation joined in by repeating the 7words alisa. The children wha volunteared their assistanco in this way weme Elgie Lawson JIan McQuarrie, Michael Zillinger, Margaret Werry and Jo Anne Stephen- son. Boys o! the Sunday Scbool iook up the collection was dedicated by the Superin- tendent. The boys were Ban Thompson, Lomne Thompsoii, Clifford Wilson, Phiiip Eld- ridige. Em'nesi White and George Kennedy. Dr. C.Vipond Guest Speaker At Newtonville Newtonville: The Woman's Association met Wednesday av- ing, April 24th in the Sunday School roovi with 30 ladies present. Mrs. Arnold Wade and Mrs. Ormision. the iwo members presant on April group, took the devotionai reading, scripture and prayer. Mrs. S. Lancaster stated the Ladies' Quartette from Bowman- ville had accapted the invitation ta assisi aur choir with special music on May 26ih aI 7:30 p.m. and plans were weli under way for the W.A. supper to, be héld April 28th. $10.00 was donated ta the Cancer Fund. Mrs. Ormiston introduced Mm. Riley o! Oshawa who in turn introduced the guesi speaker Dr. Vipond, also o! Oshawa, who gave us a splendid talk on cancer. Mr. Riley showed two films on cancer which were education- ai. Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Ormiston thanked the men for taking ie !rom their busy lives ta speak ta aur organization. ISocial hal! hour was cnjoyed. NE WTON VILLE Mm. Wesley Elliott la a patient in the Oshawa Hospital. Miss Olive Johnston, Peter- borough, with hem brother, Mr. Tupper Johnston. Mm. and Mrs. P. Beauderla, Springbmook, and Mr. and Mm W. T. Marvin, Morrish, with Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson. Mm. Wm. Halloweli returned home on Sunday a! tem spending a week with his daughter-in- iaw, Mrs. Garnet Hallowel of Toronto. Mm. Fred Henderson left on Saturday ta enroîl for a two monihs' course aI the Automatie Electrie Telephone Ca. Training School in Chicago. Mm. and Mrs. Clifford Besse and famiiy, Etobicoke, with Ms. R. S. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Mrs. Murray Porter, Mms. Clinton Farrow, Mrs. Clinton Brown and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt attendcd the Dedication Service of the Cen- tennial Memoriai Windows held aI the Elizabeibvilie United Church on Sunday, May 5th. Mm. and Mrs. George Staple- ton anîd son Laurie visiieci Mr. and Mms. Allan Martin, Port Cred it. Mm. and Mrs. C. M. Jones with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Osha- wa, Sunday. Tlîey atiended the Masonic parade and service held ai St. George's Church. Mr. and Mms. Beedham and son George, Cobourg, with Mm. and Mrs. Harry Worall. Mr. and Mrs. Roymnand Shaw wiih Mm. and Mrs. Harold Spiers, Bollon. A large congregation tumned out lasI Suiiday momning ta an- joy the splendid sermon deliver- ed by Mm. Robert Gay, and the speciai music rendered by Mr. and Mms. Boy Biekie. Xitsaemed Ilke aid tinies ta have the pleasure o! listeniing ta Jean and Roy again. and many stayed for the ensuing Sunday School service, which they were kind enough ta conduct, aisa. Wiih stories and sangs for the nîat chiidren, as well as the older anas and adulis, duets, with Jean playing their accompaniment on the accordion, the boum passed ail too quickly. Boy tld a litile o! thair plans for carrying the gospel siory ta Germany, atler which lie con- ducted a short Bible lesson. AIl]ilîrir Newtonville friends jain in wishing ilîem success and Godspeed in their missionary w.omk abroad. They wcre din- ner guesis of Mrs. J. T. Pearne. Eastern and western termli- als ofthie 1,772-mile pipeline that carrnes w.estern ail taeanst- arn markets are Edmontan, Ai. berta, and Sarnia, Ont. Jim's Auto Body Shop Highway 2 - Just East of Bowmanville i REPAIRS, & REFINISHING 1 Body & Fonder Duco & Dulux am Forrow Bus. MA 3-3073 Ras. MA 3-3916 WHEN THERE'S A JOB TO BE DONE, DEPEND ON THE ""MICHTY NIDGET" - THE LITTLE GUY WITH THE POWERFUL PUNCH- A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN i -ê - TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TMMMAT, MAT m, 1957 -PAGE NnqElmm