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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1957, p. 20

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KIz NcWN TESA.BOWMANVILLP. ONTARIO TTT~A A Many C.G.I.T. Groups al Orono Friendship RaIIy By Mrs. Clarence Penfound The C.G.I.T. group at Oronol Ujnited Church was hostess to over a hundred C.G.I.T. girls and leaders from C.G.I.T. groups in the Eastern Section of Oshawa Presbyterial of the Womnan's Missionary Society on Monday. The evening began wvith a box lunch. Miss Carol Maguire, Bow- manville C.G.I.T. graduate, distributed numbers to ail the girls wvho sat in ten circles re- presenting ben countries of South East Asia. Each group Worded a question to present to the gathering who were to discover what country they re- presented. Miss Mary Carol',,, Mrs. J. Kîtchen, C.G.I.T. lea er of Orono, said a few wor o! welcome and called on tý President, Joan Vagg, of C ono C.G.I.T. group, who ofi cially welcomed the guests. i expression of bhanks was ma( to the W.M.S. for the refres, ing drinks which were servi bo bhe girls and leaders. Mi Sehauffler, in the absence, Mrs. Drummond, accepted oi thanks and interested bbe gir in her few words about Mar Chila wbo was at National G.I.T. camp, a few years ag Rev. Amy Sehauffler, daugl ter of Mr. Schauffler, will L on furlough next year, we e. pect, from Africa. Warburton, graduate of CoLur- The tour of bhe lovely ne, tice C.G.I.T. group. led in church at Orono xvas condue some camp songs. Thanks ta cd by members of Orono C.C Miss Dora Purdon tbc camrp IlT. group, after which th fliers for summer 1957 were girls and leaders assemhledj given bo eacb leader present bhe church auditorium for th Mrs. M. C. Fisher, vice pres- remainder of bhe evening. ident of Oshawa Preshyterial, "Christ Fol' The World W broughit gi-eetings to bbc girls. Sîng" was heartily sung wit Also in attendance were Mrs. Mrs. Melville Staples leadir Fred Recd, Hampton, vice pi-e- at tbe organ. The i-oll caý sident; Mrs. O. A. Ashton, En- showed that bbc audience cair niskillen, Sccretary for Citizen- from Bowmanville, Tinity an ship, and Mrs. Clarence Pen- St. Paul's; Courtice, Enniskil found, secretary foir Affiliatedl len, Hampton, Maple GrovE C.G.I.T. group in Oshawa Newcastle, and Orono. Th Presbyterial. film -In The Face o! Jeopar Mother's Day. Dresses G3ift Stimmer Cottons Misss - omnen's Suggestions mi""H.if Flower Corsages Scarves - Gloves Blouses - Sweaters __________ Nylons - Slips New stock of and Pyjamas Summer Hafs Milady Shoppe 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE t dy", a fine conclusion ta thceÂI I study of South East Asia, hcld H lf x W d iq f r C u l the attention o! ail. aia v e ~ n Mrs. 0. Ashton voiccd an expression of thanks toalal who had in any way made the even- 3d ing 50 enjoyable. ds A fitting climax ta the even- he ing was a Wonship service pre- )r- sented by St. Paul's C.G.I.T. fi-. group, Connie Niddery assisted An by Sharon Hull. Taps, the of- ide ficial benediction for C.G.I.T. b- groups, was sung at the close ,d of a perfect evening.I ,rs.I r WEDDING ia C. HUGHES-FOSTER o. A pretty afternoon weddingJ ýh- book place in the Brunswick' be Street United Church, Halifax, x- N. S., when Violet Ann Foster, daughter of Mr-. and Mrs. Wil- ýw fred Kellythorne, Halifax, be- ýt- came the bride o! Douglas G. Freder ick Hughes, son of Mn. .e and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Bow- n manville, Ontario. he The bride, given in hy lber father, wore a white Sfloor lengtb gown of tulle and thlace in straplcss style, witli a la full ski-t and matcbing jacket, bbc th long sîceves tapering to 'epoints over, bhe wrists. Her fin- d gertip veil of illusion tuile i-feIl from a coronet of seed ,e pearîs and sequins. She car- e ofe ars bouquet of red roses. 4 r- Mrs.Paul Burchell, matron of bonoi-, wore a ballerina Slength gown of powder -blue; tulle and lace, styled wiîh strapless bodice and full ski-t, and having a jacket of lace.1 Sbe wore a blue bandeau and Lcarried a nosegay o! pink and Jwhite 'mumis. Ronald Mackie, Orillia, Onit , was best man and ushers welre JTerrance Harrison, Peterbor- Jough, and Ted Day, Ottawa. i S..4w The bride's mother wore a tgrcy English serge suit with ipink accessories and corsage of Jpink carnations. J Following bbc ceremony, a Ireception was held at bbe home ABAM Douglas Hughes, RCN and his bride, the of bbe bride's parents for sev- former Violet Ann Foster ofHalifax, N.S., are pictui-ed at Ienty-five gucsts. The toasts toI a rcception held for them by the groomn's ,parents, Mir. and the bride xvas proposcd by Rev. M H H ' H. E. Campbell. Mrs. Harry Hugh~es, inlthue Lions Community C.entre on The couple left by car for ajApril 20. The marriage took place in Brunswick Street honcymoon trip to the United United Church, Halifax, on April 13. The bride is the States, Ontario and Quebec. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kellythorne of Halifax. IThe bride wore a pale blue -ht yRhe suit of English serge, with navy -ht yRhe Eand white accessories and cor-j sage of pink carnations. The couple will reside in Halifax. C u l e t B o k il On April 2tb, the groom's C u l e t B o k il parents held a reception in the Lions Community C e n t r e, Bowmnanville, for the couple wben about 150 guests met the bride and offered congratula- tions to the groom. Receiving wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, the bride and groom, were the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kellythorne of Toronto. Guests enjoyed dancing in the auditorium ,and refresh- . J ... ments were served in theGre _______________________________________________R Ioom wnere a beautîtul tliree tier wedding cake made by th'e . . groom's mother, was the cen- tre piece of an attractive tea table. The cake was iced by Our Specia Price Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. L.- Eld- ecia ricige. White candies decoratçýd tetable, and on the mantel were Easter liles fromn Ber- en mouda sent to Mrs. Hughes' sis- ter, Mrs. Arnold Lobb, by her daughter, Miss Jeanette Lobb, R.N, Who is in Bermuda nurs- Central Smith ____ ___ Premium Brand 4H Club Beginsj ICE CREAM New Project o Solina: The first meeting o the 4-H Homemakîng Club en- titled "Sleeping Garments" ends Wednesday, May 151h was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. AIma Langmaid, on April 30. There are 13 Buy a supply for your freezer now. members in the club.' The as- sistant leader is Mrs. Joyce Taylor. One Gallon -$ 1.49 The election ot officers e siîlted as fol]ows: Presideri, HaifGalln - - - 79cPat Davis; Vice-president, Pat bar-a Hooey Mrs. Langmaid tl h e QuartBoli 43cquirements for the club girl and the different things our record book should contain. Ini Carton 6 Bricks $1.39 lsprec "Sein Ga ments" each member w make a pair of pyjamas, BO Ar a vilep ,i~ Langmaid kshowed sam- P i ctu re d f ollowing their m a r ria geëinW r i eials that could bfe used and United Church, Brockville, are Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hill' told whîchi ones wcre best. Rigg. The wcdding took place on Saturda, April 20.1 Frigîd Loc er SystemWe v.ere then given our The bride, the former Muriel Diann oaam supervisor 73 KING'ST. IW. PHONE 3MA 3-5578 ifoi the neêxt meeting and re- Jof mrusnici s.oward R.HogubleShom, Boile. Tuhe ttîrned home ready to start on o r n r.Hwr .HgbaBokil.Te roore(d books. grom ____e(__ room,. vho is Bowmanvjlle's Recreation Director, is thel 4 ~ sn ofMr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Rigg of Stratford. s f -Photo by Redman Studios, Brockville SpeialforThe Orono News NVI Telephoile 127 oongatulaton to Mr. and Harold Cobbledick for the surn- English China EdinaGoode)on i eirr roHiage da BrBaby anld i1s E John Kitchtn. Miss Viola Noden, Tor-onto,. e,~Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1-r with1 visited Mrs. John Biglow. :.ANI)/ MIr an~d Mrs. Geo. BoutillierI Mr. and Mrs. David Phasv INewv Toronto. land son with Mr-. and Mi.. WMrs. W. H. Rowe, Mýs. Rob- Gerald Philp, Codrington. 9 8 ert Alinlà/ rs. M. J. T.pmbl,,n, 1Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs a-: eSA U C E R #S _MrRussell Best, Mýs. Geo. tended the ueainPtr ~Fred Kelly Z nI Mrs. Howard Bessie Bcbee (nee Fiskle> SWalsh aUtended the sixty-first widow of the late Elmer L.! Plas da ii ndlokarun.ainnual convention of the On- Bebee. Interment ainWl Pleae drp i andloo arond.tario and Durham County come Cemeterv near Port Hope SWomen's Christian 'Temper- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Riddeli ~a'n o v ~ance Union May lst ih Albert visited Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Hay-; Yo r 1de oolgtinI u' St. United Cburch, Oslîawa. don. Mrs. Wm. Armstrpng and Mrs. M. Sherwin and M. Mrs. Earl Grady spept a few Robert Hankcock have had thel Mr-. Arthur Hyde has return- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lambe and! M AK Z~ t W ILLE Y d home to Saskatoon, Sask., daughters, Scarborough, wîthl M RR'S EW ELLER after visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. Mrs. Thornton Wilson.1 Morgan and other relatives in Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Ot-1 Kin St WOBo ma vile and Detroit for the taa, isitd Mr. and Mrs. Gui- i mAs oelI;Tou :r;:rrr;::r;r~o ,~ ~~î-r,:r : 3î:;pu 'Mr. Ne\wtr>n Cobbledick is , Nr. Max Smith, Toronto 'vi.-- eunde1bb -iti-Goro ngliea- Church, Oshawa, on April LI7. HAYDON fChurch Bakin- Sale at the Locker plant," Bowmanville, F ri d y a 2 .m . F o r n a r tic u - i-rs e Coming Events. Sunday, MaY 12, Mothers' Day, there will be a combined Sunday Scbool and Church service at 3 p.m. Mrs. Bernard Houseman and jWayne, Calgary, are spendjing I -o me time xvith ber parent, Mi-. and Mrs. C. Garrard. Her h usband, Col. Bernard House- Jman, irstsatio'ned in Egypt. Mi-. and Mrs. L. Griffin and ïMi. and Mrs . Alfred Gai-raid. Blackstock, werc Siinday vie- itors at Mr-. and Mrs. C. Gar- rard's. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronuto, were at theii- cottage î Saturday afternoon and called on Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Read. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Walk- ci- and boys, Bowmanviiie, vis:- ited a Mr. J. Walker's. Mr-. Jim Grant, Toronto, cail- cd at' the McNeil home Wed* nesday. Mr. Gordon Werry and Mi-. Wm. Fnecker, Toronto, at IvIr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Morrison and Dougie, Oshawa, Mr George Bertrim, Tutn r and Mrs. Ai-thur Trewin, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's.' Mi-. and Mrs. C. Garrard at- tended the Gay-Teith wedding Frîday cvcning at simcoe Un- ited Church, Oshawa, Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald, Mi-. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, were Sunday dinner guests at Mr-. and Mrs. Gai-f Trevail's, Taunton. Mrs. A. McNeil with ber daugbter at Toronto and had ber eye operated on Monday. and Mrs. Neil Smith enjoycc an Outing after her recent il1. ness. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leamnen, IToronto, with Mr. and Ms iIWm. Leamcn. Mrs. Martin Linton is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Miss Marion McKelver, Tor- onto, with Mrs. Fred Brima- combe. Mr-. and Mrs. Orville Chat- terton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Goode spent Saturday eve in Toronto. Mrs P. C. Brown (formerly o f Orono) and Mrs. Drinkwàter, Coîbourne, visited Mrs. M. E. 'Stutt on Monday and they called on a number of friends i in the village. Mr. Jack Wilson, Paris, visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Wilson. IMr. and Mrs. W. J. Caldwell and three children from Fort IWilliam, have moved 'Into the Donald McGee house. Mr. Cald- well is on the staff of Boys Training School, Bowmanville. IMr. and Mrs. Delbert Halîn- ýwell, Linda and Bill, Toronto, v isited on Sunday with 1115 father, Mr. J. Hallowell, at the Rest Home and were supper guests of Mrs. M. E. Stutt. Mr. and Mrs. P. Morga - OL. 1 n t~Ug igîa ning, Osbawa. BOWMANVILLE Mr-. and Mrs. Garfield Stayp- ley, Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Waldroff, Karen and Robbie, Trenton; Mr-. Orval Stokes, Oshawa, were Sunday visitois of Mr. and Mrs. Keni Kuhnke. Miss Irene Ibbotson, Mr-. Clarence Vansilte, Brighton; Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Ibbotson cand family, Dunbarton; Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Brought and Ted- d.v, Oshawa, with. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Cooney Sunday. Mr-. and Mi-s. Herb Wright and family, Toronto; Mr-. and Mrs. Fred 'Ward and family, Oshawa, vîsited with Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Wright Sunday. Mr-. and Mu-s. Elton Wenry, Ebenezer, with Mi-. and Ms-s. I 1954 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan In top condition, -Speciail This Week! 1956 BUJCK SUPER - BRAND NEW $1400 Fully equipped, power steering, Dynaflow, ail the safety group equipment OFF LIST 1952 Pontiac Sedan Two-tone. In A-i condition 1952 Hillman Sedan 1951 Prefeci Sedan 1951 Pontiac Sedan Cecil Jeffery Sunday. Visitors last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holmes were Dr. and Mrs. Holmes, Toronto, and Mr. Byron Holmes and children, Bowmanville. Mrs. Norman Burgess of To- ronto spent the wcekcnd with Mrs. Seward ..,Tyler and Mr. Fred Hockin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and Dorothy ,Oshawa; Mrs. Ken Winchall and baby David, Ton- onto, with Mrs. Elmer Beech Sunday. Mrs. Sam Dcwell, Hampton, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Robcrt Hends- bec and children, Oshawa, wcre Sunday visitons with Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. R. Metcalfe en- tertained about 35 guesbs at a party for their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenson, Oshawa, who are moving to Detroit. Among tho guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Metcalfe, Mr. Dick Metcalfe, Toronto: Mrs. Noble Metcalfe, -Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stevenson, Mi-. Murray Stevenson, Oshi- awa, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abcrnethy, Bowmanvillc, aed other local friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. Metcalfe and Ross attended the dedication service of the Maycock electric organ at Warkworth on Sunday wvhen Ross was guest soloîst. Mr. Edgar Bush of Castîcton, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs. Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and family spent Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. Charles Milîs and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shunk, Port Perry. Several C.G.I.T. girls and thieir leader attended group meeting at Orono on Monday night. Sympathy of the community lsextended to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hurrie on the passing of ber father, Mr. William Brin- Buy better Hybrids for better yicld. Plant Plister Hybrida ln 1957 DEALER Stewart's Seeds Farme rs!1 DEEPFRE-EZE Home Freezer Chests Amacl n« >4,igne frares From 300 Up to 800 Mb. capacity. A beautiful high quality freezer Pric ed from $289." Bowman ville Frigid Locker Sysfem 73 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5578 1953 Ford Coach Automatic transmission over- hauled, eustom radio, sun visor, new tires. _$1 Radio, ful1qipe 1950 Pontiac Sedan - $595 1950 Chevrolet Sedan $59e, - $125 We have many more late mode! cars from which to choose Aiso a number of 1949, 1948, 1947 and 1946 in excellent condition that are priced to clear. $850 M E Robson Motors Lumuted BUICK - PONTIACll -A 3-332RC( FA 1 166 Kîng St. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 /.AAUas ImLtnr on i aturday M I 77~YT77'7T~- T71277:::T~ - $875 JL M VM, JU.7T F n ends Honour Courtice Bride JA community shower f or Miss Elsie Vetzal was held on Monday evening, Ma4 -§ at Cou rtice United Churýï' Miss Margaret MacGregor a&. chairman for the occasion ex- pressed the wishes of the gathering and invited Elsie and the groom-to-be, to aRccept the many gifts which were ar- ranged on a table.'~~ Miss Shirley Antil A' Margaret MacGregor as~, Miss Vetzal and Mr. Genn Prout in opening and arrang. ing the many useful and beau- tiful gifts wvhich expressed the esteem in which the bride is held in this community, both in the church and among lier friends. A dainty lunch was served and friendly social time spent together. The Territory of Alaska was purchased by the United States from Russia in 1867 for $7 mit- lion. .PAGIC -1 WZN-TY IIRP; rQAVAnTAV r We can now offer you . made only by See them on display now at uatu àv">. 166 King St. 1952 Meteor Sedan k

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