n. - .,< a PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY gth, 1957 Natural Gas Centre New Feature ai C.N.E. -A modern "Natural Gas Cen- t'e"-showing the latest in new appliances and heating equip- Inent-has been planned for 'th iower floon o! the Coliscum building at the 1957 Canadian National Exhibition, it was an- nounced by Hiram E. McCai- lum, general manager. The establishment o! the Centre is another step in the coutinued vigorous expansion program of the C.N.E. ta main- tain It as the world's greatest annual exhibition. "The Natural Gas Centre will offer to the 3,000,000 an- fluai visitors," said Mr. McCal- lum, "a comprehensive view of the natural gas industry in an attractive setting in the West Wing of the Coliseum. Present plans call for the industry tu show natural gas equipment of ail types. "In addition to gas equip- services wliirbe on view so that Canadians will be able to truly see something of the import- ance of natural gaz to Canada's economy," stated Mr. McCaI- lum. The Exhibition Gai Centre has the cnthusiastlc support of the industry's leaders and among the companies already indicating they will have ex- hibits are Moffats Limited, Iran Fîreman Mfg. Co. of Can- adat, Ltd., Bryant Mfg. Co. Ltd., Consumers' Gas Co. of Toronto, Coleman Lamp & Stove Co. Ltd., Honeywell Controls Ltd., WANTED Dead, Oid Und Crippled Farm Stock Picked Up Free of Charre 24 ilour Service Phone Coilect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 Nick Peconi PETERBOROUGII -ONT. here's why * Simple and easy to put Up *Cut building 50% costs up te * Do u.ot rot or decay and many others. The establishnentl of the Centre aiso coincides wlth the celebration o! the Golden An- niversary of the Canadian Gas Association, foundeci in 1907. And the Association executive have joined with the industry's leaders in wholeheartedly en- dorsing the projeet with the1 hope that the Centre wîll par- tray dramatically the stary o! one o! the world's greatest sources o! power and how iti bas been harnessed for man's benefit. "We are extremnely pieased,"i said Mr. McCailurn, "ýto bave the Naturai pas Centre estao- Ilshed at the Ex. this year. Wlth such rapld strides and such significant deveiopmnents taking place, in the lndustry in Canada, it is timely and fitting1 that this caunttrY's "national Exhibitions" show the progres made by this rapidly-growlng industry." Mr. McCallum went on ta point out that the naturai gas industry matches the future o! any other lndustry in Canada today. Utilities across Canada, he stated, have donc a magnifi- cent job during the past decade and have made a major contri- bution ta the continuing mave- ment of Canada's prospering ecanomy. "Whcn we realize that the gas industry in the United States is the Oth largést with annual sales o! gas nearing the $2 billion mark, the future po- tential o! this industry can be envîsaged. I believe," cantinuect Mr. Mc- Callum, " that this Natural Gas Centre will become ane o! the outstanding exhibits at the Ex- hibition in the years immecii- ateiy ahead." I OSHAWA WOOD. PRODUCTS LTD. Says: Canada Creosoting Co. Ltd. Pressure Treated Posts, Poles and Luniber for Ti*me &Money *Provide long trouble-free service life *Do not require skilled carpentry *Provide more efficiency on your farm or business. Ideal For : *Pole type cattie shedi *Pole type barn *Pole type horizontal silo *Pole type utllity shed *Ail purpose building J"GET YOUR WGRKING PLANS" ALSO INQUIRE ABOUT0 THE (rnnnmoeS ROC FING METHOD -BfouldType OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LiM«ITED Yard & Main Off ice: Courtice PHONE MA 3-2130 Uptown Off ice: 84 Simcoe St. S. PHONE RA 5-4443 the understandinç Mr. and Mns. G. P. Purds 64 Church St., BowmanvillE wene at home ta friends ani relatives on Saturday after noon and evening, May 4, ai the occasion o! their 50t! wedding anniverary, when ove 150 people cailed ta offer cor gratulations. Mn. and Mrs. Purdy are bot] natives o! Bobcaygeon an, wcre marnied there, moving t Bowmanville 31 years ago thi autumn. Mrs. Purdy is the foi mer Ethel Ventress. Mr. Purd. who wvas an empioyee with th local plant o! Goodyear Tir and Rubber Ca. in the 1-bEs Room, retired about thre years ago. The couple reccived man lovely cards, gifts and fiowc-r including a bouquet from th2 Corporation o! the Townc Bowmnanviiic. Mr. and Mrs. Puirdy's s children and 17 grandchiilcdre1 were al present. The childre are: Ernest, Port Hope; Gcralc Dundas; Alice (Mrs. 0. Pluin mer), Veda (Mrs. Eari Thaip son), Jean (Mrs. S. MeMurter and Ruth (Mrs. Hugh Murphy Mr. and Mr HoId 4Oth Mn. and Mrs. Wrigbtson, Wight, 10 Liberty Place, Bow- manville, celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary quietly at their home an Thursday evening, May 2, with a few close relatives. Tbey had nat expected their oniy daughter,: Mrs. Forbes Monroe o! Ottawa wauld be able ta be present, and s0 were very picasantly surpnised when Mr. and Mrs. Monroe and their three chiidren, Robin Lee, Murray and Cameron, arnivcd [,ail of Bowrnanvile. Thiey as- d ing the guests wvho came,~frorn - Toronto, Woodville, Lindsay',"1 '-i Bobcaygeon, Port Hope, Dur.- h das and Bowmanville. £e In charge of the guest book n-. in the afternoon were grand- children Brenda Murphy and h Gloria Purdy, and in the even- ad ing grandchildren Alan Plum- to mer, Brian. Purdy and Larry is Thornpson. r- Mrs. Ernest Purdy and Mrs. dy Gerald Purdy showc'd guests to ie the tea room wbcre Mrs. C. W, re Siemon and Mrs. H. W. Foley e poured tea in the afternoon, ee and Mrs. William Irwin, Bob- caygeon, and Mrs. Edwin Wood y in the cvening. s, Grandchildren Carol Pluin- he mer, Patsy Thompson and Sha- of ron MeMurter assisted in serv- ing in the afternoon and even- x in.". n Also present for the happy en occasion were two sisters of c, the bride, Mrs. J. G. Smith, n- Bobcaygeon, and Mrs. H. E. p- Magahay, Toronto, and Mrs. r) W. R. Graham, Bobcaygean, a y) sister of the groom. rs.; W. Wight« Anniversary ta spend the evening witb them. The grandchildren presented Mr. and Mrs. Wight with the gi!t o! a crystal sugar ard creamn set. The couple 1-ý ceived othen gifts, fiower s and many cards o! congratulation. Mrs. Wight is the former Minnie Hoar, daughter o! the- late Mn. and Mrs. William Hoar o! Providence. Mn. Wiglbt's home wvas also at Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Wight farmed near Bowmanviile, maving in- tp,»town about ten years ago. Cancer Blitz a Success Hope to Reach $ 3,000 On Tuesday, Apiil 3th, a, paign closes we hope to reai- door to door blitz campaign 1 me close ta $3,000 as several was conducted ta raise fuîLds rural communities have not to figbt cancer. The resuits o! been able ta give us a report this campaign were very grati- as donations are stili being fying. In Bowmanville ta date receie~ed. approximately $1,930 bas been The objective for the coun- collected while donations ure ties of Ontario and West Dur- still being received fromi clubs ham was $13,000 and ta' date and industrial organizatians. close to $20,000 has been re- Af ter the blitz the canvassers ported, making the campaign were served coffee and cookies in the Bowmanville, Oshawa by the Women's W.A. Of St. area an overwheîming success. Pauls Church. This lunch was The Sunshine Group and the offered by the Sunsbine Group Canadiani Order of Foresters and the Canadian Order of would like to give their heart- Foresters who presented a feît thanks to ahl those citizens cheque from their private club ia the town and clubs and or- funds to the St. Paul's W.A. ganizations in the rural areas for their very capable service:. Who so unselfishly gave their To date the cancer campaign .ime to make thîs campaign in the West Durhain area bas the success we enjoyed. realized a total of approximate'- We should like to make a ly $2,450 and before aur cain- correction in our last weekr's article. Unfortunately it was given to The Statesman in a rush and saine of the figures were misinterpreted. It should have read as follows: Total col- lected as reported up ta pub- lishing time of last weck's Statesman from Bawmanvillc, $1,902.22, for the town and ru- rai areas $2,119.38,. making our heertlast week campaign total at a Liteute ta 210 and the humnan toucfl Food, lothing, shelter . .. yes. But it takes more tlaan theso te lif t the burden from despairinig souls. This The Saivation Ârmy knows. In its hostels, havons, homes and hospitals; in instances of emergency relief; the understanding heart and the human touch are ceaselessly employed in mending shattered lives and kindling hope ini spirits darkened by sin or suffering. That this work rnay neyer fiag, YOUR support is needed by faithful woi'kers of The Salvation Army dedicated to these taaks o! mercy. 1 1:1 35 DIVISION ST. LOCAL HEADQUARTERS PHONE MA 3-3761 IELIZABETH VILLE Mrs. Vernon Peacock, M1rs.i Ken Trew, Mrs. H. Quantrili and Miss Mary Powell attend- ed the Annual Convention of the W.A. held at Garden Hill on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Trew and Mr. John McGahey wvere in Part Hope Saturday. Mrs. H. Muldrew. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty ýattended Mr. Joe Gordon*s sale in Port Hope Satulrday. I wonder if Mr-. Beat- ty will need another trailer? Mrs. Woolsey, Angus, is spending a few weeks with heé daughter, Mrs. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmore, Port Hope, alt Mr. and Mrs. H. Mul- cdrew*s Sunday. Mir. an-d Mrs. Minus and farn- uv., Whitby, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer's Sunday. Miss Beryl Thickson spent the weeken;d with 'Miss Sue, Dekokar, Crooked Creek. The members of the com- munity have been very busy every evening laying the car- pet in the choir loft, making valances for choir, choir prac- tice, etc., in preparatian for ths- dedication services on Sunday. It requires an investment o! about S$10,000 in plant and equipmnent ta create anc ne*.i ! job in nianufucturing in Cari-1 ada. Ili heavviduý,tr.y, SUCI): steel, cost is about $15,000 peri new job. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy. Celebrate 5Oth Wedding Model FS-dOIC-57 Easy Payments after mmliclown nayment T7his 10.1 eu. ft, low-cost Super Model in the big "bonus baby' o! '571 Top-quality Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Freezer -holds 44 Ibn - Excluoive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec- tion * Four Fuil-Width Shelves - FUl-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrater - Big, Decp Storage Door with Five removabie shelves. Buit und backed by Geneéral Moôtors" MASON &- DALE HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King st. E Bowmanville SOLINA The regular meeting of the Three Ms group was held on Tuesday evening with the pro- gram ini charge of the Cuitùre Convenors, Doris and Wes His and their group. Worshiipi service was led by Eunice Leask . Wes His prcsented an interesting topic on Music Ap- preciation, giving the history of several hymns and the b;o- graphies of the writers of sev- eral. A reading was given by Philip Toze and following the recreation led by Stan Milison, the group in charge servcd lunch, The next meeting wlii1 be on May 21 with Rae and Dorothy Pascoe, convenors. tIt was Barbara Hooey and Helen Knox who received County Honora at Achievement Day at Orono and not Pat Knox, as appeared by mistake, [in iast week's column., Solina Homne and -School Club held the final meeting o! the season on Friday night. Mr. Ch arles Shortridge gave a splendid report of the O.E.A. Convention which lie recently attended. Other programi in- cluded a vocal solo by Avelyn Lycett, and readings by Phyl- lis Westlake and Mrs. Wes. Werry:. In the future the group wiil be known ai the "Good Neiglibour Club". A ]oveiy birthday cake given by friends of Mr. Chas. Short- ridge in hanor of bis birthday was served wvith ice creami for refreshments. As Mr. Short- ridge occupied a seat of! bonor Mrs. Roy Langmaid read ani ode to hlm, cleverly camposed by Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Many bappy returns Charlie! Mother's Day service next Sunday afternoon at 2.41 o'ciock wîil be conducted by Rev. F. Reed. As is the custorm on this occasion there will also be a baptismal service. Mr .and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons attended the inarn- ing cburch service o! the Young Peopie's Union Con- vention at Bort Perry on Sun - day. The Women's Institute wil meet Friday evening at 8.15 o'clock. The programi will fea- turc a denonstration and skit presented by the 4-H Club girls on Achievement Day. There will also be a speaker from the Canadian Association of Consumers, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor attended the 4Oth wedding an- niversary celebration. for Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight in Bowmanvil]e ,the latter being a sister of Mrs. Taylor. Mr. E. R. Taylor attendedl the funeral o! a cousin, Jack Sharpe, at Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Webber and daughters, Columbus, vis- ited at Bruce Tink's. Mrs. Addie Tink was a week- end visitor at Percy Dewell's, Hampton. Mrs. W. Ashton, Lois and Kenny, of Bradley's, were Sunday visitors, at Charles Langmaid's. Mr. and Mns. Roy Langmaid visited on Sunday at Mr. Or- ville Lunn's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and famiiy, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. L. Jobnston, Marilyn and1 Kenny, Reaboro; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His, Carol, Anne and Howard were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarrell's, Omneree. Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Ramn- ey, Orona; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, visited at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, Osh- awa, visited at Bruce Mont- gomnery's. Saturday visitors who met at Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman's ta arrange details for the re- union were Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wrightman, Mr. T. Cry- derruan, of Newmarket; Mr. Frank Ruse, Long Branch; Mrs. M. Cryderman, Oshawa; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis. Osh- .awa, were Sunday evening callers at Ralph Davis'. H. Jose, Newcastle; Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, and Mr. Har- ry Cryderman,' Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Carol, Marilyn and Ronnie visited on Sunday at Mr. H. FarroWv's, Starkville. Mr. and*Mrs. D. Flett, Mur- ray, Marie and Linda, visited at Mr .and Mrs. T. Fiett's, Col- umbus. Mr. J. Dyen and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beevor and David, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Terwîllegar and Lois, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Don Pascoc, Bow- manviile, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascae. Mr. and Mn,. George Scheli, Sr., Mrs. W. Chalmers and Da- vid a! Ajax, were Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. C. Ham- er and !amily. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees, Karen, Brenda and Jan- ice, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer's, Blackstock. Miss Karen tyrmiston, Eben- ezer, was a weekend guest o! her cousin ,Gail Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glaspeil, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. W. Glas- peli and Mr. 0. Glaspeil, Pe- terborough, visited at Mr. 1. Hardy's. Miss Ida Reynolds and Mrs. Mabel Westiey of Toronto, are1 visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yeliowlees and Gladys. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. Jack Smith, Danny' and Phil, Oshawa, were Sunday visitora at Hlarold Pascoe's. Mr. azd Mrs. Harry Grooms and grandson, Peter Grooms, Mr. Tekeo!f, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis and daughters, Bowmanviile, were visitors wlth the Werry's, Sunday. Dii Heating MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWVICE AS GOOD Saves Ton Money on Tour Fuel Cos Phono or consuit JACK BROUGE PLUMBING -HEATING Division Street South House Phone MA 3-3964 Phono -' Office MA 3-5615 BOWMA NVILLE The. Super-Efficient DILO - NAGIC Pole-Type Structures- SAVE YOU HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFI SHOP 28 King Street W. I i Ï