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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 11

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TEURSDAY. MAX' 11h,_ PAGE ELM7=1 TE~E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAXVILLE. ONTARIO .1937 Ne w 0f fcers Elected LODA Annual Meeting .Eleet ions for the new execu- tive ofthe Lake Ontario De- yelpmnt Association took ,Qlace on Tues-day evening in Peterborough aI the L.O.D.A. 'Iead Office. Newly elected President off the Association is, Mr. E1iier T. Banting off Bow- manvl-,< Ontario. past 2nd Ylce-Z.Iddent off the Associa- .4$n. k1r. Banting takes over The presidency from Alderman Cordon Powell off Peterbor- ough. Mr. Banting bas been active with the Development Associa- tion on ils Board off Directors since the inception in 1955 and bas held several executive posi- tions on the Board. Mr. Bant- ing was born in Hazel Cliffe, Saskatchewan and attended public and hicb school there. He w'as a fflying officer pilot in the R.C.A.F. during the war and sered overseas and in Canada. Me is a graduate off Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph wbere he obtained his B.S.A. degree in 1950. Me is the Sales andi Branch Man- ager, for the H. C. Downhamn Nursery in Bowmanville and is past president off the Bowman- ville Chamber of Commerce. Me did considerable ground work in the organization of this new Chamber three yeais ago. Mr. Banting is also a past president off the Lions' Club ,and is active in church work as well as in other organiza- 1tions. He is married to Evelyn Rhint wvho is originally froni Edinborough. Scotland, and tthey have three boys. Other newly elected officers of the Association are as fol- lows: Ist Vice-President-May- or J. D. Burnet. Cobourg; 2nd Vice-President-Mr. L. W. Mc- tKenzie, Omemnee; Secretary- Treasurer-Mr. O. W. Larry, Trenton. The newly formed executive of the L.O.D.A. will 1meet to diseuss a programn off .work for the year 1957-1938 and Lwill report back to the Board off Directors with this -Plan &f Action". r Highlight off the meeting %vas the adoption off a Resolution 1which deals with locking dates and hours on the Trent Canal System. Il recommends that ichanges be macde including the 5extension of locking hours dur7- .ing June. July, August and Y. ,ngsrers nRoud l ts o f m l/k f r...... geod huit k, pop Tour active, growing youngsters love mnilk r because it's such a refreshing taste treat! It's one drink you tan let thern enjoy often because it's pàcked wlth health-giving, i energy-rlch fond values! ,fOur f armn-fresh milk hits the spot. Order plentyl u 98 KING ST. W. COUNTY Durham Northumberland BOWMANVILLE September. It also recommends .L that Locks 20 to 26 between F t er n Lakeield and Peterborougn and Bridges 39 to 50 between Bals:rn ae and Lake Simcoe 'Co urti ce Scoi regulations now stand the Courtice. 'The l8th Oshawa bridges and locks are not op- Sotad-ushl h ah erated Sundays. thus freezing1SotadCbshl h ah and creating a bottleneck along er and Son Banquet in Cour- the waterway. It was felt that tice United church on Satur- if the changes were effected ilf day. Group Committee Chair- would mean more traffic on, man Mr. R. Cook welcomned the canal and an increase in the guesis and t he mar.y tourist revenue. fa*thers and sons. and said the A comitte caire byexcellent attendance expressed Reeve Harold Matthews of the interest toward the group. North Monagan ofYellow and grcen sireamners. Nort Monghan Townshipdaodsan spng ooue will discuss Ibis with the auth- dffowers ang wpih yellov an orities and in ail probability lwr ln ihylo n make, a personalcalo th green favours decorated the Department off Transport in Ot- baqe1als tawa Ilis xpetedtha In Afer grace had been s3id- ta. Il s exectcothtnIe bv Rev. L. M. Somerville, min- LODA. committee will solict fi o h hrh up the aid off the local Members itrous te was enaoyeci. ohage Pardent. av h Mr. R. Cook, as master off chage mde ceremonies, introduced the The Financial Statement for guests at the heaci table. These the year ending March 3ist were Rev, L. M. Sornerville, was presenteci to the Board. It Mrs. M. Stephenson, District showed that the Association Cub Commissiontr of Cshaw,%a: had spent ovýr $29.000 during1 Mrs. Harry Gay. president o01 the past year on promotional the sponsoring group Courtice work to develop the economnic Home andi Sehool Association: resources within the Lake On- Mrs. Lyle Melntyre. past pre- tario Region andi the thirty- sident off l8th Oshawa Sco)ut seven communities which the Moîhers Auxiliary; Mr. Chas. Association represents.. The1 Reesor, projectionisi, and f his larger share of this budget was son from Oshawa; Mr. JTOhnI spent as follows: Norris, Scoutmaster off the lEth Sons Enjoy >ut Banquet a eý rE ci rr tl s t, ti 't p A c: Two Sportsmen Shows $3,967.00 O shawa Scout Troop; MVi. ~LI'-. Industrial Brochure off f Gatchell, Akela andi his son, r Reio ~ soooRickey. a Advertising ---- -----300.00 L N A L Office equipmn~Ita set (Intendeci for last week) up new office -- - -- 2.500.00 M; ndMsIOm M1e The balance was distributeci were Sunday dinner guests of iS over salaries, travel, office ex- Mr. andi Mrs. Manseil Wriglt. H penses and supplies such as, Bethany. Mrs. Miller visibed i postage, stationery, lelephane, iber parents at Tara over the C rent etc. Easter weekend. The books off the Association1 Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- lu as approveci by their Audilor to, spent the weekend with bis st indicated that the total asseIs 1,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon pc o! the Association as aI Marcn Fletcher. 31st was $5,284.00 andi Ihat the Master Glen Murphy, Ty- IAssociation operated on a sur- rone, spent the weekend witlt plus for the two years off $2,-_'his cousins, Margo andi Tre'vor 724.67. Il was reported taI Murphy. nineteen communities have Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb paici their fees for the new andi Jean, Drum, were Satur- year to date andi that two i day evcning guests off Mr. and t municipalities had become new Mrs. G. Baker and family. mem'oers off the Association.f . Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sutch They are Cobocank and Deser- andi boys, Mr. Pete Miller, Pon-C onto. itypool; Mrs. Ecina Campbell ci The anagr's epor fo and Iris, Bowmanville with The anagr's epor fo Mrs. Kayacs and Gabriel, on seven weeks indicated thal lie Sudy had visited twenty-six com- Mr. and Mrs. Jobnston Kiddc, munities over Ihis period of!M. andi Mrs. Ted Kiddc and lime, which included Zone MRodeGowo; Meetings, Annual Meetings of Rdney. Go.woomit , wan- b Chambers off Commerce, speech- ville; were Sunday guests off es ta Chambers off Commerce, Mr. andi Mrs. F. G. Smith. N Boards o! Trade andi Service Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mr. and Clubs, as well as tauring the Mrs. W. Murphy, Tyrone; Mr. arca wibh prospects and visit- and Mrs. Hughi Murphy andi ing larger communilies such as family; Mr. Albert Murphy, a Toronto and Clevelandi. Bowmanville, were. Sunday F guesîs off Mr. and Mrs. Haroldn Murphy. OBITUA YCame ouI and support yaur May Home andi Sehool Club ROY X. HYTf; progrm convenorsiilday dobeloved husbarid off the Club 50 ladies n¶eet May 14 Mr.Daniel Heddon, the de- 17. district and liveci at onc time ry, was a Sunday visitor with on the Nonquon raad with his bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. John parents where Mrs. Fred Hed- Jobnston.j don now resides. For some tirne Saturday evening guests off he resideci in Toronto, laler in Mr. and Mrs. A. Mîlîson werc Hamilton and Dundas where Mr. and Mrs. F. Parîner and he was employeci as a barber. Mr. and Mrs. J. Malette. He ws pedecase ibyhis Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge and He stwas e tecfreasE mmabisfamily and ber ibrother Davidi, MFirst anfe, the former Er.Bowmanville ,were Sundayl Besides bis wiffe hie is survivcd s Cmer us o and a Mon. by a sister, Mrs. M. Caroline BbCngrlons andMRaymndi Rudberg ConCarne)ons off. nd! Arizona. Cri)o Tuscon, Mrs. Clayton Brown on the ar. The funeral service was held rival o! a fine baby girl. at he attl' Fuera Hoe, Mr. and Mrs. A. McLaggan aI he altl' Fuera Hoeand family visited Mr. and Dundas, on Tbursday. May 1, Mrs. McLaggan Sr., Port Fer- followed by interment Inl ry, andi visited with Mr. andi Grovs Cecber, Dudas. Mrs. Dcrick Bressler off Ire- land who are on their way ta Vancouver, B.C. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Peter- son, Ronny andi Brian, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson, Sunday. - 1I LOCATION ADDRESS Orono Centreton Towni Hall Bosement United Church Hall An officiai voters' list wilI be posted in each polling booth. If you are listed as an eligible grower you are entitled and urged to vote. Only one vote per flue-cured tobacco farm mav be cast regardless of the number of joint owners there may be and only one vote per flue-cured tobacco farm owner may be cast regardlesqs of the number of such farn he may own. Company owned farms have one vote. I ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD G. F. Perkin, Chairman. OBITUARY RICHARD BENNET GRIFFIX A highly respected resident of the Burketon district, Rich- ard Bennet Griffin, passed away at his home on Monday evening, April 29, 1957, in his 7lst year. He had been iii for six years. A son of the laie Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Griffin, the deceased was born in Darling- ton township and farmed the homnestead and for 40 years prior to his retirement about 10 years ago. He was a member of EnCield church and for many years was an active member off the board of the Union school section. He leav-es his wife, the for- mer Irene Peters; five daugh- ters. Mrs. Fred Samis (Verna) off Burketon: Mrs. Leslie Wot- ten (Vera) of Oshawa- Mrs. Vincent Reddings J lara). Oshawa: Mrs. Neil Smith (Ru-1 by), Columnbus: Mrs. Rae Cowl- ing (Celia), Whitby; and one son Fred, of Burketon. Also surviving are 21 grandchildren. Srvice was held at the fun- eral home off Northcutt and Smith on Thursday, May 2 and was conducted by his pas- tor, Rev. R. B. Green, assisted by Rev. Eugene Beech, off To- ro nto. Pallbearers were Messrs. Lorne Griffin. George Rooke. Gordon Beech. Everett Beech, Robert Stephens and Ivan Ste- phens. Interment was in Hampton cemetery. MANVERS STATION (Intended for last %week" Mrs. Orville Challice and fam- i w %ere guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Aikens. Fallis Line, on1 Su nd av. tWeekend visitors with Mrs. W. Bradley were: '-%r. and Mrs. Don McGregor and Sandy. Ham- iLion: MNrs. Fred Jackson, Torn- to: Ir. and Mrs. Josh Staples Lin dsa v. 1:.Ir. Cecil Argue. Toronto] Toasts were-The Qucen and 'he Church proposed by John De Coe. Mr. Don Cowle led in àlively sing soing while the, ldies removeci the soileci dish- esMr. Cook revi'eved some ùf the achieve-nents which al- eady haci been realized-two suceessful paper drives, also ale off 210 packages off hot cross buns. The group com- nitîee meetings are open 10 the fathers o! the Cubs and Scouts and their attendance is wrelcomed Mr. Cook also ex- pressed appreciatian to aIl who had bcen responsible in anîy way for these achievements-- the Scout Mothers' Au.xiliary, the leaders andi group commit- tee members. Scout Master John Norris presented Johin DeCoe with Ine 2nd Clas- Badge. Mr. Chaî'le.'t Archer presenteci his soi, Rob- ert v. i th the Queen Scout Badge. Mrs. NI. Stephienson. the guest speaker for the oc- 'asion, offered congratulations to Bob on receiving the Queen Scout Badge and saici Ibis hould he the goal off any Cub or Scout. She also congratulat- ed the 131h Scout group for so nuch achievement in so short a ime. pent the weekend wih Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue. Mr. Gay, Music Supervisor. is directing a concert ziven bv Âifford, Yelver ton and Fallis Schools, in Btehanx- Township Hall on Thursday ni.ght. The roceeds will go to the Red Cross. Mr. Maurice Bradley held the lucky ticket on a draw in a store in Hamilton and won a portable television set. STARK VILLE (Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs. C. Holt, Toron- to, visited Mrs. F. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tr' 'm, Charlie and Diane, at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Forrester, Westport, visited recently at MIr. A. Dobson's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Staple- ton and family, Newtonville, at Mvr. Lorne Todd's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier and Mfiss L. Shier, Toronto, at Mr. Lloyd Haliowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Westheuser and family attended the grad- uation exercises for the R.C.M. P. at Ottawa. Their son, Hugh, now a mernber off the force, has been stationed at Prince Ra- 7'TP TT' nold Austin. Bernicce Best. aiii pert, B.C. WELELaL IViaLaLa rs E. Barrowclough atterd- Mr. and Mrs. CharlieVe ed the annual meeting off the Oshawa, at Mr. Wn-m. S xcys (lntelidcd for list week) Cobou'-g Presbytery Woiiai's Mr. and Mrs. Keith Casweil.1 Local news has not becii xc Association ai Garden Hill on Port Hope, at Mr. BrianCa-pre fosmeiebu I Tuesday', April 30. The first well s. business off the community has nasedc ondctr the ferorses- Mrs. Fred Todd spent a been rolling right along. We siron. o tealenonss ffew days with ber sister, Mrs. are sorry to tell off considerabic Walden Hamilton. sickness but Mr. Len Toppi.i i On Friday niglht Mrs. Theys- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Rob.n- who spent stie time. ini Port rneyer gave a delightful sur- son andi family and Mrs. WVest- Hope hospital is home anid prise birthtiay party for Jetan beuse- attended the dedication evrcne is glad t sece hin' Ashby. The young people pres- service at Ehizabe.ýhville Sun- able'to drive bis car again. Hc: cnt seent a very happy even- day afternoon, Mrs. Robinson len Austin is recovering il, ing and Joan xvas well and assisting with the musc. hospital fromn an appendectorny truly surpriseci. Mr. Mrs WaterSim- 1and we hope will soon be con.- The Iov'el,. sp-ing days bring M.and Ms atrSm-pîeteîy weîî. bbbosncgil10 uda son andi Mr. and Mrs. BillftSehboys andgiorly numbers. Coulson, Oshawa. with Mr. The Sunday School was rc Truman Astin ooynute th and Mrs. H. L. Trim. presenteci by about 22 memi- Tru n Aytin nduaita t Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery bers at the spring sessering tnteache5 and aiessitont and Betty at Elizabethville. Canton. going inY -rs-d ie ces ad ofies to by George Tuftord. rMurray charge for the day. Fourteen Mr. Gay visiteci aI Mr. Llew Payn,e PereySieian r choir membeirs were presont Hallowecl s. . AmScal ndb for church service. dtirhtg Sunday afte7noon ecAu rstin.eA busPcalnr. M \as ,which Nancv SuSan Payvne music is to be provideci by the1 Bonnie Austin andi Joan Ash- daugbter off Mr .and MNrs. Ho\,, - chilcirenfoth ohrsDyb ard Payne Nvas ch-'istened ay service at Shiloh. I.IRcv. A. W. Harding.* Mrs. Arnoldi Austin, M\rs;. Mis. H-oward l-aynle. Patt.' The ladies off Shiloli W.A. are Geo. Tufford. and Berniece Pnd Naney-,. visited wvith Mis. preparing for their bazaar P.1 Best represented th.- W-A. Rt Ron Rathbuin ai Carrying noted in the Coming Events the Port Hope meeting off the plaýe jreccntly-. and Sandra column.W.M.S. on Friday, April 16 visiteci with' the Thorndyke MNrs. L. Holdaway. Mrs. Ar- sister.; at the saine tiic'. BURKETON (Intcnded for last week) Deepest symTpathy is extend. ed ta R. Griffin andi family in the-jr recent sad ibereavement, andi 10 bbc family off the late 1 Mr. Wm. Lamb andi Mr. Hen- ry Thompson, off Blackstock. Mr. Howard Trewin, Black- 1 stock, xvas guest saloist aI bbc Sunday night service. with Mr. Mel McCoy. The flowers on the Communion table wcrc ini nemory off the late Mr. R. Griffin, by the family. NexI Sunday is family ser- vice for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams spent Saturday aI, Peterborough witb Mr. andi Mrs. R. Carter andi family. A birthday party for Mrs. Ruth McCullough was held byj ber family aI their home. Mrs. Gerta Bailey spent lte' weekend aI ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jen- son and family. Bowmanville. wihMr. andi Mrs. Bill Peder-' Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Mille andi family, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. AJbert Trick.j Oshawa, witb Mrs. Esther Car- nochan and Mr. Tom Tik Mr. and Mrs. C.Hyeac Lynda, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. I. Hocige. Mr. and Mrs. R. Spinks, Mr. and Mrs. E. MeKee, wIth Mr. andi Mrs. R. Dean. Mrs. Canninglon, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall. Choir practice and social evening aI Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bonc's, May 9th. Qua, i t l-L IU n ~ r c Owning your firet 01dm la quit. an experience! And it's an experience that's easy to corne by. Have your 01ds dealer show you just how eauyl It's a big moment in your life when you etep up to an Oldismobjle. You're proud of its sleek, dauhing good looka, its lururlous Interlors ;- 0; iIts quicksilver response and the sniooth, Bilent ride. And you're especially proud of the magnificent buy you've made... because for littie more than an ordinary price, you've stepped out of the oMinary into the wonderfui world of Oldsmobile! It's quite an experience-yours at anv Oldsmobile dealer's. Malke the easy movO -a.. uum the important move...Up to Iyob*2CAR ~-CHECK Chevrolel COIJRTICE Re Ia 0-1351 W.NICHOLS -O1dsmobge Cars m Chevrolet Trucks DO WNAN VILLE f How to shoot trouble with a grease gun It takes a lot off know-how to give farni machines the best possible lubrication. But you needn't stay up nights studying. I'm at your service anyvime ta advise you on the special ails andi greases y ou neeL to gel belter performance andi longer life froni yôur machines-whatever their type or make. Give me a cati soon. V'ilbc right over. A. H. Stu rrock &.Sons Sturrock St. Bowmanville MA 3-5516 AGUNT Ou R' im P ER 9À I'e*s sO For Daily Dolivory Phone MA 3-5444 Glen Rue Dairy NOTICE TO FLUE-CURED TOBACCO GROWERS A vote on a petition received from a Provisional Comniittee of Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers that a proposed flue-cured tobacco growers' marketing plan be approved will be held on Tueuday, May 21, 1957. Poling booths will be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. STANDARD TIME (or 10 a.m. ta 8 p.m. Daylight Time as t.he case may be), at the following places in the following counties: F. K. 8. St.waut, Secretary. L l'

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