PAGE mI Juveniles to Open The Bail Season on May 2 Bownanvllle's Juventle Base- bil tearn iwlU offlciaily open their season when ihey play host to Uic Newcastle Juveniies ai Vincent Massey Park, Mon- day, May 20, at 6 p.m. The Lakeshore Minor Base- bail Association has drawn Up an 18 game schpdule for the new Juvenile division. The four tearns in the league in- clude; Bowznanvilie, Newcastle, Cobourg and Port Hope. It appeared that the Bow- manville team mlght not be playing this season due to the fact they have had ne offer of a sponsor. However ai a recent meeting of thc players it was decided that eacb player would aid financially in sponsoring the club. Bill Smih, owner of Smith Beverages, assisted the teain greatly by donating thelr quired entry fee. The Re, tion Department have of! to, Joan them an old set of tarins. With this aid the1 ers feel they can capablyà sor the club. Bob Fairey was electeg Club Treasurer and JiniC wifl keep the teamn's rec Although they plan to spc thernselves, anyone wishin aid thc team imost we]( to send a contribution to ireasurer. Players include; Bill 0sb Ted Fairey, John Fowler, Marjerrison, Ron Pollard,1 Crossey, Hank Lane, Lunn, Bill Bates, Curt stone, Ted Sallows, Jim1 terson, Maurice Richards, Kennett, Bill Cole and pos. John Mason. Bantams Lose Little N.H.L. in Close Gomes Two goals in the opening minutes gave the Welland Ban- tama Al-Stars the edge they needed to register a 5-3 win over the Bewmanvile Bantamn Ail-Stars in the 121h game of the Little N.H.L. Ontario Championship Playoffs ai Col- lingwood Friday, April 281h. Bowmanvile matched the Niagara District winners goal for goal in the remaining min- utes of the tilt, but were un- able to equal Welland's flash goals in the early stages. Win Titie As a resuli Welland contin- ued into the Championship semi-finals, while the local lads entered the Consolation Series semi-finals. Parry Sound eked a 2-1 decision fromn the Bow- manville lads in the consolation senies to eliminate them tfrom the final round. Welland continued on to win the Ontario Tille and Panry Sound won the Consolation Ser- les Titie in the final games held Saturday. Bowmanville -Bantam Mid- gets were guesis ai a bar held for them Saturday a noon. On their jeurncy ]h the rejeed a visit te hurst Pak located near Ba Ed Rundle, spokesman for Bowmanville Little N..L. A. ciation expnessed the te âppreciation, and extende cordial welcome to Bowr ville, te the teams that wil coming here in 1958 for the tarie Playofts. Mernbers cf the Bintam Star team Include; Larry Pi John Bruce, Paul Hanc John James, Gord Rundle, ny' Black, Joe Bothwell, Bickle, Allan Woodiock,1 Gearing, Nelson Yeo, Brei Hughes, Don Bagneil,1 Wiseman, Doug James,1 Turner, Ray Cromble Grant Flintoff. George P is coach, and Ted Bagnehi n ager. Don't be a wacky walki waik safely, always, warns Cana dian Hlghway Safety C ference. UUUUÉUUUMUMUUUUUMUUUUUUUUUMMUUMUMUMMUUUUMUUI Bufferin Tabs. 39c, 79c, 1.23 Bayer Aspirin Speclal '79e Nyai A.S.A. Tabs. -90ô Anacin 25c, 49c, 79e, 1.19 Swedlah Milk Diet- 1.98 Melozets ____.____ Aydu .2 Trima 1.98 Colgate's 98e size Absorbine Andrew's Paste Hale Junior Salis à for 666e 796 1.19 - 2.39 2 for 69c New Stoppette Cream 1.25 Ban Deodorant - 1.25 Jergen's .Stick Deodorant - 79o Odo-ro-no Spray 75e, 98c New Formula Wlldroot for tiinlh aïr'13e, 98e Wildroot fr hite hlf $Com Soi., uot Cream On - '78., De98. eeeme Bealtb Alka Lustre Enden Salie Seltzer Creme shampoo 59e 840 - 680 79e Speclal 1.69 SUN GLASSES - Auuorted Frames - 25e te 1.98 LCOWLI NG'S PHONE ' 'WSTREFIT MA 3-5695 LKUG SOR TRUSSES Royail Theatre BowmanviIE THURS. a SAT. -MAY 9-l a1 Ir re- ecrea- ffered funi- play- Spon- d as Clark rords. )Onsor ng to coine a the iorne, Bob: Glen John Van- Mas- Joe sibly iquet fter- home Mid- arrie. r the Asso- am's ýda man- Il be On- liper, cock, Ter- Bill Paul ýnton Alex Ross and liper rian- :er- Sthe Con2- M. i r I CiNemAScoPE @OLO tby on LUXe I rom 20u-~ CENTURY.peX ittofeloig IDON MURRAY plus Comedy énid Color Cartoon 'zAdult entertainment Last complete show 9:10 CHILDREN'S MATINEE - SAT. 2 P.M. "Indian Uprising" (Color) Starrlng GEORGE MONTGOMERY Plus 3 Stooges and Color Cartoon NEIT MON. WED.- MAT 13 - 15 A&ult aise "Des perados are in Town" (Western - Cinemascope) Last complet. show at 8:35 Coming this month! "ANASTASIA" )r ie Insura.nce Generai Insunance J. A. BARTON rIý, Automobile, Liability, ec 1Canlile Ave. MA 3-3091 .Legal STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Publie W. R. Sinike, Q.C. AX A. H. Strike, B.A. Kinxg St. W. - Bowmanvl! Telephone MA 3-5791 @"LXflUIJAIP MAYI-l..1.- TEE CAKADIAN HATRSMr UOWMAYTLLE ON10R7 1 jYELVERTON ""r W.A. Hias Firstj Àccount-ancy E yen ing Meete Kedi-on: A very large attend- ance manked the first evening meeting et the season fot Kedron W.A. for the regular May meeting held on Wednes- day evening, May isi, ai the home of Mrs. Harold Werry. President Mrs. Wm. Werny opened with a reading, anid called on Mrs. Murton Walter to conduci wonship. A piano prelude was played by pianisi Mrs. Starr; Mrs. Dyck read scriptune; meditation and pray- er were by Mrs. Walter, on the theme, "Home Missions."~ Roll caîl was answered w! th a wide vaniety of bazaar art- icles. Secretaries Mrs. C. Hop- kins and Mrs. H. Pascoe, ne- spectively, read minutes and many expressions of gratitude for W.A. remembrances. The president warmiy welcomed, visitons and the many ladies new te this communiiy, and deali with sevenal items ci business. Final plans wereý made tor the W.A. bazaar and Spring Tea te be held on May 15. Mrs. E. Mounbjoy presented the prognam compnised of music and missionary study. Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Mrs. Wm. Werry and Mn.. Harold Werry were May hostesses for tbc tea heur. Committee for the June pro- gram is to be Mn.. J. Glover, Mns. B. Wodward and Mns. A. Cameron, and for lunch Mrs. B. Hitchens, Mrs. J. Sutier and Mrs. W. Mounbjoy., OBITUARY WILLIAM RALPH LAMB On Friday, April 26, William Ralpb Lamb, passed away ai bis home in Caesarea. Mn. Lamb had been In fil- ing health for seme time, but was only confined to bcd for the lasi three weeks. Youngest son of the laie John Lamb and Mary Walker Lamb, he was born July 7, 1876 in Verulam township, where be attendcd Lamb's Sclhool and la- ter served on the scbool board., He was a member cf St. Pe- ber's Anglican Churcb where be took an active pitri and made manlra fniénds. In 1923 he w1th his family moved te Darlington where be farmed successfully for a num- ber of yeors. On bis retirement be moved to Cartwright where he rcsided the lasi 19 years. He is survlved by bis wife, Evelyn Hinton Lamb; bwo sons, Lamne et Ennisklllen, and Kenneth et Port Credit, and two daughters, Mn.. CecilWWl!- son (Edna) et Nesileton, Mrs. Clifford Hetz <Mac) of Fair.- view, Penn., U.S.A. Ten grand- cbildren include Donald, Ralph, Stuart and Ruth Lamb, Garth, Janice, Faibli and Christine Hetz, Gwendolyn and Eunice Wilson. He aise leaves three sisters, Mrs. Bert Akister, Sask., Mrs. Frank Akister, Lindsay, Mn.. Emniiy Sedgwick, Toronto. Canon Chaperlain, Rector of St. John's Church, Blackstock, conducted the sérvice at St. Po- er'. Churcli, Veruilam,- whicb was iargely attended. Pallbearers were six neph- ews, Messrs. Allister Lamb, James Lamb, Harold Devitt, AI- ]an, Laurence, Vernon Olver, Peberbonougli. KEDRON JMrs. IR. Grant was pleasantly surprised when fniends invaded 'ber home ta shower and wei- cerne the new baby in the G rani home. Mrs. McNaily and friends from Oshawa an- ranged the event. Mrs. G. Spencer, Mn.. A. Spencer, Mn.. Martin, Mn.. J. Francis, Mrs. E. Mountjey, Mns. le. Woodward and Gloria, Mns. W. Werry were among Kedron folk wlao enjoyed the fine ba- zaar and spring te& ai North Oshawa United Church heid by St. Stephen's Sr. W.A. lasi week. Harvey Cmssman. Russell Down and Harold Wcmry wce ameong ibase whe aibended the meeting in Si. George'. Churcli Hall, Oshawa, on Monday ev- ening te dîscuss Every Famiy Visitation in our church. Sevemal of the young people ci the inca attended some ser- vice or aession oet the Y.P.U* RAY . .DILLINO Certif ied Publie Accountant 93 Church Street MArkct 3-3861 rWM. J. 0. COGOINS Chariered Accountant 64 King St. E. BowmanvE (Above Garton's Bus Station 64 King Street E. MONTEITH - MNET RIEHL & CO. Chantened Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshav RA 5.4682 Partners: J. W. Monteiih, M.P., P.C. X B. Monteith, B.Comm.. Cý G. W. Riehl, C.A. (LIcensed Trustee) G. E. Tnethewey. C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A.- YALE, PRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and AudItors 11, King St. E. RA 5-16: OsÈawa B. L. Yale, C.A. FP. Fniediander, P,. Comnm., C.P. J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h 1r opr ac i i G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey Ec Phone MA 3-5509 Office-Heurs: By Appointinei Dental DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. A XRi St. W. Bowmanvl Iffice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally Closed -Salurday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 ouse Phone '- Newcastle 355 -t 01! DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.2 Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. " Bowmanvill Office9 Heurs: 9a.m. te 6 p.m. daliy 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King Si. E. - Bowmaxivilj Office Heurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA '3-5459 43 40 LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA0. Barister, Solicitor Notary Public King Si. W. - Bowmanvll< Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barnister, Solicitor Notany Public Teniperance St. - Bowmnanvflle LOVEKIN AND THOMPSON Barnisters and Solicitors E. Richard Lovekin U.E.. B.A., LL.B. and Andrew R. Thorapson LL.B., LL.M. Box 9 Newcastle, Ont. Telephones: Ncwcastle - 2115 Toronto HI 4-4396 Consultation by appoinimeni cnly Mor tg age s LEROT HAMIfLTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Pirst Montigage fonds Residences - Farri Business Propenties po m e fry KEITU A. BUILEM Optometrist 141 King St. E. BowmanvMie Office Houri: By appointinent Telephone MAnket 3-3252 Monday te Saturdav 9 am. 10 5 p.m. Wcdnesdays: 9 to la Thursda a veniau 4 il Yelverton W.A. The May meeting of Yeiver- ton W.A. was held Thursday, May 2, ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan, ILorna Wilson, President, opened Uic meeting with the Ode. Mrs. Harold Sti- son was in charge cf Devotional -a hymn, the topic by Con- venor - "'Religicus Thoughts"; Scripture by Mary Moore- a poem read by Miss Annie tw an: "The Anchor cf Lite", a reading by Mns. Stimien. Minutes were read and rol caîl was answered by a splen- did turnout (inciuding 19 chil- dren), with a 'donation to ba- zaar. A planning cemuite for garden party on June 14 was named. The play fromi Solina "Where's Grandrna" bas been procuned for ententaininent following supper. Joyce Mal- colm was in charge of program: a reading, Mrs. Geo. Clarke; "The Music of Springtime," Eileen Malcolmn; "O Blesi is Mother", Joyce. Maléolm. Aise a contesi. Misses Linda and Elizabeth ]Rowan favoured wibh piano solos and a duet. Hostesses for the lovely lunch wene Marjonie Stinson, Mary Moore and Doris Rowan. June meeting to be held ai Carnie Malcoim's. Sunday School opened on Sunday with a healthy attend- ance of nearly 40 children. Also an excellent crowd present to hear the guest speaker at church. [GA - 16-oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER a QUAKER KUFFETS - 2 Vith free $5.00O«'Booster" Tape KRAFT REGULAR 16-oz. jar HIEEZ.WHMIZ-- FALLS VIEW CHOICE 48-oz. tin TGNATG JUICE - ZFor35 m 35c1 Pkgs. Rally at Port Perry held dur- Ing thec weekend. A few Kedron folk enjoyed the fine Art Exhibit at O.C.V. I. ibis past week, whcn Mina DI. M. Van Luven of the Col- leglate staff had her annuaj display of work. The great varleiy cf media used, the oiginality and new Ideas tried successfuliy from year te year, neyer cease to amaze. Andy Bohaker from this community had several pieces of his work chosen for the exhibit. Mrs. Wm. Werry with Mrs. H. Brown, Oshawa, attendcd the W.M.S. Famlly Party at Newcastle on Friday evening. Local bridge enibusiasts who have been altendlng the Dup- licate Bridge evcnings held at Brooklln Hall, enjoyed thé final party of the season ihis pasi wcek. Mn. andi Mrs. J, Glover, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bohaker were preseni for ibis concluding contest. Rev. Harold Turner, B.A., of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, conducted Ked- ron service on Suhday if ber- noon. Mrs. F. Snowden wàu soloist. Next Sunday a Famlly Day service will be held ai 2 o'clock in the afternoon, one com- bined service lnsiead cf the regular two. Please noie changeI oft ure. The following Sun- day, May 19, xnorning services are to begin with church at 9:45 arn. during the summer nionths. 20-oz. tin MARSJIMALLOWS PIE CRUST MIX 35c 1 BISCUITS 65C -25c IGA CHOICE l5-ozL tins DESSERT PEARS .2 For 29C LIBBY DEEP BROWN 15-oz. tins IEANS with PORK 21For 29c SALADA BROWN LABEL - Pkg. cf 90 TEA BAGS - - --- 9C LIBBY FANC 28-o.tins SAUEBERAT2 For 35C 1 KRAFT MNATURE29 101/-oz. Pkg. 9 MONARCH i0 18-o:. pkg. 29c eek Frean, Caramel Crunch, 25r Nice or Shoricake - 8-oz. pkg. L NEW CR0?, CALIFORNIA, VALENCIA SUNKISTLarge size ORANGES DOZEN 17 FLAVOURFUL - RED CUBAN- Gond size 12'S PINEAPPLES m-- m -Ea. 25c! FEESH PULLED - SWEET and TENDER - Large Orig. Bunchez DUNCH CARROTS - - 2Bc29C FOR A SPRING TIME SALAD - Large Heads LETTUCE - - - - - - 2 For 35C HOT flOUSE GROWN - LONG, GREEN SLICERS - Large size CUCUND]E]RS - - - - - 2For 35 With Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape KRAFT DELUXE CANADIAN CREESE SLICES 1/z Lb. Pkg. 35c KRAF CRACKER BARREL CHEESE 8 z.m 35c 'Z M-t37c 8O..i9 B I SC U T 5Buttermilk or Sweetrnllk19 Duàsjness Dîroclory 1. It n) 'A ,.A: L 8211 s L st.- !ni Ile [le le TI -7l Pl K' 'A You cmii win ail these crests as you Iearn each set of hoop trick. Crests are FREE at your IGA Store for IGA Produet labels. Sec them today! Don't miss the fun of owning your own hoop. Shop for these values at your local IGA Store Z NO CASH - REQUIRED! with FREE SiNUS CIFT, Fwer- U l IGA Cash Tues or "Bonus Boosters'> 1 kLOW LOWPRMCES» MEAN, MILD CURED Peameal Cottage Rolîs lb MAPLE LEAF - COOKED - GLAZED POIX ROCKS_ --- DAISY BRAND - RIND ON SIDE BACON . . . . TABLE RITE SLICED COOKED RAM - . . . TABLE RITE SMALL UINK PUIRE PORIK SAUSAGI With free $5.00 "Bonus Booster" Tape ,Frozen Food Features [JRKEY OR CHICKEN W 'DINNER ICTSWEET GREEN -DEANS 53c - - Lb. 39c - Lb. Pkg. 69C - - - 45c E Lb. Pkg. 59C PILSBURY Tube of 8 CINNAMON BGOLLS - IGA SPAGHETTI ELBOWS ICA MACARONI 29a le-oz. tin m 2Tlns 31c 16-oz. pkgs. m 2uRgnq. 31c 10e Off Reg. Price -SOAP FLAKES - Giant Size MAPLE LEAF ----65c FoodFeatures 1 il 1- 1 - 1 - 11-om 7 Se Off Eer. Prtee - MAPLE LEAF - 12-oz. îUn 10-oz. pkg. 5 D ETERGENT Liquid French Cut25 1- il 36c Each with free $2.50 "Boostèr" Tape NJIBLETS FANCY WHOLE KIERNEL CR tins Tm CANADUN BTATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO . 1 p % TOMATO ES CTJDNEY CHOICE 6 %a Ili i Bonus Booster"'