TR!YR5AT, MAY Mt, 195? TTT! CANA1IAN STATESMAM. IOWMANvTLLTF. ONTAWTfl PAfI~ 'TUTRUU Motel Manager Rides in Helicopter Motel guests usually arrive by auto, but not Vic by Motel Manager, Stan Chomrak, left, and several patrons Pieper, Manager of Northern Wing Helicopter Ltd., of and motel employees. Mr. Pleper was enroute from Seven Islands, Quebec. Mr. Pieper f lew into. Venture Inn, Toronto to Seven Islands whcn lie spotted the lights of ]Bowmanville's new luxurious motel, at 9 p.m. Thursday of Venture Inn and decided to stop for the night. He is last week to spend the nighit àt the motel. Using the shown, right, seated at the controls of his Bell. X2. motel's parking area as a landing field, Mr. Pieper set his hielicopter down in front of the restaurant. He was met# --Photo hy Rehder Institute Holds Annual .A eeting Hear.- Reports The regular meeting of Bow- M. Wiseman gave the annual ri~anville W.I. was held at report. Mss. F. Jackman, chair- ions Céntre an Thussday, man of nominating commit- Apnil 25. In the absence of tee veiw capabiy installed the President Mss. T. Buttery, Mr.z. new offleers. G. Alîchin pnesided for busi- A social bour foilowed with ness. lunch served by Mss. E. Per- Mrs L. Goodman, Mrs. J. fect and ber group. Meachim, Mrs. W. Roberts, Mr* Perfect gave reparts o qBrmeetings held during Nsifo tto Mr.F. ak n presented Mn. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt the new slate of officers for adM.EmrNsitatne nlext year as foliows; Past Pro-anM.EleNsitatnbd sidont, Mss. T. Buttery;* Presi- tbe wedding of their cousin's dent, Mrs. G. Alîchin; lst Vice- daughter, Miss Joan Brayley in President, Mss. E. Passant; 2nd Toronto on Fniday. ~Vice-President, Mss. J. Mca- Mns. James Harris was a vis- chim; ýSec.-Treas., Mrs. M. itor in Toronto and Miss Dor- Wisoînan; District Director, Mrs. othy Harris came borne with 'T. Buttesy. ber ta spend the weekend. Directors, Mss. M. Colweii, Mr. and Mss. George Bowens Mss. H. Richards, Mss. F. Jack- visited Mr. and Mss. Rhodes man, Mss. J. Abennethy; Visit- and Mn.,and Mss. Hender Trick in.- committee, Mss. F. Oke, of Lindsay. Mss. G. Dilling, Mss. Park; Friends wiii ibe sorry ta bairn' H-ospital Repres., Mss. T. But- that Mss. John Dickey fell at fcry; Pianist, Mss. W. Ro.berts, ber home on Friday and is con- Mrs. S. Buttery; Rest Roon fined to Community Hospital, Convenor, Mss. T. Buttcry; Port Perry. Press Reporter, Mss. R. Web- Sunday visitons with tho Nos- ber. bitts were Mr. and Mss. Roht. .Mss. E. Perfect gave a short Ford and Mss. Fond Sr., Toron- humorous talk an the motto, ta, and Mn. and Mss. Edgar "Spcak your mind at the meet- Horne, Oshawa. ing bat not on the party lino'. Mr. and Mss. Garnet Wrigbt, Roll eal was answered by a Port Ferry, visited Mss. Georgo fiower beginning with the Fonder.1 firCt initial of yous namo. Mis. Miss Murici Mu-Kcen, Oshawa, visited ber mother, Mss. S. Mc- Kee. Mr. and Mss. H. Elliott, Cheryl and Ralph of Leask- dale, were dinner guests of M--, and Mss. Carl Elliot.. Mrs. Howard Lee returned fromn Port Perry Hospital on Wednesday where she under- went surgery a week ago. Best of bealth now Dorothy. The Nestleton Women's In- stitute flag flew at baîf mast in respect of one of its oldest and staunchest friends, in the por- sonl of the late Henry Thomp- son who passed away in Port Penny Community Hospital early Sunday morning. Mr. Tbompson's mother was the first Presidc'nt and his sister Miss Ethel Thompson, is the only living charter member (if the Institute formed 50 yoars ago. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended f0 ail members of tho Thompson family. Visitons with Mr. and Mis. Harry McLaugblin and Law- rence were Miss Florence Mc- Laughlin. Misses Jane and Mary Eiicn Do\vney and Dr. Murta of Toronto, Ms. and Mss. George Wolfe, Brin and John and Mss. Jas. Forclos. Mss. Wes. Campbell spent tbe weekend xith Ms. and Mss. Grant Campbell and family. Visitons with Mss. Jas. Sain- cils and Norman xvere Ms. and Mss. Edward Bennett, Cathie and Donnîs of Iran Bridge. Ms. and Mss. Wm. Hooey Ms. Thos. Stewart and Mr. and Msýlrs. Al- vin Gordon of O.shawa. h 1S YOUR CAR SAFE? Get Our Safety Check for CAREFREE SUMMER DRIVING NEI T VISUAL H EISSTOP LIGHT _ __CHECK 1 - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER MA 3-3321 Two Courtice Girls Hit by Gravel Truck Dianne Nichais. 6, and Lin- da Sampson, 9, bath of Cour- tice, wese reported in satis- factary condition in Oshawa General Hospital, Fniday of last week, after tbey were struck by a loaded gravel truck at the intersection of Trull's sideroad and Highway 2, east of Oshawa, late Thursday af- ternoon. The girls had just stepped PONTYPOOL Tre Frost and high winds slowed Sale up growth iast week, heavy un- denwean was dug out again, Price coal bins and wood piles were fneplenished, and left everyone isore at the weathenman. Dam- -age to bernies, dloyens and gar- tdens are reported with alfalfa the xvonst bit. a s Stew Cdawirth rher se nH aMrs. ast.Clir Darroch sentH l 1Peterborough necentiy.Ofsowhtc Mayor Fred Jobnston of Dor-0fsowhe val Island near Montreal, was soze washingc a wcekend guest of Mr. Robt. panel f ront.. Halloran. Fred made bis home f lounce threadE for several ycars with Mr. Hal- rm alou loran. Dorval Island is suppos- ti i a ed to be the smallcst incorpor- fit . . . White ated town in Canada. Lre Soveral from bene attended Lre.1.8T the funoral of Mils. Beebe of Rg .8TR Peter'borough on Saturday. De- ceased was the mother of Mrs. ICurtis McKay and -we extend l i Oui. Sympathy. F U I tSeverai memberg of our lo- F L cal L.OB.A. visited Janetville Fn nw ~ LOB.A. on Monday cvening. Fn nw h Menibers frorn far and nearl appreciate bec carmc f0 congratulate and makc and have shadc a prcsonitation Io Mss. Cora firml sewn twi Jolin.ton, of Janctville wbcoi broidery trim t1 was met1 clccted Grand t 2...W Mistro' s of Ontario East. Beth- t 2...W anY LOB.A. conferred the first Reg. 1.98 TÀR( Dcgrcc. 1 r. and Mrs. Archie Whiitrnee wore Sqturday visitors here. Archie aiong' with bis carpen- torýs trado gocs in hcavy oni gardoen and fiowens-.,He bias ai- ncady plan ted 10,000 glads and haz; another 15.000 to plant. w,,"eok 1i egicctecd 10 express Coligratullations 10'\,r. and Mrs. AlxNinmgon on their rccent 1manriage. Wc have scveral iother weddings coming up soon oeuHv. One of the groomns-to- bc, Tommy i.ý.BadIi jrbuilding a ncw vhomne :ýn Our \vil'age. Jýz \our raýmc in on the Vot- ces, LiSt, ,C1elk the list or con- 'aut xouir entI:merator. Mr. Tom \'ChIi le ooingafter the list.s for Pcnîvlýpol pâiI. L.O.L. 32 playcd bost to the'? fivo countyL.OL. meeting beldJ iii Pontypool on Tues-day even., in-. Each coiinty takes turnis in holding these meetings About i]1)0 members "rom far and near wceprescn' and hecard a stir- ring ;îddrrcss fronm R.W. Bro. Rex,' J. Miilr . Dep. Chaplain et Onita in Wr -, Edîr or- of the Aguî, and verv acîive in thr Pîthlw srniland Baiepayers Asýcau-alîiOf. '1hcv al1so sawv thel Royal B!tioDegreo conferrcd by Oron Degîe -Toam on sev- 1 rlcandidates in a vesy cap- able manner xith W. Bro. Hartxvell Lowerv P.C.M. in the chair. WV. Bro.' Offa Staples, Cotint >v Master of East Durham aqnd WV. Brn. Jim Dciancl 1. N1'\ajicv of Wecst Dushiaii liarcdt the honors a a residin- ufficer. SeveraloIleotali i lar Grand Lodge Officer-c were prc.sFnt and spoke briefiy. AI cammittee xith members fromn ail Counties agreed to accept the invitation to celebrate in Bowmanviiie on Juiy 1'2, 1958. As that town is having its Ceîn- tenni aI t ha t lime Cobour g ,agil-,(d ln cancel their CeloIbra- U; n 1 i9,39. Lunch was s h,;L.ankL. o:, i l.-,, oapcruton.o Thav, L..L02 Ii c uronî of telocal LOB.A. who kindly KNGE prepsred saine. i5 ]IG ST.JE Local Orangemen xi b e glad to learn that. Rev. Gregor Adams converted R. C. Priest, I xiii be guest preacher at Illef Annui Chuivuh Parade on Sui.- dal.u hiir 16111 at 2.30> p.rn. to th UiilUChur bherc. from behind a stopped schoal bus when the truck bit theni. Dianne suffered a fractured lef t ankle and abrasions to the lef t arma. Linda suffered a frac- tured right shaulder and abra- sions to the left leg, haspitalý officiais said. Police said the girls had apparentiy flot noticed the truck until it was toa late. One of the youngsters tried ta re- turfi ta the sidewalk while the ather darted into the path of the oncoming vehicle. Ronald B. Landes, 2iOh awa, driver of the tsuck, didn'tý have a chance to stop, Police said. No charges have been laid. ZION Mss. Arthur Austin and fani- ily spent Easter week wvith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Abra- ham, Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Robent' J. Sea- ger of Barrie, spent the week- end with Mss. Seager's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Casweli. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamil- ton, Toronto, spent the ýweek- end at the home of his mather and visited his brother George in Peterborough Hospital. Mr. and Ms. Hanold Burlcy and family, Newtonvilie,ha supper with Mr. and Mss. Fe Tufford Sunday. " Triple roll top " Nylon reinforced Heel ond Toc " White only - Sixes 8 te 11. For vou and Mom . . . feor wea ring arourd everydoy mow omd later . . . there's cool comfort in every pair of theSe finely knit eombed cotton socks. Suw several pocknges of 3 pairs during Torget Saie ondSd! Reg. 39c TARGET SALE PRICE - 3 poir .99 DG WNAN VILLE Master George Raby spent the weeekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow, Mrs. R. Gerow and David, spent Sunday tI Wellington. iMr. and Mrs. Hoiniès Sr,., xvith Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Holmes and family, ,Toronto, spcnt the weekend witii Mr.. W. J. McCullough. Thursday afternoon May 16. the Zion Woman's Associations xviii meet at Mrs. Robert Mor- ton's. Roll call-something for the White Elephant table. Of Canada's 5,750,000 civilian. labor force, about 23 per cent are members of labor unions. e AL&W I Reg. .39 Torget Sale Price 3 Pr. 399 PHONE MA 3-5451 *UGREAT rSPR ING Extra Values for 'Mother's Day Sunday, May i2th Remember Mom with a fine gif t from Walker Stores Just a day or tw«o more to shop the many money saving Target Sale Values Saturday, May 1 l th, is the Last Day! For comfortable, casuol wear Soft Combed Cotton BOBBY SOCKS 4Oe CostiIs Greater When You Do It Later! BUICK - 166 King Robson Motors Lumuted - PONTIAC st. E. Bowmanville Store Houri: 9 a.m. Io 6 p.m. - Non. - Tues. - Thurs. and Sat. 9 a.i. Io 12:30 p.m. - Wed. 9 a.m. Io 9 p.m. - Fri. PAGE TRIM