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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 17

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6 .~........... THRSDAY, Wlt IOUi, 108. THE CA~fAD!Mi STATESMA!1. EbWMAflvTT~ti~ A~A~Wi -- rftU~ ~5VIZ1UT5EJ -e Ckussified Wanted gilfrhousework, tour daÏa week. Phone MA 3-5910. 20-1 GIRL or woman for housework. Cail j)Mrs. Manetta, Pçntypaol, 2r f W. 19-2 ââqovlrBL woanta mid o cfiidren Monday to, Friday. hone MA 3-2198. 20-1 WANTED: Reliable woman to care for year-old child and do light housework ane day per week and occasionai weekends. Write Box 663, c/o Canadian Etateaman. 20-1 WANTED Immediately-Super- visoi's of Boys for the Ontario "rrainlng School, Bowmanville. Must have minimum of Grade 10. Good starting salary with annual Increments. Apply in persan or by letter to Superin- tendent. 20-1 M are interested -ta hear tram ail of y ou as we have the best proposition for ambitious pers- ont, but especially if you're liv- frig In Bowmanvile and sur- roundings you would have everything ta, gain by getting in toucib with us at once. You may b. the right man for us. Op- portunities for everybody but the diligent ane will get it! 1600 flelorimier, Dept. 63, Station C, Mlontreal. 18-4 Applications wiil b. recolved lby A. L. Lyle, Town Clerk, up te 12:00 nmon D.S.T., Saturday, May lSth, for the position et POLICE CONSTABLE on the Bowmanville Police Force.. Applicants must apply ln writ- Int, stating age, weight, height, expenience if any, and salary expected. Pension *Plan, Med- Ical and Surgical Plan, Oroup Inaurance snd Blue Croissln eff oct. Pets for Sale DOG, purebred Siberian Husky,, spayed fomale, seven months. Beautifully marked. excellent Watchdog or. hunter. Phono 1-lewcastle 3576. 20-1* ~Hol iday S. ecials Pork Shoulders Boneleus -witk Dresslng PICKLED AND SPICED Boneless, ln Cryavae 55C Lb. Rlound Steak Roasis 79C Lb. SHORT RIB Eioasts ai Beef 55C Lb. STANDING Prime Rib Short Cut 59CLb Blade Boas! Blade Banc Out 55C Lb. HOMEMADE Sausage Neai Lb. Pkg. 35c Minute Steaks Lean and Tender 69CL. Nalibut Steaks 59C Lb. Salmon Steaks 67C Lb. SIVIFT'8 Meat Pies 'Turkey - Chicken, or iMeef 3 For 85C Turkejts SCLb. Bowmanville Frigid Locker System PIRONF MA 3-5578 -Work .Wcmted CORN Plantlng. S. W. Werry and Son. Phone MA 3-2539. 20-1 BRICK and carpentry work, mantels, etc. Phone MArket 3-3352. 17-4* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughmng: free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone, MA 3-2240. 12-ti BRICKLAYING, plastering. Nor- mnan Pingle, 72 Elgin St.. Bow- manville. Phone MA 3.5518. 12-15 BONNIE'S Window -Cleaners- Offices, stores, homes. Ail %vork guaranteed. Phone RA 3-4329. 18-3* NEW plastering and repaira. Stucco and cernent plastering. A. -C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf YOUNG married woman would like full or part time position as clerk in any type of store work. Phone MA 3-5501. 20-1* SPRAY- Painting: Commercial, barrns, cottages, stables, cellars, furniture, interior decoration. For free estimates Phone MA 3-5387. 19-4 GUARANTEED repairs to ail makes of cars and trucks, al Jobs are guaranteed, competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Co., Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St: E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf WELDED STEEL FABRICATION BOILER REPAIRS Portable Welding Equipment Ross W. Hawke Courtice Phone RA 5-2902 17-4* SAVE MONEY AT Dave'*s Shoe Repair rasi, Prompt Service 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO ANI) NEW WORK SR. L. TAFT 69 Ri"g St. E9. MA 3-5030 6-tf Bulldozing and Excavaiing Wayne Ellijoit Newtonville Phono Clarke 512 18-8* TMM FOR SPRING WORK General Masonry BRICK, BLOCK or CONCRETE REPAIRS or STRUCTURAL Estlimates Frec L. Turner Phiono MA 3-3072 or 3-3231 P. 0. Box 177 13-tf Pl umbing - Heating Eavesfroughing lst Class Work Guaranteod For immediate service eall A.. BAARS 66 King St. WV. Boivmanville Phone MA 3-5172 FREE ESTIMATES YACK DROUGH PLUWBING Division and HEATINO Street South Ads For Rent rPASTURE for rent. Phone MA 3-2058. 20-1 APARTMENT. Phone MArket 3-3573. 20.1 tAPARTMENT. Apply Robert Mutton, 45 Concession St. E. 20-1 FOUR-ROOM flat, ail Inside conveniences, East Beach. Phone MA 3-2875. 19-2 THREE large rooms, self-con- tained apartment. Appiy Mrs. L. Joncs, Tyrone. 20-i THREE-roomed heated apart- ment, central. Immediate pos- session. Phone MA 3-5813. 20-1 50 ACRES pasture land. Good fonces, plenty of water, and also five raoms. Phono MA 3-2351. 20-i STORE in Newcastle, nmodcrn front. centraily located, water, hot and cold. Phone 2451., 19.3* APARTMENT, suitable f o r teacher or business person. 18 Concession St. W. Phone MA 3-5684. 19-tf HEATED bachelor apartment, June lst. rent $50. Mrs. V. Pea- cock, telephono Oshawa RA 3-3972. 19-tf FURNISHED 3-roomed apart- ment, private bath and entrance. A p p 1 y Huyck's Hairstyling Studio, 67 King W. 20-1* THRtE-roomed hcated spart- ment. Private entrance and bath. TV antenna. Immediate possession. Centraiiy located in Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-2436. 20-1 Auction Sales I have received instructions fi-rn the executor ai the estate ai the late Miss Matha Jarvis ta soul by public auctian on Sat- unday, May 18th at 1:30 p.m. at ber late residerice, 67 Temper- ance St., Bowmanvîlle, bedroorn, living-room and kitchen furri- iture, 3-piece chesterfield, apant- ment size refrigerator. anc year old, nangetto, nearly new; Ax- rninster nugs, dishes, glassware, etc. Terms cash, no reserve. Property sold. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 20-1 Farm rcnted. The undersign- ed auctioneer wihi soul by public auction, farm stock and impie- monts, with some furniture, the pnoperty af Leonard Bradley, Lot 16, Con. 8, Darington Tawn- ship, fi-st maad east oi Enniskil- len anid a mile north, on Satur- day, May 18th, the folhowing cattle: twa Hou-teins, fresh, calves at side, Holstein due first af June, Durham beifer, due June; spotted caw, bred April, two veal calves, six,. yearlings, purobred Enghisb saw,ý bred Feb. lStb; young sow, bred Mai-ch llth; purebred sow, bred April 6th; pig box. Implernents: Cock- shutt tractai- No. 20, two-furrow Fleury tractor plaugb, cultivator, 4 sec tions ai barraws, six-foot Massey-Harris binder, Mc. mow- ci-, thirteen dise M.-H. drill, side- deliverv rake, ton-foot rake, Fleury single plough, rubber- tired wagon and box, steel tire wagon with rack, two-i-ow coi-n cultivator, wbiffletrees, reck- yokes, fonks, shoveis, logging chains, 25-foot ladder, 2-drum i-ller, a toboggan sleigh, Cock- shutt manune apreader. Some furniture and many ather articles1 tao numerous ta mention. Termi- cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:30. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 20-1 Lost GOLD brooch, initial M in pearîs. Reward. Phone MArket 3-2679. 20-1 ,WHITE and tan maie hound. South-west district Pontypool. Phone MA 3-3051. 20-i* HOUSE key on cord. Finder please Phone MA 3-3303 or turri in at Statesman office. 20-if Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick UP and deiivery. Loi-ne Doreen, 85 King E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domcstic and comn- mercial: miiking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limitcd, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Clock Repairs PICK-UP AND DELIVERY G. A. Brown 192 King St. E. MA 3-5136 BOWMANVILLE 20-i Waich Repairing Marr' s JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE 50-tf Insurance DeWiih & Mountjoy Insurance Agency Cail us for-your General Insurance Needs Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3950 Arnica Club ,Ploy Win$ District Dramma. Contest The Ardies Club cf Trnity United Church won out against thnee other drarna entrios at Chmrpbellford on Saturday, May 11, and was awarded the Bax- ten Drama Trophyt for the best anc-sect play in the Bay of Quinte Confererico. The play directed by Mrs. Jeanl Sheridan. cu~spa 1The Bowrnanville lbspa which wvas presented in the Town Hall bore this spring, was "Heaven on Earth," an enjoy- able comedy. Miss Boa Rod- dick won the award as bu.t supparting actress in the cam- petition at Campbellford. Othen ontnies were fi-cm Belleville, "Rise and Shino;" Bnockville, "'Miss Personality Plus," and Part ýIlope, "Perfect Gentle- man." In the east of Bowmanvlllees prize-winning play were: June Wood, Ted Colwell, Boa Rod- dick, Eleanor Lelghton and James McClure. The Arnica Club 'Placed tirst In the Osh- awa Presbytery- competition at Blackstack on Apnil 17. The silver cup for the Con- feronce competition was pie- sented by Glen Lai-mer and was accepted on behaif cf the Arnica Club cast by Mrm. h.- idan. Miss Audrey Young was assistant director. The Arnica Club, for young working people, was only or- ganized last September, and is ta ho congratulated on this fine achievernent In Its tii-st year. The young people's or- ganization ia now divided into two groups, the Arnica Club, and Hi-C for high school.age. In previous years as the V.P.U., the organization bas presented same fine plays here under the same drectress, Popular Newlywedso-Are Honored by Many Groupsi Priai- ta their mariage, Mn.' and Mrs. Douglas Rigg were presented with gifts by a num- ber af organisations witb which tbey ai-o connected. Mrs. Rlgg is the former Diann Hogaboaan, Supervisai- of Music in the Publie Schools, and Mn. Rigg is Bowrnanville's Recreation Di- nectar. The teachers afi ah thi-e public schools gathered in the gymna3ium af Central Public School when Mn. John Lemon expressed the best wishes of ail and Miss Margaret McGre- gor presenteci Miss Hlogaboamn with the gift of a set of break- fast dîshes. The Recreation Department at anc cf its meetings pi-osent- ed Mm. Rigg with the git cf an electric tea kettle, and Teen Town made the pi-esentation af a lamp. Tninity United Church choir, of wbiciî the bride is a mem- ber, presented ber with a ail- ver bon bon dîsh, and the Arni- ca Club with a two-tier hostess disb. The bride was honored at other personai showers in Bowrnanville and ini hon home tawn of Brockvil. Club Girls Join with Wl. for May Meeting Sauina: Ladies of the Wom- en's Institute beld an evenirig meeting on Friday with 50 in attendance. including members af the 4-H Club. Mms. Clara Leask. leader of the latest pro- jeet, "Cotton Accessonies in the Club Giri's Bedi-oom", spoke briefly on the work of the Club before introducing the skit: "A Bedromr Made Cosy With Cottons" in which Bai-- bai-a Hooey, Pat and Helen Knox and Mabel Huggins took part. Shirley Quantrill, also a member ai the Club, comment- ed on a miniature plan af a bedroom illustrating a barman- izing claur sehemne, and also reviewed activities of the i-e- cent 'i-ai ect. On display, for ahl ta admire, were the beau- tiful bedspi-eads and accessar- ies made by the girls, during the ecent manths. The pi-agi-arn, under the heading of "Homo Economies and Health" was ps-epared by the East group with Mn-. Rcy Langmaid, leader, presiding. To begin the progmam poerns in honour ai mothers by WilheI- mina Stitch were road by the leader. Pearl Leach commented on the matto: "It's not the house that makes the home but the love that is inside" and closed lier remanka by singing the verse oi "Home, Sweet Homne" with everyone joining in the chorus, Mrs. Jones ai Osbawa gave a vei-y enlightening taik- on the work of the Canadian Associa- tion oi Consumons. Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Mrs. H. Milîson favoned with several woll rendei-ed vocal duets, and were accompanied- by Mrs. J. Yeilowlees ai the piano. During the business pernd conducted by President Mns. E. R. Taylor, an invitation ta visit the W.I. at Blackstock was ac- cepted. Sandwiches, tai-ta and tea were served duning a social boum at the close ai the meet- ing. Foundry Holds Annual Banquet for Employees, More than 90 members of ent Tom Rehder, and Mrs. Local 2375, United Steel Workers Rehder; Local 2375 Presidentý of America. attended the annuai Hugh Coutts, and Mrs. Coutts; Bowmanville Foundry E m - Local 2375 Entertaiinent Com- pioVees' banquet and dance heid mittee members: Mr. and Mrs. at the Legion Hall Friday even- Brenton Fogg, Mr. and Mrs.ý ing. Andrew Todd, Mr. and Mrs.1 A dieicious turkey dinner pre- Frank Blunt, and Bill Yeo, whoi pared by the Legion Ladies Aux- wiii celebrate bis 5Oth year of iliary was enjoyed by ail. After service with the Foundry in dinner rnovies werc shown and June. a delightful evening of dancing Door prizes wcre won by: was enjoyed to the music of Ted Mrs. Keith Ross, Mrs. Charlie Taylor and bis orchestra, Osha- Burns, Mrs. Coison Woolner, wva. Mrs. Walter Woolner and Miss Among the mnany guests Jean Harncss. Spot dance priz- prcsent were; United Steel es were won by: George Patter Workers District Representative and Mai-ion Mallery, George Keith Ross. and Mrs. Ross, Osha- Lewîns and Stella Carp, Murray wa: Foundry President Ernie Adams and Evelyn Cowle, Mr-. Rehider; Foundry Superintend- and Mrs. Emil Smchid. Ernèst Dent, Orono, Is Picked by C.C.F. To Con test Election Before a i-mal gathering ai' less than 60, Ernest Dent, Orono, was chai-en by acclamation as, the Durham Co-Operative Comn- monwealth Federatian candidate for the caming June 10 election at the C.C.F. Nomination meet- ing in Onono, Friday. Guest speaker for the occasion was Donald C. MacDonald, M.P.P. and Ontario C.C.F. lead- er who painted aut that the C.C.F. offer the onlv truc al-1 ternative ta the pi-osent Libenal Goverrimerit. Four people were nominated but ail declined in favour af Ernest Dent wvho was naminat- ed by Roy Armstrong. Dosire To Serve In accepting the nomination fMm. Dent stated that it was a privilege and an honoun ta be the C.C.F. candidate for Durham. I have always bnd an inward desire ta serve in a greater pub- lic capnaèity." he told the aud- ience. Mn. Dont spoke of hi- early experiences during the depres- sion wvhen he first came in con- tact with the C.C.F. movement and since that trne has been a firm supporter af the C.C.F. ipolicies. He descrîbed howv the C.C.F. platforms wjeie termed as crnzy dreams and impractical ideals. They were drenms and ideals ho adrnitted, but they were ail for the cause of human betterment.1 How impractical were these ideal- ho asked. Old ago pensions, famiiy nilownnces, sickness insurance, tain emphoy- ment practices. and the Canad- ian Wheat Board were sainevil these so-cahled impractical idealsj but under C.C-.. ai-ssure t.hey have been legislated. However the benefits received by the woi-king chai-s ai-e fan fi-rn i-at- isfaetary, Mr. Dent pointed out. Mr. Dent called for a return ai agriculture ta its pnapei- place as crie of Cannda's lead- ing industries. "We are weal- thy in land and the skiii ai the fai-mer. Oui- mast valuable possession is aur produce food." Chairinan for the evening, Spenser Cheshire, Miilbrocok, assured the audience that Mfr. Dent has a thorough grasp of the cconomy of the cauntry! and is an ideal choice ta carry the C.C.F. banner in Durharn. Mr. Dent, he said, camne to Orono pnior ta the war and was crie of the fimst ta enlià;t in 1939 anid served as an elec- trical engineer in England and on the continent. Following the war ho returned ta Orono and set up an electrical c(.ýiî- tracting business and ini 195 was appointed manager of the Orono Hydro Systerr. Mm. Dent serves Clarke Townsniin as a councillor. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR LaVogue gacque/ine Cor. Athol & tebia,, Oshwa Pay Tribute Long Service In Session Tr ibute was paid ta Mr. W. H. Carruthers on' Sunday inorning during the service at St. PauI's United Cburch. Mn. Carruthers bas been a member of St. Paul's Session for 40 years this manth, bemng oai-- ed on May 6, 1917. Rev. H. A. Turner said, "It does not corne ta many ta serve a cangregatian as a memben af Session for 40 years. St. Paul's owes Mr. Carruthers an ex- pression of appreciation for his long and devoted service. I know you ail join me in this and in wishing for Mr. ana Mmi. Carruthers many more happy and useful years.1 Mtr. and Mrs. Carruthers came ta Bowmmnville froi. Thornhill, Man., in 1915 and have been faithful membeis and active workers in St. Paui'a Church uince that tirno.! Don't' Forget Your Drawing For Centennial Have yeu entered the Centennial conteat yet? Your entry must be receiv- ed by noon, Tuesday, May M8 se den't delay. The Centennial Commit- tee ln offerlng a $25 prize for the boit symbol, idea or caricature conveyed in a drawinc, to ho used as the ad*rtlsing theme for Bowma.nville's Centennial next year. The symbol wil b. used on stationery, stiekers and othor types cf advcrtising. You don't need te ho an arisite enter the contest. The main thing la to have an original Idea. Draw it on a shoot of 8V2 x Il white paper in black Indian lnk. Put your narne and address on the back and mail te the Art Contesi, Bowman- ville Centennial Commit- tee, Post Office Box 1240, Bowmanville, Ontario. Anyone may enter. The tiommitte. wants te sec your Ides Juveniles to Open Season On Monday Bowimanvilie Juvenilo Base-j baIl team are hasts ta the Newz- castle Juvonies in their open- ing baseball garne at Vincent Massey Park Monday, May 20, at 6 p.m. The te-amx has shown fine tai-m during thein practico ses- sions and appear strong ini al departments. Thein pitching staff displayed keen abiiity duning an inter-squad pia-ne tice game ai Vincent Massey Sunday of lasb week. Express Appreciation Two donations have been re- ceived by the self -sponsoi-ed club and tbey have passed along their thanks to Bow- manvilie Foundi-y Ca. and Crystal Dairy. Athough they entered the longue under thein own sponsonship because tbey couhd flot find backing, the Club certainly appreciate the rnnny donations they bave ne- ceived. Anyane wishing ta aid the team may do i-o by con- tacting treasurer, Bob Fairey. Drivers Asked To Keep Off Primed Streets, Wonks Foromnan Lloyd Quin- tan is asking the co-operatian ai ail residents during the next few weeks in cannectian with the priming ai sevenal streets in the tawn. "The final resuits ai the op- eration,'" ho iaid, "will depend ta a great extent on the matar- ing public. Please obey the flagmen that wvili be on the site and do not under any cincumi-tances drive on the fneshly primed streets for at least-one-balf hour." "The depnrtment," ho add- ed, "are tnying ta improve your stroots. Your co-openatian wili save many tax dollars and pru-' vide bettenraads."P Mr. Quinton is especially concei-ned aven the cars that may pull out froin driveways ai ton the priming. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bromeli. MnI. and Mrs. Chi-is Cook ai-d IDale, Toronto; Mn. and Mn-. J. ILarge, Janet and Robbie and ýiMn-. Edith Bromell, Bowmnn- ville, visited at Mr. W. Par- rlnden's. Mn. and Mrs. J. Loger, Wayne and Susan, Mn. and Mns. Ken McMinni and Lynda, Mn. nd Mrs. H. Freitag and Rnndy, Mr. and Mns. Chai-les Simth, t Oshawa; Ellen and Lai-ny Ci-y- I derman visited at Mi-. E. Ci-- derman's. On Friday evening Mr. and Mn-. Ross Cryderman, Elien and Lai-iy nttended a fam'Iy gatbering, obsenving the birt.- day ai Mn-. S. Rundie, Bo%--I nianville, and also the wýeddinE, Fnnive-samy ai Mr. and Mnir. C. J. Wray, at the borne of Mn-. S. Rundie, Bowmanville. Miss Helen Baker, Taronto, spont the weokend at home. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Baker and! laxnily visited at Mr. Keitb j Ormiston's. Ebeneser. Dr. and Mn-. L. B. Williains, Bowmanville. visited at Mn. N. C. WottenS, Sunday. Rev. Victor Bowins, Taunton, was a recent visitür ai. Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Mr-. and Mn:. Harvey -Hardy, Bowmianville, were also visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pascoe, Mr-. and Mrs. E. Pool, Bawmanville, were guests at Mr. Harold Pascoe's. Mr-. and Mrs. San Van Camp and childi-en, Base Lino; Mr. and Mrs. George Bray, Mr. and Mns. Han-y Grooms, Toronto, visited the Werry's at Rose- Ian dvale. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests of Ralph and Mrs. Davis and Pat. The C.G.I.T. met on Saturday aftennoon. The program in- cluded the worship service led ty Pat Knox; a vocal duet by Juanita Frazer and Evelyn Hockaday; a vocal solo by Evelyn Hockaday and a StcrY read by Juanita Frazer. The girls answered the roll eall with a housecleaning hint. Sev.ènal from Sauina enjoy- ed the Spring Concert of the Bowmanville Choral- Society' last weekend. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rowley' and Joan, Paigrave; Mrs. Grant Stonehouse and Cathy, Schom- berg, were wveekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kidd, Comox, B.C., arrlvcd Friday to visit with his sister, Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, ~Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Co k and Latiraine were Sunday supper guests with the Smith's. Don't forget to read Coming Events about the apron and bake sale. Mrs. Sophie 1Kovacs and Gab- riel were Sunday dinner gucsts of Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone, and Mrs. Kovacs. Mrs. Camp- bell and Mr. Gabriel Kovacs visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Dam, Millbrook, Sunday oven- ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille and boys, Bowmanvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penwardcn and Wade with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk SundaVe. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Brooks and Chris, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy.z Mr. and Mrm P. Vaneyk and family have moved ia Ty.. rono. Mr-. Vaneyk lot Sunday for Malton where h. bas ac.- cepted a position warking bo.. twoen Malton and Windsor. Fire, Brigade Save Barn The efficient action cf Baw-' manville Valunteer Pire Brn, gade was credited with saving an implemont shed at the farmn of Lloyd Smith, three miles west af Enniskillonerly Tues- day afternoon. Firemen were called to the icone when a tractor in the shed caught fire and threaten- oUt the structure and athor irn- plements. Aloi-t neighbouri rushed to the Smith farm and aided In savîng many impie-* monts from the flames, before firemen arrlved. IF YOUR PANTHER OIES.. will the fîim ho endangered? Will emsntial capital be with- drami; a etranger iorced upon yau la hie place; settiement difficuities with hie widow en- countered? l3ueinacs a rance with the Sun Life Assurance Conpaiiy af Canada will safe- guard your firm fi-rn auch evoatuanties. Protect your cwn firm ... au me tcday. Banner Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanville 40im's Auto Body Shop* Highway 2 - Tust East of Bowmanvlle REPAIRS & EEFINISHING Body & Fender Jini Feuvvow Bus. MA 3.3073 Res. MA -3-3910 .Watch ,for . Buco & Dulux 0 9 OPENING HAP'S BA, Service Station Corner of King and Waverley Road Phone MA 3-3136 <HIAP" PHILP, Lessee THE CLEANEST CARS ARE FOR YOU 1951 CADILLAC 62 - 19'SEDAN One-owner car, custom radio and many other $17 5 extras- -$f7 & 1953 FORD NqAINLINE SEDAN turn signais 1951 CHRYSLER. 5-Pass. COUPE Fluid drive, t&f turn signais, etc. ---$695'7 1951 PONTIAC Two-lone SEDAN Custom radio and other extras --_$159 1951 FORD SEDAN As in the other top-notch cars, heater andt t air conditioning - 95J9 M5 Order tbe car cf your choice now. Art's Car Markef CASH - TRADE OR EASY TERMS 194 and 196 Church Si. W. BOWMANVILLE - ONT. Phone MA 3-3841 THE CANADUN STATLPSMffl. BbWMANVtttr. ONTA.Itio 1 m

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