?!IE CAKADIMI STATESMAIi. EOWNLMANL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY l6th, 1957 -Births IBEACOCK-Mr. and Mn. I Beacock are happy ta annoi the birth of their son, May 1957, at Memnorqal Hospital,]1 mranville. A littie brother Glenn. DeGEER-To Dr. and Thomas R. DeGeer at Welle Hoaspital, Toronto, on Wed day, May lSth, a son, Tho Richard. METCALF-Don and Doi are pleased to announce arrivai af a son, on Friday,1 10 at Memnorial Hospital, B mianville. A baby brother D~avid and Dean. 21 SHARP-Ross and Dorothy ý'kinner) are happy ta annou the birth ai their daugi 'j(athryn Ann, an May 8, 1 .&t Memonial Hospital, Bowr -ville. 2 SMITH-Neil and Ruby Sn are happy ta announce the bD of a daughter an Thursday, 1 §th, 1957, at the Oshawa G eral Hospital.- A sister for J( ýRuth and Brian. -TREWIN-Art and June Tre, (nee Anderson) are happy annaunce the arrivai ai tI son on Thursday, May '9th Oshawa General Hospital. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holro Hampton, wish ta annaunce engagement of their elh daughter, Doreen Joan, to Sti. James Lamb, yaungest son Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb,1 niskilen. The marriagej take Place June lSth at 3 pD in Hampton United Church. 2 Dr. and Mrs. Win. Thor John Veale of Harrow annoui the engagement af their daug or Margaret Ann ta Mr. Don; Floyd Dudley, son ai Mr. a Mrs. Floyd Dudley of Fc borough, Ont, mhe marriage be solemnized Saturday, Ju lat at 3:30 p.m. in Harrow Un cd Church. 2( Marriages XÊSSLER - BELLMAN - « Saturday, May 11, 1957, in Tri ity United Church, Bowma ville, by Rev. T. Arthur Morga V Janie Marianne, daughter aiflN and Mrs. Edward Cecil Bellmý ta John Allan Kessier, son Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kessier Moreland, Sask. 20 Deaths ADLER, Edward-At Memor: Hospital, Bowmanville, on Fi day, May lth, 1957, Edwai Adler, beloved husband ai Vei * Penningtan. Friends were ri " ived at Northcutt & Smil ;uneral Home, 53 Division Si Bowmanville. Service was hel Saturday evening, May llthà 7- p.m., followed by a Masoni ervice at 7:30 pan. Intermer Pinehurst Cemetery, Norwel Mass., U.S.A. 20. GORDON-At Memorial HoE pital, Bowmanville, on Wedne., day, May lSth, 1957, Ann: Gardon, aged 65 years, R.R. Rendal. Resting at the Morr. Funeral Chapel. Service in thi chapel on Fniday morninga 10 o'clock. Grave side servie, and interment Ventry Cemeten Dundalk, Ont., on arrivai c matons at 3 p.m. 20- LANGMAID-Entered into res in the family residence, 345 Sini coe Street South, Oshawa, Mal 1l, 1957, Mary Hannah (Annie' Awde, widow ai the late Waltel John Langmaid and mother o: Mrs. Everett Mountjoy (Ger. trude); Florence, Vida and Sybil ini her 94th year. Service aý Armstrong Funeral Ihome, Osha. wa. Interment Zion Cemetery 20-1 SHIRK-WA4. eora osia -Lavngl reembredby the WOMTTEN-In loving memory af a 1ear mother, Ina Pearl Wot- tee, who passed away May 10, 199 Her thaught.s were ail sa ful of ~he neyer could forget, Asd sa we thlnk that where she * is She must be watching yet. As' angels keep their watch up there, Dlease God, just let ber know. Tat we dawni here do flot Ws ovetad f orvetandmiss ber o -eryremembered by the iuiy 20.11 Cards of Thanks Articles for SalE ,Ioyd We wish ta thank aur many HAY, approximately 800 be unce friends in Bawmanville, Tyrane, Phone MA 3-5104. ,Sth, Haydon and Long Sault for the: 3ow- gifts they have presented us DUMP box and hoist ini for on aur recent merriage. condition. Phone MA 3-515 20-1 Jim and Jane Woodley. 21 Mns.20-1 WESTINGHOUSE refnigerE ely Special thanks ta Dr. Mc- i good condition; aise batpl Ins- Kez, nurses and staff af Phone MA 3-3904. omsMemorial Hospital, Shiloh W.A.15BSESelyCben 201arid ail those who sent cards and15BSE eryCbls 201flwers during my stay in hos- per bushel. Pat White, Easl nenpital, r.El.orse Stevens' Old Miil. 2( the 20-1* COAL and wood stave V May waterfront, aiso kitchen cabij 10w- I wish ta express my sincerest Apply 59 Wellington St. 2C .for thanks tealal my fiends and ONE space heater, Coleman,1 0-1w neighbours for the lovely cards,ne, etig hre a flowers, fruit and help that was ehaigtr t 1 <nee given me. Special thanks ta the roonis. 45 Wevenley Roed. unce Lionettes and Lions Clubs aif LOOR polisher for rient hten, Newcastle, O r a n a Rebekah Mason & Dale Hardware, 197 Lodge Na. 334, Orono Wood King St. E., Bowmariville. 1: rien- Pnoducts staff. Especially Mrs. ý0l E. Brown, Mrs. C. Tamblyn, SAVE on lumber, direct fr Mrs, B. Tomlinson and Dr. Mc- miii ta you. Phillips Luni mith 'Kenzie-for their help during my Ca., Kinmourit, Ontario. Phi )it illness. Thank you again. 17 n 11.1 May rs.John.Koropetwa. 2- KEYS cut eutoatîcally, w] ;en-______________-. you wait, at Masori & Dale Ha 081. C mig v nt, ware, 36 King St. E., Bown, 20-1 o igE e t vil.4 *win Home beke sale at Hydmo Shop FIREWORKS-Headciuarters 7 ta on Fniday, May 17 at 1:30 p.m., McNulty's Sparts, Cy ciea ,hein spansored by Hockey Mathers' Toys, 6 King St. E.. Bowm. iat Auxiliery.- 20-1 ville. 21 zoî"Dancing fun for ahl at the C.C.M. BICYCLES from $38 2- Orono Town Hall" every Satur- up at McNulty's Sports, Cycle day night. Old tyme and mod- Toys. 6 King St. E., Bowmz erni music, by the Easternens. ville. 2 - Youn friends will be there too! oyd, 20-tf lIARD and sait water deliveri the Prompt service. Robent H. Ca det Sale af Home Baking and Phone MArket 3-5476 or iý lest Aprons ta be held in Kitson's 3-5805. 48 ofr Lacker, Friday aiternoon, May 17 En- starting et 1:30 p.m., spansored ELECTRICAL Repairs-Pronr wil by Long Sault Club 50 in aid ai service ta electnicai applianc >..church wonk. 19-2 large and small. Lander Hai were. Phone MA 3-5774. 43 Don't miss the Annuel Veiety ZO-1 Show sponsored by Tyrone DO your awri floas-Rent Juvenile Band on Friday, May senden or a iloor polisher iri nas 24 at 8:15 p.m. i Tynane Hall. Lander Hardware, 7 King St.. ince Featured acts, Merv. Dale, com- Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-57 ht- edian, and Rod Taylor, ventrul -______________ iad oquist. 20-2boin and INSULATION, lwn meth< lx- Bowmenville Lions Club Bingo with rock wool. Workmensh ta in Town Hall an Saturday, May guaranteed. F r e e estimatq mne 25th et 8 p.m. $150 jackpoj, Herry L. Wade. Phone Clanl nit- $100 door pnize, 20 games ion$10 2420. 39- o-.l and three speciel gemes. Admis-HERN ad -sioni $1. Tickets from members ERN al service, testii af Lions Club or at the door. service anà complete stock 20-2 batteries end cords at Higg( Electric Limited, 38 King St, On Monday, May 2th Memoýia1 Bowmanvile. Telephone Mr -in Park Association are having a 3-5438. 20. an firewanks display in the parkMcie aand welcome everyane. Anyone SV 75 nMBieplm VIr wishing ta bring their owr sup- case, 26-inch, one only, discai ply ai fireworks teaedd ta th tinued colour. Regular $29., ai ipa r elaet o fo $22.00. John Stutt Shoes ar 20-1Luggge,15 King St. E, Bai aof _______________ manviile. 20. -1 Regular weekly bingo held -Thunsdeys except third week in NOW is the tirne ta pnatect a the manth which will be held your plants against pests an -on Thesdays, in the Union Hall disease. We cari perform tih 20 regulan games and a jackpot service for yotx with- aur ne, al. game. Na geme under $3.00. Solo sprayem. Phone Fritz Mar ri- Admission 5OC. -tf Nursery, MA 3-5012. 18-1 nd Sa Blackstock United Church ADD ING machines, typewriter 7e- Sunday School Anniversary cash registens, cheque writer th Services, Sunday, May l9th. filing cabinets, office funnitur ;t-, Speaker: Rev. Philip Romemil new and 'used. Repairs tea.s Id Music at Il e.m. by Sund. makes. Walter Frank, 177 Churc at School Choir and et- 7:30 p.m., awmenville. MA 3-3986. ie by the Dulcie CoUby Boys' Choir14 nt af Uxbidge. 20-1 MORRIS Ca. have been appoint ,l, _1 Tickcets are stîli aveileble for ed Singer Sewing Machine re the Bo>wmariviile.Orono Com- presentatives for the Bowmar ý.. bines hockey banquet and dance ville district. Came in and se ~ tabe hld n Orno t 7 nia Singer-the iinest ini sewin, ie Thunsday, May 23rd. Tickets ahns aiasetcmn 1, may be abtained in Bowmanvile eiso in stock. Telephone MI -i fmomn Frank Jamieson and in 3-5480. 46-t e Ororia froni Hesper Dean or Bill'DRAPERIES and venetian bli nd, at Armstrong. 20-1 customi made an draperies sol( ze Tyrone United Chumch Sun- by the yard. Our repnesentativg Df day School Annivemsary Serviceswl eie orhm n i .1 Sunday, May l9th, 2 p.m. wîth a complete range af semple Miss Linde Scott and Miss Lynda and suggestions without oblige. t Martin, soloists, ai Mapie Grave. tion. Fabnic Town, 59 King St 7:30 p.m., solaist, Mr. Tom Park,'1W. Telephone MAnket 3-3609 *y Bawmanville. Special music by B _mnil.4 - SSunday Schoal. Guest sptaker: Ganden Tractors - Rote-Tilleri ~Studnt Minister, Mn. John Gnif- and Power Mowers )f fen, Port- Peny. 20-1 Apply - Newtonville United Church FERGUSONS SWoan's Association Anni- B.A. SERVICE STATION iverser-y Service, Sunday even- 3 Miles East of Taunton -ing, May 26th et 7:30. Mrs. E. Your local Waterloo Dealer Argue, guest speaker, assisted Telephone MArket 3-2975 Sby Mn. Robent Gay. Speciel music by BownianvilleLaie'17-4 The office ai Dr. V. H-. Storeyl Stewart's Special Lawn Mixture will be closed May lSth to ayv An ecanamical blend, giving a 29th inclusive. 92* fast.green caver and requining ai Fish and chip orders ta take iniu fc .-lM 0 out from il ta 1 'clack noan Stewart's Back Yard and inom 7 ta 10 o'clock even- or Cottage Mixture ings. Phone MA 3-5579, 2-1 A stmong, qiuick growing mixture ta stand up under hard usage. Mortgages for Sl Guerenteed fnee of 'Teil Fescue' and 'Kentucky 31'. 6%% FIRST mortgeges af $2.500, 1 lb. 45o ta $5.000 face velue. Ail unden 10 lbs. 421/,e lb, 25 lbs. 40e lb. 50% sale value. Monthly r e-I payments, No amneans and Aliî Fresh Govt. Tested credits. Will guaantee for BULK GA1tDEN SEEDS estate or trust eccounts. Build- CERTIIFIED SEED POTATOES ers rieed cash and will ive i0e,' discount fan capital gain. Ine LA1WN and GARDEN spectiari andinetgio with- FERTILIZERS out change ta yau. Stan. DisneySE5 Realtor, 969 Simcoe St. N.': STEWART'S E D Oshawa. RA 5-6555 or RA,33 Divison St. Bowmanviile 3-4921. '0-3' 17-tf e Articles for Sale j Cars for Sale Daes. TOMATO planter, ch«ap, Caîl 1957 CHEV. 4-doon sedan, less 15-tf Clarke 2430. 20-1 1,000 miles. Phone 107J, Onono, 54.a ILd C.C.M. bicycle in good '46 CHEV., good condition. 20.1* 0-1, GoniLS hn A3-59.11Otai t hn MApply THREE-piece living-room suite, in excellent condition. MArket 3-2895. 20-1 GOOD used lawn mower, $5.00. Gordon Agnew, Newcastle. Tele- phone 3621. 20-if A PIANO, aval dining-room table and kitchen cabinet, ail ini gond condition. Phone MArket 3-2579. 20-1* ELECTRIC stove, washer, twoi single beds suitable for cottage-, International refrigerator. MA 3-3154. 20-1« PLAYGROUND gym sets £rom $26 at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville.* Phone MA 3-5689. 20-1 SINGER sewing machine, $35;1 Acousticon earphone, both ex- cellent condition: hamrnock and violin. Phone MA 3-5588. 20-1 HARDIE orchard sprayer in good condition, for sale or rçnt. Also custom spraying. Apply E. S. Cobbledick, Newcastle, Ont. 1 FERGUSON tractor, cultivator, disc, two ploughs and scraper- 1 loader, ail in good condition.[ 250-gallon steel tank like new. Phone MA 3-2035. 20-1* COVER your boat with Fiber- glass. No more ieaks. No paint- ing, tougher, stronger. Do it yourself. F u il information. Leavens Bras., 3220 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario. 19-2 SELLING out. Choice selection ai perennials, rockery plants, 3 for 1.00; giant Pacific delphini- ums, shrubs, Afnican violets, single, double, 85c. Ail guaran- teed. Mrs. Abrams, 1 St, GeorgeI St. 20-1 BEDROOM suites, chesterfields, kitchen suites, lowest prices. Trade-in allowance. Continental beds, steel beds, springs and Imattress and faonr coverings'-1 Terms or cash. Trade-ins: rang- ettes, $15; washers, 19.50; kitch- en table, 9.50. Murphy Co., King St. W., Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-3781. 20-11 SPECIAL-Firestone freezer, 19 cubic feet, hold 675 lIbs., only $395; 8.2 cubic foot International refrigeraton, negular $339, nowl only $2241, deluxe electrie range, 24-inch size, regulan $245 for $195; used Easy Spindry washer, only $69.50 at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowman-1 ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 20-1 USED Parm Equipment - Me- Cormick W-6 diesel tractor, com- pletely overhauled; McCormick W-4 tracton, Farmail Super A tracton, Farmail "HI' tractar, Massey-Harrîs "22" tractar, John Deere 7-foot tandem discs, Inter- national 2-furrow plough, Mas- sey-Harris disc plough. Cowan Equipment Ca., International Harvester Farm Equipment' Dealer, 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689, 20-1 SPRING SPECIAL TV CLEARANCE Philips Television "BLONDE TABLE MODEL Reg. $209,00 fon $189.00 "WALNUT TABLE MODEL Reg. $269.00 for $243.00 21" WALNUT CONSOLE Reg. $309.85 for $278.00 21" WALNUT CONSOLE Reg. $349.00 for $3 14.00 21" WALNUT CONSOLE Reg. $379.00 for $341.00 3-3974. 20-1* 1938 OLDSMOBILE sedan in good condition. K. E. Dean, Newcastle. 20-1 1950 CHEV. sedan, radio, signal lights, good tires, $350. Phone MA 3-2675. 20-1* 1950 FORD 1/2 -ton pick-up, reai good condition. Phone Oshawa RA 5-2902. 20-1 '48 FORD 1/-ton pick-up, stock racks available. Good condition. Phone H. E. Lycett, Orono 33 r 12. 20-2* PALMER MOTOR SALES Used Cars 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 METEOR SEDAN 1953 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1953 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1953 OLDSMOBILE "8811 Sedan 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET COACH PALMER Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. MA 3-5487 Bowmanville 20-1 flefore You Buy - Give Siew a Try' NEW OR USED 1 WON'T BE UNDERSOLD Cash - Trade - Easy Terms 30-Day Wrltten Guarantee '51 NASH Statesman - $395 '51 CHEV. Deluxe Coach-- $595 Radio '51 CHEV. Deluxe Sedan $595 Radio, automatic '52 CHEV. Sedan Delivery $5951, '50 PONTIAC--------- STEW'S SPECIALS '51 METEOR CONVERTIBLE Cutmradio, signais, white waIls, overdrive. A sharp car. '52 PONTIAC HARDTOP $695 Radio, white walls. A dandy '55 FORD SEDAN $1,495 Smali mileage, radia, white walls AND MANY MORE AT HILLMAN - RAMBLER METROPOLITAN Nonquon Rd. RA 3-4431 O S HA WA Open until 9 p.m. j Seed for Sale201 ELNAR (grow-caated) bnand alfaifa, also certified Vernal, Climax and Common Timothy, LaSalle and red claver, yellow blossom sweet claver and orch- ard grass. flegistered and com- mercial Garry oats, Rex high yeding 2-row barley. Phone 89 r 11. 18-tf DeKalb Seed Corn nowv in stock Higgon Eleclric Ltd. Plant DeKalb KING STREET EAST THAN ANY OTHER VARIETY BOWMANVILLE 20-1 It wlll pay yau to grow this excellent corn' Livestock for Sale ÀA. W. GLENNEY ONE-year-old snotted pony. Ap- NE WC AS T LE ply K. G. Roblin, Bunketon. Phones: Mill 2771 - Bes. 3876 20-il 1 20-1 SEVEN punebred Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks aid. Phone Floyd Beck- IMARNWOOD epprovedn e s t FIVE-year-old Holstein cow, home for ladies who require fnesh milkirg. Wm. Riznek, nursing cane ircluding those 1/4 mi noth Coutice. 20-1* confired ta bed. Fully equipped, weli steifed and under the SHORTHORN bull, 12 months direction ai resident negistered I ad, dank mcd, registened. La-, nurse. Esteblished 4 yeers eti I vemne Pettenson, Phone Ororo 26 Elgin Street (canner ai Elgin 15 r 8. 20-1* and Horsey) Mernwood offers CALVS fn velin - Hne-competent cane for the chron- fondsforunhai nd -Hsein. ically il]. For funther informa- Pone ualeJ.mrynHoMAen.t tion visit Marnwaod on tele- 3-2e521. 20-1ry MAke phone Mns. W. J. Cabben Reg. N. e-51 2 - t MAnket 3-5731. 19-4 FRESH cows and sanie due ta freshen soon, also sanie veal Piano Tuning calves. Apply Z,. J. Benscbop. Phone MA 3-2926. 18-3 ARTHUR Collison. Phone MA Nursixug Home Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) inailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six saniples 25c, 24 samples, $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28,1 Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91j Ham- ilton- Q]I. 1.52 Wanted ONE large dlean used doIl's car-I niage an stroller. Phone New-I castle 2606. 20-11 DEAD and cnippled farm stock. picked up pnamptly. Phone MAI 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fanin, frrone. 26-tf IReal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Tenders Wane FOUR-rooni cottage near Osha-t wa it lmisclsetohighway. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Full price $4,500. Phone MA Properties Sold, Rented 3-2035. 20-1* Managed and Appralsed ' LOT for sale, 90' frontage, 200' L. M. Allison deep, on No. 2 Highway et Maple Real Estate Broker TENDERS FOR COAL Grave. Beautiful location, h igh hn 56- ecslOn.ADCK and dry, eady for building.Poe26 ecste n.ADCK Priced ta seil. Cali Oshawa 0: Two blocks nonth ai treffic signal FEDERAL BUILDINGS 8-8833. 18-tf Newcastle 5-tf PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO THREE bedrooni, atteched gar- Ha ilnRa sae eSEALD TENDERS address- age, brick and stone ranch t «ype H mlo elESaee oteundemsigned and en- bungalow, hendwood floons, tii- $2.000, nonth-east ai Bowman- dorsed as above, will be eceived ed, four-piece bathnoom, fonced ville, 10 acres, seven roamed until 3:00 p.m. (E. D.S. T.), air heating with ail. Nearing house, barri and garage, hydra. TUESDAY, JUNE 1l, 1957, for campletion, 33 Southway Drive. Buildings need considerablë ne: the supply ai coal and cake for Three bedrooni, double ettached p a irs. Immediate possession. the Federal Buildings thnough- garage, brick and stane bunga- Ternis. 'ottePoic fOtro low with finished besemerit, fine- $1.000 immedietely aveileble Farms ai tender wîth specifica- place and book cases inri ecrea- for first martgege et 6%. tions and conditions ettecbed tion room, hot water with ail Leroy Hamilton, Broker cen be obtained ironi the Chief heating throughout, laundny and Onono 1 r 16 ai Purchasing and Stores, De. wash raom in basement, seven 20-1 Pentment ai Public Works, Gar- year ol. J J.Flet, 2 Cetreland Building, Ottawa, and the Steer l.J .Fet, 27 Centrele District Architect, 385 Yorige St., StretBawianuîî. 2-i Leask Real Estate Tomanto, Ontario. IN BWMANILL 10 cre et ampan ~~ eTenders will nat be consider- IN B W MA VIL E 1 ac es a Ha pto , 7 roo ed unless m de on the p rited An excellent building lot in brick bouse with 2-piece bath, ionms supplied by the Depant- North Ward, 73' x 60', on First electnic hot water heatér, good ment and in eccardance with Street. large hem,. garage, flowing well. conditions set forth therein. $9.000 - 7-roomed solid brick, Full price $11.000. Ternis. The Depertnient neserves the i ½-storey home; ail beated, 4 roomn new brick bungalow, rigbt ta demand froni any suc- hardwood and tile floors; 3-piece stone trini, full basement, ail cessful tendener, before ewand. bath, 3 bedroonis, and garage. furnace, aluminum stonnis and ing the order, a security deposit Close ta school. Terms. screens throughout. Inimaculate. in the ion aif a CERTIFIED Open for listings. Full price $10.500. Ternis. cheque drewn an a bank in- Saleslady Jean lVaalner We'have fanms, houses, etc., carporated under the Bank Act MA 3-2175 too nunierous ta list. or the Quebec Savings Bank Act List with Leask. payable to the order ai the B erneice H. Patrick 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 RECEIVER GENERAL O F REAL ESTATE BROKER Bowmanville CANADA, equal. ta ten per cent 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa 20-1 ai the amount ai tender, in RA 53692(colect)accordance with the Govemri- RA -362 (ollet) f..ment Contnacts Regulatians riaw 1-f Charles hankinle in farce, onr Bear.r Bonds . wif 1 Peler Feddema REALR'STATE BROKER 7b5c acre dairy fam, 8 roon ibikhouse,' bath; bank barn 55 x 45, silo, 15 acres orcherd, 21/ miles from Bawmenville. Pnice $20.000,00 Ternis. 100 acres, 7 ooni stane bouse_, ail furnace, pressure systeni, 2 barns, water bowls, good creek, facing 401 Highway. Price $14750.00. Tenns. House with 2 acres af larid, kîtchen, dining-rooni, 4 bcd- noonis, full basement, ail furnace, bathroom, attacbed garage, ex- cellent location, nortb ai Bow- mariville on pavement. Pnice and down payment arranged. 6 nooni insul brick house, kitchen, dining-rooni, three bed- roanis, bath, garage, 3/-acne lot. Pnice $7,500.00. Ternis. Newcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 Salesman JJ. Hantwig,* Hampton 0- DeWih RsaMne-25 General Fanm, 226 acres an Highway No. 2, near Grafton wîth 150 acres plowable, strearr 75' x 60' bank barri, implement shed, hen bouse, garage;: roomed frame house with bath, nunning waten. Asking pnice $17,000. Lown down paymenl. Open for offer. FARM, 50 acres near Pant Hope, 40 acres ploîvable, 2 acre in wood, 50' x 35' barri: 7 rooni ed franie bouse. Pnice $4,000. Tennis. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 140 acres plowable, 50 acres in wood, large river, 70' x 40' bank barr with water bowls, niilk house with tank cooler, drive-in shed, hen bouse, cenient silo; 10 roani ed solid brick bouse with rne ning water. Good milk quota. Pnice as going concemri witi stock and equipnient, $25,000. Ternis. GENERAL FARM, 100 acres with 75 acres plowable, large baen, creek, hen house, drive-in shed, good 9 roomed house with heavýy wining. Down $2.500. Price aranged. DAIRY FARM, 350 acres with 240 acres workable, 2 streanis, 30 acres ai good tumber, 2 large dairy barris with water bowls and steel stanchions, 2 hen bouses, implement shed; 10 roonied fanie house with nun- ring water. etc. Has 10 cens nilk quota. Price $22.000. Tenis. 8l roonied solid brick bouse with bathrooni, ruring hot and cold water, ail furnace, kitchen cupboards with 15 acres ai lard, good hemn, chicken house, 2-car garage. Price $8.500. Down $2,000. Terms. 9 roanied cottage on Bownian- ville Beach with pressure sys- teni, heavy wiring, garage, Price 5 roomed cottage on Bownian- ville Beach. heevy duty wired. AIL insulated. Pnice $2.000 with $500 down. 6 noonied new house an high- way east Newtonville on 1 acre lot with ail fumnace. full base- nent, running bot and cold wvater. Garage. Price $7.000. Down $2.000. 8 raomed insulated frame house et Bownianville with 3- piece bath, hardwood floors, 2 garages, heavy duty wired. Price $8.300 with $1.000 down. 5 roonied (3 bedroonis) nearly new, ranch style bungalow in Bowmanville îvith bath, ail fumnace, bardwood and tule nonrs, running bot and coldý weter, kitchen cupboards, stonnis, idewalks, etc. Pnice $9.500. Ternis. Besides ebove nientianed w have approximately 100 mord anms and homes ta choose froni. Meniber ai the Oshawa-Whbit- by Photo Co-op Real Estate Contact John F. De Wilh Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Saiesmen: Donald Mountjoy, BowmanvilleI MA 3-3950Il Daniel Boehm - Part Hope TU 5-5042 2011, REAL ESTATE BROKER $2,000 down-Full price $9,510,1 for this new ranch style 3-bed- room home. $10,500-Terms, new modemn brick bungalow, divided base-1 ment, tule and hardwood, forced air ail heating, 4-piece bath. $13,500-Concession St. home,[ new, a lovely home. $9,500, excellent terms, for this new home under construction. sewer and water. Own yaun own summer cot- tage. We have a large variety in different districts. We weicome your listings. Free appraisal. No obligation. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvile MA 3-453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 3 noanis and 2-piece bath ln a nice location. Modemn kitchen. sewer and water. Only $3,900.00 $3.000 down buys 7-rooni home an heuf acre in desirable loca- tion., New fumnace, 3-piece bath, etc. 8 rooni brick an a good street. Garage, hot water heatirig with ail. Two baths, ultra modemn kîtchen, etc. Beautifully land- scaped lot. Only $5.000 dawn. 2 bedroom bungalow in nice location. ail heeted, large lot, garage. Extra lot. $9.500. Ternis. 7 roanis, 3-piece bath, sanie hardwood floans, barn, 4% acres ai land, in Bownianvilie. Only1 $10,500, heuf cash or VLA. Solid investment.1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER Investment 31 acres situated et the claver- leaf intersection ai No. 2 and 115 Highway, also fronts an 401 Highway, corner location, mis, property is ail underdrained and ideal for building purposes. In- cluded in the price are 4 caws, 12 sheep and some machinery. It also has a gaad bank barn. $16,500 with $2.500 down. A good 100 acre farm ail under cultivation, bank hemn, good frame house. $8.500 with $1.000 down. New 6 room clapboard bouse, breezeway an d garage, 4-piece bath, ail furnace, tiled kitchen. detail with many etre. Im 1mediate possession, $2500 w'~il Vanted ta Rent j hadle.A CENTRALLY loceted furn- Mone ta an.ished apartment for four school H. C. PEDWELL, Broker teachers for Sept. lst. Phone Newceastle Phoe Z3856 MA 3-2060. 20-1 McQuay Real Estie %'t The Canadian Statesman 5 200 acre stock fanm North aof CLASSIFIED Bownienville. Good 8 room T~ P Lt ouse with cnvenieflos andj5. flJVERTAISINGW .~ large barn. $16000 with terms. I 22 acres ai garder soil with ] .RATESt streani. Could easily be madeARILSFRAE into trout pond. $4,000 with 4- AILESC FOR SALED 4 ternis. FO RN? . HELP WANTED < 2 acres with god trout strean. CARS FOR SALE North ai Tyrorie. Only $1,000. LOSTi . FOUND - ETC. 10 acre lots on pavcd noad Csh*t CI-mi*.4 r 80C 1d Nortb ai Bawmenville. Ideel ion Must b. paId by date oaiinsertion. . building and gardening, $8000. Il chargMd an additional 25c . 15 acre lot on corner ai twa A wji be added. 49 roads. Chice garAechandgejof 25c wili b. made foir4 ronl .500ce genln. £ repisdirect.d ta this office. 4 2 acre building lot just North 4 NOTICES -COMImGEVENT 44 ofton,$250. AND CAIDB F THANIS 4 of awn 52500 a word with a minimum ci 4 Lot 100 x 166 in North Osha- $ 1.00 for 25 words or less. w a, $1 500.EN A E NT W e ave several more fa nms, * MARRIA E G A E S I orchards, acreeges and business- $ 1.00 per insertion es t attractive prices. 4 IN HMEMORJAMS Walf er Frank SI $.00 plus loc a lino for verse 4 Dispiary Classfied at $1.50 pa 4 177 Church Street, Bowmanvillei i nch witli à minimum ci one inchz. MArket 3-3986 1 , Additiunal insertions at the same . 20-1 j: rates. Tend :,4Ail Classified Adi must Tend this office flot later _________________________ 12 o'coclc noon, Weodnesà'ay. . JSand cash, stamps or money ordez 4 Seprte tenders invited n h and save money. e two ad iinig p rcels ai prp cty Clip tii out for handy relrence . in Newcastle. Vacant lot. coan- j OFFICE HounS er Caroline and Beaver Streets, 4. Monday throuh Fridal, 5 132'- x 66', adjoining a lot ap- 830 can. to 5 p.m. ' Saturday 4 proximjately 32' x 66' witb frani 8:30 a.m. to 12 Noon building 24 x 30 on it. No tender Dal-rW. .30 necessarily accepted. Tenders 4 for Se rvice303 ta be in a ds ai H . J. Tom s 4-lsile u n m a u r e d c o u p n s tta c h e d , a i the Government ai Canada or af the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, unconditianally guar- anteed as ta principal and inter. est by the Government af Canada. Thme lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief ai Administrative Services and Secretary. Department ai Public Works, Ottawa, May 7th, 1957. 2 0-2 For Sale by Tender PROPERTY SALE N. 19\1 LAND 51,'2acres ai band, locatedj-at intersection af Highway No.w:M5 and Road Allowance between Townships -aif Clanke and Marivers. IENDERS CLOSE at 12:00 NOON F,4S.T. THURSDAY, lUNE. 195 Information andi teneer,forme abtainable from: THE TENDERS SECRETARY Boom 1412, East Block Palilainent Buildints TORO NTO or DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS PORT HOPE Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Department of Hlghways Ontario 20-1 Wanted ta Buy COMMODE for adult. Phone MA 3-2839. 20-tf USED corni planter, immedietely. Telephone E. G. Power, Orono 9 r 10. 20-1 HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rqgs, metals ýand new furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Osawa, cdsofle 48ywan- ALL opkironto ivepory wena t vour door for large or smail quantities. We have aur own manket, M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect ta Bethany i LJY floon. Ju Iie 8. 20-31 Lyl 'I ýn .1, it ýe t ýs 0 r,&02; TRURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1937 AM»* C. INP*919we ft " - 1 lç c $3951,