PAGE TE~I TJI.~ CANAD-A - .-l-E.MAN. EOWMANVLLE ONT Rîn lXTflVA7~A e. A Howard Fox Wins Trip t New York During a two day sales meet- ing held in Bowmanville an May 9th and lth Elmer Barit- ing, Manager of the Bowman- ville Bnanch of the H. C. Down- ham Nursery Company Limit- ed, announced that Howard Fox of Newcastle, had wan the "President's Cup" for the high- est volume o! sales of any saiesman in the H. C. Dawn- bamn Nursery Company. The Pnesident's Cup was pre- sented by Mn. H. C. Dawnham, President o! the firm ta Mn. Fox, who has been with the company for twelve years, and competing against seventy-fîve salesmen in the organization, bas consistently been among the top three salesmen for th'e last six ycans. Three out of the six ycars- he won top honors. In addition ta the cup Mn. and Mrs. Fox won a "week end at the Waidorf" and have the op- portunity o! flying ta New York for this holiday. This was the second presenta- tion of the President's Cup and both yeans it has been won by memb ans of the Bowmanville branch. Mn. Ross Richards of Bowmanville who won the "President's Cup"I last year was runner Up ta Mn. Fox this year for top banours. Mn. Banting also announced that Mr. Glen Thompson, dis. trict sales manager for eastern Ontario, formerly o! Bowman- ville but now residing in Car- leton Place, was, for the second time winner of the second pnize in the district sales manager's competition, and he and Mrs. Thompson. are again eligible for an "ail expense week-end at the Waidonf" or similar hol- iday. Last year Mn. Fox won finst prize in the district sales man- agers' competition and be and Mrs. Fox enjoyed a week in Bermuda for his efforts. One o! the highlights of the meeting was an aàddress by Mn. H. C. Downham during whichi he mentioned the pnogress of the company thnough the years,I including the tnying times o! the depression days. He aLo spoke brie!ly on Canada's out- look for the future and the place the nursery industry holds in the economy o! today. Mrs. W. C. Ives Elected Head Bay of Quinte W.A. The annual meeting of the conducted by Rev. B. K. Cronk, Bay of Quinte Conference B.A., and the soloists durint. Woman's Association was heid the day wene Mns. James Miiis on Tuesday, May 7 in the Un- of Little Britain and Miss Vi- ited Church in Port Hope. The vian SadIe& of Bowmanville. Woman's Association was host- The theme of the Conference ess to about 140 delegates. Re- was Leadership; Learni-Do-- presentatives of the W .M.S. Inspire. This was particularly and the Bay of Quinte Confer- emphasized in the address of ence brought greetings at the Miss Inez Morrison, Personnel noon luncheon. Secretary for Women's Workl Mns. W. T. Elliott, president, in the United Chunch. She de!s pnesided for both sessions of cribed the opportunities foh the day's pnogram. The annual service for nurses, teachers anc reports from eight Presbyter- full time chunch workens anc Îes were reviewed, reports of answered many questions re. the secretaries and the treas- lating to the entny require.. uners received. ments for the United Churer During the morning session, Training School ini Toronto. Rev. Beverly L. Oaten of Five The election of officers con- Oaks Christian Workens' Camp. cluded the activities of the day. gave a very enthusiastic and Mrs. Claude Ives of Bowman- enlighzening address on the ville was made president and Christian Education programis the executive for 1957-58 ini- availahle at Five Oaks, Paris, clude the Presidents of Pres. Ont. Mid-day Devotions were byteries and the following: PRE-CAST CONCRETE -Sept ic Tanks- -Sidewalk Slabs- Coloured Patio Slabs- - Porches, Steps - - Curbing - Bmoolin Concrete Pvoducts PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect 'Cails Accepted One easy operation-prepares-cultivates..weeds ... when you let Iroto-Mo« do it! Specially hardened steel teeth, revolving a, over "'0 r.p.m., break up and aerate your soi - cutting ard .Il:hi.9 weeds to produce a perfect seed bed. Compact design pet. mits betweenrow cultivation. TRIM YOUR LAWN - cit hish grass or weeds, with the Economy 20" Roto-Cutter or the new 22" Self Poelled unit. The 2 H.P. Roto.Hoe,- favourite for rni!gardens since 1936, hias de. pedal 4 cycle (no gas and oil ta mix) efline, tHlis 11" wide and up tai 6deep. Ask for à demnonstratlon et he new, arger Maoe 300 Roto. '6 cteH soee i)o wth 3.3 H.P. engins. The & ttaciments availible. and "Prices are #rprisingl, low - sce your dçaIer Ioday or write Iwo for fre lterture. 1 FALCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD., 299 Danforth Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. Phone! OXford 9-1121 ROTO-HOE DEALER W. H. BROWN 91 King St. Wi. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5497 VIGOR OIL COMPANY Sérvice Statio n CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Vigorq Standard Gasoline 3 GAL. : ncluding tax Vigor 4 GAL Stove OiU available i any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAys Past Pres. Mrn. W. T. EIIiott, Stirling; President, Mrs. C. Ives, Bowmarillle; 1Ist Vice, Mrs. G. E. Dobbs, E ellevile; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Scott 'Brandon, Cannington; 3rd Vice, Mrs. R. C. Ellis; 4th Vice, Mrs. C. A. Bell, Peterborough. Recording Sec., Mrs. T. E. Rath, Lakefield, Corresponding Sec., Mrs. W. B. Reynolds, Bowmanville; Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Bell. Committee Chairmen ap- pointed were as follows: Chris- tian Citizenship, Mrs. J. Stod- dard, Woodville; Christian S tewardship, Mrs. F. B. Hew- itt, Inverary: Devotions, Mrs. A. C. Crowhurst, Port Hope; Leade.rship Education, Mrs. A. A. Crowle. Oshawa, Parsonage, Mrs. H. H. Webb, Brockvilic; Visiting and Christian Fellow- ship, Mrs. A. N. Pyear, Frank- ford. Nominations, Mrs. W. T. El- liott, Sterling; Organization, Mrs. M. R. David, Bellevile; Fi- nance, Mrs. C. A. Bell; Press secretary, Mrs. H. Turner, Pe- terborough. Cooperation wth Christian Education and Liter- ature secretaries are stili to be appointed. Mrs. A. A. Crowle installed the officeri.1 MAPLE GROVE (Intended for last week) Guests at a Mother's Day din. ner in honour of Mrs. E. Ash. ton, held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gordon Beech were Mr. and Mrs. S. May, Bill, Misn Joan McGee, Miss Mary Virtue Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stewari SRodman, Port Perry; Mr. and SMrs. 1. G. Traveli, Beth anà Bruce, Mr. David Waldon, Osh. awa: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg eAllun and Barry, Mrs. Eva -B ragg, Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Doris anci y Dennis, Blackstock; Mr. ai-d d Ors . C. Ashton, Lois anc ýl Charles, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ash« Kton, Claire and Douglas,Mr Allen Stainton, Enniskillen. rMrs. E. Ashton was presented cwith the life membership pin of the W.M.S. by her family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun. day, Don and Janice. with Mr. and Mrs. Ron MacDonald, Bowm anvi lle. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Nicholas, with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery. Very sorry to hear that Lar- ry, small son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Quinney, was rushed to Sick Children's Hospital. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford, w e re weekend guests of Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildred and Bob, and witlî themn visited Mr. and Mrs. Sani Snowden and infant son, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitcheson, Blackstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, Bowmanville. Mrs. Aylmer Beech visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mc- Grath spent Sunday with Miss Clara Neal, Toronto. Mrs. E. Webb, Ted and Pat, Toronto, witli Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allisan. Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson are very proud of the safe arrivai of their first great- grandson, son of Mr. and Mrs Putman, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke and Bette Ellen were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Myles Stoughton, Oshawa. Evening Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil Milîs on May 23. At the Mother's Day Service at Maple Grove United church, Rcv. Somerville baptized Den- nis Adrian Bamber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bamber, Maplo Grove, and Charles Howcrof t, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Howcroft, Courtice. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden were Mrs. James Ewing and Miss Susan Ewing, Seven Islands, Que.; -Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Down, Ebenezer; Mn. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lewis and girls, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Gail, Betty Lou, Lor- raine and Mr. Garry Petit. The Couples' Club will hold their annual bowling night on Saturday, May 18, at the Mo- tor City Bowling Alley in Osh- awa. Ladies please bring sand- wiches or tarts. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman were Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Power, Osh- awa, and the Misses Gertie and Laura Wray, North Oshawa. Plan Clarke Field Day For June 14 The Charke Teachers held the last meeting o! thîs school year at Brown's School on Monday, ,May 13. - A lovely supper was servrd I y Brown's Busy Bees. Mn. iMunro tbanked the Busy Bees, the committee and the execu- tive for the yean. Foilowing suppen the bus!- ness meeting wvas held. The minutes o! the last meeting %veenead and approved. MVrs. Collins maved that the bis be paid, -ec'inded by Miss Cain. Moved by Miss Foster and seconded by Miss Stewart that field day be held on Friday, June 14. Pupils are ta be in i ne by 8:50 a.m. for field day. The Septemnber meeting wil be beld on Monday, 16th, at Crooked Cneek. iTh e broad jump bogrd is ta be ten inches wide instead of eight ii ches as !ormerly used. The bail games are to be held befane field day and the win- ner announced an field day. IThe Canadian piimary textile industny comprises the estaqô- i ishments engaged in manufac- J turing or prepaning textilè fi- bres - cottan, wooh, silk, and the various synthetics-and in spinning, weaving, felting, knitinq, dyeing and finishîng- thcŽe fibres and products made Irgm Ihena. Wins President's Cup Howard Fox, Newcastle, was presented with the cup he holds and ali-expense paid trip to New York for he and his wife for being the top salesman at the-Tri C. Downham Nursery Co. Mr. Fox was presented with the award by Mr. H. C. Downham, Presîdent of the Company, on his right, while Mr. George Downham, General Manager, is on his left. The presentation was made at a sales meeting held at the Lions Community Centre. Many En/o y Choral Groups Spring Concert, Bowmanville Choral Socie- ty's Annual Spring Concert was enthusiasticaliy received by lange audiences on Friday and Satunday o! hast week at the town hall. A highlight of the delightful pnesentation was the Toronto Rbythmains, barbershop quar. tet, 1953-54 medalists o! the S.P.E.B.S.Q.A. Members o! the quartet including Gond Lang, lead; Dunc. Thompson, bass; Garth Evans, banitone; Ed Mon- gan, tenon Pleasant Listening The excellent harmony and, blending o! voices of the chor- al group in their many numn- bers wene indicative of the fine training they have received. Their selections from flie Bnoadway show "My Fair La- dy" were extremely pleasant listening. Hugh Martin, Choral Dinec- ton, was master of cenemonies for the performances. Choral Society President, Mrs. Anne Bridgeland welcomed the au. dience ta the concert. She gave a brie! resumne o! the choir's activities since.their Christmas Concert. of the evening, the Rhythmair3 continued to thrill the audi- ence with thein excellent bar- mony and fine singing voices. Among the many numbens they sang wene; "Sitting On Top o! the Worhd", "Anytime", "A Man Without a Woman" and sevenai humdfrous songs. Thrilh Audience Thei*r final number "May The Good Lord Biess and Keep You" was in answer to a pro- ionged appiause fnom the audi- ence. An arrangement o! the -Blue Danube" by the choir and Meredith Willson's '"I See the Moon" wcre weil sung by the choir. A series of selections from "My Fair Lady" once again showed the excellent harmony of the choral gnoup. The sehec- fions inciuded: "The Street Wrhere You Live", "With A Little Bit o! Luck", "I Couid Have Danced Ail Night", and "I've Gnown Accustomed To Her Face". Theme Sang The final numben of the show was the group's theme Hlghlight of Show song "Sing Your Way Home" Mendelsohn's Be Nota nd- the audience joined in the Mendessoh's "B Notsinging. Afraid" was among the open- Lightling and sfage work wene ing numbers sung by the gnoup done by John Dippell and AI. and the quality o! thein voices Stacey respectiveîy. was quite apparent in this __________ number. Thein nendition of Bach's "Blessing, Glony and Wîsdomn and Thanks" was also T R N a highlight o! the finst bai! of the show. (Intended for last week) Alfred Newman's arrange- Mns. John His attended the ment o! "The Twenty-Third trousseau tea of ber niece, Jan- Psaim" from the motion pic- ie Bellman, at the home o! h-r ture David and Bathsbeba, was sister, Miss Marion Beliman, exquisitely sung by the choir. Bowmanville. Receive Encore * Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and Mn. Martin intnoduced the childrnî visited Mn. and Mrs. Rhythrnairs, who fhriiied tne Walter Ormiston, Oshawa. audience with their delightfi Mn. and Mns. Paul Vaneyk sangs. They received an encore and cbiidren have rented the for thein harmonious nendition apartmcnt of Mns. Elva Beck- o! "That Oid Gang o! Mine" ett. and returned to sing a humor- Mn. and Mrs. Don Real, aus number entitled "Hiram Markham, spent the weekend Bnown's Band". at her home, Mn. and Mrs. W. The choral gnoup thon pre- Taylor. sented the fwo numbers which Mr. and Mrs. George Sears they sang at the Toronto and and Debra, New Toronto, were Peterborough Kiwanis Festi- .,ith Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. vals, Edward Elgan's "As Ton- rents In Summer" and Charles Vale's "Everyone Sang." In __________ bath these numbens the choir's fine harmony was most effec- tive. SiReclal Feature As a special featune of the show the choir sang "Hussans" one a! their new selections. During the intermission Mn.j Martin led the audience in a sing-song which was thonough- ly enjoyed by ail. The.,choir opened the second hal! o! the show with a Yugo- siavian folk sang entitied "I Won't Kiss Katy", and Milton James' "Skip to My Loti". Thi'v were iaudly appiauded for their fine :renditions o! these num-- bers. Fine Accompaniment Mrs. Mary Cole provided the piano accompaniment for the choir in their numbers. Her fine Dlaying ability enhanced the choir's presentations. In thein second appearance OBITUARY MRS. GEORGE CROMBIE Mrs. George Crombie who had been in faiing health for some time, passed away in Memonial Hospital, Bowman-,, ville, -an April 28th in hier 76th year. When in good health, Mrs. Crombie was an active worker in her church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian. She was iborn in Eyemouth, Scotland. Surviving are her husband, George Crombie, for marîy years a watchmaker in Bow- manville; sons Alec, Andrew and Jim, Bawmanville, and daughten Christine af Asbes- tas, Que. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, Aonil 30, at the Jun- Pral home of Northcutt and Smith, and was conducted by Rev. A. G, Scott. Palîbearers were mernbers of the Canadian Legion, James Firth, Ross McKnight, Ron Richards, Ted Sheehan, Robent Hayes and Robert Cale. Inter- ment was in Bowmanvillel Cemetery. Among thase from out o! town attending the funeral wvere Mr. and Mrs. A. Mýcecat, Mr. Y. MeLean alid MNl. nd Mii. A, IKerr. Toronte. 1J' Mn. and Mrs. C. Grant and family, Leskard, visited Mn. and Mrs. Roy Spry. .Mr. and Mrns, A. Youngmrnn and sons visited her parent--, 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Tauîî* tan. Mr. and Mrs. John His at- tended the Kessler-Belîman wveddirig on Saturday at Tnin- it 'tnted Chunch, Bowman- ville. Mn. and Mns. J. Murdoch and boys, Mn. and Mrs. Gren- ville Byam, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. W. Park, Cecile and Douglas, were dinher guests of Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. 0 Mn. Harry Freean, Wood- stock, was buried at Bethesda Ceme$,eny on \Vednesday. E,2 lived in the Bethesda commun- ity sevenai years ago. Nearly a thousand visîted the cave-in on Manvens noad south of Tynone on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. K. Acheson, Miss Jacqueline Huis, Toronto; Mn. Tom Dawson, Sannia, were with Mn. and Mrs. J. His Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam vis- ited Mn. and Mns. George Wil- lis, Cannington. Mrs. M. Findlay, Mr. and Mns. ~D. Findlay and Curtis, Unionville, visited with Mn. and Mrs. C. Bigeiow and Mrm. A. Hawkey. Mrs. K. Schadge, Hanoven, Pa., Mrs. Dick James, Wayne, Pa., visited Mn. and Mrs. G. White and Anne. Mn. Lloyd Hoar, Montreai, Mn. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar and family visited their mother, Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mn. and Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. Rassie Reynolds, Oshawa, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Miss May Wright, Whitby, is spending a few days with Mn. and Mns. R. Wright. Mn. M. Hamnilton is improv*- ing fnom his illness. Mrs. G. Biekie, BowmanvilIe. was dinnen guest of M.and Mrs. Lorne Annis. Women's Institute meeting wili be held May 22 at 2.30 in the Sunday School noomn in thîý form o! an auction sale and tea. Ail membens are nequest- ed to be present f0 vote on a question of importance to thc2 Branch. Mr. and Mrs. G. White were at thcir cottage at Hawk Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. Giaspeil and famiiv visited her mothen, Mns. W. E. Lewis, Welcome. Mr. and Mns. Ted Ott, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mns. R. Coo mbes. Reg Simson visited relatives in Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Bill Cowling, Aurora; Mns. Joe Cowiing andi Murray, Bowrmanvilie, also Lorne Crago, visited Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wenn,37 attended the funeral of his cousin, Dr. Howard Rundie, Brighl-cn, on Monday. W.M.S. President Mrs. R. Glaspeil reported that $55 waý, realized from the bazaar and tea héid Friday. Mrs. Percy Wenry and Mrs. H. Skinncr had charge o! tea and wene as- sisted by sevenal othen ladies. Mns. J. C. Cook and Mrs. Frank Wenry wene in change o! home baking and Mrs. A. His, Mrs. K. Colbary, Mrs. W. Rahim in change o! Talent table. Thanks to ahl who came and enjoyed a social time together. Mothen's Day Service was weil attended. Rev. F. J. Jack- son hbaptized Elizabeth Dawn Vaneyk, infant daughter of Mr. and Mns. Paul Vaneyk. Miss Marion Wright was soioist, accompanied by Mrs. H. Brent, with Miss Grace Smith at thc ongan for hymns. Ralph Shaw, Oshawa, spont the weekend with John Virtue. Sunday guests of Mr. anîd Mrs. L. Aiidnead were Mr. and Mrs. D. Beckett and chiidrcrn, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. J. Holds'ock, Mr. Cecil Alidnead, Bowmanville:_ Mr. and Mrs,. Donald Lamb, Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and children,1 Mn. and Mns. John Beckett, Scugogi Island; Mn. O. Beckett, Miss OArvilla BeckCtt and MIr., Fred Page. Miss Doris Batty, Mn. Frnk BatLy, Brooklin, were te a guests of Mn. Luther Stainton.1 and Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stain- ton. Mrs. C. Shiaw and Jim, Osh- awa. visited Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Vintue. Mn. and Mns. Qeorge White and daughters, Bowmanvîlle; Mn. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Frank~ Wen- ny. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Rowan and Eleanor, Bethany, visiteld Mnl. and Mrs. Alden Hoan. A family gathering was held at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Horace Hall on Sunday. Others attending wene, Miss Wanda Wilkinson, Mn. Keith Robinson., Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Mrs. W. T. Worden, Eowmanville, Miss Jeanine Cameron, -Zion. A family gathering vas held at the new home of Mrs. Edith Murphy. Mr. and Mns. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Philp, attcnded the chris- tening of David Wayne Phasey, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Phasev, Orono, and were guests of Mn. and Mi-s. Chas. Wood, Onono. .Con ýratulations to Mn. and Mns. Rîoss Sharp (nee Dorothy Skinner) Enniskillen, on the gift of a daughten. REGENT SERVICE STATION 218 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE is 110W operated by GREASE AND OIL WASHING AND REPAIRS Phone MA 3-3432 family, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs'.eS. Hall and girls with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm. Mr. ,and Mr 2. BRnggand family, Bowmanville; IMr. aiid Mrs. Arnold Geisberger #nd Lynda, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and children. with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pa-j Congratuilations to PaulV. evk on having obtained n.s diploma with honours, in D'e- sel and Automotive Mechanics, at Chicago Vocational School, Toronto, and has secur«3 eni- ployment with Carter Con- struction CO., in Windf Mrs. W. Rahm accoanhc+. Mrs. J. E. Griffin, En ilei and visited at Hamilton and Weston. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli, Mrs. Alec McMaster, Joan and Ross, Zion, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspell. Anniversary services will be at 2.00 and 7.30 on Sunday. Student minister John Griffcn of Port Ferry will be guest speaker. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue -BIG 12 oz. BOTTLE 7 É "THE KING 0F ALL KING SIZES"i PLUS DEPOSli, 5 -0 m TUE Cj&NADL" STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO lir4lTR-qnÀv VAV 9ýqtl.A 101q.1 7 PAGE TEN