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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 9

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t.- t. - .-... . v-r-................................ TEVRIMAT, MAT l»th, 1957 RECANADLAI( TATESUM. EOWMANxV!LLEONTAR!O PAGE wmm A fitting climax to the 1956- 'b minor hockey season was t t-sixth annual Minar Hockey 'Ien'i-. ght held last Wed- iné,ýr%Wening in the Lions nd% ,Co _.Mity Centre with close Wo3 0 hockey players joining in the festivity. Ail enjoyed the fast movlng program aof award presenta- tions, entertainment and re- freshments. Master of Cere- manies and also president of the Bowmanville Little N.H.L. committee, Ed Rundie, intra- duced the various headtabie guests who inciuded Mayor Nelson Osborne, Bob Watt, chairman of the- arena man- agement cammittee, Jack Lan- der, chairman of the Recrea- tion Department, Keith Car- ruthers, convenor for the Lit- tle N. H. L., Norm O'Rourke, L resident of the Bowmanviile Lions, and Ross Hawe. Outatanding Player A highlight o! the evening was the presentation o! the Bartlett Trophy, embiematic of the most outstanding ability, team play and sportmanship from the minor league up ta the Intermediates, ta Ross Hawe, goal tender for the Bow- manvîlle - Orono Combines. Norm O'Rourke made the pros- entatian. "Town Council is flot inter- ested in who wins or loses, but is interested that minor hockey is availabie to ail the young- sters in Bowmanville," Mayor Nelson Osborne stated. RevIewed Frogrema The mayor went on ta re- iew the events which led ta the erecting of the Bowman- ville rink 10 years ago and sub- sequently the installation of ar- t1ficial ice. He made special ncote of the contributions made by the first rink committee, the arena management committee and the generous offer of the Bowmanville Kinsmen to un- derwrite the cost of the artifi- cial ice. r Speaking on behal! of the Mrena Management Commit- tee, Bob Watt cangratulated the boys and girls as well as the adults reaponsible for the outstanding minar hockey sea- son in Bowmanville. Discredit To Hockey He warned the young play- ens that the dirty hockey Iwhich was sa prevalent this J year was a discredit ta hockey. I You don't have ta be a dirty hockey player to get into the ILittle N.H.L. The game a! hockey is going to change and the way yau are taught ta play is the way it is going to be played in the future." Mr. Watt also told af the improvements being made at the arena and painted out, "It is your place and we want you ta ha proud af it and ta look after it." To Be Host Keith Carruthers neported on the Little N.H.L. organiza- tion in Ontario and reminded the players that the Ontario finals wouhd iha played in Bow- manville next year which wil mean a lot o! work for every- one. After the presentations a film, "Soap Box Derby" was shown by Tom Turner and this was followed iby refresh- ments ai hot dogs, ice cream and chocolate milk. Bud Oke and Don Gîlhooly were in charge af the refreshments with the coaches and managers lending a helping hand. Presentations FËollowing is the list o! the variaus presentations. Trophlfs "Teen Town Trophy" - ta Atomn Champions, Presented by D. Rigg, to Barons Captain, Graydan Colvîlle. "Reg. Harding -Tom Gat- cheil Trophy' - to Pea Wee Champions, Presented by Tom Gatcheil, ta Bruins Captain, Tari-y Black. "Miller Taxi Trophy" - ta icture orgood You'fe always right in locus when you look your well-groomed best! Let us help by keeping ail your chothes as spotlessly clean and fresh as they were the day you bought 'em! You'I1 like our free prompt pick-ups and delivenies, our modest prices! Phone MA 3-5520 Bowman ville Cleaners &Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. MO VIE REVIEW "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT" Thurs.-Sat, May 16-18 Royal Theatre "The Girl Can't Help It" jes a mixture of sang, comady and romance fi-rn the pen a! Gai-- son. Kanin and marks Jayne Mansiield's debut in Twen- tieth-Century-Fox pictures. She cames ta the soreen direct from her success in the Broadway play "lWill Success Spoil Rock Runter?" through which she gained the titie of "Broadway's Smartest Dumb Blonde." The story revolves around a nightciub entertainer whom a gangster, for romantie rea- sons, attempts ta launch as ai juke-box favorite through typ- ical gangster tzectics. Miss Mansfield piays the nightclub singer, who would rather beaa housewie than a celebrity, and is given every opportunity ta show her voiuptuous charms. The eighteen costumes she wears were designed by Chai-les LeMaire especiaihy for ber 40- 18-35-inch figure. Tam Ewell plays the roll o! the drohl press agent, entrust- ed with the job ai giving Miss Mansfieud a buihd-up sa she will have the big time chass desirad by Edmond O'Brien, who has thq part o! the gang- ster with a penchant for rock 'n' rail music. ta make aviation y aur career? There are important openhngs now ln Canada': AIForce for young men who have what it takes i intellience, akili and initiative - for top training as RCAF Aircrew Officers and aviation technicians. There': a great future in aviation . . . there's a challenge ahead for vou! For full information on RCAF flyîng training, trade train.ig, duties, pay and other beneiits, aee the RCAF Career Counsellor, Bowmanville Court House lla.m.-6p.m. 17 May 57 .1 Junior and, Senior Football Schedule Prizes and Hot Dogs Young Stars Receive Awards, /ylinor Hockey Trophy Night Bantam. Champions, Presented by Bob Watt, ta Lions Captain, Bill Osborne. "Ab Mavin - Bob Stephens Mug" - ta Atom Consolation Winners, Presented by Ab Ma- vin ta Indians Captamn, Don Kerr. "Roy Nead's Mug" - ta Pc. Wee Consolation Winners, Pi-e- sented by Dr. W. M. Rudell, ta Red Wings Captain, Gard. Rundle. "Harry Hughes Mug" - ta Bantam Consolation Winners, Presented by Harry Hughes, to, Cubs Captain, Larry Piper. "Town o! Cobaurg Trophy"l -ta Eastern Ontario Cham- pions in Little N.H.L. Compati- tion, Bantam All Stars, Cap- tain Larny Piper.. Presented by G. H. Hughes. "John M. James Traphy" - ta Most Valuable Phayer in Little N.H.L. competitian, Ban- tam Series. Presented by John M. James, to Joe Bothwell. "Green Ltd., Goalie Shieid", ta Most Valuable Goahie Lit- tle N.H.L. competition, Atom Series. Presented by Keith Carruthers, ta Babby James. "Elwood Hawes-Morley Oke Trophy", ta Bowmanvilie Lit- tle N.H.L. Eastern Ontario Champions. Presented by Mor- ley Oke, ta Captain Bantam Ail Stars. "The Bartlett Traphy", em- blematic of mast outstanding ability, team play and sports- manship. Presented by Norm O'Rourke, ta Ross Hawe. Cresta Atom League Winners, pi-e- sented by Ab Mavin, ta Hor- nets Coaches, Ron Oke - Doug Glynn. Pee Wee League Winners, Presented by M. McKnight ta Black Hawks Coach, Marley Oke. Bantam League Winners, Praserted by AI Clar-ke ta Lions Coach, Mike Osborne.j Atom League Champions, Presented by Keîth Carruthers ta Barons Coaches Tom De- pew, Nels Wilson. Pc. Wee League Champions, Presented by Keith Carruthers ta Bruins Coaches, Sam Bak Bud Oke. Bantam League Champions, Presented by Keith CarTuthers ta Lions, Coach Mike Osborne. Little N.H.L. Ail Stars Crests, Presented by Art Hooper ta Atom Ail Stars Coaches, Don Gilhooly - Ron Oke. Little N.H.L. AIl Stars Crests, Presented by Han-y Gay ta Pee Wea Ahi Stars Coaches, Ed. Rundie - Morley Oke. Litthe N.H.L. Ail Star Crests, Presented by Ross Hawe tu Bantam Ahi Stars Coaches, Gea. Piper - Ted Bagnahl. Presentation ta Coaches and Referees-By Doug. Rigg. Clifi Samis, a prime mover ln the buildihg af the rink and installation o! artificial ice in Bawmanvila, was honored on bis retirement irom the arena management committea at the Minor Hockey 'Trophy Night hast Wednesday. Mr-. Samis was a membar a! the first rink committee back in 1947 and it was chieily through hi& untiring effort that aitif icial ice was braught ta tawn. During the past years he bas served the committee as secretary-treasurer. Paying tribute ta Mr. Samis, Mayor Nelson Osborne stated, "The town can neyer show the appreciation you deserve." John James, a member of the first rink committee presented Mr. Samis with a gift as a tok- en ai the appreciation for the service he has rendered ta the town. Another gift was presanted ta Mr. Samis by Jack Lander, chairman ai the Recreation De- partment. Mr. Samis thanked the town and Recreation Department for their interest and addressingl the hockey players be said, 'I hope you get ahi the !ce time yau neech sa that the town of Bowmanviile won't have ta go elsewhere ta iind the hockey playars they need." Pete Dobbins Team Wins ýTop Money 'in Bowling George Elliott's Annual Bowl- ing elimination is over and the winners have ail been declared. Thirty-eight teams started in this handicap event and Pete Dobbîns' team won first prize af $126.00. Dobbins' team was made up of Ken Luxton, Ron Maynard, Don Bishop, Hap Palmer, Ralph Kelly and Fred Cole. They bowied over 4200 for three games. In second spot was AI Os- borne's team. winning $77.00 and included Dan Bishop, Dr. Austin, Don Giihooly, Pat Yeo, Jim Levett and Bill Oliver. Don Bishop bowled for bath teams and his share af the win- nings was $29.00. The Rotary Club finished in third position for a prize o! $63-00. The bowlers were Dr. Keith Shemon, Dr. Howard Rundie, Bill Steven, Walt De Geer, Jim Stutt, Mel Dale and Morley Vanstone. The machine shap team from the GoodViear Tire and Rubber Ca. won $49.00. They had on their team Ted Fice, John Stainton, Art Spicer, Ted Clarke, Murray Grant, Doug Smith and Bill Harrison. The lady bowiers made the finals and picked up $42.00 for their effort and should be con- grratulated on eliminating a lot of mens' teams. The team was Hilda Brock, Vivian Cowan, Track & Field Plan Dance To Raise Funds To help in raising funds ta promote track and field acti- vities in Bowmanvihle, the Le- gionnaire Track and Field club plan ta bold a public dance in the Lions Comrmunity Centre May 3 1. The club was first organized last fali with the aid a! the Bawmanville Canadian Legian. Present memnbership ai the club stands at approximately forty. Coachîng the gi-oup is AI Witherspoon wha is assisted by IBill Bagnaîl. Executive mern- bers include president Lyle Hooper, vice-president Bruce Colwell, secretary Bai-h Bath- gate, and treasurer. Bob Han- The Lgionaireswialcom- rial interchub meet with the Oshawa Shamnrock club May 22 in Oshawa. Any prospective members ai-e mvited ta corne and join in the ciub's athletic and social activîties. Barbara Buttonshaw,. Edith rMarlowe, Donna Martin, Mel McNulty and Claire Nesbitt. This was the final tourna- ment of the year and George Eliott wiil soon ha starting ta renovate the Alieys for next season. The federal government first collacted incoma tax in 1919. In that year Canadiàns paid a to- tal af $8 million in personal in- came taxes; annual total now is nearly $1.3 billion. The follawing are the Dar- lington Football League Sched- ulea for 1957. Gaine Urne is called for 7.30 p.m. E.D.T., except where gaines are mrked *, these are called for 6.45 lim. E.D.T. Any postponed senior games, on accaunt ai ramn, will be played an the following Mon- day evening. Any postponed junior games, on account ai ramn, willI be played on the Friday night ai the same week.. The junior league age limit iremains the same as last year. Players mnust be 16 years aid on under on May 24th 1957, iLe., a player may turn 17 years aId on the 25th o! May and be eli- gible ta play this schedule. SENIOR SCHEDULE 1957 May - 20-Courtice at Enniskillen* 25-Hamptan at Tyrane 27-Maple Grave at Solina* 29-Enniskilleni at Zion Jane - 1-Solina at Courtice Hampton at Maple Grave 5--Salina at Enniskillen Zian at Hampton 8--Zion at Tyrane 12-Maple Grave at Courticea 15-Hampton at Sauina Courtice at Zion 19-Tyrone at Maple Grove* 22-Enniskilen at Tyrone Hampton at Courtice 26-Maple Grave at Enniskillan Zian at Sauina 29-Tyrone at Courtice Mu»aple Grave at Zion 3-Enniskillen at Hampton- Sauina at Tyrone 6-Enniskillen at Courtice Tyrone at Hampton 10-Sauina at Mapie Grave Zion at Enniskiilen 13-Courtice at Solina Maple Grave at Hampton 17-Enniskilien at Solina Hamptan at Zmon July 20 Tyrone at Zion Courtice at Maple' Grave 24-Sauina at Hampton Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week af May 6-12- Admissions.............41 Births, 6 maie, 3 female -- q Discharges --------_-_-_- 52 Major operations 13 Minor operations 13 Emergency treatments 14 Visiting hours 2.30 ta 4.30 p.m. and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Zion at Courtice 27-Maple Grave at Tyran. Caurtice at, Hampton 3l-Tyrone at Ennisklllen August - 3-Enniskillen at Maple Grave Solina at Zion 7-Courtice at, Tyrone Mion at, Maple Grave lO--Hampton at EnniskMlen Tyrana at Salin a JUNIOR SCHEDULE 1957 May - 23-Sauna at Zion Enniskillen at, Hampton Courtice at Tyrone 30-Maple Grove at Solina Zion at Enniskillen Hampton at Courtice Jane - 6--Tyrone at Maple Grave Solina at Enniskillen Zion at Courtice 13-LMaple Grave at Hampton Enniskillen at Courtice Sauina at Tyrone 20-Tyrone at Zion Enniskilien at Maple Grave Hampton at Sauina 27-Zion at Hampton Tyrone at Enniskillen Courtice at Maple Grave july - 4-Solina at, Courtice Maple Grave at Zion Hampton at Tyrone il-Zion at Sohina Hampton at Enniskillen Tyrone at Courtice 18-Sauina at Maphe Grave Enniskiiien at ZMon Courtice at Hampton 25-Maple Grave at Tyrone Enniskillen at Solina Courtica at Zion August - 1-Hampton at Maple Grave Courtice at Enniskillen Tyrane at Sauina 8--Zion at Tyrone Mapie Grave at Enniskilhen Sauina at Hampton 15-Hampton at Zion Etiniskillen Rt Tyrone Maple Grove at Courtice 21- -Courtiuc a t Solinia ZMon at Mapie Grove Tyrane at Hampton . KEDRON The Family Night Pot Luck Supper sponsared by the Dou- bles' Club o! the church was attended by 80 people. Follow- ing a bauntiful supper, Mrs. Ray Scott led in brie! devo- tions. Frank Hancock led in cammunity singing with Se- bastian Hohmann at the piano. Particularly enjoyed by the childi-en present were the ani- mais depicted by variaus adults in a number "Old Mc- Donald" and the cow skit "Ciaribel Goes To Town". The program included a recitation by Lyle Matthew, an accordion solo by Miss Sharon Scott, vo- cal duet "Open Up Yaur Heart" by Carolyn Spencer and June Davis, accordion solo by Alan Francis, recitation b" sa Dyck, and a skit "Aunt Betsy" by the Wm. Snowdens and Wm. Werrys. Pictures shown by Mrs. R. H. Rickard were enjoy- ed ta conclude a fine evening. Plans for Vacation School are under way once agaîn for interested girls and boys. Kedron church was filled for the Family Day Service on Sunday afternoon. William Snowden, S. S. supenintendent for the quarter, conducted the service. Rev. R. H. Rickard used as his sermon theme "The Motherhood of God". The Scripture lesson was read by Howard Farndale. Mrs. Clifford Hopkins told the chiidren's story and led in the responsive Psalm. Fine contribution ta the s*vice ai worship was made by soioist Mr. Densham af King St. United Church, Oshawa, who sang the solo portion of the anthem, and the solo, "Thanks Be To God". Mrs. R. E. Lee presided at the organ. The Sacrament of Baptism was performed by Rev. R. H. Rickard for the twin daugh- ters af Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon, Janice Ann and JilI Ailcen, and for Do)uglas Allan Smnith arcl Jeffrey Charh's Tharnas. Mrs. Walter Davis. Cradle Roll superintçe'.delit, prescnted the certificates to the parents and Kedron church eiders received the parents. Plans are under way for the annual S. S. Anniversary ser- vice ta be held this year on June 16, at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Philp Ramai-il o! Black- stock United Church as the guest preacher. Next Sunday, May 19, Fam- ily Week will be concluded at Kedron with a service to which the minister requests that "Every member of every family be together in the fam- iiy pew." This will be the first marning service of the sum- mer season, and will be held at 9.45 a.m. Ladies of the community are this week specially engaged in Bazaar activities for the even- ing af Wednesday, May 15. Sympathy is extended ta the family ai the late Mrs. Walter Langmaid of Oshawa, xvho passed away on Saturday, May 11, in her 94th year-partîcu- la.rly ta her daughter here at Kedron, Mrs. Everett Mount- jay. A graridson, Percy Mount- joy, and great-grandchildren Gloria and Harold, the famiiy af Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mount- joy are also among Kedron re- latives, and a hast of friends who have known Mrs. Lang- maid through many years, and mourn her passing. VIGOR OIL COMPANY Service Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND) F11T11CONCESSION Vigor Standard Gasoline Vigor High Test 11 Oc including a GAL. IStove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS i __._ .-......... dron of the late Mrs. Chas. Mackie, Oshawa, attended memorial services heid for lier on Monday alternoon. Miss Donna Glover has been ill duriing the past week, and confined ta her home. Misses Olive Luke and frene Bray, Toronto, were among many vîsitors at Kedron on Sunday, and were guests of Mrs. W. L. Mountjay. 4 BROS. MONUMEN 07 >ali biaatord Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS C.C.M. Dealer OMason & Dale HARDWARE 36 Kig st. E. Bowmanville PAU inm Relatives and friands at Ke- Hon our -C1f f Samis Af fer Years of Service At Memorial Arena

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