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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1957, p. 5

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qln7mSAY, MAT MI ,1057 TEE CAKADIMi STATESMAN. EOWMAN'vuLT.I! flT'JA UTA rAU~ FI VU Pioneer C u l Mark oThisneY. followed on Thurs-I TErn ~ I% .L Atheir home with their family Their50th nn-iversarv n a number of close friends. I Mrs. C. Kay Ure o odn Man., Mr. Mervin Isaac of Wtn- Msa og-i m r.n .W.A.rnunity and farm organizations. ipgWad r Ms cethe q9nsort district in Alberta, Work for over 21 years and were at home for the occasion. clebrà'ted their Golden Wed- hnld te CnotAec dingAnnveraryat their home for Maple Leaf Products for on March 6. It was also Mr. years. They are both stili active f*- H e Isac' 77h irtda. Bthare in the work af the United I nst.i..II Ha In er god ealh.chrch M. Iaa isstlia Mr. and Mrs. Isaac were mar. member of the Session, a post F*I rità-ân Port Hope, Ontario in~ he has held since 1918. Ful Ye r o le o nt etjl11 o Mr-. and Mrs. Isaac ceebrat-A~~ ICIO NWE ~ tl na homestead three ed the occasion holding open AITCHIC1 Ivilles miles east of Consort, Alta., onle hoseon edesdy fteo yèrubefore the ilway camef t with a bufet tea. In the even- Bowmanville Women's In- A. quiet ceremony in the par- 'Thogn o h ncpin a h ing their many friends of the stitute held ten monthly eet s age of Maple r ovyae United on. They remained on the èommunity honored themn with ings with, an average attend-.Cuc nStud atron farm until 1946 when they mov- a program and lunchean in the ance of 30. Our membership is April 27, united in marriage ed to Consort. United Church Hall at which 56 with three lufe members. Mary Madeline Snowden, Over the years bth' have they were presented with a In June we had a picnic and daughter af M.and MGrs.Aan been vitally interested in com- bouquet af flowers and a purse in December a Christmas Par- Mr.nohdnPol l Grhioe ason ty with a turkey dinner. of Mr-. Ai-chie Aitchison and Z ~One bus trip was taken in the late Mrs. Aitchison af September to Mrs. L. Dumas Lucknow. Rev. L. M. Somner- * ..a d sti l--at Brighton with a stop at Ce'- ville officiated. and sti 11 ~~~~~~bourg and a tour of General Tebiecoeaforlnt Faods plant. Twenty-eight gTheofbrie hseaylo lent members and four visitors went gw iwienlnlc n th u lc p e e son this trip. net with veil of nylon net. Her Buttery's. General meeting Miss Margaret Snowden, was deait with Citizenship, HealthS her attendant, wearing a baller- Tnp o Wet, eterns' andina length dress in flamne col- Act, Pioneers of Darlington, St.ou-fsind it fulki. LawrnceHydo Pojet, omeShe wore a feathered band and Laconmcs.yr PoeHm gloves to match and carried Exhibi'ts were shown at Or- white carnations with blue ana and Blackstack Fairs. 'mums. Best man was Mr-. Bob GINGE ALESKapper Karnivai was he]d Aitchison. again to raise money and A reception followed at Ma- praved quite successful. Quilt pie Grove Sunday School, the Club was organized to look af- bride's mother wearing a dress No mtte wht piceyouter making quilts. gf grey corded taffeta wîth pink No mtte wht piceyouDonations were given ta accessories and corsage oi pink pay for other Ginger Aies Salvation Army, C.N.I.B., Girl carnations. FAMILY PERSONAL Guide Association, 4-H Club, Frawdigtp oN-i -High, Low, Permanent, or SIZoE SZEFederation ai Agriculture. De- Fr alanddpintsn ta Niae- Tempoary-our tste, 300OUNCES 12 OUNCES legates were sent ta Guelph gr al n onsnrh h Tomprcry yourtast, 1and Toronto. We joined Cana- bride danned a beige suit with1 1 1 ( NOT 10 OZ.) dian Association af Consum- blue accessories. The couple1 your good judgement, your MOT ers. wlll live at Blackstock. OWf snsecfvaleswiI 2for31 The, Institute was respans-1 ownvne yo f vales incom fr-3f iblefo upkeep af Rest Room McNEIL - MALLEY Convnceyouof he nco- 1and a roamn at Memorial Hols- paabe aueofWlsn'.PLUS DUPOSIT pital. Decided to enter in Sa- Newcastle United Çhurch, parblevale f Wlsos.lada Tea Contest this year. was the secne af a wedding on Cards sent out through the Friday evening, at 7 p.m., year-70 birthday, 13 get well, April 26, when Wanda Marie 26 anniversary, 2 sympathy, 5 Malley, daughter ai Mi-. and Christmas cards. Four anniver.- Mrs. Cecil Malley of Orono sary gifts were bought an-d was united ia mariage with eight boxes ai fruit or flowers Ai-chie Hugh McNeil, son ai sent. Ten members attendcd Mrs. E. A. McNeil ai Oronoi District Annual and l4th Con- and the late Mr. McNeil. Rev. vention in Toronto. M. C. Fisher performed the ceremany, and Mr. Norman B. Williams played the nuptialN music.1 Given In marinage by her ________________________father, the bride wore a waltz ~J. Chantilly lace over satin fash- ianed with a slim bodice hav- ing a bateau neckline edgedt with pearîs, and full skirt. Ac coranet trimmed with pearîs i held hier finger tip veil ai tulle illusion, and she carried Bu b: heCa hemoA0a<" ' a white Bible crested with red e~i oe. g .33Of Mink-- roses and white stephanotis. - Miss Frances Swinson was maid af honor wearing a gown ai azure blue crystalette with "Bea Bu" "Bat u?'matching hat and she carried "Bes Buy '«est uy»a nosegay of white chryanthe- LYRBYS 20-or. tin INAVE go LIBBY'S - 20-ai 'n SAVE 10o mums and red roses. ~' ee Bawnd ea 2For 37c Cooked Spaghetti 3 lO 9c Mr.Irini Brooks perforrned BeepBro ned ean 2 Fr 4the duties of best man, and 9F"Featurell Mr. Grant Malley ushered. 48-a. lb LIBY'SThe reception was held i 48~~~ ~ ~ -oz. tixLBYS%-Z in the Balmoral Hotel, Bownian- Fancy TONATO JUICEQ 31c SLICED BEETS 2 For 29 c ville, where the brid's mother LIBBS 1-ni linLTBY'Steale blue dress with pink ac- LIBrS1-O.ti IBYS15-oz. tin cessories and corsage ai tea FRUIT COCKTAIL 26c FA N CY P E AS 2 For35,c roses. The bridegroom's moth- er who assisted chose a navy and white dress with navy ac- LBY828-oz. lIn LIBBY'S il-ai. bottle cessaies and corsage of tea Fancy Sauerkraut 2 For 33c TOMATO CATSUP 22c i-oses. For the honeymoon trip ta LIBB'S 0-O. tn LIBY' 48oz.tinEastern points, the bride tra- LIBB'S 0-a. ln LIBY' 48ai.linvelled in a two piece beige SLICED PINEAPPLE 33c_ Fancy Pineapple Juice 33 c i-ss wihbrownd cessrs their i-eturn the couple will Mazoa S lad 3jf32-i. btti ~9make their home at Haydon. (Free pkg. of Good Season's French Dressing) LAPHAM - FARROW In a quiet ceremony in the k À III 25manse oi St. Paul's United FREH VAL-lNsWateSELCT. -Ab Arqdeep ,Pink carnations.-_The groom' mother was in navy FRSHVAL- oWateSLETQUALITY, GOLDEN RIPE blue jersey wîth matchîng ac- VEAL FRONT ROULS Lb. 9 Lbs.35 cessories and corsage of deep SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Ready to Eat CRISP, FLAVOURFUL, FLOREDA Among those attending the 2ub9C reception were the bride's FuIIy Cooked PICNICS ýb- 49c C E L E -R Y 0 2 ~For2 grandparents, SWIFT'S PREMI17M - Sealed l pkg. SELECT QUALITY - GREEN - CRISP Pi-ian ta leaving an thein wed- Snroed BCK ACONî~b.59cL E T UC E Large 9 ding trip, the bride presented Smke BAC BAON m- 5c LE TUC 2Fo29c haîf af ber corsage ta her SWJT'SPREIUM- Vc Pk -fi-z. kg.HOM GRWN SWET.TENERgi-andmother. Approximately SWIF'S REMUM Va Pa 6-z. kg.HOM GRWN SWET TEDER50 guests fi-rn Camel Chute, Park & Turkey Loaf 43c GREEN ONIONS 3 h.19C NToronoAle, ewmtanîe, a and Oshawa, were present at Libb's Foze Pea, 1-oz.pkg ___19c the reception. Birds Eye Mixed Fruit, 15-oz. pkg. 53c ough and points east, the bride AMEN OODSBirds Eye Orange Juice, 12-oz. in 35e wore a pawder blue gabardine suit with white hat, navy shoes and bag. She carried a tweed fleck ail weathen coat. Her cor- THERE'S A RED& WHITE STORE NEAR YOU sage was a single deep pink rose. The couple will reside at BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria 33eOntai-o Street, Bowman- MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria The bride is a member of the staff ai Rickaby's "Big 20" store OO OCrih Mrete j in Bowmanville, and the groom osmanseplayee ai General Mo- torsat Oshawa.- RIGG - ROGABOAM A very pnetty wedding took 1Place ln Wall Street United Church, Brockville, on Satur- day, April 20, when Muiel Diann Hlogaboam, daughter ai Mi-. and Mns. Howard R. Hoga- boam, Brockville, became the ,bride ai Douglas Hill Rigg, son of Mr. and Mi-s. Harvey D. Rigg, Stratiord. The bride is the Supervisai- ai Music in the Bowmanville Public Séhools, and the groom is Bawmanville's Recreation Di-ector. The ceremony was perform- ed by Dr.~ Dean K. Burns ai Bnockville, against a beautiful background formed ai Easter lilies and Cineraria. The wed- ding Music was played by Mr. W. F. Tufford, and preceding the ceremany Mns. Sam Black, Bowmanvilîe. sang "The Wed- ding Prayer", and "O, Perfect Lave" during the signing af the register. The bride was given in mai- niage iby her father and ware a floar length gown ai white Chantilly lacé aven satin with Queen Anne sleeves and scal- ]aped neckline. The back ai the full ski-t icîl in alternate tiers af lace and pleated nylon tulle to the hemline. A tiara ai pearîs held her fingertip veil ai lace-edged tulle and she car- nied a crescent ai Easter liles. The maid ai honaur, Misz.- Elizabeth Gray ai Simcae, wore a ballenina length gawn ai Cal- ifarnia Sun crystalette aven tafieta fashianed with empire waistline and full hooped skirt. Miss Anne Davidson ai King- ston as bridesmaid wore a sim- ilarly styled gawn in turquoise. Bath ware matching bats and gauntlets and cannied cascades of white carnations. Mn. Kenneth Kelly, Bowman. ville, was best man, and ushers were Mr. Glenn Hogaboam and Mn. Wayne Hogaboam, Brock- ville, brothens ai the bride. A reception followed in the Wedgewood Raam ai the Man- itanna Hotel, Brockville, the bride's inather weaning a cock- tail length gown ai dusky rase chiffon and Chantilly lace iash- ioned with lace badice and bracelet length sleeves. Her very fuli chiffon skirt was Palmer 20 King Street E. draped from the waistline cum- merbund. With it she wore black accessories and a corsage ai white carnations. Thhe groom's mother assisted, wearing a steel blue two-piece ensemble with pink accessaries and corsage ai pink carnations. For their wedding trip ta the New England States, the bride wore an English wool tweed suit in pink with match- ing hat, black accessories and gardenia corsage. Mn. and Mn. Rigg are residing at 246 Liber- ty Street North, Bowmanville. Out-of-town guests attended the weddmng from Three Rivers, Que.; Stratfard, Simcoe, Wind- son, Ottawa, Iroquois, Mon- treal, Leamingten, Trenton, To- ronto, Kingston, Oshawa, Bow- manville, Millbrook, Hamilton and Wallaceburg. Bride Honored At Showers Miss Mary Snowden was en- tertained at a number af shaw- ers prior to her mariage. A miscellaneous shower taok place at Mrs. Joyce Bnownell's with the assistance of Mi-s. Roy Van Camp an April 12. Mrs. Joyce Brawnell presented the bride with it corsage. The gifts xvere opened by the bride, assisted by ber sister Mrs. Ruth Davidson. A dainty lunch was served and enjoyed -by everyane.z A miscellaneous shower was held on Apnil 27 in Maple Grave Sunday Schaal, which was de- corated in pink and white streamers. The bride was as- sisted in opening her gifts by her sister, Mrs. Elva Rogers and Miss Margaret Snowden. Lunch was served. 4 pantry shower was held in Oshawa by Mrs. Ben Brown when about 25 attended. The- chair was decorated in pink and white streamers. The bride was assisted in apening ber gifts by her mother, Mrs. Alan Snow- den, and ber sister Mai-gai-et Pictures were taken ai the bride-to-be. Mary thanked everyone and lunch was served. The Hollinghead Ca. af Bow- manv.ille, presented Mary with a lovely table lamp and beauti- ful pain ai pillaw cases. MORRISH Miss Gwen Facey of Port Hope, at present a student at Peterborough Teachers' Callege, was guest teacher at Monnish public schoal during the past week. She endeared herseli ta the pupils by ber iniendly way and cheenful disposition. We wish ber evei-y success in her chosen career. Sunday School was held as usual at hi a.m. on May 5 wîth 49 present. Some assistant tea- chers were present te do duty. Next Sunday is Famîly on IMothers' Day. Vie hope to pre- sent the special program an- ranged for that day after regu- lai- church service duning which the rite oi baptism will be ad- ministered by the Rev. A. W. Harding. The junior chai- will lead in singing. 'Mr. Neil Anderson ai Brant- fond was home for the week- end. He accompanied his math- er, Mrs. Frank Anderson ta Oi- ana an Friday evening ta at- tend the meeting in the Town Hall when the Right Han. James G. Gardiner was sched- uled ta speak and autline the government's iarming policy. The Libenal candidate ion Dur- ham was also expected te Ïbe present. Mrs. M. J. Osborne spent a iew days last week at the home ai her daughter Vilda, Mns. Brooks Cowan, at Qi-ana. Mrs. Mary Uglow ai Newton- ville, is guest ai Mrs. M. J. Os- borne for a few days. Farmers are having a won- derful time working on the land. To many it is a i-cal joy, ta others a jab ta get aven with as soon as passible. AUl nature seems ta be singing, birds, flow- ens and trees. Some housewives are singing too aiter a few strenuous weeks of the annuai spring cleaning and it was -a real pleasure when we scrub- bcd the pasty, messy brushes and pails used ion papering and calcimining and put away-we hope-ion the next four years n ____________ 30 j4/7o at least! Now the garden is cali. ing and the lawn needs cutting. Yes, it's really Spring. GIRIEN SUPPLY We've got what you need t. make yard care nsyl1 Neod grame seed? A new base? The latest in a gardeu spada or hand trowel? Corne see us! We're lawn and garden supply headquartera. And we've also got Toro power rnowers. Se. the Toro Whirlwind 18 or the Toro iSport Iawn 21-Anerica's No. 1 reel-type power mower. Lander Hardware 7 King St. E. MA 3-5774 Canada Permanent Debentures FOR TERMS OF 7 TO 5 VEARS Debenteres ire issaed fa regWsered fana, o« Payable te bearer ia amounts af $100 and upwards. Authorized for the. investment cf trust funds. CaU #w write/werDebestaro Joldop CANADA PERMANENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION W. J. HELM, MANAGER, 114 Wolton Stoot, Port Nope Telephon. TU. 5-2225 Capital Stdd Roserve $1 4,500,000 "Over a Cenfm o f Service fM Coadioig" 57-6 tiericde ' Lt e ij buxlp s,,01Ofbu$ieS Even if yov con only spore a few minutes out cf a busy day, fake a demonstration ride in a new Plymouth with Torsion-Aire suspension It's downright waonderful ý.; what a differenoe it makes When you get out of the ordinary and into a new ThriII-Power Plymnouth with Torsion-Aire suspension. Just taire a beautiful Plymouth a few miles down anc of those aid bumpety-bump side roads and you'll sSe what we mean. It is an entirely new ride experienoe, be- cause of Plymouth's remarkable Torsion-Aire suspension. It's like eoasting along on a thick, velvety carpet. And yonr turning and braking feel entirely different, too. For Plymouth's Torsion-Aire suspen- sion keeps it fi-rn "heeling over" when yau round a corer ... and keeps the nose of the car frorn "diving" when you stop. But why not get the i-est of the story' while you're iffashing along in the loweat, aleekest Plymouth evrbuilt? You'II love it-every bit cf it. Just ol ffor a demonstration In a new TI'ril-Power Plymouth l How about tomorroeo? Phone un, and we'llbrn afreh , friskynewPlymouth ta your or. Try ita new V-8 & 6 Thrill-Power GO . .. Push-button Torque-Flite autamnatic drive . - Total-Contact braks . and al] its other exciting advancea! CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITE@ THPdbLL-PowM Plymo>uth YOU'RK ALWAVS A STEP AHEAD IN CARS 0P THE FOR WA RD LOOK > Motor Bowm anville SalnesM -48 Phone MA 3-5487 T= CANAt)L&W STATMLAN, WWMANV=M. ONTARIO il% A 1.8vb IRT"» 1 9 Sales

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