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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1957, p. 3

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THURSDAY, MAY l6th, 195? TEE CANADIA!f STATESMAK. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO _________________________________________________________________________ oeuw. -,LLcLAREN - ALLAN United Church Chape], icenora, Ontario, was the scene cf a pretty wedding on April 20th when Barbara Jean, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AI- lan, became the bride of Don- ald Robe-t McLaren, son o!' Mrs. C. S. McLaren and the late Mr. McLaren o! Oror.o. 11ev. R. J. Leighton performed the double ring cerernony. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride chose a floor length gown o! lace and net over satin, featuring a high neckline and lily point sleeves. Her finger tip veil fell from a satin cap embroidered with pearîs and sequins, and she; carried a bouquet of garden- ias, carnations and ivy. Mîss Phyllis Allan, maid of honour for ber sister, wore a waltz- lengtb gown of mint green brocaded taffeta and carnied a bouquet of yellow roses. Mr. Arthur McLaren was best man for bis brotlier. A reception was beld in the church parlours. Following a' wedding trip to the United States and eastern Canada, Mr. andi Mrs. D. R. McLaren will reside in Kenora. Those attending the wedding were Mrs. C. S. McLaren and Mr. Arthur McLaren, Oronu, Mrs. Lloyd Ewing o! Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Fyles of Winnipeg.1 In the sanctuary of St. Jer- ome's Roman Catholic cburch, Warkworth, Saturday morning, May 4, a double ring ceremony united in marriage Mary Cath- erine, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Tbos. E. Duff, Warkworth, andi William George Wilks, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilks, o! Campbellford. Rev. G. Sullivan performeti the ceremony, andi said the nuptial mass. Paul Lonergan, cousin of the bride, serveti Mass. Music was played by Mi-ss Rita Doherty, cousin of the bride. Miss Sharon Noonan was soloist andi during mass sbe sang "Ave Maria," "Panis An- delicus", "On Tbis Day", andi "O Sacreti Heart". Given in marriage by bier father, the bride chose a bal- lerina length gown with lace bodice outlined with net, andi full skirt of lace and net. Her lace jacket with lily point sleeves had a small collar out- lined with seed pearîs. Her finger-tip veil of!1 silk illusion was tiotted with r bine- stones, and caught to a heati- dress o! nylon tulle enhanced wîth tiny seeed pearîs and se- quins. She carnîcti a bouquet of red roses and lily of the valley. Matron of honor Mrs. Jack Hor4ey, and bridesmaids Miss Pauline Duf!, are sisters of the bride, and *Miss Lucille Hef- fernan of Peterborough, a also a bridesmaid. Flower girl was Mary Coveney o! Camp- belîford. Mrs. Honey wore a gown andi jacket in shrimp shade Ellisont lace and nylon tulle, with skirt in tiers of Dutch ruffles, bol- ero-type jacket, a matching beaddress 0f nylon ruching, scattereti with rhinestones a:,-d matcbing mittens. She cannied a nosegay of yellow 'mums. The bridesmaitis wore identi- cal gowns in sea-green shatie and carried nosegays o! pink '~' '?/A -z- For the very best in. ALL ALUMINUM STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS and DOORS Get ALL-ALUMINUM STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS The most advanced desgn et à price t. fit every hude get. mnsac 'em *..forget 'eml " Trip-I-Trac lkas vno chanqp ing or storing problem * Changes instantly fron? storm to screen wndow : 0 Extruded aluminum framp gives life-time service M lnterloclcing sash givei Weather-tight Protection 0 Anodized track assurer smootht operation Set the. 'Trip-L-Trac' windows NOWa CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Cowan Equipment Company 1 St.St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 GET IN ON THESE VALUES...* Rosé Bran MAI Aylmer KET4 Moeron's BAR- Choice.Cri A&P SUPER -RIGHT 0QUALITfY AMA TS! Srnoked, Cooked, Rcady to Serve IlAM S shank portIon lb 5 5c butt portion lb1 Grade 'A', Broiler Type, 41A to 7-16 Average Oven-Ready TURKEYS PRODUCE SPECIAL Florida Valencia, Now at their Bout. This es the Oheapost they have beom in many months. Size 175, No. 1 Grade ORANGES S3 5C Prieis Effective Until Saturdey, May lSth, 1957. 65C b47C BAKER Y ITEMiS Jane Parker Double-Crust Reg. Prie. 49c-SAVE 6. LEMON PIE eac43c Jane Parker Large Reg. Price 59c-SAVE 100 ANGEL CAKE each 49C Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. Price 29c-SAVE 2o BREAKFAST ROLLS pkg27c Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 33c-SAVE 17o DROP COOKIES 2pkgs 49c DON'T FORGET TO BUY EXTRA BREAD FOR THE LONG WEEKEND JANE PARKER WHITE BREAD DAI.Y DATED 2,4oz loafl~7c Lýl -;P ) .ia uA? ur e s To Live at Blackstock Pictured following their marriage in the parsonage of Maple Grave United Church on Saturday, April 27, are Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock Aitchison. The bride is the former Mary Madeline Snowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden of Maple Grave, and the groom is the son of Mr. Archie Aitchison and the late Mrs. Aitchison of Lucknow. The couple will reside in Blackstock. -Photo by Hornsby Studio, Oshawa 'mums. The little flower girl was in yellow satin witb a Pe- ter Pan collar dottet i wth rbinestones wîtb a matching, nylon net headpiece and mit- tens. She ca-rieti a bouquet of mixed flowers. Groomsman was Mn. Vincen t Doherty, cousin of the bride. Ushers were Jack Honey, bru- ther-in-law o! the bride, and Donald Nicholîs, o! Campbell- f ord. Dinner was served in Camp- belîford to 40 guests. A recep- tion was held later at the home o! tbe bride's aunt, Mns. Leo Lonergan. The bride and groom left la- ter on a wetiting tnip to Otta- wa, Montreal, and points cast. For travelling the bride chose an ensemble in acetate brocade, a lineti duster over a sbeath dress trimmeti with summ,3r beads in turquoise ,and beige accessories. She wore a corsage o! white 'mums. Mn. andi Mrs. Wilks wîll live at 3 Durham St., Bowmanville. WVATSON - GOODE Etina Joan Goode and John Herbert Watson were uniteti in marniage Saturtiay, May 4th in the Chancel o! the Orono Un- iteti Church by Rev. John Kit- chen. The bride is daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Goode, Orono, aand the bridegroom. is son o! Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Watson, Orono. Th bride wone a white chan- tilly lace gown, cocktail length, featuring a bigh neckline anti lily point sleeves. Her fingen tip veil fell frorn a lace cap embroidereti witb pearîs. She carried a mauve orchiti on a jwhite prayer book.' Mrs. Keith Wood, maiti o! honour, wvore a cocktail length gown of blue net. Mr. Keith Woodi was the best man. A reception was helti for im- mediate members o! the farn- ily at the borne o! the bnide's parents. Later the couple left for a motor trip to eastern Ontario anti other points in the United States. On their return Mn. andi Mrs. Watson will reside in Or- ono. For travelling the bride chose a turquoise suit with beige ac- cessories. The students of Orono Higb School held a dance and pres- eotation last Thursday at the school in honor o! Mr. andi MIE. John Watson. KEITH - GAY jSimcoe Street Unitedi Churcb Oshawa, was the setting for the marniage on Fniday even- ing, May 3, o! Eleanor Louise iGay, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay o! Oshawa, and Robert Victor Keith o! Toronto, son o! Mr. andi Mrs. Duncan Keith o! Teeswater. The double ring ceremony Iwas performed by Rev. John Moffat, B.A., witb Mrs. Rich- ard Moses at the organ. Before the ceremony Miss Betb Tra-, vell sang "O Perfect Love" and, duning the signing o! the register, the Malotte setting o! "The Lorti's Prayer"l. Given in marniage by ber father, the bride wore a por- trait gown o! white embroitier- ed net over satin. The bodice buttoneti to the waistline from a tiny revereti collar. The longa siceves endeti in points over ber hantis anti the floor lengtb skirt was worn over a hoop. From ber coronet o! seeti pearis1 feIl a fingertip veil anti she casýd a white Bible on whith reý& a white orchit i wth streamers o! satin ibbon anti fern. Her only attendant 'ý Miss Alice Reardon o! Oshawa, as maiti o! honor, weaning a bouf- fant waltz length gown o! nar- row tiers o! pale iblue embroî- dereti crystalette. The strapless bodice was toppeti with azhu jacket anti ber mittens at handeau headdress matcbedi J her dress. She cannieti a cascade bouquet o! pink anti white car- nations ant i pnk hyacinth flon- Iets. The best man ws the brit- groom's brother, Mr. David Keith, of Teeswater and usher- ing were Mr. Malcolmn G. Keith of Stouffville, and Mr. Robert Gay of Oshawa. The wedding dinner was served by the Commingle group of Simcoe Street United Church Woman's Association in the memorial hall of the church. Receiving, the bride's mother wore Elizabeth bluý- taffeta with pink accessories. The bridegroom's mother as- sisted ber wearing a two pieceI ensemble of navy blue print witb a navy blue bat. Both wore corsages of carnations and rosebuds. For travelling the bride wore a pink silk shantung dress and jacket with a navy blue coat, white accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Keith will live in Toronto. Out-of-town guests were present from Chesley, Luck- now, Wingbam, Teeswater, Stouffville. Elmira, Toronto, Haydon, Blackstock, Bowman- ville and Courtice. HARTLEY - CANN Trinitv United Church, Bow- mamnville, was the scene of the marriage on Saturday af- ternoon, May 4, of Retta Eli- nor Cann, daughter of Mrs. Mary L. Cann and the late Per- cival H. Cann, to Mr. Willard Royston Hartley, son of Mr'. and Mrs. Lister Hartley, Osh- awa. Rev. T. A~. Morgan per- forrned the cerernony. White Shasta 'mums and fol- iage decorated the church for the occasion. Mr. Arthur Col- son played the wedding music and Miss Joan Mathews, Osh- awa, was soloist. The bride was given in mar- niage by ber paternal grand- BALL *-PORTER J Shirley Joyce Porter of Or- ono and Johin Walter Bail cf London, Ont., were united in marriage on Friday, April 26 in Orono United Church by the Rev. John Kitchen.; The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Walter Bail of Chatham and the late Mr. Bail. Mrs. E. Bryson played the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- niage by ber father and wore a dressmaker suit of imported blue Italian wool with match- ing accessories and a corsage! of gardenias. She- was attended by Miss JAudrey Billings in a duskyl rose boucle suit with a corsage of white cbrysanthemums and mauve sweet peas. Mr. Clayton Bail of Chatham was best man.'1 A reception was beld for im- mediate members of the fair- ily at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's mother was in a two-piece sbeath en- semble of navy blue pure silk and the bridegroom's mother wore navy blue and white. Each had a corsE(ge of white chrysanthemums. Later the couple left for a motor trip to Washington and other points in the United States and on their return will reside in London, Ont. WTKS -DUFF father, Mr. W .Carin, and wore a floor length gown, the rose point lace bodice fashioned with scalloped neckline and in- sertion of tucked tulle. Th-z double tulle skirt fell grace- fully from the V waistline. Lily point gloves met the short sleeves. She wore a single strand of pearîs, the gift of the groom. A tiara of seed pearîs and crystal beads beld her lace edged veil, and she carried a white Bible, on whicb rested Sweetheart roses and white hyacinths. The bride's sister, Miss Joan Cann of Bowmanville, was~ maid of bonour. Bridesmajds were ber cousýi, Miss Marilyn Annis of Toronto, and the groom's sister, Miss Barbara Hartley, Oshawa.. Ail wore similarly styled gowns of silk organza over taffeta, the maid of honour in strawberry, the bridesmaids in black rose and petal pink. Their matching half-caps were fasbioned of tiny bands of pleating, and they carried cas- cades of white Shasta 'mums. Best man was Mr. Walter Turner of Weston and ushers were Mr. Robert Clayton and Mr. Albert Gilbert, Oshawa. For the reception in the church parlours, the bride's mother wore a dress of Rivie- ra blue lace over satin with pink accessonies and pînk fea- thered carnation corsage. The groom's mothejr was in dusky rose crystalette charmn with navy and white accessories and white feathered carnation corsàge. For their wedding trip to Cape Cod ,the bride wore a white lace sheath dress with pink linen shoes, bat and dus- ter and white accessories. Tbey will reside at 89 Pontiac Ave., Oshawa. Out-of-town guests attended the wedding from Stratford, Toronto, Weston, Oshawa and Cooksville. Bride Honored At Shower Miss Edna Goode, ibride-to- be was honoured with a mis- cellaneous sbower at the home o! Mrs. Keith Woodi. Co-host- esses were Mrs. Keith Wood anti Mrs. Gordon Lowery. 1About thirty friends and re- latives were present when Etina was taken completely by surprise. -A teligbtful lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses to complete an enjoyable evening, at the close o! which Etina expresseti ber thanks for the many lovely gifts she hati received. Shower For Recent Bride Mrs. John Turner (nee Enid Mitchell) was the recipient o! a personal and miscellaneous shower given in ber honor, on Aprîl 26, at the home o! Mrs. Harry Mercer. About 25 friends and acquaintances were pres- ent when Eniti was seated ini the chair o! honour, which was decorated with pink and white streamers and a corsage o! wbite carnations was present- ed to ber. Among bier many lovely gifts was an electnic frying pan, which wvas a presentation fromn the staff of the Orono Wood Products where she bas been employed for some time. After Eni batiextended ber appreciation, a social evenîng was spent and concluded with a delicious lunch served by the girls. "SERVICE" means GOOD MATERIAL at the RIGHT PRICE tri produce a QUALITY JOB and make ANOTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER Sheppumd .Qcund Lumber Co.*1 'Ir ited 96 Ring Si. E. Guiý8i Phone MA 3-5715 Cou rtice Bride Is Entertained Miss Elsie Vetzal whose mar- riage to Mr. Glenn Alexander Prout took place in Courtice United Church on Saturday qf- ternoon, May 11, bas been en- tertained at several prenupti,.il parties. Miss Vera Nicholishen and Mrs. E. V. Zinkiewich arrang- ed a personal shower at the latter's home in Oshawa. As- sisting the bostesses were Mrs. Michael Nicholishen and Mrs. Michael Kawenuik. The wom- en o! the Ukrainian Presbyter- ian Church, Oshawa, entertain- ed and presented the bride with a vacuum cleaner, Mrs. John Jacenty makîng the pres- entation. Miss Maragaret Hart was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at ber home, Kingston Road East, Oshawa. Mrs. Flor- ence Tramner, Miss Margaret Crumb, Miss Margaret Aiken and Mrs. Donald Hart served the guests. A miscellaneous shower was beld at the borne of Mrs. James Castle, Court- tice, with Mrs. William Me- Ghee and Mrs. James MacGre- gor assîsting. A group of golfing friends entertained at supper at Sari- Merh nt ON DAY~ BDAY - 3 Pi'. . Bowmanville APPRECIATI DRAW EVERY SATU] Jackpot Value - This Week - $240 First coupon drawn was that of Ross Page, Newcastle, who was not present. He will receive $3 consolation prize. Second Coupon - Mrs. Gordon Brent, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. 10% coupon - Won $22 DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., MAY l8th at 3 p.m. - Town Hall Mr. and Mrs. Durham County Yuare cordially invited tri attend the LIBERALI <OTEA and to meet Liberal Candidate JOHNNY JAMES. nt the Lions Community Centre from 3 Io 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22 Ail residents of the county wvil1 be made welcome regardless of their political affiliation. Inserted by Bowmanville Liberal Association DEEP-CUT SPECIAL5! nd Reg. Pric. 1-lb 31o--SAVE 3a MGARINE 21-lb pkgs .59 c Reg. Price btl 21>-.SAVE 3o CHUP 2 li-oz btls 39c 8 Reg. Price 29o--SAVE 4o -B-Q RELISH 15-oz ar25c eam Style Reg. Prie. 2 tins 27e--SAVE r5c CORN 415-ozins,49C lowmanville dalwood, North Oshawa, with Mises Gladys D)ale and Aniz Christie doing the honors. Misa Margaret MacGregor and Mrs. James MacGregor were co- hostesses at a neighborhood miscellaneous shower at the latter's home in Courtice. As- sisting in serving were Muses Shirley and Lois Antil, Mrs. Percy Dalby and Mrs. William McKnight. A community shower was held in the lower hall of Cour- tice United Church. Serving were Misses Gloria Phillips. Lois and Shirley Antil, Mrs. James MacGregor, Miss Mar- garet MacGregor, Mrs. Stanley Kinsman and Mrs. Bruce Down. From the staff of the Woods Transport, Whitby, the bride- eleet received a bostess chair. The staff of the Cost Depant- ment, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd., Bowmanville, pre- sented the future bridegroom, Mr. Glenn Prout, with an elec- trie dlock, and a group of friends entertained for him at a stag party at the Union Hall, Bowmanville, and made a pres- entation of two lawn chairs. Following the rehearsal on Friday evening, the ibridai par- ty were entertained by the par- ents of the bride and bride- groom at the home of the, bride's parents in Courtice. TffURSDAY, MAY I@th, 1057 TEE CANAD" STATESM". IROWMANVffýtr. ONTAIRIO

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