PAG ~WELVZ -----------*v*'*4~, .~J'.-,* ..m.~ v ~ '~'~N ~ T~1UaSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1951 ~JMÀflYAW M'rA 9'W~RI A ~r UP~¶~1 A ~ iv P ~ A ~?P~ Man vers Coun cil Hears ___PedigreE $ 15,000 Unpaid Taxes i The regular monthly meeting sessment matter: Two grave] of Manvers Municipal Council tenders: United Counties Clerk Wias held on May 7th with ail re an indigent patient in the members present and Reeve Lindsay Hospital; Retail Mer-1 Argue presiding. chants' Assoc. re tradinig The following communica- stamps; H.E.P.C. re 4 appli- tions were received and read:- cants for rural HYdro service: Mr. Ewart Huycke re an as- Ujnited Counties re the 1957 g -4-- SMALL DOWN PAYMENT LOW CARRYINO CHARGES e WRITTEN GUARANTEE AUTHORIZED DEPENDABLE SERVICE 4f BACKED BY IMPERIAL OIL Whether you install an Esso oll furnace or an Esso oil birne;-, you get maximum heating efficiency-equipment that's engineered to meet the particular heating needs of your home. For complete heating satisfaction arrange weather controlled furnace oil deliveries, too, with an Esso "Evergreen Contract". CONSULT THE YELLOW PAGES 0F VOUR PHONE DIRECTORI FOR VOUR NEAREST £550 BURNER DEALER. qIMPERIAL Esso PRODUCTS <ALWAYS LOOK TO UMPERIAL FOR THE BESI Yotir Esso Oil Burner Dealer A.E. COLE Plumbing & Heating 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 ed Afghans Bred Here '4. ~ I Displaying her showmanship ability for the cameraman is Kymn or formallb known as "Damascus of Televee". This prize Afghan hound is one of the several at Televee Kennels, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. William Wilkinson, Bowman- ville. A winner of numerous Best of Breed and IBest of Show Axvards in England, Kym is an expert at holding a pose for an indefinite period. Rer dark snout is typical of the Afghan and is characteristic of good pedigree Afghans. Story of ken- nels appeared in May 9th issue of The Canadian Statesman.-Photo by Pi. Carruthers levy of $19,562.40, Nia Brand Sprays re price hi brush controli spray mat( N. & D. Health Unit mor report; Dept. of Public We re ie relief regula Iwhereby the Dept. assun4 percent anti the Municipal 40 percent; and others. Moved by Malcolm, secci by Brown that Mr. V. W. pies receive $2.50 per hour himself and truck fors fence erection axqd reniova] that his lelpers receive per bour. Henceforth the Tc ship general wages for lai to be 85c. per hour. On motion of Brown Jakeman the meeting adji led for one hour in corder the Council f0 inspect the der and a ditch in the Poi pool area. Mr. Robert Wright and Edward Lawson waited on Counci]. when the session sumed, regarding losses tained after Warble Fly Spi ing. On motion cf Malcolm MeGil], the Clerk was insti ed ta write Mr. W. P. Wat of the Live Stock Branch seek information as ta, nection with Warble Fly Spi ing. Reeve Argue called for opening of the gravel tenc and the following tenders w receivet:-R. A. Blyth Co., ronto, 85e. per cu yti., plus atiditional charge of 8c. per Yti. Per mile or fraction thE of beyond the 6 mile limit, IRussell Kerr Construction per vu. yd. delivereti anywh within the Township, on aj rate basis, the Township supply the gravel. Moved by MeGilI, seconc by Malcolm that the tender Russeli Kerr be accepteti asi advertised in the Daily Co Jmercial News. Moveti by Brown, seconc by Jakeman that menubers] be taken in the Association Assessing Officers. The Tax Coliector returr the 1956 tax rail with $15,( unpaid taxes. The totalr amountedti ta$9.5,907.16. Moveti by Jakeman, second by MeGili that the Reevea Treasurer be authorizet ta si checks for file following caunts:- Twp. Treas., Road Voue? No. 5, $2045.86: Assoc. ofi sessing Officers. Membersh $10.00: Thos. Whilliev & S( Sales Tax overiooked on pi vious order, $9.84; Ryley Son, Relief, $3,5.98; R. R. E munds, Oil, $6.00; Unitedi Cou fies, Hospitalization, $80. Ralph Malcolm, Transportati Aliowance re meetingsC bourg, Peterboro, $33.00; H. Preston-, Balance 1956 Wart Fly Spray, $34.30: R. Davidsc Balance 1956 Tax Colleetc ISalarn, $100.00: Ewart Huycl I Assisting Assessor, $75.00; DL bain Fetieratian of Agricuitci 1956 levy, $638.44; Raiph M. com, On Assessor's Salai $150.00: R. Davidson. On Sala Ace., $15000: Millbrook Ai Societ 'v, Grant, $15.00. Moveti by Brown, second by Malcolmi. that the meeti adjaurn until June 4th, 1957 1:00 p.m. D.S.T. The Statesman Sol( At Following Store Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethar: Johnson's Drug Store. Newcasl T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonvil C. Pethick, Enniskiilen T. M. Slemon, Enniskilleni F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, H ampton Trulîs Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blytb's Gen. Store. Blackstoi Keith Bratile 'v, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Oronia Wm. Turansky, Kendal Hentierson*,s Book Store. Oshav Hanse That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa agr itOn etany W.I. Has TaIk elar- 0nProbation System alites ethny:Dr. C. I. Leslie, port of the Public is mnost i:n- Prohibition Officer for the' portant. :mde-i Muskoka District was guest Ontario Lcads .Sta- speaker at the Wornen's Insti- "Since 19.53 Ontario has rie- ir for tute meeting on Monday nigli!, vcloped a _ onple&e probaC011 snwdealing with the problenis of service. Our province lias pion- 1 anti reforming juvenile delinquents eered in this respect. Do iiotL $.0and ail those who cfy' vtil expect imiracles froni youi- pro- ow- lw of our land. Dr. Leslie bation officer. Ile is there i bour has had a wide experience in hclp talk over family problens dealing with people, first as a and to probe into the causes of former Minister of the United crime and deliinqucnuy,ý. Irrcý- and Church and later as a Profes- ponsible lendlencies nipped iii urn- sor in Victoria Collegc. the bud cani prex-ent scî'ious tra- Sfor "Canada is making real pro- gedy. A great many famil.v gra- gress in i.ts study of crimiriai problemns are a resuit of Pa-- rnty- laws and rehabilitation of thcse ents flot trusting their chil d-I who transgress. Correctional ren. They xvant'to save the îir Mi% services are being more wide- children frorn their mistak es i the ]y studied in Ontario than in and do flot credit Ihem xvi thi irt'- any other Province. There hax',' the ability of knowing righit, su s- been manv changes made in from Wron.9. Tezich Your chid1d ray- Penitentiary treatment of pri- the righit \ay, then trust libm soners. and "Probation Is a systemn of let- ruct- ting young offenders against tson, the law. or first offenders, go rf--'---- - and free without receiving the Puri- the ishment whicb they are sen- con- tenced to, uriess there is a 'ray-. further offence. For minor first' offenders, circumstances are the taken into consideration and iders they are given a terma of Pro- weebation rather than a- jail sen- To- tence or fine. Certain condi- san tions are laid down. It is ac- cu.E to live normally at no expense ..... and to the State, where they can 74c. continue to support their fam- here iy, reporting at stated times flat to the Probation Officer and to receiving bis counsel and help. Friendly Advice .ded "A great percentage of the rof Probation officer's work is ac- per tually pastoral. An officer is ým- duty bound to report to the roagistrate and if a paro]ee bas ded failed in bis opinion, he cari hip still be senteneed for bis orig- 1 of ina] crime against socîetx'. The probation officer bas the pow- ned ers of a police officer, but lie 00() thinks in terms of friendly ad- roi! vice. Continuing, Dr. Leslie said: ýdcd "Criminals are no different and from otber citizens. We cannot ign pass moral pudgment." ac- Some of the problems wbicb corne under Dr. Leslies super- ,her vision were listed as domest ic As- trouble, parents, neglecting ~ sx~. hip, children, juveniles under 16 on, years of age wljo seem to most- tt~~ re- ly corne from broken bornes, & petty tbieving and destruction A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Eti- of property, failure to attend ýun- school etc. He acts as a coun- .75; sellor in family quarrels and ion tries to keep juveniles out of Co- court. Juveniles, if continuing B. to break laws are sent to Train-B U -ble ing Schools or Reformatories, ;on, rather than Penitentiaries.u Lors Far Behind ke, Dr. Leslie saîd: 'Much ad. ur- vancement has ibeen made dur- ire, ing the past decade, but, it is Mn aI ry belief that prison facilities ry, for rehabiitating and reform- a-ry ing inmates is far 'behind the gr. advances made in other fields. Wherever big jobs are bein Every prisoner represents a Chevrolet trucks are there, ded social failure. We bave flot termgte idc studied crime reasons suffici- a ently. Prisons will neyer be work. Chevrolets are Canad improved unless the public op- lest trucks by a wide mai inion demands it. A criminal is beca use they're the unbe da very serious]y disturbed per- Id son and can be cured only by champs of every weight cio long probing and psychological Next timne you're out, check th %S help. H'ow much is it worth to 1 salvage a buman being? Al you see at work. It won*t be Io ny education is a venture in faith. you get the message .- tri tle This program of rebabilitation truck, tromn lively pick-up to gi will be costly, but it wil be hauler, is a Chevrolet. worth it." 11le 80% Successful And that's flot hard to underst Continuing, Dr. Leslie said: cause truck buyers who kii "«Statistics sbow 80 percent of parolees are suceessful. If this is so, we must flot let the 20 percent failure discourage us. Do flot let the failures discre- >ck dit the Parole system. "The primarv purpose of im- prisonment is ta produce a gaod HV ýwa better than a stipu]ated sen- tence, if they can learn to ac- cept their responsibilities in a normal nmanner.Prizo trm t Brother~s Keepcî~", also read- ing a letter from Major John Foote, V.C., Minister of Re- form Institutions, giving some comments on the new Reforma- tory at Millbrook, which will be opened in the near future. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Rupert Wood, Mrs. H. F. Rayîcn, Mrs. Mansel Wright and Mrs. Hec- tor Morton. Mrs. Earl Weather- ilt won the lucky teacup prize. Mrs. Orloe Wright expressed the thanks of the group ta Mrs. Bonsteel for her bospitality, and toalal those, xvho had a-s- sisteti in a very educational to follow your teaching. "In ail these cases, we must remember o'ur Christian teach- ing and beritage and say ta ourselves, 'There, but for the Grace of God, go IV In the eyes of the law they must be punished. yet often it is our Society itself, which is at fault. '"Detention of citizens in Training Schools, Reformator- les and Prisons cost us fabt'- lous sums eacb year. Preven- tion of crime need flot be sa costly. Our schools, churches, etc., are not appealing to i ioung people. There is somne- thing lacking in aur programrs. We need our Courts of Lam,, Reform Schools and Prisons, but. the criminal niust be gîven a chance ta redeern himiself." Plans Made Dr. Leslie discussed v-ariàus cases whicb bad corne under bis supervision, sonie tragic, some huniorous and answered Iquestions relevant to certain situations. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel a.nd thanked iby Mrs. H. F. Rayson. The Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel witb Mrs. Thomas Jennings presiding and 40 la. de resent. Roll cal] was an- sw;ered bv "Suggestions to h- terest children in gond citizen- ship." Mrs. M. Finnev and Mrs. T. Jennings were anpointed to at- tend the Leaders' Training Sehool for the short course "The Third Mca]'. Plans xverc made to attend the annual mce 'ing for East Durhiarn Diz- triet to bce held at Campbell- crnft on May ?8th. Mrs. MWan. se11 Wright xvii] represent thi,4 Wl1. branch at the Officerý* Conference to be hel inii Guielph on Mav 9th and 101h. lu xvas decided to commrence an exchange of ideas with thel Laver. toke Wornen's1ný tihu1e branch iin Whitechurch, Eng- ]andi. xv:h ie SecretarY, iVr. Ra]ph Preston, appointed i: look aftcr this friendship cor- respondten ce. Mrs. Mansel Finncy gave a brief report of the 4.-H Club Achievement Day and M ,s Joan Morton displayed th-ir exhibit -Cotton Accessorie For a Girl's Bedronin" Witil cornren:s on samie. In this coI- nection. Miss Morton had th' year receiveti lier County ho!,- ors and pin. Miss Elcanor Ro-w- an, who hati comipleted 12 tin ils of study rcceivcd lier Prov'- incial hono-s anti pin. Miss Judy DeGeer and Mis. Joy, DeGecr sang '-Goiný 'fo Get Along Without You Noxv.- Motto Explained Mrs. H. F. Rayson, convener for this prograni on Citizen- ship and Ediication enplaine-1 the eveningss motto, "Arn i 3% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTI'FICATES *Short term-5 years *pay 4/47 interest,' payable haif yearly' *Uniconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest * uthorized investment for trust funds IN 5 YEARS $395.40 ACCUMULATES TO $500.00 THE STERLING TRUSTS CO0R PO Head Office: 372 Bay St., Toronto RA TIO0N Branch Office: 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie 1. Tandem Tractor, Moal W1953 2. Tandem Truck, Modal W1963 3. Tank Truck, Modal W1953 4. Dump Truck, Modal 1643 3. Pick.Up, Modal 1314 SIETTRUCKSu the ing done, rputting usci. 10 rda's bus. gin ... eata bic the trucks )ng before ruck after giant load stand. Be. 0oW their I business, know that Chevrolet trucks give more on-the-job hours, more opcrating economy, more hauling effici- ency than any other trucks, bar nane. Look at the facts. Engines .. . thrifty 6's or mighty V8's, every great dcpend- able Chevy engine delivers the ight horsepower, the u5able horsepower for your job ... gets the most out of every galion of gas. Transmissions . . . onlv Chevrolet has revolutionary new Powermatic that gives you easy, efficient automatie shift- ing through 6 forward speeds with direct-drive cruising economy. Or take w. m Oldsmobile Cars your pick cf Hydra-Matic, Powerglide or Chevrolet's famous synchromesh transmissions. Styling-Chevy bas modem Work Styl. ing that fits the job, gives you more efficient loading, longer life. Handsome Woric-Styled cabs bning you paner- amnic visibility, concealed Safety Steps, High-Level ventilation and other big advantages. Get the whole impressive story from your Chevrolet dealer night new. Have hlm show you why no truck can meet your nceds bal! as well as Chevrolet e ..- or give you more for your dollari NICHOL5 m Cigevrolel Trucks BO WNAN VILLE AVAILABLE FOR Balph S. Jones flarrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. 0s~w RA5-3525 i) program. THE CANADL&N @TATÉsm,&lý?- n'ýZMArTe% PACM "wm7z