PAONE!GNEEN 1~E ANADAY SATI~AN. OWMAVTLL ONTE-f Mve Iob Mo deWr ,,i New POSÉ Office Looking from behind three of the six wickets n he f the new federal building. To help relieve some- of the new Post Office building is Postmaster George Vice. burden of delay in moving to the new building as well as Bowmanvilie and district residents xiii be pleasantly the Dominion Holiday, the new Post Office will be open surprised xith the modemn interior and spaciaus floor area Monday marning and the box lobby all day. Ample drawer and counter space as shown abov above area is adjacent to the mail sorting section but is has been provided in the new Post Office building to allow separated by a glass partition. post office employees to work at top efficiency; The Support Price For Fowl Is Authorized Ottawa: The Minister of Ariculture the Hon. James G. Gardiner, announced that the Agictiltural Prices Support Board has been. authonîzed Ia provide a support pnice for fowl Sproduced in Canada. The support is on the basis of a price equivalent ta 23 cents per oundlivewcight atTo ronto for top grade fowi fiv2 pounds and over, marketed for sdaughter from August 1 to , ~ ~ November 30, 1957, with appro- weigis and principal rnarkeis throughout Canada. The Minister stated funther that he hoped by introducing this additional support for the pouhLry industry that a mea- sure of stability wauid be pro- . . ....vided in the main marketing season for fowi. He indicatcd ?W that this price was slightiy above recent market prices ENNISKILLEN The 1,242 aluminumn mail boxes in the nexv Pos Space has also been provided for more boxes xvhen the is separate fromn the main lobby and will relieve mucl apparent in the old building. Box holders are requestec betwccn 9 arn. and 4 p.m.. Saturday at the old Post Offi box holders xii be issued May 21. -Photo Play of City -Children Compared with Country Kendal WlI. met Wedniesdi,, cvcning May 8, at the home o, Mrs. George Mcercer. The meet,- ing apcned with the instali.a- tion af officers b v Mcs. Kenîîe- rîy. Then the president. Mrs. Cotiroux, took the chair, as- sisted by the assistant-secr- tary, Mrs. H. Foster. Rail cail %vas -My Favourite Magazine", A ettei- was nead tram the Ncwtonville WVI. invitiiîg us -,o visit -hem May 15- As thc NV. A. ar~e holding a special meutr- ing bene on that date Kendai WVI. are unabie ta« attend. An invitation was aiso received fi arn Sauina ta meet with them i Aug. 3, at Eldad church but it ,v'as tbought aur drivers wauici nat be available due ta the ta bacen barvest at that time. AI clanation ai $5 was voted fur~ the Blind. Cuirrent events w~ere d iScuýS~- cd tramn forbst fines in the dcx' îîorth ta the tioods s: iII doin' as miulh damage in the sout,- ern Stattes. A penny collection af 46 iLents was taken up. The meeting \vas then turn- ed ta Mis. Lawrence Greenwood, convener af Citi- zenship and Education. Tlie' motta was -Take time ta thi:ik tocr i iSthe source a of woýer' She rcad an article,."Thc Mva- glu ai Childhood", vhich crm- pared the lite ai a child in the city playg-rounds, where the\- have supenrisýon and every- thing Ia play with. ta the lifc Of the cauntrv .-child, wào more or lesa; make thein awnfu aîîd games and rules to go ,,iuh them Or~ wandc around doir-, nothiii_- in part cula: J o-' 100kin,î at the woildera of na-1 The April meetingr of theý Woman*s Association met ini the cniurch basement xith a membership of 22, also Iwo visitons and seven children. Devotional wvas in charge af £Vrs. A. Brunt, "Self Sa-erifice' being the therne. Bible readii-:. was taken by Mrs. H. Stevenï. Rail cail was answered by a . . .... 'Mothers Day Verse,' un Offie ae so~v abve.Thou.ght, or a donation af a t.,,a st ffie ae sownaboe.tawel for the kitchen.M'i need arises. This box lobby thanks toalal for the lvF iof the congestion that xvas number donated. Meeting idi dl ta exehange their keys charge of Group 4. Mrs. A. Brunt convenor. Piano muSýc ice and the keys ta the new by Kathryn Siemon, reading s by R. Carruthers, Bowmanviiie by Mrs. î-t. McGill, "Do Yotýi Rýate in an Emergency,,, which turc. 1-er question was, which gave us same very useful ideaz. chiid gets the most out af their Vocal cluet by Judy and Da- playtîmne. phne Green. Mrs. Cowlin-s fram Haydon gave once aga;m Miss Catherine Stewart read a verinrsîgtakobr a poem,. Ycsterday and To- .tnp ret nida. I'm osurer 1 diry" and Mrs. H. Foster gave a arilp toy these talkmsurehic rcain enited Sitee". Mrs. Cawling gives in a veri,- A cake contest was conduct - capable mariner. Pictures et cd b.\ Mrs. Foster whic-h was t!is trip ere also _ýhown. Mrs. won by Mrs. Mac Mackin. Brunt voiced ber appreciation, Duning a tasty lunch servedItoalal who helped on the pro- by the hostess, Mrs. Geo. Mer- 1gram. Mrs. Ml. Hobbs and Mr's, ccc. Mrs. Manders and Jr~ F. Toms, xvere ta try and brir'ga Foster. some of the travelling back a report from the Oshawva oasket articles were soid. Pi-esb,'terv held at NewcasCe. t A vole of thanks \VaS e- Nrs. F. l'.ILaughlin gave a p:,- trinded Io Mrs. George MUercer. per on Ujnited Nations. Meet- Thc n"t-xt meeting ý.s to be-hel lrL closed foilowed by lunch. l at the home of Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckeltt Wayne and Marie, at Mn. anci Mrs. Lloyd Alldread's on Sun- Tîntcd giasses, wonn wh1iýe day. driving at night, eut dowvn thel Mn. and Mrs. C. Pethick were driver's abilîty ta see danger 1necent visitons at Mr. and Mrs, ahcad. Redueed vision is in-; J. Flemning's, Unionville. crcr.sed perid. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson, Since 1939 the net nation,) Orano. were Sunday visitors ai publi, -dcbt of Crnada hias ii. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's. crrý 'zcci frorn $3 billion ta s!1l1Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bî i ciA ibillion and Iamnily, Iiulton, were Sua- I I S hown above i s the a t tract ive three-door entrance ta the Customs and Excise Branch and the other federal offices which will be located on the second floor of the nîew Bowmanville Post Office building. Embodied on the glass ta the lef t is an attractive Government of Canada crest. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanvilie day visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. Ed Cox. Mn. ai-d Mrs. R. McNeNiil, at Mr. and Mns. F. Cawling's, Purple Hill. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M., Wcarn, Ciarernont. Baby Doris Stainton, bas ne- turned borne fnam the Sick Cbildren's haspital, Toronto. Recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms, were Mn. and Mrs. Will' Robertson, Orono, and Mns. A. Sharp. Miss Joan Bnock, Bawman- ville, Mn. Herman Haass, Taunton, with Mn. and Mrs. K. McGill. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashtoni and boys were Sunday dinnen guests with Mr. and Mns. S. Kersey, Hampton. Mn. Russell Stecie, Purpl:ý Hill, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mrs. John E. Griffin and Mrs. Walter Rahm aof Tynone, spent last Wedncsday visiting with ilton, Toronto and Weston. O/fer! A Gift of Jr-nported Mémoire Chérie Perfurne wIvih Elizabeth Arden PEl11UINIE MIST bot b4 00 A n eciting i,îtroduclory oje.A gencrous înetred spray atomnizcr boutle of the e.xqu i itc e i Frcl 1 i i- grance womnen love anud men ing Perfume Mist -- J'LUS purse suze Mémoire Chérie Perfume. A double treasure at onlv S LOO-îthe priceofa the Perfu me MIis t a Ion o! Time and siupplirs art' limitcd Sn -ç take ,gu ick agl%-'an tage ofth!is beatutilul introductory oflicr. Jury and Loveli Bois m.anville Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton and Clarence, were Sund&y ývisitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nd rsP.Elis Patsy and Brenda, were with Mr. and Mns. T. Wilson, Bowman.- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tr.:- sise and girls, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wright and family, Bowmanville, were Motben's 1Day guests witb Mn. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wr -ight, Betty and Law- rence, were callers. Mr. and Mns. Fred Ferguson, Bowmianviile, Mr. Bert Hunt- (,r, Mouint Fores[, with Mn. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. John E. Gniffin and family, were Sunday visit- crs xvith Mn. and Mns. E. Ben- nett, Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Toms, attend- ed the wedding on Saturday af Vandermeer - Tiersma, at thi2 Christ ian Reforin Chuneh, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mns. Norman Wright received a surprise Motber's iDay message on Sunday eveni- i ng when a long distance phone rail came from their daugbten, Mrs. J. L. Bradford, her lhus- band and son, who live at Tuc- soan, Arizona. Mn. and Mrs. Cortney Gra- am, Mn. and Mrs. Sandy Shirley, were Saturday tea guests 01 Mn. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mr. and Mns. C. B. Wagg, Ux- bridge, wcre with Mr. and Mns. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mcs. C. Waverfeldti and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Cong,,ratulationis ta Mn. and Mrs. Rloss Sharp, arrivaI being a haby girl. Watch Coming Events for Anniversary news. Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethicki were with Mns. William Smith, Newtonvilie. Mrs. M. Humpbnies, Ms.M Dcnsen, Mn. and Mrs. L. Mc- Mahaon, Mr. and Mrs. Floy .d Pethick and Robin, Toronto, were recent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. 'Mr. and Mns. Gardon Beech, Mapie Grave, played the raie of haost and hostcss at a dinner party for a famiiy re-union oni iMother's Day in banon of Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Besides theiM- mnediate family and grandebil- dren af Mrs. E. C. Ashton ather guests were Mn. Allen Stain-I ton, Enniskillen, Mrs. Irwin Bcagg, Providence, Miss Mary E. Victue, Toronto, Miss Joan Ma Gee, Toronto, Mn. David Weidon, Oshawa. Mrs. Ashiai I was very pleasantly surprised whcn slie xas pcesented by ber f-nmiiy with a life mernbershîip certificate and pin in the W. M.S. of the United Churci. Mrs. Ashton is a member of Ihe W.M.S. Auxiliary at Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leaci- beater and boys with their familles in Toronto on Sunday.I Mrs. H. Stevens, Mn. Gardon Stevens, attended the wedding on Saturday May llth af their 'mrandson and nephew, Mn. Dar- rIl Waiton and Miss Muriel Srnithi in St. Luke's Anglican Church, Kingston.j Cartwright Seeks Tenders' For Garbage Collection, 1Council met on above date, ail members present. Reeve 'ii chair. Minutes wcre read and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Green and Coun. Wright. Mr. Turner from Rowans Beach discussed condition of Park St. and Centre St. Coun- cil to inspect May 8. Mr. Mat- chett Jr. was also present re- NE WTON VILLE Mother*s Day Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Peth- ick, Enniskillen, with his sistcr, Mrs. Gilmer-Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and son Donald, Toronto, with1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Reichrath. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son, Toronto, with lier grand-parents, Mr. and Mus. Geo. Ovens. Mrs. Ernest Reid with her' son and daughter-in-lai, lvï.r and Mrs. Gordon Clysdale, Hastings. Rev. S. J. Pikc, Onondaga, was in the village on Tuesday guest of Mr. Robert Gay at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Farrowr are keeping bouse for Mr. anid Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Orono, while the latter are on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliolt and dlaughter, Dorothy, with ber brother, Mr. Wray Souleý, Toronto. Miss Joyce -Kirkpatrick with friends at Napanee. jMr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey, Joan and Johnnie, Mrs. Cecil W alkey and Mrs. J. T. Pearce with Mr. and Mrs. Walter WInttaerToronto. Mrs. David Merrili and son, Mr. Wallace Merrill, Dartford,I and Mrs. Zena Carlaw, Whitby, wvith Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones. Together they attended the morning service at Orono when Mrs. Merrill's great grand- daughter, Cheryl Lee Cornish was one of thirteen, presented for baptism. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McEvers and son Garry; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hulatt, Lois and Diane, Mr. John Bracey and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pidger. and family, ail of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bour- genie. Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Staple- ton and family are planning a trip vest this summer. They already have their tickets for the Calgary Stampede. Just now one or two of themn are, battling with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and daugbter, Karen, Port Hope, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmen. Mrs. Murray Porter and daughten Sandra, with bis par- 'ents, Mr .and Mrs. W. N. Por- ter, Manvens Station. We were pleased to hear that Mns. Bert Samis, who suffered a broken hip is almost 'fully necovered and was out for a drive on Sunday. Mrs. Herb Gibson and iamn- lly, Newcastle, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Zec and famîly. Elizabethville, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and family, Stark- ville, with their mothen, Mrs. Ralph Boughen. 1~ garding water off road flood-ý ing bis property. GeolkiB1i Mn. Robatilie and therault discussedc uning Workmen's Compensation for fire brigade volunteens and other assistance, on motion of Coun. Wright and Hylandi couneil to secure $2,0 à>ro. tection per man for lx-ei1 men and give a grarO~2~ for year 1957. On motion of Coun. Wrio& and Trewin, tenders to be post. ecd for garbage collection. Mtpva ed by Coun. Trewin and Hy.ý land, by-1awv requesting supp!e. mentary grant of $10,000 b; passed. Moved by Coun. Wright and seconded by Coun. Trewrn, accounts be paid and adjouri til June 3rd 8 p.m. D.S.T. Buy better Hybrids for, better yield. Plant Pfister Hybrids ln 1951 j DEALER Siewari's Seeds BOWMANVILLE J To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Payments Monthly AFor Holiday Expenses NFor New Purchases ~SFor Emergency Expenses The Difference wi t is the Service BELNÇE CORP. oi G.IH. WILSON, Mgr. S2911- Simcoe S. RA 5-11ZI OSHAA REGENT SERVICE STATION 218 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE is now operated by R(Bud) VIRTUE GREASE AND O1L WASHING AND REPAIRS Phone MA 3-3432j Congratulations to the c' Local Mothers Bake SaleFE !This Friday ~ F 1To hclp promote minon hoc- L-e.-, a nd ta aid the minor # We art hokyteams ai Bawmanviiic, ~ tio newly formed Hockey # Coi Mothers' Auxiiiarx' is planning 1 t a Home Bake *Sale at tne HYd ro Shop Friday at 1:30 Hockey Mothers' are a grouple of inte-ezted mothers wbosel è4 chiidren denive fine enjoyment 1 from Bowmanville's M ino n Hockey program during the eý, PLUI %vnten months. Although they 1 cannot coach the variaus t earns '0 26 j the.v plan ta aid minor hock-v ,7 i wiîth iunds ra,ýsed irom tkÂc el sale.eà ý itizens of Bowmanville on ihe opening of Iheir new POST OFFICE and DERAL BUILDING e proud of the part we have pIayc4-in the nstruction of this modern new buildov- V. A. Kîlpatrick MIBNG AND HEATING CONTRACTOR berty St. N. MA 3'3613 - 4 j; C' 'i Bow manville *eo*= PAOLP rlt;RITM - TUE CANADL« ISTATESMAN. BOWMANVME. ONTAMO ""Tn.qr#Àv UI&V lafil- in.qq 1