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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 15

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THU~SDAY, MA!' l8th, 195? TEE CAKADIAN STAT~SMAN. EOWMA1ITUTTX.1'~ A~ A Si% Ris many friends in the vil. la ~will be pleascd ta learn th A~ . C. (Bill) Holuben- ko -Tecived bis Bachelor of à& Cmmence Degree fnom the To- ~ronto University. Bill, the son o! the late Peter Holubeniko, former wcll kno*n local shoc- maker, and Mrs. Holubenko, now living in Oshawa, was a popular student at the New- castle High School and is well known in the village. We join bis many fricnds in offering our sincene congratulations. Mrs. R. J. Merriam, Toronto, a former resident o! Ncwcastle was in the village last week caliing on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Penny And Mn. Walter Hennlng, To- ronto, Mn. and Mns. Sidney Buckles and children, Camp- beliford, and Mn. and Mrs.. Dave Hill and childnen, Peter- borough, wenc Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. John Vaut r and family. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wolfe and son Jack, and Miss Bar- bara Hahn, all o! Kitchener wene Sunday visitons with Mr'. Pnd Mrs. Gardon Agnew. PLUMBING Hr=AtING --z EcrRICA 1. CO#rR À CrOR 1 ýÈ, -C - KIIWMI& NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor' Phono 2671 Mn. ana Mns. George Kimbal and family wene Sunday din- ner guests wjth Mn. and Mrs. George Morton i Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mmi. Lynn Dudley and children, Toronto, were weekcnd guests With Mn. and Mrs. George Walton. Miss Melveen Fisher has completed hem third year course in General Arts at Victoria Coilege in Toronto and Is bol- idaying with her parents, the Rcv. M. C. and Mrs. Fisher. The following ciidren ne- ceived the Rite of Infant Bap- tism et the morning service ini the United Church on Sunday: Mary Elizabeth, daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. Robert Allun; Shirley Jean, daughter a! Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Allun; Sharon Ann, daughter o! Mn. and Mns. Harold Avery. Lonie Mac, daughter o! Mr'. end Mrs. Gor- don Darling; Susan Louise, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Phil- ip Veitch; David Roddy, son o! Mn., and Mrs. Rod Canveth; and Christopher Fredcnick, Willis, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Lynn Dudley. SPORTS BRIEFS Newcastle: The local Juven- iles of the Lakeshore Minon Basebail league wiii commence their season on Monday even- ing, May 20th, at 6 p.m. ini Bowmanville while Cobourg and Port Hope will be mneet- ing at the same time in Port Hope. Schedules for this league, which looks like a Most interesting- one this season, should be ready for publication next 'week. Wc are informéd there wili be no local entry in the South Durham league this year duie to the fact that most o! the juvenile games will be played cn the same nights as the South Durham League and Newcas- tie is not in a position to field a team in this league without using some o! the Juvenile players. We are lnformed, however, that the local club hopes ta be back in the Rural league again. next year. With teams in the Pee Wec and Juvenile sections o! the Minor League and a possibility o! a Bantam Team, thene should be plcnty of basebali actlvity in the local park this summer without the Rural League team. IC. G. GOULDI Heafing and Eavestroughing AuthorIzed Chalco Dealer PHONE Newcasfle 3686 STOVE QIL 21 FUEL QIL cver 17 lOc Police C bief Accepfs Stouffville Position Newcastle: Police Chie!i Newcastle for the past four and anc bal! yeans, A. R. Ren- deil, bas acccpted a position with the Stouff ille Ponce De- partment with duties ta com- mence on June lst. T h ere was considerable discussion with regard ta a ne- placement et the May meeting o! the village council an Mon- day evcnlng, but no action was taken pending negotiations with the Attorney Gencral's Department. Reeve J. H. Jase explaincd that Commissioner Stninger of the O.P.P. had dis- cussed thc local situation with himn and suggcsted he would necamniend the appointmcnt of a part time Provincial Po- lice Officer ta Police the vil-' lage. According ta Reeve Jase, this officer, if aponted, would live in the vilae and spcnd most o! bis time hene. Re would enfonce the Provinciai and Fedenal Laws and local treffie laws, but would nat en- fonce local bylaws such as dog contrai, liccnsing haws, and numerous other local bylaws; non would he act as Weed In- spector, Building Inspector, village foreman etc., as bas been done by aur local officer. When the local officer was un- available, the Bowmanville De- tachmcnt af the O.P.P. would, be an cail in emergencies. The probable cost ta the munici- pality for this service woulc be frorn $2,000 ta $2,500 per an- num. Reeve Jase steted he had elso had a man seeking the position on Monday. This man was fonmerly Chie! Constable in Omemce. He wes wilng tri take on the position et a selary a! $50 weekly for three months then a sf lary o! $2,700 for the yeer, plus the same c4r allow- ance r.ow being paid. The Reeve seid he didn't ask hlm wbcther he would be wilhing ta handle the venlous Inspector jobs at Ibis selary. In discussing the Police question, Courtcîllor Hoan said anc o! the members o! the Stouffville Police Committee who was here seekîng refer- ences for Chie! Rendail, was astonished ta find that New- castle hed only anc Police Of- ficer, stating. that bis mnunici- pality was arply about double the population o! Newcestle; had no liquor outiets; and hiad a Police Force o! three fulil. time officers. 1The council dccidéd toa wait funther word reganding the policing of thc village by th-3 Provincial Police before ad- ventising fan applications ta fi the position. Public Schools Receive Elmer, Safety Elephcint Newcastle: It was a big day et the local Public Scbool on Wcdnesday when presentations o! flags and pennants nepresen- ting "Elmen the Safety Ele- phant" wcne pnesented ta the school. Elmen bas become wide- ly known thnoughout thc coun- try as an Emblem o! Sa!cty ta cbildren being sposisoncd by the Toronto Telcgram. The cm- blcms etc., wcrc secured ho- cally tbrough the ca-operation o! Police Chie! A. R. Randal] and the Newcastle Lions Club and were sccured for bath Newcastle and Orono Scbools. The presentations were made et the local school immediateiy pncceding aftennoon classes on Wcdncsday wben the lange !leg was prcscntcd 'ta Mrs. Pauline Storks representin .g the Public School Board. by Lions President Brenton Rick- ard. Presentations o! the smail- er pennants ta anc student ne- prescnting each roôm i the school wcre nmade by Harper Relscy, Chaimman o! the Boys and Girls Committce o! the io, cal Lions Club. Chic! A. R. Randali spoke ta thc çtudentý explaining the nules and negulations govern- ing this uniquie saecty ce-rn. paign. The flyîig o! the Elmer Flag signifies e sefe achool, ai the flag is lowcred for 30 days cach time eny atudent o! the scbool nicets with an accident. The same system wonks i the variaus roorns a! the scbaoi. Sa!cty rules are presented ta each student in pamphlet form for individuel stucly. Following Uic local cere- manies on Wednesday, the group journeycd ta Orona Pub- lic School wbere similan cere- manies were conducted wt Miss K. Fosten, Principal, ec- cepting Uic large fleg on bebaîf o! the Onono Public Schooi. Council. Stili Seeking- Second Underpass on 401 Newcastle: The village cauncil again dlscussed the matter of a second underpass when 1-Tighway 401 passes th.rough the village, at the negular May meeting held on Monday even- ig. There was some discussion of a proposed meeting to be convcncd jointly by Newcastle and Clarke Township councils to have the highway plans ex- plained. It was the general feeling o! the members that the local council should press for a second undcrpass in the village, possibly the east boun- dary, at this meeting. YELVERTON Mother's Day Sunday was celebratcdwith over 100 pres- ent at church ta hear the Jui ior Choir,ý augmented by a duet by Lloyd Wilson and Lorraine McGill, and a fine address by Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm spent the weekend at Lake Catchacoma at the Doc Hen- ders cottage. On Satunday the Murray and Howard Malcolms induiged in a niotor trip to Kitchener and district. On Sunday with the G. E. and Ray Robinsons werc Mr'. and Mrs. Bert Visee and fam- îly, Mrs. Mulders and Dorothy, Cavan. With the Gerald McGils wcrc Mn. and Mrs. Rolland Mc- Gilli, Lindsay. The Art Rowans sclheduled ta visit the Stuart Walters of Islington, Sunday. At the Murray Malcoinis on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adams and girls, the Bert Mc- Mullens and Garry. Recently with the Jack Wil- sons, Mr. Josh Evans, Raglan. At the David Wilsons. were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Milîs, To- ronto. Mr. andMrn. Ed Lawson and Bruce with the Marwood Mc- Kees. Last Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Balfour Moore with the Jim Sedrnans, Bowmanville; tf±is Sunday with Mrs. Sam Sed- man, Whitby. The Howard Malcolms- with the Jas Sheckletons. The Cli!! Snyders of Toron- ta, at the Hugh McGilis. The Rae Malcolms with the Ralph Malcolms. Last Saturday the Harvey IMalcolms called an the Hank Boons, Coaksvllle. Tis Saturday a number from Yclverton attended the Eastern Ontario A.-Angus Sale in Peterborough. The T. E. Lawsons added another "Dad- die" ta their herd. Mr. and Mn.. George Herd- Ing and Larry a! Highland Ceek with the Norman Ar- gue's. Mrs. John McCabe and Elea- nor Jean, with the WWn. Mc- Cabes. Sunday. The. municipal auditor was present et the meeting to ex- plain the neason for the in- crease in bis account. Hc ex- pleined that ut bad been ne- ccssary for bim ta do niuch wonk wbich wes nat part of the job o! an ouditon, explain- ing some o! the thîngs he found it necesseny ta do wbich wenc actually the job of the Clerk and Assesson. He recamniend- ccd ta council the hiring o! a full time man as Clerk, Trea- surer, Assessor, and Tex Col- lector such as is donc i the village o! Pickering. He said the municipal business is be- coming toa beevy ta be bend- led praperly by part time cm- ployees. A motion was passed fleming the Clenk and Reeve (non anc member o! council) as e dele- getion ta the Village and Town Section o! the Ontario Munici- pal Association Conference ta bchcld i Witby on June 7th. Mr. Sam Brencton wes appoint>. cd ta fi the vacency an the Recreation Comnmittee caused by the resignation of Mn. Eric Johnson who is lcaving the village. The clerk was instructed ta write ta the Cowen Insun- ance Company in Woodstock, requesting tbem. ta examine the insurance set-up in the vil- lage and ta make recommende- tions as ta better methoda o! Lnsuring village property. Byiews ta set the 1957 road appropriation et $3,000 for MaIintenance, and $3,000 for Roed Construction were pess- ed., On. asy opration-prepares- a . awhon you lot mo»to» Specilly bardened steel tetch, revoivlngà M otber's Day Tberne Gordon Àgnew, Editor Phono 3621 Prayei, and Communion mak- and enjoyable a!ternoon. At W.A. ME N'éwcaste: The May mneeting o! the Wamnan's Association o! the Newcastle United Church was held on Thunsday after- noon last with the Worsbip Ser- vice i charge of Mrs. Grace Brown's Group. .The theme o! the meeting, "I'other's Day" was introduc- cd by, Mrs. Ross Dickinson with Mr$. C. Cowan neading the meditation and Mrs. George Walton leading In prayer. The song, "Dean Little Mother" was very beautifully rendered by MnA. Grece Brown; Mrs. Inwin Alin ead "The Beatitudes o! Home", end the hymn "I Love T[o Teli The Story"' brought thi. portion of the meeting to a close. Mrs. M. C. Fisher spoke of the highlights of the Oshawa Presbyterlsl hcld here recent.. ly. One wes the calling on shut- Ina, anc association having averagcd 17 calis per member during the year. She said fi! ty- five local Associations make up the Prcsbyteriaî and Mns. Mid- dletan the aftennoon speaker, a graduate o! Oxford Univer- sity, spoke o! Witness and Fe-- lowship in the Association and what it should mean ta the members. "Ye shall be niy Witnesses". With others and in and through Christ, the life of SALEM HÀYDON There was a good attendance Sunday visitons et Mrs. W. at the Famlly Day service on Tbompson's were Mn. nd Mrs. tSunday. A baptismal service Eanl Thompsan and family, Mr. wes, held whcn Sherry Anne, and Mrs. Donald Thompson daughtèr o! Mn. and Mira. G. and famiiy, Mn. and Mis. F. -Sellers; Stephen Douglas, son Osmond and girls, Bowmeni- a!o Mn. and Mns. Ken Maynand; ville, Mn. and Mrs. Roland Je!feny Bruce, son of Mn. and Thompson and daughters, 1 -Mrs. Bruce Lchmen; Bradley Hampton. Mn. and Mns. Wal- 1 Stephen, son o! Mr'. and Mrs. ter Bridgett and boys, Bow- 1 Bob Craig, wenc baptized by manville, wene Wednesday Rcv. F'. Jackson. There will be evenirrg visitors. na chuncb service hene next Mn. Ù. Vcrbeek, Bowman- Sunday as it is Tyrone anniver- ville, spent the weckend with f sany. Mn. and Mns. Van Heuvelen. Salem W.A. will hold the!- Mn. and Mrs. John Venbeek, May meeting et the home o! Bowmanville, were Sunday Mrs. P. Blackburn, May 16. cvening visitons. Sincere sympatby is eA~end- Mn. Louis, Ashton, Mary Lau cd ta Mn. and Mrs. Sbirk and and Glen, Toronto; Mr. end' family ln sudden passing o! Mns. Bert Ashton and -family', their daugbter, Shirley. She were Sunday visitons at Mr.. wes a pupil in the senior room Henry Ashton's. o! aur school. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, iUrs. F. Cator was pleesantîy Port Hope, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jini surprised on Mothen's Day Graham and family, Bow-man- whcn she reccived e telephone ville, were visitons et Mn. and call -from bher daughter Bea- Mrs. Lesclie Gnaham's. tnice in California. Mn. Bruce Ganrard and !em- Mrs.T. elles, ownMr.ihy, Keswîck; Mr. and Mrs. Al- adMrs. T. Sellrs, NTown, Mr. fred Garrard, Blackstock; Mn. wcrc Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mirs. Frank Denby, Bow- and Mns. George Sellers. menville, wcrc Sundey visit- Mn. ad Mrs G. Gdd rsd d' Mr. and Mns. C. Gar- and Louise, Courtice, wcre Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Walk-I Sunday J~isitors with Mn. and er and boys, Bowmanville, ec-. Mira. L. Welsh. companied Mn. J. Walker and Mn. and Mns. A. Mains, visitcd relatives in Toronto Town, visitcd with their dau- Sunday. ghter, Mr. end Mns. Ken May- Mn. and Mrs. Archie McNeilJ nard Sunday. visited Mns. A. McNeil wbo i* Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Werry out o! bospitel a!ter ber eyc were Sunday visitons with Mn. aperation, and is wlth ber and Mira. Ken Werry, Shaws. daugbter, Mrs. Don- MpcKçn- Mn. and Mrs. Lebman, Clae- aie, Toonlto. mont; Mn. and Mns. Bruce Lch- The Beking Sale sponsarcd man and Je!!, Oshawa; Mr by Haydon cburch wich wai Henb Craig, Dunnville, 'wePý beld et Kitson's Locker, B w-1 Sunday visitons et Mr. and Mrs. manville on Friday wes quite W. Craig's. a success. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, En- Mn. and Mrs. Bob Collecott niskillcn, et Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd and famiiy wcne Sunday visit. Ashton's. ors with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Thompson spent a Mrs. W. Chatterton, Brigbton. few days with relatives in Bow- hrs. M. Blackburn spent the menville. weend with Mn. and Mns. F. Congratulations to Mr. and Blackburn. Mrs, Arthur Trewin on. the an- Gled ta report Misa Doreen rival o! e baby boy. Richards able ta be home fnom Mr. and Mns. C. Rankine and Uic baspital and feeling better. Margot, ettendcd the chnisten- Mns. K. Shackleton and Mns. ing o! thein grandson, William G. Shackleton attended a show- Robent, son o! Dr. and Mrs. er for Miss Gledys Chapman Wm. Connigan et Scarborough et Hampton lest Friday even- United Chumcb on Sunday. [ng. Mn. Milton Siemon celled on Mr. and Mrs. RusselGilbet Mr. Jim McClure attended Bowmanviîîc. Gîet the Eastern Ontario United Sunday School and church Church Drame Festival et service wifl be withdrw on Campbellford on Setunday May 19 on eccount o! Tyrone evening. He took part in the and Enniskillen Sunday School play presented by- the Amica Anniesr evcs Clu ofTriitychuchwhih. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon wvas awanded the trophy for wcnc Sunday visitors with ber bhe best play. parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Mr. Douglas Tbompson, Mis'; Toms, Enhiaskilien. rane McClure,_spent the wcek- The Family Day Service on end with Mri. M. Pollock, Ira- Sunday efternoon wes welet- quois. tcnded, Mr. and Mns. Ronald Rahm had their littie baby, Ke- vin Ronald cbnistened et the WANTED service. May W.A. meeting was held' Dead, Old and Crippled et the home o! Mns. A. Read. Fara tockIn the absence o! the president, Fari Stok 1vice-president Mrs. J. Joncs, Plcked Up Free of Charte opcncd the meeting. Devotion- 24 Heur Service ai was presented- by Mn. Leon Phone Colleet Moore, Tyrone. -Mrs. Don' Cobourg FR 2-3721 Camneron bad charge o! the Peterborough RI 2-2080 programme; Mrs. K. Cowling gave an eccount o! the W.A. Nfiçk Peconi Convention wbich she attend- ed at Newcastlceand elso ber PETERBOROUGH- ONT. trip ta Cahifonnia. Lunch was servcd and e social time en.. joyed. -cut 0ats-wed COURTICE t over 300 r.p.. 9 .- brakp andaenate your soil - cutns and mulching wceds to produce a perfect seed bed. Compact design par. mits between.row cluva"tion. TRIM YOUR LAW'N - cut hlgh grau et weeds, with the Econo-y 20" Rotaa.Ctter or the new 22» Self Ptopelted unit. The 2 HP. Rota-Hot, favaurite for mmIiigrdeas since 1936, has de. pedbe4 cycle (no gan and oh co. mix> engine, aila1il-wide and up Ask fer a démnstration e h raee. arger NMOda3M Rota. m e uh 3.3 N'P. a"Sine Tb* 2a» cutter Il mea .1 SIX ady attachmnsaaath. etyoar dedtte,d.ydso r FA!O EUPMENT COMPANY LTD., 299 Donforth Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. PhoS lne 912 ROTO-HOE DEALER W.> H. BROWN 91 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5497 Christian .vamily WeeIc was obscrved at Courtice Church service on Sunday evening when the Junior Choir sang "IListen ta the Voice o! Jesus"l as introductory and closing music to the baptismal cere- mony. Several parents pre.; sented their children for bap- tism by Rev. L. M. Somerville. They wene: Mn. and Mr$. John Fraser-John Donald Fraser and Douglas Stuart Fraser; Mr. and Mm.. John Wellington Gib- son - Leonard Fmederick Gib- son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car- penten-Cheryl Catherine Car- penter; Mr. and Mrs. Robent Cook-Jaesc John Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Simnmons-KXe- vin Ornin Simmons; Mr. and Mns. John Hart-Patricie Gail Hart. Charles Howcroft, son o! Mr. and Mr.. Howcrof#, of, Courtice was baptized at Ma-;i pie Grave church âi the after- noon. On Sunday morning, et Eben-, ezer United Chumch, Rv.L.M., Somerville conducted the bap- tismai service for the follow-1 ing: Dianne Elizabeth Oke,' daughter o! Mr. and Mms. Doug- eeting ing this possible. She saad that, though in thc past, cetering hadben one o! the neeessery duties o! the Womnan's Associa- tion, yet she hoped in the fu- ture there would be greater eniphesis on Spiritual Cetering. Mrs. George Waiton was in the chair for the business meeting and the negular re- ports wcnc presented. A letter of thanks was reed from the Oshawa Presbytery for the hospitality o! the Newcastle Association. Thene was congiderable dis- cussion about cails to be made on ehut-ins. Sa that no anc would bQ missed in tis very important phase o! the Asso- ciation's Service, it was sug- gested that a list o! those cali- cd upon should be turned in at each meeting. Mns. Garnet Rickerd gave a vcry excellent report o! the Bay o! Quinte Conference held in Port Hope on May 7th and spoke af the undcnlying feeling of the members and speakerîs, that the spirituel aide o! the Woman's Association was and should be more important than any othen part o! the wonk o! the Association. After the Benediction, Grace was sung and tea served ta the members ta end a profitable CAMERA SPECIAL Super BALDINA Regular CAMERA _-___78.00 CASE --___8.50 86.50 Special Save 28.00 $,58-50 JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE OPENING "Intermediate" fl G M4 E Orone Bowmanville Harvesters nt the Vincent Massey Park ai 10:30 a.m. Mon., May 20 OPENING CEREMONIES ADMISSION Aduits - 50e Children - 25e Social and Personal VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. For Delivery Phono Oshawa RA 5-1109 TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LINITED ASS>oAW inon Special This Nonih GREASE JOB $1000 Spark Plugs Cleaued, Spaced, Tosted Brakes Adjuuted Tires and Tubes Installed Fiai Tires Eepairsd TIRE ASSOCIATION STORE 85 KING ST. W. F. A. BOYD, MA 3-3134 Prop. 1 UNCLEd'W, 16 Il F- TErMSDAY, MAI, ifth, 1057 Tm C"ADUN STATESUM. BOWUAN=3e-ý ômT*wn las Oke; James Alexander ty of the ttnited Church. Muir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Congratulations. tu Wr. and ander Muir. Rendail Ausjtiîn Mis. Glenn Prout, the former Leavitt, son of Mr'. and lMrs. Miss Elsie Vetzal, whote mar- Austin Eugene Leavett. niage took place on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Baird, Green- afternoon in Courtice United bank, attended the baptismal Church with bath their minis- service for their little grand- ters officiating, Rev. L. ,%t son, Kevin Orrin Sinimons on Somervile and Rev. M. C. i Sunday evening. Fisher, of Newcastle. Miss Jane DeCoe played a The l8th Oshawa Scout piano selection at the Music Mothers' Auxiliary held its re - Recital given by her teacher, gular meeting with Mrs. Allen Mrs. Lange, in the chapel of Stephen, president, presiding. the Oshawa Missionary College Secretary and Treasurer's re- on Mndayevenng.ports wýere given and Mrs. Ron- Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- aid Pingle, social convenor, found attended the C.G.I.T. gave a report on the Father and graduation ceremony at Orono Son Banquet. The president United Church where Mrs. Pen- thanked the members for their found presented the diplomas bard work which made the to the graduating class. They banquet a success. Congratula- enjoyed the social hour and tions -are sent to Mr. Robert cup of tea provîded by Orono Archer on teceiving the Queen Woman's Association. Scout honour. Thanks are to b. Many friends and patrons of sent out to ail those that help- Mr. and Mrs. Fredine and Ro'i cd and are not members. A were guests at the Open House report was given on the Osai- recently to admire the new awa Executive meeting that improvements, and enjoy a was held at Camp Samac. friendly cup of coffee and. Thanks were expressed tu those doughnuts at the snack bar. Who helped in the last rurn- Miss Mary Carolyrie Warbur- ma*ge sale. The president re- ton was guest on Monday even- minded alI parents not to for- ing at the Mother and Daugli. get the annual church parade ter Banquet of Brookliii C.G. on June 2nd at 2.30 for the I.T. groups-Ten ettes and C-. Cubs and Scouts at Camp Gettes. She- presented a very Samac, which is a very impres- enthuslastic message ab o ut sive ceremony. Next meet !:g C&mp Counil-the officiail ill be held in the form of *a provincial C.G.I.T. organizatior. pot luck supper at the presi. f or girls where the ginl's cxe- dent's home, north of Bow- cutive is chosen. manville on June 12th whicli Mrs. Clarence Penfound was will be the last one for the also a guest and assisted Lni summer. the affiliation- ceremony, The ___________ honoured iuest of the evening was Mrs. David Chung of Kor- The world's greatest known ea Who bas been studying i collection of dinosaur skeletons Canada and expects to visit exists along the banks of the girl's camps this summer under Red Deer River, near Druni- the Woman's Missionary Socle- heller, Alberta. ÔPPORTUNITY THI-S AREA Canadian Company operating on a national scale bas lm- niediate openings for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing with sanie of Canada's largest ehain stores; can be handled in spare hours at start if desired: honesty and dependabllity more Important than past experlence. Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a 9lgh plane for high type men or wamen of character only. APPLICANTS MUST HAVE APPROX. $1,600.00 (Whlch Is secured), and good references. These openings will pay you exceptionally high manthly incarne immediate- Iy, and rapidly increase as business expands. Prefer ap- plicants aspiring earnlngs fioni $10,000 to $20,000 yearly. No hiazh pressure men ivanted as NO SELLING requirpd. If you can qualify and have neressary cash, write today giving 'phone and particulars for local interview. IVrite J. W. WVEBB COMPANY, Dept. B-100, 1449 St. Alexander, Montreal 2, Quebec PRE-CA.ST CONCRETE. - Sepiic Tanks- - Sidewalk Slabs- -Coloured Patio Slabs - -Porches, Sieps - B3rooklin Concrete Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Cails Accepted MAMM

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