--a .r lC.L,,L.1 bJnsn.ra 1, i> YLV THURSDAY, MAY !sth, 1957 ~r~w (A~TAfl7Ae'I'Ar1!t*A~ ~ - - .IUN v ILLr. ONTARIO ei~-±v ~V?7U'~2 B. H. S. Drum Majorettes Feature Inspection i'Mrs. Charles Denton has re- rned from visiting friends in Walkerton. Mrs. Marjorie Thurston of Toronto was a waekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick. ) ora Palmer, Oshawa, .r, e weekend with her ~.I~aughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph AWmas. Mr. jnd Mrs. L. M. Annis and daughlers, Toronto, ware Sunday visitors with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H. Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Muir- haad and son Pater, Brockville, sPent the waakend with her parants, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reynolds. Mr Walter DeGeer, District Governor, and Mr. Dava Hig- gon attended the Toronto-Clave- land Inter Club Rotary meeting in Cleveland last waek. Mrs. C. A. Wight spant the weekend with har daughter,Mr and Mrs. Ralph Parriîsh andà Joan, and attended the baptismal service for bar grandson, Robert Scott Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Corden, Argyla St., ware royally enter- tained by their son How ard, his ST. JOHN's ICHURCH (Anglican) Fourth Sunday Aller Easter 8 Sand il arn -r HOLY COMMUNIOýN 10 and Il a.m. - 0 CHURCH SCHOOL 7 p.m.- EVENSONGa c Phone MA 3-3303 wife, and grandson at VetrW-'p Inn on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gea. White. 25 I. Ontario St., are attending a con- 1 s ference honoring the top Canad- 1 ian reprasantatives of The Pru- 1 A dential Insurance Company of!t America, at the new Amer*cana! Hotel in Miami Beach, FIa. * Mr. Ronald Oke of the re- portorial staff of The Staltesmanf - St. Gragory's Roman Cathlic Churcn Young People's Clubo Oshawa for 1957-58 at their I annual meeting last wveek. F John Werry on Thursday, May 9th. Business was conducted by, I President Mrs. R. Mclntvra. Lunch was served by the hostassIM at the. conclusion of the meat- 1ing. / Har many friands extand i sympathy to Mrs. Stan Preston! in the passing of her brother Will Gilders of Ottawa. Mr. j Gildars died suddenly May 9th. t He ws bon i Hayon nd ws A well known throughout this - district,. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bern-' ard Kitney at Hughendan overl the waakend were Mr. and Mrs. Î,e B. R. Kitney, Mr. and h beautiful' Mrs. Paul Kitney of Niagara Falls, Mr. James M-' Ateer and Mr. Irwin Critas ofj Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Queen Street, attendad the fui:- eral of her father, Mr. Frel Stone, Belleville, on May 8*,1i. Mr. Charles Morris, Queen S'y,.. acted as a palîbearer. Mr. and Mrs tceama to.Cand tgat- This pretty- group of Bowmanville Highi School Drum left, front roxv: Gayle Thomas, Christine Lamb, Head 37oyas ag o.Cnda geh ajorettes were a highlight of the evening at the B.H.S. Majorette, and Donna Akey. Second row: Grace Black- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strika and Cadet Inspection held at Memorial Arena Thursday even- burn, Ailean DeWith, Sheila Coverly, Pat McQueen, Myrna Mtr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigk 1 ing. Their drill and blackberry quadrille displays were Peterson, Karen Clarke, Heather Bissonette. were at Iroqsuois on Saturdayl efficiently and colourfully executed. They are from the -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville when Mr. Strika, as Vice-Chair- mission, took part in the cere- 'nony of cutting the ribbon in connaction with the relocating of ha village of Iroquois, as part of the Hydro St. Lawrence pow- r project. Miss Janie Belîman, daughtar f Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beliman. was successful in examinations in Homne Economics at Macdon- ld Institute, Guelph. Har liancee, Mr. John Allan Kessier )f Moreland, Sask., recaivad first lass honours in Vtarinary Tyrone United Church Sunday School Anni versary Sunday, May l9th GUEST SPEAKER: SMr. John Griffen S Port Perry, Student Minister 2:00 p.m. - Misses Linda Scott and Lynda Martin, Maple Grove 7:30 p.n.-Soloist - Mir. Tom Park, BowmanvilIe Special Music by the Sunday School Trinity Uni MWinister - Rev. T. 11 A.M.- "Chrisi 7 P.M.- "The Ch SOrganist-Mr. Arthur Cel ited Church Arthur Morgan, B.A. an FaitIl hameleon" )ilison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Eldad Sunday School Anniversary Sunday, -May I6th Services 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. George Boyle, B.A., B.D. Victoria University, Toronto ANNIVERSARY TEA Monday, May 27th Commencing 4:30 until ail are served 6 :30 p... m League Football Gamne Draina - 8:15 S"iCaIm Yourself" by Y.P.U. of King St. United Church, Oshawa Entertainment between acts ADULTS - Tea and Concert $1.25 - Concert only 50e CHILDREN,; - Tea and Concert 75c - Concert 25e Science at Ontario Agricultural: apparently been swallowad bv Collage. Their marriage took, the quicksand years ago and* place in Trinity United Church when 'the recent disturbanc last Saturday.1 occurraci it came shoeting to A latter te the Editor of The the surface. Statasman from Major Gladstone A present th ae-npr Murray, founder cf Rasponsibla fatin dfthodi oe2 Entai-prise cf Toronto writas- etindph while the banks "Pleasa accept spacial congrat- hava risen te a height cf 14 ulations on the aditorial "Soe feet. Tha hele is filled with w F- Persuasive Illusions" in your ter that praviously drain,> issue cf May 9th. In expesing away through the culvart that, some cf the econemie nonsensa was swallowed. advocatad by soe Trada Union It may be nacassary te driva leaders you ara doing a lot te 60 foot pilas into the hele in Prctect the strength and pros- ordar te form a solid basa for parity cf our free seciaîy. the read. This systemn is simil- Bill Cornîsh, popular A. & P. arly aupliad vben a whari or othar structure is built in wa- empîcyea, vas proudly display- ter. The pilas sink te tha bot ing a large Rainbew Trout lie tom and then form a;imbs cauht n Tasdy. hafis 11 for othar materials. measuîed ovar 24 inches aru oevrn efnt dcso weighad ovar 3 Ibs. The f:^IH vva edfniedcse w-as caught in the Fisher-% lias. been raachad by the engin - Cree nea Necaste. N r.eer ing consultants, whose woî , Craa ner Nwcasle. Mr.it is te find a solution te tne Cornish bas been an ardenL probîern. There are sevaral pos- fisherman for many years a:id siblae vays te form a substan- :hi isth iagas ctchha a~tial base, over the quicksand made. Ha plans going eut again and it is axpectad they will us:e next week in an effort te re- whicbever oea is suitabia un- peat the performance. der the prevailing conditions. As this is the time of year Until the road is repaired when resuits cf studants at- moter;-sts will hava te dateur ending univarsity and collage the area whara the hole is ait- are anounced The Statesm>n. uated. i as usual, is desirous cf report- ing the namas cf ahi successful students who coma from this district. Wa would appraciate it if intarested Parties wouid send u.s particulars cf these students. In case cf students Who graduate wa would wei:j Socred Candidate com tre photous Wflh iC llI (Continued from page one) be published tÉi The Statestnan Africa. H-e lived in the United without charge. States for a time where he en- A pleasant surprise and gaged in the real estate busi- house-warming party was given ness then travelled to Ger- Mr. and Mrs. Blake Short re- many, South America, Engrland cently in their new residence on and returned to Toronto in Scugog St. by Shaw%- Farm t 1937 xvhere he was assistant Forum. After ail hadl gathered manager of one of the city's Mr. Kyle Squair called on Mrs. laading hotels for fine years. SElmar Cox to present the sur- Ha later angaged in the real prised couple with a lovely estate business in Toronto be- aluminum tray. Mr. Squair on fore rnoving to Millbrook in behalf of the Forum than 'wish- 1956 where he bought a 150- ~ed Mr. and Mrs. Short happiness acre farm which ha is develop- >in their new home. The remai nd- ing in to a private trout and er of the evening was spant if hunting club. cards after which a de»lu e his acceptance talk at the «llunch was served bv the 1ladiesïtii-13 iinating meeting, Mr. Tomns ~lCol. L. T. McLaughlin, Messrs.tu 11ha wil do his utmost to SMark Roenigk and Geo. W. brîng to the attention of the James were in Oshawa MondayeltosfDram iin h evening as guests of Mr. R. S. main points of the Social ~ McLaughlin when ha entertainad Credit platform which ha ou,- -a number of bis friands in the l:ned. 1McLaughlin Public Library audi- I torium at a special showing of the colored film "Milling and Smelting the Sudbury Nickel N ew Ores". This film gives an inti- mate and impressiva damonstra- i n on bhe y telInterational P oi st O ffice tain ofnthbmatheloustepnationsl Nb1ickel ,ýCornpany's mine at Sud- Continued from page one) buy wich is the graatast nickel n l bCarceKptik minein te wold. oxma nvflia and Lance Phare, Constable Clarence Bradley Tyrone, will be his assistant. of the Bovmanville Police has Post Office patrons on thaîr t.andered his resignation toi first visit to tha new building fChiaf Eric Smith. Mr. Bradley will undoubtadlv ha pleased lias accepted a position with with the stunning interior andt the General Motors Security exterior of the building a]oiig Police in Oshawa. His resigna- with Us many conveniencas. tion will take affect on Mav The rainforced concrete foun- 5.Chief Smith paid tributedain nd rango te to the work done by Constable i nataciemd Brdlvinhs eanyar i hbuiklig saatrciem thBre. i hsWeve arsrry 1 arn architecture highlighted by thefoce."W ar srryto1.red brick and aluminum ur- lose hlm, however he has 'hl, tain. Queenston Limestone is sincera good wishas of the used on the principal elava- Bowmanvilla Police for con- fos tinuad success in his new wýorki," Chief Smith said. . The interior of the building is spa-cious wîth ample room for patrons and employees. Tie . 1242 box lobby is completaly noieseparaae from the main lobby H ole inso as not to interfere wth an othar postal functions. in nv rsThe ground f loor will ha M a nvers taken over completely for.Pos- tai and Customs examinind (Continued from page one) warehouse. On the second floor logresBrent orealis a.sim:h oficeaccommodation for-the~ Mr. ren reallsa smýlr Department of Agriculture, De- ncideà1t that occurrcd xwhen partmcnt of National Revenue, Byron Moore w as Countv Road Custo.ns and Excise Division. Foreman in 1900. On that occa- 'and the Department of Public: io thbe d sank t a consid.- Works. Ail these Dapartrnents werea used to fui the lar4ge Concrete storage rooms ~ hola h saîdvauits hava been constructed ThurFda ' v hile visiting the ini the basement as well as one scene Mr. Brent dîscovered ane large auxiliarv roomn The basC, - of thue original cor-durov lu,;s ment aiso provides aceommo-1') > uîzed to baild the culvert w!1-11 dation for the heating and m- the râad was first sLurvý_Ž':cd chnnical services in the buÉd. and built in 1791. The 109 had in&. School (Continued from Page one) rel1eve over-crowding in some jof the other rooms. If there is 1 an abnormal increase dur:ng the summanr months the thoecl room will ha opned if found necessary. New Teachers Resignations iwere rcei%7-ed fromn thrae teachers - Mi-is Diarnn Hogaboarn nw Mx--. Doug Rgg: Miss Audrev Young, who is going to Tren- ton, and from Miss Ruby Mcr- row. New teachrs hird n- lude Mr. Murdocli Beaton, Kincardine, who will ha super- visor f îmusic; Miss Carroll Hopkins, Picton: Miss Joan Carthy, Espanola; Miss Anni Harrison, Mount Albert, and Miss -Mary Stevens, Scarbor- ougb. Broken Windows It was rported to the meet- ing tht a number of wi o.' are being delibrately biok,'n Jackman, St. Catharines, f'x- at Ccntral School on Fridav merly 0f Bowmanville. M Diane Jackman Wins Medal At St. Catha ri nes Diaene Jackman, 18, grand- daugh'er cf l\rs. Herbert Jew~- el!, 89 Liberty Street, and Mrs. Frank Jackman, Bow- manville, was chosen as a Ro- tary M Iedalist at St. Catharines Collegaiate Institute racenti;'. The Rotary Award is timet- highest honouîs obtainable by Collegciate students. It is pi7e- sc-nted to stiîdents for outstand. ing charactar, schoiastic stand- ing anîd sportsnianiike conduct. Miss Jackcman was choseit froni si-ne 15 eligibie girls at the Colicgiate. She is t:ýe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harr'-,I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE jA j j SPECIAL VALUES AND "'For Bob ys Com fort" I..'" BABY POWDER SmaiI ~39C FAMILY SIZE in a special bottie for your table -----__$7.95 Compared to the smalt 'size you save $6.05 Othpr sizes $ 1.40, $2.50, $3.95 JUMBO Man's Size KLENEX * Tissues 201 TISSUES IN TUE NEW RED BOX I 35c 2for69c Alex. Me Deliver REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Pr SE The tion ment final the w, eh a knoi t h at brings longer a n d Junior - Regular - better living !o f1 to, you. We 43c - 2 For are proud to serve you andi Econorny Pack of your doctor ln Regular size cornpounding 1.65 your prescrip- tions w 1 t h Kotex Wonderform skill, eare anti Pink or WVhite s e i e n ti1 f- ie knowledge. 35C - 2 tor *Reg. Trada Mar] Save on these Sj I.D.A. Heavy Grade Listerine WAX PAPER ANTIZYME 12 n.x 00IL TOOTH FASTE 12 l. x100ft. Reg. 1.38 value relis. - Reg. 31c 2 Giant Size 28c, 2 for 55e Tubes 89e 1.50 NESTLE Bi MENT and 59e .Tohnson's Both for BABY SOAF J.D.A. SACCH 'ROUD ERV'E prescrip- depart- is to-e link in vonderful i n ô f )wledge Reg. 2 for 29e 3 for 39e BABY POWDER 4-oz. tin - Reg. 39e 2for69o I 7c 49e '9c 100's reg. 20e 14o 100's reg. 23e NEED SUN GLASSES? Polaroid 1.98 - 2.98 Children's anud Teenagers 69o Fits-Ori 2.50 Men's Aviation Special 990 Glarernaster Clipover 690 Sun Rite Children's 25c - 29e 39e Others 29C to 10.00 Ilnsect R ep e len ts Sta-Way tube 29o Squeeze bottie 69e Spray 1.19 Tantoo Inseet Repellent Spray Bomb 1.10 Cream 65o 6-12 Inseet Repelaent Liquid or Stick 69e Pressurizer Bornb 1.19 pecials! I.D.A. TOOTH FASTE Reg. 57c tube 2 for 79c loc OFF LYSOL Reg. 79e size 69e ABY HAIR TREAT- SHAMPOO 15 ,iGainTALS 5's.1Grai3 re5 51 reg.079c 3e9. 59 er7 Grain9 500'8raIn' r .5 e reg.0098c r e79 er9 le c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor,. Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-P1EX WAM POLI PSOSPNO-PLIX THE "EVERY DAY" WAY TO RECT DnRED HECTIC PACE GETTING YOU DO W N? ITS SO5 EAS'Y TO RELAX .IUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, 'TIRED AU. THE TIME' FEELING. ENJOY LIFE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDAY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. WomPole PHOSPHOD-PLEX is a modern nerve food and tonic, rich in B COmpound Vitamins and Other important restorative ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPHOD-PLEX in either easy-to-toke tables or COnven- jent liquid form. A FULL THREE WUEK TREAIMINT 50 TABLETS 1 16 OUNCES 2.50 J 2.50 Drugs. Phone M -72 'HoId Dance To Honour B.HS. Cadets More than 350 Bowmanville High School Cadets wera i u5jsr aadancegheld in their toora teHg School Au- ditorium Friday evaning. tA delightful evening of round and square dancing was j iy-ed b l. eealso and refreshments wara servad. Major E. A. Witherspoon and Mrs. Witherspoon acted as cha- perones for the evening. Thev were assisted by, Mr-. and Mrs. Robert Sheridan, Mr. and M~ Len Luceas. Mr. Vince Mathe v-1 son and Principal L. W. Dip-1 THE CAN'AnTAN'qTATVýc;TtIAN L&ýLE. ONTARIO PACIP Li nights. The Chief of Police has been advised of the situation and appropriate steps are be- ing taken. It has cost the tax- payers approximateiy $30 Io rapair these windows during, the past few weeks. The Secretary Treasurer, S. R. James. wvas instructed Io draw tèp an agreement form tIo 1 ha signed by ail basebaîl teai'.-l fthat will be using theVicn jMassey bail park. This agre- ment places the responsibiiti, for damage on the varlous teaais and a $25 daposit must ha paid prior to the start of the se-ason. Ilealth Unit Reports A report was received froni te. United Counties Healt)i unit giving a dlean bill of health on ahl three, publi4à schoois. Some mfinor changes w~ere suggested in the repart for Cent-al Schooi. The Pro- perty Committea will investi- gate and bring back a report at the next meeting.« The secretary was instructed to have the insurance policiei revieived and to report at the ic f: n p m t( a ýrvice 2.50 1 NEW, MODERN 2.50